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New Member Checklist

Use the following checklist to sign up new members. Submit this form with the new member information after
checking off completed steps.

New Member Name: __________________________________

Instructor/Employee should do the following to sign up a member:

❑ US Citizen ○ YES
❑ Verify Citizenship by getting copies of either A or B:
❑ A) Passport
❑ B) Driver's License AND Birth Certificate (MUST HAVE SEAL)
❑ US Citizen ○ NO ***Student cannot log any flight time prior to getting TSA approval***
❑ Direct PPL, IFR, or ME foreign students to AFSP website to apply for permission to flight train:
❑ At first lesson:
o Take photo of student and text it to Office (Photo must be uploaded to AFSP site within 5
days of lesson)
o Get copy of passport
o CFI or staff should initial and date the passport copy

❑ Get copies of any that apply

❑ Pilot's License
❑ Medical
❑ Most recent BFR signoff in logbook
❑ Instrument currency in logbook

❑ New member must fill out... (Make copy for member if they wish)
❑ Membership Application - fill out, sign, date
❑ Membership Agreement - fill in blanks, sign, date
❑ Notice of Insurance Coverage - sign, date

❑ Collect member deposit (Group I=$1200; II=$1500; III=$2500)

❑ Check (made out to “T&G Flying Club Trust”) or Cash (No credit cards, please)

❑ Give member the packet of club policies

❑ Create user ID in Schedule Master and call member with ID and password
❑ Record deposit in Trust book
❑ Create new member file

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Membership Application
Todd Barnhart
Name: ___________________________________ Emergency Contact: ________________________
15665 Gamekeepers Trl
Address: ___________________________________ Relation to Applicant: ______________________
Novelty ohio 44072 Address: _________________________________
___________________________________ _________________________________
Phone: Home (____)__________________________ _________________________________
Work ( )__________________________ Phone: Home (____)________________________
E-mail _______________________________ Work ( )_______________________
Cell _______________________________
Pager _______________________________
U.S. Citizen ○ Yes ○ No
Date of Birth: _______________________________ Pilot Certificate #: _________________________
Drivers License #: _________________________

Employer: __________________________________
Address: __________________________________
Phone: (____)____________________Ext.______

Dates: Last Medical: __________ Class: ________ Last BFR/AFR: _______ IFR Comp: ____________
Last Certificate/Rating: _____________________________________ Date: ________________________
Licenses & Ratings currently held: __________________________________________________________

List total hours by make & model:

Fixed Gear Retract Gear Fixed Gear Retract Gear
Cessna (150-177) _________ _________ Beechcraft _________ _________
Cessna (180-210) _________ _________ Taildragger _________ _________
Piper 200 h.p.> _________ _________ Multiengine _________ _________
Piper 201 h.p.< _________ _________ Mooney _________ _________
Others: __________ _________ _________
_______________ _________ _________ __________ _________ _________
Total Flying Time: __________

Accidents/Incidents: _______________________________________________________________________


Any accident/violation history withheld is grounds for dismissal from the club. I have read and disclosed the above
information to the best of my knowledge.
Date: ____________ Signature: ___________________________
Print Name: __________________________
Signed up by __________________
Member #: _________ (to be filled in by T&G)

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T&G Flying Club, Inc. (hereinafter "T&G) accepts Damages: T&G for itself, its officers, directors, employees,
$ ________________ as a membership deposit, along with a agents, assigns, and anyone acting for the club on its behalf,
completed application from _______________________ waives the right to subrogation for any valid and collectable
(hereinafter "member"). This membership entitles the member insurance loss.
to fly aircraft in Group _____, provided the member is A member may not get his/her deposit returned if he/she is
appropriately certified, meets T&G's insurance company involved with a damage incident of a club aircraft until such
requirements (see "Notice of Insurance Coverage"), and has a time all damages are repaired and all other obligations to the
proper endorsement by a certified T&G flight instructor in the club as a result of the damages are settled. In addition to
member's pilot logbook for each make and model of club damages, a renter is responsible for the loss of use of an aircraft
aircraft to be flown. All membership deposits are held by T&G that is disabled for any damages while the aircraft is in his/her
Flying Club Trust account. There is no interest paid or accrued care and custody. The loss of use will be calculated at the rate
to the member. of 1% per month of the book value plus 50% of the monthly
insurance premium until the aircraft is returned to service or the
Groups: The member may upgrade his/her membership to a owner receives a check from the insurance company. In no case
higher category by paying T&G the difference in his/her will the damages claimed by T&G exceed two times the deposit
membership deposit for the higher category (see current rate amount for that category of aircraft.
sheet by group). If an aircraft is flown in a higher group than
the member belongs, the member will be charged an additional Documentation: Members who wish to solo a T&G aircraft
hourly rate. shall have one or more of the following, as appropriate, for the
intended flight: a current Federal Aviation Administration
Account Payment: The member agrees not to let his/her (FAA) pilot certificate with the appropriate ratings, a medical
balance due to T&G exceed the original membership deposit. certificate of the appropriate class, a biennial flight review per
The membership deposit acts as a credit limit. It is the the Federal Aviation Regulation (FAR) requirements, an annual
responsibility of the member to keep his/her account balance T&G proficiency check, meet FAR currency requirements, and
below the deposit amount at all times. when applicable, a T&G 6-month instrument proficiency check.
The member agrees to pay in full his/her T&G monthly Copies of appropriate logbook signoffs, medical, and other
statement. The balance must be paid before the last banking documents must be on file and kept current in the T&G office,
day of the month in which the statement is received. Unpaid documenting compliance with the above requirements for the
balances will incur a service charge of 1.5% per month. member to maintain flying privileges. The member agrees not
to permit any person, who is not fully qualified in accordance
Termination: The member reserves the right to withdraw from with all laws and all T&G requirements, to fly any T&G
T&G at any time after a period of six months, provided written aircraft.
notice is given. Termination will be effective at the end of the
month in which notice is given. If a member terminates within Operations: The member agrees to use the aircraft only for
the first 6 months, T&G will withhold 6 months dues from the lawful purposes and to abide by all Federal Aviation
deposit. T&G reserves the right to terminate the member at any Regulations (FAR), T&G regulations, local, state, and federal
time provided written notice is given. Either party may laws, statutes, and regulations as well as good operating
terminate this agreement without specifying a reason. practices and procedures. The member agrees not to fly any
Within 45 days of termination of this agreement by either party, aircraft which, upon preflight inspection and review of prior
T&G will return the membership deposit, less any outstanding squawked discrepancies, does not appear to be in proper
charges (e.g. unpaid dues, aircraft rental charges, flight operating condition for the intended flight or is otherwise not
instruction charges, damages to aircraft not covered by airworthy. In addition, the member agrees to abide by all
insurance, items on loan, pilot supplies). regulations at each airport of intended use.

Liability: The member agrees that T&G, its officers, directors, Rates: The hourly aircraft rental rates, monthly dues, and
employees, agents, and assigns are not responsible and shall membership deposit amounts are described in the current
have no liability for any and all losses, costs, attorney's fees, membership rate sheet. All of these prices are subject to change
judgments, settlements arising from claims, actions, causes of and may be retroactive to the first day of the month in which
action, demands, damages, or expenses for personal or bodily notice is given.
injury to or death of person(s), loss of consortium, loss of
services and loss of or damage to property due to the member's The undersigned member has read and understands the T&G
erroneous, improper or negligent possession, entrustment, agreement and acknowledges receipt of the "Rental Policy" and
flight, use or operation of any aircraft owned or leased by T&G. current rate sheet.

The member agrees to indemnify and hold harmless T&G, its

Signed: ____________________________________________________
officers, directors, employees, agents, and assigns from any and Member Signature Date
all damages including, but not limited to, the member's
erroneous, improper, or negligent possession, entrustment,
flight, use or operation of any aircraft owned or leased by T&G. Print: ______________________________________________________
The member further agrees that T&G and its fellow members Member Name
are not liable for any damages if a flight cannot be started or
finished as intended. Accepted by: ________________________________________________

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Notice of Insurance Coverage
Per section 4561.25 of the Ohio Revised Code, you are notified that, as a member of T&G Flying Club, Inc.:

1) You are insured under a policy of insurance coverage provided by T&G Flying Club and providing liability coverage (to
T&G Flying Club members). Coverage is in the following amounts:
- $1,000,000 combined single limit bodily injury and property damage with a limitation of $100,000 per passenger.

2) Waiver of subrogation is provided by the insurance company for aircraft that have hull coverage.

3) The following aircraft are not covered by hull insurance:

- All Group I Aircraft
- Group II Aircraft: 154AV, 4889D, 53491


Renters (excluding flight instructors)

Single Engine – Fixed Gear

Aircraft Total Time Retract Make/Model Minimum
Type Time License
200 HP or None None Checkout Student
201-235 HP 100 None Checkout Private
236+ HP 250 None 10 Private

Single Engine – Retractable Gear

Aircraft Total Time Retract Make/Model Minimum
Type Time License
200 HP or 125 20 or 10 dual Private
201-235 HP 175 20 or 10 dual Private
236+ HP 250 20 10 dual Private

Multi Engine
Aircraft Total Time Retract Make/Model Multi- Minimum
Type Time Engine License
Up to 570 500 25 and 20 dual Or 50 MEL/Instru.

In addition to the minimum hour requirements, you must be checked out and signed off for each make and
model by a qualified CFI.

As a member of T&G Flying Club, I understand that I have the above stated insurance coverage:

Signed: ______________________ Print: _______________________ Date: ____________

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Credit Card Form
Date: ________________

I authorize T&G Flying Club, Inc. to charge my credit card for T&G related expenses. When my credit card expires,
I will inform T&G Flying Club, Inc. of any new required information.

Name: ____________________________________________________
Print (First, Last)

Name: ____________________________________________________


Credit Card Number: ________________________________________

Expiration (MM/YY): _______________

Security Code: ____________

Billing Address: _____________________________________


Office: (Photocopy front/back of credit card)

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Schedule Master Information
Name: ______________________________

Your Username is: ________________ Your Password is: ______________

Internet Access
Point your browser to:

We’ve worked to make the service intuitive and easy to operate. If you have any questions, please feel free to
contact us at:

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