MCM Settings - Ultimate Skyrim 4.2.0

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MCM Settings - Ultimate Skyrim 4.2.

These are the recommended MCM settings for Ultimate Skyrim. Proceed through the guide from top
to bottom, configuring your MCM’s as you go. You can also use the Outline on the left to jump to
specific mods.

It is important that all settings are adjusted as shown, for the intended Ultimate Skyrim experience.
However, highlighted settings are especially important, and will cause massive bugs if incorrect!


● Some MCM’s must be configured AFTER choosing a start and creating your character.
These MCM’s are marked accordingly, and their settings are found at the bottom of the guide.

● The “Del” key is used to unbind commands. If you see a keybind with “Del”, that command
is unused.

● Settings are only listed if they need changing from the default values.
If you don’t see a setting or an MCM menu listed, you can leave it as you found it.


● Version 4.0.7 discontinues official Gamepad support due to iEquip’s removal.

Gamepads are still functional, and utilize vanilla Gamepad controls.

● Keybindings for Gamepad will contain the word “Gamepad”.

For example: “X” refers to the keyboard, while “Gamepad X” refers to the Gamepad.

Special thanks to /u/JerkyGunner, who created the original version of this document, and
/u/ZoddtheUndying for maintaining the document up to version 4.0.4. Special thanks as well to
SageKillah, who created the original version of the Keybind Layout image.


● 4.2.0 Keyboard Controls

A Closer Look
Note: This mod must be configured after the game has already begun. Its configuration instructions
are at the end of the guide.

A Matter of Time
Ultimate Skyrim contains a preset for this mod so it can be configured automatically. To use the US
preset, follow these settings:

● Presets
○ User settings
■ Click ‘Load user settings GO’
■ When asked “Do you really want to load the previously saved settings?” click
‘Accept’ or press ‘Enter’. This should display a confirmation that the preset
loaded successfully, at which point you can exit the MCM.

Here are the manual configuration settings for reference:

● General
○ Symbol 1
■ Untick ‘Show’
○ In-Game Clock
■ Tick ‘Show’
■ Clock Type: 12-Hours, Short
○ In-game Date
■ Untick ‘Show’
● Display
○ In-game clock
■ Scale: 75%
■ Transparency: 95%
■ Horizontal Anchor: Center
■ Vertical Anchor: Bottom
■ Horizontal Offset: 0
■ Vertical Offset: -63
● Control
○ In-Game Clock
■ Control mode: Periodically
■ Hotkey: F5
■ Display Time: 10.0
■ Period: Every Hour

Bathing in Skyrim
● Settings
○ General
■ Untick ‘Add Dialog to NPCs’
○ Hotkeys
■ Check Status: Page Down
■ Bathe: Page Up
● Player Animations
○ Animation Styles for Player
■ Bathing: None
■ Showering: None
○ Get Dressed After Bathing
■ Untick ‘Enabled’
○ Undress Before Bathing - Standard
■ Untick all options
Ultimate Skyrim contains a preset for this mod so it can be configured automatically. The preset loads
on its own, so your settings should already be correct. If you’d like to verify that the settings are
correct, here are the manual configuration settings for reference:

● Gameplay
○ Hotkeys
■ Create Item: \
■ Build Campfire: F6
■ Instincts: =
● Instincts
○ Detection
■ Untick ‘Hear Creature Movement’
○ Effects
■ Untick ‘Visual Distortion Effect’

Cobb Positioner
● General Settings
○ Use a hotkey to start editing: Key and Spell
○ Assigned hotkey: Insert

Complete Crafting
● Crafting Options
○ Crafting Options
■ Untick ‘Inventory conditions on crafting recipes’
○ Additional Items
■ Tick ‘Artifact Replicas’
■ Tick ‘Matching Set Circlets’
● Learning & XP
○ Learn to Craft
■ Untick ‘Enable Learning Recipes’
● Misc Balance
○ Silver Weapon Bonus: 50%
● Enable Mods
○ Display Crafting Recipes
■ Tick ‘Bandoliers, Bags and Pouches’
■ Tick ‘Cloaks of Skyrim’
■ Tick ‘Winter is Coming’

CoW Requirements
● Skill Level: 50
● Magicka Level: 0

Customisable Camera
Ultimate Skyrim contains a preset for this mod so it can be configured automatically. To use the US
preset, follow these settings:
● Profiles & Help
○ Load Profiles
■ Click “Profile 1: Load”, and when a box appears saying “profile1.json loaded”,
click “OK”.

Here are the manual configuration settings for reference:

● Essentials
○ Camera
■ Horizontal: 0
■ Vertical: 10
○ Melee Camera
■ Horizontal: 0
■ Vertical: 20
■ Zoom: -20
○ Ranged Camera
■ Horizontal: 0
■ Vertical: 30
■ Zoom: -20
○ Field Of View: 90
● Features
○ Features
■ Tick ‘Adaptive Sneaking’
■ Swap Side Key: ‘Right Alt’

Dual Wield Parrying

Note: This mod must be configured after the game has already begun. Its configuration instructions
are at the end of the guide.

Dungeon Darkness
● Basic Config
○ Debug/Utility
■ Notification Level: None

● General
○ General
■ DVA is: Enabled
○ Options
■ Untick ‘Combat eyes’

Dynamic Things
Note: this mod is preconfigured, and does not need adjusting. The settings are included below for

● Containers/Activators
○ Welcome to Dynamic Things
■ Run quest every: 7 seconds
■ Convert statics within: 1500 units
○ Dynamic Containers
■ Untick ‘Dynamic Safe Containers’
○ Other Dynamic Things
■ Untick ‘Training Dummies/Archery Targets
● Landscape Overhaul
○ Trees, Bushes without Collision
■ Untick ‘Harvest Trees/Bushes without Collision
○ Trees, Bushes with Collision
■ Untick ‘Play Cutscene Sounds When Felling a Tree’
■ Felling Tree Elapses: 0 minutes
■ Tree Protected Chance: 0%
○ Rocks and Rock Piles
■ Max Hits to Destroy Rocks: 8 hits
● Advanced Options
○ Untick ‘New version for ownership’
○ Tick ‘Containers are destructible (but respawn)’
○ Untick ‘Play cutscene mammoth tusks’
○ Tick ‘No Food Containers’
○ Valuable stuff in EECo crates: 3%

Note: Hunterborn must be activated at this point for technical reasons.

● Features
○ Start Hunterborn (After starting, exit the menu to let Hunterborn start up. Once
‘Hunterborn Activated’ appears as a message, enter the MCM again.)
● Tweaks
○ Default actions
■ Click fresh kill (sneaking): Prompt
○ Presets
■ Meat yield: Custom
● Custom meat yield: 10%
■ Knives at merchants: Common (After selecting this, exit the menu to let
Hunterborn stock merchants with knives. Once ‘Finished restocking
merchants with hunting knives’ appears as a message, enter the MCM
○ Realism
■ Tick ‘Remove Manual Loot option’
■ Untick ‘Prevent use in combat’
■ Untick ‘Require cookbook for obscure recipes’
■ Tick ‘Require hunting knife’
■ Tick ‘Claws work as hunting knife’
■ Untick ‘Use animation for actions’
● Hotkeys
○ Abilities
■ Forage: F8
■ Sense direction: End
■ Primitive cooking: F7
● Monster Hunter
○ Tick ‘Enable Monster Hunter’
○ Options
■ Tick ‘Corporeal dragons’
● Compatibility
○ Options
■ Tick ‘Use custom textures (If using Automatic Variants)’

Easy Wheel Menu

Note: This mod is configured partially before game start, and partially after game start. Follow the
below instructions, and then move on to the next MCM.

● General
○ Mode selection
■ Tick ‘Use Swap mode’
■ Show: X
● Configuration
○ Current Wheel: 1
■ Wheel Layout
● 1: Horse - Whistle
● 2: Horse - Wait/Follow
● 3: Horse - Inventory
● 4: Crafting Ledger
● 5: Instincts
○ Current Wheel: 2
■ Wheel Layout
● 1: Build Campfire
● 2: Primitive Cooking
● 3: Foraging
● 4: Bathe
● 5: Lantern - Toggle
● 6: Refill/Drink
● 7: Check Dirt
● 8: Check Weather
○ Current Wheel: 3
■ Wheel Layout
● 1: Move Objects
● 2: Research Journal
● 3: Personal Journal
● 4: Horse - Stats
● 5: Sit Down

ESF: Companions
● Joining
○ Known Criminals
■ Tick ‘Can Overcome With Speech’
○ Thieves Guild Members
■ Tick ‘Thieves Guild Members Can Join’
○ Dark Brotherhood Members
■ Speech Skill Needed: 70
● Advancement
○ Requirements Before Your Trial
■ Untick ‘Do Quests For Each Circle Member’
● Quest Tweaks
○ Radiant Quest Settings
■ Untick ‘Questgiver Waits Inside Jorrvaskr’
○ Radiant Quest Reward Gold
■ Untick ‘Use Default Gold Rewards’
■ Gold per Guild Rank: 100
■ Gold per Quest Difficulty Level: 100
● Miscellaneous
○ Sparring
■ Tick ‘Magic Allowed in Sparring’
○ Beast Blood
■ Speech Skill Required: 40

● Settings
○ Miscellaneous
■ Tick ‘Enable Bedding Clutter’
■ Tick ‘Enable Laundry Clutter’
● Patches
○ Static Mesh Improvement Mod
■ Tick ‘Use 3D Chain Mesh

Follower Potions
● Default Settings
○ Enable/disable all: Enable all
○ Restore Potions
■ Min health out of combat: 0%
■ Min stamina out of combat: 0%
■ Min magicka out of combat: 0%
○ Notifications
■ No Restore Potions
● Warn every: 600 seconds
■ Untick ‘No Fortify/Resist potions’
■ Untick ‘No Poisons’
■ Untick ‘No potions/poisons at all’

Note: Activation of Frostfall causes the player character to spawn into the opening scene, which
eventually builds up exposure. Wait to configure this menu until after you’ve chosen a start and

Guess Distance
Note: This mod must be configured after the game has already begun. Its configuration instructions
are at the end of the guide.

● General
○ Day of the Dragonborn
■ Untick ‘Dragonborn” if you don’t intend your character to be Dragonborn.
(You can choose not to be Dragonborn while creating your character, once
the MCM configuration is complete.)
○ Birthday
■ Adjust these settings if you’d like your character to have a specific birthday.

Honed Metal
● General
○ Untick ‘Lore Based Smithing’
○ Untick ‘NPCs Have Materials’
○ Untick ‘NPC Skill Rebalance’
○ Tempering Cost Multiplier: 0.30
○ Enchanting Cost Multiplier: 0.30
○ Recharge Cost Multiplier: 0.10
○ Crafting Time: 0.25
○ Enchanting Time: 0.25

● Tutor & Activator XP
○ Tutor & Activator XP
■ XP per spell: 100
■ XP per activator: 25

Immersive Horses
Note: This mod is configured partially before game start, and partially after game start. Follow the
below instructions, and then move on to the next MCM.

● Options
○ Horses
■ Untick ‘Stolen Horses are Unclaimable’
○ Mounted
■ Untick ‘Loot corpses while mounted’
● Hotkeys
○ My Horse
■ Whistle: ;
■ Follow or Wait: L
○ Mounted
■ Toggle Trot: C

Immersive HUD
● Activation
○ Compass Activation
■ iHUD hotkey: ‘N’
○ SkyUI Active Effects
■ Tick ‘Active Effects ALWAYS On’
○ Crosshair Activation
■ Tick ‘When looking at activatable’
■ Tick ‘Wielding melee weapon’
■ Tick ‘Wielding ranged weapon’
■ Tick ‘Wielding spell’
● Transparencies
○ Compass: 130
○ Crosshair: 95
○ Magicka: 75
○ Health: 75
○ Stamina: 75

● Basics
○ Player
■ Hunger Rate: 3
■ Thirst Rate: 3
■ Fatigue Rate: 3
○ Automation
■ Drink/Refill Hotkey: ?
■ Sit Hotkey: ‘
● Advanced
○ Gameplay
■ Untick ‘Harmful Raw Food’
■ Tick ‘Cannibalism’
○ Food/Drink
■ Tick ‘No Salt Requirement’
● Difficulty
○ World
■ Food Removal: Both
■ Food Spoilage: Words
○ Gameplay
■ Combat Increases Needs: 3
○ Food/Drink
■ Increased Food Weight/Value: Disabled
■ Tick ‘Alcohol Dehydrates’
● Notifications
○ Widget
■ Style: Alpha-based
■ Default Color: White
■ Position: Bottom, Right
■ Orientation: Horizontal
■ X Offset: -165
■ Y Offset: -10
■ Tick ‘Track Disease’
Note: Exit the menu for a few seconds once configuration is complete. iNeed doesn’t play nicely with
other MCMs, and exiting the menu prevents MCM wonkiness.

Inns & Taverns

● Configuration
○ Options
■ Tick ‘Enhanced Mode’
■ Tick ‘Follower Bed Ownership’

Less Intrusive HUD

Ultimate Skyrim contains a preset for this mod so it can be configured automatically. To use the US
preset, follow these settings:

● HUD Position
○ Edit HUD Mode Hotkey: ‘Pause Break’
● General Settings
○ FileAccess Interface
■ Tick ‘Load personal preset’
■ When asked “do you want to load personal settings?” click ‘Yes’ or press
‘Enter’, then exit the menus & return to the game so the mod can load the

Here are the manual configuration settings for reference. If you change any settings, remember to exit
the menus & return to the game before configuring other MCM’s.

● HUD Visibility
○ HUD Items Visibility
■ Tick ‘Show Alternate Crosshair’
■ Tick ‘Show Alternate Sneak Crosshair’
■ Tick ‘Show Alternate Sneak Meter’
■ Untick ‘Show Sneak Text’
■ Untick ‘Show Activate Button’
○ HUD Items Opacity
■ Magicka Bar Opacity: 75
■ Health Bar Opacity: 75
■ Stamina Bar Opacity: 75
■ Crosshair Opacity: 95
■ Alternative Sneak Crosshair Opacity: 95

Loot and Degradation

● General
○ Loot
■ Enchanted Equipment Chance: 1
■ Tick ‘Less Leveled Loot’
■ Untick ‘NPCs Loot’
○ Services
■ Untick ‘Tempering Service’
■ Tick ‘Equipment Repair Kits’
○ Degradation
■ Player Degradation Rate: 3
■ Text Notifications: All
● Extra
○ Widgets
■ Style: Disabled

Note: this mod is preconfigured, and does not need adjusting. The settings are included below for

● Rewards
○ Courier Quests
■ Easy Letter Delivery Reward: 75
■ Normal Letter Delivery Reward: 150
■ Hard Letter Delivery Reward: 225

■ Easy Weapon Delivery Reward: 100

■ Normal Weapon Delivery Reward: 200
■ Hard Weapon Delivery Reward: 300
○ Gathering Quests
■ Easy Ingredient Gathering Reward: 200
■ Normal Ingredient Gathering Reward: 350
■ Hard Ingredient Gathering Reward: 500

■ Easy Soul Gem Gathering Reward: 300

■ Normal Soul Gem Gathering Reward: 600
■ Hard Soul Gem Gathering Reward: 1000

■ Easy Ore Gathering Reward: 125

■ Normal Ore Gathering Reward: 500
■ Hard Ore Gathering Reward: 900
■ Very Hard Ore Gathering Reward: 1400

■ Food Gathering Reward: 100

○ Bounty Quests
■ Animal Bounty Reward: 200
■ Bandit Bounty Reward: 600
■ Dragon Bounty Reward: 4000
■ Giant Bounty Reward: 1800
○ Retrieve Quests
■ Ruins Retrieval Reward: 700
■ Hideout Retrieval Reward: 750

Moonlight Tales
● Core Options
○ Hotkeys
■ Ability - Howl at the Moon: Del
■ Ability - Power Jump: Del
■ Ability - Revert Form: Scroll Lock
○ General Settings
■ Untick ‘Werewolf Aftermath Re-Equipper by Koroo’
WARNING: This mod is preconfigured, but the settings may need manual adjustment for larger
monitor resolutions. The default settings are listed below for reference.

● Player’s Data
○ position
■ X Position: 97.45%
■ Y Position: 94.45%
● Target’s Data
○ Target’s Data Widget
■ Untick ‘Show Other Effects’
○ Position
■ X Position: 76.00%
■ Y Position: 65.75%
● Target’s Count
○ Target’s Count Widget
■ Alignment: Right
○ position
■ X Position: 97.45%
■ Y Position: 91.00%

Realistic Torches
● Extra Features
○ General
■ Tick ‘Torch Crafting’
■ Tick ‘Sound Effect on Burn Out’

Note: Do not start Requiem via the MCM. It will initialize once you create your character and spawn.
You can configure it afterwards.

Simple Drop Lit Torches

● Hotkey Assignment
○ “Main torch hotkey”: T

Simple Taxes
● Customization
○ Untick ‘Toggle Follower Tax’
○ Horse Cost: 100
○ House Cost: 500

Simply Knock
● Settings
○ Base Success Chance: 30%
○ Welcome Duration: 8 Hours
○ Failure Timeout: 6 Hours
● General
○ Item List
■ Font Size: Small
○ Active Effects HUD
■ Icon Size: Small
■ Minimum Time Left: 0 s
● Advanced
○ Active Effects HUD
■ Orientation: Horizontal
■ Horizontal Anchor: Right
■ Vertical Anchor: Top
■ Icon Group Count: 10
■ Horizontal Offset: -19
■ Vertical Offset: 10
○ SWF Version Checking
■ Untick ‘Map Menu’

Sleep Tight
● Options
○ NPCs
■ Friendly Sleepwear: Naked
■ Untick ‘Cheap Shot’

Spell Research
Note: This mod must be configured after the game has already begun. Its configuration instructions
are at the end of the guide.

Note: For some reason, configuring Spellsword sometimes causes the player character to spawn in
the opening scene. Wait to configure this menu until after you’ve chosen a start and character.

SV Mods Menu
● Crafting Requires Permission
○ Toggle Functionality
■ Untick ‘Alchemy’
■ Untick ‘Blacksmithing’
■ Untick ‘Cooking’
■ Untick ‘Enchanting’
■ Untick ‘Harvesting’
○ Prices
■ Mining: 1000 gold
○ Prices - Discount
■ Mining: 500 gold
● More Punishable Crimes
○ Toggle Functionality
■ Untick ‘Disturbing the Jarl’s Peace’
■ Untick ‘Vagrancy’
■ Untick ‘Using Loud Apparatus’
● Spells Cost Stamina
○ Toggle Functionality
■ Untick ‘Spells Cost Stamina’
● Spell Learning Requirements
○ Toggle Functionality
■ Untick ‘Spell Learning Requirements’
● Really Simple Follower Tweaks
○ Toggle Functionality
■ Untick ‘Really Simple Follower Tweaks’

Take Notes
● Controls
○ Journal
■ Open Journal: -

Thieves Guild Requirements

Ultimate Skyrim contains a preset for this mod so it can be configured automatically. To use the US
preset, follow these settings:

● User Presets
○ Click ‘Load Preset’
○ When asked “Are you sure?” click ‘Load’ or press ‘Enter’. This should display a
confirmation that the preset loaded successfully, at which point you can exit the MCM.

Here are the manual configuration settings for reference:

● Requirements to Begin Recruitment Quest

○ Items stolen: 150
● Requirements to Begin 3rd Quest
○ Tick ‘Randomize’
● Requirements to Begin 4th Quest
○ Tick ‘Randomize’
● City Influence Quests
○ Tick ‘Randomize’
● Shadowmarks
○ Tick ‘Require City Quest’
○ Tick ‘Use Loot mark’

Trade and Barter

● Barter Rates
○ Tick ‘Enable Mod’
● merchants
○ Base Merchant Gold
■ Tick ‘Merchant Gold Fluctuates’
Note: the below settings are auto-configured, and do not require adjustment. They’re listed here for

● Price Variables
○ Solitude
■ Buying prices: 20% Higher
○ Markarth
■ Selling prices: 15% Higher
○ Windhelm
■ Buying prices: 20%
○ Riften
■ Buying prices: 25%
■ Selling prices: 10%
○ perks
■ Cost to Invest: 1000 gold
■ Increased Gold After Investment: 2000 gold

Wearable Lanterns
Ultimate Skyrim contains a preset for this mod so it can be configured automatically. The preset loads
on its own, so your settings should already be correct. If you’d like to verify that the settings are
correct, here are the manual configuration settings for reference:

● General
○ Fuel Settings
■ Tick ‘Oil Lanterns Use Oil’
○ Hotkeys
■ Toggle Lantern: >
● Meters
○ General Meter Settings
■ Display Mode: Contextual
■ Display Time (sec): 8
○ Oil Meter
■ Tick ‘Show Advanced Settings’
● Color: Dark Yellow
● Opacity: 75%
● Fill Direction: Right
● Scale: .50
● X Position: 639.7
● Y Position: 640.0
● Horizontal Anchor: Center
● Vertical Anchor: Bottom

Wet and Cold

● Wet
○ Player
■ Rain Blind: Disabled
○ NPCs
■ Click both lines reading “No Leveled Lists” (They will change to read “Add to
Leveled Lists’ when configured correctly.)
● Cold
○ Player
■ Untick ‘Strong Winds’
○ NPCs
■ Cold Gear: All Races
■ Click all lines reading “No Leveled Lists” (They will change to read “Add to
Leveled Lists’ when configured correctly.)
● Ashes/Survival
○ Ash/Survival Gear Options
■ Untick ‘Backpacks’
○ NPCs
■ Click the two lines reading “No Leveled Lists” under Ash Gear (They will
change to read “Add to Leveled Lists’ when configured correctly.)
■ Do not click “No Leveled Lists” under Survival Gear. (We don’t want to add
these backpacks to leveled lists.)

IMPORTANT: At this point, you may want to save your game - creating what we refer to as a
“template save”. MCM settings do not carry between saves, and loading a “template save” for
new characters saves you the trouble of reconfiguring the MCM.

DO NOT CREATE YOUR TEMPLATE SAVE VIA THE CONSOLE. Pressing “Enter” will inadvertently
begin character creation.

Also consider that there is a drawback to “template saves”. Skyrim randomizes some elements
on new game start, such as radiant quest locations. If you utilize a “template save”, these elements
will remain static between characters. The choice is up to you.

Ultimate Skyrim
Note: This MCM is back at the top of the list. These settings determine your character’s start & other
important elements about your playthrough, so pay special attention!

● Main
○ Presets: Presets determine your character’s starting equipment & spells, and you
may choose whichever preset you like (or none).
○ Character
■ Customize these settings as you like.
○ Dragons and Shouts
■ Dragons: Leveled Delay
■ Dragon Souls: Dragonborn or Non-Dragonborn
● WARNING: This setting has a major impact on your playthrough.
Non-Dragonborn characters cannot play the main quest, or
absorb dragon souls.

If you start the game as Non-Dragonborn, you can become a

Dragonborn at any time by revisiting this MCM. However, you
cannot change back to a Non-Dragonborn once you’ve become

■ Non-Dragonborn Shouts: Enable or Disable

● Enabling this setting will automatically unlock dragon shouts from
word walls, without the need for dragon souls.
○ Delayed Dragons
■ Word Wall Level: 15
■ Random Spawn Level: 25
● It’s recommended to postpone Dragon spawns to Level 25,
especially if you’re new to Requiem. Dragons are some of the
toughest enemies in the game, so this option gives newcomers a
chance to acclimate to Requiem’s dangerous environment. More
experienced players should feel free to experiment with lower level
● Equipment
○ Customize these settings as you like.
● Magic
○ Customize these settings as you like.
● Inventory
○ Customize these settings as you like.
● Starting Location
○ Customize these settings as you like.
● Special
○ Customize these settings as you like.

When you’ve finished configuring these settings, navigate to “Main” and click “Begin Your
Adventure - Let’s Go” to create your character & spawn into the world. Once you’ve spawned
& Requiem has successfully initialized, re-open the MCM to configure the mods we put off

A Closer Look
● Settings
○ General
■ Zoom Speed (ms): 400ms
■ Zoom Hotkey: Left Alt

● Overview
○ Frostfall Status
■ Click ‘Frostfall is:’ and then Enable. (When this setting changes to read
‘Frostfall is: Starting Up…”, exit the menu & wait about 30 seconds for
Frostfall to initialize, and then re-open the MCM to continue configuration.)

Ultimate Skyrim contains a preset for this mod so it can be configured automatically. The preset loads
on its own, so your settings should already be correct. If you’d like to verify that the settings are
correct, here are the manual configuration settings for reference:

● Gameplay
○ Player
■ Exposure Rate: 0.3x
■ At Max Exposure: Death
■ Vampire Behavior: Immortal
○ Hotkeys
■ Weathersense: Del
● Effects & Notifications
○ Effects
■ Untick ‘Player Frost Shader’
■ Untick ‘Player Wetness Shader’
○ Notifications
■ Untick ‘Weather Transitions’
■ Weathersense Display: Meters
■ Untick ‘Attribute Descriptions in Weathersense’
● Meters
○ General Meter Settings
■ Display Mode: Contextual
■ Display Time (sec): 8
○ Exposure Meter
■ Tick ‘Show Advanced Settings’
● Color (Cold): Dark Purple
● Color (Warm Glow): Orange
● Opacity: 75%
● Fill Direction: Right
● Scale: 0.55
● X Position: 1261.5
● Y Position: 702.8
● Horizontal Anchor: Right
● Vertical Anchor: Bottom
○ Wetness Meter
■ Tick ‘Show Advanced Settings’
● Color: Dark Blue
● Opacity: 75%
● Fill Direction: Left
● Scale: 0.55
● Tick ‘Flipped’
● X Position: 1413.2
● Y Position: 721.2
● Horizontal Anchor: Right
● Vertical Anchor: Bottom
○ Temperature Meter
■ Tick ‘Show Advanced Settings’
● Color: Dark Grey
● Opacity: 75%
● Fill Direction: Right
● Scale: 0.55
● Untick ‘Flipped’
● X Position: 1269.9
● Y Position: 694.8
● Horizontal Anchor: Right
● Vertical Anchor: Bottom

Guess Distance
● General
○ Miscellaneous
■ Dimensional Units: Meters
■ Untick ‘Enable Whisper Sound Effect”
■ Tick ‘Enable Hotkey’
■ Bound Hotkey: Mouse 4
● Appearance
○ Distance and Visibility Message: Disabled
○ Display Type: Separated

● Combat
○ Tick ‘No non-hostile Bull Rush/Trample’
○ Tick ‘Fearless and Steadfast Enemies’
● Atmosphere
○ Heartbeat threshold: 30%
○ Killmove health threshold: 0%
○ If you find the poison FX to be too much: Tick ‘Poisons without visual effects’

Spell Research
● Options
○ Background
■ Import Spells (Once selected, exit the menu and wait for the spells to import.
You will be prompted several times. Hit yes each time. Once a final
message box appears saying that all spells are imported, you can continue.
○ Interface
■ Click ‘Enable Hotkey’
■ Hotkey: Home

○ Casting Key: Mouse 5

Dual Wield Parrying

● Block Key: Mouse Wheel Click (if using keyboard)
● Block Key: Gamepad RB (if using gamepad)

Easy Wheel Menu

● General
○ Mode selection
■ Next: Scroll Wheel Up (if using keyboard)
Next: Gamepad X (if using gamepad)
■ Previous: Scroll Wheel Down (if using keyboard)
■ Previous: Gamepad Y (if using gamepad)

Immersive Horses
● Hotkeys
○ Dismounts
■ Fast Dismount Left: E (if using keyboard)
■ Fast Dismount Left: Gamepad A ( if using gamepad)

Finally, we need to adjust your Inventory categories. Open your inventory, select the “Apparel” tab,
and click here to configure columns. Once the menu is open, untick “Gender”, “Slot”, and “Base
Congratulations! You’ve finished the MCM configuration. That was a pain in the ass, wasn’t it? ;)

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