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I LACT Rasa NOTES) One mole of an ideal gas with molar heat capaci eee 'y C, goes through a process in which its entropy S depends onTas S=a/T, where a is ‘constant. The gas temperature varies from T, to T (a) The molar heat capacity ofthe gas « 88a fincton ofits temperature is = (by The amount of heat transferred tothe gasis avin Z. ; (o) The molar heat capacity ofthe gas as a function ofits temperature is (@) The amount of heat transferred to the gas is oxén 22 : ‘ i 2. Forsilver, the molar specific heat at constant pressure in the range 50 to 100K is given by Cy = (0.076 T - 0.00026 7? -0.15 Jealkc where Tis the Kelvin temperature. If 2 mole of silver is heated from 50 to 100K, then (a) the heat required is 403.34 cal (b) the heat required is 201.67 cal (0) the change in entropy is 2.72 caVK (d) the change in entropy is 5.44 caV/K bs? Vn’ Where bisa constant and other symbols have their The internal energy E ofa systemis given byE usual meaning 2 2 (@) The temperature ofthe systemis >> _(b) The temperature ofthe system is 7 bi __3bS? (©) The pressure ofthe system is Ta (€)/The pressure ofthe system is 4. Identify the correct statement. [JNU 2013] (@) The entropy ofa system always increases when it undergoes an irreversible process. (b) The entropy of a system always decreases when it undergoes an irreversible process. (©) The second law of thermodynamics follows directly from principle of conservation of energy. (4) The internal energy of an ideal gas depends on its temperature. 5. As shown in the P-V diagram, AB and CD are two isotherms at temperatures T, and T, respectively (T,>T,). AC and BD are two reversible adiabats. In this Carnot cycle, which of the following state- ‘ments are true? [JAM 2015] ——+v QQ, (a) To a (b) the entropy of the source decreases A (©) the entropy of the system increases (d) work done by the system W = Q, -O, i] South Dethi : 28-A/I1, Jia Sarai, Near-IIT Metro Station, New Delhi-16, Ph : 011-26851008, 26861009 North Delhi: 56-58, First Floor, Mall Road, GTB. Nagar (Near Metro Gate No.3), Dethi-09, Ph: 011-41420035, Scanned with CamScanner The Entropy and Second La 6. 7. 8, 4, yw of Thermodynamics ‘ment(s) is/are correct? se in a process incre’ 1 be done on the system to take ‘Which of the following state (@) If the entropy of the unive (b) Ifthe process need work t ases, the process must be spontaneous, ? the entropy of the uni place, PY OF the universe mye in the whole process. : in air on earth, the © ifwe make ‘a ball to fall freely from some height towards the ground in ai th, the entropy, OF the universe decreases. the entropy of the universe increases, eink in a glass of water, (@ Ifwe pour a drop of a miscibl ° ‘ ; dla temperature 7, i put into contact with a reservoir at tempera ‘A body of constant heat capacity C, and i T, IFT, > T, which ofthe following is/are correct? (8 The'final temperature ofthe reservoir is T, . Ty (b) The change in the entropy of the body is cot) (©) The change in the entropy of the universe is af Tr Ty (d) The change in the entropy of the universe is Cp [ee +tn| (=) "y i ‘The T-S diagram ofan ideal gas is shown below : S28) 6S) 7S) (@) The given cycle is used to runareftigerator. (b) Total amount ofheat enters into the system is 16 5,.Ty. (©) Total amount ofheat goes out of the system is 6 5,75. (@) The efficiency of the device run on the given eyclie process is 5/6. WF en a) One gram molecule of a perfect gas expands isothermally to four times it entropy in terms of the gas constant initial volume. The changein ts JIK (upto one place decimal). 3 gm of nitrogen doubles in volume at constant temperature, The change i i ier for nitrogen, molecular weight = 28(upto one place decimal). enna aeeeeca One gram of ice at 0°C is melted and heated to water at constant over the entire process. The latent heat of fusion the process (in Calories per degree) is 39°C. Assume that the specific heat remains Of ice is 80 Calories/am. The entropy change i" (upto one place decimal), {JAM 2015] 5 kg of water at 0°C is mixed with an equal mass of water at 80°C. The change in entropy is ___cal/K, where , specific heat of water may i fe feineen Orca IOC Sema 'y be assumed to be equal to 1 kilo calorie/kE ‘The heat required to convert 1gm of water a 100°C into steam at 100°C under standard atmosphere PeSSU is_______cal, ifthe entropy of water at the boiling point is 0. the steam temperature is 1.74 ea/K(upto one place decimal), ‘ing point is 0.31 caVK and for 100% steam a ‘The change in entropy when 5 kg of water at 15°C are mixed wi K where specific heat of water may be assumed to be eacal 40°C (upto three place decimal). qual to (ey Sout Deli: 28-A/11,_ Sa Sarai, NearUIT Metro Station, New Delhi Pir OiI-aORSI00N 2686100 B North Delhi: 86-88, First Floor, Mall Road, GIT.B, Nagar (Near Metro Gate Na. 3), Delhi09, Phe 1t-41420095 8 kg of water at 40°C is__ 4 an Tilo calkg °C between 15°C Scanned with CamScanner I The ‘¢ Entropy and Second Law of Thermodynamics ing specific heat ofice at. ‘Onverted into i r asin spe = os presuretobeqeet ae C at constant ‘atmospheric pressure. jae is_—____— one se ofdecina) ram henrofee Deal) tomsof an ideal gasare enclosed ‘i nae beet sarencesin neti Of volume Y, The volume of container is changed to 4, lee . The change inthe ent inunit am steel cna, ropy ofthe gas, inunits of NkyIn2,is__, ina thermally insulated container, 0.01 kg ofice i rhe venir fice at 273 K is mixed wit i (o is (Use latent heat of fusion of ice = ala ofentropy when increasi Tee Py When increasing the temperature of 10 gm of hydrogen from 27°C to 327°C and volume sporeasesfourtimesis____ealJK (Given C= % ie (Given C,=5 calimole °C and R =8.31 joule/mol°C)(upto one ‘The change in entropy in heating a mole of siver nse at constant volume from 0°C to 30% is 5,85 calC-mol) is_cal/K (to two place decimal) Cee a aaa ‘Two identical ca a Volume have internal energy YJ = C7, where C isa constant and Tis the temperature of ales oe initial temperatures of the two bodes are T, and’T, and they are used sa yy connecting them to a Carnot heat engine and bring them to a common final Cnn) —Ty__ |p the value of x is ‘i ‘pwo moles ofan ideal gas i expanded isothermally and reversibly ffom Sto | atmat298 K. The charge inthe entropy of the system is K-. [Answer must be given upto two decimal places] perature 27. Thermal equil ‘Abody ata temperature 7's brought into contact with a reservoir at ter avnblshed at constant pressure. The heat capacity ofthe body at constant presure is Cy The total change in temperature, If the work delivered is entropy ofthe body and the reservoir in units of C, is [JAM 2020] (Round offto 2 decimal places) ‘SUBJECTIVE QUESTIONS 2g ofa liquid (specific heat =2000. K" ke independent of temperature) is heated from 200 K to 400 K [JAM 2012] by either of the following two processes P, and P- sservoir at 400 K. P,:bringing it in contact with are at 300 K tll equilibrium seached, and then bringing in contact P- bringing it first in contact witha reservoir with another reservoir at 400K. | Caleulate the change in the entropy ofthe iquid and that ofthe universe in processes P, and P,-Neglect any change in volume of the liquid. ycle. The P-V diagram is shown below. [JAM 2011] An ideal gas reversible engine operates it a closed © pi ppd 7 ming both specific heats, C, and C, as constants § diagram schematically engine asst! 1d draw the corm ie reversible esses an (a) Find out the efficiency of th sponding 1 (b) Identify the thermodynamic proe a 1-26851008, 26861009 9, Phe O1L-ATAROVSS: New Delhi-t6, Ph : 01 Station, te No.3), Dell ‘rear Metro Ga Sarai, Near-lIT Metre Road, GTB. Nagar South Delhi : 28-A/11,_ Jia = wm Mall Scanned with CamScanner

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