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Manav Rachna International School

Manav Rxhna intemational Sthool PRE TERM EXAMINATION SET-B
Playground of education Class -XI
Subject : Business Studies Date: 1.10.2021
Duration :1.5 hours M.M. 40

1.Paper comprises of 3 sections
2.Section A has 24 questions. Attempt any 20 questions.
3.Section B has 24 questions. Attempt any 20 questions.
4.Section C hds 12 questions. Attempt any 10 questions.
5.All questions carry cqual marks.
6.There is NO negative marking.

LAt least 10 adults, no maximum limit in caseof
(a) Cooperative Society
(b) Joint Hindu Family
(c) Partnership
(d) Company
2. There is a time gap between production and consumption of goods. Which Utility overcomes the
a) Trade
b) Storage
c) Transport
d) Insurance

3. Complaint lodged by a customer at the company's call centre is t y p e of e-business transaction.

(a) C2C Commerce
(b) C2B Commerce
(c) B2C Commerce
(d) B2B Commerce

4. One of the argument for the social responsibility is expressed in the given picture. Identify that

-a. Holding business responsible for social problems

b. Avoidance of government regulation
c.justification of Existence and growth
d. Availability of resources with the business
e.Long term interest of business.
a) Bearer cheque
5. Match thefollowing
1.DFC b) CommercialBanks
controls and
which superVvises,
2. The bank comnercjal
activities of all the
ogulates the
bnks of the contry bank
Private sector
Cheques which
at bank
inediately d) Crosscdcheque
basie function of
4.This bank has and lending of bank
acceptance of deposits
in e)Public Sector
to be deposited only
S. Such checque is
payees account
Central Bank ofthe country

4. (¢), 5. (d) -

(a), 2. (1), 3. (b),


a. 1. -

(a), 4. (b), 5. (d)


1.-(c), 2. (). 3.3.



- (d), 4. - (b), 5.5. (¢)


c. 1. (). 2. (a),-

d. 1.-(e), 2. (1), 3. -

(a), 4. -(b), - (d). .

Memorandum of
the sum mentioned in the capital clause of
capital means

(a) Full capital
(b) Maximum capital
(c) share capital
(d) Nominal Capital
who deals in buying and selling computer
7.Sagar and Lakshay are friends. Sagar is a customers daily
Bank. Sagar deals with a lot of
Lakshay is working as a manager in ICICI
parts whereas
on cash basis. He also
deals with different
as his transactions are mostly
and receives money from them from him to manage cash
them. As it becomes difficult
and has to make frequent payments to
suppliers ICICI Bank. Name the type ofbank
a bank account in
daily,his friend Lakshay advised him to open
which will be opened?
a. Current Account
b. Savings account
C. recurring deposit

duties of directors are discussed clearly in

8. Powers, rights, remuneration, qualification and
(a) Memorandum of Association
(b) Articles of Association
(c) Prospectus
(d) none of the above
9. Assurance is associated with
(a) Fire Insurance (b) Life Insurance
(c) Marine Insurance (d) Hull Insurance

10. Gurpreet wanted to buy a washing machine. A fter days ofsearching over net, she found that she could
buythe machine by ordering online itself. She then ordered a fully automatic machine trom a very
Identuty the scope ot e-business hin the
(a)B2B highlighted here, given tine hut alvs inatallu
te wah

Which of the following is true

(a) Statutory about
corporations statutory
public enterprisescorporation
that come into
(b) Statutory corporations are existence by
serial act f te

government departments subjct to the same

(c) Statutory accournting and audit proedures as are
(d) The employees of are funded
directly by the government applscatile to
statutory enterprises
are treasury.
civil servants
12. Find out the
liability of
each. She has already Kavita in a company. Who is a shareholder,
a) Rs 10,000 paid Rs. 6 per share. holding 3,00 shares of Ps. 10
b) Rs. 1,20,000
c) Rs 18,000
d) Rs. 12000

3. This insurance is a contract of

strict indemnity.
a. Fire insurance.
b. Marine insurance
c.Life insurance
d. Health Insurance

14.In the 2001 resolution on industrial

sector policy the number of industries
brought down. This meant that the exclusively reserved for the public
public sector would have to compete with them. private sector can now enter all areas,
Which of the except these and the
public sector? following areas are now exclusive for the
a. Atomic energy
b. Arms
C. Communication
d. Railways
A. Only a, b and c
B. Only a, c and d
C. Only a, b and d
D. Only b, c and d

. meansthe total amount of subscribed

to pay. capital which has been asked from the share holders
(a) Called-up capital
(b) subscribed capital
(c) nominal capital
(d) Paid-up capital

16. The shares of a Government Company are

purchased in the name of which of the following?
(a) The Indian Government.
(b) The President of India.
(c) The Chief Minister of the state. where the head ottice of the company lies.
(d The Managing Director of the company
the ptentesf theprrt tl ttnfitnnty
piovides for
(1)peeral p:mtnetshi
( ) joint v e n t n e

(dy svle poptietorship

of geietnl pmttietsui
n t
I8 The min tlienelvnitage
inbility t thie (ittiet
(n) te unlimited
()disnprent n i t t t i t
(r) shmel t n n n e e n t
(d) liltitulty f teninit
i t ttttinti il
" i s the tve f tleveit neenit n hith th tftreil in xt tas tir t fnttinlnt
lixed tlejimf" Iin te-nnil ie t e i t l t
Nerted inte
a) Rermrin eposit Actui
()ised Deusit Are
() San in! Acrvt
() Atullile ytiv1 epnsit

(i Serrices vmmot be toheil ( fnaenttility

ii) Servius caol be stndttelizet y tutungiility
(ii)Simltaneousactivity ufitdtetin ty nvduuent ael ettistittiydit
(iv) l'articimtivn of custue itn setvie. (d Ietnoistemey tefi veryit:64%
A.i-. i-b,ii- c, iv-d
. i-,ii-t, iii-d, iv-e
'C. i-b, ii-d, ii- 1, iv-e
D. i-d. ii-t, iii- e. iv-b

21. The directors take all decisions on behulf uf the shinehdler

dentily the demerit stuted abve
keeping in intl theit tr Mi
n) Delay in deeision making
b) Numeous regulations.
c) Lack of scerecy
d) Oligarchic management

22. This type of cooperative society is set tu with te ati uf elnnnetiny tinelletieti
a) Producer's Cooperative Society
b) Marketing 'oofperative Society
c) Consuner's Cooperative Society
d) Farmcr's
Cooperative Socicty
3.What is the
minitmum amot for ti electoiic transfer f fuels tf
) 500 in tase
b) 1,00,000
e) 2,00,00
l) 20,00)
What the
size of niniun stsertitun as
per EE

25.Following are the stalements referring to SECTION-B

(1)Tenant getting the property insured when example insurable interest. Choose the
(2) company insuring the life of
A he is correct statement
brand not the owner of property
(3) Father taking insurance ambassador.
policy in his son's name.
(4) Wife taking insurance policy for her husband.

(a) 1,2,3 are correct but 4 is incorrect

(b) 1 and 2 are incorrect but 3 and 4 are correct
(c)I is incorrect but 2,3 and 4 are correct
(d) All are correct

Read the passage below and answer

Life is full of uncertainties and to stressquestions
26 to 29.
the importance of insurance, Max
carried out an insurance awareness road uponshow called 'Jaago Jan' across different Bupa
Life Insurance has
Pradesh, Gujarat and adjoining areas. Suhasini, the rural locations of
carried in a mobile van and create awareness Marketing Head told that the campaign would beMadhya
The local through skits and
road shows.
people were made aware that with a small periodic payment, a
Though insurance cannot stop the event but can compensate the losses outlarge of
possible risk can be covered.
it. Also the loss is shared
all the persons exposed to thie
risk.However, it is not a matter of casual approach. One should be honest byin
their dealings.They should also have some
about various schemes which also included
pecuniary interest in the subject matter. They were also told
protection against any illness specially in this time of COVID
19, when the hospital expenditure becomes exorbitant.

26. The pecuniary interest in case of marine insurance should be present at the time of:
a. Taking the policy
b. at the time of loss
c. both at the time
of taking policy and at the time of loss
d. none of the above

27. Though insurance cannot stop the event but can compensate the losses out of it."
Which function of insurance is highlighted here?
a. Protection
b Risk sharing
C. Providing certainty
d. Capital formation

28. " Also the loss is shared by all the persons exposed to the risk". Which function of insurance is
highlighted here?
a. Protectíon
b. Risk sharing
C. Providing certainty
d. Capital formation

29. "However, it is not a matter of casual approach. One should be honest in their dealings. They should
also have some pecuniary interest in the subject matter." Which two principles have been highlighted
i.Jnsurable Interest & Indemnity
ii.ndemnity & Subrogation
ii.Utnost iood fasth & Subrogation
F'aith &

this ?
ocicty is
Which type

a. Producer's
cooperative socicty
Consumer's cooperative
c. Marketing cooperative
d. Intermediary cooperative society

31.Captive units: industries.

in one or two
a) the firms which specialized
to only one firm.
services of a given Kind industiries
b) provides to a wide base Clients, cutting a c r o s s
which provides their services
c) are the firms
d) All of the above.
services at reasonable
32. BHEL and SAlL being govenment
companies provide goods and
It is registered under the
of its shares are held by the government.
ratcs to the public at large. Majority perpetual
all characteristics of a company like separate entity,
Companies Act 2013 and thus possesses in its
succession and a c o m m o n seal. It can sue
and be sued, enter into contracts and acquire property
for an efficient
name. Thc Board is appointed by
the government and its shareholders and is responsible
its annual report and submits to the appropriate
management. The company prepares
the kind of enterprise of PSU.
a) Government Company
b) Departmental undertaking
C) Statutory Corporation
d) Joint Venture
33. c-commerce docs not include
(a) A business interactions with its customers
(b) Interactions among the various departments within the business
(c) A business interactions with its suppliers
(d) Interactions among the geographically dispersed units of the business

34. Identify the role of business in environmental protection depicted in the picture
a.Lse of
eco-Friendiy methods of production
b.Top level management commitment
c. Must follow
rules and
d. Positive regulations laid by government
steps towards protecting environment
35. A private company means a
(a) 1,00,000 company which has a minimum paid
up capital of Rs.-
(b) 5,00,000
(c) 50,00,000
(d) 10,00,000
36. If the public company can make arrangements for
unnecessary, the company is required to prepare araising
the capítal privately so that pubic appeal is
(a) Prospectus for this reason.
(b) statement in lieu of Prospectus
(c) certificate of Prospectus
(d) Memorandum of association

37. Which of the

following can be said as not true for (E Business)?
(a )Internet is without
(bThe benefit of internet technology
(c)Internet offers convenience accrue to big business only.
(d)Internet permits to do fabulous business even if one does not have much of the investment
38. Preliminary Contracts are signed
(a) Before the incorporation
(b) After incorporation but before capital subscription
(c) After incorporation but before commencement of business
(d) After conmencement of business

39. Business Risk generated out of carelessness or negligence of employees would emerge due to which of
the following cause:
a) Natural cause.
b) Hurnan Cause.
c) Economic cause
d) Other causc.

40. Name the type of public sector enterprisc shown in above image
i n d i a - A C a s e


(2) Statutory Corporation

(b) Departmental Undertaking

c) Govermment Company

d None

available only on:

41.Overdraft facilityis
Current account deposits
b. Saving
Recuring deposits
Fixed deposits intimated to the
city then it has
within a
office of a company is changed
42. When the registered
registrar within days of such change
(a) 60
(b) 45
c) 30
d) 7
economic activity?
43. Which one of the following is not an
in school
teaching their own kids
a. Teachers

b. Business
A doctor advising his family
d. Workers working in a factory
bank to get
he should open with the
month. Which type of Bank Account
44. Ankur saves Rs.3,000 every
maximum interest?
(b) PPF Account
(a) Current Account
(d) Saving Account
(c) Recurring Deposit
of business there is always a possibility of losses being incurred, despite
45. Due to which characteristic
best efforts put into the business:
a. Uncetainty of returns

b. Production or procurement of goods and services.

C. Economic activity
d. Profit earning.
in changes in fashion and tastes of customers refers to
46. Changes in market conditions, changes price or

which type of risk?

a) Pure risk.
by Hurnan Risk.
cy Natural Risk.
d Speculative Risk.
R) Quick enjos
constderabte degree of
they arise. making leads to freedom
timely making business in
2Both A and R are true
bBoth A and R are andRis
capitalisation of market
true and R the cotect opportunities as and
cA iS true
dA is falsebut R is false.
explanation of A.
is not the correct
but R is true. explanation ofA.
Horizontal service providers
a) are the firms
b) provides services ofspecialized in one or two
c) are the
given Kind to only industries.
d) All of the which provides their servicesone fim.
above. to a wide base
Clients, cutting
across industiries
. Mr.
B. A loss of gets his factory insured against the
10 lakh fire
a. A-
Rs.4 occurred. How much of Rs.40 Lakh with
b. LAKHS and B -6 insurer A
compensation will be paid by A and Band 10 lakh with insurer
A-Ps.5 LAKHS and B Lakhs
C. A- Ps.8
d. A- Ps.6 Lakhs
LAKHS and 4 -Lakhs
50. Al public sector units
restructured or closed down. referred to to decide whether
(a) PSU a sick unit was to be
(b) MOFA
(c) MoU
51. Shenoy is a
He has a
saving bank professional working in
software a
farnily rnembers are residing inwith the State Bank of India but he has not development company
located at Ahmedabad.
father has a Delhi. Shenoy's father opted for
saving bank account with asked him to send Rs. e-banking. His
Name the method Punjab National Bank 45,000 at the earliest. His
Shenoy should adopted for sending money.
C. Demand Draft
d. Cheque
52. An
industry which is concerned with the
nature of various material
a). Analytical Industry to form
b. Assermbling Industry
single product.
c). Synthetically industry
d). Prinary Industry
53. The
Corporate Identity Number will be allotted by
(a) Registrar of
(by Controiler of
companies Act
companies Act.
(c) Registrar of capital issuces
d) controlier of issues
dezls with
Ant 1 9 ,
Sectioi of
a j Incorpratin

(hy share caital

uf Iirect Ths is a n
Nunher ecn.
( private
( d prnngtion drgarers
shates in
decided n ell the
( j o v e n n e n t


n D i s i n v e s t 1 n e n t


( c R e c o m s t r u c t i o n

(d) Rehabilitation

ransactions belong
e-business models towhich thefoll
the followin OLUM
56. Match the
iy. Intre B
A. Malkat ii). B2C
on eBay from
B. Deep bought
old books
iiiy C2C
Shyam call to Airtel for
made toll free
C. Gagan
some enquiry.

iv) C2B
D.Moonlight Ltd.uses network to
Of c o m p o n e n t s
monitoring delivery

C-(iv): D-(i)
(a) A-(ii); B-(iii):
C-(i); D-(iv)
(b) A-ii); B-(iii);
C-(ii); D-(i)
(c) A-(ii); B-(iv);
C-(ii); D-(i)
(d) A-(ii); B-(iv);
which is correct
and mark the option
57. Read the
operating cost is high.
A: In traditional business has to pay.
because of the fixed charges that a

Statement B: This is

Now mark the correct option:

s t a t e m e n t s are
a. Both the incorrect
s t a t e m e n t B is s t a t e m e n t A.
c o r r e c t but explanation of
b. Statement A is Statement B is not the c o r r e c t
s t a t e m e n t s are
c o r r e c t but of s t a t e m e n t A.
c. Both the Statement B is the correct explanation
are correct
d. Both the s t a t e m e n t s the
which characteristics of
the exist"- this explains
and men may go but
58. "Men may c o m e
company as per
Companies Act 2013
(a) Separate legal entity
(b) Perpetual Succession
(c) Capacity to
d).Arnificial Person
91f the iss1ued share capital is Rs.I erore Rs.10 per share, outofofRuA
which 0%, in subucribved Tie

sharcholdershave beenaskedto
30th may 2021. 1,00,000 paythe Application
shares did not
the first call.
and 1 call of Ps. 3 per

What is the amount of Called Up capital ?

a. Rs.3,00,000
b. Rs.63,00,000
c. Rs.60,00,000
d. Rs.90,00,000
e. Rs.27,00,000
60. (A) partnership highlights the fact that it is business carried
a on by all or any one of the
partners acting for all.
(R) Death, fetirement, insolvency or insanity of any partner can bring an end to the business.

a. Both A and R are true andR is the correct

explanation of A.
b. Both A and R are true and R is not the correct
C. A is true but R is false.
cxplanation of A.
d. A is false but R is true.

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