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“The Earth has enough resources for our need but not for our greed.” -

Mahatma Gandhi. Environmental protection is the action of individuals,

organizations, including governments to preserve environmental resources. Its

goals are to protect the natural resources and the current natural environment, as

well as to repair harm and reverse trends where possible. Environmental

protection is a strategy for protecting the natural environment from the hands of

individuals, corporations, and governments. It is urgent since the earth's ecology

is deteriorating every day, and human beings are to blame. To meet their

requirements, they are mismanaging the earth's ecology. If things continue in this

manner, it is difficult to predict whether future generations will live in a safer


With pollution increasing each year and causing deterioration of the

natural environment, it has become necessary to take steps to protect the natural

environment. As we know that the reason for all these problems is humans, and

these problems in the environment are pollution, global warming, climate change,

loss of biodiversity, overpopulation, and many more. Pollution has been a big

issue since then, in whatever form, whether it is air, water, land or noise is

harmful to the environment. Air pollution pollutes the air that we breathe, which

causes health issues. Overpopulation puts strain on natural resources, which

results in the degradation of our environment. Biodiversity is important for

maintaining the balance of the ecosystem in the form of combating pollution,

restoring nutrients, protecting water sources, and stabilizing the climate.

Deforestation, global warming, overpopulation, and pollution are a few of the

major causes of loss of biodiversity.

The creation of the United States Environmental Protection Agency

(USEPA) in 1970 was a response to the evident problems of industrial emissions

and public health, and subsequent Congressional legislation aimed at reducing

pollution. In the more than 40 years since, new and more complex problems have

emerged as a result of population growth, urban development, and the

globalization of industry. Today, we face a variety of newly apparent challenges,

including climate change; declining biodiversity; threats to vital natural resources

including water bodies, soils, forests, wetlands, and coral reefs; and increased

health risks to minority urban communities, contributing to a pattern of

"environmental injustice" (Clark et al. 2014).


Humanity has been progressively degrading the natural ecosystem on

planet Earth in the twenty-first century. Plastic develops huge islands in the

oceans, and mountains of waste left after a well-spent time outdoors,

holidaymakers. Forest fires engulf enormous swaths of land, wiping out forest

dwellers, valuable tree species, and entire ecological systems. Industrial waste

pollutes the air, water, and soil. Unreasonable use of natural resources for the

sake of short-term gain depletes the planet's reserves. If this trend continues, our
grand kids may miss out on many of life's pleasures. Environmental preservation

and protection is becoming a more pressing problem.

Many of the earth's natural resources have grown fragile as a result of

humans' disregard for the environment in various countries. As a result, many

countries and governments have reached various agreements in order to

decrease human impact on the natural environment and guard it from

deterioration. International Environmental Agreements are agreements reached

between governments from diverse countries. Climate change, oceans, rivers,

and air pollution are all included in this pact. These agreements are sometimes

legally binding, and if they are not followed, legal consequences may result.

These agreements have a lengthy history, dating back to several multinational

accords signed in Europe, America, and Africa in 1910. The Kyoto Protocol and

the Paris Agreement are two of the most well-known international agreements.

Climate change is the big environmental problem that humanity will face

over the next decade, but it isn't the only one. The World Health Organization

(WHO) estimates that 90% of humanity breathes polluted air, so is calling for a

reduction in air pollution to cut rates of respiratory illnesses, thus preventing

seven million deaths a year. This just shows how populated the air in the

environment is. The UN advocates eliminating dumping, minimizing the use of

chemicals, and treating more wastewater, among other measures. This issue has

been around for years and is still existing. The UN has called for conclusive

actions to put an end to these threats and conserve our natural heritage,

including our increasingly threatened forests. The UN expects the world

population to exceed 8.5 billion by 2030, forcing us to considerably reduce the

amount of waste we generate through prevention, reduction, reuse, and recycling

as part of the circular economy, with the aim of minimizing the impact on health

and on the environment.


The study’s main focus are the environments major problems. It includes

the pollution, overpopulation, deforestation which causes loss of biodiversity.

 Pollution is an issue which continues to arise in any part of the world.

Human is the only one to blame for causing pollution aside from natural

cause, no one can deny the fact that human produce reasons for the

pollution to rise. Pollution is a direct threat to our environment, and for

which we are wholly responsible, since it’s an active issue until now, it’s

hard to prevent or at least decrease the percentages of pollution in the


 Overpopulation is also increasing especially in today’s generation.

Overpopulation increases the level of puberty in the environment. With

large population of poor people, it can also be the reason for producing

different pollution that affects the environment. Urbanization sometimes

makes negative changes in the environment.

 Deforestation also affects the climate in many ways. It refers to the

decrease in forest areas across the world that are lost for other uses such

as agricultural croplands, urbanization, or mining activities. Deforestation

has been negatively affecting natural ecosystems, biodiversity, and the

climate. The drying of tropical rainforest increases fire damage, which

quickly devastates forests and hurts both wild animals and humans.
 Because of these problems and issues that the environment are still

facing, humans are having a really hard time solving and prevent these

problems from increasing.


There are ways to prevent, control, and eventually, reduce pollution,

overpopulation and deforestation that causes loss of biodiversity.

Today, pollution is one of the most serious dangers to the environment.

The growing impact of pollution has highlighted the need to find innovative

solutions to treat pollution and these are the following solutions:

 Reduce the usage of plastics. Plastic is the most widely used material in

society. It is the most commonly found contaminant in the environment. If

humans just stop using plastic right away, then they would be contributing

hugely to saving the environment. According to the site named

solarimpulse, there is an evident need of reducing our usage of plastic. It

means changing our everyday behaviors and not using plastic when there

is a better alternative to it and only using plastic when strictly necessary is

a big help in pollution prevention.

 Eco-Friendly Power Production. One of the main causes of environmental

pollution is the power production industry. This industry uses coal and

other conventional fuels, which produce toxic gases as byproducts,

resulting in pollution of the environment. To reduce pollution, greener and

more environmentally friendly power generation options such as windmills

and solar panels must be used. According to the same site named
solarimpulse, the most basic solution for air pollution is to move away

from fossil fuels, replacing them with alternative energies like solar, wind,

and geothermal.

Overpopulation is a condition where the number of human population

exceeds the capacity of Earth. Overpopulation is caused by a number of factors,

here are some solutions to decrease the rate of overpopulation.

 Better Education is indeed the best and basic solution for overpopulation.

According to a site named conserve energy future, education is one of the

first measures is to implement policies reflecting social change. Educating

the masses helps them understand the need to have one or two children

at the most.

 Knowledge of Sex Education is also a must taught to everyone. Not all

schools teach sex education and not everyone goes to school. Imparting

sex education to young kids at the elementary level should be a must.

Most parents feel shy in discussing such things with their kids that results

in their children going out and looking out for such information on the

internet or discussing it with their peers.

According to Rinkesh, Deforestation, in simple terms, means the felling

and clearing of forest cover or tree plantations to accommodate agricultural,

industrial or urban use. Here are some solution to stop deforestation.

 Government Regulations is the best solution to deforestation because it

may scare people to break rules. According to conserve energy future

website, the best solution to deforestation is to curb the felling of trees by

enforcing a series of rules and laws to govern it. Deforestation in the

current scenario may have reduced; however, it would be too early to


 Educate others is the simplest thing anyone can do to contribute help in

the environment. Educate your friends, family, and community by sharing

the deforestation facts, and its causes and effects (Rinkesh).


Pollution has a vast impact on the ecosystem, causing damage on a daily

basis. To keep the environment safe and pollution-free, necessary steps such as

those outlined in the proposed solutions above must be implemented to reduce

air and water pollution. Same goes to overpopulation and deforestation. Some

solutions are straightforward and simple to implement. All we need is the will to

prevent environmental degradation and the foresight to see the disastrous

implications in the next fifty to hundred years or more.

Implementing the reduction of the usage of plastics and Eco-Friendly

Power Production are the solution to pollution. People themselves can do the

simplest solution like reducing the usage of plastics in their community.Humans

cause pollution, so humans should also be the ones to make changes and

provide solutions to it. If you are a concern citizen of your community, you should

at least educate the people around you, in that way you can contribute to the

environment. Higher positions must spread awareness about the said solution in

order to accomplish it.

Better education is one of the proposed solutions to the problem. In order

to accomplish this, every school must have the capability to teach every student
about the proper knowledge in sex education and family planning in preventing

on the increasing the rate of overpopulation. This should be taught not only in

school but also in every family in their houses, everyone needs to be disciplined

especially young ones to avoid making unexpected mistakes.

Government Regulations as a proposed solution to stop deforestation may

not be easy but this is also the best solution to it. Those who are in high positions

in the community and government must lead this to implement a rule that people

will follow. With this, illegal loggers will feel scared and it will prevent them from

doing illegal things in the forest. As result, the environmental sources will be


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