The Legend of Watu Blorok

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Once in Majapahit kingdom there was a great commander named Wiro

Bastam. One day, The Queen who was pregnant wants the heart of a golden deer.
So, the King assigned Wiro Bastam to fullfill the willing of the Queen and gave
him a sacred arrow. Then, Wiro Bastam go for hunting. When He found the
golden deer, He could shoot his arrow to the deer, but it escaped far away to the
forest with the sacred arrow on it. Wiro failed to run after the deer. He went back
to the palace, and reported it to the king.

“Wiro Bastam! How stupid you are! I don’t know how, but you must bring back
the sacred arrow and the golden deer’s heart for my belofed queen, or you will
lose your head!” The king was so angry to him.

“ Yes your highness, I will go back to Mojoroto forest and get what you want ”
Wiro replied it in tremble.

Before he went back to the forest, he dropped by his house to tell his wife
about his duty. “ My wife, I must go back to the forest to get back the arrow that
was stucked on the golden deer. It may take for a long time. Take care our
children and yourself. Good bye and wish me luck”. His wife, replied tenderly “
Yes my dear husband, I will take care our family while you are away. My prayer
will always be with you. Hope you can fulfill your duty soon”

When he was about to go. suddenly his two children came to him. They
heard what their father said to their mom. His son, Joko Welas said, “ But father,
you have spent some days in the forest and now you must go back there? We
know that you are very tired and weak. Please stay at home to rest and Ni Wilis
and I will go to the forest to get the arrow back”.

“ Yes father, I agree with my brother. We can handle it, just let us go “ His
daughter added.

“ What kind-hearthed children you are. I am so proud of you. I do let you go but
remember that you should try to solve every problem you will find, together. Do
not ever quarrel and fight yourselves. When I feel better, I will go to the forest to
help you”. Joko Welas and Ni Wilis nodded their head. Then they started their

Having walked for some days, they found a deep well. Ni Willis told his
brother “ We haven’t taken a bath for some days. I need to get my body fresh”
then she went into it directly. “ no!” his brother shouted but it was too late. Do
you know what happened next? Some minutes later, Ni Wilis shouted “, please help me..ahg what happenend to my skin, it’s so painful and
itchy..ahg help me” Joko welas helped her but he was shocked “ what happened to
your skin…it has white and black spot like the hen’s feather”

“I don’t know…huh..huh..”She kept on crying But, they had no choice.

They must continue their journey. All people they met on their journey then called
Ni Wilis as Ni Blorok. In Javanese, Blorok means a hen that has white and black
spot feather.

Well, dear all viewers, after a long journey, they came to a dense forest.

A problem occured here. They argued whether it was the right forest as their
father told them or not.

“I think, this is the forest where we should find the deer and take the sacred arrow
back !“ said Ni Blorok

“ Wait, let’s ask a villager who live nearby. I am afraid that it is a forbidden
forest. It is very dangerous if we enter it. Rarely did people could go out alive
from it, if it is really the forbidden forest“Joko Welas replied

But his stubborn sister kept on arguing. Until both of them couldn’t control

“ Well, I think we cant find other way but fighting. If you can beat me, I will do
whatever you say. But if it is me who win it, you should obey me “ Ni Blorok
shouted angrily.

“ Do you think I am afraid of you, even I can kill you easily. It is better for me to
have no sister at all than having a stubborn sister like you, hiaatttt“

They fight furiously. Then suddenly, Wiro came to witness it. He was so
shocked and angry knowing that they broke their promise, not to fight each other.

“ Stop it or I will kill you both with my hand“ Wiro shouted angrily.

The two siblings stopped fighting and were so afraid of their father. They
bowed their head in silence and had no braveness to stare at their angry father.

“ Why did you fight each other, explain it to me“ Wiro got into a deep anger. Still,
the two siblings bowed their heads and said nothing. After several times asking
and had no responses, Wiro lost his patience and said “ Oh I know why you didn’t
reply me. Both of you are stone that can’t talk to me“ Just when he finished his
words, Immediately, the sky was dark and the rain fell down so heavy. The earth
was shaking and the thunder and lightning were so scary.

And you know what? Both of Joko Welas and Ni Blorok turned into stones. The
villagers call it watu blorok. Watu is Javanese word for stone, Blorok refers to the
white and black spot of Ni Wilis skin. We still can find Watu Blorok in Kupang
village,Jetis district Mojokerto regency. It is a conservation site in this town.

Well, that’s the end of my story. The moral falue that we can get is obey your
parents words and try to control your anger or you will get bad result of it.

I am Pradina, thank you for watching.


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