Ingredient Cost: Ingredient Package Size Cost Cost Per Unit Serving Size Per Container Tota L

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Ingredient Cost

Enter the following information into the grid:

PACKAGE SIZE found on the front of the package , COST that you pay after sales and coupons, and
SERVING SIZE PER CONTAINER found on the “Nutrition Facts” label on the product

The TOTAL and COST PER UNIT will calculate on their own...don’t touch those fields!


Applesauce, Natural 46 Fluid Ounce $2.27 0.5 Cup 11 5.5 $0.41 Cup
Baking Soda 16 Fluid Ounce $0.45 0.125 Teaspoon 756 94.5 $0.01 Teaspoon
Butter 1 Pound $2.19 1 Tablespoon 32 32 $0.07 Tablespoon
Chocolate Chips 12 Fluid Ounce $1.79 0.125 Cup 23 2.875 $0.62 Cup
Cinnamon 2.37 Fluid Ounce $1.47 14 Teaspoon 1 14 $0.11 Teaspoon
Egg 12 Egg $1.39 1 Egg 12 12 $0.12 Egg
Flax Seed 16 Fluid Ounce $3.59 2 Tablespoon 34 68 $0.05 Tablespoon
Flour, All Purpose 5 Pound $1.45 0.25 Cup 76 19 $0.08 Cup
Flour, Rye 5 Pound $4.99 0.25 Cup 76 19 $0.26 Cup
Flour, White Whole Wheat 5 Pound $2.99 0.25 Cup 76 19 $0.16 Cup
Flour, Whole Wheat 5 Pound $4.55 0.25 Cup 76 19 $0.24 Cup
Honey 24 Fluid Ounce $4.56 1 Tablespoon 32 32 $0.14 Tablespoon
Milk, Dry 25.6 Fluid Ounce $5.99 5 Tablespoon 32 160 $0.04 Tablespoon
Milk 1 Gallon $2.99 16 Cup 1 16 $0.19 Cup
Oil, Canola 48 Fluid Ounce $1.99 1 Tablespoon 96 96 $0.02 Tablespoon
Oil, Vegetable 48 Fluid Ounce $1.79 8 Tablespoon 30 240 $0.01 Tablespoon
Raisins 15 Fluid Ounce $1.49 0.25 Cup 11 2.75 $0.54 Cup
Rolled Oats 5 Pound $1.45 0.25 Cup 76 19 $0.08 Cup
Salt 26 Fluid Ounce $0.33 0.25 Teaspoon 491 122.75 $0.01 Teaspoon
Salt, Kosher 13 Fluid Ounce $0.99 78 Teaspoon 1 78 $0.01 Teaspoon
Sour Dough Starter 3.8 Cup $0.62 3.8 Cup 1 3.8 $0.01 Cup
Sugar, Brown 2 Pound $1.29 1 Teaspoon 227 227 $0.01 Teaspoon
Sugar, Confectioners 32 Fluid Ounce $1.77 4 Cup 1 4 $0.44 Cup
Sugar, White 5 Pound $2.39 0.25 Cup 76 19 $0.13 Cup
Vanilla Extract 2 Fluid Ounce $1.99 12 Teaspoon 1 12 $0.17 Teaspoon
Vital Wheat Gluten 6.5 Fluid Ounce $2.99 4 Teaspoon 15 60 $0.05 Teaspoon
Yeast, Dry 1 Envelope $0.33 2.25 Teaspoon 1 2.25 $0.15 Teaspoon
Recipe Calculator
Simply enter the amount called for in the RECIPE. If your recipe doesn’t call for an ingredient
then leave that field blank. The spreadsheet will automatically calculate the cost for each
ingredient and the total cost for the recipe. The COST PER UNIT is from the Master Price
Grid...don’t touch this field! Your COST FOR RECIPE will automatically calculate...again, don’t
Applesauce, Natural Cup $0.41 Cup $0.00
Baking Soda Teaspoon $0.01 Teaspoon $0.00
Butter Tablespoon $0.07 Tablespoon $0.00
Chocolate Chips Cup $0.62 Cup $0.00
Cinnamon Teaspoon $0.11 Teaspoon $0.00
Egg Egg $0.12 Egg $0.00
Flax Seed Tablespoon $0.05 Tablespoon $0.00
Flour, All Purpose Cup $0.08 Cup $0.00
Flour, Rye Cup $0.26 Cup $0.00
Flour, White Whole Wheat Cup $0.16 Cup $0.00
Flour, Whole Wheat Cup $0.24 Cup $0.00
Honey Tablespoon $0.14 Tablespoon $0.00
Milk, Dry Tablespoon $0.04 Tablespoon $0.00
Milk Cup $0.19 Cup $0.00
Oil, Canola Tablespoon $0.02 Tablespoon $0.00
Oil, Vegetable Tablespoon $0.01 Tablespoon $0.00
Raisins Cup $0.54 Cup $0.00
Rolled Oats Cup $0.08 Cup $0.00
Salt Teaspoon $0.01 Teaspoon $0.00
Salt, Kosher Teaspoon $0.01 Teaspoon $0.00
Sour Dough Starter Cup $0.01 Cup $0.00
Sugar, Brown Teaspoon $0.01 Teaspoon $0.00
Sugar, Confectioners Cup $0.44 Cup $0.00
Sugar, White Cup $0.13 Cup $0.00
Vanilla Extract Teaspoon $0.17 Teaspoon $0.00
Vital Wheat Gluten Teaspoon $0.05 Teaspoon $0.00
Yeast, Dry Teaspoon $0.15 Teaspoon $0.00
TOTAL $0.00

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