Microsoft Employee Benefits Manual

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What is Flexible Benefits Plan?
The Flexible Benefits Plan allows you to choose from a mix of benefits that best suit you
and your family’s needs. As an existing or new employee with the Company, you are
entitled to a minimum benefits package which includes Medical, Personal Accident, and
Life cover and additional options to provide comprehensive coverage.

Overview of Flexible Benefit Plan

Medical Cover Life/ Term Cover
• Choose from 15 plans ( 4 New • Default plan increased to 3 times
Plans) (NEW) annual salary (NEW)
• Domiciliary/Out-Patient expenses, • Provides coverage in case of death
Dental & Vision,
Medical Cover health checkup due to accidental or natural causes
• Hospitalization expenses (min 24 • Option to purchase additional
hrs.) insurance cover for self and spouse
• Maternity Expenses • Critical Illness - Provides lump sum
payout at the time of diagnosis
• Serious illness cover of INR 20L for towards the treatment of any of the
employees only (New) listed critical illnesses

Personal Accident Cover Flex Plus Plan Reimbursement Benefits

• Default plan increased to • Women & Child • Fitness Benefit
3 times annual salary Care Plan
(NEW) • Tuition Assistance
• Two new flex up
• Temporary disablement OPD plans • Child Care
due to accident (NEW) • You are eligible to use
• Permanent disablement • 2 New OPD / your unused flex
due to accident Domiciliary points to top up the
plans with above benefits in
• Option to purchase higher coverage case you wish to do
additional insurance (NEW) so
cover for self and spouse

The Flexible Benefits Plan cycle is from July-June. Starting FY 22, employees will need
to allocate Flex points to one of the options available under Flex plan and option to
cash out Flex points at year end will not be available.
The above benefits as provided by the organization are broadly classified into three

• Core Benefits - Minimum benefits provided by Microsoft at no cost to you

• Optional / Flex Plus Benefits – Flex-up benefits that you can purchase through
flex points (15,000 per fiscal) are allocated to you at the beginning of the year. For
new joiners, the Flex Points are allocated on a pro-rated basis. Option to make
your plan more robust by opting for higher insurance coverage, Women & Child
Care Flex Plus Plan, critical illness plan and OPD flex plans

• Reimbursable Benefits - In case you are left with flex points after you have
made your selection, you can allocate those to the following existing benefits

a. Fitness

b. Child Care

c. Tuition Assistance
Core Benefits and Optional Benefits
The chart below shows 2021-22 core and optional benefits for all employees:

Core Benefits
• Medical - Employee Only (INR 500,000 coverage)

• Home Quarantine -INR 20,000 per positive case

• Domiciliary/Out-Patient Expenses, Dental and Vision, health checkup packages- Employee and
Dependents 35000

• Personal Accident - Thrice the Annual Salary for employee only (NEW)
Term Life – Thrice the Annual Salary for employee only (NEW)

Optional / Flex Plus Benefits

• Medical - 15 Options ranging from Employee Only cover to Employee plus extended family
options (4 new plans introduced)
 Women and childcare*
 OPD / Domiciliary Plans – 2 Flex Up options (NEW)
• Personal Accident - Core benefit plus 3 options to enhance the sum insured limit up to six (6) times
annual salary. Employee can also enroll his/her spouse
for this benefit upto INR 50 lacs

• Term Life - Core benefit plus 3 options to enhance the sum insured limit up to six (6) times annual
salary. Employee can also enroll spouse for this benefit upto INR 1 crore. Additionally, the
employee can opt for critical illness cover by enrolling first under Voluntary top up option

*Women and Childcare Plan

• Maternity limit coverage enhanced
• Vaccinations: Cervical Cancer Vaccinations, Infant and Children Vaccinations
• Higher Pre & Post Natal Cover and more.
Using Flex Points to Buy Your Benefits
Microsoft One India Flexible Benefits Plan pays the full cost of your core benefits,
and then gives you the Flexibility to buy optional benefits that are right for you.
On enrollment, you are provided Flex points that you can use to buy benefits of
your choice. If you find that your Flex points do not cover the cost of the benefits
you want, you can still purchase your benefit choices through salary deduction.

Point Conversion: 1 Flex Point = 1 INR

Flex Points Allocation (15,000 per fiscal)
In keeping with our benefit philosophy, all employees are allocated the same
number of flex points regardless of years of service or job grade. For new
employees, Flex point allocation for their first year is prorated based on the daysl
eft in the fiscal year.

Spending your Flex Points:

You can spend your Flex points on your benefit choices at the start of
the Flex plan year. However:
• If the options you choose costs more than your Flex points, your
regular salary will be reduced by the excess amount to cover the
additional cost.
• You should allocate only unused Flex points towards other
reimbursement benefits after selecting appropriate insurance cover
for you & your family.
• Unused flex points post enrollment will lapse and will not be available
for encashment
If you leave the Company during the policy period, and have not filed any
claims, pro rated premium would be refunded in you F&F. settlement
Tax Impact if opted for Old Tax Regime
Your Contribution: Based on your benefits selection, any over purchase will be
deducted from your post-tax salary. These contributions are subject to tax exemption
as per income tax rules –
• Medical: Self, Spouse , Children and parents under section 80D (Parents-in-law are
not covered under this tax exemption category).
• OPD Plans under section 80D.
• Life: Self and Spouse under section 80C
• Critical illness: Self under section 80C
Form 16 will be updated accordingly to reflect the above-mentioned tax deduction.

Left over points: Unused flex points post enrollment will lapse and will not be available
for encashment
Options Available – Group Medical Cover

As part of the Flexible Benefits Plan, Medical Insurance coverage is

provided to you and your eligible dependents whereby 15 different
options are available for you to choose from as shown in the table below.
Based on selection of the option, you will have either availability or non-
availability of flex points. In case of available flex points, you can choose to
use it for other benefit options under Flexible Benefits
The following benefits are covered under this plan:

Options Dependents Covered Hospitalization Outpatient Maternity

Cover Cover/ Dental /
Health Check-
Option 1 Employee only 500,000 35,000 100,000
Option 2 Employee only 700,000 35,000 100,000
Option 3 Employee + 2 parents 500,000 35,000 100,000
Option 4 Employee + 2 parents 700,000 35,000 100,000
Option 5- New Employee + 2 parents 10,00,000 35,000 100,000
Option 6 Employee + Spouse / partner + 2 children 700,000 35,000 100,000

Option 7 –New Employee + Spouse / partner + 2 children 10,00,000 35,000 100,000

Option 8 Employee + Spouse / partner + 2 children + 2 700,000 35,000 100,000

parents / PIL

Option 9 Employee + Spouse / partner + 2 children + 2 10,00,000 35,000 100,000

parents / PIL

Option 10 Employee + Spouse / partner + 2 children + 2 15,00,000 35,000 100,000

parents / PIL

Option 11- New Employee + Spouse / partner + 2 children + 2 20,00,000 35,000 100,000
parents / PIL

Option 12 Employee + Spouse / partner + 700,000 35,000 100,000

2 children + 1 parent + 1 parent in-law

Option 13 Employee + Spouse / partner + 1,000,000 35,000 100,000

2 children + 1 parent + 1 parent in-law

Option 14 Employee + Spouse / partner + 15,00,000 35,000 100,000

2 children + 1 parent + 1 parent -in-law

Option 15–New Employee + Spouse / partner + 20,00,000 35,000 100,000

2 children + 1 parent + 1 parent -in-law
EE – Employee; P – Parents, SP – Spouse / partner, C – Children, PL – Parents-in-law.
Employees can opt for additional OPD limit.
Option 6 is a Default Benefit for new employees
* Combo plan option is applicable for only those employees who have only one surviving parent and one surviving parent in law. This option is not applicable for
other employees.
** Female employees only, at/above 40 years, are eligible for executive health checkup packages expenses of INR 15000. This is only applicable for Female
employee and not their family members. Details available on next page.
OPD Benefits
OPD PLANS and Optional
PLANS – CORE Benefits - OPD

Coverages Plan 1 (As is) Plan 2 (Flex up) Plan 3 (Flex up)

Sum Insured – Max Overall Limit 35,000 50,000 65,000

OPD / Domiciliary Sublimit 15,000 22,500 32,000

Health checkups Sublimit

10,000** 18,000 26,500

Dental/Vision Sublimit
10,000 18,000 26,500

Default Benefit for all the employees is 35k limit for Domiciliary/Out-Patient Expenses,
Dental and Vision, health checkup packages is a Employee can flex up to higher sum
insured of 50K and 65K
**Female employees above 40 years – health check up to INR 15k
Plan Selection Guidelines

Option 6 is a Default Benefit for new employees

1. OPD/ Domiciliary limit of 35K is the default limit
2. Switching between Parents & Parents-in-law is not allowed for a block of 3
years, unless in case of life changing events
3. Third child can also be covered within the selected plan.
4. Mid-year benefit re-selection is allowed only in case of Life event change
(marriage, child birth, death). Please write to for any
changes in the plan.
5. Maximum age for dependent children is 25 years

Policy Benefits under Medical Insurance Cover

1. Waiver of Time Exclusions for diseases
2. Pre-existing Diseases Exclusion Waiver
3. Waiver of 9 months waiting for Maternity Benefit
4. Well-being baby expenses covered for INR 5,000 within maternity limit
5. Pre & Post hospitalization – 30 & 60 days respectively
6. Baby cover from Day 1 within full family sum insured (subject to 60 days
7. Ambulance Transportation for hospital up to INR 15,000 per annum within
the sum assured
8. Expenses for donor organs paid within sum assured
9. Pre natal cover up to INR 5,000 within maternity limit of INR 100,000
10. Post natal cover up to INR 5,000 within maternity limit of INR 100,000
11. Alternative modes of treatment including Ayurveda, homeopathy and
similar such recognized treatments to be restricted to 20% of any one year
limit, subject to a max of INR 25,000 per family.
12. Chemotherapy done on hospitalization/OPD/Home are covered under the
policy if prescribed by the doctor
13. Dialysis done on hospitalization/OPD/Home are covered under the
policy if prescribed by the doctor
14. Coverage of Infertility treatment / IVF / IUI has been enhanced from INR
125,000 to INR 250,000 with 20% co-pay for both males and females.
15. Autism and related disorders - Cover to be applicable only in case of
children who have been diagnosed with ASD by a registered medical
practitioner with either of following qualifications: Child neurologist/child
psychologist or psychiatrist/developmental pediatrician up to Limit of INR
16. Genetic disorders treatments and procedures - Expenses covered for up to
50% Sum Insured.
17. Gender reassignment surgery - Cover the expenses for gender re-
assignment surgery and the pre and post expenses up to 6 months.
18. Multiple sclerosis - OPD/ Daycare medical expenses incurred for the
treatment. Claims are payable up to 75% of the sum insured limit.
19. Rehabilitation expenses - All expenses related to rehabilitation of an
employee following a major illness/ injury/ medical condition are covered
under this benefit
* must be prescribed by the treating doctor.
20. Long term physiotherapy - Post hospitalization/ any major surgery,
expenses for physiotherapy can be claimed for up to 6 months.
21. Mobility extension for medical reasons - Covered up to INR 50,000 per family.
Expenses related to external aids used for mobility (like walker, crutches, wheelchair
etc.) upon prescription of the treating doctor.
22. Coverage of hormonal and Immunotherapy for cancer patients.
23. Cyber knife / stem cell treatment / robotic surgery covered with 50% copay
(only if prescribed by doctor).
24. Coverage of cataract is limited to INR 75,000
25. Coverage of composite filling in dental care on OPD basis.
26. Payment of 50% against Age related macular disease (ARMD) including Avastin
injection & Lucentis Injection.
27. Coverage against Bariatric surgery when BMI is equal to or over and above 35.
28. HIV treatment covered within full sum insured done if done in hospitalization.
29. Hospital Cash (Revised Cover) INR 1500 payable after 5 days of hospitalization (only
for employees)
30. Photocopy of prescriptions, reports and other documents are acceptable. Only Bill
and discharge summary are required to be original
31. Prescription for chronic treatments valid up to 6 months only
32. Consolidated bills not payable. Bill break up is required.
33. Gender Affirmation Surgery - Cover the expenses for gender affirmation surgery and
the pre and post expenses up to 6 months
Differently abled child cover Differently abled child treatment for IPD covered up to
Family Floater Sum Insured and for OPD 30,000. All categories of disability including
genetic and physical will be covered. OPD treatment would include therapies,
consultations, and prescribed drugs administered as part of treatment within
hospital/clinic. OPD coverage for any ongoing medications/pharmacy administered
outside hospital/clinic is not payable. egs. eye misalignment, webbed toes, prosthesis
alignment or fitting, Cleft lip and palate correction. Please reach out to UHC SPOC’s for
clarifications prior to treatment.

34. Reconstructive Breast Surgery Resulting from Cancer – covered unto family sum
insured (NEW)

35. Critical Illness – Employee and Dependents CI cover is for 1 Lac and Additional 20
Lac limit for employees for named 13 critical illnesses
[Cancer, kidney failure, Primary Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension, Multiple Sclerosis, Major
Organ Transplant, Coronary artery by-pass grafts, Aorta Graft Surgery, Heart Valve Surgery,
Stroke, Myocardial Infarction, Coma, Total Blindness, Paralysis] (NEW)

36. Congenital Conditions and Birth Defects - Covered Up to Family Sum Insured

37. Income Protection Plan - Employee is eligible for INR 50,000 Per week or 50% of
base pay whichever is less is payable to employee only after employee has completely
utilized the sick / casual / privileged / paid leaves. This benefit will be paid for max. 6
months (NEW)

For further details on the , please visit

COVID Home Quarantine Coverage

Reimbursement of Up to INR 20,000 per COVID-19

positive case, subject to following conditions:

• Employee/dependent should be covered under Group

Medical Group Medical Cover
• Applicable only in case of Covid-19 positive cases and
which require home quarantine
• Substantiated by medical report and treated by Doctors
authorized by ICMR for COVID-19 Treatment & reported to
Government Authorities.
• Positive Covid report is mandatory. In case the report is
negative then HR CT scan can be submitted as an
alternative proof for confirming covid infection.
• All bills with GSTIN only.
• Home quarantine should be more than 3 days.
• Home quarantine packages are payable under this special
COVID-19 limit of up to INR 20,000 per positive case
• Coverage includes doctor consultation, COVID-19 test,
medicines, Pulse Oximeter, oxygen cylinder, nebulizers etc.
• Expenses related to diet/ vitamins/ tonics not included.
• This cover is over and above existing OPD/Heath check-up

Please Note: Tests for COVID-19 can also be claimed under Health Checkup limit under FY21 Insurance plan.
Options Available – Personal Accident
Group Personal Accident
Microsoft provides and pays the full cost of basic Personal accident benefit
(thrice of an employee’s annual salary) for all employees. If you want more
insurance than your basic cover, or if you want to extend the cover to your
Spouse, you can buy voluntary Personal accident insurance at exclusive low
group rates for Microsoft employees.
The objective behind providing this insurance is to compensate for the loss of
earning ability in the event of any accident. The coverage is applicable to the
employee 24 hours anywhere in the world in the event of an accident.
For details on the policy guidelines, please visit HR Web

Under Flexible Benefits, in addition to the

default/core cover, you can choose the following
additional coverage options -

Options Default/ Option 1* Option 2* Option 3* Spouse

Core Coverage*
Employee 3 x Annual Additional: Additional: Additional:
Coverage Salary 1 x Annual 2 x Annual 3 x Annual Max. 50
Amount Salary Salary Salary lacs (In
of 5 lakhs)

*Can be bought by you

Options Available – Group Term Life
Group Term Life
Microsoft provides and pays the full cost of basic Life insurance for all
employees. It provides financial protection to your family in case of death. To
help you put together a package of benefits that suits your needs, the Flex
Plan allows you to buy additional insurance at exclusive low group rates for
Microsoft employees.
For details on the policy guidelines, please visit HR Web

Under Flexible Benefits, in addition to the default/core cover, you can choose the
following additional coverage options -

Options Default/ Core Option 1* Option 2* Option 3*


3 x Annual Additional: 1 x Additional: 2 x Additional: 3 x
Coverage Salary
Amount (NEW) Annual Salary Annual Salary Annual Salary

Spouse From INR 500,000 – 10,000,000 (in multiples of 5 lakhs)


Critical Illness INR 5 Lacs, 10 lacs , 15 lacs (new) or 20 Lacs (new). Only those employees are
Coverage* eligible to opt for critical illness cover who opt for voluntary top up plan for
sum insured at least equivalent to or higher than the critical illness cover

*This is voluntary option, can be purchased by the employee

For additional top up options exceeding 50 Lacs, medical underwriting would be required

For Spouse coverage beyond INR 5,000,000, any one of the following documents must be submitted
(all these documents pertaining to your spouse ):

• Form 16 for last 2 years • IT Returns for last 2 years

• Salary slips for last 3 months • P&L Account for last 2 years
Spouse Underwriting

Sum Assured Underwriting Requirements

Upto 25L Nil.To Be Granted Fully
Insurer Underwriting Form. In case of adverse comment in the
Above 25 L-50 L
form, medicals will be called for. If not basis the medical history,
medicals will be triggered.
Above 50 L Insurer Underwriting Form + Medicals+ Financial Underwriting

In case Spouse is non working/ doesn’t have separate income source then maximum
cover that can be availed is 50 Lakhs
Free Cover Limit under Life/Term
You will be insured up to free cover limit till insurance company reviews your
underwriting documents and approves additional coverage. In case of
rejection of additional cover, Metlife team will update you the reason and
credit the Flex points back in to your Flex account.

Additional critical illness

Core benefit is subject to free cover limit (FCL) as cover INR 5 Lacs, 10 lacs, 15
confirmed by MetLife. If your coverage exceeds the lacs or 20 Lacs Only those
FCL then you have to undergo underwriting employees are eligible to
requirements as per the grid below at no additional opt for critical illness cover
cost. who opt for voluntary top
up plan for sum insured at
UW Condition
UW Coverage till
least equivalent to or higher
/ Rejection than the critical illness cover
Core Benefit > FCL Form / Medical Test FCL

New Sum Insured is > 2 x Last Form / Medical Test

For any underwriting
approved SUM INSURED requirement, you will be
informed by Metlife via
New Sum Insured due to Salary Form / Medical Test FCL email for further
increase during the year is > 25% processing.
of Approved SUM INSURED

FCL – Free cover limit is the limit up to which there’s no pre-requisite for medical
underwriting. FCL for 2021-22 for base cover is 10.5 Cr
Critical Illness Cover
Critical Illness cover is available to employees only. To opt for this cover , you
have to enroll for voluntary top up plan for sum insured at least equivalent
to or higher than the critical illness cover options. This benefit is payable
when an employee becomes critically ill. Employee is considered critically ill
if he is diagnosed to be suffering from any of the following conditions –

Critical Illness
• Heart Attack • Kidney / Renal • Heart Valve Replacement /
Failure Surgery
• Stroke • Major Organ • Paralysis / paraplegia
• Cancer • Aorta Surgery • Coma
• CABS (Bypass • Blindness

Please note
• Critical illness cover is for the employee only – with clause of 90 day waiting
period. Declaration of good health and underwriting tests may apply as per
insurer discretion. . Also the member has to be alive for 30 days from the
date of the first diagnosis of the critical illness
• Additional coverage under Personal Accident or Life/Term can be paid via
left over flex points from medical plan if any or else via salary deduction.
• Underwriting Requirements - You have to submit IUW Form for benefit
approval and may have to undergo Medical Test at insurer discretion.
For any underwriting requirement , you will be informed by Metlife via
email for further processing.

For details on the policy guidelines, please visit: HRWeb

What does it Cost You?
Cost of additional insurance under Personal Accident or Life/Term cover
depends on your age and sum insured. BenefitsAsia will display the price tag
for voluntary options. Price tag displayed would be per INR 1,000 of sum
insured. For example, if price tag is 0.25 per INR 1,000 sum insured, then
total cost of option equivalent to INR 10,00,000 will be INR 250. If you have
any questions on the price tag displayed on the site, please do drop a note to

Documentation Required
Based on the employee age & benefit selection under Life cover,
Insurer would require you to fill up the Underwriting form & undergo
Medical tests before approving the additional cover. The form would
then need to be couriered to:
You will be informed by Metlife team for any underwriting requirement for
submission of form or medical tests.
MetLife India Insurance Company Ltd.
Brigade Seshmahal, 5, Vani Vilas Road,
Basavanagudi Bangalore - 560004, Karnataka

In case of any questions or clarifications regarding the status

of documentation and enrollment under Personal Accident
or Life/ Term cover, you can write to
and keep in the loop.
Women & Child Care Plan
Make your insurance plan more robust by opting for the Women & Child Care


• Cervical cancer vaccination: Cost covered up to INR 10,000 for employee/spouse

• Maternity limit: Enhanced by INR 25,000
• Infant & Children Vaccinations: Up to age 14 up to INR 10,000 per family per
year with a cap of INR 2,000 per event
• Diaper & Sanitary pad cover: Cost covered up to INR 5000. Employee can claim
only for reimbursement.
• Pre & Post Natal Cover: Additional cost covered up to INR 10,000, will be part of
maternity limit and over and above the current pre & post-natal expense

What does it costs you?

INR 15,000 + GST
Reimbursable Benefits (Fitness, Tuition, Child Care)
As with other insurance-related benefits, Microsoft has extended the Flex
plan to enhance your reimbursement benefits like Tuition, Fitness, and
Child care.

What you get?

Your current entitlement for these three benefits remains as-is. However, if
you are left with Flex points in your account after your insurance benefit
selection, you can allocate those points to enhance any of these benefits.

What you can choose?

Allocate partial or all available flex points to any of these options.
For example: After finalizing your insurance benefits, if your Flex points
balance is INR 3,000 you can either:

• Top-up child care benefit by an additional INR 3,000 or

• Allocate INR 1,000 towards Child care and remaining INR 2,000 towards

When can you choose?

You can allocate unused flex points during the enrolment period at the
beginning of the fiscal year. For new employees, you can allocate unused
points during benefit selection period of two weeks.
Unused flex points post enrollment will lapse and will not be available for
How do I Enroll?
You can enroll yourself online through BenefitsAsia. In case you are unable to
log in to the site, please write to

Login Details:
Existing employees can use their
current username & password.
New Employees will receive their
access details (Username &
Password) via email from
BenefitsAsia at the start of the
enrollment period.
Steps to Enroll Online
1. To enroll via the BenefitsAsia Web site, simply click on BenefitsAsia
2. Enter your Employee ID and Password (If you have forgot your Password
click on “Forgot Password” to receive a new Password.)
3. Click “Login” to go to the Microsoft Flexible Benefits home page
4. First time users - Read and Agree to “ Terms of Service”
5. Verify your Personal and Dependents information. Add dependents if
required through “My Profile” -> “Dependent Profile” Menu option
6. Have better understanding of the benefits by going through Product
guides / other Reference materials
7. Click on “Start Enrollment” to start selecting the benefits.
8. Please note that the Total Percentage Nomination for GTL has to be
100 before you Start Enrollment. Use the following steps ensure that
the sum of their nomination is 100.
• Step I – Please click on My Details tab on the
top of this page.
• Step II - Click on Dependents tab where you can
see the list of existing dependents. In case you
do not have a prior dependent selected, please
click on Add Dependents tab and add the
• Step III – In case of existing list of dependents,
please click on each name and then denote the
nomination percentage.
9. Click on each Benefit Name to view/Select the options.
How to Confirm Your Elections
Soon after you make your elections, a confirmation statement will be available
under “My Enrollment” section of BenefitsAsia and you will also receive an email
confirmation at the end of enrollment period. Be sure to review it carefully and
make sure your benefit choices have been accurately recorded. If the elections
shown on your enrollment statement are incorrect, you can login to BenefitsAsia
(during enrolment period) to make appropriate changes or inform BenefitsAsia
admin team via email immediately.

Need to Make a Change?

You Must Let BenefitsAsia Know Right Away! It’s up to you to inform
BenefitsAsia of a qualified life event change that will affect your coverage. You
have one month from the date of the event to let them know.

What do you need to keep in Mind at the time of Enrollment?

To take full advantage of Microsoft One India Flexible Benefits and receive the
benefits that best meet your needs and the needs of your family, you should:
• Review all benefits materials provided to you as a new hire or during the
annual enrollment period.
• Participate in any benefits-related meetings / training sessions available to you,
so you are well informed about your benefits
• Remember the dates by which you must complete your enrollment. If you miss
your enrollment deadline, you won’t be able to enroll until the next annual
enrollment period or you experience an eligible life event / family status
• Have all the necessary information you’ll need to enroll before you start the
process, such as new dependent information
• Complete your enrollment as instructed in this Guide
• Review your pay checks carefully and report any incorrect deductions immediately
to HR
Who all is Eligible?
• You as a full time employee with Microsoft
• Your family and dependents – Spouse / partner, Children, Parents/Parents-in-law

Note: It is the employee's responsibility to understand the ‡ompany's

definition of dependent eligibility and provide accu- rate information when
enrolling for benefits. Enrolling dependents who are not eligible could result
in disciplinary action.

To Enroll New Dependents:

For existing employees, your current dependent information is stored in
BenefitsAsia. In case you want to enroll new eligible dependents, you can do
so through “My Profile”->”Dependent Profile” menu option in BenefitsAsia.
Please report any discrepancies to BenefitsAsia team at
Once your dependents have been added to BenefitsAsia (takes up to 4
working hours for processing), you may enroll them online under various
benefits by selecting them through Check box options.

Important Points to Remember Before You Begin Or Complete Your

• Check the accuracy of your personal information in BenefitsAsia
• Verify your dependents’ information
• Make sure dependents’ are selected under each plan as per your
requirements (check box should be checked against each dependent)
• Review your enrollment statement to make sure benefit choices are as per
your needs
• And lastly contact BenefitsAsia admin team for any queries related to the Flex
When Can You Choose/Change Your Benefits?
You as an employee are eligible to make changes in your Flexible Benefits plan as
per the following 3 criteria:

At the time of Life Events Just

Annual Enrollment Joined/New
Cycle Employee
(Begining of Fiscal)

• Each year in June, • If you’ve just got • You would have

the Flexible Benefits married, changed your the option of
Enrollment Plan will marital status ,had a selecting your
open to allow you to baby or unfortunate benefits plan
select the benefits event of death among within 2 weeks
that best suit to your your enrolled from your date of
current circumstances dependents, you may joining
wish to change your
• The choices made benefits to allow for • If you don’t make your
by you would be the change in your benefit elections
effective July 1 circumstances within the stipulated
onwards time then you’ll be
• You should contact auto- enrolled in to:
your HR / BenefitsAsia
- Administrator to see • “Core” benefit for
what benefits you can Personal Accident
change & Term life and

• “Default” plan for your

medical benefit
Please Note
• If you are an existing employee, in absence of selection within the
defined time frame, last year’s benefit selection will apply
• If you are a new employees, in absence of selection within the defined
time frame
“Default” plan will apply
• In both the above scenarios, an employee will have to wait until the next
annual enrollment or till there is a qualified life event change till the
next enrollment selection can be made
• If you miss your enrollment deadline, you may not have coverage during
the year for the benefits that you and your family need
Get all your queries answered on HR Web

Policy links on HR Web:

• Medical Insurance Coverage
• Personal Accident and Life/Term
• Fitness Benefit
• Tuition Assistance
• Child Care
• Flexible Benefits Overview
Important Contacts:
1. For any tool related issues at the time of enrollment or questions
on your enrollment plan/status on the BenefitsAsia site.

Please write to and loop in your local UHC

representative as mentioned in the table under Medical Insurance
Coverage. For any escalations related to tool issues on the BenefitsAsia
site, please write to to

For queries on underwriting documents related to Personal Accident and

Life/Term cover – please write to and
keep in the loop. In case of any escalations,
please do write to
2. For Claims Related Queries and Escalations, the Go To People would be
from UHC (in that order):
a. Local UHC SPOC (as mentioned under Medical Insurance Coverage)
3. For any escalations related to Enrollment, Benefit Asia & UHC, Please
reach out to Marsh Team
Things to Remember:
1. It is your responsibility to ensure that you and your dependents and enrolled
as per
the guidelines mentioned in this document
2. In case you fail to enroll yourself/your dependents on time, the tool will
automatically choose the default coverage. Any change to that will not be
possible before the next enrollment period
3. While selecting a coverage under Life/Term/Critical Illness, where you are
expected to give an underwriting form, please make sure that you do
follow up with MetLife at;; to
ensure that the same is reflected in the tool
4. Most importantly, your primary point of contact for any insurance related
query would be your local UHC representative as mentioned under bullet B
(3). In case you do not get satisfactory response from them, please feel free
to write to Ask HR
Thank you

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