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《建築物 ( 衞生設備標準、水管裝置、排水工程及廁所 ) 規例》 Building (Standards of Sanitary Fitments, Plumbing, Drainage Works and

Latrines) Regulations

T-1 T-2
第 123I 章 Cap. 123I

《建築物 ( 衞生設備標準、水管裝置、排水工程及廁所 ) Building (Standards of Sanitary Fitments, Plumbing,

規例》 Drainage Works and Latrines) Regulations
( 第 123 章,附屬法例 I) (Cap. 123 sub. leg. I)
目錄 Contents

條次 頁次 Regulation Page
第I部 Part I
導言 Preliminary
1. 引稱 1-1 1. Citation 1-2
2. 釋義 1-1 2. Interpretation 1-2
第 II 部 Part II
衞生設備標準 Standards of Sanitary Fitments
3. 第 II 部的釋義 2-1 3. Interpretation of Part II 2-2
4. 住宅建築物 2-5 4. Residential buildings 2-6
5. 工作地點 2-15 5. Workplaces 2-16
6. 公眾娛樂場所 2-27 6. Places of public entertainment 2-28
6A. 體育場 2-33 6A. Sports stadia 2-34
7. 電影院 2-39 7. Cinemas 2-40
7A. 商場及百貨公司 2-45 7A. Shopping arcades and department stores 2-46
7B. 宗教機構 2-55 7B. Religious institutions 2-56
7C. 殯儀館 2-59 7C. Funeral parlours 2-60
8. 食肆 2-63 8. Restaurants 2-64

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《建築物 ( 衞生設備標準、水管裝置、排水工程及廁所 ) 規例》 Building (Standards of Sanitary Fitments, Plumbing, Drainage Works and
Latrines) Regulations

T-3 T-4
第 123I 章 Cap. 123I

條次 頁次 Regulation Page
8A. ( 廢除 ) 2-73 8A. (Repealed) 2-74
9. 如禁止裝置便溺污水設備則須設置廁所設 2-75 9. Where soil fitments prohibited latrine 2-76
備等作為代替 fitments, etc. to be provided in lieu thereof,
10. ( 廢除 ) 2-75 10. (Repealed) 2-76
10A. 供水 2-75 10A. Supply of water 2-76
第 III 部 Part III
水管裝置 Plumbing
便溺污水設備及廢水設備 Soil fitments and waste fitments
11. 便溺污水的處置 3-1 11. Disposal of soil 3-2
12. 廢水管 3-1 12. Waste pipes 3-2
13. 建造便溺污水設備的物料 3-1 13. Materials for soil fitments 3-2
14. 水廁設備的建造 3-3 14. Construction of watercloset fitments 3-4
15. 槽式水廁的建造 3-3 15. Construction of trough waterclosets 3-4
16. 尿廁渠道的建造 3-3 16. Construction of urinal channels 3-4
17. 沖廁水的供應 3-3 17. Flushing water supply 3-4
18. 沖水圍邊 3-5 18. Flushing rim 3-6
19. 沖廁水箱 3-5 19. Flushing cisterns 3-6
20. 壓力閥 3-7 20. Pressure valves 3-8
21. 沖廁喉管 3-7 21. Flushing pipes 3-8
22. 沖廁用水的貯水箱 3-7 22. Storage tanks for flushing water 3-8
23. 溢流管 3-9 23. Overflow pipes 3-10

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《建築物 ( 衞生設備標準、水管裝置、排水工程及廁所 ) 規例》 Building (Standards of Sanitary Fitments, Plumbing, Drainage Works and
Latrines) Regulations

T-5 T-6
第 123I 章 Cap. 123I

條次 頁次 Regulation Page
24. 便溺污水設備的隔氣彎管 3-9 24. Traps for soil fitments 3-10
25. 廢水設備的隔氣彎管 3-11 25. Traps for waste fitments 3-12
喉管及簷溝 Pipes and eaves gutters
26. 便溺污水管 3-13 26. Soil pipes 3-14
27. 廢水管 3-13 27. Waste pipes 3-14
28. 便溺污水管及廢水管的彎位 3-15 28. Bends in soil and waste pipes 3-16
29. 便溺污水管及廢水管的清理途徑 3-15 29. Access to soil and waste pipes 3-16
30. 反虹吸管 3-15 30. Anti-syphonage pipes 3-16
31. 通風管 3-19 31. Ventilating pipes 3-20
32. 雨水管 3-19 32. Rain water pipes 3-20
33. 外廊或露台的雨水管 3-23 33. Rain water pipes for verandahs or balconies 3-24
34. 製造喉管的物料 3-23 34. Materials for pipes 3-24
35. 喉管等的接駁處 3-23 35. Connexions of pipes, etc. 3-24
36. 喉管的安裝 3-25 36. Fixing of pipes 3-26
37. 管道內的喉管 3-25 37. Pipes in ducts 3-26
38. 簷溝 3-25 38. Eaves gutters 3-26
38A. 英國標準規格及其他國家標準 3-25 38A. British Standard Specification and other 3-26
national standards
第 IV 部 Part IV
排水工程 Drainage Works
39. 建築物的排水 4-1 39. Drainage of buildings 4-2

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《建築物 ( 衞生設備標準、水管裝置、排水工程及廁所 ) 規例》 Building (Standards of Sanitary Fitments, Plumbing, Drainage Works and
Latrines) Regulations

T-7 T-8
第 123I 章 Cap. 123I

條次 頁次 Regulation Page
40. 髒水的處置 4-1 40. Disposal of foul water 4-2
41. 地面水的處置 4-1 41. Disposal of surface water 4-2
42. 排送地面水的喉管不得排水流過行人路面 4-3 42. Pipes carrying surface water not to discharge 4-4
across surface of footpath
43. 地下水的處置 4-3 43. Disposal of sub-soil water 4-4
44. 製造排水渠等的物料 4-3 44. Materials for drains, etc. 4-4
45. 地下水排水渠 4-5 45. Sub-soil water drains 4-6
46. 排水渠的大小 4-5 46. Size of drains 4-6
47. 排水渠及污水渠的敷設 4-5 47. Laying of drains and sewers 4-6
47A. 集水區內的排水渠及污水渠須水密 4-7 47A. Drains and sewers in gathering grounds to be 4-8
48. 排水渠的下斜度 4-9 48. Falls of drains 4-10
49. 排水渠的接合處 4-11 49. Junction of drains 4-12
50. 連接處 4-11 50. Joints 4-12
51. 排水渠的入水口 4-13 51. Inlets to drains 4-14
52. 通風 4-15 52. Ventilation 4-16
53. 通風點之間不得有隔氣彎管 4-15 53. No traps between ventilated points 4-16
54. 建築物之下的排水渠及污水渠等 4-15 54. Drains and sewers under buildings, etc. 4-16
55. 須設置沙井及清理孔 4-15 55. Manholes and cleaning eyes to be provided 4-16
56. 沙井的建造 4-17 56. Construction of manholes 4-18
57. 存水隔氣彎管 4-19 57. Disconnecting traps 4-20

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《建築物 ( 衞生設備標準、水管裝置、排水工程及廁所 ) 規例》 Building (Standards of Sanitary Fitments, Plumbing, Drainage Works and
Latrines) Regulations

T-9 T-10
第 123I 章 Cap. 123I

條次 頁次 Regulation Page
58. 集水溝 4-21 58. Gullies 4-22
59. 清理孔 4-21 59. Cleaning eyes 4-22
60. 排水渠坑道的填塞 4-21 60. Filling in of drainage trenches 4-22
61. 地面水渠道 4-21 61. Surface water channels 4-22
第V部 Part V
化糞池 Septic Tanks
62. 污水的處置 5-1 62. Disposal of effluent 5-2
63. 化糞池的位置 5-1 63. Situation of septic tank 5-2
64. 設計 5-1 64. Design 5-2
65. 容量 5-3 65. Capacity 5-4
66. 建造 5-3 66. Construction 5-4
67. 插入管 5-5 67. Dip pipes 5-6
68. 通風 5-5 68. Ventilation 5-6
第 VI 部 Part VI
污水池 Cesspools
69. 污水池的位置 6-1 69. Situation of cesspools 6-2
70. 污水池的內載物的處置 6-1 70. Disposal of contents 6-2
71. 容量 6-1 71. Capacity 6-2
72. 建造 6-3 72. Construction 6-4
第 VII 部 Part VII
排水工程的測試 Testing of Drainage Works

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《建築物 ( 衞生設備標準、水管裝置、排水工程及廁所 ) 規例》 Building (Standards of Sanitary Fitments, Plumbing, Drainage Works and
Latrines) Regulations

T-11 T-12
第 123I 章 Cap. 123I

條次 頁次 Regulation Page
73. 排水工程的測試及有關程序 7-1 73. Testing of drainage works and procedure 7-2
74. 建築事務監督要求掘開排水渠坑道的權力 7-3 74. Power of Building Authority to require 7-4
drainage trenches to be opened
第 VIII 部 Part VIII
某些工程須由建築事務監督進行及有關費 Certain Work to be Carried Out by the
用的追討 Building Authority and Recovery of Cost
75. 建築事務監督須進行每項將排水渠及私家 8-1 75. Building Authority required to make every 8-2
污水渠接駁至公共污水渠或大溝渠的工程 connexion of drain and private sewer to
及工程費用的追討 public sewer or nullah and recovery of cost
76. 建築事務監督須安裝每個存水隔氣彎管等 8-3 76. Building Authority required to fix every 8-4
及費用的追討 disconnecting trap, etc. and recovery of cost
77. 建築事務監督須進行任何須在未批租政府 8-3 77. Building Authority required to carry out 8-4
土地進行的工程 any work to be carried out on unleased
Government land
78. 建築事務監督在規例遭違反時的權力 8-5 78. Powers of Building Authority in event of 8-6
contravention of regulations
第 IX 部 Part IX
廁所 Latrines
79. 釋義 9-1 79. Interpretation 9-2
80. 廁所須設門 9-1 80. Latrines be provided with doors 9-2
81. 門須通往露天地方等 9-1 81. Doors to open into open air, etc. 9-2
82. 照明及通風 9-1 82. Lighting and ventilation 9-2

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《建築物 ( 衞生設備標準、水管裝置、排水工程及廁所 ) 規例》 Building (Standards of Sanitary Fitments, Plumbing, Drainage Works and
Latrines) Regulations

T-13 T-14
第 123I 章 Cap. 123I

條次 頁次 Regulation Page
83. 樓面 9-3 83. Floors 9-4
84. 內表面 9-3 84. Internal surfaces 9-4
85. 廁所設備的牆壁及通往廁所設備的通道 9-5 85. Walls of and access to latrine fitments 9-6
86. 廁所設備在設計和建造上與排泄物盛器有 9-5 86. Design and construction of latrine fitment in 9-6
關之處 relation to receptacle for excrement
87. 排泄物盛器 9-5 87. Receptacles for excrement 9-6
88. 建築事務監督准許廁所門通往未圍封的外 9-7 88. Power of Building Authority to permit door 9-8
廊或准許第 82 條所規定的開口與未圍封 of latrine to open onto or opening required
的外廊相通等的權力 by regulation 82 to communicate with
unenclosed verandah, etc.
第X部 Part X
雜項 Miscellaneous
89. 建築事務監督禁止裝置便溺污水設備的權 10-1 89. Power of Building Authority to prohibit 10-2
力 installation of soil fitments
90. 建築事務監督規定設置中和池等的權力 10-1 90. Power of Building Authority to require 10-2
provision of neutralizing tanks, etc.
91. 某些規例不適用於以水務設施供水沖洗的 10-3 91. Certain regulations not to apply to soil 10-4
便溺污水設備 fitments flushed with water from waterworks

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《建築物 ( 衞生設備標準、水管裝置、排水工程及廁所 ) 規例》 Building (Standards of Sanitary Fitments, Plumbing, Drainage Works and
Latrines) Regulations

1-1 第I部 Part I 1-2

第 123I 章 第1條 Regulation 1 Cap. 123I

《建築物 ( 衞生設備標準、水管裝置、排水工程及廁所 ) Building (Standards of Sanitary Fitments, Plumbing,

規例》 Drainage Works and Latrines) Regulations
( 第 123 章第 38 條 ) (Cap. 123, section 38)

[1960 年 1 月 1 日 ] [1 January 1960]

( 格式變更 ——2020 年第 3 號編輯修訂紀錄 ) (Format changes—E.R. 3 of 2020)

第I部 Part I
導言 Preliminary
1. 引稱 1. Citation
本規例可引稱為《建築物 ( 衞生設備標準、水管裝置、排水工 These regulations may be cited as the Building (Standards of
程及廁所 ) 規例》。 Sanitary Fitments, Plumbing, Drainage Works and Latrines)

2. 釋義 2. Interpretation
在本規例中,除文意另有所指外 —— In these regulations, unless the context otherwise requires—
大溝渠 (nullah) 包括任何經導流的水道; anti-syphonage pipe (反虹吸管) means a pipe used or constructed
工商業污水 (trade effluent) 指完全或部分在任何行業或工業過 to be used for the purpose of preventing loss of water seal
程中產生的任何液體,不論是否有物質粒子懸浮其中; from the trap of a soil fitment or waste fitment;
公共污水渠 (public sewer) 指歸屬政府並由政府保養的污水渠; approved (批准) means approved by the Building Authority;
公共渠道 (public channel) 指歸屬政府並由政府保養的渠道; cesspool (污水池) means an underground chamber constructed to
be used for the reception and storage of foul water;
化學處理廁所設備 (chemical closet fitment) 指以化學品處理排
泄物盛器內載物的廁所設備; chemical closet fitment (化學處理廁所設備) means a latrine
fitment in which the contents of the receptacle for excrement
are treated by means of chemicals;

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《建築物 ( 衞生設備標準、水管裝置、排水工程及廁所 ) 規例》 Building (Standards of Sanitary Fitments, Plumbing, Drainage Works and
Latrines) Regulations

1-3 第I部 Part I 1-4

第 123I 章 第2條 Regulation 2 Cap. 123I

化糞池 (septic tank) 指盛載自建築物排出的便溺污水及廢水的 cleaning eye (清理孔) means an access opening in a pipe;
容缸,而固體有機物的液化過程在該容缸內進行; (1980 foul water (髒水) means any water contaminated by soil, waste or
年第 361 號法律公告 ) trade effluent;
反虹吸管 (anti-syphonage pipe) 指用作或建造以用作防止便溺 latrine (廁所) means a room used or intended to be used for the
污水設備或廢水設備的隔氣彎管內的水封流失的喉管; housing of latrine fitments;
水務監督 (water authority)、水務設施 (waterworks) 具有《水務 latrine fitment (廁所設備) means a fitment containing a receptacle
設施條例》( 第 102 章 ) 第 2 條給予該兩詞的涵義; (1966 for excrement, which is removable;
年第 62 號法律公告 )
manhole (沙井) means a chamber constructed on a drain or sewer
地下水 (sub-soil water) 指在地面之下自然出現的水; to provide access thereto for inspection, testing and the
地面水 (surface water) 指流自建築物任何部分 ( 包括附屬任何 clearance of obstructions;
建築物的已鋪面地方或不論是否已鋪面的土地 ) 的雨水; nullah (大溝渠) includes any trained streamcourse;
污水池 (cesspool) 指建造以用作盛載和貯存髒水的地下池; private sewer (私家污水渠) means a sewer which is not a public
污水盆 (slop sink) 指用作或建造以用作盛載固體或液體排泄物 sewer;
的水盆; public channel (公共渠道) means a channel vested in and
污泥 (sludge) 指沉澱於化糞池池底並以厭氧分解法還原的一層 maintained by the Government;
物質; (1980 年第 361 號法律公告 ) public sewer (公共污水渠) means a sewer vested in and
批准 (approved) 指獲建築事務監督批准; maintained by the Government;
沙井 (manhole) 指建於排水渠或污水渠上以提供途徑進行檢 rain water pipe (雨水管) means a pipe used or constructed to
查、測試和清除堵塞物的小室; be used for carrying off surface water directly from roof
私家污水渠 (private sewer) 指並非公共污水渠的污水渠; surfaces, verandahs and balconies;
雨水管 (rain water pipe) 指用作或建造以用作從屋頂表面、外 septic tank (化糞池) means a tank, for the reception of soil and
廊及露台直接排送地面水的喉管; waste from a building, in which the liquification of solid
organic matter occurs; (L.N. 361 of 1980)
便溺污水 (soil) 指自便溺污水設備排出之物;
slop sink (污水盆) means a sink used or constructed to be used for
便溺污水設備 (soil fitment) 指水廁設備、槽式水廁、尿廁、污 receiving solid or liquid excrement;
sludge (污泥) means the layer of material settled to the bottom of
便溺污水管 (soil pipe) 指用作或建造以用作排送便溺污水的喉 a septic tank where reduction by anaerobic decomposition
管; occurs; (L.N. 361 of 1980)
清理孔 (cleaning eye) 指喉管中的開口; soil (便溺污水) means the discharge from a soil fitment;

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《建築物 ( 衞生設備標準、水管裝置、排水工程及廁所 ) 規例》 Building (Standards of Sanitary Fitments, Plumbing, Drainage Works and
Latrines) Regulations

1-5 第I部 Part I 1-6

第 123I 章 第2條 Regulation 2 Cap. 123I

廁所 (latrine) 指用作或擬用作裝置廁所設備的房間; soil fitment (便溺污水設備) means a watercloset fitment, trough

廁所設備 (latrine fitment) 指裝有可移走的排泄物盛器的設備; watercloset, urinal, slop sink, bidet or any similar fitment;
廢水 (waste) 指自廢水設備或相類設備排出的曾經使用的水; soil pipe (便溺污水管) means a pipe used or constructed to be
used for carrying off soil;
廢水設備 (waste fitment) 指浴缸、盥洗盆或並非污水盆的水盆;
sub-soil water (地下水) means water occurring naturally below the
廢水管 (waste pipe) 指用作或建造以用作排送廢水的喉管; surface of the ground;
髒水 (foul water) 指被便溺污水、廢水或工商業污水污染的水。 surface water (地面水) means rain water from any part of a
(2015 年第 191 號法律公告; 2020 年第 3 號編輯修訂紀錄 ) building including any paved area or ground, whether paved
or not, appurtenant to any building;
trade effluent (工商業污水) means any liquid, either with or
without particles of matter in suspension therein, which is
wholly or in part produced in the course of any trade or
waste (廢水) means used water from a waste fitment or similar
waste fitment (廢水設備) means a bath, lavatory basin or sink,
other than a slop sink;
waste pipe (廢水管) means a pipe used or constructed to be used
for carrying off waste;
water authority (水務監督) and waterworks (水務設施) have the
meaning assigned to them by section 2 of the Waterworks
Ordinance (Cap. 102). (L.N. 62 of 1966)
(L.N.191 of 2015)

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23.4.2020 23.4.2020
《建築物 ( 衞生設備標準、水管裝置、排水工程及廁所 ) 規例》 Building (Standards of Sanitary Fitments, Plumbing, Drainage Works and
Latrines) Regulations

2-1 第 II 部 Part II 2-2

第 123I 章 第3條 Regulation 3 Cap. 123I

第 II 部 Part II
衞生設備標準 Standards of Sanitary Fitments
3. 第 II 部的釋義 3. Interpretation of Part II
在本部各條中,除文意另有所指外 —— In the regulations in this Part, unless the context otherwise
工作地點 (workplace) 指 —— requires—
(a) 辦公室; cinema (電影院) means a building or part of a building which is
designed for cinematographic displays; (L.N. 191 of 2015)
(b) 工業經營;
department store (百貨公司) has the meaning given by section
(c) 既非在商場內亦非在百貨公司內的商店;或 2 of Schedule 1 to the Fire Safety (Commercial Premises)
(d) 食 肆 的 食 物 室,前 提 是 該 食 肆 內 的 人 數 ( 按 照 第 Ordinance (Cap. 502); (L.N. 191 of 2015)
8(2)(a) 條釐定者 ) 多於 300 名; (2015 年第 191 號法 factory (工廠) has the meaning given by section 2(1) of the
律公告 ) Factories and Industrial Undertakings Ordinance (Cap. 59);
工業經營 (industrial undertaking) —— (L.N. 191 of 2015)
(a) 具有《工廠及工業經營條例》( 第 59 章 ) 第 2(1) 條所 food room (食物室) has the meaning given by section 3(1) of the
給予的涵義;但 Food Business Regulation (Cap. 132 sub. leg. X); (L.N. 191
(b) 不包括食肆的食物室; (2015 年第 191 號法律公告 ) of 2015)
工 廠 (factory) 具 有《工 廠 及 工 業 經 營 條 例》( 第 59 章 ) 第 2(1) funeral parlour (殯儀館) means a building or part of a building
條所給予的涵義; (2015 年第 191 號法律公告 ) which is designed for performing funeral services; (L.N. 191
of 2015)
公眾娛樂場所 (place of public entertainment) ——
industrial undertaking (工業經營)—
(a) 具有《公眾娛樂場所條例》( 第 172 章 ) 第 2 條所給予
的涵義;但 (a) has the meaning given by section 2(1) of the Factories
and Industrial Undertakings Ordinance (Cap. 59); but
(b) 不包括體育場或電影院; (2015 年第 191 號法律公告 )
(b) does not include a food room of a restaurant; (L.N. 191
百貨公司 (department store) 具有《消防安全 ( 商業處所 ) 條例》 of 2015)
( 第 502 章 ) 附表 1 第 2 條所給予的涵義; (2015 年第 191
號法律公告 ) place of public entertainment (公眾娛樂場所)—
(a) has the meaning given by section 2 of the Places of
Public Entertainment Ordinance (Cap. 172); but
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《建築物 ( 衞生設備標準、水管裝置、排水工程及廁所 ) 規例》 Building (Standards of Sanitary Fitments, Plumbing, Drainage Works and
Latrines) Regulations

2-3 第 II 部 Part II 2-4

第 123I 章 第3條 Regulation 3 Cap. 123I

住宅建築物 (residential building) 指住用建築物,但不包括供任 (b) does not include a sports stadium or cinema; (L.N. 191
何學校部分或全部學生在上課以外的時間居住或寄宿的 of 2015)
任何宿舍、集體寢室或其他房間或處所,不論該宿舍、 religious institution (宗教機構)—
物內或同一建築物群內; (1983 年第 73 號第 3 條 ) (a) means a building or part of a building which is designed
for holding services or saying prayers by congregations
宗教機構 (religious institution) —— loyal to a belief in accordance with the practice of
(a) 指設計用作以下活動的建築物或建築物的一部分: religious principles; and
持某信仰的信眾按照宗教教義的常規,舉行宗教儀 (b) includes a place referred to in paragraph (b) of the
式或進行祈禱;及 definition of Chinese temple in section 2 of the Chinese
(b) 包括《華人廟宇條例》( 第 153 章 ) 第 2 條中華人廟宇 Temples Ordinance (Cap. 153); (L.N. 191 of 2015)
的定義的 (b) 段所提述的地方; (2015 年第 191 號法 residential building (住宅建築物) means a domestic building,
律公告 ) but does not include any hostel, dormitory or other room or
食物室 (food room) 具有《食物業規例》( 第 132 章,附屬法例 X) premises provided for housing or lodging some or all of the
第 3(1) 條所給予的涵義; (2015 年第 191 號法律公告 ) pupils of any school out of school hours, whether such hostel
食 肆 (restaurant) 具 有《食 物 業 規 例》( 第 132 章,附 屬 法 例 X) dormitory or other room or premises is in or is part of the
第 31(2) 條所給予的涵義; (2015 年第 191 號法律公告 ) same building or group of buildings as the classrooms in the
school or not; (73 of 1983 s. 3)
唐樓 (tenement house) 指任何建築物,而在其住用部分有任何
起居室擬供或改裝以供多於一名租客或分租客使用; restaurant (食肆) has the meaning given by section 31(2) of the
Food Business Regulation (Cap. 132 sub. leg. X); (L.N. 191
商場 (shopping arcade) 包括將組成該商場的商店連接的通道;
of 2015)
(2015 年第 191 號法律公告 )
school (學校) has the meaning assigned to it by section 3 of the
電影院 (cinema) 指設計用作電影放映的建築物或建築物的一
Education Ordinance (Cap. 279);
部分; (2015 年第 191 號法律公告 )
shopping arcade (商場) includes the passageways connecting the
實用樓面面積 (usable floor area) 除在第 7A(3)(a) 條外,就建築
shops that form the arcade; (L.N. 191 of 2015)
物而言 ——
sports stadium (體育場) means a building or part of a building
(a) 指該建築物內各層樓面面積的總和;但 which is designed for sporting activities; (L.N. 191 of 2015)
(b) 不包括 —— tenement house (唐樓) means a building in the domestic part of
(i) 該建築物內的任何樓梯、公共通道地方、升降 which any living room is intended or adapted for the use of
機等候處、獨立單位內的廚房或盥洗室;或 more than one tenant or sub-tenant;

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Latrines) Regulations

2-5 第 II 部 Part II 2-6

第 123I 章 第4條 Regulation 4 Cap. 123I

(ii) 符合以下說明的機械所佔用的任何空間︰該機 usable floor area (實用樓面面積), except in regulation 7A(3)(a),

械屬為該建築物而設的升降機,或為該建築物 in relation to a building—
而設的空調或公用設施系統或任何其他相類設 (a) means the aggregate of the areas of the floors in the
施; (2015 年第 191 號法律公告 ) building; but
學校 (school) 具有《敎育條例》( 第 279 章 ) 第 3 條給予該詞的 (b) does not include—
涵義; (2015 年第 191 號法律公告 )
(i) any staircase, public circulation space, lift landing,
殯儀館 (funeral parlour) 指設計用作舉行喪禮的建築物或建築 kitchen in a self-contained flat or lavatory in the
物的一部分; (2015 年第 191 號法律公告 ) building; or
體育場 (sports stadium) 指設計用作體育活動的建築物或建築物 (ii) any space occupied by machinery for a lift, or
的一部分。 (2015 年第 191 號法律公告 ) for the air-conditioning or utility system or any
(1996 年第 196 號法律公告; 2015 年第 191 號法律公告 ) other similar service, provided for the building;
(L.N. 191 of 2015)
workplace (工作地點) means—
(a) an office;
(b) an industrial undertaking;
(c) a shop that is neither within a shopping arcade nor
within a department store; or
(d) a food room of a restaurant, where the number of
persons in the restaurant (determined in accordance with
regulation 8(2)(a)) is more than 300. (L.N. 191 of 2015)
(L.N. 196 of 1996; L.N. 191 of 2015)

4. 住宅建築物 4. Residential buildings

(1) 除第 (2) 款另有規定外,在每幢住宅建築物內 —— (1) Save as provided in paragraph (2), in every residential
(a) 如沒有為男性及女性分開設置水廁,則所設水廁設 building—
備的數目,須不少於表 1 所指明的數目; (a) where separate waterclosets are not provided for
(b) 如有為男性及女性分開設置水廁,則 —— (2015 年 male persons and for female persons, the number of
第 191 號法律公告 ) watercloset fitments provided must be not less than the
number specified in Table 1;

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《建築物 ( 衞生設備標準、水管裝置、排水工程及廁所 ) 規例》 Building (Standards of Sanitary Fitments, Plumbing, Drainage Works and
Latrines) Regulations

2-7 第 II 部 Part II 2-8

第 123I 章 第4條 Regulation 4 Cap. 123I

(i) 為男性而設的水廁設備的數目,須不少於表 2 (b) where separate waterclosets are provided for male
第 1 部所指明的數目;及 persons and for female persons, the number of
(ii) 為女性而設的水廁設備的數目,須不少於表 2 watercloset fitments provided for— (L.N. 191 of 2015)
第 2 部所指明的數目; (i) male persons must be not less than the number
(c) 如有為男性及女性分開設置水廁,並裝有尿廁供男 specified in Part 1 of Table 2; and
性使用,則為男性而設的水廁設備及尿廁的數目, (ii) female persons must be not less than the number
須 不 少 於 表 3 所 指 明 的 數 目;及 (2015 年 第 191 號 specified in Part 2 of Table 2;
法律公告 ) (c) where separate waterclosets are provided for male
(d) 所設盥洗盆的數目及浴缸或淋浴花灑的數目,須不 persons and for female persons and urinals are installed
少於表 4 所指明的數目。 for the use of male persons, the number of watercloset
fitments and urinals provided for male persons must be
not less than the number specified in Table 3; and
(d) the number of lavatory basins, and baths or showers,
provided must be not less than the number specified in
Table 4.

表1 Table 1
水廁設備數目 ( 如沒有為住宅建築物內的男性及女性分 Number of Watercloset Fitments (where Separate
開設置水廁 ) Waterclosets are Not Provided for Male Persons and for
Female Persons in Residential Building)
第1欄 第2欄 Column 1 Column 2
住宅建築物內的人數 水廁設備數目 Number of persons in Number of watercloset
1. 不多於 8 名 1套 residential building fitments
2. 多於 8 名 1 套,並 為 8 名 人 士 以 1. Not more than 8 1
上的每 12 名人士 ( 或不 2. More than 8 1 plus 1 for every 12
足此數者 ),另加 1 套 persons, or part of those
(2015 年第 191 號法律公告 ) persons, over 8
(L.N. 191 of 2015)

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《建築物 ( 衞生設備標準、水管裝置、排水工程及廁所 ) 規例》 Building (Standards of Sanitary Fitments, Plumbing, Drainage Works and
Latrines) Regulations

2-9 第 II 部 Part II 2-10

第 123I 章 第4條 Regulation 4 Cap. 123I

表2 Table 2
水廁設備數目 ( 如有為住宅建築物內的男性及女性分開設 Number of Watercloset Fitments (where Separate
置水廁 ) Waterclosets are Provided for Male Persons and for
Female Persons in Residential Building)

第1部 Part 1
為住宅建築物內的男性而設的水廁設備數目 Number of Watercloset Fitments Provided for Male
Persons in Residential Building
第1欄 第2欄
住宅建築物內的男性人數 水廁設備數目 Column 1 Column 2
1. 不多於 8 名 1套 Number of male persons in Number of watercloset
residential building fitments
2. 多於 8 名 1 套,並 為 8 名 男 性 以
上的每 12 名男性 ( 或不 1. Not more than 8 1
足此數者 ),另加 1 套 2. More than 8 1 plus 1 for every 12
male persons, or part of
those persons, over 8

第2部 Part 2
為住宅建築物內的女性而設的水廁設備數目 Number of Watercloset Fitments Provided for Female
Persons in Residential Building
第1欄 第2欄
住宅建築物內的女性人數 水廁設備數目 Column 1 Column 2
1. 不多於 8 名 1套 Number of female persons in Number of watercloset
residential building fitments
2. 多於 8 名 1 套,並 為 8 名 女 性 以
上的每 12 名女性 ( 或不 1. Not more than 8 1
足此數者 ),另加 1 套 2. More than 8 1 plus 1 for every 12
female persons, or part of
(2015 年第 191 號法律公告 )
those persons, over 8

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《建築物 ( 衞生設備標準、水管裝置、排水工程及廁所 ) 規例》 Building (Standards of Sanitary Fitments, Plumbing, Drainage Works and
Latrines) Regulations

2-11 第 II 部 Part II 2-12

第 123I 章 第4條 Regulation 4 Cap. 123I

(L.N. 191 of 2015)

表3 Table 3
為住宅建築物內的男性而設的水廁設備及尿廁數目 Number of Watercloset Fitments and Urinals Provided
for Male Persons in Residential Building
第1欄 第2欄 第3欄
住宅建築物內的 Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
男性人數 水廁設備數目 尿廁數目 Number of male Number of
1. 不多於 12 名 1套 1個 persons in residential watercloset Number of
building fitments urinals
2. 多於 12 名 1 套, 並 為 1 個, 並 為
12 名 男 性 以 12 名 男 性 以 1. Not more than 1 1
上 的 每 12 名 上 的 每 12 名 12
男性 ( 或不 男性 ( 或不 2. More than 12 1 plus 1 for 1 plus 1 for
足此數者 ), 足此數者 ), every 12 male every 12 male
另加 1 套 另加 1 個 persons, or persons, or
part of those part of those
(2015 年第 191 號法律公告 )
persons, over persons, over
12 12
(L.N. 191 of 2015)

表4 Table 4
住宅建築物內設置的盥洗盆及浴缸或淋浴花灑數目 Number of Lavatory Basins and Baths or Showers
Provided in Residential Building
第1欄 第2欄 第3欄
住宅建築物內的 浴缸或淋浴花 Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
人數 盥洗盆數目 灑數目 Number of persons Number
1. 不多於 8 名 1個 1個 in residential Number of of baths or
building lavatory basins showers
1. Not more 1 1
than 8

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《建築物 ( 衞生設備標準、水管裝置、排水工程及廁所 ) 規例》 Building (Standards of Sanitary Fitments, Plumbing, Drainage Works and
Latrines) Regulations

2-13 第 II 部 Part II 2-14

第 123I 章 第4條 Regulation 4 Cap. 123I

第1欄 第2欄 第3欄 Column 1 Column 2 Column 3

住宅建築物內的 浴缸或淋浴花 Number of persons Number
人數 盥洗盆數目 灑數目 in residential Number of of baths or
2. 多於 8 名 1 個,並 為 8 1 個,並 為 8 building lavatory basins showers
名人士以上 名人士以上 2. More than 8 1 plus 1 for 1 plus 1 for
的 每 12 名 人 的 每 12 名 人 every 12 every 12
士 ( 或不足 士 ( 或不足 persons, or persons, or
此 數 者 ),另 此 數 者 ),另 part of those part of those
加1個 加1個 persons, over persons, over
8 8
(2015 年第 191 號法律公告 )
(2) (a) 就唐樓而言,則在符合 (b) 及 (c) 段條文的規定下, (L.N. 191 of 2015)
可設置供水點以代替盥洗盆及浴缸或淋浴花灑,而 (2) (a) For a tenement house, water supply points may, subject
就第 (1)(d) 款而言,設置一個供水點須當作設置一 to the provisions of subparagraphs (b) and (c), be
個盥洗盆及一個浴缸或淋浴花灑。 provided in lieu of lavatory basins and baths or showers
(b) 如此設置的供水點的數目,須不少於第 (1)(d) 款規 and, for the purposes of paragraph (1)(d), the provision
定在該唐樓內須設置的盥洗盆的數目。 of one water supply point shall be deemed to be the
provision of one lavatory basin and one bath or shower.
(c) 該等供水點須設置在面積不少於 0.75 平方米的獨立
隔室內或設置於水廁內。 (1976 年第 294 號法律公告 ) (b) The number of water supply points so provided shall be
not less than the number of lavatory basins required, by
(d) 就本款而言,為任何廚房的洗滌盆而設的供水並非 paragraph (1)(d), to be provided in the tenement house.
(c) Such water supply points shall be provided in a separate
(3) 按照第 (1) 款的條文設置在任何住宅建築物內的水廁設備 compartment, not less than 0.75 m2 in area, or in a
或水廁設備及尿廁 ( 視屬何情況而定 ),及如按照第 9 條 watercloset. (L.N. 294 of 1976)
在任何住宅建築物內設置廁所設備或廁所設備及尿桶 ( 視
屬何情況而定 ),其所處於建築物內的位置須令建築事務 (d) For the purposes of this paragraph, any supply of water
監督滿意。 provided for a sink in any kitchen shall not be a water
supply point.
(4) 為施行本條 ——
(3) The watercloset fitments or the watercloset fitments and
(a) 住宅建築物內的人數,按以下比率而釐定 —— urinals, as the case may be, provided in any residential
building in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (1),
and, where, in accordance with regulation 9, latrine fitments

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《建築物 ( 衞生設備標準、水管裝置、排水工程及廁所 ) 規例》 Building (Standards of Sanitary Fitments, Plumbing, Drainage Works and
Latrines) Regulations

2-15 第 II 部 Part II 2-16

第 123I 章 第5條 Regulation 5 Cap. 123I

(i) 就唐樓、集體寢室、營房或公寓而言 —— 該唐 or latrine fitments and bucket urinals, as the case may be,
樓、集體寢室、營房或公寓 ( 視屬何情況而定 ) are provided in any residential building, the same shall be
每 3 平方米實用樓面面積容納 1 人;或 situated in the building to the satisfaction of the Building
(ii) 就任何其他住宅建築物而言 —— 該建築物每 9 Authority.
平方米實用樓面面積容納 1 人;及 (2015 年第 (4) For the purposes of this regulation—
191 號法律公告 ) (a) the number of persons in a residential building is to be
(b) 如有為住宅建築物內的男性及女性分開設置水廁, determined—
則該建築物內的男性與女性的比例須當作為 1:1,但 (i) for a tenement house, dormitory, barrack or
如建築事務監督信納該比例並非如此或不會如此則 boarding house—at the rate of 1 person for every 3
除外。 m2 of the usable floor area of the tenement house,
(2015 年第 191 號法律公告 ) dormitory, barrack or boarding house, as the case
may be; or
(ii) for any other residential building—at the rate of 1
person for every 9 m2 of the usable floor area of
the building; and (L.N. 191 of 2015)
(b) where separate waterclosets are provided for male
persons and for female persons in a residential building,
the proportion of male persons to female persons in the
building is, unless the Building Authority is satisfied that
the proportion is or will be otherwise, deemed to be 1:1.
(L.N. 191 of 2015)

5. 工作地點 5. Workplaces
(2015 年第 191 號法律公告 ) (L.N. 191 of 2015)
(1) 除第 (3) 款另有規定外,每個工作地點內 —— (2015 年第 (1) Save as provided in paragraph (3), in every workplace—
191 號法律公告 ) (L.N. 191 of 2015)
(a) 為男性而設的水廁設備及尿廁的數目,須不少於表 (a) the number of watercloset fitments and urinals provided
5 所指明的數目; for male persons must be not less than the number
(b) 為女性而設的水廁設備的數目,須不少於表 6 所指 specified in Table 5;

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《建築物 ( 衞生設備標準、水管裝置、排水工程及廁所 ) 規例》 Building (Standards of Sanitary Fitments, Plumbing, Drainage Works and
Latrines) Regulations

2-17 第 II 部 Part II 2-18

第 123I 章 第5條 Regulation 5 Cap. 123I

(c) 為 —— (b) the number of watercloset fitments provided for female

(i) 男性而設的盥洗盆的數目,須不少於表 7 第 1 persons must be not less than the number specified in
部所指明的數目;及 Table 6; and
(ii) 女性而設的盥洗盆的數目,須不少於表 7 第 2 (c) the number of lavatory basins provided for— (L.N. 191
部所指明的數目。 (2015 年第 191 號法律公告 ) of 2015)
(i) male persons must be not less than the number
specified in Part 1 of Table 7; and
(ii) female persons must be not less than the number
specified in Part 2 of Table 7.

表5 Table 5

為工作地點內的男性而設的水廁設備及尿廁數目 Number of Watercloset Fitments and Urinals Provided for

Male Persons in Workplace
第1欄 第2欄 第3欄
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
男性人數 水廁設備數目 尿廁數目 Number of male
persons in Number of Number of
1. 不多於 10 1套 無
workplace watercloset fitments urinals

1. Not more 1 Nil
2. 11 名 –100 每 25 名 男 性 每 50 名 男 性
than 10
名 ( 或不足此數 ( 或不足此數
者 )1 套 者 )1 個 2. 11–100 1 for every 25 1 for every 50
male persons male persons
3. 多於 100 名 4 套,並為 100 2 個,並為 100
or part of those or part of those
名男性以上的 名男性以上的
persons persons
每 50 名 男 性 每 50 名 男 性
( 或不足此數 ( 或不足此數
者 ), 另 加 1 者 ), 另 加 1
套 個

(2015 年第 191 號法律公告 )

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《建築物 ( 衞生設備標準、水管裝置、排水工程及廁所 ) 規例》 Building (Standards of Sanitary Fitments, Plumbing, Drainage Works and
Latrines) Regulations

2-19 第 II 部 Part II 2-20

第 123I 章 第5條 Regulation 5 Cap. 123I

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3

Number of male
persons in Number of Number of
workplace watercloset fitments urinals
3. More than 4 plus 1 for 2 plus 1 for
100 every 50 male every 50 male
persons, or part persons, or part
of those persons, of those persons,
over 100 over 100

(L.N. 191 of 2015)

表6 Table 6

為工作地點內的女性而設的水廁設備數目 Number of Watercloset Fitments Provided for Female

Persons in Workplace
第1欄 第2欄
工作地點內的女性人數 水廁設備數目 Column 1 Column 2
1. 不多於 10 名 1套 Number of female persons in Number of watercloset
workplace fitments
2. 11 名 –25 名 2套
1. Not more than 10 1
3. 多於 25 名 2 套,並 為 25 名 女 性
以 上 的 每 25 名 女 性 2. 11–25 2
( 或不足此數者 ),另 3. More than 25 2 plus 1 for every 25
加1套 female persons, or part of
those persons, over 25
(2015 年第 191 號法律公告 )
(L.N. 191 of 2015)

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《建築物 ( 衞生設備標準、水管裝置、排水工程及廁所 ) 規例》 Building (Standards of Sanitary Fitments, Plumbing, Drainage Works and
Latrines) Regulations

2-21 第 II 部 Part II 2-22

第 123I 章 第5條 Regulation 5 Cap. 123I

表7 Table 7

工作地點內設置的盥洗盆數目 Number of Lavatory Basins Provided in Workplace

第1部 Part 1

為工作地點內的男性而設的盥洗盆數目 Number of Lavatory Basins Provided for Male Persons

in Workplace
第1欄 第2欄
Column 1 Column 2
工作地點內的男性人數 盥洗盆數目
1. 不多於 100 名 每 25 名男性 ( 或不足 Number of male persons Number of lavatory
此數者 )1 個 in workplace basins

2. 多於 100 名 4 個, 並 為 100 名 男 1. Not more than 100 1 for every 25 male

性 以 上 的 每 50 名 男 persons or part of those
性 ( 或不足此數者 ), persons
另加 1 個 2. More than 100 4 plus 1 for every 50
male persons, or part of
those persons, over 100

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《建築物 ( 衞生設備標準、水管裝置、排水工程及廁所 ) 規例》 Building (Standards of Sanitary Fitments, Plumbing, Drainage Works and
Latrines) Regulations

2-23 第 II 部 Part II 2-24

第 123I 章 第5條 Regulation 5 Cap. 123I

第2部 Part 2

為工作地點內的女性而設的盥洗盆數目 Number of Lavatory Basins Provided for Female Persons

in Workplace
第1欄 第2欄
Column 1 Column 2
工作地點內的女性人數 盥洗盆數目
1. 不多於 100 名 每 25 名女性 ( 或不足 Number of female persons Number of lavatory
此數者 )1 個 in workplace basins

2. 多於 100 名 4 個, 並 為 100 名 女 1. Not more than 100 1 for every 25 female

性 以 上 的 每 50 名 女 persons or part of those
性 ( 或不足此數者 ), persons
另加 1 個 2. More than 100 4 plus 1 for every 50
(2015 年第 191 號法律公告 ) female persons, or part of
those persons, over 100
(2) ( 由 2015 年第 191 號法律公告廢除 )
(3) 如工作地點內的人數 ( 不論是男性、女性或男女俱有 ) 不 (L.N. 191 of 2015)
多於 10 名,須設置不少於一套水廁設備及一個盥洗盆。 (2) (Repealed L.N. 191 of 2015)
(4) 每個工作地點內,為男性而設的水廁設備、尿廁及盥洗 (3) Where, in any workplace, the number of persons (whether
盆,以及為女性而設的水廁設備及盥洗盆,須分別設於 male persons or female persons, or both) does not exceed 10,
男性專用和女性專用的不同房間內。 there must be provided not less than one watercloset fitment
(5) 為施行本條 —— and one lavatory basin.
(a) 工作地點內的人數,按以下比率而釐定 —— (4) In every workplace, the watercloset fitments, urinals and
lavatory basins for male persons and the watercloset fitments
(i) 就辦公室而言 —— 該辦公室每 9 平方米實用樓 and lavatory basins for female persons shall be provided in
面面積容納 1 人; separate rooms exclusively for the use of male persons and
(ii) 就屬分層工廠的工業經營而言 —— 該工廠每 4.5 female persons respectively.
平方米實用樓面面積容納 1 人; (5) For the purposes of this regulation—

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《建築物 ( 衞生設備標準、水管裝置、排水工程及廁所 ) 規例》 Building (Standards of Sanitary Fitments, Plumbing, Drainage Works and
Latrines) Regulations

2-25 第 II 部 Part II 2-26

第 123I 章 第5條 Regulation 5 Cap. 123I

(iii) 就 屬 倉 庫、貨 倉 或 儲 存 地 方 的 工 業 經 營 而 言 (a) the number of persons in a workplace is to be

—— 該倉庫、貨倉或儲存地方 ( 視屬何情況而 determined—
定 ) 每 30 平方米實用樓面面積容納 1 人; (i) for an office—at the rate of 1 person for every 9
(iv) 就既非在商場內亦非在百貨公司內的商店而言 m2 of the usable floor area of the office;
—— 該 商 店 每 15 平 方 米 實 用 樓 面 面 積 容 納 1 (ii) for an industrial undertaking that is a flatted
人;或 factory—at the rate of 1 person for every 4.5 m2 of
(v) 凡食肆內的人數 ( 按照第 8(2)(a) 條釐定者 ) 多 the usable floor area of the factory;
於 300 名,就該食肆的食物室而言 —— 該食物 (iii) for an industrial undertaking that is a warehouse,
室每 4.5 平方米實用樓面面積容納 1 人; (2015 godown or storage area—at the rate of 1 person
年第 191 號法律公告 ) for every 30 m2 of the usable floor area of the
(b) 工業經營 ( 分層工廠、倉庫、貨倉或儲存地方除外 ) warehouse, godown or storage area, as the case
內的人數,由勞工處處長釐定;及 may be;
(c) 工作地點內的男性與女性的比例 —— (iv) for a shop that is neither within a shopping arcade
(i) 就工業經營 ( 分層工廠、倉庫、貨倉或儲存地 nor within a department store—at the rate of 1
方除外 ) 而言 —— 由勞工處處長釐定;及 person for every 15 m2 of the usable floor area of
the shop; or
(ii) 就任何其他工作地點而言 —— 須當作為 1:1。
(2015 年第 191 號法律公告 ) (v) for a food room of a restaurant, where the number
of persons in the restaurant (determined in
(2015 年第 191 號法律公告 ) accordance with regulation 8(2)(a)) is more than
300—at the rate of 1 person for every 4.5 m2 of the
usable floor area of the food room; (L.N. 191 of
(b) the number of persons in an industrial undertaking (other
than a flatted factory, warehouse, godown or storage
area) is to be determined by the Commissioner for
Labour; and
(c) the proportion of male persons to female persons in a
workplace is—
(i) for an industrial undertaking (other than a flatted
factory, warehouse, godown or storage area),
determined by the Commissioner for Labour; and

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《建築物 ( 衞生設備標準、水管裝置、排水工程及廁所 ) 規例》 Building (Standards of Sanitary Fitments, Plumbing, Drainage Works and
Latrines) Regulations

2-27 第 II 部 Part II 2-28

第 123I 章 第6條 Regulation 6 Cap. 123I

(ii) for any other workplace, deemed to be 1:1.

(L.N. 191 of 2015)
(L.N. 191 of 2015)

6. 公眾娛樂場所 6. Places of public entertainment

(1) 每個公眾娛樂場所內 —— (1) In every place of public entertainment— (L.N. 191 of 2015)
(a) 為男性而設的水廁設備及尿廁的數目,須不少於表 (a) the number of watercloset fitments and urinals provided
8 所指明的數目; for male persons must be not less than the number
(b) 為女性而設的水廁設備的數目,須不少於表 9 所指 specified in Table 8;
明的數目;及 (2020 年第 3 號編輯修訂紀錄 ) (b) the number of watercloset fitments provided for female
(c) 為 —— persons must be not less than the number specified in
Table 9; and
(i) 男性而設的盥洗盆的數目,須不少於表 10 第 1
項所指明的數目;及 (c) the number of lavatory basins provided for—
(ii) 女性而設的盥洗盆的數目,須不少於表 10 第 2 (i) male persons must be not less than the number
項所指明的數目。 specified in item 1 of Table 10; and
(ii) female persons must be not less than the number
specified in item 2 of Table 10.

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《建築物 ( 衞生設備標準、水管裝置、排水工程及廁所 ) 規例》 Building (Standards of Sanitary Fitments, Plumbing, Drainage Works and
Latrines) Regulations

2-29 第 II 部 Part II 2-30

第 123I 章 第6條 Regulation 6 Cap. 123I

表8 Table 8

為公眾娛樂場所內的男性而設的水廁設備及尿廁數目 Number of Watercloset Fitments and Urinals Provided for

Male Persons in Place of Public Entertainment
第1欄 第2欄 第3欄
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
的男性人數 水廁設備數目 尿廁數目 Number of male Number of
persons in place of watercloset Number of
1. 不多 400 每 100 名 男 性 每 50 名 男 性
public entertainment fitments urinals
名 ( 或不足此數 ( 或不足此數
者 )1 套 者 )1 個 1. Not more than 1 for every 100 1 for every 50
400 male persons male persons
2. 多於 400 4 套,並為 400 每 50 名 男 性
or part of those or part of
名 名男性以上的 ( 或不足此數
persons those persons
每 250 名 男 性 者 )1 個
( 或不足此數 2. More than 400 4 plus 1 for 1 for every 50
者 ), 另 加 1 every 250 male male persons
套 persons, or or part of
part of those those persons
(2015 年第 191 號法律公告 ) persons, over

(L.N. 191 of 2015)

表9 Table 9

為公眾娛樂場所內的女性而設的水廁設備數目 Number of Watercloset Fitments Provided for Female

Persons in Place of Public Entertainment

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《建築物 ( 衞生設備標準、水管裝置、排水工程及廁所 ) 規例》 Building (Standards of Sanitary Fitments, Plumbing, Drainage Works and
Latrines) Regulations

2-31 第 II 部 Part II 2-32

第 123I 章 第6條 Regulation 6 Cap. 123I

第1欄 第2欄 Column 1 Column 2

公眾娛樂場所內的女性 Number of female
人數 水廁設備數目 persons in place of Number of watercloset
1. 不多於 250 名 每 50 名女性 ( 或不足 public entertainment fitments
此數者 )2 套 1. Not more than 250 2 for every 50 female
2. 多於 250 名 10 套,並 為 250 名 女 persons or part of those
性 以 上 的 每 40 名 女 persons
性 ( 或不足此數者 ), 2. More than 25 10 plus 1 for every 40
另加 1 套 female persons, or part
of those persons, over
(2015 年第 191 號法律公告 )
(L.N. 191 of 2015)

表 10 Table 10

公眾娛樂場所內設置的盥洗盆數目 Number of Lavatory Basins Provided in Place of Public

第1欄 第2欄
公眾娛樂場所內人士 盥洗盆數目 Column 1 Column 2
1. 男性 每 100 名 男 性 ( 或 不 Persons in place of public
足此數者 )1 個 entertainment Number of lavatory basins
2. 女性 每 100 名 女 性 ( 或 不 1. Male persons 1 for every 100 male
足此數者 )1 個 persons or part of those
(2015 年第 191 號法律公告 )
2. Female persons 1 for every 100 female
(2) 每個公眾娛樂場所內,為男性而設的水廁設備、尿廁及 persons or part of those
盥洗盆,以及為女性而設的水廁設備及盥洗盆,須分別 persons
設於男性專用和女性專用的不同房間內。 (2015 年第 191
號法律公告 ) (L.N. 191 of 2015)
(3) 為施行本條 —— (2) In every place of public entertainment, the watercloset
fitments, urinals and lavatory basins for male persons and the
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《建築物 ( 衞生設備標準、水管裝置、排水工程及廁所 ) 規例》 Building (Standards of Sanitary Fitments, Plumbing, Drainage Works and
Latrines) Regulations

2-33 第 II 部 Part II 2-34

第 123I 章 第 6A 條 Regulation 6A Cap. 123I

(a) 公眾娛樂場所內的人數,按以下比率而釐定 —— watercloset fitments and lavatory basins for female persons
(i) 就博物館或展覽廳而言 —— 該博物館或展覽廳 shall be provided in separate rooms exclusively for the use of
( 視屬何情況而定 ) 每 2 平方米實用樓面面積容 male persons and female persons respectively.
納 1 人; (3) For the purposes of this regulation—
(ii) 就跳舞派對的場地而言 —— 該場地內的跳舞範 (a) the number of persons in a place of public entertainment
圍每 0.75 平方米實用樓面面積容納 1 人; is to be determined—
(iii) 就不設座位或設有非固定座位的集會場地或觀 (i) for a museum or exhibition hall—at the rate of 1
眾席而言 —— 該集會場地或觀眾席 ( 視屬何情 person for every 2 m2 of the usable floor area of
況而定 ) 內擬供觀眾或訪客使用的範圍每 0.5 平 the museum or exhibition hall, as the case may be;
方米實用樓面面積容納 1 人;或 (ii) for a venue for a dance party—at the rate of 1
(iv) 就設有固定座位的集會場地或觀眾席而言 —— person for every 0.75 m2 of the usable floor area of
該集會場地或觀眾席 ( 視屬何情況而定 ) 內每 the dancing area in the venue;
個座位容納 1 人;及 (2015 年第 191 號法律公告 ) (iii) for an assembly area or auditorium without seating
(b) 公 眾 娛 樂 場 所 內 的 男 性 與 女 性 的 比 例,須 當 作 為 or with movable seating—at the rate of 1 person
1:1.5。 (2015 年第 191 號法律公告 ) for every 0.5 m2 of the usable floor area of the area
(1996 年第 196 號法律公告 ) intended for use by the spectators or visitors in the
assembly area or auditorium, as the case may be;
(iv) for an assembly area or auditorium with non-
movable seating—at the rate of 1 person for every
seat in the assembly area or auditorium, as the case
may be; and (L.N. 191 of 2015)
(b) the proportion of male persons to female persons in a
place of public entertainment is deemed to be 1:1.5.
(L.N. 196 of 1996; L.N. 191 of 2015)

6A. 體育場 6A. Sports stadia

(1) 每個體育場內 —— (1) In every sports stadium—
(a) 為男性而設的水廁設備及尿廁的數目,須不少於表
11 所指明的數目;

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《建築物 ( 衞生設備標準、水管裝置、排水工程及廁所 ) 規例》 Building (Standards of Sanitary Fitments, Plumbing, Drainage Works and
Latrines) Regulations

2-35 第 II 部 Part II 2-36

第 123I 章 第 6A 條 Regulation 6A Cap. 123I

(b) 為女性而設的水廁設備的數目,須不少於表 12 所指 (a) the number of watercloset fitments and urinals provided
明的數目;及 for male persons must be not less than the number
(c) 為 —— specified in Table 11;
(i) 男性而設的盥洗盆的數目,須不少於表 13 第 1 (b) the number of watercloset fitments provided for female
項所指明的數目;及 persons must be not less than the number specified in
Table 12; and
(ii) 女性而設的盥洗盆的數目,須不少於表 13 第 2
項所指明的數目。 (c) the number of lavatory basins provided for—
(i) male persons must be not less than the number
specified in item 1 of Table 13; and
(ii) female persons must be not less than the number
specified in item 2 of Table 13.

表 11 Table 11

為體育場內的男性而設的水廁設備及尿廁數目 Number of Watercloset Fitments and Urinals Provided for

Male Persons in Sports Stadium
第1欄 第2欄
Column 1 Column 2
水廁設備數目 尿廁數目
1. 每 100 名 男 性 ( 或 不 每 100 名 男 性 ( 或 不 Number of watercloset
足此數者 )1 套 足此數者 )1 個 fitments Number of urinals
1. 1 for every 100 male 1 for every 100 male
persons or part of those persons or part of those
persons persons

表 12 Table 12

為體育場內的女性而設的水廁設備數目 Number of Watercloset Fitments Provided for Female

Persons in Sports Stadium

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《建築物 ( 衞生設備標準、水管裝置、排水工程及廁所 ) 規例》 Building (Standards of Sanitary Fitments, Plumbing, Drainage Works and
Latrines) Regulations

2-37 第 II 部 Part II 2-38

第 123I 章 第 6A 條 Regulation 6A Cap. 123I

1. 每 50 名女性 ( 或不足此數者 )1 套 1. 1 for every 50 female persons or part of those


表 13 Table 13
Number of Lavatory Basins Provided in Sports Stadium
第1欄 第2欄
Column 1 Column 2
體育場內人士 盥洗盆數目
1. 男性 每 100 名男性 ( 或不 Persons in sports stadium Number of lavatory basins
足此數者 )1 個 1. Male persons 1 for every 100 male
persons or part of those
2. 女性 每 100 名女性 ( 或不 persons
足此數者 )1 個
2. Female persons 1 for every 100 female
(2) 每個體育場內,為男性而設的水廁設備、尿廁及盥洗盆, persons or part of those
以及為女性而設的水廁設備及盥洗盆,須分別設於男性 persons
(3) 為施行本條 —— (2) In every sports stadium, the watercloset fitments, urinals and
lavatory basins for male persons and the watercloset fitments
(a) 體育場內的人數,按以下比率而釐定 —— and lavatory basins for female persons must be provided in
(i) 就 不 設 座 位 或 設 有 非 固 定 座 位 的 體 育 場 而 言 separate rooms exclusively for the use of male persons and
—— 該體育場內擬供觀眾使用的範圍每 0.5 平 female persons respectively.
方米實用樓面面積容納 1 人;或 (3) For the purposes of this regulation—
(ii) 就設有固定座位的體育場而言 —— 該體育場內 (a) the number of persons in a sports stadium is to be
每個座位容納 1 人;及 determined—
(b) 體育場內的男性與女性的比例,須當作為 1:1。 (i) for a sports stadium without seating or with
(2015 年第 191 號法律公告 ) movable seating—at the rate of 1 person for every
0.5 m2 of the usable floor area of the area intended
for use by the spectators in the stadium; or

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《建築物 ( 衞生設備標準、水管裝置、排水工程及廁所 ) 規例》 Building (Standards of Sanitary Fitments, Plumbing, Drainage Works and
Latrines) Regulations

2-39 第 II 部 Part II 2-40

第 123I 章 第7條 Regulation 7 Cap. 123I

(ii) for a sports stadium with non-movable seating—at

the rate of 1 person for every seat in the stadium;
(b) the proportion of male persons to female persons in a
sports stadium is deemed to be 1:1.
(L.N. 191 of 2015)

7. 電影院 7. Cinemas
(1) 每間電影院內 —— (1) In every cinema—
(a) 為男性而設的水廁設備及尿廁的數目,須不少於表 (a) the number of watercloset fitments and urinals provided
14 所指明的數目; for male persons must be not less than the number
(b) 為女性而設的水廁設備的數目,須不少於表 15 所指 specified in Table 14;
明的數目;及 (b) the number of watercloset fitments provided for female
(c) 為 —— persons must be not less than the number specified in
Table 15; and
(i) 男性而設的盥洗盆的數目,須不少於表 16 第 1
項所指明的數目;及 (c) the number of lavatory basins provided for—
(ii) 女性而設的盥洗盆的數目,須不少於表 16 第 2 (i) male persons must be not less than the number
項所指明的數目。 specified in item 1 of Table 16; and
(ii) female persons must be not less than the number
specified in item 2 of Table 16.

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《建築物 ( 衞生設備標準、水管裝置、排水工程及廁所 ) 規例》 Building (Standards of Sanitary Fitments, Plumbing, Drainage Works and
Latrines) Regulations

2-41 第 II 部 Part II 2-42

第 123I 章 第7條 Regulation 7 Cap. 123I

表 14 Table 14

為電影院內的男性而設的水廁設備及尿廁數目 Number of Watercloset Fitments and Urinals Provided for

Male Persons in Cinema
第1欄 第2欄 第3欄
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
男性人數 水廁設備數目 尿廁數目 Number of
Number of male watercloset
1. 不多於 1套 每 100 名 男 性
persons in cinema fitments Number of urinals
200 名 ( 或不足此數
者 )1 個 1. Not more 1 1 for every 100
than 200 male persons
2. 201 名 2套 每 100 名 男 性
or part of those
–500 名 ( 或不足此數
者 )1 個
2. 201–500 2 1 for every 100
3. 501 名 3套 每 100 名 男 性
male persons
–1 000 名 ( 或不足此數
or part of those
者 )1 個
4. 多於 3 套, 並 為 每 100 名 男 性
3. 501–1 000 3 1 for every 100
1 000 名 1 000 名 男 性 以 ( 或不足此數
male persons
上的每 500 名男 者 )1 個
or part of those
性 ( 或不足此數
者 ),另加 1 套
4. More than 3 plus 1 for 1 for every 100
1 000 every 500 male male persons
persons, or or part of those
part of those persons
persons, over
1 000

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《建築物 ( 衞生設備標準、水管裝置、排水工程及廁所 ) 規例》 Building (Standards of Sanitary Fitments, Plumbing, Drainage Works and
Latrines) Regulations

2-43 第 II 部 Part II 2-44

第 123I 章 第7條 Regulation 7 Cap. 123I

表 15 Table 15

為電影院內的女性而設的水廁設備數目 Number of Watercloset Fitments Provided for Female

Persons in Cinema
第1欄 第2欄
電影院內的女性人數 水廁設備數目 Column 1 Column 2
1. 不多於 120 名 每 40 名 女 性 ( 或 不 足 此 Number of female Number of watercloset
數者 )1 套 persons in cinema fitments
2. 121 名 –250 名 3 套,並為 120 名女性以 1. Not more than 120 1 for every 40 female
上 的 每 65 名 女 性 ( 或 不 persons or part of those
足此數者 ),另加 1 套 persons
3. 251 名 –420 名 5 套,並為 250 名女性以 2. 121–250 3 plus 1 for every 65
上 的 每 85 名 女 性 ( 或 不 female persons, or part of
足此數者 ),另加 1 套 those persons, over 120
4. 多於 420 名 7 套,並為 420 名女性以 3. 251–420 5 plus 1 for every 85
上 的 每 100 名 女 性 ( 或 female persons, or part of
不足此數者 ),另加 1 套 those persons, over 250
4. More than 420 7 plus 1 for every 100
female persons, or part of
those persons, over 420

表 16 Table 16

電影院內設置的盥洗盆數目 Number of Lavatory Basins Provided in Cinema

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《建築物 ( 衞生設備標準、水管裝置、排水工程及廁所 ) 規例》 Building (Standards of Sanitary Fitments, Plumbing, Drainage Works and
Latrines) Regulations

2-45 第 II 部 Part II 2-46

第 123I 章 第 7A 條 Regulation 7A Cap. 123I

第1欄 第2欄 Column 1 Column 2

電影院內人士 盥洗盆數目 Persons in cinema Number of lavatory basins
1. 男性 每 100 名男性 ( 或不足此 1. Male persons 1 for every 100 male
數者 )1 個 persons or part of those
2. 女性 每 100 名女性 ( 或不足此 persons
數者 )1 個 2. Female persons 1 for every 100 female
persons or part of those
(2015 年第 191 號法律公告 )
(2) 在每間電影院內,為男性而設的水廁設備、尿廁及盥洗
盆,以及為女性而設的水廁設備及盥洗盆,須分別設於 (L.N. 191 of 2015)
男性專用和女性專用的不同房間內。 (2) In every cinema, the watercloset fitments, urinals and
(3) 為施行本條 —— lavatory basins for male persons and the watercloset fitments
and lavatory basins for female persons shall be provided in
(a) 電影院內的人數,按該電影院內每個座位容納 1 人 separate rooms exclusively for the use of male persons and
的比率而釐定;及 (2015 年第 191 號法律公告 ) female persons respectively.
(b) 電 影 院 內 的 男 性 與 女 性 的 比 例,須 當 作 為 1:1.5。 (3) For the purposes of this regulation—
(2015 年第 191 號法律公告 )
(a) the number of persons in a cinema is to be determined
at the rate of 1 person for every seat in the cinema; and
(L.N. 191 of 2015)
(b) the proportion of male persons to female persons in a
cinema is deemed to be 1:1.5. (L.N. 191 of 2015)

7A. 商場及百貨公司 7A. Shopping arcades and department stores

(1) 每個商場或每間百貨公司內 —— (1) In every shopping arcade or department store—
(a) 為男性而設的水廁設備及尿廁的數目,須不少於表 (a) the number of watercloset fitments and urinals provided
17 所指明的數目; for male persons must be not less than the number
(b) 為女性而設的水廁設備的數目,須不少於表 18 所指 specified in Table 17;
明的數目;及 (b) the number of watercloset fitments provided for female
(c) 為 —— persons must be not less than the number specified in
Table 18; and

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Latrines) Regulations

2-47 第 II 部 Part II 2-48

第 123I 章 第 7A 條 Regulation 7A Cap. 123I

(i) 男性而設的盥洗盆的數目,須不少於表 19 第 1 (c) the number of lavatory basins provided for—

部所指明的數目;及 (i) male persons must be not less than the number
(i) 女性而設的盥洗盆的數目,須不少於表 19 第 2 specified in Part 1 of Table 19; and
部所指明的數目。 (ii) female persons must be not less than the number
specified in Part 2 of Table 19.

表 17 Table 17
Number of Watercloset Fitments and Urinals Provided for
Male Persons in Shopping Arcade or Department Store
第1欄 第2欄 第3欄
商場或百貨公司 Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
內的男性人數 水廁設備數目 尿廁數目
Number of male
1. 不多於 500 名 每 125 名 男 每 250 名 男 persons in shopping Number of
性 ( 或不足 性 ( 或不足 arcade or department watercloset Number of
此數者 )1 套 此數者 )1 個 store fitments urinals
2. 多於 500 名 4 套, 並 為 每 250 名 男 1. Not more than 1 for every 1 for every
500 名 男 性 性 ( 或不足 500 125 male 250 male
以 上 的 每 此數者 )1 個 persons or persons or
250 名 男 性 part of those part of those
( 或不足此數 persons persons
者 ), 另 加 1
套 2. More than 500 4 plus 1 for 1 for every
every 250 250 male
male persons, persons or
or part of part of those
those persons, persons
over 500

表 18 Table 18

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Latrines) Regulations

2-49 第 II 部 Part II 2-50

第 123I 章 第 7A 條 Regulation 7A Cap. 123I

為商場或百貨公司內的女性而設的水廁設備數目 Number of Watercloset Fitments Provided for Female

Persons in Shopping Arcade or Department Store
第1欄 第2欄
商場或百貨公司內的 Column 1 Column 2
女性人數 水廁設備數目 Number of female persons
1. 不多於 50 名 每 25 名女性 ( 或不足 in shopping arcade or Number of watercloset
此數者 )1 套 department store fitments
2. 51 名 –125 名 3套 1. Not more than 50 1 for every 25 female
persons or part of those
3. 126 名 –1 800 名 3 套, 並 為 125 名 女 persons
性 以 上 的 每 80 名 女
性 ( 或不足此數者 ), 2. 51–125 3
另加 1 套 3. 126–1 800 3 plus 1 for every 80
4. 多於 1 800 名 24 套,並 為 1 800 名 female persons, or part
女性以上的每 90 名女 of those persons, over
性 ( 或不足此數者 ), 125
另加 1 套 4. More than 1 800 24 plus 1 for every 90
female persons, or part
of those persons, over
1 800

表 19 Table 19

商場或百貨公司內設置的盥洗盆數目 Number of Lavatory Basins Provided in Shopping Arcade

or Department Store

第1部 Part 1

為商場或百貨公司內的男性而設的盥洗盆數目 Number of Lavatory Basins Provided for Male Persons in

Shopping Arcade or Department Store

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《建築物 ( 衞生設備標準、水管裝置、排水工程及廁所 ) 規例》 Building (Standards of Sanitary Fitments, Plumbing, Drainage Works and
Latrines) Regulations

2-51 第 II 部 Part II 2-52

第 123I 章 第 7A 條 Regulation 7A Cap. 123I

第1欄 第2欄 Column 1 Column 2

商場或百貨公司內的 Number of male persons
男性人數 盥洗盆數目 in shopping arcade or Number of lavatory
1. 不多於 500 名 每 125 名 男 性 ( 或 不 department store basins
足此數者 )1 個 1. Not more than 500 1 for every 125 male
2. 多於 500 名 4 個, 並 為 500 名 男 persons or part of those
性 以 上 的 每 250 名 男 persons
性 ( 或不足此數者 ), 2. More than 500 4 plus 1 for every 250
另加 1 個 male persons, or part
of those persons, over

第2部 Part 2

為商場或百貨公司內的女性而設的盥洗盆數目 Number of Lavatory Basins Provided for Female Persons

in Shopping Arcade or Department Store
第1欄 第2欄
商場或百貨公司內的 Column 1 Column 2
女性人數 盥洗盆數目 Number of female persons
1. 不多於 500 名 每 125 名 女 性 ( 或 不 in shopping arcade or Number of lavatory
足此數者 )1 個 department store basins
2. 多於 500 名 4 個, 並 為 500 名 女 1. Not more than 500 1 for every 125 female
性 以 上 的 每 250 名 女 persons or part of those
性 ( 或不足此數者 ), persons
另加 1 個 2. More than 500 4 plus 1 for every 250
female persons, or part
(2) 每個商場或每間百貨公司內,為男性而設的水廁設備、
尿廁及盥洗盆,以及為女性而設的水廁設備及盥洗盆, of those persons, over
須分別設於男性專用和女性專用的不同房間內。 500

(3) 為施行本條 —— (2) In every shopping arcade or department store, the watercloset
fitments, urinals and lavatory basins for male persons and the

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《建築物 ( 衞生設備標準、水管裝置、排水工程及廁所 ) 規例》 Building (Standards of Sanitary Fitments, Plumbing, Drainage Works and
Latrines) Regulations

2-53 第 II 部 Part II 2-54

第 123I 章 第 7A 條 Regulation 7A Cap. 123I

(a) 商場內的人數,按以下比率而釐定 —— watercloset fitments and lavatory basins for female persons
(i) 就 該 商 場 的 地 庫、地 面 層、一 樓 或 二 樓 而 言 must be provided in separate rooms exclusively for the use of
—— 該商場的有關樓層每 3 平方米實用樓面面 male persons and female persons respectively.
積容納 1 人;或 (3) For the purposes of this regulation—
(ii) 就該商場的三樓 ( 或以上樓層 ) 而言 —— 該商 (a) the number of persons in a shopping arcade is to be
場的有關樓層每 4.5 平方米實用樓面面積容納 1 determined—
人; (i) for the basement, ground, first or second floor of
(b) 百貨公司內的人數,按以下比率而釐定 —— the shopping arcade—at the rate of 1 person for
(i) 就該百貨公司的地庫、地面層、一樓或二樓而 every 3 m2 of the usable floor area of the relevant
言 —— 該百貨公司的有關樓層每 3 平方米實用 floor of the shopping arcade; or
樓面面積容納 1 人;或 (ii) for the third floor (or above) of the shopping
(ii) 就該百貨公司的三樓 ( 或以上樓層 ) 而言 —— arcade—at the rate of 1 person for every 4.5 m2
該百貨公司的有關樓層每 4.5 平方米實用樓面 of the usable floor area of the relevant floor of the
面積容納 1 人;及 shopping arcade;
(c) 商場或百貨公司內的男性與女性的比例,須當作為 (b) the number of persons in a department store is to be
1:1.5。 determined—
(4) 在第 (3)(a) 款中 —— (i) for the basement, ground, first or second floor of
the department store—at the rate of 1 person for
實用樓面面積 (usable floor area) 就商場而言 —— every 3 m2 of the usable floor area of the relevant
(a) 指該商場內各層樓面面積的總和;但 floor of the department store; or
(b) 不包括 —— (ii) for the third floor (or above) of the department
(i) 該 商 場 內 的 任 何 樓 梯、升 降 機 等 候 處 或 盥 洗 store—at the rate of 1 person for every 4.5 m2 of
室;或 the usable floor area of the relevant floor of the
department store; and
(ii) 符合以下說明的機械所佔用的任何空間︰該機
械屬為該商場而設的升降機,或為該商場而設 (c) the proportion of male persons to female persons in a
的空調或公用設施系統或任何其他相類設施。 shopping arcade or department store is deemed to be
(2015 年第 191 號法律公告 )
(4) In paragraph (3)(a)—
usable floor area (實用樓面面積), in relation to a shopping

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《建築物 ( 衞生設備標準、水管裝置、排水工程及廁所 ) 規例》 Building (Standards of Sanitary Fitments, Plumbing, Drainage Works and
Latrines) Regulations

2-55 第 II 部 Part II 2-56

第 123I 章 第 7B 條 Regulation 7B Cap. 123I

(a) means the aggregate of the areas of the floors in the

shopping arcade; but
(b) does not include—
(i) any staircase, lift landing or lavatory in the
shopping arcade; or
(ii) any space occupied by machinery for a lift, or for
the air-conditioning or utility system or any other
similar service, provided for the shopping arcade.
(L.N. 191 of 2015)

7B. 宗教機構 7B. Religious institutions

(1) 每個宗教機構內 —— (1) In every religious institution—
(a) 為男性而設的水廁設備及尿廁的數目,須不少於表 (a) the number of watercloset fitments and urinals provided
20 所指明的數目; for male persons must be not less than the number
(b) 為女性而設的水廁設備的數目,須不少於表 21 所指 specified in Table 20;
明的數目;及 (b) the number of watercloset fitments provided for female
(c) 為 —— persons must be not less than the number specified in
Table 21; and
(i) 男性而設的盥洗盆的數目,須不少於表 22 第 1
項所指明的數目;及 (c) the number of lavatory basins provided for—
(ii) 女性而設的盥洗盆的數目,須不少於表 22 第 2 (i) male persons must be not less than the number
項所指明的數目。 specified in item 1 of Table 22; and
(ii) female persons must be not less than the number
specified in item 2 of Table 22.

表 20 Table 20

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Latrines) Regulations

2-57 第 II 部 Part II 2-58

第 123I 章 第 7B 條 Regulation 7B Cap. 123I

為宗教機構內的男性而設的水廁設備及尿廁數目 Number of Watercloset Fitments and Urinals Provided for

Male Persons in Religious Institution
第1欄 第2欄
Column 1 Column 2
水廁設備數目 尿廁數目
Number of watercloset
1. 每 100 名 男 性 ( 或 不 每 100 名 男 性 ( 或 不
fitments Number of urinals
足此數者 )1 套 足此數者 )1 個
1. 1 for every 100 male 1 for every 100 male
persons or part of those persons or part of those
persons persons

表 21 Table 21

為宗教機構內的女性而設的水廁設備數目 Number of Watercloset Fitments Provided for Female

1. 每 50 名女性 ( 或不足此數者 )1 套 Persons in Religious Institution

1. 1 for every 50 female persons or part of those persons

表 22 Table 22

宗教機構內設置的盥洗盆數目 Number of Lavatory Basins Provided in Religious

第1欄 第2欄
宗教機構內人士 盥洗盆數目 Column 1 Column 2
1. 男性 每 100 名 男 性 ( 或 不 Persons in religious Number of lavatory
足此數者 )1 個 institution basins
2. 女性 每 100 名 女 性 ( 或 不 1. Male persons 1 for every 100 male
足此數者 )1 個 persons or part of those

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Latrines) Regulations

2-59 第 II 部 Part II 2-60

第 123I 章 第 7C 條 Regulation 7C Cap. 123I

(2) 每個宗教機構內,為男性而設的水廁設備、尿廁及盥洗 Column 1 Column 2

男性專用和女性專用的不同房間內。 Persons in religious Number of lavatory
institution basins
(3) 為施行本條 ——
2. Female persons 1 for every 100 female
(a) 宗教機構內的人數,按該宗教機構每 0.5 平方米實 persons or part of those
用樓面面積容納 1 人的比率而釐定;及 persons
(b) 宗教機構內的男性與女性的比例,須當作為 1:1.5。
(2) In every religious institution, the watercloset fitments, urinals
(2015 年第 191 號法律公告 ) and lavatory basins for male persons and the watercloset
fitments and lavatory basins for female persons must be
provided in separate rooms exclusively for the use of male
persons and female persons respectively.
(3) For the purposes of this regulation—
(a) the number of persons in a religious institution is to be
determined at the rate of 1 person for every 0.5 m2 of
the usable floor area of the religious institution; and
(b) the proportion of male persons to female persons in a
religious institution is deemed to be 1:1.5.
(L.N. 191 of 2015)

7C. 殯儀館 7C. Funeral parlours

(1) 每間殯儀館內 —— (1) In every funeral parlour—
(a) 為男性而設的水廁設備及尿廁的數目,須不少於表 (a) the number of watercloset fitments and urinals provided
23 所指明的數目; for male persons must be not less than the number
(b) 為女性而設的水廁設備的數目,須不少於表 24 所指 specified in Table 23;
明的數目;及 (b) the number of watercloset fitments provided for female
(c) 為 —— persons must be not less than the number specified in
Table 24; and
(i) 男性而設的盥洗盆的數目,須不少於表 25 第 1
項所指明的數目;及 (c) the number of lavatory basins provided for—

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Latrines) Regulations

2-61 第 II 部 Part II 2-62

第 123I 章 第 7C 條 Regulation 7C Cap. 123I

(ii) 女性而設的盥洗盆的數目,須不少於表 25 第 2 (i) male persons must be not less than the number
項所指明的數目。 specified in item 1 of Table 25; and
(ii) female persons must be not less than the number
specified in item 2 of Table 25.

表 23 Table 23

為殯儀館內的男性而設的水廁設備及尿廁數目 Number of Watercloset Fitments and Urinals Provided for

Male Persons in Funeral Parlour
第1欄 第2欄
Column 1 Column 2
水廁設備數目 尿廁數目
Number of watercloset
1. 每 150 名 男 性 ( 或 不 每 150 名 男 性 ( 或 不
fitments Number of urinals
足此數者 )1 套 足此數者 )1 個
1. 1 for every 150 male 1 for every 150 male
persons or part of those persons or part of those
persons persons

表 24 Table 24

為殯儀館內的女性而設的水廁設備數目 Number of Watercloset Fitments Provided for Female

1. 每 75 名女性 ( 或不足此數者 )1 套 Persons in Funeral Parlour

1. 1 for every 75 female persons or part of those persons

表 25 Table 25

殯儀館內設置的盥洗盆數目 Number of Lavatory Basins Provided in Funeral Parlour

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《建築物 ( 衞生設備標準、水管裝置、排水工程及廁所 ) 規例》 Building (Standards of Sanitary Fitments, Plumbing, Drainage Works and
Latrines) Regulations

2-63 第 II 部 Part II 2-64

第 123I 章 第8條 Regulation 8 Cap. 123I

第1欄 第2欄 Column 1 Column 2

殯儀館內人士 盥洗盆數目 Persons in funeral Number of lavatory
1. 男性 每 300 名 男 性 ( 或 不 parlour basins
足此數者 )1 個 1. Male persons 1 for every 300 male
2. 女性 每 300 名 女 性 ( 或 不 persons or part of those
足此數者 )1 個 persons
2. Female persons 1 for every 300 female
(2) 每間殯儀館內,為男性而設的水廁設備、尿廁及盥洗盆,
以及為女性而設的水廁設備及盥洗盆,須分別設於男性 persons or part of those
專用和女性專用的不同房間內。 persons

(3) 為施行本條 —— (2) In every funeral parlour, the watercloset fitments, urinals and
lavatory basins for male persons and the watercloset fitments
(a) 殯儀館內的人數,按該殯儀館每 0.5 平方米實用樓 and lavatory basins for female persons must be provided in
面面積容納 1 人的比率而釐定;及
separate rooms exclusively for the use of male persons and
(b) 殯儀館內的男性與女性的比例,須當作為 1:1.5。 female persons respectively.
(2015 年第 191 號法律公告 ) (3) For the purposes of this regulation—
(a) the number of persons in a funeral parlour is to be
determined at the rate of 1 person for every 0.5 m2 of
the usable floor area of the funeral parlour; and
(b) the proportion of male persons to female persons in a
funeral parlour is deemed to be 1:1.5.
(L.N. 191 of 2015)

8. 食肆 8. Restaurants
(1) 除第 (1A) 款另有規定外,每間食肆內 —— (1) Subject to paragraph (1A), in every restaurant—
(a) 為男性而設的水廁設備及尿廁的數目,須不少於表 (a) the number of watercloset fitments and urinals provided
26 所指明的數目; for male persons must be not less than the number
(b) 為女性而設的水廁設備的數目,須不少於表 27 所指 specified in Table 26;
(c) 為 ——

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Latrines) Regulations

2-65 第 II 部 Part II 2-66

第 123I 章 第8條 Regulation 8 Cap. 123I

(i) 男性而設的盥洗盆的數目,須不少於表 28 第 1 (b) the number of watercloset fitments provided for female
部所指明的數目;及 persons must be not less than the number specified in
(ii) 女性而設的盥洗盆的數目,須不少於表 28 第 2 Table 27; and
部所指明的數目。 (c) the number of lavatory basins provided for—
(i) male persons must be not less than the number
specified in Part 1 of Table 28; and
(ii) female persons must be not less than the number
specified in Part 2 of Table 28.

表 26 Table 26

為食肆內的男性而設的水廁設備及尿廁數目 Number of Watercloset Fitments and Urinals Provided for

Male Persons in Restaurant
第1欄 第2欄 第3欄
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
人數 水廁設備數目 尿廁數目 Number of Number of
1. 不多於 40 名 1套 1個 male persons watercloset
in restaurant fitments Number of urinals
2. 41 名 –80 名 1套 2個
1. Not more than 40 1 1
3. 81 名 –150 名 2套 3個
2. 41–80 1 2
4. 151 名 –200 名 2套 4個
3. 81–150 2 3
5. 201 名 –300 名 3套 4 個, 並 為
200 名男性以 4. 151–200 2 4
上 的 每 50 名 5. 201–300 3 4 plus 1 for
男性 ( 或不 every 50 male
足此數者 ), persons, or
另加 1 個 part of those
persons, over

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Latrines) Regulations

2-67 第 II 部 Part II 2-68

第 123I 章 第8條 Regulation 8 Cap. 123I

第1欄 第2欄 第3欄 Column 1 Column 2 Column 3

食肆內的男性 Number of Number of
人數 水廁設備數目 尿廁數目 male persons watercloset
6. 301 名 –400 名 4套 6 個, 並 為 in restaurant fitments Number of urinals
300 名男性以 6. 301–400 4 6 plus 1 for
上 的 每 50 名 every 50 male
男性 ( 或不 persons, or
足此數者 ), part of those
另加 1 個 persons, over
7. 401 名 –650 名 5套 8 個, 並 為 300
400 名男性以 7. 401–650 5 8 plus 1 for
上 的 每 50 名 every 50 male
男性 ( 或不 persons, or
足此數者 ), part of those
另加 1 個 persons, over
8. 多於 650 名 5 套, 並 為 13 個, 並 為 400
650 名 男 性 650 名男性以 8. More than 650 5 plus 1 for 13 plus 1 for
以 上 的 每 上 的 每 50 名 every 250 every 50 male
250 名 男 性 男性 ( 或不 male persons, persons, or
( 或不足此 足此數者 ), or part of part of those
數 者 ), 另 另加 1 個 those persons, persons, over
加1套 over 650 650

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《建築物 ( 衞生設備標準、水管裝置、排水工程及廁所 ) 規例》 Building (Standards of Sanitary Fitments, Plumbing, Drainage Works and
Latrines) Regulations

2-69 第 II 部 Part II 2-70

第 123I 章 第8條 Regulation 8 Cap. 123I

表 27 Table 27

為食肆內的女性而設的水廁設備數目 Number of Watercloset Fitments Provided for Female

Persons in Restaurant
第1欄 第2欄
食肆內的女性人數 水廁設備數目 Column 1 Column 2
1. 不多於 60 名 1套 Number of female Number of watercloset
persons in restaurant fitments
2. 61 名 –120 名 2套
1. Not more than 60 1
3. 121 名 –180 名 3套
2. 61–120 2
4. 181 名 –200 名 4套
3. 121–180 3
5. 多於 200 名 4 套, 並 為 200 名 女
性 以 上 的 每 100 名 女 4. 181–200 4
性 ( 或不足此數者 ), 5. More than 200 4 plus 1 for every 100
另加 1 套 female persons, or part
of those persons, over

表 28 Table 28

食肆內設置的盥洗盆數目 Number of Lavatory Basins Provided in Restaurant

第1部 Part 1

為食肆內的男性而設的盥洗盆數目 Number of Lavatory Basins Provided for Male Persons in


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《建築物 ( 衞生設備標準、水管裝置、排水工程及廁所 ) 規例》 Building (Standards of Sanitary Fitments, Plumbing, Drainage Works and
Latrines) Regulations

2-71 第 II 部 Part II 2-72

第 123I 章 第8條 Regulation 8 Cap. 123I

第1欄 第2欄 Column 1 Column 2

食肆內的男性人數 盥洗盆數目 Number of male Number of lavatory
1. 不多於 80 名 1個 persons in restaurant basins
2. 81 名 –120 名 2個 1. Not more than 80 1
3. 121 名 –150 名 3個 2. 81–120 2
4. 多於 150 名 3 個, 並 為 150 名 男 3. 121–150 3
性 以 上 的 每 100 名 男 4. More than 150 3 plus 1 for every 100
性 ( 或不足此數者 ), male persons, or part
另加 1 個 of those persons, over

第2部 Part 2

為食肆內的女性而設的盥洗盆數目 Number of Lavatory Basins Provided for Female Persons

in Restaurant
第1欄 第2欄
Column 1 Column 2
食肆內的女性人數 盥洗盆數目
Number of female Number of lavatory
1. 不多於 120 名 1個
persons in restaurant basins
2. 121 名 –180 名 2個
1. Not more than 120 1
3. 181 名 –250 名 4個
2. 121–180 2
4. 多於 250 名 4 個,並 為 250 名 女
3. 181–250 4
性以上的每 100 名女
性 ( 或不足此數者 ), 4. More than 250 4 plus 1 for every 100
另加 1 個 female persons, or part
of those persons, over
(2015 年第 191 號法律公告 )
(1A) 凡食肆內的人數 ( 按照第 (2)(a) 款釐定者 ) 少於 25 名,就
該食肆而言,如該食肆內有 —— (L.N. 191 of 2015)

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《建築物 ( 衞生設備標準、水管裝置、排水工程及廁所 ) 規例》 Building (Standards of Sanitary Fitments, Plumbing, Drainage Works and
Latrines) Regulations

2-73 第 II 部 Part II 2-74

第 123I 章 第 8A 條 Regulation 8A Cap. 123I

(a) 為男性及女性共同設置 1 套水廁設備及 1 個盥洗盆; (1A) For a restaurant in which the number of persons (determined
及 in accordance with paragraph (2)(a)) is less than 25, the
(b) 為男性設置 1 個尿廁, requirements set out in paragraph (1) are regarded as having
been complied with if, in the restaurant—
即視為已遵守第 (1) 款所列的規定。 (2015 年第 191 號法
律公告 ) (a) 1 watercloset fitment and 1 lavatory basin are provided
for both male persons and female persons; and
(1B) 凡食肆內的人數 ( 按照第 (2)(a) 款釐定者 ) 少於 25 名,如
該食肆內,只有 —— (b) 1 urinal is provided for male persons. (L.N. 191 of 2015)
(a) 為男性及女性共同設置 1 套水廁設備及 1 個盥洗盆; (1B) Where, in a restaurant in which the number of persons
及 (determined in accordance with paragraph (2)(a)) is less than
25, only—
(b) 為男性設置 1 個尿廁,
(a) 1 watercloset fitment and 1 lavatory basin are provided
則該水廁設備及該尿廁,須設於不同房間內。 (2015 年第 for both male persons and female persons; and
191 號法律公告 )
(b) 1 urinal is provided for male persons,
(1C) 每間食肆內 ( 第 (1B) 款適用的食肆除外 ),為男性而設的
水廁設備、尿廁及盥洗盆,以及為女性而設的水廁設備 the watercloset fitment and the urinal must be provided in
及盥洗盆,須分別設於男性專用和女性專用的不同房間 separate rooms. (L.N. 191 of 2015)
內。 (2015 年第 191 號法律公告 ) (1C) In every restaurant (except a restaurant to which paragraph
(2) 為施行本條 —— (1B) applies), the watercloset fitments, urinals and lavatory
basins for male persons and the watercloset fitments and
(a) 食肆內的人數,按該食肆 ( 其食物室除外 ) 每 1.5 平 lavatory basins for female persons must be provided in
方米實用樓面面積容納 1 人的比率而釐定;及 (2015 separate rooms exclusively for the use of male persons and
年第 191 號法律公告 ) female persons respectively. (L.N. 191 of 2015)
(b) 食肆內的男性與女性的比例,須當作為 1:1.5。 (2015 (2) For the purposes of this regulation—
年第 191 號法律公告 )
(a) the number of persons in a restaurant is to be determined
at the rate of 1 person for every 1.5 m2 of the usable
floor area of the restaurant (excluding the food room of
the restaurant); and (L.N. 191 of 2015)
(b) the proportion of male persons to female persons in a
restaurant is deemed to be 1:1.5. (L.N. 191 of 2015)

8A. ( 由 1997 年第 242 號法律公告廢除 ) 8A. (Repealed L.N. 242 of 1997)

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Latrines) Regulations

2-75 第 II 部 Part II 2-76

第 123I 章 第9條 Regulation 9 Cap. 123I

9. 如禁止裝置便溺污水設備則須設置廁所設備等作為代替 9. Where soil fitments prohibited latrine fitments, etc. to be

(1) 如在任何情況下,根據第 89 條的規定禁止裝置便溺污水 provided in lieu thereof, etc.
設備,則須 —— (1) Where, in any case, the installation of soil fitments is, under
(a) 設置廁所設備以代替水廁設備,而廁所設備的數目 regulation 89, prohibited—
須 不 少 於 第 4、5、6、6A、7、7A、7B、7C 或 8 條 (a) latrine fitments shall be provided in lieu of watercloset
( 視屬何情況而定 ) 所規定的水廁設備數目;及 fitments, and the number thereof shall be not less
(b) 設置尿桶以代替尿廁,而尿桶的數目亦同樣須不少 than the number of watercloset fitments required by
於 第 4、5、6、6A、7、7A、7B、7C 或 8 條 ( 視 屬 regulation 4, 5, 6, 6A, 7, 7A, 7B, 7C or 8, as the case
何情況而定 ) 所規定的尿廁數目。 may be; and
(2) 凡 根 據 第 4、5、6、6A、7、7A、7B、7C 或 8 條 須 設 置 (b) bucket urinals shall be provided in lieu of urinals, and,
水廁設備,可設置槽式水廁,而就該等條文而言,每米 likewise, the number thereof shall be not less than the
槽式水廁須當作相等於一套水廁設備。 number of urinals required by regulation 4, 5, 6, 6A, 7,
7A, 7B, 7C or 8, as the case may be.
(3) 凡 根 據 第 4、5、6、6A、7、7A、7B、7C 或 8 條 須 設 置
尿廁,如裝置尿槽,則就該等條文而言,每 0.5 米的尿槽 (2) Where, by regulation 4, 5, 6, 6A, 7, 7A, 7B, 7C or 8,
須當作相等於一個尿廁。 the provision of watercloset fitments is required, trough
waterclosets may be provided and, for the purposes of those
(1976 年第 294 號法律公告; 2015 年第 191 號法律公告 ) regulations, every metre of trough watercloset shall be
deemed to be the equivalent of one watercloset fitment.
(3) Where, by regulation 4, 5, 6, 6A, 7, 7A, 7B, 7C or 8, the
provision of urinals is required, and trough urinals are
installed, every 0.5 m of trough urinals shall, for the purposes
of those regulations, be deemed to be the equivalent of one
(L.N. 294 of 1976; L.N. 191 of 2015)

10. ( 由 2015 年第 191 號法律公告廢除 ) 10. (Repealed L.N. 191 of 2015)

10A. 供水 10A. Supply of water

(1) 凡根據本規例須在任何建築物內設置任何水廁設備、槽 (1) Where under these regulations there is required to be provided
式水廁、廁所設備或尿廁,須有供水永久接駁至該建築 in any building any watercloset fitment, trough watercloset,

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Latrines) Regulations

2-77 第 II 部 Part II 2-78

第 123I 章 第 10A 條 Regulation 10A Cap. 123I

物,而供水就沖洗上述每一水廁設備、槽式水廁、廁所 latrine fitment or urinal, there shall be a permanent connexion

設備或尿廁的用途及所有其他用途而言,在各方面須令 to such building of a supply of water which is satisfactory
人滿意,亦須足夠。 and sufficient in all respects for the purpose of flushing every
(2) 凡根據本規例須在任何建築物內設置任何廢水設備或淋 such watercloset fitment, trough watercloset, latrine fitment or
浴花灑,須有供水永久接駁至該建築物,而供水就上述 urinal and for all other purposes for which such supply is to
每一廢水設備或淋浴花灑所作的用途而言,以及就供水 be used.
所作的所有其他用途而言,在各方面須令人滿意,亦須 (2) Where under these regulations there is required to be provided
足夠。 in any building any waste fitment or shower, there shall be a
(3) 為施行第 (1) 或 (2) 款而接駁供水 —— permanent connexion to such building of a supply of water
which is satisfactory and sufficient in all respects for all the
(a) 須由水務設施接駁供水;或 purposes for which every such waste fitment or shower is to
(b) 如建築事務監督給予書面准許,則須由建築物用地 be used and for all other purposes for which such supply is to
內的水井接駁供水;或 be used.
(c) 如在某個案的所有情況下,建築事務監督信納由水 (3) The connexion of a supply of water for the purposes of
務設施或建築物用地內的水井接駁供水是不合理的, paragraph (1) or (2) shall be—
則須由建築事務監督准許或指示的其他水源接駁供 (a) of a supply of water from the waterworks; or
(b) if the Building Authority gives his permission in writing,
(4) 在決定供水根據本條是否令人滿意和是否足夠時,須顧 of a supply of water from a well within the site of the
及建築物的性質、類型及大小、建造建築物的用途或擬 building; or
的所有用途。 (c) if in all the circumstances of the case the Building
Authority is satisfied that it is not reasonable that the
(5) 在建築事務監督根據第 (3)(b) 款就供水由建築物用地內的 connexion be of a supply of water from the waterworks
水井接駁至該建築物而給予批准之前,或在建築事務監 or from a well within the site of the building, of a
督根據第 (3)(c) 款批准或指示將供水由水務設施或建築物 supply of water from such other source as the Building
用地內水井以外的其他水源接駁至該建築物之前,建築 Authority may permit or direct.
證明是否可由水務設施取得供水,以作接駁或將接駁供 (4) In determining whether a supply of water is satisfactory and
水所作的用途。 sufficient under this regulation, regard shall be had to the
nature, type and size of the building, the purpose for which
(6) 水務監督須於接獲就證明書提出的書面申請後 10 天內, it was constructed or is intended to be or is used and all the
發出第 (5) 款所規定的證明書。 purposes for which the supply of water is or is likely to be
(7) 就本條而言 —— used.

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Latrines) Regulations

2-79 第 II 部 Part II 2-80

第 123I 章 第 10A 條 Regulation 10A Cap. 123I

(a) 如任何水井於 12 月 1 日至翌年 4 月 30 日期間的出 (5) Before the Building Authority gives his permission under
水量 ( 經按照本款確定和核證者 ),就該水井將用作 paragraph (3)(b) for the connexion to a building of a supply
的所有用途而言,在各方面會屬足夠,則該水井的 of water from a well within the site of the building or before
供水即屬令人滿意;及 the Building Authority under paragraph (3)(c) permits or
(b) 水井的出水量須由認可人士以認可的方法在下列期 directs the connexion to a building of a supply of water from
間確定 —— a source other than the waterworks or a well within the site of
the building, there shall be produced to the Building Authority
(i) 在建築事務監督就需要該水井的建築物的建築 by the building owner a certificate from the water authority
工程的展開給予首次同意後第一段在 (a) 段所 as to whether or not a supply of water from the waterworks is
提述的期間確定,或如上述首次同意在該期間 available for the purposes for which such connexion is made
給予,則在該期間確定;或 or to be made.
(6) The water authority shall issue the certificate required under
paragraph (5) within 10 days of receiving an application in
writing therefor.
(7) For the purposes of this regulation—
(a) a supply of water shall be satisfactory if the yield of
water from such well during a period from 1 December
to 30 April next following, as ascertained and certified
in accordance with this paragraph, would be sufficient in
all respects for all the purposes for which the well is to
be used; and
(b) the yield of water from a well shall be ascertained by
the authorized person by a recognized method—
(i) during the first such period referred to in
subparagraph (a), after the first consent to the
commencement of the building works is given by
the Building Authority in respect of the building
for which the well is required or, if such first
consent is given during such a period, then during
such period; or

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Latrines) Regulations

2-81 第 II 部 Part II 2-82

第 123I 章 第 10A 條 Regulation 10A Cap. 123I

(ii) 如建築事務監督作出指示,在建築事務監督就 (ii) if the Building Authority so directs, during any

需要該水井的建築物的建築工程的展開給予首 such period as is referred to in subparagraph (a)
次同意後任何一段在 (a) 段所提述的期間確定; after the first consent to the commencement of the
及 building works is given by the Building Authority
(c) 按 照 (b) 段 確 定 的 水 井 出 水 量 須 由 認 可 人 士 核 in respect of the building for which the well is
證。  (1990 年第 439 號法律公告 ) required; and
(1966 年第 62 號法律公告 ) (c) the yield of water from the well ascertained in
accordance with subparagraph (b) shall be certified by
the authorized person. (L.N. 439 of 1990)
(L.N. 62 of 1966)

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Latrines) Regulations

3-1 第 III 部 Part III 3-2

第 123I 章 第 11 條 Regulation 11 Cap. 123I

第 III 部 Part III

水管裝置 Plumbing
便溺污水設備及廢水設備 Soil fitments and waste fitments

11. 便溺污水的處置 11. Disposal of soil

所有便溺污水須以適當的便溺污水管,妥為引往為排送髒水 All soil shall be properly conducted, by means of suitable soil
而設的排水渠。 pipes, to drains provided for the carriage of foul water.
(1959 年 A107 號政府公告 ) (G.N.A. 107 of 1959)

12. 廢水管 12. Waste pipes

(1) 除第 (2) 及 (3) 款另有規定外,廢水管須於露天地方 —— (1) Save as provided in paragraphs (2) and (3) waste pipes shall
(a) 將水排落或排入位於妥為裝有隔氣彎管的集水溝的 discharge in the open air—
1 米範圍內的適當渠道;  (1976 年第 294 號法律公告 ) (a) over or into a suitable channel within 1 m of a properly
(b) 在集水溝內的水位之上,排水入集水溝;或 trapped gully; (L.N. 294 of 1976)
(c) 排水入適當的廢水斗。 (b) into a gully, above the level of the water therein; or
(2) 盥洗盆的廢水管可排水入 —— (c) into a suitable hopper head.
(a) 緊接在盥洗盆下的適當排水渠道 ( 如該排水渠道排 (2) Waste pipes from lavatory basins may discharge—
入裝有隔氣彎管的集水溝 );或 (a) into a suitable drainage channel immediately below the
(b) 共用的廢水管 ( 如該共用廢水管透過隔氣彎管排水, lavatory basins, if such drainage channel discharges into
並有足夠的途徑供進行清理 )。 a trapped gully; or
(3) 在符合第 25(3) 條條文的規定下,廢水管可接駁至便溺污 (b) into a common waste pipe, if the common waste pipe
水管。 discharges through a trap and has adequate means of
access for cleaning.
(3) Subject to the provisions of regulation 25(3), waste pipes may
be connected to a soil pipe.

13. 建造便溺污水設備的物料 13. Materials for soil fitments

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Latrines) Regulations

3-3 第 III 部 Part III 3-4

第 123I 章 第 14 條 Regulation 14 Cap. 123I

每套便溺污水設備均須以釉面陶土、釉瓷耐火黏土或其他經 Every soil fitment shall be constructed of glazed earthenware,

批准的物料建造。 enamelled fire clay or other approved material.

14. 水廁設備的建造 14. Construction of watercloset fitments

(1) 每套水廁設備 ( 蹲式設備除外 ) 的形狀、容量及建造方式 (1) Every watercloset fitment, other than a squatting type fitment,
須使其可保留足量的水,以及使正常排放的排泄物排入 shall be of such shape, capacity and mode of construction as
水中時不會過分弄污該設備的各邊。 to retain a sufficient quantity of water and to receive normal
(2) 每套水廁設備 ( 蹲式設備除外 ) 須設有鉸接廁座或適當的 deposits of excrement into such water without undue soiling
座緣或座框。 of the sides of the fitment.
(1980 年第 361 號法律公告 ) (2) Every watercloset fitment, other than a squatting type fitment,
shall be provided with a hinged seat or a suitable seat rim or
(L.N. 361 of 1980)

15. 槽式水廁的建造 15. Construction of trough waterclosets

槽式水廁的渠道須不長於 5 米,並須以不少於 1 比 30 的均一 The channel of a trough watercloset shall be not longer than 5 m
斜度向去水隔氣彎管下斜。 and shall have an even fall towards the outlet trap of not less than
(1976 年第 294 號法律公告 ) 1 in 30.
(L.N. 294 of 1976)

16. 尿廁渠道的建造 16. Construction of urinal channels

每個豎式尿廁及槽式尿廁的渠道須以不少於 1 比 120 的均一斜 The channels of every stall and trough urinal shall have an even
度向去水隔氣彎管下斜,而任何該等渠道的任何部分不得距 fall towards the outlet trap of not less than 1 in 120 and no part of
離其排入的隔氣彎管多於 6 米。 any such channel shall be more than 6 m from the trap to which it
(1976 年第 294 號法律公告 ) discharges.
(L.N. 294 of 1976)

17. 沖廁水的供應 17. Flushing water supply

(1) 每一水廁設備、槽式水廁、尿廁及污水盆須設有一個水 (1) A system of plumbing shall be provided for the supply of
管系統,供水作沖廁用途。 water for flushing purposes to every watercloset fitment,
trough watercloset, urinal and slop sink.

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《建築物 ( 衞生設備標準、水管裝置、排水工程及廁所 ) 規例》 Building (Standards of Sanitary Fitments, Plumbing, Drainage Works and
Latrines) Regulations

3-5 第 III 部 Part III 3-6

第 123I 章 第 18 條 Regulation 18 Cap. 123I

(2) 任何該等水管系統的每一部分 ( 包括任何只供貯存沖廁 (2) Every part of any such system of plumbing (including any
用水的貯水箱 ) 須以適合使用於鹹水的物料建造。  (1964 storage tank for water solely for flushing purposes) shall be
年第 113 號法律公告 ) constructed of material that is suitable for use with salt water.
(L.N. 113 of 1964)

18. 沖水圍邊 18. Flushing rim

每一水廁設備、坐盆、盆式尿廁及污水盆須設有適當的沖水 Every watercloset fitment, bidet, basin-type urinal and slop sink
圍邊,以便有效地沖洗該裝置。 shall be provided with a suitable flushing rim for the effectual
flushing of the fitting.

19. 沖廁水箱 19. Flushing cisterns

(1) 除第 20 條另有規定外,每一水廁設備、槽式水廁、尿廁 (1) Save as provided in regulation 20, every watercloset fitment,
及污水盆須設有沖廁水箱。 trough watercloset, urinal and slop sink shall be provided
(2) 該等沖廁水箱 —— with a flushing cistern.
(a) 如用於水廁設備及污水盆,則須 —— (2) Such flushing cistern shall—
(i) 於水廁設備或污水盆每次使用時,將不少於 9 (a) in the case of watercloset fitments and slop sinks—
升亦不多於 14 升的水排入水廁設備或污水盆; (i) discharge to the watercloset fitment of slop sink,
及 on each occasion such fitment is used, not less than
(ii) 設有浮球閥,裝置方式須使水箱可於 2 分鐘內 9 L and not more than 14 L of water; and
重新注滿; (ii) be provided with a ball valve so arranged as to re-
(b) 如用於槽式水廁,則須裝有自動排水器,裝置方式 fill the cistern within 2 minutes;
須使其可 —— (b) in the case of trough waterclosets, be fitted with
(i) 在渠道的最高點排水; automatic discharging apparatus so arranged as to
(ii) 每隔一段按需要而定的時間排水,以確保該水
廁獲足夠的清洗, (i) at the highest point of the channel;
排水量須為每米渠道不少於 9 升; (ii) at such intervals as may be necessary of ensure
adequate cleaning of the closet,
(c) 如用於尿廁,則須裝有自動排水器,裝置方式須使
其可 —— not less than 9 L of water for every metre of the
(i) 就每個廁盆或廁坑排水不少於 4.5 升,或如屬
槽式尿廁,就每米槽道排水不少於 4.5 升;
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Latrines) Regulations

3-7 第 III 部 Part III 3-8

第 123I 章 第 20 條 Regulation 20 Cap. 123I

(ii) 每隔一段按需要而定的時間排水不少於 4.5 升, (c) in the case of urinals, be fitted with automatic
以確保該尿廁獲足夠的清洗。  (1976 年第 294 discharging apparatus so arranged as to discharge—
號法律公告 ) (i) into every basin or stall or, in the case of a trough
urinal, every metre thereof;
(ii) at such intervals as may be necessary to ensure
adequate cleaning of the urinal,
not less than 4.5 L of water. (L.N. 294 of 1976; E.R. 3
of 2020)

20. 壓力閥 20. Pressure valves

如有適當的水壓頭,可裝置壓力閥供沖廁之用,而無須設置 Save in the case of trough waterclosets and urinals, pressure valves
沖廁水箱,但槽式水廁及尿廁除外。 may, where there is a suitable head of water, be installed for
flushing purposes without the provision of a flushing cistern.

21. 沖廁喉管 21. Flushing pipes

沖廁喉管的內徑須符合下列規定 —— The internal diameter of flushing pipes shall—
(a) 就水廁設備、槽式水廁及污水盆而言,沖廁喉管的 (a) in the case of watercloset fitments, trough waterclosets
內徑不少於 32 毫米; and slop sinks, be not less than 32 mm;
(b) 就尿廁 ( 槽式尿廁除外 ) 而言,每個廁盆或廁坑的沖 (b) in the case of urinals (other than trough urinals), be not
廁喉管的內徑不少於 15 毫米;及 less than 15 mm for each basin or stall; and
(c) 就槽式尿廁而言,每米槽道的沖廁喉管的內徑不少 (c) in the case of trough urinals, be not less than 15 mm for
於 15 毫米。 every metre thereof.
(1976 年第 294 號法律公告 ) (L.N. 294 of 1976)

22. 沖廁用水的貯水箱 22. Storage tanks for flushing water

(1) 每幢裝有水廁設備、槽式水廁、尿廁或污水盆的建築物, (1) Storage tanks for water solely for flushing purposes shall be
須設有純粹貯存沖廁用水的貯水箱。 provided in every building in which watercloset fitments,
(2) 每個該等貯水箱須 —— trough waterclosets, urinals or slop sinks are installed.
(a) 設於該等設備之中位置最高的設備的水平之上,或 (2) Every such tank shall—
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Latrines) Regulations

3-9 第 III 部 Part III 3-10

第 123I 章 第 23 條 Regulation 23 Cap. 123I

(b) 裝有適當的緊合封蓋;及 (a) at a position above the level of the highest fitment or on
(c) 設有足夠的清理途徑,以便進入和清理貯水箱。 a suitable water tower;
(b) fitted with a suitable close fitting cover; and
(c) provided with adequate access to enable the tank to be
entered and cleaned.

23. 溢流管 23. Overflow pipes

(1) 每個沖廁水箱及貯水箱須設有溢流管。 (1) Every flushing cistern and water storage tank shall be
(2) 貯水箱的溢流管 —— provided with an overflow pipe.
(a) 內徑須較沖廁水箱或貯水箱的供水管大一個商品管 (2) The overflow pipe from a water storage tank shall—
徑;  (1980 年第 361 號法律公告 ) (a) have an internal diameter of one commercial size larger
(b) 在貯水箱內向下傾斜,使其末端位於貯水箱底之上 than the supply pipe to the cistern or tank; (L.N. 361 of
不多於 150 毫米;及  (1976 年第 294 號法律公告 ) 1980)
(c) 在顯眼位置排水。 (b) dip down, inside the tank, so as to terminate in a
position not more than 150 mm above the bottom of the
tank; and (L.N. 294 of 1976)
(c) discharge in a conspicuous position.

24. 便溺污水設備的隔氣彎管 24. Traps for soil fitments

(1) 每套便溺污水設備須設有適當的隔氣彎管,而隔氣彎管 (1) Every soil fitment shall be provided with a suitable trap with
的水封不得少於 50 毫米。 a water seal of not less than 50 mm.
(2) 每個該等隔氣彎管的內徑須符合下列規定 —— (2) The internal diameter of every such trap shall be not less
(a) 就水廁設備、污水盆或多於 3 個廁盆或廁坑的尿廁 than—
或渠道長逾 2 米的尿廁而言,不少於 80 毫米; (a) 80 mm, in the case of a watercloset fitment, slop sink,
(b) 就多於 1 個但不多於 3 個廁盆或廁坑的尿廁或渠道 or urinal with more than 3 basins or stalls or with a
不長於 2 米的尿廁而言,不少於 50 毫米; channel longer than 2 m;
(c) 就坐盆或單 1 個廁盆或廁坑的尿廁而言,不少於 40 (b) 50 mm, in the case of a urinal with more than one and
毫米;及 not more than 3 basins or stalls or with a channel not
longer than 2 m;
(d) 就槽式水廁而言,不少於 100 毫米。

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Latrines) Regulations

3-11 第 III 部 Part III 3-12

第 123I 章 第 25 條 Regulation 25 Cap. 123I

(1976 年第 294 號法律公告 ) (c) 40 mm, in the case of a bidet or urinal with a single
basin or stall; and
(d) 100 mm, in the case of a trough watercloset.
(L.N. 294 of 1976)

25. 廢水設備的隔氣彎管 25. Traps for waste fitments

(1) 每套廢水設備須在緊接該設備下設有適當的隔氣彎管: (1) Every waste fitment shall be provided immediately under the
但如屬以下情況則無須設有隔氣彎管 —— fitment with a suitable trap:
(a) 該設備的廢水管 —— Provided that a trap shall not be required—
(i) 長度不超逾 1 米;及 (a) where the waste pipe from such fitment—
(ii) 將水排落或排入適當的裝有隔氣彎管的集水溝; (i) does not exceed 1 m in length; and
(b) 就盥洗盆而言,盥洗盆的廢水管以第 12(2) 條所規定 (ii) discharges over or into a suitable trapped gully;
的方式排水; (b) in respect of lavatory basins, where the waste pipes
(c) 就一列花灑沐浴間而言,為其而設的排水渠道於該 therefrom discharge in the manner provided by
排水渠道的最低點設有隔氣彎管。 regulation 12(2);
(2) 除第 (3) 款另有規定外,為廢水設備而設的每個隔氣彎 (c) in respect of a range of shower baths, where the
管 —— drainage channel provided therefor is provided, at its
lowest point, with a trap.
(a) 內徑須不少於 32 毫米;及
(2) Save as provided in paragraph (3), every trap provided for a
(b) 水封須不少於 40 毫米。 waste fitment shall have—
(3) 如廢水設備的廢水管根據第 12(3) 條的條文接駁至便溺污 (a) an internal diameter of not less than 32 mm; and
水管,則為該廢水設備而設的隔氣彎管 ——
(b) a water seal of not less than 40 mm.
(a) 內徑須不少於 32 毫米;
(3) Where the waste pipe from a waste fitment is, under the
(b) 水封須不少於 80 毫米;及 provisions of regulation 12(3), connected to a soil pipe, the
(c) (i) 須有足夠的通風;或 trap provided for the waste fitment shall—
(ii) 建造方式須可防止水封流失。 (a) have an internal diameter of not less than 32 mm;
(1976 年第 294 號法律公告 ) (b) have a water seal of not less than 80 mm; and
(c) be—

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Latrines) Regulations

3-13 第 III 部 Part III 3-14

第 123I 章 第 26 條 Regulation 26 Cap. 123I

(i) adequately ventilated; or

(ii) constructed to prevent loss of water seal.
(L.N. 294 of 1976)

喉管及簷溝 Pipes and eaves gutters

26. 便溺污水管 26. Soil pipes

(1) 水 廁 設 備 或 污 水 盆 的 每 條 便 溺 污 水 管,其 內 徑 須 不 少 (1) The internal diameter of every soil pipe from a watercloset
於 —— fitment or slop sink shall be not less than—
(a) 80 毫米;或  (1976 年第 294 號法律公告 ) (a) 80 mm; or (L.N. 294 of 1976)
(b) 與便溺污水管接駁的任何設備的隔氣彎管去水管的 (b) the internal diameter of the outlet pipe of the trap of any
內徑, fitment to which the soil pipe is connected,
兩者以較大者為準。 whichever is the greater.
(2) 尿廁或坐盆的每條便溺污水管的內徑,須不少於與便溺 (2) The internal diameter of every soil pipe from a urinal or bidet
污水管接駁的任何設備的隔氣彎管去水管的內徑。 shall be not less than the internal diameter of the outlet pipe
(3) 每條便溺污水管須妥為接駁至暗置排水渠,而中途不經 of the trap of any fitment to which the soil pipe is connected.
過任何隔氣彎管。 (3) Every soil pipe shall be properly connected to a covered drain
without the intervention of any trap.

27. 廢水管 27. Waste pipes

(1) 一 套 廢 水 設 備 的 廢 水 所 排 入 的 廢 水 管,其 內 徑 須 不 少 (1) Waste pipes to which the waste from one waste fitment is
於 —— discharged shall have an internal diameter of not less than—
(a) 32 毫米;或  (1976 年第 294 號法律公告 ) (E.R. 3 of 2020)
(b) 與該廢水管接駁的隔氣彎管去水口的內徑, (a) 32 mm; or (L.N. 294 of 1976)
兩者以較大者為準。 (b) the internal diameter of the outlet of the trap to which
the waste pipe is connected,
(2) 多於一套設備的廢水所排入的廢水管,其直徑須足以輸
送所有該等廢水。 whichever is the greater.

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Latrines) Regulations

3-15 第 III 部 Part III 3-16

第 123I 章 第 28 條 Regulation 28 Cap. 123I

(3) 每條廢水管下部的末端須位於廢水管將水排落或排入的 (2) Waste pipes to which the waste from more than one fitment
渠道或裝有隔氣彎管的集水溝之上不多於 150 毫米。 (1976 is discharged shall be of adequate diameter to convey all such
年第 294 號法律公告 ) waste.
(3) Every waste pipe shall terminate at its lower end not more
than 150 mm above the channel or trapped gully over or into
which it discharges. (L.N. 294 of 1976)

28. 便溺污水管及廢水管的彎位 28. Bends in soil and waste pipes

(1) 除非無可避免,否則便溺污水管及廢水管不得有彎位。 (1) Soil pipes and waste pipes shall not have bends therein,
(2) 凡彎位屬無可避免時 —— except where unavoidable.
(a) 彎位 —— (2) Whenever a bend is unavoidable—
(i) 須成一鈍角; (a) the bend shall—
(ii) 曲率半徑須在切實可行範圍內盡量大;及 (i) have an obtuse angle;
(iii) 不得使喉管的橫截面有任何改變;及 (ii) have the largest practicable radius of curvature;
(b) 在彎位或近彎位處須設有清理孔或其他適當的清理
途徑。 (iii) not change in any way the cross section of the
pipe; and
(b) a cleaning eye or other suitable means of access shall be
provided at or near the bend.

29. 便溺污水管及廢水管的清理途徑 29. Access to soil and waste pipes

(1) 便溺污水管及廢水管須藉清理孔或其他經批准的方法而 (1) Sufficient access shall be provided, by means of cleaning
設有足夠的清理途徑,使管內堵塞物得以清除。 eyes or other approved method, to enable soil pipes and waste
(2) 該等清理途徑的位置,須能讓清理棒易於伸入。 pipes to be cleared of any obstruction.
(2) Such access points shall be so sited as to allow clearance for
the easy entry of cleaning rods.

30. 反虹吸管 30. Anti-syphonage pipes

(1) 凡屬以下情況 —— (1) Where—

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Latrines) Regulations

3-17 第 III 部 Part III 3-18

第 123I 章 第 30 條 Regulation 30 Cap. 123I

(a) 有多於一個屬水廁設備、尿廁、污水盆或廢水設備 (a) more than one trap of a watercloset fitment, urinal, slop
的隔氣彎管與一條便溺污水管接駁;或 sink or waste fitment is connected with one soil pipe; or
(b) 有多於一個屬廢水設備的隔氣彎管與一條廢水管接 (b) more than one trap of a waste fitment is connected with
駁, one waste pipe,
該等隔氣彎管須以反虹吸管通風: the traps shall be ventilated by means of anti-syphonage
但如屬廢水設備,而該等設備的隔氣彎管的建造方式能 pipes:
防止水封流失,則除非建築事務監督有所規定,否則無 Provided that if, in the case of waste fitments, the traps to
須設有反虹吸管。 such fitments are constructed to prevent loss of water seal,
(2) 每條反虹吸管須 —— it shall not be necessary to provide an anti-syphonage pipe,
unless the Building Authority so requires.
(a) ( 如隔氣彎管與反虹吸管接駁之處屬於隔氣彎管的組
成部分 ) 與隔氣彎管接駁;或 (2) Every anti-syphonage pipe shall be connected with—
(b) 與 便 溺 污 水 管 分 支 或 廢 水 管 分 支 接 駁,而 接 駁 (a) the trap, if the connexion with the anti-syphonage pipe
處 —— is an integral part of the trap; or
(i) 在水封最接近主要便溺污水管或主要廢水管的 (b) the branch soil pipe or branch waste pipe—
一邊;及 (i) on the side of the water seal nearest the main soil
(ii) 相距隔氣彎管去水口不多於 300 毫米。  (1976 pipe or waste pipe; and
年第 294 號法律公告 ) (ii) at a point not more than 300 mm from the trap
(3) 每條反虹吸管的內徑須符合下列規定 —— outlet. (L.N. 294 of 1976)
(a) 如與其接駁的便溺污水管或廢水管的直徑為 80 毫米 (3) The internal diameter of every anti-syphonage pipe shall—
或以上,則內徑不少於 50 毫米; (a) if the diameter of the soil pipe or waste pipe to which it
(b) 如該便溺污水管或廢水管的直徑少於 80 毫米,則內 is connected is 80 mm or more, be not less than 50 mm;
徑不少於 —— (b) if the diameter of such soil pipe or waste pipe is less
(i) 該便溺污水管或廢水管的內徑的三分之二;或 than 80 mm, be not less than—
(ii) 32 毫米, (i) two-thirds of the internal diameter of such soil pipe
or waste pipe; or
兩者以較大者為準。  (1976 年第 294 號法律公告 )
(ii) 32 mm,
(4) (a) 總反虹吸管可接駁至根據第 31(3) 條作為通風管的便
溺污水管。 (2020 年第 3 號編輯修訂紀錄 ) whichever is the greater. (L.N. 294 of 1976)

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《建築物 ( 衞生設備標準、水管裝置、排水工程及廁所 ) 規例》 Building (Standards of Sanitary Fitments, Plumbing, Drainage Works and
Latrines) Regulations

3-19 第 III 部 Part III 3-20

第 123I 章 第 31 條 Regulation 31 Cap. 123I

(b) 每個該等接駁處須位於與便溺污水管接駁的位置最 (4) (a) The main anti-syphonage pipe may be connected to a
高的衞生設備的溢流水位之上。 soil pipe which, under regulation 31(3), is acting as a
ventilating pipe.
(b) Every such connexion shall be made at a point above
the flood level of the highest fitment connected to the
soil pipe. (E.R. 3 of 2020)

31. 通風管 31. Ventilating pipes

(1) 任何排水渠或污水渠的每條通風管,須向上伸至安裝此 (1) Every ventilating pipe for any drain or sewer shall be carried
管的建築物的屋頂之上不少於 1 米的高度,或如該建築 up to a height not less than 1 m above the roof of the building
物有斜尖屋頂,則須伸至該建築物的屋簷之上不少於 1 to which it is fixed or, where such building has a pitched roof,
米的高度。  (1976 年第 294 號法律公告 ) above the eaves of such building. (L.N. 294 of 1976)
(2) 通風管的安裝方式不得使任何排水渠、污水渠、便溺污 (2) No ventilating pipe shall be so fixed as to permit the escape
水管或廢水管的濁氣散發至任何建築物。 of foul air from any drain, sewer, soil pipe or waste pipe into
(3) 便溺污水管或廢水管可向上伸至安裝此等喉管的建築物 any building.
之上的適當高度,作為任何排水渠或污水渠的通風管。 (3) Soil pipes or waste pipes may be carried up to a suitable
(4) 每條通風管及根據第 (3) 款作為通風管的每條便溺污水管 height above the building to which they are fixed to act as
或廢水管,其內徑須不少於 80 毫米。  (1976 年第 294 號 ventilating pipes for any drain or sewer.
法律公告 ) (4) The internal diameter of every ventilating pipe and of every
(5) 每條通風管開口的一端,須設有適當的格柵,格柵隙縫 soil pipe or waste pipe which, under paragraph (3), is acting
的總面積,須不少於通風管的截面積。 as a ventilating pipe, shall be not less than 80 mm. (L.N. 294
of 1976)
(6) 通風管不得用作排送地面水。
(5) The open end of every ventilating pipe shall be provided with
a suitable grating having apertures of an aggregate area not
less than the sectional area of the pipe.
(6) Ventilating pipes shall not be used for the carriage of surface

32. 雨水管 32. Rain water pipes

(1) (a) 如任何排水渠接駁至為排送地面水而設的公共污水 (1) (a) Every rain water pipe which discharges to a drain which
渠,則每條排水至該排水渠的雨水管 —— is connected to a public sewer provided for the carriage

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Latrines) Regulations

3-21 第 III 部 Part III 3-22

第 123I 章 第 32 條 Regulation 32 Cap. 123I

(i) 如位於建築物外部,須在地面水平之上不多於 of surface water shall—

150 毫米的位置,排落裝有適當隔氣彎管的集 (i) in the case of a rain water pipe situated outside
水溝,或在格柵水平之下、隔氣彎管內水位之 a building, discharge either not more than 150
上的位置,排入裝有隔氣彎管的集水溝;及 mm above the level of the ground over a suitably
(ii) 如位於建築物內部 ( 純粹用作輸送屋頂雨水的 trapped gully or into a trapped gully below the
雨水管除外 ),須妥為裝設有效的隔氣彎管,其 level of the grating but above the level of the water
形狀及安裝方式,須使其能保存不少於 75 毫米 in the trap; and
的 水 封。  (1966 年 第 62 號 法 律 公 告; 1980 年 (ii) in the case of a rain water pipe situated inside a
第 361 號法律公告 ) building (other than a rain water pipe used solely
(b) 每條排水至渠道的雨水管,須在渠道頂部水平之上 for the conveyance of rain water from a roof), be
不多於 150 毫米的高度排水。 properly trapped with an efficient trap which shall
(c) 每條經鑄鐵導管排水至街邊渠道的雨水管,在其底 be so formed and fixed as to maintain a water seal
部須設有落水斜口,以確保由該雨水管排出的任何 of not less than 75 mm. (L.N. 62 of 1966; L.N. 361
地面水,會直接排入導管。 of 1980)
(2) 為任何建築物而設的雨水管的數目及大小,須以每 10 平 (b) Every rain water pipe which discharges to a channel
方米的有蓋水平表面設有 700 平方毫米雨水管的比率計算。 shall discharge at a height not more than 150 mm above
the level of the top of the channel.
(3) 除第 33 條另有規定外,每條雨水管的直徑須不少於 65
毫米。 (c) Every rain water pipe which discharges, through a cast
iron conductor, to the side channel in a street shall be
(4) 雨水管不得與任何便溺污水管、廢水管或通風管接駁。 provided, at the foot thereof, with a shoe so as to ensure
(5) 凡雨水管越過任何行人路排水至街邊渠道,該雨水管須 that any surface water discharged from the pipe will
經鑄鐵導管排水。 discharge directly into the conductor.
(1976 年第 294 號法律公告 ) (2) The number and size of rain water pipes provided for any
building shall be calculated at the rate of 700 mm2 of pipe to
every 10 m2 of horizontal roofed-over surface.
(3) Save as provided in regulation 33, the diameter of every rain
water pipe shall be not less than 65 mm.
(4) Rain water pipes shall not be connected with any soil pipe,
waste pipe or ventilating pipe.

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Latrines) Regulations

3-23 第 III 部 Part III 3-24

第 123I 章 第 33 條 Regulation 33 Cap. 123I

(5) Where a rain water pipe discharges, across any footpath, to

the side channel of a street, it shall discharge through a cast
iron conductor.
(L.N. 294 of 1976)

33. 外廊或露台的雨水管 33. Rain water pipes for verandahs or balconies

(1) 如在適當位置有任何為排送建築物屋頂的地面水而設的 (1) Any rain water pipe provided for the carriage of surface water
雨水管,則任何為排送外廊或露台的地面水而設的雨水 from a verandah or balcony shall, where there is, at a suitable
管須接駁至該雨水管。 position, a rain water pipe provided for the carriage of surface
(2) 如為排送外廊或露台的地面水而設的雨水管排水至街邊 water from the roof of the building, be connected to such
渠道,或按照第 (1) 款接駁至一條如此排水的雨水管,則 pipe.
外廊或露台的雨水管的內徑須不多於 40 毫米。  (1976 年 (2) Where a rain water pipe provided for the carriage of surface
第 294 號法律公告 ) water from a verandah or balcony discharges to the side
channel in a street or is, in accordance with paragraph (1),
connected to a rain water pipe which so discharges, the
internal diameter of the rain water pipe from the verandah or
balcony shall be not more than 40 mm. (L.N. 294 of 1976)

34. 製造喉管的物料 34. Materials for pipes

(1) 每條便溺污水管、廢水管、反虹吸管、通風管、溢流管以 (1) Every soil pipe, waste pipe, anti-syphonage pipe, ventilating
及與任何為排送髒水而設的排水渠接駁的每條喉管 —— pipe, overflow pipe and every pipe connected with any drain
(a) 須為圓形;及 provided for the carriage of foul water shall be—
(b) 須以鑄鐵、鋼、銅或其他經批准的物料製造。 (a) circular in shape; and
(2) 每 條 雨 水 管 須 以 鑄 鐵、 銅 或 其 他 經 批 准 的 物 料 製 (b) constructed of cast iron, steel, copper or other approved
造。  (1986 年第 295 號法律公告 ) material.
(3) 所有該等物料須質佳,且無欠妥之處。 (2) Every rain water pipe shall be constructed of cast iron, copper
or other approved material. (L.N. 295 of 1986)
(3) All such materials shall be sound and free from defects.

35. 喉管等的接駁處 35. Connexions of pipes, etc.

便溺污水管、廢水管、反虹吸管、通風管、雨水管或溢流管與 Every connexion of a soil pipe, waste pipe, anti-syphonage pipe,
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《建築物 ( 衞生設備標準、水管裝置、排水工程及廁所 ) 規例》 Building (Standards of Sanitary Fitments, Plumbing, Drainage Works and
Latrines) Regulations

3-25 第 III 部 Part III 3-26

第 123I 章 第 36 條 Regulation 36 Cap. 123I

任何其他喉管或與隔氣彎管、砌溝或其他裝置 ( 視屬何情況而 ventilating pipe, rain water pipe or overflow pipe with any other
定 ) 的每個接駁處的接駁方式,須適合製造該等喉管及該等其 pipe, or with a trap, gutter or other fitting, as the case may be,
他喉管或隔氣彎管、砌溝或其他裝置所用的物料的性質,並 shall be made in a manner suitable to the nature of the materials of
須使該等喉管水密。 which such pipe and such other pipe or trap, gutter or other fitting
(1959 年 A107 號政府公告 ) are constructed, and so as to be watertight.
(G.N.A. 107 of 1959)

36. 喉管的安裝 36. Fixing of pipes

(1) 每條便溺污水管、廢水管及雨水管須穩妥地安裝在設置 (1) Every soil pipe, waste pipe and rain water pipe shall be
該喉管的建築物的牆壁上。 securely fixed to the wall of the building for which it is
(2) 為容納任何該等喉管而在任何樓面或牆壁上鑽開的任何 provided.
洞口,須在喉管周圍妥為填塞和密封。 (2) Any hole which is made in any floor or wall in order to admit
any such pipe shall be properly filled in and sealed round the

37. 管道內的喉管 37. Pipes in ducts

如便溺污水管、廢水管、反虹吸管、通風管或雨水管安裝在建 Where a soil pipe, waste pipe, anti-syphonage pipe, ventilating
築物的管道內,則須設有檢修門,其大小及位置須使有足夠 pipe, or rain water pipe is fixed in a duct within a building, access
的途徑通往管道內所有喉管接駁處。 panels shall be provided of such size and so situated that adequate
access is available to all pipe connexions within the duct.

38. 簷溝 38. Eaves gutters

(1) 簷溝須 —— (1) Eaves gutters shall be—
(a) 以鑄鐵或其他經批准的物料製造; (a) made of cast iron or other approved material;
(b) 以不少於 1 比 100 的坡度安裝;及 (b) fixed at a gradient not less than 1 in 100; and
(c) 妥為接駁至雨水管。 (c) properly connected to rain water pipes.
(2) 簷溝的大小須以每 7 平方米的有蓋水平表面設有 700 平 (2) The size of eaves gutters shall be calculated at the rate of
方毫米的簷溝橫截面積的比率計算。  (1976 年第 294 號 700 mm2 of cross sectional area of gutter to every 7 m2 of
法律公告 ) horizontal roofed-over surface. (L.N. 294 of 1976)

38A. 英國標準規格及其他國家標準 38A. British Standard Specification and other national standards
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Latrines) Regulations

3-27 第 III 部 Part III 3-28

第 123I 章 第 38A 條 Regulation 38A Cap. 123I

凡任何物料的使用或任何工程的進行受本部所規限,建築事 The Building Authority may permit, in writing and subject to

務監督可按照訂明物料質量或工作質量標準的有關英國標準 such conditions as he may endorse thereon, the use of materials
規格、英國標準作業守則或獲建築事務監督接受的其他國家 or the carrying out of any works that are subject to this Part in
標準,以書面准許使用該物料或進行該工程 ( 但須受書面准許 accordance with a relevant British Standard Specification, British
上所註明條件規限 )。 Standard Code of Practice or other national standard accepted by
(1980 年第 361 號法律公告 ) the Building Authority and that prescribes the quality of material
or standards of workmanship.
(L.N. 361 of 1980)

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《建築物 ( 衞生設備標準、水管裝置、排水工程及廁所 ) 規例》 Building (Standards of Sanitary Fitments, Plumbing, Drainage Works and
Latrines) Regulations

4-1 第 IV 部 Part IV 4-2

第 123I 章 第 39 條 Regulation 39 Cap. 123I

第 IV 部 Part IV
排水工程 Drainage Works
39. 建築物的排水 39. Drainage of buildings
每幢建築物須設有處置由建築物排出的所有髒水及地面水所 Every building shall be provided with such pipes, drains and
需的喉管、排水渠及渠道。 channels as are necessary for the disposal of all foul water and
surface water from the building.

40. 髒水的處置 40. Disposal of foul water

(1) 如任何建築物設有為排送髒水而設的排水渠及私家污水 (1) Drains and private sewers, provided for the carriage of foul
渠,而在該建築物所位處地段的界線的 30 米範圍內的適 water, shall, where there is a public sewer provided for the
當水平及位置,設有為排送髒水而設的公共污水渠,則 carriage of foul water at a suitable level and position within
該等排水渠及私家污水渠須接駁至該公共污水渠。  (1976 30 m of the boundary of the lot on which the building, for
年第 294 號法律公告 ) which such drains or private sewers are provided, is erected,
(2) 如沒有該等公共污水渠,建築事務監督可藉書面命令規 be connected to such public sewer. (L.N. 294 of 1976)
定任何建築物的擁有人設置化糞池、污水池或其他經批 (2) Where there is no such public sewer, the Building Authority
准的設施。  (1980 年第 361 號法律公告 ) may, by order in writing, require the owner of any building
to provide a septic tank, a cesspool or other approved facility.
(L.N. 361 of 1980)

41. 地面水的處置 41. Disposal of surface water

(1) 除第 (2) 款另有規定外,如在任何建築物 30 米範圍內的 (1) Save as provided in paragraph (2), all surface water from
適當水平及位置設有為排送地面水而設的公共污水渠, a building shall, if there is a public sewer, provided for the
則該建築物的所有地面水須藉為排送地面水而設的雨水 carriage of surface water, at a suitable level and position
管及排水渠引入該公共污水渠;或如沒有該等公共污水 within 30 m of the building, be conducted, by means of rain
渠,則須引入為排送地面水而設的公共渠道或引入街邊 water pipes and drains provided for the carriage of surface
渠道,情況須令建築事務監督滿意。  (1976 年第 294 號 water, to such public sewer or, where there is no such public
法律公告 ) sewer, shall be conducted, to the satisfaction of the Building
Authority, to a public channel provided for the carriage of

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Latrines) Regulations

4-3 第 IV 部 Part IV 4-4

第 123I 章 第 42 條 Regulation 42 Cap. 123I

(2) 如沒有該等公共污水渠,亦沒有公共渠道或街邊渠道, surface water or to the side channel in a street. (L.N. 294 of
則須將該等地面水引入河道或大溝渠,情況須令建築事 1976)
務監督滿意。 (2) Where there is no such public sewer and no public channel
or side channel in a street, such surface water shall be
conducted, to the satisfaction of the Building Authority, to a
stream course or nullah.

42. 排送地面水的喉管不得排水流過行人路面 42. Pipes carrying surface water not to discharge across surface of
為排送建築物地面水而設的喉管,不得排水流過街道上任何 footpath
行人路面。 No pipe provided for the carriage of surface water from a building
shall discharge across the surface of any footpath in a street.

43. 地下水的處置 43. Disposal of sub-soil water

為排送地下水而設的排水渠可接駁至為排送地面水而設的私 Drains provided for the carriage of sub-soil water may be
家或公共污水渠或為此而設的排水渠。 connected to a private or public sewer provided for the carriage of
surface water or to a drain provided therefor.

44. 製造排水渠等的物料 44. Materials for drains, etc.

(1) 暗置排水渠 ( 為排送地下水而設的暗置排水渠除外 ) 及暗 (1) Covered drains (except covered drains provided for the
置污水渠,須以良好質佳的釉面陶土、粗陶、混凝土、 carriage of sub-soil water) and covered sewers shall be made
鑄鐵或其他經批准的物料製成的喉管製造。 with good sound pipes of glazed earthenware, stone ware,
(2) 地面上的排水渠及污水渠須以鑄鐵喉管或其他經批准的 concrete, cast iron or other approved material.
物料敷設。  (1980 年第 361 號法律公告 ) (2) Drains and sewers above the ground shall be laid with cast
(3) 建造任何排水渠或污水渠所使用的所有喉管須 —— iron pipes or other approved materials. (L.N. 361 of 1980)
(a) 屬真正圓形; (3) All pipes used in the construction of any drain or sewer
(b) 有平滑的內表面;及
(a) be of true bore;
(c) 不透水。
(b) have smooth internal surfaces; and
(4) 鑄鐵污水管須有適當的瀝青塗層作保護,以防銹和防腐
蝕。 (c) be impervious.
(5) 陶管、粗陶管及混凝土管 ——

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Latrines) Regulations

4-5 第 IV 部 Part IV 4-6

第 123I 章 第 45 條 Regulation 45 Cap. 123I

(a) 如直徑不超逾 150 毫米,則厚度須不少於喉管直徑 (4) Cast iron sewage pipes shall be protected against rust and
的九分之一;及 corrosion by a suitable asphaltic coating.
(b) 如直徑超過 150 毫米,則厚度須不少於喉管直徑的 (5) Earthenware, stone ware and concrete pipes shall—
十二分之一。  (1976 年第 294 號法律公告 ) (a) in the case of pipes with a diameter not exceeding 150
mm, have a thickness equal to not less than one-ninth of
the diameter of the pipe; and
(b) in the case of pipes with a diameter exceeding 150 mm,
have a thickness equal to not less than one-twelfth of
the diameter of the pipe. (L.N. 294 of 1976)

45. 地下水排水渠 45. Sub-soil water drains

為排送地下水而設的排水渠須以瓦管或其他適當喉管建造, Drains provided for the carriage of sub-soil water shall be
並須以足夠的斜度敷設。 constructed with clay field pipes or other suitable pipes and shall
be laid to adequate falls.

46. 排水渠的大小 46. Size of drains

所有排水渠及污水渠的大小,須足以發揮其作用,但不得過 All drains and sewers shall be of adequate, but not excessive, size
大: for the purpose for which they are provided:
但任何暗置排水渠的內徑不得少於 100 毫米。 Provided that no covered drain shall have an internal diameter of
(1976 年第 294 號法律公告 ) less than 100 mm.
(L.N. 294 of 1976)

47. 排水渠及污水渠的敷設 47. Laying of drains and sewers

(1) 所有排水渠及污水渠 ( 為排送地下水而設的排水渠除外 ) (1) All drains and sewers (except drains provided for the carriage
及隔氣彎管,須牢固地敷設在厚度不少於 100 毫米並較 of sub-soil water) and traps shall be firmly laid on a bed of
喉管或隔氣彎管的直徑最少闊 150 毫米的混凝土層上, concrete not less than 100 mm in thickness and at least 150
又以混凝土築建座槽,將混凝土層整個闊度加高至喉管 mm wider than the diameter of the pipe or trap, and shall be
橫向直徑的水平,在該點從混凝土層整個闊度在喉管兩 haunched with concrete so that the full width of the bed is
側向上斜,以切向與管筒相接。  (1976 年第 294 號法律 carried up to the level of the horizontal diameter of the pipe
公告 ) and from that point splayed up on both sides of the pipe from

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Latrines) Regulations

4-7 第 IV 部 Part IV 4-8

第 123I 章 第 47A 條 Regulation 47A Cap. 123I

(2) 所有排水渠及污水渠均須沿管筒的整個長度加以承托, the full width of the bed to meet the pipe barrel tangentially.
並非只在承口承托。 (L.N. 294 of 1976)
(3) 凡在鬆軟的地面敷設任何排水渠或污水渠 —— (2) All drains and sewers shall be supported along the full length
(a) 須為排水渠或污水渠設置足夠承托物;及 of the barrels and not by the sockets.
(b) 喉管須以最少 100 毫米的混凝土完全圍繞,但為排 (3) Where any drain or sewer is laid in soft and yielding
送地下水而設的喉管除外。  (1976 年第 294 號法律 ground—
公告 ) (a) adequate support shall be provided for such drain or
(4) 地面上的鑄鐵管可藉足夠的墩或其他充足的承托物支承, sewer; and
但每個連接處須設有承托物。 (b) save where the same are provided for the carriage of
sub-soil water, the pipes shall be completely surrounded
by at least 100 mm of concrete. (L.N. 294 of 1976)
(4) Cast iron pipes above the ground may be carried on adequate
piers or other sufficient supports, if such support is provided
at each joint.

47A. 集水區內的排水渠及污水渠須水密 47A. Drains and sewers in gathering grounds to be watertight

(1) 位於集水區內為排送建築物的髒水而設的每條排水渠或 (1) Every drain or sewer provided for the carriage of foul water
污水渠須水密 —— from any building which lies within a gathering ground shall
(a) 並須以鑄鐵或其他經批准的物料製成的喉管敷設, be watertight and shall—
其設計和構造須能抵受其相當可能會承受的壓力; (a) be laid in pipes of cast iron or other approved material
(b) 排水渠或污水渠上的檢查箱的構造,須能抵受其相 and be of such design and construction as to be capable
當可能會承受的壓力;及 of resisting the pressure to which it is likely to be
(c) 排水渠或污水渠的每個連接處須以鉛或其他經批准
的物料連接,使排水渠或污水渠能抵受其相當可能 (b) have any hatch box constructed on the drain or sewer so
會承受的壓力。 that the hatch box is capable of resisting the pressure to
which it is likely to be subjected; and
(2) 第 (1) 款所提述的排水渠或污水渠的每個連接處,須以採
用適當的金屬或石棉墊片將凸緣穩妥地栓合的方式連接, (c) have every joint in the drain or sewer made in lead,
或以其他經批准的建造方式連接,使排水渠或污水渠能 or other approved material so as to render the drain or
抵受其相當可能會承受的壓力。 sewer capable of resisting the pressure to which the
drain or sewer is likely to be subjected.

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Latrines) Regulations

4-9 第 IV 部 Part IV 4-10

第 123I 章 第 48 條 Regulation 48 Cap. 123I

(3) 第 (1) 款所提述的排水渠或污水渠須在以下位置設有檢查 (2) Every joint in a drain or sewer referred to in paragraph (1)
箱 —— shall be made by bolting the flanges together securely with
(a) 排水渠或污水渠每隔不超逾 30 米的距離; suitable metallic or asbestos gaskets or shall be of such other
approved construction so as to render the drain or sewer
(b) 如建築事務監督有所規定,在坡度改變之處;及 capable of resisting the pressures to which the drain or sewer
(c) 在排水渠或污水渠方向改變的每一處: is likely to be subjected.
但如方向改變不超逾 10 度,並以特製彎管改變方 (3) Hatch boxes shall be provided to a drain or sewer referred to
向,則無須設置檢查箱。 in paragraph (1)—
(4) 儘管有第 (3) 款的規定,每條排水渠或污水渠不得有多於 (a) at intervals not exceeding 30 m in the drain or sewer;
1 個沙井。 (b) at changes of gradient, if the Building Authority so
(5) 每個檢查箱須以鑄鐵或其他經批准的物料建造,而在頂 requires; and
部須有箱蓋或門穩妥地栓合。 (c) at every change in direction in the drain or sewer:
(6) 在本規例中 —— Provided that no hatch box is required where the change
集水區 (gathering ground) 的涵義與《水務設施條例》( 第 102 章 ) in direction does not exceed 10o and is made by means
中該詞的涵義相同; of a purpose-made bend.
檢查箱 (hatch box) 指在排水渠或污水渠上建造的小室,其大 (4) Notwithstanding paragraph (3), not more than one manhole
小及形狀須易於讓人檢查和測試該排水渠或污水渠,以 shall be permitted in each drain or sewer.
及清除該排水渠或污水渠內的堵塞物。 (5) Every hatch box shall be constructed of cast iron or other
(1980 年第 361 號法律公告 ) approved material and shall have a hatch or door securely
bolted at the top thereof.
(6) In this regulation—
gathering ground (集水區) has the same meaning as in the
Waterworks Ordinance (Cap. 102);
hatch box (檢查箱) means a chamber of such a size and form as
readily allows inspection and testing of the drain or sewer on
which it is constructed and the clearance of obstructions from
the drain or sewer.
(L.N. 361 of 1980)

48. 排水渠的下斜度 48. Falls of drains

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Latrines) Regulations

4-11 第 IV 部 Part IV 4-12

第 123I 章 第 49 條 Regulation 49 Cap. 123I

每條排水渠或污水渠,須按照表 29 規定的最低下斜度,由其 Every drain or private sewer shall be laid with a minimum fall
最高入水口向其與公共污水渠或其他去水口的接駁處下斜的 from its highest inlet to its connexion with a public sewer or other
方式敷設。 outlet in accordance with Table 29.

表 29 Table 29

喉管直徑 下斜度 Diameter of pipe Fall

100 毫米 1 比 40 100 mm 1 in 40
150 毫米 1 比 70 150 mm 1 in 70
225 毫米 1 比 100 225 mm 1 in 100
300 毫米 1 比 150 300 mm 1 in 150

(1976 年第 294 號法律公告; 2015 年第 191 號法律公告 ) (L.N. 294 of 1976; L.N. 191 of 2015)

49. 排水渠的接合處 49. Junction of drains

(1) 如排水渠單一分支與另一條排水渠順水流方向以不多於 (1) The junction of a single branch drain with another drain at
45 度角接合,則可用特製 Y 形管接合。 an angle of not more than 45o in the direction of flow may be
(2) 每條其他排水渠分支與另一條排水渠的接合處須在沙井 made by means of a purpose-made Y junction.
內順該另一條排水渠的水流方向以傾斜角度不多於 60 度 (2) The junction of every other branch drain with another drain
的方式接合,接合處須位於該另一條排水渠的內底之上。 shall be made within a manhole, obliquely at an angle of not
more than 60o in the direction of flow of such other drain, and
shall be above the invert of such other drain.

50. 連接處 50. Joints

(1) 排水渠或污水渠的每個連接處,須以妥當和有效的方式 (1) Every joint in a drain or sewer shall be made in a proper and
連接,使排水渠或污水渠水密,以及能抵受下述距離的 efficient manner so as to render the drain or sewer watertight
水壓頭壓力 —— and capable of resisting a pressure of a head of water of—
(a) 1.5 米;或  (1976 年第 294 號法律公告 ) (a) 1.5 m; or (L.N. 294 of 1976)

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Latrines) Regulations

4-13 第 IV 部 Part IV 4-14

第 123I 章 第 51 條 Regulation 51 Cap. 123I

(b) 喉管連接處的內底水平與緊接該連接處前面的沙井 (b) the vertical distance between the invert level of the
的頂部水平之間的垂直距離, pipe joint and the level of the top of the manhole
兩者以距離較遠者為準。任何該等連接處的物料不得以 immediately preceding the joint,
會導致排水渠或污水渠有任何堵塞的方式伸入任何喉管 whichever is the greater, and no material forming any such
內部。  (1980 年第 361 號法律公告 ) joint shall project into the interior of any pipe in such manner
(2) 鑄鐵套接管的連接處須用麻或紗的墊片連接,並用金屬 as to cause any obstruction in the drain or sewer. (L.N. 361 of
鉛或其他經批准的物料妥為堵縫。 1980)
(3) 鑄鐵凸緣管的連接處須以採用適當的金屬或石棉墊片將 (2) The joints of cast iron socketed pipes shall be made with a
凸緣穩妥地栓合的方式連接。 gasket of hemp or yarn, and shall be properly caulked with
metallic lead or other approved material.
(4) 陶管、粗陶管或混凝土管的連接處,須用麻或紗的墊片,
以及水泥沙漿或其他經批准的物料連接。 (3) The joints of cast iron flanged pipes shall be made by bolting
the flanges together securely with a suitable metallic or
asbestos gasket.
(4) The joints of earthenware, stone ware or concrete pipes shall
be made with a gasket of hemp or yarn, and cement mortar or
other approved material.

51. 排水渠的入水口 51. Inlets to drains

(1) 除第 (2) 款另有規定外,排水渠或污水渠的每個入水口, (1) Subject to paragraph (2), every inlet to a drain or sewer shall
須妥為裝設有效的隔氣彎管,其形狀及安裝方式,須使 be properly trapped by an efficient trap, which shall be so
其能保存不少於 75 毫米的水封。 formed and fixed as to maintain a water seal of not less than
(2) 第 (1) 款不適用於 —— 75 mm.
(a) 便溺污水管或通風管的入口; (2) Paragraph (1) shall not apply—
(b) 排送任何工商業污水的入水口; (a) to an inlet for a soil pipe or a ventilating pipe;
(c) 沒有其他切實可行的接駁方法的情況;或 (b) to an inlet for the carriage of any trade effluent;
(d) 純粹供輸送屋頂雨水用的排水渠的入水口。 (c) where no other means of connexion is practicable; or
(1980 年第 361 號法律公告 ) (d) to an inlet to a drain used solely for the conveyance of
rain water from a roof.
(L.N. 361 of 1980)

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Latrines) Regulations

4-15 第 IV 部 Part IV 4-16

第 123I 章 第 52 條 Regulation 52 Cap. 123I

52. 通風 52. Ventilation

(1) 每條為排送髒水而設的排水渠,須在其最高點設有內徑 (1) Every drain provided for the carriage of foul water shall be
不 少 於 50 毫 米 的 通 風 管,作 為 通 風 之 用。  (1976 年 第 ventilated at its highest point by means of a ventilating pipe
294 號法律公告 ) having an internal diameter of not less than 50 mm. (L.N. 294
(2) 每個裝有隔氣彎管的沙井須有足夠的通風。 of 1976)
(3) 如建築事務監督有所要求,排水渠分支的最高點須有通 (2) Every manhole in which a disconnecting trap is fixed shall be
風。 adequately ventilated.
(3) Branch drains shall be ventilated at their highest point, if the
Building Authority so requires.

53. 通風點之間不得有隔氣彎管 53. No traps between ventilated points

任何排水渠或污水渠上下兩端的通風口之間,不得有任何隔 No trap or other obstruction to the free circulation of air shall be
氣彎管或其他有礙空氣暢順流通的障礙。 placed between the ventilation openings at the lower and higher
ends of any drain or sewer.

54. 建築物之下的排水渠及污水渠等 54. Drains and sewers under buildings, etc.

(1) 所有在建築物之下的排水渠及污水渠,須用鑄鐵污水管 (1) All drains and sewers under a building shall be laid in straight
以直線敷設。 lines and shall be laid with cast iron sewage pipes.
(2) 如有任何排水渠或污水渠是穿過任何建築物而敷設的, (2) Where any drain or sewer is laid through any building, or
或如有任何建築物建於任何排水渠或污水渠上方,則須 where any building is constructed over any drain or sewer,
設置減壓拱或減壓梁,以保護該排水渠或污水渠,以及 relieving arches or beams shall be provided to protect such
避免建築物的荷載傳遞至該排水渠或污水渠。 drain or sewer and to prevent any load from the building
being transmitted to such drain or sewer.

55. 須設置沙井及清理孔 55. Manholes and cleaning eyes to be provided

(1) 以下位置須設置沙井 —— (1) Manholes shall be provided—
(a) 任何排水渠或污水渠方向改變的每一處,但下述情 (a) at every change in direction in any drain or sewer except
況除外 —— where—
(i) 方向改變不超逾 45 度; (i) the change in direction does not exceed 45°;

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Latrines) Regulations

4-17 第 IV 部 Part IV 4-18

第 123I 章 第 56 條 Regulation 56 Cap. 123I

(ii) 彎位的內半徑不少於該排水渠或污水渠內徑的 (ii) the internal radius of the bend is not less than 6
6 倍;及 times the internal diameter of the drain or sewer;
(iii) 以特製喉管改變方向;及 and
(b) 在坡度改變之處 ( 如建築事務監督有所規定 )。 (iii) the change in direction is made by means of a
purpose-made pipe; and
(2) 每條排水渠及污水渠每隔不超逾 60 米的距離須設置沙井
或清理孔。  (1976 年第 294 號法律公告 ) (b) at changes of gradient, if the Building Authority so
(2) Manholes or cleaning eyes shall be provided at intervals not
exceeding 60 m in every drain and sewer. (L.N. 294 of 1976)

56. 沙井的建造 56. Construction of manholes

(1) 每個沙井的大小及形狀,須能讓人易於進入以棒條通渠, (1) Every manhole shall be of such size and form as to allow
並須以下列物料建造 —— ready access for rodding and shall be constructed of—
(a) 最少 215 毫米厚用水泥沙漿黏砌的磚塊; (a) brickwork in cement mortar at least 215 mm in thickness;
(b) 最少 125 毫米厚的混凝土;或  (1990 年第 439 號法 (b) concrete at least 125 mm in thickness; or (L.N. 439 of
律公告 ) 1990)
(c) 其他經批准的不透水物料。  (1976 年第 294 號法律 (c) other approved impervious material. (L.N. 294 of 1976)
公告 ) (2) The foundation of every manhole shall be constructed of
(2) 每 個 沙 井 的 基 礎 須 以 不 少 於 150 毫 米 厚 的 混 凝 土 建 concrete not less than 150 mm in thickness. (L.N. 294 of
造。  (1976 年第 294 號法律公告 ) 1976)
(3) 沙井內在每條排水渠道的水平之上須築有邊槽,以 1 比 2 (3) Benchings shall be formed above the level of every drainage
的坡度向該等渠道下斜。 channel in a manhole to fall towards such channel at a
(4) 每個沙井的邊槽及所有內面,須以水泥沙漿盪面,使表 gradient of 1 in 2.
面平滑和不透水。 (4) The benchings and all the internal faces of every manhole
(5) 沙井內每條排水渠道須有不少於半圈以陶土上釉或以水 shall be rendered with cement mortar so as to provide a
泥盪面,其直徑須不少於沙井最大的排水入口的直徑, smooth and impervious surface.
亦不多於沙井去水口的直徑。 (5) Every drainage channel in a manhole shall be not less than
(6) 沙井的每個排水入口須藉建於沙井邊槽內並妥為製造的 half round glazed earthenware or cement rendered, and shall
彎管,排水至沙井內的排水渠道。 have a diameter not less than that of the largest drainage inlet
into and not more than that of the outlet from the manhole.

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Latrines) Regulations

4-19 第 IV 部 Part IV 4-20

第 123I 章 第 57 條 Regulation 57 Cap. 123I

(7) 每個沙井須在地面的水平裝有強度足夠和設計經批准的 (6) Every drainage inlet to a manhole shall discharge into
鑄鐵氣密蓋: the drainage channel therein with properly made bends
但在建築物之內或之下的每個沙井,須裝有雙重密封的 constructed within the benching of the manhole.
鑄鐵氣密蓋。  (1980 年第 361 號法律公告 ) (7) Every manhole shall be fitted, on a level with the ground
surface, with a cast iron airtight cover of adequate strength
and approved design:
Provided that every manhole inside or under a building
shall be fitted with a double-sealed cast iron airtight cover.
(L.N. 361 of 1980)

57. 存水隔氣彎管 57. Disconnecting traps

(1) 每條為排送髒水而設的排水渠及污水渠,以及每條為排 (1) A suitable and efficient disconnecting trap shall be provided
送地面水而設的排水渠及污水渠,須設有適當和有效的 for every drain and sewer provided for the carriage of
存水隔氣彎管,但如該等排水渠或污水渠接駁至河道或 foul water, and for every drain and sewer provided for the
露天大溝渠,則屬例外。 carriage of surface water except where such drain or sewer is
(2) 如排水渠或污水渠是為一幢或多於一幢建築物而設的, connected to a stream course or an open nullah.
則每個隔氣彎管及裝有該隔氣彎管的沙井,須位於該等 (2) Except under and in accordance with a permit issued under
建築物的一名或多於一名擁有人所擁有的土地上,其位 the Land (Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance (Cap. 28)
置並須在切實可行範圍內盡量接近該排水渠或污水渠接 to occupy Government land thereby, every such trap and
駁至公共污水渠的地方,如排水渠或污水渠是為排送地 the manhole in which it is fixed shall be situated on land
面水而設,並接駁至暗置大溝渠的,則隔氣彎管和沙井 owned by the owner or owners of the building or buildings
的位置須在切實可行範圍內盡量接近該大溝渠,但如有 for which the drain or sewer is provided, at a position as
根據《土地 ( 雜項條文 ) 條例》( 第 28 章 ) 發出的准許證而 near as practicable to the place at which such drain or sewer
根據和按照該准許證佔用政府土地,則屬例外。  (1980 is connected to a public sewer or, in the case of a drain or
年第 361 號法律公告; 1998 年第 29 號第 29 條 ) sewer, provided for the carriage of surface water, which
(3) 每個該等隔氣彎管 —— is connected to a covered nullah, at a position as near as
practicable to the nullah. (L.N. 361 of 1980; 29 of 1998 s. 29)
(a) 須安裝在沙井內;
(3) Every such trap shall be—
(b) 其形狀及安裝方式,須使其有不少於 75 毫米的水
封;及  (1976 年第 294 號法律公告 ) (a) fixed within a manhole;
(c) 須設有作為隔氣彎管組成部分的清理孔。 (b) so formed and fixed as to have a water seal of not less
than 75 mm; and (L.N. 294 of 1976)

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Latrines) Regulations

4-21 第 IV 部 Part IV 4-22

第 123I 章 第 58 條 Regulation 58 Cap. 123I

(c) provided, as an integral part of the trap, with a cleaning


58. 集水溝 58. Gullies

(1) 裝有隔氣彎管的集水明溝須蓋上適當的格柵,格柵開口 (1) Open trapped gullies shall be covered with a suitable grating
的面積須不少於隔氣彎管去水口的橫截面面積。 having openings equal to an area not less than the cross
(2) 如使用裝有隔氣彎管的密封集水溝,則須有足夠的設備, sectional area of the outlet of the trap.
供隔氣彎管水位之上的空間作通風之用。 (2) Where sealed trapped gullies are used, adequate provision
shall be made for the ventilation of the space above the water
level of the trap.

59. 清理孔 59. Cleaning eyes

每個清理孔 —— Every cleaning eye shall be—
(a) 須裝有封蓋,使清理孔氣密和水密;及 (a) fitted with a cover, in order to make the cleaning eye
(b) 其大小須能容易伸入清理棒。 airtight and watertight; and
(b) of such size as to allow easy entry for cleaning rods.

60. 排水渠坑道的填塞 60. Filling in of drainage trenches

(1) 敷設有排水渠或污水渠的所有坑道,須用泥土小心填塞 (1) All trenches in which drains or sewers have been laid shall
排水渠或污水渠的周圍和上面,而該等泥土須經小心壓 be carefully filled in, around and above the drains or sewers,
實和加固。 with earth which shall be carefully rammed and consolidated.
(2) 任何不能穿過 50 毫米圈環的石頭或其他物料,不得置 (2) No stones or other material which will not pass through a 50
於任何該等坑道內排水渠或污水渠頂部 300 毫米的範圍 mm ring shall be deposited in any such trench within 300 mm
內。  (1976 年第 294 號法律公告 ) of the top of any drain or sewer. (L.N. 294 of 1976)

61. 地面水渠道 61. Surface water channels

(1) 為排送地面水而設的渠道,須大小恰當,並以經批准的 (1) Channels provided for the carriage of surface water shall
不透水物料建造,經修整 至 平 滑,且 以 不 少 於 1 比 100 be of adequate size, constructed of approved impervious
的坡度敷設。 material, finished off smooth and laid to a gradient of not less
(2) 渠道須設有適當的柵檔,以防止沙、粉沙及其他泥石進 than 1 in 100.
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Latrines) Regulations

4-23 第 IV 部 Part IV 4-24

第 123I 章 第 61 條 Regulation 61 Cap. 123I

(3) 為排送地面水而設的渠道在行人路上的封蓋,須與行人 (2) Suitable grilles shall be provided to prevent sand, silt and
路路面齊平,而該等封蓋之上或蓋與蓋之間的任何洞口, other debris from entering any public sewer, public channel,
任何一邊的尺寸不得超逾 20 毫米。  (1984 年第 366 號法 nullah or stream course.
律公告 ) (3) A cover in a foot-path to a channel for the carriage of surface
water shall be flush with the path surface and any hole in
such cover or between such cover and another shall not
exceed 20 mm in one dimension. (L.N. 366 of 1984)

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Latrines) Regulations

5-1 第V部 Part V 5-2

第 123I 章 第 62 條 Regulation 62 Cap. 123I

第V部 Part V
化糞池 Septic Tanks
62. 污水的處置 62. Disposal of effluent
(1) 任何建築物的擁有人如將裝置化糞池,須將擬採取的處 (1) The owner of any building who is about to install a septic
置化糞池污水及污泥的方法,呈交建築事務監督批准。 tank shall submit to the Building Authority for his approval
(2) 建築事務監督如認為建議採取的一種或多於一種方法相 the methods by which it is intended to dispose of the effluent
當可能會造成滋擾或相當可能危害健康,則不得予以批 and sludge from the septic tank.
准。 (2) The Building Authority shall not give his approval thereof
(1980 年第 361 號法律公告 ) if, in his opinion, the method or methods proposed is or are
likely to cause a nuisance or injury to health.
(L.N. 361 of 1980)

63. 化糞池的位置 63. Situation of septic tank

(1) 如任何水泉、水流或水井的水是用作或相當可能會用作 (1) No septic tank shall be situated within 18 m of any spring,
以下用途的:飲用或家居用途;製造或配製供人食用的 stream of water or well, the water from which is used or
食品或供人飲用的飲品;或清洗製造或配製該等食品或 likely to be used for drinking or domestic purposes or for the
飲品所使用的器皿;則任何化糞池不得位於該水泉、水 manufacture or preparation of articles of food or drink for
流或水井的 18 米範圍內。  (1976 年第 294 號法律公告 ) human consumption or for the cleansing of vessels used in
(2) 每個化糞池的位置,須使污泥可藉經批准的方法移走。 the manufacture or preparation of such articles. (L.N. 294 of
(1980 年第 361 號法律公告 )
(2) Every septic tank shall be so situated that the removal of
sludge can be carried out by an approved method.
(L.N. 361 of 1980)

64. 設計 64. Design

除本規例另有條文規定外,每個化糞池連同用以處置化糞池 Save insofar as provision is made therefor in these regulations,
污水的任何附帶裝置的設計,須經建築事務監督批准。 every septic tank together with any ancillary installation for the
(1980 年第 361 號法律公告 )
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Latrines) Regulations

5-3 第V部 Part V 5-4

第 123I 章 第 65 條 Regulation 65 Cap. 123I

disposal of septic tank effluent shall be of such design as the

Building Authority may approve.
(L.N. 361 of 1980)

65. 容量 65. Capacity

(1) 每個化糞池的最少容量,由建築事務監督按第 (2) 款所訂 (1) Every septic tank shall have such minimum capacity as
明的方式釐定: shall be determined by the Building Authority in the manner
但任何化糞池的容量不得少於 2.3 立方米或多於 41 立方 prescribed by paragraph (2):
米。  (1976 年第 294 號法律公告 ) Provided that no septic tank shall have a capacity of less than
(2) (a) 化糞池的容量,須能貯存在任何一天內排放入該池 2.3 m3 or more than 41 m3. (L.N. 294 of 1976)
的便溺污水及廢水。 (2) (a) The septic tank shall be of such capacity as to be
(b) 便溺污水及廢水的排放量,須按照建築事務監督認 capable of storing the quantity of soil and waste
為就建築物的類型、大小及用途而言屬恰當的飲用 discharged thereto during any one day.
水及沖廁水用水量而計算。  (1980 年第 361 號法律 (b) The quantity of soil and waste discharged shall be
公告 ) calculated according to the rate of consumption of
(3) 為施行本條,使用或相當可能會使用裝置在任何建築物 potable and flushing water which, in the opinion of the
內的便溺污水設備及廢水設備的人數,由建築事務監督 Building Authority, is appropriate to the type, size and
釐定。 use of the building. (L.N. 361 of 1980)
(1980 年第 361 號法律公告 ) (3) For the purposes of this regulation, the number of persons
using or likely to use the soil and waste fitments installed in
any building shall be determined by the Building Authority.
(L.N. 361 of 1980)

66. 建造 66. Construction

(1) 每個化糞池 —— (1) Every septic tank shall—
(a) 由入水口內底至化糞池底部之間的深度最少須為 1.2 (a) have a depth of at least 1.2 m but not more than 1.8 m
米,但不得多於 1.8 米; from the invert of the inlet to the floor of the tank;
(b) 長度須不少於其闊度的 3 倍,但不得多於其闊度的 (b) have a length not less than 3 times but not more than 4
4 倍; times its width;

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Latrines) Regulations

5-5 第V部 Part V 5-6

第 123I 章 第 67 條 Regulation 67 Cap. 123I

(c) 須設有足夠的進出途徑,以供檢查和潔淨每一個間 (c) be provided with adequate means of access for the
隔。  (1980 年第 361 號法律公告 ) inspection and cleansing of each chamber. (L.N. 361 of
(2) 每個化糞池的四邊須以下列物料建造 —— 1980)
(a) 不少於 215 毫米厚用水泥沙漿黏砌的磚塊; (2) The sides of every septic tank shall be constructed of—
(b) 不少於 125 毫米厚的混凝土;或  (1990 年第 439 號 (a) brickwork in cement mortar not less than 215 mm thick;
法律公告 ) (b) concrete not less than 125 mm thick; or (L.N. 439 of
(c) 其他經批准的物料。 1990)
(3) 每個化糞池的基礎及底部,須以不少於 150 毫米厚的混 (c) other approved material.
凝土建造。  (1990 年第 439 號法律公告 ) (3) The foundation and floor of every septic tank shall be
(4) 每個化糞池的所有內面 ( 包括底部 ) 須 —— constructed of concrete not less than 150 mm thick. (L.N. 439
of 1990)
(a) 以水泥沙漿盪面;或
(4) All internal faces (including the floor) of every septic tank
(b) 以其他經批准的物料蓋面, shall be—
使表面平滑和不透水。 (a) rendered in cement mortar; or
(1976 年第 294 號法律公告 ) (b) faced with other approved material,
so as to provide a smooth, impervious surface.
(L.N. 294 of 1976)

67. 插入管 67. Dip pipes

每個化糞池均須以插入管作為入水口及去水口,插入管深度 The inlet to and the outlet from every septic tank shall be by means
須不致擾動頂部浮垢。 of dip pipes of such depth as to avoid disturbance of the top scum.

68. 通風 68. Ventilation

在每個化糞池內,水位頂部與封蓋底面之間的空間須 —— In every septic tank the space between the top of the water level
(a) 有足夠的通風;或 and the underside of the cover shall be—
(b) 設有足夠的設施以供抽氣。 (a) adequately ventilated; or
(b) provided with adequate means for drawing off gases.

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Latrines) Regulations

6-1 第 VI 部 Part VI 6-2

第 123I 章 第 69 條 Regulation 69 Cap. 123I

第 VI 部 Part VI
污水池 Cesspools
69. 污水池的位置 69. Situation of cesspools
污水池不得位於以下範圍內 —— No cesspool shall be situated—
(a) 如任何水泉、水流或水井的水是用作或相當可能會 (a) within 20 m of any spring, stream of water or well,
用作以下用途的:飲用或家居用途;製造或配製供 the water from which is used, or likely to be used, for
人食用的食品或供人飲用的飲品;或清洗製造或配 drinking or domestic purposes or for the manufacture
製該等食品或飲品所使用的器皿;則該水泉、水流 or preparation of articles of food or drink for human
或水井的 20 米範圍內;或 consumption or for the cleansing of vessels used in the
(b) 任何有人居住或工作的建築物的 15 米範圍內。 manufacture or the preparation of such articles; or
(1976 年第 294 號法律公告 ) (b) within 15 m of any building in which any person resides
or works.
(L.N. 294 of 1976)

70. 污水池的內載物的處置 70. Disposal of contents

每個污水池的位置,須有足夠設施將污水池的內載物移走, Every cesspool shall be so situated that there shall be adequate
而無須經由任何有人居住或工作的建築物排送該等內載物。 means for removing its contents without carrying them through any
building in which any person resides or works.

71. 容量 71. Capacity

(1) 每個污水池的最少容量,由建築事務監督按第 (2) 款所訂 (1) Every cesspool shall have such minimum capacity as shall
明的方式釐定。 be determined by the Building Authority in the manner
(2) (a) 污水池的容量,須能貯存在一個月內排放入該池的 prescribed by paragraph (2).
便溺污水及廢水。 (2) (a) The cesspool shall be of such capacity as to be capable
(b) 便溺污水及廢水的排放量,須按使用或相當可能會 of storing the quantity of soil and waste discharged
使用裝置在設有該污水池的建築物內的便溺污水設 thereto during a period of one month.
備及廢水設備的人,每人每天 135 升便溺污水及廢 (b) The quantity of soil and waste discharged shall be
水的比率計算。  (1976 年第 294 號法律公告 ) calculated at the rate of 135 L thereof for each day for
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Latrines) Regulations

6-3 第 VI 部 Part VI 6-4

第 123I 章 第 72 條 Regulation 72 Cap. 123I

(3) 為施行本條,使用或相當可能會使用裝置在任何建築物 each person using or likely to use the soil fitments or
內的便溺污水設備及廢水設備的人數,由建築事務監督 waste fitments installed in the building for which the
釐定。 cesspool is provided. (L.N. 294 of 1976; E.R. 3 of 2020)
(3) For the purposes of this regulation, the number of persons
using or likely to use the soil fitments or waste fitments
installed in any building shall be determined by the Building

72. 建造 72. Construction

(1) 每個污水池 —— (1) Every cesspool shall be—
(a) 須以下列物料建造 —— (a) constructed of—
(i) 用水泥沙漿黏砌的磚塊; (i) brickwork in cement mortar;
(ii) 混凝土;或  (1990 年第 439 號法律公告 ) (ii) concrete; or (L.N. 439 of 1990)
(iii) 其他經批准的物料; (iii) other approved material;
(b) 其建造及其表面須使液體不能從內或外滲透; (b) so constructed and finished as to be impervious to liquid
(c) 須以鋼筋混凝土封蓋覆蓋; either from the inside or the outside;
(d) 須設有足夠清理途徑,以供清理之用;及 (c) covered with a reinforced concrete cover;
(e) 須有足夠的通風。 (d) provided with adequate access for cleaning purposes;
(2) 每個污水池的內面,須以水泥沙漿面。
(e) adequately ventilated.
(2) The internal faces of every cesspool shall be rendered with
cement mortar.

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Latrines) Regulations

7-1 第 VII 部 Part VII 7-2

第 123I 章 第 73 條 Regulation 73 Cap. 123I

第 VII 部 Part VII

排水工程的測試 Testing of Drainage Works
73. 排水工程的測試及有關程序 73. Testing of drainage works and procedure thereupon
(1) 就任何排水工程委任的註冊一般建築承建商或註冊專門 (1) The registered general building contractor or the registered
承建商,須在工程完成時,但在填塞已敷設排水渠或污 specialist contractor appointed in respect of any drainage
水渠的坑道前,以書面向建築事務監督申請對工程進行 works shall, on the completion of such works, but before any
測試。 trenches in which drains or sewers have been laid are filled
(2) 建築事務監督可應申請就排水工程進行檢查和測試 —— in, apply, in writing, to the Building Authority for such works
to be tested.
(a) 如他對測試的結果滿意,則須據此通知就排水工程
委任的註冊一般建築承建商或註冊專門承建商;或 (2) On such application the Building Authority may inspect and
test the drainage works and shall—
(b) 如他不滿意測試結果,則須命令進行所需的工程,
使排水工程符合本規例。 (a) if he is satisfied with the result of such test, notify the
registered general building contractor or the registered
(3) 根 據 第 (2)(b) 款 作 出 的 命 令,須 以 書 面 作 出,並 須 指 specialist contractor appointed in respect thereof
明 —— accordingly; or
(a) 須進行的工程;及 (b) if he is not so satisfied, order such work to be carried
(b) 必須進行該工程的期限。 out as may be necessary to cause such works to comply
(4) 在任何該等命令所指明的期限屆滿後,建築事務監督須 with these regulations.
再行檢查和測試該排水工程,如因該項命令不獲遵從而 (3) An order made under paragraph (2)(b) shall be in writing and
導致再行檢查和測試的次數多於一次,則須按所需次數 shall specify—
檢查和測試該排水工程,當他對任何測試的結果滿意時, (a) the work to be carried out; and
註冊專門承建商。 (b) the period of time within which such work must be
carried out.
(5) 就排水工程委任的註冊一般建築承建商或註冊專門承建
商須就每次按照第 (4) 款的條文進行的檢查和測試,繳付 (4) After the expiry of the period specified in any such order, the
訂明費用。   Building Authority shall again inspect and test the drainage
works and, where, by reason of any failure to comply with
such order, more than one further inspection and test is
necessary, shall inspect and test such works such number of
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Latrines) Regulations

7-3 第 VII 部 Part VII 7-4

第 123I 章 第 74 條 Regulation 74 Cap. 123I

(6) 如建築事務監督在接獲根據第 (1) 款就測試任何排水工程 times as may be necessary and, when he is satisfied with the
而提出的申請後 4 天內,沒有測試該排水工程,則已敷 results of any test, shall notify the registered general building
設任何排水渠或污水渠的坑道可予填塞。 contractor or the registered specialist contractor appointed in
(1997 年第 516 號法律公告 ) respect of such works accordingly.
(5) In respect of every inspection and test made in accordance
with the provisions of paragraph (4), the registered general
building contractor or the registered specialist contractor
appointed in respect of the drainage works shall pay the
prescribed fee.
(6) If the Building Authority does not test any drainage work
within 4 days of the receipt of an application therefor under
paragraph (1), the trenches in which any drains and sewers
have been laid may be filled in.
(L.N. 516 of 1997)

74. 建築事務監督要求掘開排水渠坑道的權力 74. Power of Building Authority to require drainage trenches to be

除非已敷設排水渠或污水渠的坑道是依據第 73(6) 條的條文而 opened
填塞的,否則已敷設排水渠或污水渠的坑道,如在建築事務 Save where a trench in which drains or sewers have been laid is
監督根據第 73 條通知就有關排水工程委任的註冊一般建築承 filled in pursuant to the provisions of regulation 73(6), if a trench
建商或註冊專門承建商他對測試結果滿意前,已被填塞,則 in which drains or sewers have been laid is filled in before the
建築事務監督可要求該註冊一般建築承建商或註冊專門承建 Building Authority has, under regulation 73, notified the registered
商掘開坑道,使該排水工程外露,以便他能進行檢查和測試。 general building contractor or the registered specialist contractor
(1997 年第 516 號法律公告 ) appointed in respect of the drainage works that he is satisfied
with the result of a test, the Building Authority may require such
registered general building contractor or the registered specialist
contractor to open and uncover the drainage works in order to
enable him to carry out an inspection and test.
(L.N. 516 of 1997)

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Latrines) Regulations

8-1 第 VIII 部 Part VIII 8-2

第 123I 章 第 75 條 Regulation 75 Cap. 123I

第 VIII 部 Part VIII

某些工程須由建築事務監督進行及有關費用的追討 Certain Work to be Carried Out by the Building
Authority and Recovery of Cost thereof
75. 建築事務監督須進行每項將排水渠及私家污水渠接駁至公共 75. Building Authority required to make every connexion of drain
污水渠或大溝渠的工程及工程費用的追討 and private sewer to public sewer or nullah and recovery of
(1) 將每條排水渠或私家污水渠接駁至公共污水渠或大溝渠 cost thereof
的工程,須由建築事務監督進行,而他可按照第 (3) 款的 (1) The connexion of every drain or private sewer to a public
規定追討工程費用。 sewer or nullah shall be made by the Building Authority who
(2) 建築事務監督在信納任何包括排水渠或私家污水渠的排 may recover the cost thereof as provided in paragraph (3).
水工程是按照本條例及根據本條例訂立的規例的條文進 (2) The Building Authority shall not make any such connexion
行之前,不得進行任何有關的接駁工程。 until he is satisfied that the drainage work, of which such
(3) (a) 凡有排水渠如此接駁至公共污水渠而排水渠是為任 drain or private sewer forms part, have been carried out
何建築物而設的,建築事務監督可向該建築物的擁 in accordance with the provisions of the Ordinance and
有人追討接駁工程的費用。 regulations made thereunder.
(b) 凡有私家污水渠如此接駁至公共污水渠 —— (3) (a) Where a drain is so connected to a public sewer, the
Building Authority may recover the cost of making the
(i) 如私家污水渠是為若干幢建築物而設的,而該 connexion from the owner of the building for which the
等建築物由同一人擁有,則建築事務監督可向 drain is provided.
(b) Where a private sewer is so connected to a public sewer,
(ii) 如該等建築物由不同的人擁有,則建築事務監 the Building Authority—
攤,並可向上述每一人追討其所佔份額的費用。 (i) may, where the buildings for which the private
sewer is provided are owned by the same person,
recover the cost of making the connexion from
such person; or
(ii) shall, where such buildings are owned by different
persons, apportion the cost of making the
connexion equally among such persons and may

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《建築物 ( 衞生設備標準、水管裝置、排水工程及廁所 ) 規例》 Building (Standards of Sanitary Fitments, Plumbing, Drainage Works and
Latrines) Regulations

8-3 第 VIII 部 Part VIII 8-4

第 123I 章 第 76 條 Regulation 76 Cap. 123I

recover from each of such persons his portion of

the cost.

76. 建築事務監督須安裝每個存水隔氣彎管等及費用的追討 76. Building Authority required to fix every disconnecting trap,
(1) 每個第 57 條規定設置的存水隔氣彎管,須由建築事務監 etc. and recovery of cost
督安裝,裝有上述隔氣彎管的沙井亦須由他建造,而他 (1) Every disconnecting trap, required, by regulation 57, to be
可按照第 (2) 款的規定追討該等工程的費用。 provided, shall be fixed, and the manhole in which such trap
(2) (a) 凡如此安裝的隔氣彎管及如此建造的沙井是為排水 is fixed shall be constructed, by the Building Authority who
渠而設的,而排水渠是為任何建築物而設的,則建 may recover the cost of such work as provided in paragraph
築事務監督可向建築物的擁有人追討工程費用。 (2).
(b) 凡如此安裝的隔氣彎管及如此建造的沙井是為私家 (2) (a) Where the trap and manhole so fixed and constructed,
污水渠而設的 —— respectively, are provided for a drain, the Building
Authority may recover the cost thereof from the owner
(i) 如私家污水渠是為若干幢建築物而設的,而該 of the building for which such drain is provided.
該人追討工程費用;或 (2020 年第 3 號編輯修 (b) Where the trap and manhole so fixed and constructed,
訂紀錄 ) respectively, are provided for a private sewer, the
Building Authority—
(ii) 如該等建築物由不同的人擁有,則建築事務監
督須將工程費用在上述各人之間平均分攤,並 (i) may, where the buildings for which the private
可向上述每一人追討其所佔份額的費用。 sewer is provided are owned by the same person,
recover the cost thereof from such person; or
(E.R. 3 of 2020)
(ii) shall, where such buildings are owned by different
persons, apportion the cost thereof equally among
such persons and may recover from each of such
persons his portion of the cost.

77. 建築事務監督須進行任何須在未批租政府土地進行的工程 77. Building Authority required to carry out any work to be
在不損害第 75 及 76 條條文的原則下,凡為遵從本規例而須在 carried out on unleased Government land
未批租政府土地進行任何工程,工程須由建築事務監督為他 Without prejudice to the provisions of regulations 75 and 76,
人進行,而他可向該人追討工程的費用。 where, in order to comply with these regulations, any work has
(1998 年第 29 號第 30 條 ) to be carried out on unleased Government land, the work shall be

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《建築物 ( 衞生設備標準、水管裝置、排水工程及廁所 ) 規例》 Building (Standards of Sanitary Fitments, Plumbing, Drainage Works and
Latrines) Regulations

8-5 第 VIII 部 Part VIII 8-6

第 123I 章 第 78 條 Regulation 78 Cap. 123I

carried out by the Building Authority who may recover the cost of
the work from the person for whom it is carried out.
(29 of 1998 s. 30)

78. 建築事務監督在規例遭違反時的權力 78. Powers of Building Authority in event of contravention of

如有任何工程由建築事務監督以外的人進行而違反第 75、76 regulations
或 77 條,則建築事務監督可拆卸、移走或改動該工程,並可 Where, in contravention of regulation 75, 76 or 77, any work has
進行他認為需要的其他工程,以及可按照第 75、76 或 77 條的 been carried out otherwise than by the Building Authority the
條文 ( 視屬何情況而定 ),追討該工程的費用,猶如該工程是 Building Authority may demolish, remove or alter such work and
依據該等規例的條文而進行一樣。 may carry out such other work as he considers necessary and may
recover the cost of such work, in accordance with the provisions
of regulation 75, 76 or 77, as the case may be, as if such work had
been carried out pursuant to the provisions of such regulation.

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《建築物 ( 衞生設備標準、水管裝置、排水工程及廁所 ) 規例》 Building (Standards of Sanitary Fitments, Plumbing, Drainage Works and
Latrines) Regulations

9-1 第 IX 部 Part IX 9-2

第 123I 章 第 79 條 Regulation 79 Cap. 123I

第 IX 部 Part IX
廁所 Latrines
79. 釋義 79. Interpretation
在本部各條中,露天地方 (open air) 指符合以下所有情況的用 In the regulations in this Part, open air (露天地方) means a space
地 —— which—
(a) 上面並無上蓋,亦無阻擋; (a) is vertically uncovered and unobstructed;
(b) 任何一邊的尺寸不少於 1.5 米;及 (b) is not less, in any dimension, than 1.5 m; and
(c) 如用地四邊已圍起,就按圍起用地的牆壁的平均高 (c) where such space is enclosed on four sides, has a
度而言,每 6 米的牆壁高度即有不少於 1 平方米的 horizontal area of not less than 1 m2 for every 6 m of
水平面積。 the mean height of the walls enclosing the space.
(1976 年第 294 號法律公告 ) (L.N. 294 of 1976)

80. 廁所須設門 80. Latrines be provided with doors

每個廁所 ( 裝有化學處理廁所設備的廁所除外 ) 須設一道自動 Every latrine, except a latrine fitted with a chemical closet fitment,
關閉的門,高度與門口的整個高度相同。 shall be provided with a self-closing door to the full height of the

81. 門須通往露天地方等 81. Doors to open into open air, etc.

(1) 除第 (2) 款另有規定外,每個廁所的門須直接通往露天地 (1) Save as provided in paragraph (2), the door of every latrine
方。 shall open directly into the open air.
(2) 凡任何廁所內的廁所設備是化學處理廁所設備,該廁所 (2) Where the latrine fitment in any latrine is a chemical closet
的門無須通往露天地方,但不得通往任何用作或擬用作 fitment, the door of the latrine need not open into the open
製造、配製或貯存供人食用的食物的房間。 air, but shall not open into any room used or intended to be
used for the manufacture, preparation or storage of food for
human consumption.

82. 照明及通風 82. Lighting and ventilation

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Latrines) Regulations

9-3 第 IX 部 Part IX 9-4

第 123I 章 第 83 條 Regulation 83 Cap. 123I

(1) 每個廁所須設有開口,供照明和通風之用。 (1) Every latrine shall be provided with an opening for light and
(2) 每個該等開口 —— ventilation.
(a) 其永久開敞或設計為開敞 ( 視屬何情況而定 ) 的部 (2) Every such opening shall—
分,面積須不少於 0.2 平方米;  (1976 年第 294 號法 (a) be such that the part thereof which is permanently open
律公告 ) or designed to open, as the case may be, is not less in
(b) 在切實可行範圍內須盡量接近廁所的天花板; area than 0.2 m2 ; (L.N. 294 of 1976)
(c) 須直接與露天地方相通;及 (b) be situated as near the ceiling of the latrine as
(d) 須以金屬或其他經批准的網格防蠅紗遮蓋。
(c) communicate directly with the open air; and
(d) be covered with a metal or other approved mesh

83. 樓面 83. Floors

每個廁所的樓面須在廁所外的地面水平之上不少於 150 毫米, The floor of every latrine shall be not less than 150 mm above the
並 —— level of the ground outside the latrine and shall—
(a) 以非吸收性物料建造,以及修整至表面平滑;及 (a) be constructed of non-absorbent material and finished
(b) 以不少於 1 比 25 的斜度向去水口下斜,但如屬為蹲 with a smooth surface; and
式廁所設備而設計的廁所,則圍繞排泄物盛器孔口 (b) have a fall towards an outlet of not less than 1:25, save
的表面,須以不少於 1 比 10 的斜度向孔口下斜。 that, in the case of a latrine designed for a squatting
(1976 年第 294 號法律公告 ) type latrine fitment, the surface surrounding the aperture
to the receptacle for excrement shall have a fall towards
the aperture of not less than 1:10.
(L.N. 294 of 1976)

84. 內表面 84. Internal surfaces

每個廁所的內表面,由廁所樓面水平至樓面水平之上不少於 1.2 The internal surfaces of every latrine shall be—
米的高度,須 —— (a) faced with tiles; or
(a) 以瓷磚鋪面;或 (b) rendered in—
(b) 以下述物料盪面 —— (i) cement mortar, not less than 12.5 mm thick; or

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《建築物 ( 衞生設備標準、水管裝置、排水工程及廁所 ) 規例》 Building (Standards of Sanitary Fitments, Plumbing, Drainage Works and
Latrines) Regulations

9-5 第 IX 部 Part IX 9-6

第 123I 章 第 85 條 Regulation 85 Cap. 123I

(i) 不少於 12.5 毫米厚的水泥沙漿;或 (ii) other non-absorbent material,

(ii) 其他非吸收性物料。 to a height of not less than 1.2 m from the level of the floor of the
(1976 年第 294 號法律公告 ) latrine.
(L.N. 294 of 1976)

85. 廁所設備的牆壁及通往廁所設備的通道 85. Walls of and access to latrine fitments

每個廁所設備內 —— In every latrine fitment—
(a) 放置排泄物盛器的空間的牆壁 ( 但按照 (b) 段而設以 (a) the walls of the space in which the receptacle for
供通往該空間的開口除外 ),須以非吸收性物料建 excrement is placed shall, except the opening provided,
造;及 in accordance with subparagraph (b), to give access to
(b) 須設有足夠的通道以便清理放置排泄物盛器的空間, such space, be constructed of non-absorbent material;
以及將該盛器放置於廁所設備內和從該處移走,而 and
該通道須予遮蓋,以防止蒼蠅進入該空間內。 (b) adequate access, which shall be so covered as to prevent
flies from entering the space, shall be provided to enable
the space in which the receptacle for excrement is
placed to be cleaned and to enable such receptacle to be
placed in the fitment and removed therefrom.

86. 廁所設備在設計和建造上與排泄物盛器有關之處 86. Design and construction of latrine fitment in relation to

每個廁所設備的設計和建造,須使排泄物盛器在放置於其內 receptacle for excrement
時能保持在一個位置,而該位置可盡量防止排泄物排放在該 Every latrine fitment shall be so designed and constructed that,
盛器以外的地方。 when the receptacle for excrement is placed therein, it is retained
in such a position as to prevent, so far as possible, the deposit of
excrement elsewhere than in the receptacle.

87. 排泄物盛器 87. Receptacles for excrement

排泄物盛器 —— The receptacle for excrement shall be—
(a) 須以鍍鋅金屬或其他非吸收性物料建造; (a) constructed of galvanized metal or other non-absorbent
(b) 其建造方式須能防止其內載物因滲漏或以任何其他 material;
方式漏出;及 (b) so constructed as to prevent the escape, by leakage or in
any other way, of its contents; and
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《建築物 ( 衞生設備標準、水管裝置、排水工程及廁所 ) 規例》 Building (Standards of Sanitary Fitments, Plumbing, Drainage Works and
Latrines) Regulations

9-7 第 IX 部 Part IX 9-8

第 123I 章 第 88 條 Regulation 88 Cap. 123I

(c) 其容量須不超逾 50 升。  (1976 年第 294 號法律公告 ) (c) have a capacity not exceeding 50 L. (L.N. 294 of 1976;
E.R. 3 of 2020)

88. 建築事務監督准許廁所門通往未圍封的外廊或准許第 82 條所 88. Power of Building Authority to permit door of latrine to open
規定的開口與未圍封的外廊相通等的權力 onto or opening required by regulation 82 to communicate with
(1) 在符合第 (2) 款的條文下,建築事務監督如認為適合, unenclosed verandah, etc.
可准許沒有裝置化學處理廁所設備的廁所的門,或第 82 (1) Subject to the provisions of paragraph (2), the Building
條所規定的開口,通往未圍封的外廊或露台或任何其他 Authority may, where he thinks fit, permit the door of a
未圍封空間,或與未圍封的外廊或露台或任何其他未圍 latrine not fitted with a chemical closet fitment or the opening
封空間相通 ( 視屬何情況而定 ),如該等外廊、露台或空 required by regulation 82, to open onto or communicate with,
間 —— as the case may be, an unenclosed verandah or balcony or
(a) ( 如屬廁所門 ) 直接通往露天地方;及 any other unenclosed space, if such verandah, balcony or
other space—
(b) ( 如屬第 82 條所規定的開口 ) 與露天地方相通,
(a) in the case of the door of a latrine, opens directly to the
而在上述任何一種情況下,就第 81 及 82 條而言,該門 open air; and
(b) in the case of the opening required by regulation 82,
(2) 除非建築事務監督信納根據本條給予准許不會有損照明 communicates with the open air,
否則建築事務監督不得給予准許。 and, in any such case, such door or opening shall, for the
purposes of regulations 81 and 82, respectively, be deemed to
open directly into or communicate with the open air.
(2) The Building Authority shall not give his permission under
this regulation unless he is satisfied that to do so will not
be to the prejudice of the standard of lighting or ventilation
or the health of the occupiers of the building for which the
latrine is provided.

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《建築物 ( 衞生設備標準、水管裝置、排水工程及廁所 ) 規例》 Building (Standards of Sanitary Fitments, Plumbing, Drainage Works and
Latrines) Regulations

10-1 第X部 Part X 10-2

第 123I 章 第 89 條 Regulation 89 Cap. 123I

第X部 Part X
雜項 Miscellaneous
89. 建築事務監督禁止裝置便溺污水設備的權力 89. Power of Building Authority to prohibit installation of soil
如建築事務監督認為為處置任何建築物的便溺污水而設的排 fitments
水渠或私家污水渠或其他設施未能令人滿意,他可藉書面命 In any case where he considers that the drains or private sewers
令禁止在該建築物內裝置便溺污水設備。 or other means provided for the disposal of soil from any building
are unsatisfactory, the Building Authority may, by order in writing,
prohibit the installation of soil fitments in the building.

90. 建築事務監督規定設置中和池等的權力 90. Power of Building Authority to require provision of

凡擬或可能將以下各項從任何建築物排入任何排水渠或污水 neutralizing tanks, etc.
渠 —— Where, from any building it is intended to discharge, or there may
(a) 任何工商業污水; be discharged, into any drain or sewer—
(b) 任何化學垃圾或廢蒸汽或任何溫度高於攝氏 40 度的 (a) any trade effluent;
液體,而該垃圾或蒸汽或加熱至如此程度的液體, (b) any chemical refuse or waste steam or any liquid of
單獨或與排水渠或污水渠內載物混合均會構成危險, a temperature higher than 40oC being refuse or steam
或成為造成滋擾的因由,或有損健康;  (1976 年第 which, or a liquid which when so heated, is either alone
294 號法律公告 ) or in combination with the contents of a drain or sewer,
(c) 任何汽油、碳化鈣、酸、油脂或油;或 dangerous, or the cause of a nuisance, or prejudicial to
health; (L.N. 294 of 1976)
(d) 任何相當可能會毀壞任何排水渠或污水渠,或妨礙
其內載物暢順流動,或對其內載物的處理或處置有 (c) any petroleum spirit, carbide of calcium, acid, grease or
不利影響的物質, oil; or
建築事務監督可規定建築物的擁有人設置中和池、冷卻池、 (d) any matter likely to injure any drain or sewer or to
石油截流隔、油隔或其他適當的設備。 interfere with the free flow of its contents or to affect
prejudicially the treatment or disposal of its contents,
the Building Authority may require the owner of the building to
provide neutralizing tanks, cooling tanks, petrol intercepting traps,
grease traps or other suitable provision.

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《建築物 ( 衞生設備標準、水管裝置、排水工程及廁所 ) 規例》 Building (Standards of Sanitary Fitments, Plumbing, Drainage Works and
Latrines) Regulations

10-3 第X部 Part X 10-4

第 123I 章 第 91 條 Regulation 91 Cap. 123I

91. 某些規例不適用於以水務設施供水沖洗的便溺污水設備 91. Certain regulations not to apply to soil fitments flushed with
第 19、20、21、22 及 23 條不適用於任何以水務設施供水沖洗 water from waterworks
的便溺污水設備。 Regulations 19, 20, 21, 22 and 23 shall not apply to any soil
(1986 年第 295 號法律公告 ) fitment which is flushed with water from the waterworks.
(L.N. 295 of 1986)

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23.4.2020 23.4.2020

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