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Nowadays, it is widely believed that there’s a minor part of humanity is gifted with natural talents in

some fields like sports or music which is superior to the remaining part of the society. Apparently,
disagreement can be witnessed in some people who claim that the majority of children is sufficiently
qualified for being trained in the purpose of excelling in music and sportmanship. This essay will
consist of thorough analysis on both sides of the issue and my personal opinion.

When it comes to the former view, based on a large number of evidence, it is understandable that
this is backed by some people. First and foremost is that looking at the profile of top-notched talented
individuals, it is clearly seen that the majority of them, for example Mozart who started to composing
musics since he was eight, witnessed their own prosperity from a very young age, which means this
prosperity is mainly based on their natural ability but proper training process. Another motivation is
that while getting through same progresses,for instance at school, some people are shown to be
much more outstanding from the others. It is undeniable that discipline is the key factor to an
individual’s improvement, but trendemous speed of gaining achievement can only be explained by

On the other hand, it is true in some aspect that only little presense of talent is visible in one’s path to
success. The preliminary reason is that with the class of talented-defined people, their proclaimed
talent can perish in a short period of time without training. For example, it is commonly known that
athletes are responsible to maintaining their training period regularly, otherwise their statistic will
decline even if their talent is recognizable. Also, the term “talent” is not only carry the meaning of
being excel from first breath but also gaining results from training, which is easily misjugded with the
term “potential”. Only with thorough educating process that potential can be come talent.

In conclusion, it still appears to me that naturally talented individuals are more capable of successing
than normal people, but it’s possible for everyone to become sufficiently qualified for their
demanding fields, but only by their admirable passion.

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