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1) There are 8 Apples on the table, you take 3. How many do you have?

2) 10 Birds in a field. 2 were shot, how many were left?

3) Take away the first letter, take away the last letter, then take away all the other letters. What do you
have left?

4) If you have 4 melons in one hand, and 7 apples in the other - What do you have?

5) A box has nine ears of corn in it. A Squirrel carries out three ears a day, and yet it takes him nine days
to carry out all the corn. Explain?

6) Why do white sheep eat more than black sheep?

7) A man wanted to plant 4 trees, but all 4 had to be equal distances from each other. How did he do it?

8) I have 2 coins in my hand that add up to 60c. One of the coins isn't a 50c piece. What are the coins?

9) A fisherman was asked how long was the fish he had caught. He said "it is 30cms plus half its length"
How long was the fish?

10) A Hammer and a Nail cost $31. If the Hammer cost $30 more than the Nail, what is the cost of each?

11) It takes 7 men 2 hours to build a wall. How long does it take 3 men to build the same wall?

12) "I will bet you $1" said Fred, "that if you give me $2, I will give you $3 in return."
"Done," replied Tom. Was he?

13) "How much will one cost?"

"25 cents"
"How much will fifteen cost?"
"50 cents"
"OK then, I'll take one hundred and sixteen"
"Thank you, that will be 75 cents please"

14) What comes next in the following sequence ?

1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11,...

15) In a scientific context, what could the following phrase mean?

How I want a drink, alcoholic of course, after the heavy chapters involving quantum mechanics

1) If you take 3 then you have 3.

2) 2 - the others flew away.

3) The Mailman.

4) Big hands.

5) He has 2 of his own ears, so he carries out only 1 ear of corn per day.

6) There are more white sheep than black sheep.

7) He planted 3 trees at the corners of an equilateral triangle. He built a mound in the middle and
planted the 4th on the top of the mound so that it was the same distance from the other 3 trees. (on the
points of a tetrahedron.)

8) 50c and a 10c (The coin that isn't a 50c piece is a 10c. The other coin is the 50c).

9) 60 cms.

10) Hammer $30.50, Nail $0.50

11) No need to bother, the 7 men have already built it.

12) Tom accepts the bet, gives Fred $2. Fred does not give Tom $3 so loses the bet and has to pay Tom
$1. Result Fred gains $1.

13) He is buying house numbers, each separate digit costs 25c, so 116 is three digits so 3 x 25c = 75c.

14) 100 (The next number that doesn't contain a "T" in the spelling).

15) The number of letters in each word refers to pi to 14 decimal places, i.e. 3.14159265358979

First Question:
You are participating in a race. You overtake the second person. What position are you in?

Answer: If you answered that you are first, then you are absolutely wrong! If you overtake the
second person and you take his place, you are second!

Try not to screw up in the next question. To answer the second question, don't take as much time
as you took for the first question.

Second Question: If you overtake the last person, then you are.the second to last person! Answer:
If you answered that you are second to last, then you are wrong again. Tell me, how can you
overtake the LAST Person?

You're not very good at this! Are you?

Third Question: Very tricky math! Note: This must be done in your head only.

Do NOT use paper and pencil or a calculator. Try it.

Take 1000 and add 40 to it. Now add another 1000. Now add 30. Add another 1000. Now add
20. Now add another 1000 Now add 10. What is the total?

Scroll down for answer.

Did you get 5000?

The correct answer is actually 4100.

Don't believe it? Check with your calculator! Today is definitely not your day. Maybe you will
get the last question right?

Fourth Question: Mary's father has five daughters: 1. Nana, 2. Nene, 3. Nini, 4. Nono. What is
the name of the fifth daughter?

Answer: Nunu?

NO! Of course not. Her name is Mary. Read the question again

Okay, now the bonus round: There is a mute person who wants to buy a toothbrush. By imitating
the action of brushing one's teeth he successfully expresses himself to the shopkeeper and the
purchase is done.

Now if there is a blind man who wishes to buy a pair of sunglasses, how should he express

He just has to open his mouth and ask, so simple.


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