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Nonisolated High Step-up Boost Converter

Integrated With Sepic Converter
Ki-Bum Park, Student Member, IEEE, Gun-Woo Moon, Member, IEEE,
and Myung-Joong Youn, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—For a nonisolated high step-up converter, the combi-

nation of a boost converter with a series output module is inves-
tigated in this paper. As a solution to supplement the insufficient
step-up ratio and distribute a voltage stress of a classical boost con-
verter, a sepic-integrated boost (SIB) converter, which provides an
additional step-up gain with the help of an isolated sepic converter,
is proposed. Since the boost converter and the sepic converter share
a boost inductor and a switch, its structure is simple. Moreover, the
SIB converter needs no current snubber for the diodes, since the
transformer leakage inductor alleviates the reverse recovery. The
operational principle and characteristics of SIB converter are pre- Fig. 1. Boost converter with series output module.
sented, and verified experimentally with a 200 W, 42 V input, 400 V
output prototype converter.
Index Terms—High step-up converter, boost converter, sepic Current-fed type converters, which easily offer a high step-
up ratio using a transformer, are attractive for high power step-
up applications with multiple switches [7]–[12], [28]. How-
ever, they require snubbers to limit the voltage spike across
I. INTRODUCTION switches caused by the existence of transformer leakage in-
HE nonisolated high step-up conversion technique finds ductance, resulting in an additional loss. Moreover, an aux-
T increasing necessities in applications, such as electric
vehicles, uninterrupted power supplies (UPS), high-intensity-
iliary circuit is needed for below 0.5 duty operation and the
input current is no longer continuous in this operation. Active
discharge (HID) lamp, fuel cell system, and photovoltaic sys- clamp approaches release these problems and reduce switching
tems [14], [15], [18], [21], [24]. In these applications, a classical losses, but lead to complex structures with increased number of
boost converter is generally used and it has several advantages, switches [11], [12]. A coupled-inductor-employed boost con-
such as simple structure, continuous input current, and clamped verter is also a favorable candidate in low-to-medium power
switch voltage stress to the output voltage. However, it is very applications for its simple structure, though the input current
difficult to satisfy both high voltage conversion ratio and high is not continuous as in a general boost converter and an aux-
efficiency at once. This is primarily due to the parasitic resis- iliary circuit is also required to suppress the switch voltage
tances, which cause serious degradation in the step-up ratio and spike [13]–[20]. Particularly, as the auxiliary turns of a coupled
efficiency as the operating duty increases [1]. Moreover, in high- inductor are increased to raise a voltage gain further, an input
output voltage applications, a high-voltage rating diode causes current ripple becomes larger in return. Thereby, more input
a severe reverse recovery problem, which requires a snubber filter is needed. A voltage multiplier cell or a switch capacitor
circuit [2]–[6]. As a result, a general boost converter would not circuit can be useful to raise a step-up gain in collaboration
be acceptable for high step-up applications. To overcome these with classical topologies [21]–[24]. As the output voltage is
limitations, various types of step-up converters, utilizing the increased, however, the number of stage is increased, requir-
voltage conversion ability of a transformer, a coupled-inductor, ing more capacitors and diodes. Besides, the current snubber is
and a multiplier cell, can be adopted [7]–[24]. required to reduce the reverse recovery on diode.
To obtain a high step-up ratio in a nonisolated system, the al-
ternative structure, which combines a classical boost converter
with an isolated-type converter as a series output module can be
Manuscript received September 17, 2009; revised February 22, 2010; considered, as shown in Fig. 1. By properly selecting a converter
accepted March 10, 2010. Date of current version September 17, 2010. This
work was supported by the Brain Korea 21 Project, the School of Information for a series output module, many advantages, such as high step-
Technology, KAIST in Korea. This paper was presented in Power Electronics up capability, design flexibility, and distributed voltage stress
Specialists Conference, titled as “Integrated Boost-Sepic Converter for High can be achieved. Although this architecture can achieve a high
Step-up Applications,” June 15–19, 2008, Rhodes, Greece. Recommended for
publication by Associate Editor P. Jain. performance, its structure would be complex. To simplify the
The authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Korea circuit, a boost converter and a sepic converter, as a series out-
Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon 305-701, Korea put module can be simply integrated, as shown in Fig. 2, be-
(e-mail:;; mmyoun@ee. cause they can share common parts, i.e., a boost inductor LB
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPEL.2010.2046650 and a switch Q. Since this series output module should have

0885-8993/$26.00 © 2010 IEEE


Fig. 2. Common parts sharing between boost converter and isolated sepic

Fig. 3. SIB converter.

a floating output ground, an isolated-type sepic converter is

adopted [1], [25]. As a result, a sepic-integrated boost (SIB)
converter is derived, as shown in Fig. 3. This converter provides
an additional step-up ratio and a distributed voltage stress on de-
vices, while maintaining the advantages of the boost converter,
such as continuous input current and clamped voltage stress on
switch. Moreover, the transformer leakage inductance provides
a current snubbing effect, which alleviates the reverse recovery
problem on diodes.


In order to perform a mode analysis of SIB converter, several
assumptions are made as follows. The transformer T is modeled
as a magnetizing inductor LM , a leakage inductor Llkg , and an
ideal transformer, with a turn ratio n. The input voltage VS , the
balancing capacitor voltage VCb , the lower module output volt-
age Vo1 , and the upper module output voltage Vo2 are constant.
The switch and diode are ideal.
The basic operation of SIB converter is a combined opera- Fig. 4. Key waveforms of SIB converter. (a) Case I (n > 1). (b) Case II
(n < 1).
tion of a boost converter and a sepic converter with a common
boost inductor and a switch. Each converter is operated with its
original function and an additional effect of the transformer leak-
age inductance Llkg . During the switch-OFF state, Llkg forces and ILm are in a continuous current mode (CCM). Fig. 4(a)
the commutation of the diode current between two converters and (b) shows the key waveforms of case I (n > 1) and case II
slowly from the lower diode Do1 to the upper diode Do2 . The (n < 1), respectively. In case I, ID o 1 is decreased to zero, but not
lower diode current ID o 1 can be decreased to either zero or not, in case II. (This condition will be discussed later.) The detailed
according to the turn ratio n, though both inductor currents ILb operation of each case is presented next.

Fig. 5. Topological states of case I (n > 1). (a) Mode 1 [t0 ∼ t1 ]. (b) Mode 2 [t1 ∼ t2 ]. (c) Mode 3 [t2 ∼ t3 ]. (d) Mode 4 [t3 ∼ t4 ].

A. Case I (n > 1) Vo1 –VCb –Vo2 /n, and VS –VCb –Vo2 /n is applied to LB . There-
As shown in Fig. 4(a), one period is subdivided into four fore, ILb is decreased less slowly than in mode 3. At t4 , one
modes and their topological states are presented in Fig. 5. Before period is completed and the same operation is repeated.
t0 , both the boost inductor current ILb and the transformer
magnetizing current ILm flow through Do2 . B. Case II (n < 1)
Mode 1 [t0 ∼ t1 ]: The switch Q is turned ON at t0 . Since
The basic operation is similar to that of case I except that
Do2 is still conducting, the entire voltage of VCb + Vo2 /n is
mode 4 is ignored. Therefore, one period is subdivided into
impressed on the transformer leakage inductor Llkg . Therefore,
three modes, as shown in Fig. 4(b). The difference from case I
the transformer primary current Ilkg is increased linearly. Thus,
is as follows.
IQ is increased and ID o 2 is decreased accordingly, resulting
During the interval t2 ∼ t3 , ID o 1 and ID o 2 are commutated.
in a commutation between IQ and ID o 2 . Since Llkg alleviates
However, ID o 1 does not reach zero in this case. When the switch
di/dt of ID o 2 , i.e., Llkg provides a current snubbing effect, the
Q is turned ON at t3 , the current still remains in Do1 , which leads
reverse recovery phenomenon of Do2 can be reduced. Do1 is
to an abrupt current drop of ID o 1 . This results in a considerable
reverse-biased by Vo1 .
reverse recovery current. However, ID o 2 is decreased slowly by
Mode 2 [t1 ∼ t2 ]: At t1 , ID o 2 reaches zero, and both ILb and
Llkg , which is the same as in case I. These two different diode
ILm flow through Q. Ilkg only contains ILm . VS and VCb are
current slopes can be directly observed by IQ during the interval
applied to LB and LM , respectively. Therefore, ILb and ILm
t3 ∼ t0 . In view of a reverse-recovery problem, the operation
are increased linearly. VCb is reflected to the secondary side of
in case I (n > 1), which guarantees a ZCS turn-OFF of Do1 , is
the transformer, thus Do2 is reverse-biased by nVCb + Vo2 .
more desirable.
Mode 3 [t2 ∼ t3 ]: The switch Q is turned OFF at t2 , and the
entire currents of ILb and ILm flow through Do1 , since Llkg pre-
vents the current from flowing through Do2 . VQ is clamped to III. ANALYSIS AND CHARACTERISTICS
Vo1 . VS – Vo1 and −Vo2 /n are applied to LB and LM , respec- The simplified current waveform is presented in Fig. 6. For
tively. Thus, ILb and ILm are decreased linearly. Meanwhile, the purpose of analysis, it is assumed that the time interval
Do2 starts to conduct and VCb + Vo2 /n – Vo1 is impressed on DO TS is zero, and ILb and ILm are constant. The average value
Llkg , forcing Ilkg to decrease slowly. As Ilkg is decreased, ID o 1 is represented by •.
is decreased and ID o 2 is increased accordingly. That is, a com-
mutation between ID o 1 and ID o 2 is progressed. Since ID o 1 has
a gentle slope, the reverse recovery of Do1 can be minimized, A. Case I (n > 1)
i.e., zero-current switching (ZCS) turn-OFF of Do1 is achieved. Considering ID o 1 = ID o 2 = IO , the voltage–second balance
Mode 4 [t3 ∼ t4 ]: ID o 1 reaches zero at t3 , and the entire of LB and LM , and the current–second balance of CB , the
currents of ILb and ILm flow through Do2 . Do1 is blocked by steady-state equations are obtained as (1)–(12).

case I and case II.

2(1 − D)
D1 TS = TS (6)
(1 − D)(n − 1)
D2 TS = TS . (7)
The average current of ILb is the same as the average input
current Iin as in (8). However, the average current of ILm is the
same as the reflected output current as in (9). That is, as n is
decreased, ILm  is reduced.

1 + nD
ILb  = Iin = IO (8)
n(1 − D)Iin
ILm  = = nIO . (9)
1 + nD

The current stress on switch is the sum of ILb and ILm as

in (10), and is the same as that of ID o 1 . Fig. 8(a) shows the
current stress on switch normalized by Iin . As n is increased
and the duty cycle is decreased, the current stress on switch is
increased. In case of n = 0, which stands for a conventional
Fig. 6. Simplified current waveform. (a) Case I (n > 1). (b) Case II (n < 1).
boost converter, the current stress equals to Iin . Similarly, as in
(11), the current stress on Do2 is the sum of the reflected ILb
The input–output voltage conversion ratio considering the ef- and ILm in the secondary. Fig. 8(b) shows the current stress on
fect of K (= Llkg /2TS RO ) is presented in (1). Fig. 7(a) shows Do2 normalized by IO , where n = 1 also represents the current
the voltage conversion ratio according to the variation of K, stress on Q and Do1 .
when n = 4. As K increases, a smaller step-up ratio is achieved,
since K provides a damping effect. Therefore, in designing a IQ p eak = ID o 1 p eak = ILb + ILm
SIB converter, the turn ratio and the duty cycle should be se-    
1+n 1+n
lected carefully considering the damping effect of K. Although = IO = Iin (10)
1−D 1 + nD
(1) explains in full about the voltage equation, it is complex.  
By setting K = 0, an approximated equation can be obtained, 1 1 1+n
ID o 2 p eak = (ILb + ILm ) = IO . (11)
which is a sum of the output voltage equations of the boost n n 1−D
converter and the isolated sepic converter as in (2). With this
approximation, Vo1 , Vo2 , and VCb are obtained as (3)–(5) as The voltage stresses on Q and Do1 are clamped to Vo1 as in a
shown at the bottom of the page. The voltage conversion ratio boost converter. Since Vo1 can be designed several times lower
according to the variation of n is given in Fig. 7(b) with K = 0. than the total output voltage VO , low-voltage rating devices can
In Fig. 7(b), n = 0 stands for the conventional boost converter. be used for Q and Do1 even in high-output voltage applications.
The time interval D1 TS and D2 TS are presented as (6) and The voltage stress on Do2 in steady state would be nVCb + Vo2 ,
(7), respectively, and are determined by the duty cycle D and if the voltage ringing is ignored, and can be expressed as follows:
the turns ratio n. As n decreases, D2 TS decreases and becomes
zero, when n = 1. That is, mode 4 (t3 ∼ t4 ) can be neglected, Vo2
VD o 2 ss = nVCb + Vo2 = nVS + Vo2 = . (12)
if n is smaller than 1. This is the boundary condition between D

VO Dn(1 + n) Llkg
= , K= (1)
VS (1 − D) [n − 1 + ({Kn(1 + n) D + (1 − D)2 } (2nD − n + 1)) /(1 − D)2 (nD + 1)]
2 2TS RO
VO 1 + nD
≈ (2)
VS 1−D
VO 1 ≈ (3)
VO 2 ≈ (4)
VCb ≈ VS . (5)

Fig. 7. Input–output voltage conversion ratio according to (a) variation of K (n = 4) and (b) variation of n (K = 0).

Fig. 8. Current stress according to variation of n. (a) Current stress on switch Q normalized by Iin . (b) Current stress on diode D o 2 normalized by IO .

B. Case II (n < 1) where n2 Cj 2 is the reflected Cj 2 to the primary. As a result,

The basic steady-state equations are the same as those of case by the interaction between Llkg and n2 Cj 2 , the peak voltage
I, except for ID o 1 and ID o 2 . The lagging edge values of ID o 1 of VD o 2 ideally reaches up to twice the steady-state value, i.e.,
and ID o 2 are expressed in (13) and (14). As n increases, ID o 1 E 2Vo2 /D. If the reverse recovery is considered, the peak voltage
decreases, and becomes zero when n = 1. This condition is would be increased further. This additional voltage stress can be
matched to the boundary between case I and case II. suppressed by a snubber circuit, but a loss occurs [29].
The equivalent circuit after the switch is turned OFF at t2
1−n is presented in Fig. 9(c). Provided that the effect of Llkg is
ID o 1 E = IO (13)
1−D small enough, ILb and ILm , which can be considered as current
2 sources, charge Coss + Cj 1 , while discharge n2 Cj 2 . Therefore,
ID o 2 E = IO . (14) these charging/discharging currents are divided by the ratio of
capacitance. As a result, some current drop, Idrop in Fig. 9(a),
C. Effect of Diode Junction Capacitance is occurred on Ilkg , since ILb + ILm is flowing through Llkg .
This current drop slightly changes the shape of ID o 2 and raises
In the previous analysis, the switch and diode are assumed to the boundary condition between case I and case II to a higher
be ideal devices, i.e., intrinsic capacitors are not considered, for value than n = 1. As the capacitance ratio n2 Cj 2 /(Coss + Cj 1 )
analytic purposes. However, in a real operation, these signifi- is increased, Idrop is increased accordingly.
cantly affect the operation of SIB converter, and are discussed
as follows. The key waveforms and equivalent circuits consid-
ering the intrinsic capacitors are presented in Fig. 9, where Coss IV. DIODE VOLTAGE-STRESS DISTRIBUTION METHODS
is the output capacitor of Q, and Cj 1 and Cj 2 are the junction As presented in (12), the voltage stress across Do2 is higher
capacitors of Do1 and Do2 , respectively. than Vo2 . Therefore, a high-voltage rating diode is required,
During t0 ∼ t1 , VCb + Vo2 /n is applied to Llkg . Therefore, which leads to a high cost and low performance in high-
after ID o 2 reaches zero at t1 , the resonant circuit on which output voltage applications. Moreover, the aforementioned volt-
VCb + Vo2 /n is impressed is constituted, as shown in Fig. 9(b), age ringing across the diode makes this problem more severe.

Fig. 10. Diode voltage-stress distribution methods. (a) Multiwinding struc-

ture. (b) Clamp diode employed structure.

Fig. 9. Effect of diode junction capacitance. (a) Key waveforms. (b) Equivalent the switch conducting state, and this condition can be approxi-
circuit [t0 ∼]. (c) Equivalent circuit [t2 ∼ t2 ].
mately expressed as D > 0.5. This method can also be extended
to multiwinding structures.

To distribute the voltage stress across the secondary diode,

the SIB converter can be extended to a multiwinding structure, V. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS
as shown in Fig. 10(a) and the number of secondary winding can
A. Design Guideline and Example
be increased further. Although multiwindings can distribute the
voltage stress across the diode, the voltage ringing still remains To illustrate the design procedure for a 200-W prototype con-
and it should be suppressed by snubber circuits. verter with 42 V input and 400 V output operating at 60 kHz,
To distribute the voltage stress and limit the voltage ringing an example is presented as follows. The required input–output
by a simple nondissipative method, two auxiliary clamp diodes voltage gain M is 9.52 ( = 400/42), i.e., about 10. To distribute
dc2 and dc3 can be employed in series with two main diodes and limit the voltage stress across the diode in the sepic con-
Do2 and Do3 , respectively, which are parallel to Vo2 as shown verter by Vo2 with a nondissipative way, the secondary side is
in Fig. 10(b). If the voltage ringings across the main diodes substituted by the clamp diode structure presented in Fig. 10(b).
reach Vo2 , the clamp diodes are conducted. Then, VD o 2 and Therefore, the nominal duty cycle Dnom should be selected as
VD o 3 are limited by Vo2 . Since only a small ringing current above 0.5.
flows through the clamp diodes, low-current rating diodes can In the converter design, a selection of the switch Q, which
be used. To properly function this voltage clamping method is burdened by the large input current ILb and ILm as well, is
without a distortion in the original converter operation, the con- primarily considered with respect to the cost and the efficiency.
dition Vo2 > nVCb , is required. If nVCb is higher than Vo2 , As presented in (15) and Fig. 11(a), an rms value of switch
the powering path from VCb to Vo2 can be formed through current is decreased as D is increased. That is, a larger D is of
Llkg and two clamp diodes during the switch conducting state. benefit for reducing a switch conduction loss. However, a switch
Therefore, a large current would flow through the clamp diodes voltage stress, VS /(1–D), is increased in return, which lead
and distort the converter operation. To prevent this problem, to a use of higher voltage switch having larger ON-resistance.
nVCb must be lower than Vo2 to block the clamp diodes during Therefore, a D should be selected to accommodate as a low

Fig. 11. (a) Switch current rms value normalized by IO and (b) transformer turn ratio n according to variation of input–output voltage gain M .

voltage stress as possible, while still having a low rms value sufficiently alleviated.
of a switch current. To utilize a 200 V switch with a sufficient
margin, therefore, the Dnom is selected as about 0.6. dID o 2 VS
≈ . (16)
dt n(1 − D)Llkg
M −1
IQ rm s ≈ √ IO . (15)
D B. Experimental Results
To verify the SIB converter, the prototype is implemented.
Considering the Dnom to be 0.6, from (2) and Fig. 11(b), The specification and design parameters obtained from the de-
the required transformer turn ratio n is determined as 5 accord- sign example are presented in Table I.
ingly. In the prototype design, the damping factor K in (1) is Fig. 12 shows the key experimental waveforms at a full-
so small, i.e., merely 0.00015, such that its effect on the output load condition and the overall waveforms are agreed well with
voltage is negligible. With the selected n and Dnom , from (3) the theoretical analysis. It is shown that the voltage stresses
and (4), Vo1 and Vo2 are designed to be about 100 and 300 V, on switch Q and diode Do1 are limited to the output of boost
respectively. Thereby, the usage of 200 V switch and diode are converter Vo1 , which is slightly higher than 100 V, neglecting
allowed for the boost converter and 400 V diodes for the sepic the voltage spike caused by the parasitic inductance, though VO
converter. is 400 V. There is no reverse recovery on ID o 1 , since it has an
The design of the boost inductor LB is the same to that extremely low-current slope, i.e., ZCS turn-OFF is achieved. In
of a classical boost converter [26]. Considering a current rip- the waveforms of IQ in Fig. 12(a), Ilkg in Fig. 12(b), and ID o 2
ple to be 15% of the input current 4.8 A, LB is designed as in Fig. 12(c), the reverse recovery current from the secondary
600 µH. diode is alleviated by Llkg although some is still observed. The
As presented in (9), ILm of the transformer has an off- current stress on switch Q is over 8 A, which is higher than that
set current, i.e., the transformer stores an energy like an in- on LB of 5 A, since IQ contains ILm as well as ILb . The current
ductor; therefore, the transformer should be designed like a drop on Ilkg at the switch turn-OFF transition can be seen in
flyback transformer, considering its inductance and average Fig. 12(b) and its corresponding built-up current can be found
current [26], [27]. Considering a current ripple of ILm equal from ID o 2 in Fig. 12(c). ILb , which represents the input current
to 80% of its average current 2.5 A, LM is designed as is continuous.
200 µH. Fig. 12(d) represents the extended waveforms of the sec-
The Llkg of the transformer acts as a current snubber, which ondary side. It is noted that the voltage ringing across Do2 and
alleviates the reverse recovery on diodes of the sepic converter. Do3 are limited to the output of sepic converter Vo2 , i.e., about
The required inductance for current snubbing effect can be de- 300 V, by the clamp diodes, though some surge voltage occurs
fined by di/dt of a diode current at the switch turn-ON instant. on Do2 by a parasitic inductance. The current snubbing effect by
In order to reduce the reverse recovery sufficiently, di/dt should Llkg can be observed from the slow di/dt ratio of ID o 2 , roughly
be less than 100 A/µs [4]. From (16), which represents the di/dt 1.2 A/0.1 µs.
of ID o 2 during the interval t0 ∼ t1 of Fig. 4, the minimum in- Fig. 13 shows the measured efficiency according to the load
ductance, which guarantee di/dt below 100 A/µs is obtained as variation. Since the SIB converter employs low-voltage rating
210 nH. If the obtained Llkg from a fabricated transformer has switch and diode, i.e., high performance and low cost device,
a larger inductance than 210 nH, a reverse recovery would be and the reverse recovery problem is considerably reduced, it can


Fig. 12. Key experimental waveforms at full-load condition. (a) V Q , IQ , and ID o 1 . (b) V D o 1 , IL b , and Ilk g . (c) ID o 2 , V D o 2 , and V D o 3 . (d) Extended
waveforms of ID o 2 , V D o 2 , and V D o 3 .

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Ki-Bum Park (S’07) was born in Korea, in 1981. He Myung-Joong Youn (S’74–M’78–SM’98) was born
received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in elec- in Seoul, Korea, in 1946. He received the B.S. degree
trical engineering from Korea Advanced Institute of from Seoul National University, Seoul, in 1970, and
Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, Korea, the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering
in 2003, 2005, and 2010, respectively. from the University of Missouri, Columbia, MO, in
He is currently a Postdoctoral Researcher at 1974 and 1978, respectively.
KAIST. His research interests include dc–dc con- In 1978, he joined the Air-Craft Equipment Divi-
verter, power-factor-correction (PFC) ac–dc con- sion, General Electric Company, Erie, PA, where he
verter for server power systems and display power was an Individual Contributor on Aerospace Electri-
systems, and display driver circuit. cal System Engineering. Since 1983, he has been a
Dr. Park was recipient of the Best Paper Award Professor at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and
from the International Telecommunications Energy Conference 2009. Technology, Daejeon, Korea. His current research interests include the areas of
power electronics and control, which include the drive systems, rotating elec-
trical machine design, and high-performance switching regulators.
Dr. Youn is a member of the Institution of Electrical Engineers, U.K., the
Korean Institute of Power Electronics, the Korean Institute of Electrical Engi-
neers, and the Korea Institute of Telematics and Electronics.

Gun-Woo Moon (S’92–M’00) received the M.S. and

Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from Ko-
rea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
(KAIST), Daejeon, Korea, in 1992 and 1996, respec-
He is currently a Professor in the Department of
Electrical Engineering, KAIST. His research inter-
ests include modeling, design and control of power
converters, soft-switching power converters, resonant
inverters, distributed power systems, power factor
correction, electric drive systems, driver circuits of
plasma display panels, and flexible ac transmission systems.
Dr. Moon is a member of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics, the
Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers, the Korea Institute of Telematics and
Electronics, the Korea Institute of Illumination Electronics and Industrial Equip-
ment, and the Society for Information Display.

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