Question Bank - Remote Sensing

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Unit-I Q bank

1. Define remote sensing and mention its applications, advantages, limitations?

2. What is meant by In Situ data and Remotely Sensed data
3. Illustrate different steps involved general Remote Sensing Process with the help of neat
4. wave model particle model
5. Explain energy interaction with the Atmosphere?
6. Explain energy interaction with the Target?
7. Ideal Remote Sensing System
8. Justify how remote sensing is Art and Science.
Unit-II Q bank
1. Explain Instrumental Parameters
2. Explain Viewing parameters
3. What is Spatial Resolution? and give its importance in remote sensing
4. What is Spectral Resolution? and give its importance in remote sensing
5. What is Radiometric Resolution? and give its importance in remote sensing
6. Describe in detail about Imaging Sensor Systems with a neat block diagram
7. Give Brief about SPOT Satellite programme
8. Give Brief about LANDSAT programme
9. Give Brief about Indian Remote sensing (IRS) Satellite
10. Give Brief about Resouresat Series satellite programme
11. Give Brief about Cartosat Series satellite programme
12. Give Brief about Chandrayaan-I
Unit-III Q bank
1. Explain the concept of image formation with the help of Sampling and Quantization
2. What are the steps involved in Satellite image preprocessing (study (i) geometric
correction methods, (ii) radiometric correction methods, and (iii) atmospheric correction
3. How image registration can be done after capturing of remotely sensed images.
4. Explain the following image enhancement techniques
a. Linear contrast stretch
b. Logarithmic contrast
c. Exponential contrast
d. Histogram Equalization
e. Gaussian stretch
5. Explian the following spatial filtering techniques
a. Low pass filters
b. High pass filters
6. Explain the procedure and need for NDVI transformation
7. Explain the procedure and need for PCA transformation
8. Describe the procedure of Supervised image classification model.
9. Write about the land use & land cover classification system.
10. Explain GIS Workflow
11. What are the major components of a GIS.
12. Explain GIS Architecture
13. What is the importance of GIS Entities and Attributes
Unit-IV Q bank

1. What are the appropriate methodologies useful in urban and municipal planning?
2. Explain in detail about Urban land use classifications
3. With a neat block diagram discuss forest cover mapping and change detection
4. What is the importance of forest stock mapping discuss in detail?
5. What are the factors which affect canopy reflectance and discuss in detail?
6. What are the factors which need to consider while assessing the forest damage?
7. Discuss in detail about Major types of landslides
8. What are the causes of landslides?
9. Analise the landslides with all the available parameters.

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