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CERTIFICATIO: 'O WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: This Office hereby certifies that the Department of Public Works and Highways ~ Regional Office and its service provider, E. Garcia Construction Corporation, has successfully completed the URR compliance under the Special ‘Tree Cutting Permit No. STCP R5-SIPOCOT-2018-009-DPWH daied September 25, 2018 issued for the Road Widening Projects: A) 13900038 — Road Widening ~ Primary Roads ~ Rolando A. Andaya Highway — K0283+183 — K0285+888, K0285+916 — K0286+760: B) 18f00095 - Road W. idening — Primary Roads — 3.10-K0294+477; C) 18400039 — Road Widening — Primary Roads - Rolando A. Aadava Highway - K0294~+477 — K00296+8. -2, all in Dei Gailego. Camarines Sur, Moreover, the DPWH Regional Office shall maintain and protect the inted seedlings for 3 years to attain the survival rating of at feast 80% es Stipulated in the terms and conditions Of the cutting permit, issued this 12° 4 y of November 2019 at CENRO Sipocot, Camarines Sur,

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