Classnote 21225

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OPEN SCIENTIFIC REPORTS naturereseatch, eo Experimental Demonstration of Supervised Learning in Spiking Neural Networks with Phase- Change Memory Synapses 5.8, Nandakumar™, em Boybat 0%, ManvelLe GlloO*,EvangelosEleftheriou, ‘Abu Sebosian 8 Sipe Rajendran = ‘Spiking aurainatwode (SNM) are computational mada inpiadty thabriee aby to mairally ‘encode and process ifomatio nthe ie domain Thesddedtengora dimensions believed ‘orender hem more computational effcient than the conventona arial neural newer, ug a compan apes et tbe ented. Reet neon comping parle conprtatonsin atfeial ndspiingnewal neteoris. inthis werk, we evaluate thefeaibilty torealzeligh peformarce eventdrvenin-Jw supervised eamingsystems using tanescale and “echanticanaog memory 2yrapoe. ore itt, the potertil of analog eroryaynepaea ‘enerate precise timed sptesinSNNS experimentally demonstatee The espe rent ergs pplication: which dectyinegratessple excoded aigral generated fiom bio mineticseore ‘wthiesmemory eamuting based leaning systems to generate pedal timed corr alsignal spikes ornewromorpic actuators. More than 370,000 phase-change memory PCW base synapses rom ‘our prototype chip were tained based onan evert-diven learning rel, generatespite pattems wah morethan 85% ofthe spkes within 2 25ms oleranceintenalina 1250s bngsplepstten, Weobserve thatthe acuacyis mainly Lnited by theim precsio rlatedto device programm and emputetteranaacanevaves Weston tat ah efeyevescingscecensaty ‘Cembining the computatona potential cf swpenised SNNS withthe paale compute power ofin- ‘memory computing, ti work paves the way for nex-generation of effcent brin-nepradyetms. Incecent ears dep learning aigonthns hive becemesucassfal i solrng complex coynitve sk surpass Ingine perormanc scxeabiey tadsion agershme sprees, ad income css een er han Fest comntienal computing rcectreare contorted whorl alge we mplomentng hs ‘tiered ata eur etwrks (ANS) aed in hese arate espcaly when compared aunt the ‘Pproumacly 1 W power budget of he hanan bun he neiceacis ihe oo Neusat arcu 1 "owalnetvrkimplmontsion ar fn ne gh podsn dl ropescfatinn cf th nobrrk perme onsantsullg ef lage anounsof dla between processor and memory and he estng mtd compat ‘eal pralisn and cali Ie contra, he human br anpbys ings af neues ut Communica Irth cach ther in pr faton trough edited analog andl peeion yaptc conection The inthe bola netorks render th conpustion ad commun ‘Sta omanal enone eontusine |-———.____ (SERS pone se “owen | LM ca it il a “rang epoch (om (wim) # |trit 3? a ‘| Sez ent fo I soe esses EE mm vo 24 ene deme hrm pig 4 ext mente ty sre ener? ‘Binge werent cornea oom a he beganng taken ihe ak eeaaeeanmeny eee ioe cnt tenn ear Eee eke acarioee, ee aera mm Seana eee eoeer ears =e eee. Se cate penereraac a ae [Sygate ee ea meee ether eats, Eee ieee er mgeyaierere te ee ee epee Espns eek anes ceeiaimin rio ae “TheSWN whenaned uy dale precision Moumg pou (Fd) s)mupses aceved above 99% acuary ‘or the siete tolerance of? ms. comparison. the PCM devas experiment aces 857% fore Sane olerancenervd, The acurcy drop ts nosy abled othe device nna suchas poaine {dnt sincustconducance reponse wi as tempol eosin of dente condacaaceTo tsa he Impact ofa device noe irae we conduct inalons wth vans device made Pst we sin Ue watingusag ane device bose number of wht vel are approxinaldy comparable ou 8 ‘cStasisjape hsshom' ero sane mk cay oti) cag ae

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