Grammar 2

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1. Irregular verbs.

2. Tenses in English.
3. Passive voice:
4. Gerunds and infinitives:
Reduced Clauses:
5. Coordinating Conjunctions:
6. Part of speech:
7. Comparisons:
Double Comparisons:
8. The Indefinite Articles:
9. Relative Clause:
“Cleft” Sentences
10.Reported Speech:
Gerunds And Infinitives Reported Speech:
11.Conditional Sentences:
12.How To Pronounce The Ending Sounds S/ES/ED:
13.Modal Verbs:
Noun Clause After “Wish/If only”:
14.Tag Questions:
16.Subject and Verb Concord:
17.Communicative skills:
18.Phrases and clauses of Purpose/Contrast/Reason:
Phrases and clauses of Result
19. Inversion.
no infinitive past simple past participle meaning
1 be (am/is/are) was/were been thì, là, ở
2 bear bore born sinh ra
3 become became become trở nên
4 begin began begun bắt đầu
5 bite bit bitten cắn
6 blow blew blown thổi
7 break broke broken làm vỡ
8 bring brought brought mang
9 build built built xây dựng
10 burn* burnt burnt đốt cháy
11 buy bought bought mua
12 catch caught caught bắt được
13 choose chose chosen chọn lựa
14 come came come đến
15 cost cost cost trị giá
16 cut cut cut cắt
17 dig dug dug đào
18 do did done làm
19 draw drew drawn vẽ
20 dream* dreamt dreamt mơ
21 drink drank drunk uống
22 drive drove driven lái xe
23 eat ate eaten ăn
24 fall fell fallen té xuống
25 feed fed fed cho ăn
26 feel felt felt cảm thấy
27 fight fought fought đánh nhau
28 find found found tìm thấy
29 fit fit fit vừa vặn
30 fly flew flown bay
31 forget forgot forgot(ten) quên
32 forgive forgave forgiven tha thứ
33 freeze froze frozen động lạnh
34 get got got(ten) đạt được
35 give gave given cho
36 go went gone đi
37 grow grew grown mọc
38 hang hung hung treo
39 have had had có, dùng
40 hear heard heard nghe
41 hide hid hidden che giấu
42 hit hit hit đụng
43 hold held held cầm, nắm, tổ chức
44 hurt hurt hurt làm đau
45 keep kept kept giữ
46 know knew known biết
47 lead led led dẫn dắt
48 leave left left rời khỏi
49 lend lent lent cho mượn
50 let let let để cho
51 lose lost lost đánh mất
52 make made made làm
53 mean meant meant nghĩa là
54 meet met met gặp
55 overcome overcame overcome vượt qua
56 pay paid paid trả tiền
57 put put put đặt, để
58 quit quit quit từ bỏ, thoát ra
59 read read read đọc
60 ride rode ridden cưỡi, đạp xe
61 ring rang rung reo, rung
62 rise rose risen nhô, mọc lên
63 run ran run chạy
64 say said said nói
65 see saw seen thấy
66 sell sold sold bán
67 send sent sent gửi đi
68 set set set xếp đặt
69 shut shut shut đóng lại
70 sing sang sung hát
71 sit sat sat ngồi
72 sleep slept slept ngủ
73 smell smelt smelt ngửi
74 speak spoke spoken nói
75 speed sped sped tăng tốc
76 spell spelt spelt đánh vần
77 spend spent spent tiêu sài, trải qua
78 spread spread spread lan truyền
79 steal stole stolen đánh cắp
80 stand stood stood đứng
81 sweep swept swept quét
82 swim swam swum bơi lội
83 take took taken cầm, nắm
84 teach taught taught dạy
85 tell told told bảo, kể
86 think thought thought suy nghĩ
87 throw threw thrown ném
88 understand understood understood hiểu
89 wake woke woken đánh thức
90 wear wore worn mặc, đội
91 weep wept wept khóc
92 win won won thắng
93 write wrote written viết

- 1 thói quen, 1 phong tục. SIMPLE PRESENT Always

- 1 hành động thường xuyên ở hiện BE (am, is., are) Constanly
tại. - S + am, is, are Usually
- 1 chân lí, một sự thật hiển nhiên - S + am, is, are + not Frequently
đúng. - Am, is, are + S … ? Regularly
- Sự thật hiện hữu: tên, tuổi, nghề HAVE (have, has) Sometimes
nghiệp, chỗ ở, quốc tịch, sở thích - I, We, You, They, S plural + have Occasionally
(like, diskile…), ý muốn (want, He, She, It, S singuar + has Often
need…), sở hữu, năng lực - I, We, You, They, S plu + don’t have Seldom
1 (understand, know…), trạng thái… ở He, She, It, S sing + doesn’t have Rarely
hiện tại. -Do + I, We, You, They, S plu + have? Every (day)
Does + I He, She, It, S sing + have? Once a week
DONG TU THUONG Twice a month
- I, We, You, They, S plural + Vo All the time
- o, ch, s, x, sh, z + es He, She, It, S singuar + Vs/es From time to time
- I, We, You, They, S plu + don’t Vo (every) now and then
He, She, It, S sing + doesn’t Vo Once in a while
-Do + I, We, You, They, S plu + Vo? Never
Does + I He, She, It, S sing + Vo?

- 1 hành động đã xảy ra và hoàn tất SIMPLE PAST The day before yesterday
trong quá khứ (thường biết rõ thời BE (was, were) (a week) ago
gian). -I, He, She, It, S sing + was Last (week)
-1 thói quen,1 phong tục, 1 hành We, You, They, S plu + were In + nam qua khu
động thường xuyên ở quá khứ (nay -S + was, were + not This (morning)
2 không còn nữa) thường có USED -Was, were + S … ? Form (1990) to (1995)
TO + Vo DONG TU THUONG For + khoang thoi gian
- 1 sự kiện lịch sử, 1 nhân vật lịch sử. - S + Ved/2
- Những hành động xảy ra liên tiếp - S + didn’t + Vo
trong quá khứ. - Did + S + Vo … ?

- Một hành động xảy ra trong tương SIMPLE FUTURE Tomorrow

lai. The day after tomorrow
- Thì TLĐ thường đứng sau những - S + will/shall + Vo Next (week)
động từ diễn tả ý kiến, sự tiên đoán, - S + won’t/shan’t + Vo Tonight
3 giả thuyết của người nói trong tương - Will/Shall + S + Vo Soon
lai. Someday
(think, believe, know, doubt, be sure, This (week)
be afraid, hope, expect, promise … ) In a month

- Sắp xảy ra trong tương lai gần, một NEAR FUTURE

dự định (chưa có kế hoạch). - S + am/is/are + going to + Vo
4 - Một sự tiên đoán tong tương lai (có - S + am/is/are + not + going to + Vo
căn cứ) - Am/Is/Are + S + going to + Vo

- Một hành động đang xảy ra ngay PRESENT CONTINUOUS Now

lúc nói ở hiện tại (có tính cách tạm - S + am/is/sre + Ving Right now
thời). - S + am/is/sre + not + Ving At the moment = At this time
- Sự sắp xếp hay kế hoạch trong - Am/Is/Are + S + Ving … ? At present
tương lai. be, see, hear, understand, know, like, Presently
5 -be + always/constanly + Ving want, seem, forget, remember,… Today
- Diễn tả hành động lập đi lập lại  Với Verbs này, ta thay bằng thì Look!
nhiều lần gây khó chịu cho người HTĐ Listen!
nói. Be careful!
*Note: với BE ta thay bằng thì HTĐ Be quiet!
- Một hành động đang xảy ra ở một PAST CONTINUOUS Then = At the moment
thời điểm trong quá khứ. At 8 last night
- Một hành động đang xảy ra - S + was/were + Ving On this day last week
(QKTD) thì có một hành động ngắn - S + was/were + not + Ving In this season last year
6 khác xen vào (QKĐ). - Was/Were + S + Ving … ? At this moment/time, yesterday
- Hai hành động xảy ra song song All day yesterday
cùng lúc (QKTD). All last month
*Note: với BE ta thay bằng thì QKĐ The whole month
Between 2 p.m and 4 p.m yesterday

- Bắt đầu trong quá khứ kéo dài đến PRESENT PERFECT For + khoang thoi gian
hiện tại hoặc tương lai. Since + moc thoi gian
- Vừa mới xảy ra. - S + have/has + Ved/3 Just (sau HAVE / HAS)
- Xảy ra nhiều lần nhưng không phải - S + have/has + not + Ved/3 Before (cuoi cau)
thường xuyên. - Have/Has + S + Ved/3 Already
- Xảy ra rồi trong quá khứ nhưng Never (sau HAVE / HAS)
không rõ thời gian. Ever
- Xảy ra rồi trong quá khứ nhưng Be to + place Yet (PĐ & NV, cuoi cau)
7 thời gian chưa trôi qua. Not yet
- Xảy ra rồi trong quá khứ nhưng kết Recently
quả vẫn còn ở hiện tại. Lately
Several times / The first time
So far, up to now
Until now, Up to the present
During (in) the past (last) few years
How long

Bắt đầu trong quá khứ kéo dài đến PRESENT PERFECT For + khoang thoi gian + now
hiện tại (hoặc tương lai) nhưng nhấn CONTINUOUS Since + moc thoi gian
mạnh tính chất liện tục của hành All afternoon
8 động. S + have/has + been + Ving Lately
S + have/has + not + been + Ving …….
Have/Has + S + been + Ving … ?

- Xảy ra trước một thời điểm trong PAST PERFECT Up to then (mai cho den luc do o QK)
quá khứ. By/Before + thoi gian QK
9 - Xảy ra trước hành động khác trong - S + had + Ved/3
quá khứ. - S + had + not + Ved/3
- Had + S + Ved/3 … ?

Bắt đầu trong quá khứ kéo dài đến PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS
thời điểm quá khứ khác và nhấn
10 mạnh tính chất liên tục của hành S + had + been + Ving
động. S + had + not + been + Ving
Had + S + been + Ving … ?

- Xảy ra trước một thời điểm trong FUTURE PERFECT Up to then (mai cho den luc do o TL)
tương lai. (by + TG TL) By/Before + thoi gian TL
11 - Xảy ra trước hành động khác trong S + will/shall + have + Ved/3
tương lai. S + won’t/shan’t + have + Ved/3
Will/Shall + S + have + Ved/3 … ?

Một hành động đang xảy ra ở một FUTURE CONTINUOUS At this time tomorrow
thời điểm trong tương lai.
12 S + will/shall + be + Ving
S + won’t/shan’t + be + Ving
Will/Shall + S + be + Ving … ?
1. After: sau khi (THQK) After + QKHT, QKĐ
2. Before / By the time: trước khi (THQK) Before/By the time + QKĐ, QKHT
3. Since: từ khi + Since + QKĐ
4. While: trong khi (THQK) While +QKTD +QKTD (Đang xảy ra)

(Đang xảy ra) + QKĐ (Ngắn xen vào)

EX: The light (go) went out while I (study) was studying
5. When / as: khi, thì, lúc (THQK)
When/as + QKĐ, QKTD (Ngắn xen vào – Đang xảy ra)
When/as + QKĐ, QKHT (Xảy ra sau – Xảy ra trước)
When/as + QKĐ, QKĐ (Hành động ngắn liên tiếp
Thói quen ở quá khứ (often, usually used to + V0)
A boy, a girl, a child, small, young, at school,…..)
EX: I (know) knew how to do swim when I was 5.
6. This is the first time + S +VHTHT  S + have/has + never (not) + Ved/3………before
EX: This is the first time I have seen her => I have never seen her before
7. S + + to V/Ving/N ………adv of QKĐ
 S + have/has (been Ving) + Ved/3 ……… since + point of time
for + period of time
EX: I started learning French three years ago
 I have learnt French for three years
8. It + + sometime + since + S + (last) + Ved/2
𝒉𝒂𝒔 𝒃𝒆𝒆𝒏
ℎ𝑎𝑣𝑒 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑐𝑒 + 𝑝𝑜𝑖𝑛𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒
 S+ + not + Ved/3 ………
ℎ𝑎𝑠 𝑓𝑜𝑟 + 𝑝𝑒𝑛𝑜𝑑 𝑜𝑓 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒
𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑡 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 + 𝑆 𝑤𝑎𝑠
 + Ved/2 ……… KTG ago
𝑆+(𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑡) 0
In + nam qua khu
Last year
When + S + Ved/2
EX: a) I last saw Peter 2 weeks ago.
b) I have not seen Peter for 2 weeks.
c) It has been 2 weeks since I last saw Peter.
d) The last time I saw Peter was 2 weeks ago.
9. Mãi cho đến khi: not…… until……
It was not until + that + S + Ved/2 => Not until + + Interrogative from
EX: a) She didn’t talk to me until last Monday.
b) It was not until last Monday that she talked to me.
c) Not until last Monday did she talk to me.
10. Vừa mới……… thì (lại)
S + had + no sooner + Ved/3 ……… than + S + Ved/2
hardly when
scarcely when
(Xảy ra trước) (Xảy ra sau)
*Đảo ngữ: No sooner + had + S + Ved/3 ……… than + S + Ved/2
Hardly when
Scarcely when
(Xảy ra trước) (Xảy ra sau)

a) They had no sooner eaten dinner than the ceiling crashed on to the dining table.
 Hardly had they eaten dinner when the ceiling crashed on to the dining table.
 No sooner had they eaten dinner than the ceiling crashed on to the dining table.
b) The police rang the doorbell just after we arrived home.
 No sooner had we arrived home than the police rang the doorbell.
c) As soon as I got off the bus, it crashed into the back of car.
 Hardly had I got off the bus when it crashed into the back of car.
d) The doctor had hardly fallen asleep when the telephone woke him up again.
 No sooner had the doctor fallen asleep than the telephone woke him up again.
Active Voice Pasive Voive Example
1. Simple Present
They spend a lot of money on
advertising every year.
S + Vo/s/es S + am/is/are + Ved/3
 A lot of money is spent on
advertising every year.

2. Simple Past
They didn’t invited David to parties.
S + Ved/2 S + was/were + Ved/3
 David wasn’t invited to parties.

3. Present
She is taking care of the baby girl.
Continuous S + am/is/are + Ving S + am/is/are + being + Ved/3  The baby girl is being taken care

4. Past Continuous
The committee was considering
some new project.
S + was/were + Ving S + was/were + being + Ved/3
 Some new project was being
considered by the committee.

5. Present Perfect S + have/has + been + Ved/3

She hasn’t finished the letter yet.
S + have/has + Ved/3  The letter has not been finished
Just, never, ever yet.
Quickly, well
6. Past Perfect
He had locked the door before he
went out.
S + had + Ved/3 S + had + been + Ved/3
 The door had been locked before
he went out.

7. Simple Future
We will do our exercise tomorrow.
S + will + Vo S + will be + Ved/3  Our exercise will be done

8. Future Perfect
They will have destroyed the
S + will + have + Ved/3 S + will + have + been + Ved/3
 The building will have been

9. Modal Verbs
Will/would Will/would
Can/could Can/could You have to put your coat here.
May/might May/might  Your coat has to be put here.
Must Must
Have to Had to Have to Had to + be + Ved/3 Tom can’t translate this novel
Has to Has to fluently.
Used to Used to  This novel can’t be fluently
Be going to Be going to translated by Tom.
Should/ought to Should/ought to

10. to V form
To V To be + Ved/3
Ving Being + Ved/3
Vo Be + Ved/3

11. make, see,

People saw him fall out of the
hear, watch …
V + O + Vo Be + Ved/3 + to V
 He was seen to fall out of the
12. Two objects
Jack gave Helen a rose on her
 Helen was given a rose on her
Be + Ved/3 to Ongười birthday by Jack.
𝑡𝑜  A rose was given to Helan on her
S + V + Ongười + Ovật S + V + Ovật + + Ongười
𝑓𝑜𝑟 birthday by Jack.
Be + bought / made / get for Ongười
He bought his mother these flowers.
 These flowers were bought for
his mother.

- by people, them, someone, somebody,…
- by me, you, him, her, us,…
- by nobody, no one, nothing.
- by + O.


ℎ𝑎𝑣𝑒/𝑚𝑎𝑘𝑒 𝑉𝑜
Active Form S+ + Ongười + + Ovật
𝑔𝑒𝑡 𝑡𝑜 𝑉
Passive Form S+ + Ovật + Ved/3 (by + Ongười)


Reporting verbs
Say, report, believe, think, understand, know, They/People say that + S2 + V2
suppose, rumour, expect, hope, predict,…  It is said that + S2 + V2
 S2 + be + said + to V
- People say that he has a pricesless collection of
stamps. to have Ved/3
(1) It’s said that he has a pricesless collection of to be Ving
stamps. .to V: cùng thì or V2 xảy ra sau V1.
(2) He is said to have a pricesless collection of .to have Ved/3: khác thì or V2 xảy ra trước V1.
stamps. .to be Ving: đang xảy ra.

- People say that the strom destroyed te village.

(1) It’s said that the strom destroyed te village.
(2) The strom is said to have destroyed the village.

- They said that Jane was working in London.

(1) It was said that Jane was working in London.
(2) Jane was said to work in London.
S + V + (not) Ving S + V + (not) to V S + V + O + (not) to V
1. avoid (tranh) 1. afford (du kha nang) 1. ask (yeu cau)
2. admit (thua nhan) 2. agree (dong y) 2. beg (van xin)
3. appreciate (danh gia cao) 3. appear (xuất hien) 3. cause (gay ra)
4. complete (hoan thanh) 4. arrange (sap xep) 4. challenge (thach thuc)
5. consider (xem xet) 5. ask (hoi, yeu cau) 5. convince (thuyet phuc)
6. delay (tu choi) 6. beg (nai ni, van xin) 6. dare (thach thuc)
7. deny (tu choi) 7. care (cham soc) 7. encourage (khuyen khich)
8. detest ( ghet) 8. claim (doi hoi, yeu cau) 8. enable (lam cho … co kha nang)
9. discuss (thao luan) 9. consent (bang long) 9. expect (mong doi)
10. dislike (khong thich) 10. decide (quyet dinh) 10. forbid (cam)
11. enjoy (thich) 11. deman (yeu cau) 11. force (buoc)
12. escape (tron thoat) 12. deserve ( xung dang) 12. hire (thue)
13. finish (hoan thanh) 13. desire (khao khat) 13. instruct (huong dan)
14. hate (ghet) 14. expect (mong doi) 14. invite (moi)
15. keep (giu) 15. fail (that bai) 15. order (ra lenh)
16. mention (de cap) 16. happen (tinh co) 16. persuade (11now11t phuc)
17. mind (phien, ngai) 17. hesitate (do du) 17. remind (nhac nho)
18. miss (nho, bo lo) 18. hope (hi vong) 18. require (yeu cau)
19. postpone (tri hoan) 19. learn (hoc) request
20. partice (luyen tap) 20. manage (quan li, xoay so) 19. teach (day)
21. quit (nghi ngoi) 21. mean (y dinh) 20. tell (bao)
22. perfect + Ving + to + Ving 22. offer (de nghi) 21. urge (thuc giac)
23. resent (buc tuc) 23. plan (len ke hoach) 22. want (muon)
24. resist ( khang cu) 24. prepare (chuan bi) 23. warn (bao truoc)
25. risk (lieu) 25. pretend (gia vo) 24. would like
26. suggest (de nghi) 26. promise (hua) would love
27. understand (hieu) 27. refuse (tu choi)
28. imagine (tuong tuong) 28. seem (duong nhu) 1. like
29. involve (lien quan) 29. struggle (dau tranh) 2. love
30. swear (xin the) 3. begin
1. leave out (ngung lam, bo) 31. tend (co khuynh huong) 4. start + to V or Ving
2. can’t help 32. threaten (de doa) 5. continue
can’t resist 33. volunteer (tinh nguyen) 6. cease
3. it is no use 34. wait (doi) 7. prefer
it is no good 35. want (muon)
4. would you mind 36. wish (mong) *Note:
do you mind 37. intend (co dinh huong) 1. need + to V: cần phải (thường S chỉ người)
5. to the busy (ban ron) need + Ving (thường S chỉ vật)
6. to the worth (xung dang) 40. would like (to be Ved/3)
7. have fun would love 2. reget to V (nghĩa TL, sẽ phải)
have a good time 2. try/do one’s best forget +
8. have trouble 3. make up one’s mind remember Ving (nghĩa QK, đã)
have difficulty (in) 4. have an opportunity 3. stop + to V (dường để ………)
9. have a hard time have a chance + Ving (dường hẳn ………)
have a difficult time 4. advice
10. feel like recommend + O + to V
11. give up allow + Ving
12. can’t stand permit
can’t bear 5. try + to V (cố gắng)
13. look fowar to + Ving (thử)
14. be used to
get used to
become used to
be accustomed to
get accustomed to
become accustomed to
be familiar with
Ving To V Vo
40. Ving làm S 40. S + V (not) to V 40. help + O + to V / Vo
Ving … + Vsingular S + V + O + (not) to V
2. make + O + Vo
2. prep + Ving 2. Unreal S But : be made + to V
It + be + adj/n + to V
3. S+ V + (not) Ving 3. let + O + Vo
3. Ai đó mất thời gian làm việc gì đó
4. Go + Ving It + takes/took + some time + to V 4. Verbs of perception
(Person + spend …… Ving)
Go fishing S + see, watch, observe, + O + Vo
Go swimming 4. Extra O notice, look at, smell,
Go shopping S + find/make + it + adj/n + to V feel, hear, listen to
Go dancing think/feel
Go sightseeing consider/prove 5. Modals
Go jogging
5. Sau 1 số adj Will / would
5. the Be going to
TTSH + Ving S + be + adj + to V
SHC Can / could
(glad, happy, lucky, sad, afraid, excited, Be able to
6. S + be + Ving easy, disappointed, pleased, determined,
(là) amazed, surprised, willing, sorry, proud, May / might
7. the + N + Ving Must
+ Ved/3 6. Sau 1 số N Have to + Vo
Has to
N + to V Had to

(advice, ability, ambition, anxiety, attempt, Used to

chance, decision, dream, failure,
permission, plan, request, wish, way, Should
demand, determination, effort, offer, Ought to
willingness, suggestion, failure …) Had better

7. S + V (+O) + Wh_ + to V Would rather

8. Result
S + V + too + adj/adv (for O) + to V
S + V + adj/adv + enough (for O) + to V
+ enough + N

9. Purpose
to V
in order to V
so as to V

in order not to V
so as not to V

40. the + SSI/STT + N + to V

to be Ved/3

40. have + N + to V
there be + N + to V

40. to V làm S
to V … Vsingular

Past / Present Participle * (not) Ving ………, S + V

. Active meaning
40. He sang to himself. He walked down the street. . Happeing at the some time
 Singing to himself, he walked down the street. . Hành động xảy ra trước – sau (receding – following)

2. he put on the coat and left the house. * Ved/3 ………, S + V

 Putting on the coat, he left the house. Being + Ved/3 ………, S + V
. Passive meaning
3. The school was founded in 1918 as an all-girls . Receding – following
school. It only began accepting boys in 1970.
 Founded in 1918 as an all-girls school, the school
only began accepting boys in 1970.

Perfect Participle * (not) Having (been) Ved/3 ………, S + V

. Hành động xảy ra nhiều lần
40. He had failed twice, he dindn’t want to try . Hành động kéo dài
again. . Hành động xảy ra trước, được nhấn mạnh
 Having failed twice, he dindn’t want to try again.

2. He has lived there for such a long time that he didn’t

want to move to another town.
 Having lived there for such a long time, he didn’t
want to move to another town.

Adverbial Clauses When = on = upon

While = during Ving
40. While I was walking along the street, I saw an Before
accident. After + Ved/3 …, S + V
 Walking along the street, I saw an accident. Since
Once Having (been) Ved/3
2. Since Mary came to this country, Mary has made If
many friend.
 Coming to this country, Mary has made many friend.

3. Because she was unable to afford a car, she bought

a motorcycle.
 Being unable to afford a car, she bought a

4. She felt very confident because she had prepared

well of the test.
 Having prepared well of the test, she felt very

5. Although I admit he is right, I don’t like him.

 Admitting he is right, I don’t like him.

6. Although he is famous, he looks very simple.

 Being famous, he looks very simple.

7. If you had gone to the party, you would have met

 Having gone to the party, you would have met her.

40. AND (2 ý quan trọng, tương

đương) - He is talented composer, and he has received many national prizes.

,and - He is selfish and silly; furthermore, he is not responsible.

;furthermore, - The car runs well and looks new; moreover, it uses very little
;moreover, petrol.
;in addition (to),
;what’s more,

2. BUT (sự tương phản)

- He never works, but he gains all the prizes.
,but - History tells the story of man’s life through ages, yet many people
,yet dislike it.

;although, - I’ll offer it to Tom; however, he may not want it.

;however, - Mary wanted it; nevertheless, David gave it away.
;on the other hand,
;on the contrary,
;in contrast (to…),

3. SO (kết quả)
- The stores were closed, so I didn’t get any milk.
- He has done very good work for the society; therefore,he deserves
;therefore, great praise.
;as a result (of N),
;as a consequence (of N),
;for this reson

4. OR (sự lựa chọn)

- Start right now or we will miss the bus.
or - You must go to work or else you will lose your job.
or else - The hotels have to make money as well, otherwish the jobs will be
,otherwise lost.

5. FOR (lí do)

- They don’t go to the movies, for it is rain cats and dog.

 A / an / the
- development, enrichment  This / that / these / those
- pollution, contamination, erosion  TTSH / SHC + (adv)(adj) N
- drainage, advantage  Some, any, a lot of, no…
- importance, difference
- sickness, quickness  Prep + N / Ving
- length, strength, width
- survival, proposal
- ability, responsibility  Subject
- livelihood, childhood
- socialism, patriotism
 Object
- friendship, leadership
 There + be + N
- writer, waitress, editor, dentist, Vietnamese, employee
- librarian, beggar  V +N
- swimming, reading
(đã, có thể được)
- kingdom, freedom
- economics, mathematics, althletics

- careful, useful  Adj + N
- careless, useless  S + VLK + adj
- dangerous, various - be, look, sound, feel, smell, tast, keep
- rainy, sunny, healthy - get, become, turn, come, grown, go
- enjoyable, incredible - seem, appear
- competitive, attractive, successive - remain, stay
- economic, historic
- national, industrial  S + keep, make, find, hold, paint + O + adj
- different, important
- surprising, surprised  something, …
- friendly, lovely, yearly, daily, hourly ( n + ly  adj )
- childish, foolish anyone, … + adj
- lifelike, childlike everything, …
- asleep, alive nothing, …

- quickly, exactly, excellently ( adj + ly  adv )  V + adv
Special cases  adv + V
fast – fast  V + O + adv
hard – hard / hardly  adv, S + V
late – late / lately  be, … + adv + adj / Ving / Ved/3
early – early
good – well
Adverbs of degree
very, so, too, quite
pretty, rather
fairly, tolerably

- enrich, enable
- rewrite, rearrange
- specialize, socialize
- satisfy, justify
- comtaminate, initiate

1. SIMILARITY / DIS SIMILARITY (So sánh 2 người hoặc 2 vật)

S1 + V + as + adj / adv + as + S2 + (V)

EX: My sister can cook as well as my mother.

S1 + V + the same + N + as + S2 + (V)

EX: He has the same book as mine.

be not the same as = be different from

EX: Her book is not the same as mine. = Her book is different from mine.

S1 + V + not + as / so + adj / adv + as + S2 + (V)

EX: The service is not as / so good as it used to be.

S1 + V + not + such + a / an + adj + N + as + S2 + (V)

EX: It is not such a long way as we thought.

2. COMPARATIVES (So sánh 2 người hoặc 2 vật)

Từ bổ nghĩa: much, a lot of, far; a little, a bit, slightly

S1 + V + (bổ nghĩa) + adj / adv + er + than + S2 + (V)

EX: A car is (much) faster than a bicycle (is).

S1 + V + (bổ nghĩa) + more + adj / adv + than + S2 + (V)

EX: She worked (a little) more effectively than her sister (did)

S1 + V + (bổ nghĩa) + more + adj / adv + than + V + S2 (đảo ngữ)

EX: She worked (a little) more effectively than did her sister.

*The life in the city is more comfortable than that in the country. (cấu trúc //)
that với Sít, those với Snhiều

*THE + ADJ / ADV in comparative (1 vần thêm er, 2 vần trở lên dùng more)
EX: Of the two cakes, the round is the nicer.

3. SUPPERLATIVES (so sánh 3 người, 3 vật trở lên)

S + V + (by far) + the + adj / adv + est

EX: Susan is (by far) the smartest of all.

S + V + the most + adj / adv

EX: This is (by far) the most difficult exercise I’ve ever done.
Những trường hợp đặc biệt So sánh hơn So sánh nhất

good / well better (than) the best

bad / badly worse (than) the worst

many / much / a lot of more (than) the most

little / few less (than) the least

far farther (than) the fartherest

further (than) the furtherest

old older (than) the oldest

elder (than) the eldest

Những trường hợp Adj 2 vần so sánh như Adj 1 vần:

Tận cùng bằng : et, ow, y, er, le.

Những tính từ tận cùng bằng 1 phụ âm, trước là 1 nguyên âm, thì khi so sánh, ta gấp đôi phụ âm.


S + V + số lần + as + adj / adv + as +

EX: She earns twice as much as I do.


S + V + less + adj / adv + than …

EX: The old machine worked less efficiently than the new one did.

* Càng ngày càng

S + V + adj + er and adj + er  one syllable

+ more and more + adj  2 or more syllable
+ SSH and SSH

. small and small . more and more intelligent
. younger and younger . more and more dangerous
. taller and taller . more and moer beautiful
. higher and higher . more and more difficult

* Càng, càng

 The + SSH + S + V, the + SSH + S + V

(nếu V là be thì có thể bỏ) càng
 The + adj + er

 The more + adj

 The more N càng nhiều

(many, much, a lot of)

 The less + Nkđđ

(little) càng ít
 The fewer + Nđđsn

1. The weather is hot. We feel tired.
 The hoter weather is, the more tired we feel.
2. We start late. We get into much traffic.
 The later we start, the more traffic we get into.
3. We do many morning experience. We get healthy.
 The more moring experience do, the healthier we get.
4. We read this book carefully. We understand it well.
 The more carefully we read this book, the better we understand it.
5. Food is very expensive. So we buy it little.
 The more expensive food is, the less we buy it.

A, AN (a, o, e, u, i) >>> the indefinite articles THE >>> the definite article

40. Đứng trước N đếm được số ít, được đề cập 1. THE + N được đề cập lần 2
lần đầu, chưa xác định.
2. THE + N có số thứ tự (first, second, third,
2. Giới thiệu nghề nghiệp.
… last, next) hoặc có so sánh nhất (only)
3. Trong cấu trúc:
What + a / an + adj + n ! 3. THE + N chỉ nhạc cụ (the guitar, the piano,
Such + a / an + adj + n the violin … )
What a magnificent house! 4. THE + N có mệnh đề theo sau (S + V)
We shouldn’t go out in such a bad storm.
5. THE + N chỉ quốc tịch (the English, the
Quite + a / an + adj + n
EX: It’s quite a small house. Vietnamese, the French, the Chinese, …)

A / An + n + of + ĐTSH 6. THE + N mà người nói và người nghe đều

EX: A friend of mine. xác định rõ.

4. Đi với N chỉ bệnh tật. 7. THE + N chỉ có một (the east, the west, the
I’ve got a headache / a cold. South, the North, the sun, the moon, … )
BUT: have flu
8. THE + tên đại dương (the Pacific Ocean)
tên sông, biển (the Red River)
Những trường hợp không dùng mạo từ tên sa mạc (the Sahara)
40. N số nhiều mang nghĩa tổng quát. tên rặng núi (the Andes)
tên quần đảo (the Bahamas)
2. N không đếm được mang nghĩa tổng quát. tên các tờ báo (the Washington Post)

3. N chỉ môn thể thao (football, soccer, tennis, 9. THE + hệ thống giao thông (the London
badminton, volley ball, basket ball, goft, …) Underground)

4. N chỉ bửa ăn (breakfast, lunch, dinner) 10. THE + phương tiện truyền thông (the Internet)

40. Trong thành ngữ chỉ phương tiện (by car, by 11. THE + adj >>> a group of people
by underground …)
The poor The rich
1. Trước N riêng: The young The old
The deaf The dumb
Đường phố (Baker Street) The homeless The unemployed
Hồ, vịnh, núi (Sword Lake, Mt Everest) The injured The wounded
Đảo (Easter Island) The disaster-stricken
Quốc gia (Vietnam, Chines, Japan …)
Tiểu bang (California, Texas … ) 40. THE + tên các tổ chức (the United nations)
Thành phố (New York) tên viện bảo tàng (the Louver)
Châu lục (Africa) tên khách sạn (the Grand Hotle)
tên tòa nhà quan trọng (the Twin Towers)
tên nước có “kingdom” or “states” or số nhiều
(the United Kingdom
the United States
the United Arab Emirates
the Philippines)
khu vực địa lý (the Middl East)

- The man who came to vist us is a computer engineer.

- That man, who came to visit us, is a computer engineer.

TYPES Non-Defining Relative Clause

Defining Relative Clause - Đứng sau N đã được xác định rõ, không có nó câu
- Đứng sau N chưa xác định rõ, không có nó câu sẽ vẫn rõ nghĩa.
không rõ nghĩa. - N đã được xác định rõ thường là:
 N riêng.
 N chỉ có MỘT (the sun, the moon …)
 N có TTSH/SCH bổ nghĩa.
 N có THIS/THAT/THESE/THOSE bổ nghĩa.

 Có dấu phẩy tách rời giữa mệnh đề chính và
mệnh đề phụ.
 Không dùng THAT (thay thế cho WHO,
 WHOM, WHICH không được hiểu ngầm.

Những trường hợp bắt buộc dùng THAT

 Sau N vừa chỉ người, vừa chỉ vật
 Sau N có SSI bổ nghĩa. (the most + adj / the + adj +est)
 Sau N có STT (fist, second, third, next, last, only,…) bổ nghĩa.
 Sau các ĐTBĐ (someone, something,…)
 Sau các N có những chữ như FEW, LITTLE, ANY, ALL,…

“Cleft” Sentences
Nhấn mạnh S
- Freda phoned Jack last night. It + is/was ……. That/who ……
 It was Freda that phoned Jack last night. (Chính là…….)
- I am in charge of this work.
 It’s I that is in charge of this world.
 It’s I who am in charge of this work.
Nhấn mạnh O It + is/was ……. That ……
- I have been waiting for John. (that có thể bỏ đi)
 It’s John that I have been waiting for.
- My mother gave me this camera.
 It was this camera that my mother gave me.
Nhấn mạnh Adverbial phrases It + is/was ……. That ……
She bought him a computer at this shop. (that không được bỏ)

 It was at this shop that she bought him a computers.

Nhấn mạnh cả mệnh đề It + is/was ……. That ……
- After their parents died , they realized how important
the parental love was.
 It was after their parents died that they realized
how important the parental love was.

The man who is standing over there is Mr.Pike S

1 Nperson + who + V

The women (whom) you saw yesterday is my aunt. S

Nperson + whom + S + V
2 that

The hat which is red is mine. S

3 Nthing/animal + which + V

This is the book (which) I like best. O

Nthing/animal + which + S + V
4 that

He passed the final exam, which made us surprised. Main clause, which + Vsingular
this: điều này
5 that: điều đó

The man to whom Mary is talking is Mr.Pike. N + prep + whom ………

6 which

The boy whose bicycle you brrowed yesterday is Tom. N1 + whose + N2 + S + V

Jonh found the cat whose leg was broken. Nvật + the + N + of + which + S + V

May Day is the day when people hold the meeting. When (vào lúc đó)
Where (ở nơi đó) +S+V
Do you 26now the country where I was born? Why (vì lí do đó)
- when = in, on, at + which
8 Please tell me the reason why you are so sad. then: vào lúc đó.
- where = in, on, at + which
there, here
- why = for which

Language is not necessarily the private property of

those who use it.

Quy tắc chung :
a. Đổi trạng từ chỉ thời gian và nơi chốn – từ chỉ định
this – that tomorrow – the following day
the next day
these – those tomorrow (night) – the following (night)
the next (night)
here – therer next (week) – the following (week)
the next (week)
now – then yesterday – the day before
the previous day
ago – before yesterday (morning) – the (morning) before
the previous (morning)
today – that day last (week) – the (week) before
the previous (week)
to night – that night
b. Đổi ngôi – đổi trong cùng cột
Ngôi 1 đổi theo S (người nói)
Ngôi 2 đổi theo O (người nghe)
Ngôi 3 không đổi
S O Possessive adj + N Possessive pron Reflexive pron
I Me My Mine Myself
We Us Our Ours Ourselves
You You Your Yours Yourself / Yourselves
He Him His His Himself
She Her Her Hers Herself
It It Its Its Itself
They Their Their Theirs Themselves

I)- Imperative : Câu mệnh lệnh (please) + Vo …… / (please) Don’t + Vo ……

S + told + to V HTĐ  QKĐ . Bỏ “Please”

asked + not to V QKĐ  QKHT . Said (to)  Told
advised Can  Could
begged Will  Would
ordered Mustn’t  Had to
May  Might

II)- Statement : Câu mệnh lệnh S + Vthì ………

𝒔𝒂𝒊𝒅 / 𝒕𝒐𝒍𝒅 . Said to  Told

S+ + O (that) + Sđổi ngôi + Vđổi thì

III)- Questions : Câu hỏi

S + asked + (O) if / whether + Sđổi ngôi + Vđổi thì

Wondered + Wh_ + Sđổi ngôi + Vđổi thì
Wanted to know Wh_(S) + Vđổi thì

- Đổi trạng từ chỉ time / place và từ chỉ định nếu có
- Đổi ngôi nếu có
- Đổi theo cấu trúc của từng động từ

+ Ving + to V + O + to V
suggest: đề nghị offer: đề nghị ask: hỏi
admit: thừa nhận ptomise: hứa tell / told: nói, bảo
deny: phản đối decide: quyết định expect: mong đợi
regret: hối tiếc đã agree: đồng ý encourage: khuyến khích
remember: nhớ, đã refuse: từ chối remind: nhắc nhở
forget: quên đã threaten: đe dọa order: ra lệnh
mention: đề cập arrange: sắp xếp advise: khuyên
recall: nhắc nhở manage: quản lí, xoay sở được invite: mời
recommend: đề nghị
urg: đề nghị
allow: cho phép
permit: cho phép
warn: cảnh báo
want: muốn
require: đòi hỏi
request: yêu cầu
Apologize (to S.O) for : xin lỗi
Thank S.O for : cảm ơn
Blame S.O for : đổ lỗi
Admire S.O for : ngưỡn mộ
Criticize S.O for : chỉ trích
Punish S.O for : phạt
Reproach S.O for : phê bình
Praise S.O for : ca ngợi
Complain (to S.O) about : phàn nàn + Ving / Having Ved/3 (- Hoàn tất trước
Warn S.O about / against : cảnh báo - Để nhấn mạnh
Think about / of : nghĩ về - Xảy ra nhiều lần
Accuse S.O of : buộc tội - Xảy ra có kéo dài)
Suspect S.O of : nghi ngờ
Dream of : mơ về
Congratulate S.O on : chúc mừng
Compliment S.O on : phàn nàn về
Insist on : khăn khăn đòi làm
Prevent / stop / keep S.O from : ngăn, không cho
Look forward to : mong đợi
Object to : phản đối

Lời khuyên Sự nhắc nhở

Don’t forget + to V
Advise + O + to V Remember + to V
Remind + O + to V
Ought to + Vo Sự cho phép
Had better Allow + O + to V
May + Vo
If I was you, I would …… Let + O + Vo
If / Unless Clause Main Clause
REAL If you are right I am wrong
Type 1  If / Unless + S + Vsimple present shall
PROBABLE  If / Unless + S + can + Vo  S + will + Vo
Có thể  Inversion: bỏ If can
xảy ra If + clause = Should + S + Vo may / might

 S + would like + to V
 Could you + Vo ……? >>> Request
 Imperative: Vo: Hãy
Don’t Vo: Đừng

 or S + will + Vo
Imperative (Vo, Don’t Vo) or else S + will + Vo
You have to V  and S + will + Vo
Type 2  If / Unless + S + Vsimple past
PRESENT (be  were)
UNREAL  If / Unless + S + could + Vo
Không thật S + would + Vo
ở hiện tại  Inversion: bỏ If could

If + clause = Were + S + (to V / N / adj)

Type 3  If / Unless + S + had + Ved/3

UNREAL  If / Unless + S + could have + Ved/3 might
Không thật S + would + have + Ved/3
ở quá khứ could
 Inversion: bỏ If

If + clause = Had + S + Ved/3

40. Unless = If …… not 40. Inversion: Đảo ngữ

2. Provided (that) / On condition (that): Với điều kiện là 40. If I feel sick, I will saty home for a rest.
Supposing / Suppose: giả sử là  Should I feel sick, I will saty home for a rest.
In case: Trong trường hợp, phòng khi
So long as: Miễn là 40. If the teacher knew the truth, you would be
Imagine: Hãy tưởng tượng là punished.
 Were the teacher to know the truth, you would be
3. Without + N, main clause. punished.
But for + N, main clause.
If it weren’t for + N, main clause. Nếu không có 40. If they were stronger, they could lift the table.
If it hadn’t been for + N, main clause.  Were they stronger, they could lift the table.
If there were not + N. main clause.
If there hadn’t been + N, main clause. 40. If they had been honest, he wouldn’t have done it.
Otherwise, main clause. Nếu không  Had he been honest, he wouldn’t have done it.
4. Mixed condition: Câu điều kiện pha trộn
40. Advice:
If you hadn’t stayed up too late last night, you would feel
tried now. If I were you, I would ………
If / Unless + S + had + Ved/3, S + would + Vo in your place,
in your position,
in your shoes,
/IZ/ /S/ /Z/
s, x, ch, ce, sh, z, ge t,p, f, k, th còn lại
sáng, sớm, chạy, xe, sh, vui, ghê thiếu, phương, pháp, khó, thành
1. laugh (f)
2. cough (f)0
* te (t), pe (p), ph / gh (f), c (k)

1. thinks /s/ 19. photographs /s/ 37. stops /s

2. washes /iz/ 20. misses /iz/ 38. laughs /s/
3. invites /s/ 21. bags 39. repairs
4. knows /s/ 22. bombs 40. forces /iz/
5. uses /iz/ 23. kids 41. languages /iz/
6. watches /iz/ 24. sings 42. celebrates /s/
7. drops /s/ 25. controls 43. agrees
8. coughs /s/ 26. prepares 44. makes /s/
9. organizes /iz/ 27. jumps /s/ 45. dishes /iz/
10. plays 28. walks /s/ 46. develops /s/
11. leaves 29. travels 47. hopes /s/
12. hats /s/ 30. robs 48. announces /iz/
13. goes 31. says 49. characteristics /s/
14.practices /iz/ 32. follows 50. tests /s/
15. films 33. happens
16. prevents /s/ 34. teaches /iz/
17. sentences /iz/ 35. dates /s/
18. boxes /iz/ 36. notes /s/


/id/ /t/ /d/
t, d p, pe /p/ phạm còn lại
*Note: f, ph, gh /f/ pháp * Notes:
1. crooked k, c /k/ không 1. caused
2. wicked th /0/ thể 2. pleased
3. naked ch /t/ chạy 3. raised
s, ce, x /s/ xe 4. supposed
sh /ʃ/ sh 5. used
6. advised
7. surprised

1. dated /id/ 16. lived 31. waved

2. forced /t/ 17. called 32. dropped /t/
3. walked /t/ 18. questioned 33. missed /t/
4. prepared 19. photographed /t/ 34. based /t/
5. noted /id/ 20. coughed /t/ 35. arrived
6. developed /t/ 21. recorded /id/ 36. studied
7. smoked /t/ 22. followed 37. posted /id/
8. filmed 23. happened 38. snowed
9. flirted /id/ 24. begged 39. needed /id/
10. concerned 25. invited /id/ 40. crooked /id/
11. maintained 26. watched /t/
12. agreed 27. finished /t/
13. appeared 28. controlled
14. confided /id/ 29. walked /t/
15. robbed 30. jumped /t/

Modals Functions Examples

Ability  possible, possibly, He could sing when he was a child.
Can, could
capable of, it’s better,
Be able to He will be able to have another child.
it’s a good idea.

Advice, opinion, advisable, Boys should/ought to do the housework.

Should, ought to
it’s a good idea, it’s better, You had better drive carefully.
Had better (not)
necessary, essential.
Duty, obligation, propability, Students must do their homework.
essential, necessary, sure, Man must eat to live.
certain, compulsory, need, Nam is absent today. He must miss this lesson.
Have to
obliged, obligatory, I believe, You've got to try this recipe, it's delicious.
Have got to
really, imperative.
Needn't Not necessary, unnecessary,
Don't need to not obligatori, not imperative, I needn't live on anybody.
Don't have to not essential.
You can have a day-off if you're tired.
Can, could, may Pemission, be allowed to V Could I see your passport, please?
May I go out?
Possibility, not sure, perhaps,
May, might, can could We/can/could/may/might/go out for dinner tonight.
She can't go out in such cold weather.
Can’t, mustn’s Prohibition, prohibit, ban.
You mustn't cheat in the exams.
Can you
Would you mind if sat here?
Could you (please) + Vo
Will you Will you please take a message?
Would you
Let’s = Shall we + Vo
Suggestion Let's go to have banana ice scream.
Why don't we/you +Vo
Why don't you do your exercise?
How/What about +Ving/N
sth happening in the future.
Will: đề nghị / yêu cầu She will give me a book when I finish cleaning the
promises, offer, help,
giúp đỡ, sẽ xảy ra trong floor.
quyết định ngay lúc nói,
tương lai.
sự từ chối đồ vật
lời mời

-offers and requests for help Mai: This bag is too heavy!
-refusal of things Nam: Don't worry, I will carry it for you.
-we decide to do sth at the time It's hot here. I'll open the door.
of speaking

.making some predictions. Look at those black clouds. It's going to rain.
Be going to (based on sth)
.we have already decided to do Why are you putting on those old clothes?
sth. - I am going to paint the kitchen.

- for something which has

Present continuous What are you doing next week?
been arranged or planned:

Would rather (not) +Vo.. than

𝑽𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑽𝒊𝒏𝒈 preference
prefer to

used to + Vo I used to go to the cinema.

Past habit I used to be drunk
would + Vo
I would go to the cinema every night.
Study the following examples and then draw out the form and the usage.
1. The students must have finished the examination. They are already leaving the building.
2. My boss is angry with me. I didn't do all the work that I should have done last week.
3. It's a good thing you didn't lend him the money. You might not have returned it back.
4. He could have obtained his degree if he had wanted to, but he was too lazy to try.
MUST + HAVE + Ved/3: chắc hẳn đã
SHOULD + HAVE + Ved/3: lẽ ra nên
MAY/MIGHT + HAVE + Ved/3: có lẽ đã
COULD + HAVE + Ved/3: có thể đã

Noun Clause After “Wish/If only”

(Diễn tả một sự việc trái với sự thật)

S + wish S + Vpast (be  were)  Present

+ S + had + Ved/3  Past
If only S + could / would + Vo  Future

Statement Tag Question

Negative (not) Positive V + S

Positive Negative V (not) + S


Nam (Tom, Mr. Brown, your boyfriend …)  he

Nữ (Hoa, Ms. Lan, your aunt,…)  she
Vật số ít (A book, a chair …)  it
Người, vật số nhiều (Nam and Lan, my parents, the cars, …)  they
Các đại từ như: I, We, You, He, She, It, They  giữ nguyên

1 No, never, little, few, hardly, rarely, seldom (PĐ) Positive V +S? (KĐ)
2 I am Aren’t I?
3 Let’s Shall we?
- Vo - will / would / could / won’t you?
4 - Don’t Vo - will you?

No one, nobody
Anyone, anybody
Someone, somebody
KĐ they?
5 Everyone, everybody

PĐ they?

6 That ………

to V that + S + V
Noun Clause wh_ + S + V
Whether + S + V

- I think, believe, suppose, assume, imagine, Lấy mệnh đề phụ làm câu hỏi đuôi
expect, see, feel … + mệnh đề phụ
- You + mean + mệnh đề phụ Lấy mệnh đề phụ làm câu hỏi đuôi

7 - Cùng mẫu này nhưng chủ từ không phải là I Lấy mệnh đề đầu làm câu hỏi đuôi

Mệnh đề chính có not Positive V + S

1) ‘s  Cả is và has đều có cách viết rút gọn là ‘s.

EX: He’ lived in London for 2 years, hasn’t he?

He’s your lawyer, isn’t he?
This building’s built by Jack, isn’t it?

2) ‘d  ‘d là viết tắt của would hoặc had

- had better had + Ved/3

- would rather would like would love would + Vo
1. fill in: điền vào 1 1. ask for: yêu cầu 5
2. give up, drop out of, leave: từ bỏ 2. wait for: chờ (wait for my mother = a wait my mother)
3. take off: cất cánh, cởi ra 3. apply (to sb) for sth: bắt ai đó làm gì đó
4. put on: hạ cách, mặc vào 4. talk about: nói về
5. turn off = switch off: tắt 5. talk to / with sb: nói với sb
6. turn on = switch on: mở 6. leave London: rời London
7. wash up: rửa chén 7. leave for London: đi London
8. look at: nhìn 8. come up: đi lên
9. look up: nhìn lên 9. bring up: mang lên
10. look for: tìm kiếm 10. cool off: giải nhiệt
1. get up: thức dậy 2 1. give in: nhường, nhượng bộ 6
2. lie down: nằm xuống = take a break: nghỉ ngơi 2. grow up: phát triển, lớn lên
3. go in: đi vào 3. wait up: chờ
4. go out: đi ra ngoài, đi chơi 4. watch out – look out: trông chừng
5. go away: đi ra 5. stay on: tiếp tục ở lại
6. go on - go on with – continue - keep on: tiếp tục 6. speak up: nói lớn lên
7. hurry up: nhanh chóng 7. catch up with: theo kịp
8. turn round: quay lại 8. keep up with: theo kịp
9. sit down: ngồi xuống 9. keep pace with – keep in touch with: theo kịp
10. stand up: đứng lên 10. fall behind: tụt lại phía sau – lỗi thời
1. turn up – show up – arrive – appear: xuất hiện 3 1. call on: ghé thăm 7
2. take after – be similar to – look like - resemble: tương tự 2. call off: hủy bỏ
3. look after – take care of – care for: chăm sóc 3. think back on, recall: nghĩ ngược lại
4. get over – overcome – recover from: vượt qua, phục hồi từ 4. talk back to: nói chuyện lại với
5. hold – stop – delay – put off – postpone: trì hoãn, dừng 5. dispose of: loại bỏ
6. try out – test: kiểm tra 6. carry out: thực hiện
7. go off – explode: nổ (bom), reo (đồng hồ) 7. belong to: thuộc về
8. set up – establish: thiết lập 8. break down: bị hỏng
9. jot down – note down – write down – take note: ghi chú 9. hear from: nghe từ
10. participate in: tham gia 10. pick up: nhặt, cầm
1. listen to: lắng nghe 4 1. take on: gánh vác 8
2. point at: chỉ vào 2. take over: tiếp quản
3. laught at: cười lớn, cười chế nhạo 3. pass away: qua đời
4. glance at: liếc nhìn 4. stand out: nổi bật
5. stare at: nhìn chầm chầm 5. turn out: tắt
6. speak to sb: nói chuyện với sb 6. turn down: từ chối
7. write to sb: viết thư cho sb 7. object to: phản đối
8. invite sb to: mời sb đến 8. respond to: đáp lại
9. explain sth to sb: giải thích sth cho sb 9. check in: nhận phòng
10. throw … at: ném … vào 10. check out: trả phòng
1. come up with: nghĩ ra 9 1. agree on: đồng ý 13
2. keep in touch with: giữ liên lạc với 2. agree with: đồng ý với
3. lose touch with – lose contact with: mất liên lạc với 3. believe in: tin vào
4. lose one’s temper: mất bình tĩnh 4. be capable of: có khả năng
5. deal with: giải quyết 5. be famous of: nổi tiếng về
6. try on: mặc thử 6. be good for: tốt cho
7. go over: vượt 7. run out of: cạn kiệt
8. prefect … to: thích 8. put up with: chịu đựng
9. take up: nhặt lên 9. cut down on: cắt giảm
10. break in / into: ngắt lời 10. get on with: hòa hợp với
1. Refer to, mention: đề cập 10 1. (be) aware of: nhận ra 14
2. come across: tình cờ gặp 2. (be) absorbed in: say mê
3. put out: đặt ra 3. make sense: hợp lí
4. introduce…to: giới thiệu…cho 4. live / lead a simple life: sống cuộc sống giản dị
5. get on: leo lên 5. take an exam / acourse: dự thi
6. get along: xoay sở được 6. be keen on: hăng hái
7. drop in on sb: ghé thăm bất ngờ sb 7. break out: bùng nổ
8. base on: dựa vào/trên 8. be good at: giỏi về
9. come on: làm tiếp đi, thôi mà 9. be proud of: tự hào về
10. concentrate on, focus on: tập trung 10. provide with, provide sth for sb, provide sb with sth
1. give off: tỏa ra 11 1. living standards: mức sống 15
2. smell of: ngửi 2. living conditions: hoàn cảnh sống
3. die of: chết vì 3. do me a favour: giúp tôi một việc
4. be concerned about: lo lắng về 4. make progress: tiến triển
5. approve of: tán thành 5. get / be involved in: tham gia vào
6. think of/about: nghĩ về 6. look down upon / on: coi thường
7. keep me occupied: làm tôi bận rộn 7. look forward to: mong đợi
8. conduct a survey: tiến hành khảo sát 8. watch out for: đề phòng
9. tell … apart: phân biệt 9. specialize in: chuyên về
10. suffer … from: chịu đựng … vì 10. (be) engaged in: tham dự vào
1. take with, bring sth with: mang theo 12 1. rely on, depend on: phụ thuộc vào 16
2. succeed in, manage to do sth: thành công 2. face up to: đối mặt
3. search for: tìm kiếm 3. be absent from: vắng mặt
4. prepare for: chuẩn bị 4. be present at: có mặt
5. take back to: nói phía sau, trả treo 5. be afraid of: sợ
6. apologise for: xin lỗi 6. be different of: khác với
7. protect from: bảo vệ khỏi 7. be foud of: thích
8. run of with: cạn kiệt 8. be full of: đầy ắp
9. save…from: cứu…khỏi 9. be sad about: buồn về
10. specialse in: chuyên về 10. be harmful to: có hại cho


Both S1 and S2
Vsố nhiều
Either or
Neither S1 nor S2
Not only but also
as well as
along with
S1 together with S2
accompainied by
like / such as

Những danh từ không tận cùng bằng s nhưng mang nghĩa số nhiều:
 People, cattle, poultry, police, public, military
 (child) – children
(tooth) – teeth
(foot) – feet
4 (man) – men Vsố nhiều
(woman) – women
(ox) – oxen
(goose) – geese
(louse) – lice
(mouse) – mice

Những danh từ tận cùng bằng s nhưng mang nghĩa số ít:
 News, means, billiards …
 Diseases: mumps, rickets, measles, aids …
 Subjects: physics, mathematics (math, maths),
linguistics, phonetics, statistics, athletics, gymnastics,
5 politics, economics … Vsố ít
 Proper names: The United States, The United Nations,
Wales, Jones …
 A title of a books, a films, a story, an article …:
Tom and Jerry, Sleepless Nights, Romeo and Juliet …

The + adj  a group of people Vsố nhiều

The + adj  a quality Vsố ít

The poor, The rich

The young, The old
The deaf, The dumb Vsố nhiều
The blind, The disable
6 The homeless, The unemployed
The injured

the good
\the bad Vsố ít
the evil

the English, the Vietnamese, the French … Vsố nhiều

Nouns of weight
7 money Vsố ít

Noun clause wh_ S+V
8 if / whether Vsố ít
To V

a numner of + Nsố nhiều Vsố nhiều

the number of + Nsố ít Vsố nhiều

Someone, somebody, something

Anyone, anybody, anything
No one, nobody, nothing
Vsố ít
Everyone, everybody, everything

Each / Every + Nít

11 Each / Every + Nít + and + Each / Every + Nít Vsố ít
Each / Every / One + of + the/TTSH + Nnhiều

12 There + be + N Chia theo N

Từ chỉ số lượng

13 Phân số Chia theo N
Phần trăm

Collective nouns: class, family, army, group, team, staff,

crowd, committee, councll,…
- referred to the numbers Vsố nhiều
- considered as a whole Vsố ít

1. Greetings Lời chào

 Good morning, Mr. Brown.
 Good afternoon, Dr. Olson.
 Good evening, Mrs. Robert.
 Hello, Long. Nice to meet you again.
 Hi, Paul. Pleased to meet you again.
 Morning, Li. I'm glad to meet you again.
 How do you do? Gặp nhau lần đầu

2. Saying goodbye
 Goodbye.
 Goodbye for now.
 Good night.
 Bye. See you next week.
 Bye. See you later / soon / again.
 Bye. Catch you later. Liên lạc bạn sau
 Bye. Have a nice weekend. ( Answer: The same to you)
 Bye. Take care. Bảo trọng
 So long. Tạm biệt

3. Hỏi thăm sức khỏe

 How are you? - I'm fine, thanks. And you?
 How are you today? - We're fine, thanks. And how are you?
 How are you tonight? - Fine, thank you. And you?
 How are you doing? - I am doing very well, thank you. And you?
 What are you doing these days? - Great, thanks. What about you?
 Are you doing okay? - Not bad. You?
- So so Tạm biệt

4. Compliments

Compliments Answers
- You really have a beautiful blouse. - Thank you. That's a nice compliment.
- How beautiful your watch is! - Thanks. I'm glad you like it.
- Your hair is terrific! - Thank you. I'm glad you enjoy it.
- Your hairstyle is terrific! - Thanks for your compliment. I'm glad you like it.
- What a lovely baby you have! - Thanks. It's very nice of you to say so.
- Your English is a lot better. I really enjoy your - Thanks. It's very encouraging.
speaking club. - You've got to be kidding. I thought it was terrible.
- I thought your tennis game was a lot better - You must be kidding! I thought the game was
today. terrible.
- I didn't know you could play badminton so well.
5. Giving opinions, agreements or disagreements

Giving opinions
- In my opinion....
- From my point of view...
- As I see it...
- I think …
- I (strongly) believe...
- I must say that ....
- Tell me what you think about ...?
- I suppose …

Agreeing and Disagreeing:

Agreeing Disagreeing
I agree with you + You could be right but I think ……
I totally agree with you + Actually, I think that...
I agree completely + I don't agree with you.
I couldn't agree with you more + No, that's wrong.
I can't agree with you more + I don't think so because…
There's no doubt about it + I don't think that…
You can say that again + You're right, but...
You're right. + I don't quite agree with you because ....
That's true. + What nonsense!
That's (just) what I think. + I'm afraid I don't agree.
I think so.
Absolutely./Sure. / Definitely/ Exactly.

6. Invitation

Would you like + toV?

I would like to invite you to ...

Acceptance: Yes, I'd like to/Yes, I'd love to/ It is a great idea / That sounds great /Why not? /Let's do that
Refusal: I'm afraid I can't. I'm busy now/Some other time, perhaps/ I'd love to but....

Would you like + N?

- Yes, please.
- No, thanks.
7. Would / Do you mind + Ving?
+ TTSH + Ving?
+ if +S+V ... ?
Agree: Not at all / No / of course not

8. Apologizing

Apologizing Response
- Oh, sorry - It's OK.
- Sory about that - That's OK
- I'm sorry… - Don't worry about it.
- Oh no! Did I do that? I'm sorry. - Oh, that's alright.
- I'm sorry I didn't mean to... - That's quite all right.
- Forgive me. I'm terribly sorry about ..... - It doesn't matter.
- Please accept my apologies for... - I understand completely.
- I'd like to apologize for... - You really don't have to apologise for...
- You don't need to apologise.
- It's not your fault.
- No problem.
- Forget it.
- Never mind
- Please don't blame on yourself.

9. Khi gặp bạn mình nhìn vẻ mặt không được ổn

Ta hỏi: What's the matter with you?
What's wrong with you?
What's the problem?
What's with you?

Trả lời: I feel very tired. I've got a cold.

10. Making suggestions
How about / What about ...? + Ving/N: còn … thì sao
Let's... + Vo Chúng ta hãy
Shall we...? + Vo
Why don't we...? Tại sao chúng ta không
What do you think about .....?
I suggest … Ving
I'd like to suggest … Ving

* Accepting: + Great!
+ That sounds great!
+ Sounds good
+ OK. Let's do that.
+ That's a good idea.
+ Yes, let's.

* Refusing: - I don't think that's a good idea.

- That's not the case.

11. Thanking
- Thank you - You're welcome
- Thanks - Never mind
- Thanks a lot - Not at all
- Many thanks - Don't mention it
- Thank you very much for ... - Forget it
- I am thankful / grateful to you for ... - It's my pleasure (to help you)
- It was so kind of you to invite us - I'm glad I could help
nice - It was the least I could do for you

12. Asking permission

May / Can I...?
Acceptance: Sure / Certainly / Of course / OK/Go ahead.
Refusal: I'm afraid you can't / I don't think you can

13. Offering
Shall I ......?
Acceptance: Thanks / Thank you / Yes, please / That is great.
Refusal: No, please / No. That's OK / Thanks, but I can manage
Động từ và mệnh đề chỉ mục đích

1. I try to study to pass my next exam.

I try to study in order to pass my next exam.
I try to study so as to pass my next exam.
2. She got up early so as not to miss the bus.
He studies hard in order not to fail in the exam.
3. I try my best to study English in order that I can find a better job.
He hurried so that he wouldn't miss the train.
4. We whispered lest anyone hear (should hear)our conversation.
We whispered for fear that anyone hear (should hear)our conversation.

* Phrases of purpose (Affirmative) KĐ – Để

S + V ………to V
in order (for O) to V
so as to V

* Phrases of purpose (Negative) PĐ – Để không

S + V ………in order (for O) not to V
so as not to V

* Clauses of purpose Mệnh đề chỉ mục đích

S + V ………in order that can / could
so that + S + may / might + Vo
will / would

* Clauses of purpose Để …… không

S + V ……… lest + S + Vo
for fear that + should + Vo

Phrases and clauses of purpose trả lời cho câu hỏi


1. We couldn't finish the test in time because it was very difficult.

Lan didn't go to school yesterday because of being sick.
She was unable to run because of her leg injury.

since Bởi vì , so
as , thus +S+V
seeing that Vì thấy rằng +S+V , hence
because of the fact that Vì sự việc là
now that Vì rằng
for fear that Vì sợ rằng

owing to . Therefore,
because of . Consequently,
due to . As a result, +S+V
in view of + Ving / N . As a consequence,
on account of (S1 = S2) . For this reason,
as a result of . Accordingly,
thanks to
*Trước Ving có thể có TTSH

2. Although she was hungry, she didn't eat much.

In spite of working hard, he failed the exam.
They enjoyed their holiday despite the rain.

1. although
though , but
even though +S+V , yet
in spite of the fact that
despite the fact that

2. adj/adv + as, though + S + V, main clause

. However, +S+V
3. Although + (S + be) + adj, main clause (S1 = S2) . Nevertheless,
. On the other hand,
4. while / whereas . On the contrary,
. In contrast (to …)
5. No matter what (+N) . Moretheless,
No matter how (+ adj/adv)
No matter when
No matter where

No matter what = whatever
No matter how = however

in spite of
S + V + despite + N / Ving (S1 = S2)
regardless of

1. Quá…đến nỗi:

S + V + so + + that + S + V
*Đảo ngữ: So + + thể nghi vấn (Vđb +S or do/does/did+S+V) + …
S + V + adj + a/an + N + that …
S + V + such + a/an + adj + N + that …
S + V + such + adj + Nđđsn + that…
S + V + such + adj + Nkđđ + that…
(Nkđđ: weather, information, work, housework, homework, tea, coffee, milk, water, furniture,
health )

*Đảo ngữ: Thể nghi vấn + V + S + that…

EX1: The tea is so hot that he can’t drink it.

It is such hot tea that he can’t drink it.
So hot is the tea that he can’t drink it.

EX2: She walked so fast that I couldn’t follow her.

2. Quá nhiều…đến nỗi:

S + V + so many + (adj) + Nđđsn + that + S + V
S + V + so much + (adj) + Nkđđ

3. Quá ít…đến nỗi:

S + V + so few + (adj) + Nđđsn + that + S + V
S + V + so litter + (adj) + Nkđđ

4. Quá…không thể:
S + V + too + (for O) + to V

5. Đủ để:
S+V+ + enough (for O) + to V
S + V + enough + N (for O) + to V
INVERSION Đảo ngữ 19
Negative word / Semi-negative word/Negative groups of word

Inversion Forms:
 Đảo Vđb trước S:
- am, is, are, was, were
- can, may, might, … +S+V
- have, has, had
 Do / Does / Did + S + V

Hardly , Rarely, Scarely

1 Hiếm khi
Barely, Seldom

Hardly / Scarcely ......when

2 Vừa mới…… thì
No sooner ....... than

Never Chưa bao giờ

3 Never before Chưa bao giờ trước đây
Never in one’s life Chưa bao giờ … trong đời

4 Không còn
No longer

Only Chỉ
Only later / then Chỉ sau đó
Only by / at / in / on / within + N Chỉ bằng cách
Only when / after / if + S + V Chỉ khi, sau khi, nếu
Little + N
No +N
Quá, rất ít
+ nghi
Not ...
Not since + S + V
7 Not until + clause / phrase Mãi cho đến khi
Not only ... thể nghi vấn … but also Không những … mà còn
Nor Cũng không

Adv of frequency (Often, Many a time
8 ...)
So + adj/adv
Such + V + S + that

In no way
In no case
Under no circumstances
By no means
At no time
On no account

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