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A Low-Tension Waterflooding Process

W. R. Foster, SPE-AIME, Mobil Research and Development Corp.

The work summarized here represents a part of the quirements on the composition of the slug. Our
effort by Mobil Research and Development Corp. to process, on the other hand, does not depend upon
develop an economic low-tension waterflooding proc- miscibility between crude oil and water, but relies on
ess. Various aspects of displacement at low tension very low interracial tension between a water solution/
are discussed in general terms. Details of the exten- dispersion of a surfactant and the reservoir crude oil.
sive background effort supporting the necessary labo- Also, the compositional requirements that must be
ratory and field experiements, an interpretation of met in order to achieve and maintain a condition of
results, and the development of an adequate trans- very low tension are somewhat different from those
port theory are deferred to later publications. Not needed in the Maraflood process.
all aspects of this process have been field tested yet. n....: +:-- A An D.n~mcc
However, Mobil has carried out a field test in South MGwl-lp Llull U1 L1lW A 1 Wwwuu
Texas to examine factors relating primarily to sur- In what follows it is assumed that the process is
factant behavior. A polymer injection study was con- started in a sandstone reservoir that is nearly or com-
ducted at the same site some time later. As a result pletely watered out. The water phase present in the
of these field studies and supporting theory we con- reservoir at this stage is assumed to be a typical oil-
cluded that a tertiary oil bank can be formed in a field brine, high in total dissolved solids and in
reservoir using low-tension surfactants and that mo- divalent cations, particularly calcium and magnesium.
bility control immediately behind the bank is essen- A regular pattern from the existing injectors and pro-
tial to insure that a significant fraction of the “mobil- ducers is chosen, with high areal sweep as an im-
ized oil” will be driven to producing wells. portant design criterion.
A surfactant waterflooding process capable of pro- The process consists of injecting three slugs of
ducing a tertiary oii bank has aiso been ciescriloed by ‘W-ater“Wfi&I :J a?--.... ~h~~lid
COrnvu.Lv.... Thew
. ... . .
Gogarty and Tosch.l One significant difference be- will be denoted as the protective slug, the surfactant
tween their “Maraflood” process and the process slug, and the mobility-control slug, or as Slugs 1, 2,
described here is the manner in which the surfactant and 3, respectively.
is used. Maraflood employs a surfactant slug that is The protective slug is an aqueous solution of
miscible with the reservoir crude. Miscibility implies sodium chloride. Within limits, its volume is some-
zero interracial tension between this slug and the res- what arbitrary, in the range of 0.1 of the pattern pore
ervoir crude oil. Achieving and, particularly, main- volume. For most applications the concentration of
taining this miscibility condition places rigorous re- sodium chloride in this slug would be between 1.0

A field test to examine some aspects of surfactant behavior, and a later polymer
injection study, led to the conclusion that a tertiary oil bank can be formed in a reservoir
using low-tension surjactants. Another conclusion is that it is essential to control the
mobility immediately behind the bank to insure that a significant jraction of the
mobilized oil will be driven to the producing wells.

FEBRUARY, 1973 ~-fi~ 205

and 2.0 gm/100 ml (+ 1.0 to 2.0 weight percent). original reservoir brine. Of course, an ideal situation
The primary purpose of this slug is to screen the low- results if the combined volume of these slugs just
tension surf’actant from the reservoir brine and to equals that of the oil mobilized and subsequently
base-exchange the reservoir solids, replacing mag- produced. Such an over-all material balance would
nesium and calcium with sodium ions. In cert~in res- provide a disposal mechanism for the greater part
ervoirs — those containing brines with relatively low of the reservoir brine, given a well designed schedule
total dissolved solids and low amounts of divalent of multipattern development.
cations — this slug can be much less than 0.1 PV as
Development and Propagation of
these waters are much more compatible with low-
tension surfactants. The rear portion of this slug will A Tertiary Oil Bank
usually contain other inorganic salts such as sodium Important Dimensionless Groups
tripolyphosphate or sodium carbonate, or both, whose The basic element of the process described in the
presence reduces surfactant adsorption and improves previous section is control, in a moving, relatively
the water-wetness of the reservoir rock surfaces. narrow zone, over two dimensionless groups. These
The surfactant slug has the same sodium chloride groups are the capillary number and the viscosity
content as Slug 1 and contains the same inorganic ratio. As a consequence of this control, the Bond
sacrificial chemicals mentioned above. It also con- number is also greatly changed from its normal value
tains a selected petroleum sulfonate in concentra- range. (These three numbers are defined in Table 1.)
tions ranging from about 1.0 to 3.0 gm/100 ml The extremely small values of the capillary and Bond
(+ i.0 to 3.0 weight percent). Tine size of this siug is numbers emphasize that interfaciai forces iargeiy
somewhat arbitrary in the range of 0.1 PV, but the dominate over viscous and gravitational forces during
amount of surfactant in it is carefully set by adsorp- high-tension waterllooding.
tion criteria. It is sometimes necessary to increase
the viscosity in the rear part of this slug with an The Capillary Number. Several authors’-’ have dis-
anionic biopolymer. The primary purpose of this slug cussed the importance of the capillary number or
is to reduce the interracial tension between the oil other groupings closely related to it in determining
and the water to the order of 0.001 dyne/cm. Addi- the balance of forces on oil trapped in pores. The
tionally, the slug material, probably through the capillary number is therefore important in determini-
formation of an emulsion, can effect significant im- ng residual oil and the shape of the permeability-
provement in the viscosity ratio. We have noted in saturation functions. This is illustrated in Fig. 1,
the laboratory that a water-to-oil viscosity ratio of where residual oil is plotted as a function of capillary
4 or more is often provided by an oil-in-water emul- number for two types of porous media. The data of
sion that spontaneously forms in situ. For such sys- du Prey’ were taken in consolidated Teflon; our work
tems, the biopolymer might not be needed in this was done with fired Berea sandstone. The shaded
slug during a field application. When these conditions r~gi~n~ represent --------
wafter .inherent
. .. .. . . .. . .in
.. ~mwrim~ntc
. ..=-. =...”...” of
are realized, under typical flooding rates (z 0.5 ft/D) this kind. Although residual oil at low capillary num-
residual oil is reduced to zero and most of the oil
y.....”w .mnv-c
..”. W.J factrar
.Coa.“. than
.I, u,. th.a
... * umte. mhm.c. l%;. .-t r.f
., U.w. ylluob. A ,A.,1 ,lt,. “L
circumstances produces a tertia~ oil bank.
The sodium chloride content of the mobility-
control slug is considerably less than that of the pre-
vious two slugs, and ranges from 0.2 to 0.6 gm/100
ml (-0.2 to 0.6 weight percent). Although the salt
concentration level is somewhat arbitrary, it should
be less than the minimum salt concentration that pro-
duces very low tension. This slug also contains a
water-soluble biopolymer in concentration sufficient 10-2
to provide a locally stable mobility condition at the
rear of the oil bank. The exact level of water viscosity 10-3
necessary to achieve this condition depends on a
number of factors outside the scope of this summary. z 10”4
However, a not unusual value would be on the order 2
of 10 times the oil viscosity. Because it is not eco- :

nomically feasible to maintain such a water viscosity %
over an appreciable fraction of the reservoir volume,
the concentration of biopolymer must be decreased
with distance from the rear of the oil bank, until it
finally vanishes. Such a graded viscosity zone pro-
vides a mildly unstable hydrodynamic condition.
From laborato~ experiments we estimate that the 10”8
pore volume of this mobility-control slug should 1

be about 0.15 PV for reservoirs containing typical 10-9~ I I I I I

10 20 30 40 50 ‘w
medium-gravity crude oils. RES 10UAL O IL, PERC[NT PORC VOLUME

This sequence of three slugs can be driven by the Fig. l—Dependence of residual oil on capillaty number.


TABLE 1—IMPORTANT DIMENSIONLESS GROUPS to demonstrate this dependence explicitly in terms of
Order of the permeability-saturation functions and the viscosity
Magnitude ratio. In summary, however, as a limited region of
During Ordinary
Name Number Interpretation Waterflooding
zero residual oil propagates through a porous medium,
10., the oil isosaturation surfaces move with velocities
Capillary number /bwvw Ratio of viscous
+. :ro3facial that increase with increasing oil saturation. Depend-
ing on the viscosity ratio, some critical oil isosatura-
Viscosity ratio P&_ Ratio of viscous 10-1 – 10” tion surface will move with the same velocity as the
to viscous low-tension region. Higher value isosurfaces will move
fQ~Q8~ — -- -.-:X1
IUOIC I tIpIUIy iklarl ‘u;s
5. refycr.,
. tmd $heir ~orn.hined
F1..mA 10-6
““,!” mrmhar
,,”, ,0””. (p= —p,) gk !?atio of gravita- movements are responsible for the formation of the
4. tional
. . . .to inter-
:aclal Tortes
tertiary oil bank. Oil saturation left behind the low-
tension region has just the value of this critical oil
isosaturation surface. In Fig. 2. this value. denoted by
ber is different for the two porous media, it vanishes S,*, is plotted as a funct.i& of viscosity ratio for ~
in both cases at a value slightly in excess of 10-2. As low-tension system in which the permeability-satura-
the capillary number increases, in general, residual tion functions vary as the 1.5 powers of the effective
oil and the curvatures of the permeability-saturation saturations, residual oil saturation being zero and
functions decrease, the curvatures approaching residual water saturation being 0.22. Note that a
straight lines at very high capillary numbers. A Berea viscosity ratio of more than 4 ivtil reduce tk ctiltkai
sandstone at a capillary number of 7 X 10-2 has a re- oil saturation to less than 0.01.
sidual oil of zero and a permeability saturation func-
tion that varies with oil saturation to about the 1.5 The Bond Number. The Bond’ and capillary’ num-
power. Fig. i indicates that an increase iii the w@i- oers are of tk - ~alllc
. -. U1u&lu.
-., -r.. af ml-5..l.-=-
=.WI”tIIAP SIt hiuh ten-
-.. ...=.. ----
lary number of about four orders of magnitude is sion and each contains the interracial tension in the
needed to insure a residual oil near zero. Obviously denominator. If tension is lowered sufficiently to pro-
this can be accomplished in a practical way oniy by duce a capiUary number of about i&2, for ieiZitkiy
--4.. -:-- 111Lfh
I W&lllg
:..+ 4“,.:,.1 .
lWaL k~l~i~ik
~e~~,Js~ &~~~()~~ ~~~ ~emlea~ie ~ecks the ~~nd number will also reach a
about 10* dyne/cm for typical crude-brine combina- value near 10-2. The viscous force that the flowing
tions, reducing them to about 10-3 dyne/cm will pro- water exerts on the trapped oil is mostly horizontal,
duce capiiiary numbers in the required TiUig~. L..
Out AL.
& ilVILclUU1lcU
-,.,m;. .,=*; C9
LWA titi za v tin .A-
J . M- umvitv
R.came..-” - ~. -.--,
segregation of oil and water can occur at a Bond num-
The Viscosity Ratio. The viscosity ratio is important ber of 10-’, a favorable viscosity ratio is also im-
during two-phase flow because it influences the rela- portant in preventing the tunneling of water through
tive rates at which the mobile parts of the two phases the lower strata of the reservoir. This number has not
are transported. It is beyond the scope of this paper received attention in the petroleum literature.

10 , I I , 1 , (

tension in dynes /cm

1. , , ( J

0. \
. m5

o @

0.00 \


~ ‘ P,.,@. Fig. 3-lnterfacial tension contour map of petroleum

suifonate, sodium Ciii0~iCit2,w~t~i ~jst~ili against
fig. z—oil saturation after low-tension displacement. an intermediate-paraffinic crude.

FEBRUARY, 1973 207

salinity gradient between Slugs 2 and 3 as previously
Petroleum Sulfonates as Low-Tension !hfactants described, which will insure that low tension will be
Interfaciai tensions of about i O-s dyne/cm or io-w-er _..--l..
_-s tlL
-. AL-1-...-.
. _---:L1..
~UXjlUIG dhin dii~rki~ @fi-

can be produced between crude oils and salt solutions centration. AS we have said, this is accomplished by
containing petroleum sulfonates. A typical system of adjusting the salinity of Slug 3 to a value somewhat
this type for an intermediate-paraffinic crude oil is below the minimum salinity required for low tension
illustrated in Fig. 3. Interracial tension is contoured as determine from the tension map,
as a function of sodium chloride and petroleum sul-
fonate concentrations in the water phase. For this Partitioning of Surfactants Between Oil and Water.
system, a deep minimum in tension occurs at con- The relative solubilities of petroleum sulfonates in
centrations of about 1.0 grn/ 100 ml for sodium crude oil and water are very strongly dependent on
chloride and 0.04 gm/ 100 ml for petroleum sul- the salinity of the aqueous phase. As was noted in
fonate! An area of low tension extends from 0.7 to Fig. 3, aqueous concentrations in the low-tension re-
2.0 grn/100 ml for sodium chloride and from 0.025 gion are rather low. In general, these values range
to 0.10 gm/ 100 ml for petroleum sulfonate. Tension from about 0.02 to 0.30 gm,/100 ml (+ 0.02 to 0.30
maps of this kind appear when the correct partition- weight percent). In order that Slug 2 represent a small
ing of the petroleum sulfonate between water and oil fraction of the pattern pore volume and stiIl contain
has been achieved. However, the position of the sufficient surfactant to propagate a low-tension region
minimum is dependent on crude-oil composition. For across the pattern, initial surfactant concentrations
instance, with this particular petroleum sulfonate, must be much above this range. To initiate a 10w-
the minimum would shift to lower sodium chloride tension region early in the development of the pro-
and higher surfactant concentrations for a typical cess, the petroleum sulfonate must preferentially par-
naphthenic crude. tition into the oil phase by an amount sufficient to
In general, petroleum sulfonates with salinity ad- lower the aqueous concentration into the low-tension
justed to produce a iow-temion region in this com- region. It is therefore useful to determine the parti-
position space can be blended from commercial pe- tioning coefficient as a function of sodium chloride
troleum sulfonates whose average equivalent weights and equilibrium petroleum sulfonate concentrations
vary from 350 to 500. In most cases the average in the aqueous phase.
equivalent weight of a correctly balanced blend will The required injection concentration of Slug 2 is
lie between 400 and 450. related to the partitioning coefficient, the residual oil
in the reservoir, and the desired initial equilibrium
Factors Affecting Surfactant and concentration in the aqueous phase. The size of Slug
Sodium Chloride Transport 2 is then determined if the total surfactant require-
Adsorption. It is well known that surface-active ment is known. As the partitioning coefficient depends
agents concentrate at solid-liquid as well as liquid- strongly on salinity, the salinity of Slug 2 can seine
liquid interfaces. Petroleum sulfonates, which are to fix both the size and the surfactant concentration
anionic surfactants, probably compete for the posi- of this slug. We have generally found that a sodium
tively charged sites on reservoir pore surfaces. Ad-’ chloride concentration in the upper part of the low-
sorption isotherms of petroleum sulfonates on reser- tension region is sufficient to provide the necessary
voir solids are typically Langmuir-like. Adsorption initial redistribution of surfactant between oil and
rises rapidly as equilibrium concentration in the water. On the other hand, surfactant is utilized most
aqueous phase increases, reaching a plateau value efficiently during the whole process if this concentra-
that depends on the number of sites available, the tion is as low as possible.
sodium chloride concentration, the equivalent weight
of the surfactant, the concentration of - competing Dispersion and Mixing. As previously mentioned, in
anions, and temperature. The plateau value tends to many reservoirs an important criterion for propagat-
increase with an increase in the first three variables ing a low-tension region between injector and pro-
and decrease with an increase in the last two. The ducer wells is the effective separation of the petroleum
.. . mht=r
....””. nf
“. ~~~~~ ~~~ 1~~~~ ~~il~~.~ of ~~i~~~ ~n~ ~h~ su]f~nate from the reservoir brine. Slug 1 must be
temperature are fixed in the reservoir. Losses to ad- large enough to accomplish this. During the miscible [
sorption can be reduced by choosing a petroleum displacement of the reservoir brine by Slug 1, the
sulfonate blend with as low an average equivalent mixing zone that develops depends most critically on
weight as possible, consistent with the need for a low- a “mixing length,”* which is a rock property and
tension region, or a blend with a low-tension region which largely determines the value of the dispersion
at low salt concentrations. Unfortunately, these cri- or mixing coefficient at typical flood rates. Given
teria are in conflict because, for a given crude oil, sufficiently representative samples of the reservoir
petroleum sulfonates of relatively low equivalent rock, an average value of this coefficient can be deter-
weight require relatively high salinity to produce low mined in the laboratory. The dimensioniess form of
tension and those of relatively high equivalent the dispersion coefficient is essentially this mixing
weight require relatively low salinity to produce
low tension. We have found that the most prac-
*The Ion fsitudinal coefficient, DL, of the dispersion tensor for some
tical way to minimize adsorption is by (1) using sac- chemical component can be expressed approximately as
rificial inorganic chemicals that economically com- DL=TDIU+AV +...,
where terms are as defined in the Nomenclature. For most water-
pete for the adsorption sites and (2) introducing a flood the second term of DL dominates.


length divided by the injector-producer distance. from cores averaged considerably less.
Thus in a given reservoir the volume requirement for A commercial petroleum sulfonate blend with an
Slug 1 decreases with increasing pattern size. Also, equivalent weight of about 415 was used for the test.
for a given pattern size the volume of Slug 1 neces- The tension map possessed a region of low tension
sary to maintain a given level of mixing varies as the centered on 0.5 gm/ 100 ml sodium chloride and 0.15
square root of the mixing length. Given this coeffi- gm/ 100 ml petroleum sulfonate. Although the petro-
cient, a straightforward computer program can be leum sulfonate was compatible with the reservoir
used to estimate the required volume of Slug 1 for brine, a slug of salt water was injected first since
relatively nonstratified reservoirs. rather large amounts of sacrificial chemicals (sodium
Giib0itXi3 “-A .SVUA-AL.
auu fi~;,,m t+olvn~n~nhafe)
. . ~u.J r ---r -- were needed
Stability of Flow. When a low-tension displacement because of the high clay content of the sand, and the
is fully developed in the laboratory, the following flow presence of the chemicals in Slug 2 would have been
regimes can be identified. detrimental. Slug 2 had a volume of 0.12 PV and
1. In the forward part is a zone of high-tension, contained 1.1 gm/ 100 ml sodium chloride, 1.9 gm/
two-phase flow. If the process is leaving very little oil 100 ml petroleum sulfonate, and small concentrations
behind, the oil saturation and flowing fraction of oil of sodium carbonate and sodium tripolyphosphate.
in this zone are the same and will range from 0.50 to Slug 3 had a volume of 0.10 PV and contained 0.33
0.60, depending primarily on the viscosity ratio of gm/100 ml sodium chloride and small amounts of
oil to water. The velocity of the front end of this zone the sacrificial chemicals. No water thickener was em-
is slightly more than twice the velocity of the low- ployed in this slug.
tension region farther to the rear. The mobility in this Oil appeared in samples taken at the closest obser-
zone is the sum of nobilities of the two phases since vation well 36 days after surfactant injection began
they are flowing in parallel. The surfactant originally and persisted for the next 84 days. Peak oil cut was
dissolved in the oil of this zone during the banking 20 percent. Based on our best estimates of oil in place
------- I...
pluwxi llaa
been redistributed
“-v.. . . . .. . . .
back to between the injector and the first observation well,
either the water or the mineral surfaces as the oil, sweep efficiency in this region was about 90 percent.
---1 “ t.v.”
moving faster than the water, is brought into contact An oil cut appeareci hi saiuPJs. .a~wl, 2.t the cPm-wm-l
.,.w ----
with parts that have not been exposed to the low- observation well 165 days after surfactant injection
tension region. Typically, the mobility of this zone is began and persisted for the next 125 days. The peak
about 0.1 of the ratio of specific permeability to oil oil cut was 12 percent and the estimated volume of oil
viscosity. passing this well was approximately the same as that
~ To {he -... mf+K.
Iv-l “L ...1” -----
.nne a transition
ic -
.“ .- region of passing the first observation well.
decreasing oil saturation, decreasing interracial ten- After the conclusion of this test four core hoies
sion, and decreasing salinity. A considerable amount were drilled. The following summarizes our findings:
of emuisiort can also ~~ki here, and the rwerage mob- 1. on the injector-producer lines some parts of
ility of this zone will depend on the nature of the the pay were swept clean across the entire pattern.
emulsion, which is quite variable. In many cases ob- 2. In other parts of the pay along these lines resid-
served in laboratory experiments the viscosity of thk ii2ii Gil i~Il@ frO~l Wry i~w to IIC%N original values,
emulsion is sufficient to provide the criterion cited indicating poor vertical sweep even though the pay
earlier, being more than four times the oil viscosity. was only 10 to 12 ft thick.
It is sometimes as much as 10 times the oil viscosity. 3. In regions ~iOilg the bikWtO13 d @CtW-
A requirement for over-all stability is such that the producer lines, oil saturation was fairly uniform and
mobility of Slug 3 is at least as low as that of the near original values, indicating very poor areal sweep.
region of high-tension two-phase flow. This might The post analysis indicated a need for mobility
require that the water viscosity of this slug be 10 control, so we conducted an injection test of a bio-
times the oil viscosity. To achieve this at all points polymer to determine whether it could be transported
to the rear of the low-tension region is not economi- significant distances through this reservoir. Only slight
cally possible and a grading of viscosity to the rear is increases in injection pressures were noted during the
necessary. An acceptable rate of grading is difficult injection of the polymer slugs. In samples taken from
to calculate, but laboratory experiments indicate that an observation well 200 ft from an injector, peak con-
a graded zone of about 0.15 PV is sufficient. centrations of polymer appeared about 120 days after
--1,,--- ....
ywlym”. inbrtinn
. ... .. heuan
------ and –- – were about 35 percent
A Summary of Mobil’s Field Experience as concentrated as the front end of the injected slug,
In the mid-60’s Mobil began a low-tension field test which had been graded over 0.2 PV.
in a watered-out portion of the Loma Novia field,
Duval County, Tex. On a 5-acre pattern, the well Nomenclature
array consisted of four injectors, one producer, and D~ = longitudinal dispersion coefficient
two observation wells placed at 100 and 200 ft from D. = molecular dtiusion coefficient
an injector on the injector-producer line. The reser- g = acceleration of gravity
voir ~ontain~ a naphthenic crude? and the high- k = permeability
surface-area constituents in the sand are kaolinite v = Darcy velocity
and sodium montmorillonite, present in about 4.0 and VW= Darcy velocity of water phase
5.5 percent by weight, respectively. Residual oil was A = mixing length
estimated at 0.20 PV from logs, although oil content Po = viscosity of oil phase

FEBRUARY, 1973 209

,,.. == V~SCOS~ty of water
phase H. L. Chang, B. J. Dotson, Peggy M. Dunlap, B. G.
po = density of oil phase Hurd, J. M. McMillen, J. C. Meirose, C, L. Murphy,
p. = density of water phase L. K. Strange and A. W. Talash.
U= interracial tension between water and oil

tortuosity factor References
;~ 1. Gogart y, W. B. and Tosch? W. C.: “Miscible-Type Water-
flooding: Oil Recovery with Micellar Solutions,” J. Pel.
Tech. (Dec., 1968) 1407-1414.
2. Leverett, M. C.: “Flow of Oil-Water Mixtures Through
I wish to thank Mobil Research and Development Unconsolidated Sands;’ Trans., AIME ( 1939) 132, 149-
Corp. for permission to publish this paper. I also 171.
3. Moore, T. F. and Slobod, R. L.: “The Effect of Vis-
wish to acknowledge the contribution to this work of cosity and Capillarity on the Displacement of Oil by
the following members of Mobil’s Field Research Water.” Prod. Monthh ( 1956) 20, No. 10,20 .
Laboratory staff: W. G. Boston, C. F. Brandner, 4. du Prey, E. L.: “Displacements Non Miscibles Dans Les
Milieux Poreaux: Intluence Des Parametres Interfaciaux
Sur Les Permeabilities Relatives,” Compte rendu de
Original manuscript received in Society of Petroleum Engineera 1’A.R.T.F.P. Ed, Technip, Paris (1969) 251- -..
office Feb. 15, 1972. Revised manuscript received Oct. 6, 1972.
Paper (SPE 3803) was presented at SPE-AIME Symposium on
5. Taber, J. J.: “Dynamic and Static Forces Required To
Improved Oil Recovery, held in Tulsa, Okla., April 16-19, 1972.
Remove a Discontinuous Oil Phase from Porous Media
ID COpyright 1973 American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical,
Containing Both Oil and Water,” SOC.Pet. Eng. J. (March,
and Petroleum Engineers, Inc. 1969) 3-12.
Thjs paper will be ,printe.j in Transactions volume 255, which 6. Ca\chpole, J. P. and Fulford, G., “Dimensionless Groups;’
,.-/. ,,nf=f=l ~0,
=Q ..”.
w- ~,a W.
will cover 1973. ~na. ana fing. ~ht??ii. ( 17WJ rDw


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