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As we all know, we all love and care for our environment. For the
others that don’t, for some reason; Just know that you literally breathe
because of the environment. Saying this, let us come in to the situation
like for example: we all know that as much as we love and appreciate
the environment, we abuse it. So to speak, we all have not been too
caring for the environment, if you may. There is a solution to this and
we will know that later on. So for those people that are clueless on why
we should take care our environment let me explain. Firstly, it is good
for our health. Basic to start with, I know, but it is true, we can breathe
much healthier and cleaner air if we just take care of the environment
all together. Second, it can improve our ecosystem. Who doesn’t want
that? I mean, we all our living in the same earth why not take care of
it? As human beings I think we all have that responsibility. Third,
Climate change. It can combat it, if we all just take good care of our
environment. Just like a simple, throwing away your own trash or just
recycling. It can help so much and we will get into that now.

As I was saying, we are going to look into the effects if we do take care
of our environment more. First and far most, we can be contented,
hence the title. What I mean is, aren’t you curious of what clean air
smells like? Or don’t you want to see the environment as all greens or
maybe get rid of climate change all together? Second, it will bring back
goods. Let me explain, the environment can give us clean water, fresh
fruits without worrying about anything, doesn’t that sound nice? Third,
It can make some animals and plants not die easily, I mean think about
it. The environment provides food for these living things including us.
So in conclusion, If you are one of those people that do not care for the
environment please, at least listen; I think it will be so much better if
we all take care of it. I mean the food we eat almost every day is
definitely from the environment. So, in return can’t we just take care of
it? Is that so hard? This is just a short conclusion because it is already so
logical; Just, take care of the environment people!

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