English Major Assignment 2 (Tugas Besar 2) : Thanks and Good Luck!

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Major Assignment 2 (Tugas Besar 2)

As one of the requirements for students of Mercu Buana University to fulfill the OBE
Curriculum stated in Vice Rector’s circular number: 01-1/023/S-Ed/III/2020, is to conduct
Major Assignment 1 & 2 (Tugas Besar 1 & 2) to replace the MidTest & Final Test (UTS &
The Major Assignment 2 (TB2) for English Subjects is a paper-writing project describing
your INTEREST (choose one specific interest that you like best). Read the instruction
below carefully:
- Write a paper (± 700 words) describing your interest that you like to do in your
leisure time (sport, music, artwork, photography, IT, social-media sharing,
automotive, cooking, etc).
- Introduce yourself first properly. Prepare a good opening & closing for your paper.
- You may combine the paragraphs with some pictures of you doing the activities.
- Your paper will be graded based on the content, creativity in paper layout & the
language items you use (vocabulary, sturucture & grammar of English).
- Submit this major assignment activity in POST by uploading a doc.file (pdf is
suggested) containing your Name & NIM.
- The due date for this assignment is Friday, May 22, 2020.

Thanks and good luck!

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