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On soci al ,peopl e can Wi th t he r ise of soci al Increase i n use of
Government engage i
n direct medi auser s,i t’
si mpor tant I nstagr am ingov ernment
cies dialogue wi th forgov er nmentt o adopt sect or wi ll pr ov i
cians, ci vic the use ofsoci almedi a I nstagr am access t o a
cials, and ev en pl atforms l ike I nstagr am gr eater popul ation. And
entire gov ernment t o cy r
b t he r ising t his wi llhelpt he br and
agenci es.  I
tal so gi ves mi sinfor mat ion’ s, grow exponent ially i f
them a chance t o especi al l
yi nt he t i
me of gov er nment start
engage back i nt i
mes cr isis l i
ke pandemi c, developi ngpolici
esont he
of Cr isis nat uraldi sast ers.Thi swi l
l safeusageoft hebr and.
communi cat i
on,Ci tizen gi ve access t o gr eater
engagement , Bui ld audi enceandhel pmanage
publ i
c t rust , Set t he t he cr isis ef fect i
v el
y and
record st rai
ght , and sett her ecor dst raightand
engagewi thpubl i
c. avoi d mi si nfor mat i
on i n
publ i
c and educat e t he
Foreign Tr ade pol icies Posi tiv
eI mpacti nCaseof Moni tor user st rengt h,
ForeignTrade of gov er nment ’st end Tr adeLi ber alizat i
on: space f or adv ert
cies to ei ther enhance or I nstagr am woul dbemuch busi ness,medi aregul arity
ct t he f low of concer nedwi tht hemedi a pol i
cies and gov ernment
foreigni nv est or sint he r egul arity pol i
cies oft he pol i
cies.Make ef fortt o
host count ry.So t he count r
yi ti soper atingi n. negot iatet erms on t he
mpactcan go ei ther Fl exible medi ar egul ator y poli
ciesf oreaseofdoi ng
posi t
iveornegat iveor pol i
cieswoul d business wit
h the
consequent l
y be  Hel p Instagr am concer nedaut hority.
appeal ing f or one or oper ate with
discour agi ng f or t he f l
exi bi li
t y.
other .  I ncr ease the
Ifgov er nment soptf or number of user s
Trade l
iber ali
zat ion t hatwoul di ncrease
eet rade)pol ici
esf or shar e v alue and
foreign busi nesses i t pr of itev ent ually.
woul d at tract f or eign
 Be a pl atform f or
compani es or
nv estor s. Her e a d ve rtis i
n ga l
l sort s
gov ernment sneedt o ofbusi ness,soci al
 Reducet axes act i
v ities, educat i
 Cr eat e speci al p o l
itic s a nd e ven
economi czones news t hat woul d
(free trade incr easei tsmar ket
zones) a n d will op en
sour ces f orf urther

 Manage medi a expansi on.

regul at ory Negat i
v eI mpact si ncase
pol ici es. ( most o fTra de Prot ectionism:
impor tant i
n  Rest rictiveaccess
case of  Reduct i
on i
Inst agr am) numberofuser
 I ndul ge i
n  Pay ment s of hi gh
bilat er al t r
ade dut i
est ooper ateor
agr eement s f or adv ertise
ease of doi ng busi nesses.
busi nessandt o  Bl ock r eli
gious or
pr omot e t r
ade cultur al sensi tive
wi th partner pol i
cies t hatwoul d
count ries. tant amount to
 Gov ernment changi ngt heirown
fiscal ,monet ary, pol i
legi sl ative and  Ri sk i n doi ng
busi ness l aws busi ness woul d be
mustgopar allel high and
wi th the fluctuat ing.
oper ational
pol ici es of
busi ness t hat
int end to
oper ate i n t he
hostcount ry.
Soci alwel farepol i
cies Posi ti
v eI mpact : Instagram l i
kelyneedst o
e hav e now become A si ngl e hasht ag on ext ract mor e and mor e
cies mandat or y on I nstagr am can pr ovide so ci
a lissues and adapt
busi nesses t o be awar eness on di fferent social wel f
ar e pol i
adapt ed i n home soci ali ssues.Thi swoul d b ef
o reit
s comp e t
ors l
count ry as wel l as i ncr easeuseofcl icksand YouTubet witterTikTokor
foreign count r
ies i n par ticipat ion of user s F acebo oktop romo t
ei ts
whi ch t hey oper at e. i
ncr easi ng t he pr ofi
ts of imageasasoci alfri
Genderi nequal it
y ,cl
ass platform andshal lworkt o
Instagr am al ong wi thi ts
difference, restri
ct off
social mov e.
env ir
onment al i ssues, mat erial
st hatar eshared
mat e change, If ad v erti
s es we l
fare byabnor mal users.
pandemi cs, pov er ty campai gnsf reeofcost s,it
and secur ity ar e of can i ncr ease user base
greatconcer ns.These andser v ewel farepol i
alli mpactbusi nesses si mul taneousl y.
directly or i ndirectly. C an a ch ieve business
Hence busi ness need oper ating standar ds
to i mpl ement t hei rt hrough eff
oper ati
ons i n such adapt at ion of wel fare
way s t hat do not pol icies t hat woul d
mal ign t hese i ssue i mpr ov ei tsbr andi mage.
rather f ind way s t o Negat iv eImpact :
tacklet hem orr educe

them. For thi

s I f sel ected user s share
businesses now ev en cul tural or r eli
cut t heir profi
ts t o sensi tiv e cont ents on
spend f
or soci al I
nst agr am.Thi scancr eate
welfare programs di vi
sion and hat el eading
because adv ert
ising t oi nequal i
tyandv i
their social wel fare t hat ar e agai nst soci al
steps increases t heir norms and would
users and consumer s ev entual ly lead t o user
along with their dissatisfacti
on fr
performance Instagr am af fecti
ng i ts
swor ks! ! performance i ndi
andmar ketvalues.


In infl
on t he wi de Posi tiveI mpact : Instagram shouldf ocus
on range ofproduct sar e Infl
at ion has i ts posi tiv
e mor eofi t
ngmor eexpensi ve aspect s as wel l
. An i n i nf
on the buying
and the buying power inf l
at ion r ate of2% per power of cust omer wil
of cust omer wi l
ly eari sconsi dert obean l ess so ei t
herthey wil
decreases and i
dealand good f or t he leav et he soci
al media
customerwillbuyl ess. economy because i f sitesorswi t
Forsmal lbusi ness itinf l
at ion i s controlled the one.
canbemor eexpensi ve empl oymentwi llincr ease
tor unabusi nessand and cust omerhav emor e
promote ourbr and or money t o buy pr oduct s.
producttosocialmedi a Busi nesshav esour cest o
keInstagram. inv esti nsoci almedi asi t
ikeI nstagr am t opr omot e
theirbr andandbusi ness.
Whi ch wi l
l ul timat ely
ncr ease t he pr of it of
Instagr am aswel l.
Negat iveI mpact :
InHi ghi nfl
ationt hebuy i
power of cust omer wi l
decr ease and t
cust omerwi llnotbeabl e
to buyas manypr oduct.
Peopl ewi llprefertospend
their money i n basi c
necessi tyeithertospendi t
on soci almedi a si tes.In
nf l
at ion busi ness don’ t
hav e enough sour ces t o
promot e t heir br and i n
Instagr am. Simi l
nf l
at ion wi ll not onl y
effect s busi nesses or
cust omer sbutt heSoci al

Medi a websi tes

(Inst agram)aswel l
Inter estr ate wil
lhelp Posi ti
veI mpact : Instagram gives
e busi ness t o grow and I nst agram i s an onl ine i
ncent ives t o smal l
hav eaposi ti
veimpact soci almedi apl at formt hat busi nesst opr omot et heir
on t heir gr owth. . hel pbusi nesst opr omot e brandandt ogett argeted
Inter estr ate wil
lhelp t hei rbr and and t or each cust omer ,ifinterestrates
busi ness t o expand t hei rt ar get ed cust omer ar e hi gh because smal l
theirbusi nessi nlocal global l
y.Low i nter estr ate business don’ t hav e
or i
ional wi llhel pbusi nesst ogr ow enough sour cest o gr ow
mar kets. andexpand.Whent herei s orpr omot etheirbusi ness
owi nter estr at et hebuy ing on I nstagram and ot her
power of cust omer wi l
l socialmedi awebsi tes.
ncr easeandt hedemand
for pr oduct wi l
l al so
ncr eases. Whi ch wi l
pr ofitable f or onl ine
busi nessaswel l.
Negat i
veI mpact :
Hi gh i nt erest r ate wi l
reduce t he pur chasi ng
power of cust omer and
peopl ewi llst opspendi ng
on pr oduct and t hen
busi ness sal es wi l
lal so
star tf al li
ng.Busi ness or
Br and ar e not i n that
posi tion t o pr omot et heir
pr oduct s on I nst agram.
Whi ch wi ll ev entual l
eff ectt heI nst agr am.
It has br oadened  Hi gh l ev els of I nstagram has br ought
y magni f
icence anxi et y i
gt v especi all
y f or t he
princi ples  Depr essi on userswhol ovet owat ch
Changed ourway s of  Bul lying video s
trav el  FearofMi ssingout I nstagram's un send
Peopl e l eaned new (FOMO) featurei ntheDM sect i
ski l
lsl ikephot ogr
aphy  Sl eepl essness h asma dee asi
e rfort he
andv i
deoedi t
ing user stochat
A l arge number of Instagram hasI ntr
nf luencer s i n f rom many f i
ers and ef f
Inst agram l
ikeot herappsso user s
Hi gh qual it
yofv i
deos ca n us e everythi
n g in a
onI nst agram. singleapp.

 I t has made Let ’stalkaboutt hepr ofit What I nst agr am di d i s

on easi er f or t he Inst agram hasmadei nt he changepur chasercul ture.
ngbase usert opr omot e pasty ear s. Ittransfor medcust omer s
Economy thei rbusi nesses  2017=$4. 1bi ll
ion i
nt o a per format ive
on I nst agram mul ti
tude ofshut ter bugs
through  2018=$10. 3bi llon i
i nt r
oduci ng Clar endon
adv er tising. sift
ed ( orpossi blyJuno-
 Li keot hersoci al se parated ?) fo r
ms of
apps,I nst agram  2019=$17. 7bi llon t
i hemsel ves and t heir
makes i
ts en vi
ronme n t
a l e l
eme nts
money fr
om  2020=$24bi ll
ion to t heir dev otees. I t
adv er tising ch anged how t
h i
ng s are
 I tscl i
ent sr eally purchased and sol d,y et
need t o see w hy.A tt h e p ointw he n
publ icizing. p er
iod-pie ce mo ti
o n
Ar ound 70% of picturesar esomet imeor
shoppi ng f ans an otherma d e a bou tt he
say t hey go t o 2010s,t hest yleusedt o
Inst agr am f
or i
n spir
et h isd e c ade— e very
em singlewhi t
eki t chen, neon-
discl osur e." sh aded food variet i
 The best t hing signif
icantsl eev es— wi l
about the b etheo ne st h at sh on ei n
Inst agr am i
s Instagram' s onscr een.
that user s can Genui nenev erl ookedso
oi n the l
u strous.
“Br anded
Cont ent ”t oolt o
promot e the
product s.
 I nst agr am i
good i n gi v
prof it t o i ts
user saswel l.
Usually, busi nesses When GNP i sr isi
ng,an Ri singt r
endi nGNP:
GNP contribut e i n t he economy i s i n t he  Expansi on
count ry’
s GDP and expansi on phase of t he  Goi ngGl obal
GNP. I t i s mor e busi ness cycl e.  Newv ent ures
accurat et o say t hat Busi nessesar emor e l
ikel y  Col l
abor ation wi th
businesses af f
ect t o expand at such Mobi l
e phone and
GrossNat ionalPr oduct t i
mes  because demand i
nt ernet
(GNP)r athert han t he f rom consumer si shi gher . compani es.
otherwayar ound. ForI nst agr am,t hist rend
MNCs’ t hose ar e wi l
l be mor e benef i
ci al Falli
ngt rendi nGNP:
running t hei rbusi ness because t he number of  Adopt ing cost
ndev elopi ngcount ri
es user s wil
l grow cut t
ingst rategi es
may posi ti
v ely af f
ect exponent ial
ly because of  Reduci ngExpenses
theGNPoft hei rhome t hei ncreasei npercapi ta
 Fr eeaccesst ot he
count ry. i
ncomet hatwi l
lcauset he
appl i
agr am is r i
se ofl iv i
ng standar d of
Freebasi cs.
contribut i
ngposi tively t hepeopl e.

n t he economy IfGNPi sdr oppi ngandt he
because mor e than count ryi si nar ecessi on,
the60%ofi t
srevenue fir
ms ar el ess l ikelyt o
gener ated fr
om i
nv estandexpand.
outside t he United The f alling t rend i n GNP
States. willr est rictt hegr owt hof
Instagr am. Per Capi ta
Incomewi llal sodecr ease
and i t wi ll af fect t he
purchasi ng poweroft he
peopl e.I nt hiscasepeopl e
willf ocusont of ulfil
necessi ties and cut ting
downt hei rext raexpenses.
The busi ness cy clei s Growt h/ Recov ery : Growth/ Recov er y:
ness cruci alf orbusi nesses Gr owt h per iod al way s  Expansi on
Cycle ofal lkindsbecausei t affect posi tively on  Joi ntv ent ures
direct l
yaf f
ectsdemand busi nesses.I nt hisper iod
for t heir pr oducts. the spendi ng r ate al so Recession:
Ever y busi ness i s incr easewhi chcr eatet he  Cust omer
affect ed by t he stage pr of i
tabl eenv i
ronmentf or awar eness
oft he businesscy cle, the busi ness.Thi s phase  I nv est i
ng i
butsome busi nesses wi llal socauset headdi tion val uable and
aremor ev ulnerableto ofnewuser sandi ncrease prof i
t able
changes in the ofpr of itf orI nstagr am. progr ams.
busi ness cy cle t han Recessi on:
other s. The f al l
ing t rend i n Depression:
Instagr am i s not as consumer s means l ow  Adopt i
ng Cost
cyclical as ot her pr of i
ts.Butt hei mpactof Cut tingSt rategies
busi nesses ar e, the r ecessi onmaybeposi tive  Lessi nv est i
negat i
ve i mpact of f orI nst agr am asweseen
busi nesscy clewi l
lnot int her ecentr ecessi ondue Boom:
sev ereonI nst agram. t oCOVI D- 19pandemi c.
 Pr ofit
Depr essi on:
Maxi mi zation
This phase br ings t he
 Gof orhi ghr atesto
ur e to many
take adv antage
busi nesses.Spendi ngand
from hi ghdemand.
nv est ing becomes v ery
ow.Ri sei nunempl oy ment
causet hel ow pur chasi ng
power .I nstagr am wi lll
tol osesomeuser sf rom
the count ry whi ch i si n
depr essi on.
Demand wi l
l i ncrease
rapidl y.Exponent ial growt h
ofuser sf rom t hecount r
whi chi nboom.

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