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 The extent to which the less powerful members of a country's institutions and
organizations assume and accept that power is allocated unequally is referred to as
power distance.
 India has a power distance of 77, compared to 59 for the rest of the world; this indicates
a significant gap or inequality between the powerful and the less powerful in Indian
society, favoring hierarchies and bureaucracies.
 Having 1.23 billion people, India is the world's second-most populous country, with a
diverse range of languages, faiths, and civilizations within its borders.
 India's power distance score is so much higher than the world's average can be
explained by the country's prevalent hierarchical mindset, which permeates the region's
underlying cultural and religious divides.
 To encapsulate the Indian attitude, one can use the following words and phrases:
"dependent on the boss or the power holder for direction," accepting unequal rights
between those in power and those who are lesser down in the pecking order a
paternalistic leader.

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