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MTE Project Report

Subject -Operating system





2. Abstract ........................................................................................................
3.Introduction .............................................................................................

4. OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT.....................................

5.Software/Hardware Requirements......................................
7. Work done........................................................................

8. Modules................................................................................

9. Output...................................................................................
10. Result / Conclusion.....................................................................

11. Progress Report...............................................................................

12. Reference.............................................................................................

First of all, I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to our

parents as well as to my teacher prof.

Akshi ma’am who gave me such an opportunity to do my first review of my


I would like to take this opportunity to express my profound sense of gratitude

and respect to all those who helped me throughout the duration of this project.
DTU UNIVERSITY in particular has been the source of inspiration for me.I
acknowledge the effort of those who have contributed significantly to my

The title of the project is “E COMMERCE WEBSITE ”.
According to the fast changing of business environment nowadays, we have to
be more effective and fast in responding to customers' needs to make them able
to access to our products instantly. This can be done by designing an E-
commerce web application for online shopping, which sells variant fashions and
goods to the customers either by instant payment or by payment on delivery.
Many business houses carry out commercial transactions using websites. This
makes the shopping process on the web familiar and makes the E-commerce an
accepted paradigm. To implement an online shopping, a virtual store on the
Internet is needed which allows customers to seek for products and select them
from a catalog. The customer needs to fill some fields to order a specific
product. The purpose of this paper is designing and implementation of online
shopping website of clothes. This E-commerce shopping website needs to be
designed and developed by studying and understanding the server and client
techniques, Adobe Dreamweaver application, relational databases and many
programming languages such as HTML, CSS, JAVA, JAVASCRIPT and PHP.
Introduction to the topic:-
E-commerce (electronic commerce or EC) is the buying and selling of goods and ser- vices,
or the transmitting of funds or data, over an electronic network, primarily the internet. These
business transactions occur either as business-to-business, business-to- consumer, consumer-
to-consumer or consumer-to-business.

E-commerce shops have become part of our daily lives. Technological advancement has
made it possible for people to sit in the convenience of their homes and still shop online
without going to a physical shop.

In this website the customer can search for products selection, update the cart, remove
products from the cart and check out from the shop. The customer is also able to update his
information such as names, address and other data.

The User is only able to browse the online shop and add a product to the cart. The user is
limited to the use of the shop.


Ecommerce business drives profitable growth with reduction is cost-to-customer,

developing customer-reach, and providing a unique customer experience. It has
become more than essential for B2B as well as other businesses to make the right
use of ecommerce. Now, ecommerce is evolving or better say evolved into digital
commerce that implies to the entire business journey from buying to delivery with an
online experience. Below are the few objectives of ecommerce:

1. Reduce management costs

Businesses aim at reducing the costs incurred for the betterment of their revenue.
Automating the ecommerce business can help in reducing the management cost
significantly. Moreover, the right use of digital marketing can help in reducing the
cost spent on driving customers to such an extent that businesses can bring
customers for free of cost.
2. Developing business relations
With ecommerce as the primary use, business development can be easily achieved.
The direct communication between a company and the customer, the business
relationship can be boosted. Eventually, the ecommerce market shall be expanded.

3. Providing a unique customer experience

Uncountable ecommerce businesses are functioning out there in the market. When a
customer searches for a certain product (for instance, shampoo), they will probably
click on the first three links that are shown on the Google Search Engine Results
Page. All the rest links are either avoided, never seen, or are visited by a few. This
itself shows the competition in the ecommerce market. One of the best ways to stand
out from the crowd is by providing a unique customer experience. This includes
giving a personalized experience to each customer or visitor of your online store,
website, or mobile app. Some other pointers to consider are round the clock
customer service, immediate responses to the queries rose, engaging with the
customers, and so on.

4. Increasing the number of loyal customers

Customers are the core of all business strategies. Therefore, ensuring the great
customer experience is of prime importance for the growth of the business. You
need to meet your customers where they spend their time. More than 60% of
consumers look for purchasing goods and services online. If you meet your
customers where they are already active, the chances of them, interacting with your
business increases two folds. You can increase the number of loyal customers by
giving the best experience to your already existing customers as well as bring in
newer customers.

5. Boosting the efficiency of services

With the continually evolving technology, you need to enhance the efficiency of your
services. By choosing an online ecommerce platform to create an online store, you
can efficiently reduce the cost of managing and selling online. You have various
opportunities to boost the efficiency of your service that eventually enhances the
revenue earned. By reducing the delivery time, you can witness happy customers
getting back to your business two times faster. Another way is to provide your
customers with automated services such as status update, invoice creating, chat
support, etc. When you update your efficiency of delivering products or services to
your customers, you are creating a strong online presence that helps you sell more.

6. Developing relevant target

Developing relevant traffic for an ecommerce business is a common objective.
Whether an ecommerce website or an online store, building traffic is one of the most
important objectives. However, you should know that not all traffic is useful for your
business. If you are successfully creating traffic for your ecommerce site or store, but
most of the people in the traffic do not require the products or services you provide,
the traffic is not causing any good to your business. For instance, your marketing
strategies were attractive enough for teenagers; your business would not be
receiving any boost in sales. Therefore, along with boosting your traffic, you need to
analyze your traffic. Here comes the need for collecting customer data. Collecting
customer data include demographics such as age, location, and gender, customer
interests, browsing history, browser history, and so on. By saving these data, you
can aim in targeting the relevant market.

7. Making responsive ecommerce website

With the increasing use of smartphones for shopping online, it has become more
than mandatory for ecommerce businesses to go mobile. Apart from creating a
native mobile app, like the one offered from Builderfly, you need to create a
responsive ecommerce website. It is one of the major objectives of all leading
ecommerce businesses. By responsive, it means to create a website that can be
viewed from any devices of varying screen size, equally. Studies say that Google
may next rank a website based on its mobile website. It means that any website that
has a responsive design would be ranked on top of the website that does not have
one. Making your ecommerce website responsive can help you optimize it. A mobile-
friendly website earns more traffic than the rest.

8. Increasing sales
The objective of increasing sales will always remain continuous and constant for an
ecommerce business. In order to thrive in the ecommerce industry, you need to
boost your sales, constantly. All other objectives are zeroed down to make this
objective happen. However, you also need to look into your past store analytics and
figure out the marketing tactics that have worked well for you to increase sales.
Although these objectives could help you in gaining sales, nothing can beat the tried
and tested marketing tactics for your business. For instance, the products that are
sold the most, ideally the best seller can be used for remarketing and grab more
attention. Any marketing strategy you used earlier including the email targeting and
traffic boosting tactics must be revisited and worked upon to increase sales. Based
on the above-mentioned objectives and the marketing tactics that actually worked for
you, you need to design your marketing plan. Only you can decide what is perfect for
your business and what is not. Every business is unique, and so is yours.

These are the necessary tools and materials needed to build the website both the
front- end and the back-end. These include software and open source materials .

 Html/Html5
 CSS 3

Software/Hardware Requirements:
Processor Processor Speed
Hard Disk Space Ram Memory

Software :
Pentium-II or higher 530 MHZ
10 GB (min.)

64 MB Programming Language: HTML,CSSS IDE: Notepad

Operating System: Windows, Mac, Linux


India is developing rapidly towards e-commerce market trends day by day. The
internet user base in India might still be mere 300 million which is much less as
compared to the other developed countries but its surely expanding day by day.
India has third largest internet population after US & China. Indian internet
population was 205 millions in 2013 but projected to be second largest by 2016
with 330-370 million users. As per the last three years there is a rapid change in
the scenario of e- commerce in India. More than 200 million users has been
added during last three years. Growth of internet users is increasing very rapidly
in India.

CSS Code:
CSS is simply referred to as Cascading Style Sheets.CSS is used to define styles for web
pages, including the design, layout, and variations in the display for different de- vices and
screen sizes.

CSS can be used in a separate style sheet or used in the webpage

Html code

Index Page of the website


This project includes the following modules for development of the project.
These are as follows: -

This page is the cover page of the website where we can sign up and
search products with our convenient filters.
This is the page where we can see our total amount and decide the way of
payment. We can add, remove and set the quantities of products in the
final basket.
This page gives the information of the website, helpline number, mail id,
etc for the trust of the customers.

This page contains details of all the products that you searched or are somewhat close
to your preferences.
This page contains all the details of a single product that you clicked.
Customer interface is the main interface created in this project. With the
customer interface, I used HTML5 and CSS3.

Customer Interface layout

Consumer refers to customers and non-customers. These are individuals who

visit the

shop either to buy products or to browse. The customer can browse a product,
add a product to the cart, change personal information, check shopping history
and checkout or log out. The User, on the other hand, can only browse and add
a product to cart. The homepage or interface is the index page of the shop so
can be accessed when the address is typed into a browser. The webpage has
products images, names, prices, product categories and product brands. The
webpage has a sign in link, sign up link, cart, company contact information.

What are APIs?
Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) are constructs made available in
programming languages to allow developers to create complex functionality
more easily. They abstract more complex code away from you, providing some
easier syntax to use in its place.

As a real-world example, think about the electricity supply in your house,

apartment, or other dwellings. If you want to use an appliance in your house, you
simply plug it into a plug socket and it works. You don't try to wire it directly
into the power supply — to do so would be really inefficient and, if you are not
an electrician, difficult and dangerous to attempt.

APIs are available for both desktop and mobile operating systems. The
Windows API, for example, provides developers with user interface controls
and elements, such as windows, scroll bars, and dialog boxes. It also provides
commands for accessing the file system and performing file operations, such as
creating and deleting files. Additionally, the Windows API includes networking
commands that can be used to send and receive data over a local network or the
Internet. A website API may be as simple as a set of XML elements with a few
basic commands for retrieving the information.
 APIs for manipulating documents loaded into the browser. The most
obvious example is the DOM (Document Object Model) API, which allows you
to manipulate HTML and CSS — creating, removing and changing HTML,
dynamically applying new styles to your page, etc.
 APIs that fetch data from the server to update small sections of a webpage
on their own are very commonly used.
 APIs for drawing and manipulating graphics are now widely supported in
browsers — the most popular ones are Canvas and WebGL, which allow you
to programmatically update the pixel data contained in an
HTML <canvas> element to create 2D and 3D scenes.

What is Web OS?
A Web OS is a user interface (UI) that allows people to access applications
stored completely or in part on the Web. It might mimic the user interface of
traditional computer operating systems like Windows, but it doesn't interact
directly with the computer's hardware. The user must still have a traditional OS
on his or her computer.

What do Web operating systems do?

Web operating systems can't replace your computer's native OS -- in fact, they
depend on traditional computer operating systems to work. The user side of
Web OS software, whether it's a Web browser or a system-specific client, runs
on top of your computer's OS. But programmers design Web operating systems
to look and act like a desktop OS. A Web OS might look a lot like a traditional
OS, but it doesn't manage your computer's hardware or software.

A Web OS allows you to access applications stored not on your computer, but
on the Web. The applications exist wholly or in part on Web servers within a
particular provider network. When you save information in an application, you
might not store it on your computer. Instead, you save the information to
databases connected to the Internet. Some Web operating systems also give you
the option to save information to your local hard disk drive.
The electronic shop was developed using HTML5 and CSS3 technology. Any consumer can
browse products, add, replace or delete a product from the cart.

Global network of electronic commerce has made in this era on the first list in the modern
business; offering job opportunities in the field of E-Commerce Website, Statistics e-
commerce, online shopping system. The proposed site design is characterized by attractive
and provides easy navigation, multiple options in terms of brand, colour and design. The
purpose of this project is to locate the customer a flexible, attractive and easy-to-use web site
to provide along with an added feature, such as a list of payment using a credit card. The
online trading system is also undergoing improvements as the change is working to improve
e-commerce in the future such as working to provide multiple shopping carts for all design
mobile applications for social site.

Progress Report:


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