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Getting Started with Help

& Manual
© 2013 EC Software

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Title page 1
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by EC Software

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your product, show title, author, copyright, company logos,

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This is the reason why the previous page was blank (the
previous page is the back side of the cover)

Getting Started with Help & Manual

© 2013 EC Software

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Special thanks to:

All the people who contributed to this document, to mum and dad
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Managing Editor secretary Kathrin, to the graphic artist who created this great product
logo on the cover page (sorry, don't remember your name at the
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street (your daily Capricciosas saved our lives), to the copy shop
Technical Editors where this document will be duplicated, and and and...
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...enter name... Last not least, we want to thank EC Software who wrote this great
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4 Getting Started with Help & Manual

Table of Contents
Foreword 5

Part I Welcome to Help & Manual! 6

1 Using the
Project Explorer 7
Project Explorer..........................................................................................................................................................
Sections 7
Navigating in the
Project Explorer 10
2 Creating
projects 14
3 Importing
data 15
4 Organizing
the TOC 16
5 Adding
topics 20
6 Editing
topics 23
7 Using...................................................................................................................................
styles 24
8 Inserting
graphics 27
9 Creating
hyperlinks 30
10 Publishing
your project 32
11 Template
files 34

Index 36

© 2013 EC Software

Foreword 5


This is just another title page

placed between table of contents
and topics

© 2013 EC Software
6 Getting Started with Help & Manual

1 Welcome to Help & Manual!

The tutorials in this section provide a quick introduction to using Help & Manual. They are in-
tentionally kept brief so that you can actually start using the program as quickly as possible.
Topics covered in this tutorial:

Help & Manual UI (a quick overview)

Learn about the Project Explorer 7 and how to navigate between topics 10 in Help &

Creating a project and importing data

Create a new project from scratch 14 or import existing 15 help projects.

Editing and adding topics

Organize the table of contents 16 , edit topics 23 and UNREGISTERED EVALUATION
VERSION 20 topics. Also covered: format topics with styles 24 .

Inserting graphics and hyperlinks

Learn how to add images 27 to text and UNREGISTERED EVALUATION VERSION 30 to
other topics and to the web.

Publishing a help file


More tutorials
For more details on these tutorials, please refer to the "Quick Start" section on the Help &
Manual Online Help:

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© 2013 EC Software
Welcome to Help & Manual! 7

1.1 Using the Project Explorer

The Project Explorer is the control center for your Help & Manual projects. It displays the
structure of your project with the Table of Contents (TOC), all your topic files (including those
not in the TOC), additional files associated with your project (Baggage Files) and all the con-
figuration settings saved with your project (Configuration).
You can open multiple projects at the same time – each project has its own full entry in the
Project Explorer. Working in the Project Explorer you can copy and paste single and multiple
topics and chapters both within your project and between different projects. To make this
easier you can split the Explorer to display projects and sections of projects in their own
"panes", and you can undock the individual panes into separate windows.

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1.1.1 Project Explorer Sections

When you load a project into the Project Explorer its contents are displayed in three sections:
Table of Contents, Project Files and Configuration. The Table of Contents or "TOC" is a hier-
archical tree of entries that define the structure of your project, organizing your topics into
chapters and sub-chapters. Most TOC entries have direct links to topic files in the Project
Files section. The Project Files section provides access to the actual files that make up your
project. The Configuration section stores all the settings associated with your project.

Key Information
Topic entries in the TOC are actually links pointing to
matching topic files in the Topic Files section. You
can create topic files without TOC entries by creating
a new topic file directly in Topic Files instead of in the

© 2013 EC Software
8 Getting Started with Help & Manual


This is the "structure" of your topic. It consists of

TOC "entries", most which are linked to topic files
in the Project Files section. Other TOC entries in-
clude empty TOC nodes/("chapters without text")
without any content of their own, and entries that link
to web pages or to other Help & Manual projects that
you want to merge into the current project.
The TOC section does not actually contain any topic
files. It is really just a list of TOC entries with links to
the actual topic files, which are stored in the Pro-
ject Files/Topic Files section of the Project Ex-

You can create new topic files by adding entries to the TOC. Doing this creates a TOC
entry and a topic file, and links the entry to the topic file. You can also create topic files dir-
ectly in the Topic Files section – then the files do not have TOC entries.
You can change the structure of your TOC by moving the entries around in the TOC tree,
either with the mouse or with the blue arrow tools in Project > Manage Topics. Doing
this just moves around the entries in the TOC – the topic files and other items to which
the TOC entries link remain unchanged.

© 2013 EC Software
Welcome to Help & Manual! 9

The Project Files section

This section lists all the topic files in your project and
"Baggage Files", which are additional files associ-
ated with your project.
The Topic Files subsection lists all your topic files,
including those that do not have entries in the TOC.
For example, these include popup topics and topics
that are only displayed when the user clicks on a hy-
The Baggage Files subsection is the place where
you store files that you want to export together with
your project when you publish it. These can include
graphics you want to use in your own HTML tem-
plates, JavaScript files containing functions you want
to use in your HTML-based publishing formats and
so on. If you are just getting started with Help &
Manual you don't need to worry about the Baggage
Files section at the moment.


Project configuration settings

This section contains all your project's configuration
settings. This includes your project title, copyright no-
tice, your language settings for help in international
languages, special settings and editable layout tem-
plates for your output formats, "skins" for changing the
appearance and formatting of your entire project,
user-defined variables and so on.

Program configuration settings are in

the File Menu!
Note that the Configuration section in the Project Ex-
plorer only contains settings for your individual pro-
jects (each project has its own configuration settings).
The general configuration settings for Help & Manual
are accessed in the File Menu!

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© 2013 EC Software
10 Getting Started with Help & Manual

1.1.2 Navigating in the Project Explorer

If you are familiar with the Windows Explorer then you already have the basic skills you need
to find your way around the Project Explorer, they both function in pretty much the same way.

The Project Explorer displays the contents of your projects in the same way as files in the
Windows Explorer file manager. Selecting topic files in the Table of Contents (TOC) or Topic
Files sections displays their contents in the Editor.
The Project Explorer display is exactly the same for both the compressed .hmxz format and
the uncompressed .hmxp format. The only difference between the two formats is the way
they are saved – both contain exactly the same files and folders.

© 2013 EC Software
Welcome to Help & Manual! 11

Loading projects in the Project Explorer

Opening projects:

To load an existing project select the File menu, click on Open. and select a project to

Loading multiple projects:

You can load multiple projects in the Project Explorer.

To load multiple projects at the same time, use Ctrl+Click and Shift+Click in the Open
Select entries in the Table of Contents section to display and edit topics.

© 2013 EC Software
12 Getting Started with Help & Manual

Expanding and collapsing projects and sections

The and buttons expand and collapse projects and the main sections of each pro-
Inside the main sections the +/- nodes expand and collapse the subsections, just as
they do in the Windows Explorer.

© 2013 EC Software
Welcome to Help & Manual! 13

Editing in the Project Explorer

To edit a topic or topic file just click on an item in the Table of Contents or Project Files
sections of the Explorer. Topic contents are displayed in the editor and can be edited
directly. Work as you would in a word processor.
To edit your project properties just select items in the Configuration section – the dia-
logs with the settings are displayed in the editor pane.

© 2013 EC Software
14 Getting Started with Help & Manual

Dragging, copying and pasting in the Project Explorer

You can move, copy and paste topics in the Explorer. Drag with the mouse, right-click to
display editing options or use the Clipboard functions in the Project tab.
Drag a topic between other topics to insert it before or after the other topics.
Drag a topic onto another topic to make it a child (subtopic) of the other topic.
Use Ctrl+C to copy, Ctrl+X to cut and Ctrl+V to paste topics in the Project Explorer.

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1.2 Creating projects

You can create a new Help & Manual project from scratch or import documentation from an-
other source and convert it into a new Help & Manual project. In both cases an interactive on-
screen wizard will guide you through the process.

Creating an empty new project

1. Select the File menu, then select New Project.

© 2013 EC Software
Welcome to Help & Manual! 15

2. Select the option Create an empty new project and then enter the name of your pro-
ject, the save location and other data in the form displayed.
3. If you have Help & Manual Professional you can choose between two save formats
(you can switch formats at any time with Save As... in the File menu):
Uncompressed XML:
Saves your project as a collection of XML files. Must be saved in an empty folder.
This format is required for multi-user editing. The main project file has the exten-
sion .hmxp. This is the preferred format for normal work when it is available.
Compressed single-file format:
Saves the same project files in a single compressed file with the extension .hmxz.
This is the only format supported by the Help & Manual Basic.
4. Click on Create to create your new project.

Creating a new project from imported data

1. Select the File menu and click on New Project.

2. Select the data type you want to import in the Import existing documentation to a new
project section.
3. Follow the instructions displayed in the interactive wizard, select your save format
(see above) and then select Import to complete the operation.
You can also import some formats directly by clicking on the File menu and selecting
Open. Then select the format type and open the file – additional instructions may be dis-
See Importing data 15 for information on the different import formats.

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1.3 Importing data

You can import existing documentation into your Help & Manual projects from a wide variety
of different formats. When you import data you can either create a new project or import the
data into an existing project. The procedure in both cases is almost identical.
When you import data an interactive wizard guides you through each step of the process.
However, each data format needs to be handled a little differently. You will find important in-
formation on each format further below.

© 2013 EC Software
16 Getting Started with Help & Manual

Importing data to new projects

1. Select the File menu.

2. Select the documentation format under the Import existing documentation heading,
then follow the instructions displayed.

Importing data into existing projects

1. Click anywhere in the Table of Contents section in the Project Explorer. The data
will be inserted at the end of the current Table of Contents. You can move imported
chapters and topics after importing if necessary.

2. Select the File menu and click on Import.

3. Select the documentation format, then follow the instructions displayed in the interact-
ive wizard.

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1.4 Organizing the TOC

One of the main differences between Help & Manual and a word processor is that in a word
processor you work in a single document. In contrast to this, each topic in a Help & Manual
project is actually an independent file that is like a word processor document. However, Help
& Manual manages all these files as though they were a single document. For example, you
can perform search and replace operations globally in all your topic files.
You can move topics around in the Table of Contents (TOC) section of the Project Explorer
with the keyboard and the mouse and you can also change the "level" topics in the TOC tree

© 2013 EC Software
Welcome to Help & Manual! 17

Table of Contents (TOC) Overview

Moving topics around in the TOC

Use the arrow tools in Project > Manage Topics to move selected topics around in
the TOC:

© 2013 EC Software
18 Getting Started with Help & Manual

Drag a topic onto another topic to make it the child (sub-topic) of the target topic:

Drag a topic between two topics to insert it between them:

© 2013 EC Software
Welcome to Help & Manual! 19

Using cut and paste in the TOC

You can also use normal cut and paste methods to move topics around in the TOC and
to copy and move topics between projects. There are two ways to do this:
Open the second project in the current instance of Help & Manual. The second project
will be displayed as an additional item in the Project Explorer and you can then cut and
paste between the two projects in the Project Explorer.
Open Help & Manual a second time, open the second project there and then cut and
paste between the projects.
There are three different ways to cut and paste in the TOC:
Right-click in the TOC to display Cut, Copy and Paste options.
Use the tools in the Clipboard group in the Ribbon.
Use Ctrl+X and Ctrl+C to cut or copy and Ctrl+V to paste.


All the topic files in your TOC are also available in the Project Files > Topic Files sec-
tion of the Project Explorer.
These are not second copies of your topic files, they are the same files! The TOC entries
are really just links pointing to your topic files. The TOC shows the Table of Contents
structure with links to the topic files, the Topic Files section only shows you the files.
In addition to your TOC topics, the Topic Files section can also contain topic files not in-

© 2013 EC Software
20 Getting Started with Help & Manual

cluded in the TOC, for example topic files for popups and topics that are only accessible
by clicking on hyperlinks.

Folder display and file display in Topic Files:

The folders in the Project Files section are just like folders in Windows Explorer. You can
delete topic files and you can shift them from one folder to another if you have created
multiple folders. However, there is no "table of contents" structure here because you are
really just looking at disk folders containing lists of files.

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1.5 Adding topics

The New Project wizard creates some topics for you automatically but normally you will cre-
ate topics yourself. Creating a topic in Help & Manual is very much like creating a new docu-
ment in a word processor. Each topic in a project is actually an independent document, but
you can manage all these topics as though they were a single document. this is

© 2013 EC Software
Welcome to Help & Manual! 21

You will normally create new topics in the Table of Contents (TOC), which automatically cre-
ates both the topic file and an entry for the topic in the TOC, where you can move it around 16
as you like. And you can also add text 23 and other content 27 to it, of course.
You can also create new topics in the Project Files/Topic Files section of the Project Ex-
plorer, but when you do this the topics will not have TOC entries – they will be "invisible". Top-
ics created in Topic Files can only be displayed with hyperlinks, they are used for popup top-
ics and for information you don't want to include in the TOC directly.

How to create a new topic

You can create topics in the project's Table of Contents (TOC) and the Topic Files sec-
tions in the Project Explorer. You will normally create topics in the TOC so that they are
included in the table of contents of your published project.
1. In the Project Explorer click in the position in the TOC where you want to insert a new

2. Select Add Topic in the Project tab of the Ribbon.

3. Choose where you want to insert your topic relative to the selected topic:

© 2013 EC Software
22 Getting Started with Help & Manual

Insert Child inserts the new topic as a sub-topic of the selected topic, turning the
parent topic into a chapter (if it is not already a chapter).
4. This displays the Insert New Topic or Chapter dialog:

Select the Topic/Chapter option. Enter a heading (title) for the new topic. The Topic ID
is created automatically from the heading. You can edit this if you like. Leave the
HTML Template, Topic Class, Create in: and Topic Template: settings as they are.
5. After entering your settings click on OK to create the new topic and insert it in the

© 2013 EC Software
Welcome to Help & Manual! 23

6. Once you have created a topic you can edit it 23 and move it around 16 in the TOC.

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1.6 Editing topics

Entering and editing text in your topics in Help & Manual is very similar to working in a word
processor. To edit a topic select the topic in the Table of Contents or Project Files section of
the Project Explorer, then click inside the editing window to start editing.
The Write tab in the Ribbon provides direct access to all the tools you need while you are edit-
ing. The only group inside this section that may be unfamiliar to word processor users is the
Insert group, which contains special tools and objects used in help authoring projects.

Editing overview
You can type and enter text and copy and paste from other programs just as you would
in a normal word processor.
Double-click to select a word, triple-click to select an entire paragraph.
Use the tools in the Font and Paragraph groups in the Write tab to format text. Select
text to apply new formatting, select a formatting option (Bold, Italic etc.) and type to
change formatting from the current cursor position.
The Font and Paragraph groups have additional dialog modes that you can display by
clicking on the little icons in their bottom right corners.

© 2013 EC Software
24 Getting Started with Help & Manual

Hover the mouse pointer over the tools in the Write tab of the Ribbon for descriptions.
You can save a lot of time and work by using styles. See the Using styles 24 tutorial.

Copying and pasting

You can copy and paste text just as you would in a normal word processor. This works
within topics, between topics and between projects.
You can open multiple projects and copy and paste between them, or you can open
Help & Manual a second time and copy and paste between the two windows.
You can copy and paste formatted text from and to other programs, including Office
programs like MS Word and MS Excel.

Copying images from Word:

When you copy text with images from MS Word a dialog will be displayed prompting you
to convert the embedded image data to an external graphics file. Always do this, or right-
click on the image afterward and convert the image into an external file. Otherwise the im-
age will be embedded in your topic file and will take up too much space.
If you have many embedded images you may experience slow editing performance in the
single-file HMXZ format. Even if you don't, embedded images unnecessarily bloat your
topic files and should be avoided if possible.

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1.7 Using styles

You can format all your text manually if you like but it's much more efficient to use styles.
Styles are formatting definitions that you can apply to text and paragraphs with a single click.
The style definition is then linked to the formatted text and if you change the definition
everything formatted with the style is updated immediately.

How to apply a style

To apply a style to a paragraph just click anywhere in the paragraph and select the style in
the Style Selector in the Write tab:

© 2013 EC Software
Welcome to Help & Manual! 25

If you included a keyboard shortcut in the style definition you can use the keyboard short-
cut instead of the Style Selector.
If you select text before applying a style the style's font attributes will only be applied to the
selected text.
Note: If the paragraph consists of formatted imported text you must select the entire
paragraph before applying a style. Formatted text has priority over styles and must be se-
lected to be changed.

How to modify a style

1. Click in a paragraph in your project formatted with a style you want to change, then se-
lect Styles > Edit Styles in the Write tab.
2. This displays the Edit Styles dialog. The style at the current cursor position is selec-
ted automatically.

3. Click on the Font Settings and Paragraph Settings buttons and adjust the font and

© 2013 EC Software
26 Getting Started with Help & Manual

paragraph settings. If you want you can also apply Borders and Background settings.
4. Click on OK to close the dialog. The results are immediately visible in the editor and
will be applied to all the text in your entire project formatted with the edited style.
The same settings will also be applied to text formatted with styles based on the edited
style, for all attributes that have not been explicitly changed in the other styles.

How to change the font and paragraph settings for your entire project
There are a number of predefined standard styles. The most important one is Normal,
which is the default style for all normal body text paragraphs in your project. Most other
styles are based on Normal. This means that changing the settings of Normal will auto-
matically change all text in your entire project formatted with Normal or with any style
based on Normal.
Changing the definition of Normal changes the body text style for your entire project in a
couple of seconds.
The same settings will also be applied to text formatted with styles based on Normal, for
all attributes that have not been explicitly changed in the other styles.

How to define a new style

In addition to changing the Normal style you will also want to define your own styles so
that you can apply complex formatting quickly and change it whenever you want.
1. Select Styles > Edit Styles in the Write tab to display the Edit Styles dialog:

© 2013 EC Software
Welcome to Help & Manual! 27

2. Select Add Style to define a new style, then edit its default name in the Style Name:
field. You can change style names whenever you like!
3. Select Font Settings and Paragraph Settings to edit the settings for the style. You can
also add a style for the next paragraph; then pressing ENTER in a paragraph with the
current style will automatically format the new paragraph with the "next" style.
4. If you want you can also assign a shortcut key so that you can apply the style quickly.
5. Then click on OK to close the dialog.

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1.8 Inserting graphics

In addition to text you will also want to add graphics to illustrate your topics. This tutorial
shows you how to add ordinary graphic images to your topics from files and by cut and
You can also use Help & Manual's built-in screen capture utility to capture images of objects
on your computer screen and insert them in your topics. In addition to graphics you can also
insert video files other programs.

© 2013 EC Software
28 Getting Started with Help & Manual

Inserting a graphic from a file

1. Click in the position where you want to insert a graphic, then select Image in Write >

2. This displays the Open Image dialog. Select the image you want to insert, then click
on Open to insert the image in your document.

Click on the preview thumbnail for a full-size preview.

Picture ID: An optional ID for use in HTML output (ignore this for now!)
Tooltip: Displays a tooltip when the user mouseovers the image in HTML formats.
Caption: A caption displayed below the image

© 2013 EC Software
Welcome to Help & Manual! 29

Padding: Space around the image (in pixels), you can enter individual values for each
side with
Alignment: Position of the image in relation to the text on the page
Zoom% / Autosize: Resize the image or display in full size.
3. If the image is not in your project folder you will be asked whether you want to copy it
or add the path to the image location to your project.


Help & Manual allows you to use images in any location. However, it is better to store your
images in a one or more graphics folders together with your project – otherwise it is very
easy to lose track of your images.
You can easily move all your images to different locations later if you need to.


1. Copy the image in your graphics program, then switch to Help & Manual and select
Write > Clipboard > Paste or press Ctrl+V. You can then either embed the image
(not recommended!) or choose the Convert Embedded Image option (recommen-
ded!). Choosing Convert will display the Save Image dialog with the following options:
File name: Give the file a descriptive name!
Save as type: You can save the image as a BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG or Impict IPP
image. Use BMP for most purposes, Help & Manual converts and compresses
BMPs automatically when you publish your project.
2. Then just click on Save to save the graphics file. It will be inserted in the topic at the
current cursor position.
After inserting you can double-click on the image to display and edit the image properties
and settings.

Pasting graphics from MS Word

If you paste graphics from MS Word together with text a dialog will be displayed asking
you to convert the image data to an external file. This is recommended, because embed-
ding images in your topics uses up a huge amount of memory and computer resources
(many times the uncompressed size of the image itself).
Always select the option for converting embedded images to external files after pasting
them from Word or other programs. If you forget to do this you can always access the
conversion option by right-clicking on the embedded image after inserting it.

© 2013 EC Software
30 Getting Started with Help & Manual

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1.9 Creating hyperlinks

The Web without hyperlinks would be unthinkable and the same applies to interactive help
and documentation. Hyperlinks between topics are what makes your help genuinely useful.
You can create links to topics and specific places in topics. In addition to this you can create
links to pages on the Web and external files, and you can also create special links that ex-
ecute scripts.
This tutorial shows you the basics of creating hyperlinks to topics and specific positions in


This is the fastest and easiest way to create a hyperlink and it is the method that you will
probably use most frequently when working on a project.
1. Select the text you want to turn into a hyperlink in the editor.

2. Drag the selected text to the Table of Contents (TOC) in the Project Explorer and drop
it on the topic you want to link to.
3. That's it, your hyperlink is finished. You can then edit the hyperlink by double-clicking
on it if you wish.

Create a hyperlink manually

1. Select the text you want to use as the link. (This is optional with this method – you can
also create a link without selecting anything first.)
2. Select Inset > Link in the Write tab or press Ctrl+L to display the Edit Hyperlink dia-
log. For the moment leave the default setting of Topic Link unchanged.

© 2013 EC Software
Welcome to Help & Manual! 31

3. Select the Topic ID of the topic you want to link to from the list below the Target: field.
4. Choose a style for the link from the options on the left.
5. Click on OK to create the link.

Create a hyperlink to an anchor

Sometimes you will want to link to a specific location in the middle of a topic instead of
just displaying the top of the topic. This is achieved with anchors, which are named "link
targets" that you can insert anywhere in a topic.
1. In the topic you want to link to, click in the position for the link target and select the
Insert Anchor tool in Write > Insert Object.
2. Type a name for the anchor in the Anchor ID: field and click on OK to insert the an-
chor. Don't worry about the other settings in the dialog at the moment.
3. Manually create a hyperlink (see above) to the topic containing the anchor.
4. In the Insert Hyperlink dialog select the name of the anchor you want to link to from the
drop-down list next to the Target: field.

© 2013 EC Software
32 Getting Started with Help & Manual

You can also activate an anchor for an existing link by double-clicking on the link and se-
lecting the anchor from the list.

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1.10 Publishing your project

Once you have completed a couple of topics you will want to publish your output to see what
your finished product is going to look like. You can output any of the formats supported by
Help & Manual at any time – you don't have to decide in advance what format you are building
your project for. The only thing you may need to do before you begin is install the necessary
Microsoft help compilers for HTML Help and Visual Studio Help (VS Help is only relevant for
.NET program code documentation).


1. Save your project, then click on the File menu and select Publish. This displays the
Publish interface:

© 2013 EC Software
Welcome to Help & Manual! 33

2. Select the format you want to publish to from the Publish Format drop-down list.
3. Check the output file name and location in the Output File: field and change them if
you want.
4. Make sure that the Display file when publishing is complete checkbox is selected,
leave all other settings as they are.
5. Click on the Publish Now button. In a few moments you will be able to admire your
finished product.
When you publish WebHelp always use an empty folder because this format generates a
large number of output files. The program will suggest creating a folder called \HTML in-
side your project directory, which is a good choice for quick testing.
Adobe PDF
The layout of your PDF output is controlled by separate template files.

Installing the Microsoft help compilers

Unless you have already done so you need to download and install the free Microsoft
compiler for HTML Help CHM files if you are planning on using this format. You can find
the correct version of this compiler on the EC Software website, here:

© 2013 EC Software
34 Getting Started with Help & Manual

After installing the compilers go to View > Program Options > Compilers and make
sure that Help & Manual knows where to find them. The HTML Help compiler executable
is called hhc.exe.

This help system w as created w ith an evaluation copy of Help & Manual.

1.11 Template files

In addition to the other resources listed in this chapter the \Templates folder in the Help &
Manual program directory also contains a number of other useful templates and configuration

Location of the files:

The files are stored in the \Templates folder in the Help & Manual program directory.

Help & Manual skin files (*.hm- \Templates\HTML skins

These are special template files that store the
formatting, layout and design of an entire project for
HTML-based output formats. When you publish a
project you can then select a skin file in the Publish
dialog to apply the design of a different project to
your output.
Some sample skins are provided in \Templates
\skins but if you have the Professional or Server
version of Help & Manual you can save any project
as a skin with Save As in the File menu. You can
then edit the skin file by opening it with Help &
Manual, just like a normal project.
If you purchase the UNREGISTERED
EVALUATION VERSION the skins from this package
are also installed in this directory.

Print manual templates (*.mnl): \Templates\pdf

These standard template files can be used as a
basis for creating and editing your own print manual
templates for PDF files and printed manuals.
Please copy these templates to your project folder
before editing them! (In Windows Vista you will prob-
ably not be able to save your own versions of the
templates otherwise.)

© 2013 EC Software
Welcome to Help & Manual! 35

This help system w as created w ith an evaluation copy of Help & Manual.

© 2013 EC Software
36 Getting Started with Help & Manual

Index -H-
Help & Manual
-.- Quick Start Tutorials

.hmskin files 34 creating 30

.xls stylesheet files 34 to anchors 30
.xsd schema file 34

-A- importing external data
anchors into existing projects 15
hyperlinks to 30 into new projects 15
inserting graphics 27

-C- -L-
copy and paste 10
copying, cutting and pasting language settings
from Word 23 for project 14
creating hyperlinks 30 links
creating new topics 20 to anchors 30
creating projects (tutorial) 14 tutorial 30
cutting and pasting topics 16 live spell checking 23
loading multiple projects 10
loading projects 10
template files 34
editing topics 23 moving topics 16
MS Help 2.0 (Visual Studio Help)
publishing 32
-F- MS Word
copying and pasting from/to 23
font size preview
changing 23
formatting text
full-text search
23 -N-
language files for other languages 34 Normal style 24

-G- -P-
graphics PDF
inserting 27 templates for, standard files 34
inserting with cut and paste 27 print manual templates
pasting from Word 27 standard files 34
Project Explorer

© 2013 EC Software
Index 37

Project Explorer publishing 32

navigating in 10
sections, about 7
tutorial 7 -W-
Project Explorer panes
split view 23
language files for Search interface 34
projects publishing 32
creating (tutorial) 14
publishing 32
copying and pasting from/to 23
pasting graphics from 27
search interface language files for WebHelp 34 -X-
skins 34
XML schema and stylesheet files 34
spell checking
live spell checking 23
defining new 24
using (tutorial) 24
styles preview mode (screen/print) 23

Table of Contents
organizing 16
overview 16
table styles
applying 24
defining 24
creating new 20
cutting and pasting 16
moving 16
adding topics 20
creating hyperlinks 30
creating projects 14
entering and editing text 23
inserting graphics 27
organizing the TOC 16
publishing projects 32
Quick Start 6
Using Styles 24

Visual Studio Help (MS Help 2.0)

© 2013 EC Software

38 Getting Started with Help & Manual

Endnotes 2... (after index)

© 2013 EC Software

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