Internship Training Final Reportby Vickneswaran Anojan

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Internship Training Final Report

Article · April 2014

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Anojan Vickneswaran
University of Jaffna


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Internship Training Final Report

Submitted By
BAD 09005
Department of Accounting,
Faculty of Management Studies &
Commerce, University of Jaffna - Sri
By: Vickneswaran Anojan

Conducts of the Internship Training

Place of Internship: Northern Farm Private Limited


Supervisor: Mr.N.Sivaroopan,

Northern Farm Private Limited,

Department Supervisor: Mr.S.Balaputhiran,

Department of Accounting,
Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce,
University of Jaffna-Sri Lanka

By: Vickneswaran Anojan


First of all I am grateful to the Almighty, Who graces us, and without blessing from whom, we
cannot think of breathing to learn.

This is my internship training report after completion of internship training at Northern Farm
Private Limited, Vavuniya in 2014. I wish to express my sincere thanks to Dean Professor
.T.Velnampy, Mr.S.Balaputhiran, Head, Department of Accounting also who is supervisor for
the internship training.

I also thank to Mr.N.Sivaroopan, Chief Executive Officer of Northern Farm Private Limited also
who is supervisor in charge for the internship training, staffs of the Northern Farm Private
Limited, Lecturers, Department of Accounting and all the Lecturers of Faculty of Management
Studies and Commerce, University of Jaffna. Who gave to me a golden opportunity to follow the
particular practical internship training in the Northern Farm Private Limited, Vavuniya and been
guidance, necessary support, co-operation, encouragement, fullest effort of them to the success
of this opportunity, all are grateful and unforgettable. My special thanks are due to the Chief
Executive Officer of Northern Farm Private Limited and the company’s staffs for their fullest
support which contributed immensely for successful completion of this internship training. I
wish to express my profound gratitude to all of them.

Thank You

Department of Accounting,
University of Jaffna-Sri Lanka

By: Vickneswaran Anojan

Letter of Declaration

I certify that this report does not incorporate without acknowledgement, any material previously
submitted for a degree or diploma in any university, and to the best of my knowledge and belief
it does not contain any material previously published or written by another person, except when
due reference is made in the text.

V. Anojan,

April 2014.

By: Vickneswaran Anojan

This is to certify that the Internship Report on

Internship Training Final Report: Northern Farm Private Limited

Vickneswaran Anojan

Reg. No.: 2009 / BAD / 005

Index No.: 09005

has been accepted by the Faculty of Management Studies & Commerce, University of Jaffna, in
partial fulfillment of the degree requirements of the Bachelor of Business Administration Degree
Specializing in Accounting.

…………………………… ………………………………

Supervisor Date

By: Vickneswaran Anojan

Table of Contents

Contents Page #

Title Page

Conducts of the Internship Training I

Acknowledgement II

Declaration III

Certification IV

List of Contents V

Copies of the Internship Training

Executive Summary 01

Background of the Company 01

Structure of the Company 02

Major Function of the Company 03

About Supervisor in Charge 04

How Obtained this Training Opportunity 04

Knowledge and Skills Acquired 05

Details of Work Accomplished 06

Internship Placement Experiences 08

Challenges, Issues and Constraints 10

SWOT Analysis 12

Recommendations for Future Efforts 16

By: Vickneswaran Anojan

Overall Summary on the Internship 17

Conclusion 17

Appendix 19

By: Vickneswaran Anojan

1. Executive Summary

This report summarizes my internship program from November 2013 to February 2014 covering
450 hours on going internship. I had magnificently concluded the placement in Finance and
Administration outlet, Northern Farm Private Limited as a requirement of Bachelor of Business
Administration (BBA) honours degree program, Department of Accounting, Faculty of
Management Studies and Commerce, University of Jaffna Sri Lanka. Most widely I engaged
with practical oriented and corporate world atmosphere that during this time I earned different
sides of experiences with assist of outlet manager. Albeit I unable to conclude all my experiences
as text which I gained from internship. Though I hope the internship skills are vital for my career
path. Principally I attached finance and admin branch of Northern Farm Private Limited that I
ensured with payment voucher preparation, staff attendance maintenance, monthly and report on
company’s investment progress to USAID, human resource manual preparation of the company,
work with audit staff, meet bank managers, prepared accounts to get loan for the company, meet
professionals, meet suppliers, attend workshop, staff and labour’s salary or wages calculation
and payment. The first day of my internship, I have oriented by Chief executive officer (CEO)
about my role and requirements of the placement. Moreover I had great opportunity to work with
USAID peoples; it was comfort me to develop the communication, punctuality, commitment
talents and team work abilities. There is no Accountant in Northern Farm Private Limited even
with the finance and admin manager has to be performed as an accountant. The company
received USAID grant to develop it business scope as construct of huge factory building,
purchasing transport vehicles and machineries from aboard. Thereby I had to play a vital role as
finance and admin manager of the company.

2. Background of the Company

Northern Farm Private Limited is the grain food products company which has located in
Marukarampalai, Vavuniya. The company was established in 2007 and it was registered under
the company act of 07, 2007 on 29th April 2010. It is a private company that manage by
Mr.N.Sivaroopan. The company has two boards of directors who are Mr.N.Sivaroopan and
Ms.S.Kalyani. The company’s target market focuses in Jaffna, Kilinochchi, Mulitivu,
Trincomalee and Vavuniya. The company is manufacturing the selection of products namely rice

By: Vickneswaran Anojan

flour which is the main product then polishing rice, pounding black gram, polishing black gram
and polishing sesame. Right now the company has received USAID grant around LKR33 million
due to getting this grant the company is willing to enter in to its target market with full volume.
The company is constructing two big factory building, one office building with the help of the
USAID grant and the company has made a purchase order (PO) for vital machinery from the
India. The company hopes that to start the factory with vital machinery on June 2014. At present
five staff members are employed in the company though according to the USAID grant the
company has to give 53 employment opportunities in the next five years especially for young
people. The company has three years independent audit reports from 2011, 2012 and
2013.M.G.Associates, Chartered Accountants are the independent auditor of the company and
also BIZ + audit staff audit the company in every aspects in every specific period by USAID.
Annual general meeting of the company will be held in 31 st December of each year.

3. Structure of the Company

Figure 1 below illustrates the structure of the company that the chairman/CEO has decisive
authority in business operation of the company. Also the finance and admin manager’s part of
the company is very significant the role has to play three types of operation accountant, finance
manager and admin manager of the company. Factory manager deals with all the factory and
machinery and production related operation under him there number production staffs allocated
to the raw material collection and production. Also the marketing manager of the company plays
key role in the company everyone know that without the marketing there is no to do according
this the company is going to give fair package for the post and allocate adequate staffs for the

By: Vickneswaran Anojan


Board of

Finance &
Factory Marketing
Manager Manager

Admin Finance
Staffs Staffs
Assistant Assistant

Figure 1: Organizational Structure of Northern Farm Private Limited

4. Major Function of the Company

This is a grain food product company that the company’s key operation is collecting rice, black
gram and sesame from cultivators and from some selected suppliers in the Vavuniya here major
part of the raw materials or inputs are purchased from the farmers in the cultivation time also
considerable amount of raw materials are purchased from suppliers when the raw material
urgently need for the production. The company brings raw material from place of harvesting
with assist of currying vehicle the company is going to every farmer’s places to purchase raw
materials when the harvesting time which is one of the major function of the company. The
company retains strong affiliation with cultivators as well as suppliers which are offering
reasonable price for their cultivation and product. The company has the policy to makes the
ready payment to the cultivators when they purchasing the raw materials from them which are

By: Vickneswaran Anojan

one of the appreciated think of the company. The company mainly focus to purchase raw
materials in Vavuniya district say Cheddikulam, Pavatkullam, PeriyaPuliyalangkulam, Kalmadu,
Veerapuram, Tharanikulam, Kanakarayankulam, Kidachsoori, Menikfarm, etc... The production
outlet converts the raw material as finished goods in the factory and then distributes to various
places for trading. The company has own delivery vehicle and paddy collection vehicle which
are very help full for the company collect the raw materials and transport the finished goods to
vary places of the market. Right now the company has an intention to begin an outlet in Jaffna
district which will be probably in the Jaffna city area and focus to distribute the productions to
all over the Jaffna peninsula.

5. Supervisor in Charge

Mr.Navarathinam Sivaroopan is the supervisor in charge of my internship training programme

under the BBA special degree program requirement who is the chairman of the company. He
holds Higher National Diploma in Accountancy (HNDA), professional certificate in Associate
Accounting Technician (AATSL) - Sri Lanka, International Association of Book Keepers (IAB)
and National Certificate of Accounting (NCAT).

6. How Obtained this Training Opportunity

I had strong link with this intuition before getting this internship opportunity in this company. At
that time the company had to want to submit a business plan for catch the USAID grant due to
that the director of the company who is personally attached with asked me that to pen the
financial plan under his business plan in a forecasting way of the company’s next five years
financial operation to submit to USAID. According to the guidelines which are given by the
board of director and USAID requirement, I prepared financial plan under the business plan for
the company which includes market size, sales forecast, statement of comprehensive income,
statement of changes in equity, statement of financial position, working capital, statement of cash
flow, relevant notes, changes in property plant and equipment and ratios for five years. Then that
business plan of the company accepted by USAID and discharges the grant in July 2013.The
USAID people appreciated the financial plan of the company after the successful grant from
USAID the director invited me to play as finance and admin manager of Northern Farm Private
Limited. When I was waiting for my internship I got this offer that accepted the opportunity to be

By: Vickneswaran Anojan

the part of the initial build of the company and contributes to the society and build up the
company and move the company in to the target market with successfully.

7. Knowledge and Skills Acquired

First I would like to express my gratefulness and all thanks to the board of directors providing
me this opportunity and the valid support that made my internship more significant and gave the
great opportunity to play as fiancé and admin manager of the company in the internship. During
the period internship I had to deal with USAID officers in number of times the foreign and local
USAID staff visited to the offices and factory of the company. I hope that I enhance my
communication skill during the discussion with other nationality peoples I ensured that actually
improved little much of English spoken skills. Third week of the internship training I had chance
to participate audit discussion with USAID staffs as an accountant of the company. I had the
whole responsibility to answer the questions by the audit people as accountant. Two foreign
USAID staff visited with local USAID staffs to the company for the audit. At that moment I
prepared and arranged all the thinks what they want for their audit thereby I was able to answer
their queries and worked with them in comfortable manner. During this session they checked
every aspect of the company’s files and relevant documents. Particularly they checked the
attendance register, personal file of the staffs, monthly report of the company, supporting
documents and payment voucher for the expenses, payment voucher for the petty cash expenses.
We communicated and discussed much on what are difficulties are facing by the company in
work with USAID grantee and how they corporate and support with company, what the level of
investment progress of the company is. They have advanced me that how to maintain staff’s
details, personal files, supporting documents, payment vouchers and what are procedure should
be done when the company make a purchasing and audit session I could improve my
professional skill. During the internship the chief executive officer of the company allocated one
assistant under me and he advised to guide the staff on admin and finance work of the company.

By: Vickneswaran Anojan

8. Details of Work Accomplished

Monthly Report and Quarterly Report Preparation

Northern farm private limited has to prepare monthly report on their investments progress and
submit to the USAID in every month and also the company has to prepare quarterly report and
submit to the USAID in each quarter. The USAID has given the standard format on the monthly
report and quarterly report and also they gave the proper guidance to the CEO how prepare the
monthly and quarterly report and their submitting procedure. After my internship acceptance by
the company the CEO introduced the USAID staff to guide me on the preparation and
submission of monthly and quarterly report on Northern Farm Private Limited investment
progress. I have instructed well by the USAID staff at their office in Vavuniya. The monthly
report must be submitted in every 10th of months for the previous month investment progress. I
have prepared November, December and January month’s monthly report and also quarterly
report of December and submitted to USAID in requested date of submission. Which report
normally included the personnel cost for the month such as contract labour or staff’s wages,
existing staff’s salary, newly recruited staff’s salary, any incentives payment to the staffs during
the month. The report also included the labourer’s or staff’s gender, ethnic and age. Next one the
report included any training to the staff within the period and finally the report included any
investment activity by the company in the month especially any purchase machinery for the
company. The quarterly report combined the previous three month’s monthly report example
December quarterly report has included October, November and December.

Human Resource Manual

USAID requested to prepare the human resource manual for the company due to that CEO
requested to me develops the human resource manual for Northern Farm Private Limited. This
was new experience to me, because I am accounting specialization student even though I had
responsibility to prepare HR manual. The human resource manual prepared including of
introduction, organizational structure, recruitment process, appointment and induction,
temporary/ contract personnel, consultants, special post allowance, salary reviews, annual
performance evaluation, personal files, leave, termination and leave application when I had
problem on the human resource manual preparation I got guidance from the CEO and follow

By: Vickneswaran Anojan

some standard human resource manual as reference. I have included number of human resource
management aspects under heading of recruitment process such as procedure, guidelines for the
board of director on recruitment process, interviews, temporary filling of vacant posts.

Payment Voucher Preparation

Generally payment voucher should be prepared for every expense of the firms whether it is petty
cash expenses or other day to day operation expenses. The CEO of the company has assigned me
to prepare the payment voucher for the company’s expenses and guide the assistant on preparing
the payment voucher and maintenance of the payment voucher. According to the assignment I
have prepared payment voucher for the company’s expenses. I have prepared payment vouchers
for security monthly salary, staff’s monthly salary, electricity bill payment, telephone bill
payment, construction labour payment, petty cash payment, office related travelling and
accommodation expenses, purchase of goods for the company and other expenses of the
company. Here the USAID requested to prepare a clear schedule on the construction labour
payment according to their request the schedule prepared myself which included name, national
identify card number, phone number, address, amount of payment in during the period, number
of days worked and signature of the construction labour. The USAID staffs instructed me what
are document that mean supporting document and other relevant documents on the payment
should be maintained and how it should be annexed with the payment voucher.

Accounts Prepared for Getting Bank Loan

The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the company requested to prepare and make the
corrections on the existing accounts of the company for the year ended 31st March 2012, 31 st
March 2013 and April to September month of 2013. I have prepared ledger accounts for the
income and expenses of the company during the respective accounting period which accounts
included sales ledger, purchase account, transport account, labour payment account, telephone
bill account, electricity account, owner’s drawing account and other relevant accounts. The CEO
given very short period to prepare the ledgers for requesting period due to that this assignment of
the job was very critical and difficult to complete the assignment job within the given stipulated
time frame work.

By: Vickneswaran Anojan

9. Internship Placement Experiences

Met DFCC Bank Manager-Vavuniya Branch

I had met the branch manager of DFCC Vavuniya district on regarding open the current account
for the Northern Farm Private Limited. The chief executive officer of the company requested to
me go to the DFCC Vavuniya branch on regarding to open the current account according to the
assignment of the work I went to the DFCC Vavuniya and I introduced myself to the bank staff
and waiting for the manager’s calling for the discussion. After the manager’s calling I went to his
room and discussed about the company’s activity and necessity of the current account for the
Northern Farm Private Limited’s transactions. He asked about the investment progress of the
company and USAID grant to the company and that grant implementation of the company. After
having the great discussion the manager gave the mandate for open the current account for the
Northern Farm Private Limited. I have collected mandate and handed over the mandate to the
chief executive officer for the next steps.

Met Electrical Engineer, Commercial Branch, CEB-North

The northern farm private limited’s products are producing with the use of a lot of machinery
due to that electricity is one of essence input for the company. The company has made purchase
order (PO) for vital machinery according to that the board of directors of the company has
decided to purchase a transformer from Ceylon electricity board. The chief executive officer
asked to me writes a request letter to purchase the 100 KVA transformers for the company.
Actually needed of the company confirmed from the supplier of the company the supplier
requested 90KVA enough to the company however the board of director wanted to purchase
100KVA transformer according further need of electricity. After that I had conducted to the
electrical engineer, commercial branch, electricity board-north through telephone he said to me
procedure on the purchase of transformer. After the instruction from the Ceylon electricity board
I prepared the request letter for transformer. I got the approval from the chief executive officer
and went to the Jaffna submitted request letter to electrical engineer. He promised to me the
staffs will come within one week to the factory to estimate the cost of the transformer and its
fitting and connections. The staff visited to the factory and I guided the staff to reach the factory,
they estimated the cost on the transformer purchase and fittings. After the estimation the chief

By: Vickneswaran Anojan

executive officer wrote the cheque for the full payment on the name of Ceylon electricity board
and gave to me to submit to the Jaffna commercial branch. I visited again to the Jaffna
commercial branch to make the payment and I gave the cheque to the electricity board then they
prepared receipt voucher and gave to me to submitted payment division after that I went to the
payment division and made the payment and again I submitted the original documents to the
commercial branch for their manual entry after that I carried the document to the company and
prepared payment voucher on the purchase.

Participated Work Shop at Colombo

I got a great opportunity to participate a work shop in Colombo which was conducted by
Deutsche Gesellschaft fur International Zusammenarbeit (giz) on energy efficiency at Berjaya
Mount Royal Hotel, Mount Lavinia on 20th and 21st February 2014. I participated two days work
shop in Colombo as representative of the northern farm private limited which is my first
experience spent two days in Colombo and with work shop as individually. The German two
persons conducted and lead the workshop in the proper way. They called all the small medium
enterprises from all over the part of Sri Lanka who received the USAID grant. First day of the
workshop they requested to introduce the participants about them self, their company and
company’s process according to the request I conducted a small introduction about myself and
the company progress of the factory building construction and investment progress of USAID
grant and by the owners of the company. Before the conducting this work shop they conducted
an audit on energy savings in the factory and the audit report on the energy saving and the
utilization given to me at the work shop. The foreign people conducted several presentations on
energy efficiency and how the firm can reduce wastage of the energy and how an entity can use
the energy as effectively. They paid much consideration on the saving of the electricity coat
which is the main cost for the manufacturing company especially now a day’s price of per unit
electricity has increased. They suggested solar system which is good for saving electricity cost.
The accommodation and food facility have given by the organizer of the workshop. Second of
the workshop they allocated time for the discussion among the participations on the work shop,
technology providers, Banks staffs and others. I have discussed with different entrepreneurs
actually they shared their lot of own experiences with me those discussion memorable in my life.
I discussed with different bank staffs on regarding the loan procedure and the requirement for

By: Vickneswaran Anojan

getting the bank loan also I asked the interest rate and grace period for the bank loan. Especially
I had close discussion with Rural Development Bank (RDB) officers and Sampath Bank’s
officers on regarding the bank loan. The work shop wind up with the great lunch with
organizing committee and participations.

Met USAID Staffs

Northern Farm Private Limited got the grant from USAID due to that the company closely
monitored by USAID for the five years period. As a finance and admin manager of the company
I had to meet the USAID staff when they requested and arranged meeting for the small medium
enterprise who have received the grant from the USAID. I met the USAID staff several time
especially Vavuniya branch’s staff and Colombo head office staff. The chief executive officer
assigned me to prepare the monthly and quarterly report and submit to the USAID due to that
every month I met the Vavuniya USAID staff to submit the monthly and quarterly report on the
company’s investment progress. One day one of the Colombo USAID staff called me and
explained about the monthly report preparation and submission, maintenance of the legal
document, maintenance of the staff’s personal file, maintains of the supporting documents with
payment voucher. Several times the USAID staff visited to my office as well as factory to
physically verify the investment progress and activity of the company. End of the January month
staffs came from the Colombo to the office to verify the accounting procedure of the company,
record maintenance of the company as well as instructed to conduct the annual audit on or before
May of 2014. Also they requested to me to make necessary steps to having the audit within the
stipulated time frame work as well as they kindly requested to conduct International or national
well known independent auditors to audit the financial statement also the chief executive officer
promised to have audit from KPMG Jaffna branch.

By: Vickneswaran Anojan

10. Challenges, Issues and Constraints


Basically I have a lot of interest with accounting work and practices as well as my specialization
also in accounting. However I have assigned as finance and admin manager of northern farm
private limited due to that I had to play three major roles in the company such as finance
manager, admin manager and accountant of the company. The USAID requested to develop
human resource manual for the company immediately according that the chief executive officer
requested to me prepare the monthly report within the stipulated time frame work, actually this
assignment was really very big challenge for me even though I had to met the requirement due to
that as BBA undergraduate I initially wanted try to develop the human resource manual after
with the help of the search engine I download a lot of worldwide human resource manual
preparation guidance and model after that I developed a great and successful human resource
manual for the company with the help of the chief executive officer or chairman of the company
and guidance from the USAID staffs.


The northern farm private limited is one of the growing companies in the northern province of
the Sri Lanka. During the period of the my internship training period I noticed or found some of
issues in the company here the company did not contribute the employee provident fund (EPF)
as well as employee trust fund (ETF) to any staffs of the company and there is no documents on
it actually according the legal requirement in Sri Lanka the EPF contribution should be made by
the each party that means employee and employer additionally the employer should contribute to
the employee trust fund the percentage generally for ETF 8%, 12% on employee salary by
employee and employer respectively and ETF 3% on the employee salary by the employer only.
Also the company did not maintain proper bank documents and the cheque payment did not
make in the proper way here the chief executive officer of the company makes the cheque
payment even though he did not maintain proper record on it especially bank statement did not
maintain in the company. And also the company prepared payment vouchers same as for the
other expenses it is also one of the issue in the company and the company did not maintain petty
cash in the company due to that the staff is facing the problem when the stationary and other

By: Vickneswaran Anojan

small requirement in the company for money. The chief executive officer has the all the power of
the company specially cash and bank transaction due to that the staff has to wait for the petty
cash expenses payment up to receipt the money from the CEO. The company also has not
adequate trained and relevant knowledge staff for the effective functions.


There are number of constraints in the company to having the effective and efficient function
first one is the company has stopped the function for the vital factory constructions and
purchased vital machinery from India and enhance the business with full capacity due to that the
company has not any cash inflow after the stop of the production but the company has huge cash
out flow on the construction of vital two factory building, office building, other construction and
salary to the staff but the company has not adequate cash or liquid assets to meet its expenses due
to the company is facing number of problem in making the payment within the stipulated time
frame work. The company’s computer, scanner and printer are not in the adequate quality and
they are away of the usage due to this problem the work of the company cannot be done within
the requirement so the company has to face delay work in sometimes. Also the company has not
adequate and relevant staffs to do the work due to that segregation of duties are questionable in
the company that mean one staff has to play many role in the company.

11. SWOT Analysis

The SWOT analysis consists of analysing organizational strengths and weaknesses, and its
environmental opportunities and threat. It helps to identify a strategic niche that the organization
might exploit. SWOT analysis is needed for every organization to identify their strength,
weakness, opportunities and threats as well as every individual for their success. Here the
strength and weakness are generally related with internal environment of the organization on the
other hand opportunities and threats are generally related with external environment of the
organization. SWOT analysis of Northern Farm Private Limited is as follows.

By: Vickneswaran Anojan


The followings can be seen as the strength of the Northern Farm Private Limited.
 Northern Farm Private Limited received an ultimate grant from USAID for developing
the business.
 The company‘s factory is located near to the Vavuniya town as well as able to getting the
raw materials from the cultivators and suppliers.
 The company has own transport vehicle for the delivering the finished goods.
 The company has own vehicle for paddy collections from the farmers.
 The company is making ready cash payment for their raw materials from the cultivators.
 The northern farm private limited has placed purchase order for vital factory machinery
from India.
 The northern farm private limited has own transformer in the factory to run the
production process without any electricity problem.
 The company can get the production labour or employees with low wages.
 The company is performing under the USAID close monitoring for the five years.
 The company has the huge market for their products all over the Northern Province.
 The company has only few competitors in the market for its products.
 The company has very young employees in the company.
 The firm registered as private company under the company act 07 of 2007.
 The company has very good relationship with cultivators in all over the Vavuniya part.
 In Northern Farm Private Limited the working environment is very good. Every
employee comes there and works with work satisfaction.
 Certain training programs and workshops are arranged by the company and USAID for
the company’s staffs in outside the working environment to train and refresh them or
entertain them.

The followings can be seen as the weakness of the Northern Farm Private Limited.

 The northern farm private limited has not adequate liquidity assets especially cash and
cash equivalent of the company.

By: Vickneswaran Anojan

 The company has close monitoring by the USAID for the period of five years due to that
the company has to obey much of things as per the requirement of USAID.
 The Chief Executive Officer has all the powers and authority of the company.
 The company has no proper detail marketing survey for its product.
 The company has no spate accounts and administration division in the company’s
organizational structure.
 The company is facing the little bit problem in getting the quality raw material with right
price in non-harvesting period.
 The company’s factory building has no the adequate store facility.
 The company has invested a huge amount of money in non-current assets which all are
 The company has stopped the production due to the large factory building constructions
and purchasing vital machinery for the production.
 The company has not adequate computer accessories and well trained staffs for the office
 Northern Farm Private Limited is centralized. It means authority is not delegated to
management level. Manager cannot take initiative regarding different decisions.
 The majority of people are not well aware about the products of Northern Farm Private
Limited. It is due to their very low services of promotional activity.
 There is low level of motivation in the employees of the company.

 Government is taking very bold steps to promote small medium enterprises in Sri Lanka.
Northern Farm Private Limited has an opportunity to improve the business and increase
the share market for their product.
 The company is surrounded by considerable competitors it has an opportunity to
aggressive marketing to increase its business.
 Numbers of state and private sector banks are ready to provide low interest loan for small
medium enterprises in Sri Lanka especially after the 30years ethnic battle the banks are
providing many loans in the Northern Province.

By: Vickneswaran Anojan

 An external opportunity exists in efforts to improve the social environment of local

communities and society in general by offering innovative, community involvement
 The company has tax free allowance for its income from the government of Sri Lanka.
 The Sri Lankan government and other organizations are motivating agriculture sector so
the company has the opportunity to get the adequate raw materials for the production.
 Also the life style of the people is changing in each and every day it also the one of
opportunity for the company to market their product.
 End of the civil war also the opportunity for the company not only for the northern farm
private limited but also whole of the country as well.

 Northern Farm Limited is one of the new entering companies in the market.
 The company has well known and popular competitors for its product who are
continuously increasing their products and marketing aggressively it may cause its
customer to shift to its competitors.
 What customer really wants is a difficult thing to identify as to identify the customer
perception and its behaviour is complex procedure. So the changing needs of the
customer can be a threat for the company.
 The climate changes and economic conditions and weather condition of Sri Lanka is
continuing as very bad.

 The competitor has adequate financial capacity in the market.

 Northern Province people are recovering from the past civil war by day by day in Sri

By: Vickneswaran Anojan

Future Prospects
 The Northern Farm Private Limited can enjoy handsome return through the restart the
factory very quickly and entering in to the other province to enhance business activity. So
it will enable it to establish name recognition in the Sri Lanka.
 The company should consider the quality of the product because its products are food
products so the company must provide the product with high quality and the reasonable
price then only it can admire the customer in the market and capture the huge market area
for its product.
 It can have the detail marketing survey very quickly to identify the market area,
customers’ willingness and the strength of the competitors and their strategies in the
 In order to facilitate the nation the Northern Farm Private limited can play an important
role in the development of the county through increasing the employment opportunities
and gross domestic production of the country.
Weak Areas of Northern Farm Private Limited

 In our country rate of inflation is increasing with the increase on unemployment. So due to
the increase in the price of the products the saving of the nation is decreasing with the
passage of time. So it is a threat for the every sector as well as manufacturing firms. As
the manufacturing firm is not proving any product to its customer which meet the
inflationary pressure.
 The numbers of grain food production firms are increasing in Sri Lanka with the passage
of time. Therefore Management is required to review its policy and bring such products
which comparatively better to compete other companies.

12. Recommendations for Future Efforts

As a BBA undergraduate and had the internship training in the northern farm private limited I
would like to give such recommendation for the future improvement of the company first one is
the company need to consider the good source for the immediate need of liquidity cash to take
the next steps successfully, the company can go for the bank loan there are number of banks
providing the SME loans with low rate of interest to help the SME and development of the

By: Vickneswaran Anojan

economy. Also the company tries to recruit the enough employees and adequate skill employees
for the future success of the company and the company may give the good training to the
existing staffs to improve their skill. The company should undertake the activity according to
their strength and cab ability in the future then only it can be performed without the unnecessary
pressure and it can maintain goodwill in the market. The company needs to take necessary steps
to contribute EPF and ETF to the employee which is one of the legal requirements due to that the
company should fulfil this compulsory legal requirement. The company director should allocate
authority and responsibility to the staffs very clearly to perform successfully in the future. The
current account of the company should use for only company’s transaction and the bank
documents should be maintained in a proper manner if not they will have to face difficulties by
having the independent audit in the future. The company should take the necessary steps to
restart the production very quickly and they had the huge grant from the USAID and they have
the huge market for their production in the Northern Province I hope if the company will have
the specific detail market survey that will be very helpful for their marketing activities in the

13. Overall Summary on the Internship

I attached with Northern Farm Private Limited for three month to full fill my university
internship training requirement. I played as finance and admin manager in Northern Farm Private
Limited. I learnt a lot of think by having the internship training it was as pioneer steps for the
next steps in my life. The chief executive officer maximum allocated job to perform in the period
of internship training and he gave the one of great opportunity to participate a well organized
work shop in Colombo by giz which was top of in my internship training. The company gave
much of experience from the USAID audit people, staff. I took the all of the steps to purchase
transformer for the company. I submitted November, December and January month’s monthly
report on the company’s respective monthly investment progress. I prepared number of payment
vouchers in this internship training period and met number of business related people especially
bank people. I went different type of business place in my internship training for company
purpose such as Sri Lanka Telecom, Ceylon Electricity Board, Vavuniya and Jaffna, Sampath
Bank Vavuniya and Vavuniya USAID Branch. Overlay this internship training gave much
amount of experience in the field of accounting, finance and admin. I developed human recourse

By: Vickneswaran Anojan

manual for the company which is very good learning experience for me. I had done the financial
plan for the company before getting the internship training and prepared human resource manual
during my internship training period. The company has paid the adequate monthly allowance in
my internship training period.

14. Conclusion

Everyone are studying a lot of in the class room as well as lecture hall but that full fill when
those class room and lecture hall studies going to be implemented. That is different experience
and needed experience for everyone in the world. According to the curriculum I had the great
internship training in one of growing private company in Northern Province. Actually nowadays
practical experience much needed than theoretical base studies. I spent around three month at the
company for my internship training the training gave to me such opportunity to enhance my
knowledge and skills with the practical business environment. This hind of training much needed
for every student in their life. Especially now every company give for their newly recruited
people first six or three month as training period after that they gave the appointment as
permanent according to this practice we can evaluate the vital part of the internship training.
Especially the department and the faculty allowed the students to get the internship training as
their wishes but that should be met with their specialization and discipline of the study. In the
future the faculty and each department should consider internship training with public quoted
company as well as multinational company that will help the students more to learn and enhance
the skill and knowledge. Also the period of the internship the faculty supervisor should be visited
to the student’s internship training organization that will encourage the students and monitor the
students in a proper manner. The internship training should be continued in the future for the
students’ improvement in the faculty.

By: Vickneswaran Anojan

15. Appendix

With USAID Staff - Vavuniya At the Office

By: Vickneswaran Anojan

At the Office New Factory Building

Company’s Vehicle New Office Building


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