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Integrated MS – Micro Electronics

Subject Theory Total
Subject Name Tutorial
Code Credits Credits
IME 201 Engg. Mathematics-I 03 01 04
IME 203 Electronic Devices and Components 03 01 04
IME 205 Network Analysis 03 01 04
IME 207 Problem Solving Using Computers 03 01 04
IME 209 Basic Electrical Technology 03 01 04
TOTAL 15 05 20
IME 202 Engg. Mathematics-II 03 01 04
IME 204 Analog Electronic Circuits –I 03 01 04
IME 206 Electromagnetic Theory 03 01 04
IME 208 Signals and Systems 03 01 04
IME 210 Logic Design 03 01 04
IME 212 Pulse and Digital Circuits 03 01 04
TOTAL 18 06 24
IME 301 Linear Algebra and its Applications 03 01 04
IME 303 Microprocessors and Interfacing 03 01 04
IME 305 Data Structures and Algorithms 03 01 04
IME 307 Analog Electronic Circuits –II 03 01 04
IME 309 High Level Digital Design and Testing 03 01 04
IME 311 Computer Architecture 03 01 04
TOTAL 18 06 24

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IME 302 Linear and Digital Control Systems 03 01 04
IME 304 Integrated Circuits and Systems 03 01 04
IME 306 Advanced Logic Synthesis 03 01 04
IME 308 Microcontrollers and Embedded Systems 03 01 04
IME 310 Digital VLSI Design 03 01 04
IME 312 Communication Systems 03 01 04
TOTAL 18 06 24
IME 401 Foundations of VLSI CAD 03 01 04
IME 403 Microelectronics Fabrication Technology 03 01 04
IME 405 Physics of Semiconductor Devices 03 01 04
IME 407 Digital Signal Processing 03 01 04
IME 409 Principles of ASIC Design 03 01 04
IME 411 Introduction to MEMS Technology 03 01 04
TOTAL 18 06 24

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Subject Theory Total
Subject Name Tutorial
Code Credits Credits
IME 402 Low Power VLSI Design 03 01 04
IME 404 RF Microelectronics Chip Design 03 01 04
IME 406 CMOS Analog Integrated Circuit
03 01 04
IME 408 Elective-I 03 01 04
IME 410 Project -- -- 08
TOTAL 12 04 24
IME 601 Nanomaterials and Nanoelectronics 03 01 04
IME 603 Mixed signal IC Design 03 01 04
IME 605 System on Chip Design 03 01 04
IME 607 Failure analysis and Design 03 01 04
IME 609 Elective-II 03 01 04
TOTAL 15 05 20
Project Work -- -- 20
Total Number of Credits to Award Degree 180

IME 408 Elective – I:

IME 408.1 Embedded System Design
IME 408.2 Artificial Neural Networks
IME 408.3 Macroelectronics

IME 609 Elective - II:

IME 609.1 Design of Manufacturability and Yield Management
IME 609.2 Quantum Information Science
IME 609.3 Optical Integrated Circuits
IME 609.4 Real Time Operating System

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IME 201 Engg. Mathematics –I

Fourier series, periodic functions. Euler’s formulae. Fourier series of odd & even functions and
function with arbitrary period. Half range expansions.

Partial differential equations, basic concepts, solutions of equations involving derivatives with
respect to one variable only. Solution by indicated transformations and separation of variables
derivation of one dimensional wave equation (Vibrating String) and its solution by using method
of separation of variables. Simple problems. D’Alemberts solution of wave equation.
Derivation of one dimensional heat equation using Gauss divergence theorem and solution of
one dimensional heat equation. Solution by separation of variables.

Vector calculus- gradient divergence and curl, their physical meaning and identities. Line,
surface and volume integrals. Simple problems - Green's theorem, divergence and Stoke's
theorems - simple applications. Curvilinear co-ordinates.
Functions of complex variables, continuity, differentiability, analyticity, Cauchy-Reimann
equations and properties of analytic functions. Line integrals in complex plane and basic
properties Cauchy’s theorem. Cauchy’s integral formula, derivatives of analytic functions.

Taylor, Maclaurin and Laurent series. Residue theorem-– Evaluation of standard real integrals
using contour integration.
Conformal mapping, bilinear transformations and its properties. The mappings defined by ez, z2,
sinz, cosz, logz, z + (1/z).

Reference Books:

1. B.S.Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics.

2. E.Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics.
3. Murray R.Spiegel, Vector Analysis, Schaum Publishing Co.

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IME 203 Electronic Devices and Components

Unit I

1. Semiconductors:

Energy band theory of solids

Metals, semiconductors and Insulators
Extrinsic and Intrinsic semiconductors
F.D.Functions, Density of states in an energy band
Fermi factor and Fermi level
Mobility and conductivity effect of temperature on Fermi level
Law of mass action
Hall effect
Work function of a metal, metal-metal junction
Contact potential
Semi conductor junction with no-bias, forward bias and reverse bias conditions.
Depletion width, junction capacitance.
Junction diodes switching times, rectifier equations.

2. PN Junction diodes and Transistors

Application of continuity equation abrupt PN junction

Calculation of charge density at the edge of the depletion region
Solution of continuity equation for reverse and forward bias
PN junction, Incremental, resistance of a forward biased PN
Junction, Transition capacitance and diffusion capacitance.
Einstein Equation, PNP and NPN transistors
Characteristics of current flow across base region of a transistor.

3. Devices and Characteristics

PN diode, Zener diode, Photo diode, Tunnel diode, Varactor diode, Light emitting diode
BJT, Photo transistor, JFET, MOSFET, UJT, SCR, DIAC, TRIAC and LEDs.


1. Passive Components:
Resistors, Capacitors, Inductors and Transformers, types and characteristics
2. Integrated Circuits:
Principles of fabrication of Ics: Thin film, MOS devices, System design

3. Printed Circuit Technology:

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Types, design and fabrication, Materials and fabrication process in the manufacture of Electronic
Equipment, PCB design sequence, Artwork material, Artwork generation, Layout design and
layout procedure, PCB design aspects of analog, digital and power electronic circuits, solders
and soldering techniques.

Text Books:

1. Dekkar A.J: Electrical Engineering, Materials, Prentice Hall, 1977

2. Croisette D.le: Transistors, Prentice Hall, 1976
3. Millman J & Halkias: Integrated Electronics McGraw Hill International, 1971
4. Boylestead and Nashelsky: Electronic Devices and Circuits Theory, PH India
5. Demmer, G.W.A: modern Electronic Components, Sir Dssac PiHman and Sons Ltd.,
London, Second Edn.
6. Bosshast C.Walter: Printed Circuit Boards Design and Technology, TMH, New Delhi,

IME 205- Network Analysis

Network Topology: Graph of a network, Concept of a tree and links, incidence matrix, tie-set &
cut-set schedules, solution of networks, principles of duality & network transformation.

Review of loop and node, linearly independent KVL & KCL equations. Methods of analysis of
DC and AC networks. Network reduction using Y- transformations, Coupled circuits, Locus
Theorems: Superposition, Reciprocity, Thevenin’s, Norton’s Maximum power transfer and
Miller’s theorems, Tellegen’s theorem.
Resonant Circuits: Series and parallel resonance, frequency response of series and parallel
circuits, Q-factor, Bandwidth.

Transient Behavior and Initial Conditions in Networks: Behavior of circuit element under
switching condition and their representation. Evaluation of initial and final conditions in RL, RC
and RLC circuits for AC and DC excitations.

Laplace Transformation & its Applications: LT from Fourier Transform, Definition &
properties of Laplace transforms, Inverse Laplace transform, partial fraction expansion, initial &
final value theorem, shifting theorem, convolution integral, step, ramp and impulse functions,
delayed functions, Laplace transform of periodic and non-periodic signals.

One & Two Port Network Parameters: Driving point admittance & transfer function, pole-
zero concepts of the network function. Open circuit impedance parameters, short circuit
admittance parameters, transmission parameters, H-Parameters. Calculation of these parameters
for two port networks.

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Text Books:



ELECTRIC CIRCUITS, Joseph Edminister: Schaum’s Series, McGraw Hill.

IME 207 Problem Solving Using Computers

1. Introduction to Computers:

Block diagram of a computer, computer memories, operating system basics, working with
MS-windows environment.
Algorithms and Flow charts:
Definitions, symbols of flowcharts, examples of flowcharts and algorithms for a variety of
problems ranging from the reasonably simple ones such as finding the largest of 3 nos.
largest of “n” numbers to relatively complicated problems such as Matrix Operations
including Matrix.
C++ Fundamentals:
The C++ character set, identifiers and keywords, data types, variables, declarations,
statements, C++ program structure, Simple I/O operations.
2. Operators and Expressions:
Operator precedence and associativity, arithmetic operators, relational operators, logical
operators, increment and decrement operators, bitwise operators, assignment operators, type

3. Flow of Control
Statements and blocks, branching control, repetition control, break and continue statements.

4. Derived Data Types:

1-D arrays, 2-D arrays, strings, structures, pointers (pointers to simple variables, pointers to
arrays, basic operation on pointers, pointers to strings), structures & unions, pointers to
structures and their use.
Modular programming, library functions and user – defined functions, function declaration,
definition and call, parameter passing techniques, function overloading, default arguments,
inline functions. I/O format specifications.
Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming:

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Procedure oriented programming versus object – oriented programming, basic concepts of
object-oriented programming, benefits of object-oriented programming, C++ as object-oriented
programming language.

5. Classes and Objects:

Class declaration, access specifiers, instantiating objects, implementing member functions,

nesting member functions, friend functions, this pointer, static members, constructors and
destructors. Basics of inheritance, operator and function overloading and polymorphism.

6. Non-Numerical Applications:
Use of MS-Word and Power point for preparation of documentation and presentation
material. Introduction to Excel and its application as a non-procedural package. (6 Hrs)


1. Object-oriented Programming with C++: - (2nd edition) –E Balaguruswamy Tata McGraw

2. Information Technology Course Kit – Vikas Gupta, Dreamtech Press, New Delhi, 2002.
3. Programming with C++ Herbert Schildt.
4. Object-Oriented Programming with Turbo C++ - Robert LaFore, Galgotia Publications,
5. C++ Programming language (3rd Edition) – Bjme Stroustrup, Addison Wesley.
6. Object-Oriented Programming with C++ and VC++ -Dr.N.V.Subba Reddy, 2001.

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IME 209 Basic Electrical Technology

DC Circuits: Review of circuit elements, independent sources, source transformation, mesh

current and node voltage analysis of dc circuits, network reduction techniques, and star-delta &
delta-star transformations.

Magnetic Circuits: MMF, magnetic flux, reluctance, flux density, analogy with electric circuits,
analysis of magnetic circuits, self and mutual inductances, expressions for self and mutual
induced emfs.

Single – Phase AC Circuits: Representation of sinusoidal voltages and currents, RMS value and
average value, j-operator, phasors, voltage & current relationship and instantaneous & average
power in resistor, inductor and capacitor, reactance, impedance, admittance, analysis of circuits,
complex power, active and reactive powers, power triangle, power factor, power factor

Three-Phase AC Circuits: Symmetrical sinusoidal supply systems, voltage, current and power
relationship in 3 phase balanced star & delta connected loads, analysis of three phase balanced
star and delta connected circuits, measurement of power in single and three phase balanced
loads, two wattmeter method of measurement of power.

Transformers: Construction and principle of operation of single phase transformer, emf equation,
turns ratio, mmf balance, no load current, transformer on load, equivalent circuit, O.C & S.C.
tests, losses, efficiency and regulation. Auto transformer – principle of operation.

Three – Phase Induction Motor: Types, construction, rotating magnetic field, principle of
operation, slip, rotor induced emf, rotor frequency, rotor reactance, slip ratios, expression for
torque developed from rotor input, Torque-slip characteristics, starters-star – delta starter.

Single – Phase Induction Motor: Principle of operation, capacitor start induction motor,

Stepping Motors: Principle of operation, DC permanent magnet stepping motor, applications.


1. Hughes E., Electrical Technology (73), Longman, 1995.

2. Cotton H., Advanced Electrical Technology, Wheeler, 1983.
3. Nagrath & Kothary, Electrical machines (2e), TMH, 1997.

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Second Semester

IME 202 Engineering Mathematics –II

Introduction to probability, finite sample spaces, conditional probability and independence,

Baye’s theorem, one dimensional random variable, mean, variance, Chebyshev’s inequality.

Two and higher dimensional random variables, covariance, correlation coefficient, regression,
least squares principles of curve fitting.

Distributions: Binomial, Poisson, uniform, normal, gamma, Chi-square and exponential, simple
Fourier Transforms and z-transforms, solution of difference equations using z-transforms -
Fourier transforms, Fourier sine and cosine transforms, Parseval’s identity, convolution theorem,
solution of boundary value problems by Fourier Transforms.
Interpolation and application – finite differences – Newton’s and Lagrange’s Interpolation
formulae – Inverse interpolation – Numerical differentiation – Numerical integration
.Trapezoidal and Simpon’s rules – Difference equations with constant coefficients, solutions.
Solution of system of Linear equations. Gauss-Jacobi, Gauss –Seidal and relaxation methods
Eigen value problems - Power method of evaluations of largest Eigen value.

Reference Books:
1. P.L.Meyer, Introduction to probability and Statistical Applications , Second Edn.,
American Publishing Co., 1979.
2. S.S.Sastry, Introductory methods of Numerical analysis. 2nd edn., Prentice Hall 1990
3. Erwin Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 5th edn., Wiley Eastern, 1985
4. A.V.Oppenheim & R.W.Schafer, Digital Signal Processing edn.1975, Prentice Hall
5. Hogg & Craig, Introduction to Mathematical Statistics, 4th Edn., Macmillan, 1975
6. S.M.Ross, Introduction to probability and statistics for Engineers and Scientists, Wiley
International , 1987
7. K.S.Trivedi, Probability and Statistics, Prentice Hall, 1982
8. B.S.Grewal, Higher Engg. Mathematics, Khanna Publishers 1989,

IME 204 Analog Electronic Circuits –I


1. Rectifiers and unregulated power supply, zener supply, zener regulator, linear voltage
regulators, principles of switched mode power supply, Voltage doublers Quadraplers.

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2. BJT characteristics: (CE and CB) biasing and stabilization of Q-point, self bias, collector
bias, stability factors. BJT as an amplifier: Graphical analysis (DC and AC load
line), CE, CB, CC configuration. H-parameter model and analysis, comparison of CE, CB,
CC configuration and their applications (using CE model only). Composite transistors
(darlington pair, cascade connection etc.).


3. JFET and MOSFET characteristics: Biasing and stabilization of Q-point, small signal
analysis, CS, CD and CG configuration.

4. Transistors at high frequency: Hybrid – model, high frequency limitations (fβ and fT)

5. Multistage amplifiers: Frequency response characteristics, (Log-magnitude & polar plots), Gain
bandwidth product, distortion in amplifiers.
Text Books:

J.Millan & C.Halkias, Integrated Electronics: McGraw Hill, 1971.


1. Millman & A.Grabel, “Microelectronics” 2ed. McGraw Hill, 1987.

2. Boylestead & Nashelsky, Electronic Devices & Circuits Theory, Ed 5 PHI, 1993.
3. Ludeman, Introduction to Electronic Devices & Circuits, SaundersCollege Pubvlishing, 1990.
4.P.M.Chirlian, “Analysis & Design of Integrated Electronics”, 2nd edition, John Wiley, 1987.

IME 206 Electromagnetic Theory

Review of Vector analysis: Cartesian, Cylindrical and Spherical co-ordinate systems.

Electrostatics: Coulomb's law and its applications; Electric field intensity and Electrostatic potential due
to point charges, line charge, surface charge and volume charge distribution. Electric flux and electric
flux density; gauss's law and its applications; Divergence and Gauss divergence theorem, Ohm's law,
continuity equations and relaxation time; Capacitance, capacitance of coaxial cable, two-wire
transmission lines etc; energy and energy density in electrostatic fields; boundary conditions: dielectric-
dielectric, dielectric-conductor. Poisson's and Laplace's equations: solution to Laplace's equations for
problems of one dimension.

Magnetostatics: Magnetic field intensity, Biot-Savart's law; magnetic flux and magnetic flux density;
Ampere's law and its applications; Stoke's theorem, scalar and vector magnetic potentials; Boundary

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conditions; Faraday's laws of electromagnetic induction, motional induction in a conductor; Torque on a
conductor; Self and Mutual inductance; Energy and energy density in a magnetic field.

Electromagnetic Waves : Maxwell's equations in integral and point form for free space and material
media, for sinusoidal time-varying fields; Electric and Magnetic Wave equations and their solutions;
Uniform plane wave propagation in various media; relation between electric and magnetic fields;
characteristics of plane waves in various media; Poyinting vector and complex Poyinting vector theorem,
instantaneous and average energy in plane waves.

Reflection of Electromagnetic Waves: Normal incidence of plane waves from dielectric-dielectric and
dielectric- conductor medium; Transmission and reflection coefficients and Standing wave ratio; Oblique
incidence of plane waves, Brewster’s angle , total reflection. Wave polarization

Reference Books:

1. Jr.Hayt and Bucker, Engineering Electromagnetics,, 6th Edition , McGraw Hill.

2. Martin A Plonus Applied Electromagnetics, McGraw Hill
3. John D Kraus, Electromagnetics, 4th Edition, McGraw Hill
4. Cheng, Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics, 2 nd Edition, Addison Wesley.
5. Ramo, Whinnery and Duzer, Fields and Waves in Electromagnetic systems,.
6. Jordan and Balmain, Electromagnetic waves and Radiating systems, EE Edition
7. Sadiku, Elements of Electro Magnetics , 3rd Edition, Oxford university

IME 208 Signals and Systems

Introduction: Definitions, Over view of specific systems, Classification of signals, Basic

operations on signals, Elementary signals, Systems viewed as interconnections of operations,
properties of systems.

Time domain representations for Linear time-invariant systems: Introduction, Convolution:

Impulse response representation for LTI systems, properties of the impulse response
representation for LTI systems, Differential and difference equation representations for LTI
systems, Block diagram representations.

Fourier representations for signals: Introduction, Discrete-time periodic signals: The discrete-
time fourier series, continuous-time periodic signals: The fourier series, Discrete-time non-
periodic signals: The discrete-time fourier transform, continuous-time non-periodic signals: The
fourier transform, properties of Fourier representations.

Applications of Fourier representations: Introduction, Frequency response of LTI systems,

Fourier transform representations for periodic signals, convolution and modulation with mixed
signal classes, Fourier transform representation for discrete-time signals, sampling,

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Reconstruction of continuous-time signals from samples, Discrete-time processing of
continuous-time signals.

Z-Transform: Introduction, The Z-transform, properties of the Region of convergence,

Properties of the Z-Transform, Inversion of the Z-Transform, Transform analysis of LTI
systems, The unilateral Z-Transform.

Text Book:
‘Signals and Systems’ by Simon Haykin & Barry Van Veen, John Wiley.

Reference Book:
‘Signals and Systems’ by A.V.Oppenheim & A.S.Willsky, PHI.

IME 210 Logic Design

Number Systems and Codes: Positional number systems, Representation of negative

numbers, Binary arithmetic codes, Binary arithmetic, BCD arithmetic, Excess-3 arithmetic,
Floating point representation.

Digital Circuits: Switching algebra & simplification of Boolean expressions. DeMorgan’s

Theorem. Implementations of Boolean expressions using logic gates

Combinational Logic Design: Combinational circuit analysis, Combinational circuit

synthesis, Minimization methods such as Karnaugh map, VEM and Quine Mcclauskey
methods. Timing issues, Hazards, Design of Arithmetic circuits. Multiplexers,
Demultiplexers, Encoders, Decoders & Comparators, Combinational circuit design using
MSI and LSI chips.

Introduction to Sequential Logic: Need for sequential circuits, Binary cell, Latches and
flip-flops. RS, D , JK ,Master-Slave JK & TFF’s.

Synchronous Sequential Circuit Design

Synchronous and Asynchronous Counters, Shift registers & Ring counters, (qualitative
treatment) Fundamentals of Synchronous Sequential circuits, Classification of
synchronous machines, clocking aspects concerning flip-flops, Timing and triggering
conditions, clock skew. Analysis of Synchronous Sequential circuits, Design of
synchronous sequential machines. State diagram, State reduction and minimization.
Minimizing next-state and output decoders. Design of single and multi-mode counters,
Sequence detectors Ring counters, Shift registers, and sequence generators.

Asynchronous Sequential Finite State Machines:

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Fundamentals of Asynchronous Sequential circuits. Analysis and design of Asynchronous
Sequential circuits. Fundamental-mode and pulse-mode Circuits. Cycles, Races and Hazards.
MEV approach to Asynchronous design

Reference Books:

1. Ronald J Tocci, Digital Systems: Principles and applications, PHI 1999

2. M.Morris Mano, Digital Design , Second Edition, PHI 2000.
3. Fletcher, Engg Approach to Digital Design, PHI 1993.
4. C.H.Roth, Fundamentals of Logic Design, PWS 1995.
5. Zve Kohavi, Switching and Finite Automata Theory.
6. N.N.Biswas, Logic Design Theory, PHI 1993.

IME 212 Pulse and Digital Circuits


Chapter 2 of Text 1 : Linear Wave Shaping (2.1 to 2.8).

Chapter 7 of Text 1: Clipping and Comparator Circuits (7.1 , 7.2, 7.7, 7.8,7.10,7.11).
Chapter 8 of Text 1: Clamping and Switching Circuits (8.1 to 8.5, 8.7, 8.8, 8.9, 8.13).

Unit – II

Chapter 10 of Text 1: Bistable Multivibrators (10.1, 10.3 to 10.11, 10.13). (6 hrs)

Chapter 11 of Text 1: Monostable and Astable Multivibrators (11.1, 11.4, 11.5, 11.9, 11.10,
11.11, 11.12).
Chapter 5 of Text 2: Digital Circuits.
Chapters 8 and 9 of Text 2: 8.7, 8.8 and 8.9, 9.12 and 9.13.

Chapter 14 of Text 1 L: Voltage Time – base Generators (14.1 to 14.5, 14.9, 14.11, 14.14,
14.15). 5 Hrs.
Chapter 15 of Text 1: Current Time – base Generators. (15.1 to 15.3).
Introduction to Karnaugh map. Representing the truth tables of simple gates on K-map.


1. Pulse, Digital and Switching Waveforms, McGraw –Hill International Editions, 1965 by
Jacob Millman and Herbert Taub.
2. Microelectronics, McGraw-Hill International Book Co. 1984 by J.Millman.


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Solid State Pulse Circuits, III Edn. Prentice Hall, 1988 by Bell.

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Third Semester

IME 301 Linear Algebra and its Applications

Matrices and Gaussian Elimination, The geometry of linear equations, Matrix notation and
Matrix multiplication, Inverse and transposes, Special matrices and applications.

Vector Spaces and linear equations, Vector spaces and subspaces , Linear Independence Basis,
and dimension, The four fundamental subspaces , Linear transformations.

Orthogonality: Perpendicular vectors and orthogonal subspaces , Inner products and projection
onto lines, Projections and least square approximations, Orthogonal bases, orthogonal matrices
and Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization., Fast Fourier Transform.

Eigen values and Eigen vectors,The Diagonal form of matrix , Difference equation and power A k
, Difference equation and the exponential eAt , Complex matrices , Orthogonality Vs Unitary,
Similarity transformations.

References :

1. Strang. G. ‘Linear algebra and its applications’, Thompson

IME 303 Microprocessors and interfacing

1. 8086/8088 Architecture and Addressing modes.
2. Instructions and assembly language programming.
3. Assembler and advanced programming
4. Interrupts of 8086/8088 and DOS interrupt 21 h functions.
5. Intel 8086 bus cycles, instruction queue, Read/Write cycle in MIN and MAX mode,
Reset operation, Wait state, Halt state, Hold state, Lock operation, Interrupt processing.
6. Interfacing devices: 8205, 8286, 74138, 74244, 74245, 74148, 74373, 8282
7. Introduction to 8085 CPU architecture – register organization, 8085 Instruction set,
addressing modes
8. Instruction cycle, machine cycle, timing diagrams
9. Programming using 8085 Instruction set
10. Hardware Interfacing:
Interfacing memory; Interfacing I/O memory mapped I/O, and I/O mapped I/O.
and I/O mapped I/O.

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11. Interrupts, Introduction to DMA (with reference to 8085 CPU).

IME 305 Data Structures and Algorithms

1.0 Introduction
1.1 Algorithm Specification
1.2 Performance Analysis
2.0 Algorithm Analysis Techniques
2.1 Analysis of Recursive Programs
2.2 Solving Recurrence Equations
2.3 A General Solution for a large class of Recurrences
3.0 Elementary data structures
3.1 Implementation of Lists
3.2 Stacks
3.3 Queues
4.0 Sorting & Searching Techniques
4.1 Quick sort, Heap sort, Merge sort
4.2 Binary search, linear search, fibonacci search

5.0 Operations on Sets

5.1 Introduction to Sets
5.2 A Linked- List implementation of Sets
5.3 The Dictionary
5.4 The Hash Table Data Structure
6.0 Trees
6.1 Basic Terminology
6.2 Implementation of Trees
6.3 Binary Trees
7.0 Graphs
7.1 Basic definitions
7.2 Representation of Graphs
7.3 Minimum Cost Spanning Tree
7.4 Single Source Shortest Paths
7.5 All-Pairs Shortest Path
8.0 Algorithm Design Techniques
8.1 Divide-and-Conquer Algorithms
8.2 Dynamic Programming
8.3 Greedy Algorithms
8.4 Backtracking
9.0 NP-Hard and NP-Complete Problems

Reference Books

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 Introduction to Algorithms : Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest.
 Design & Analysis of Algorithms : Aho, Hopcroft and Ulmann
 Data structures and algorithm analysis in C : Mark Allen Weiss
 Computer Algorithms : Ellis Horowitz, Sartaj Sahni, Sanguthevar Rajasekaran

IME 307 Analog Electronic Circuits –II


1. Feedback amplifier: Concept of feedback , Topological classification (Voltage series, Voltage

shunt, current series, current shunt), effect of feedback on Ri, Ro and Bandwidth of amplifier,
advantages of negative feedback

2. Oscillators: Barkhausen Criterion for sustained oscillation, Nyquist criterion for stability of
amplifier, R-C phase shift oscillator, Weinbridge oscillators, RF oscillators (Colpitts tuned
collector /drain oscillators), crystal oscillator and frequency stability.

3. Large Signal Amplifiers: Classification of amplifiers (Class A, B, AB & C), transformer

coupled amplifiers, thermal runway push-pull arrangements, theoretical efficiency, distortion
analysis. Complementary & Quasi-complementary push-pull amplifiers.

4. Tuned Amplifiers: Parallel resonant circuit, quality factor & Bandwidth, single tuned capacitor
coupled amplifier, single tuned transformer coupled amplifier, double tuned amplifier, stagger
tuned amplifier, Neutralization.
5. Modulation and Demodulation circuits: Amplitude modulation circuits (Class C amplifiers and
square law modulation), detection circuits for AM signals, Frequency and phase modulation
circuits, detection circuits for FM/PM Superhetrodyne receivers

Test Books:

1. J.Millman & C.Halkias, “Integrated Electronics”, McGraw Hill, 1971

2. Jack Smith, “Modern Communication Circuits”, McGraw Hill, 1986.


1. J.Milman & A.Grabel, “Microelectronics”, 2ed., McGraw Hill, 1987.

IME 309 High Level Digital Design & Testing


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Introduction to HDL based design
VHDL data types.
Behavioral Model
Data flow modeling
Structural Model
 Generic constants
 Generate statements
 Configuration statements

B. Verilog:

Introduction to Verilog
Hierarchical Modeling Concepts
Basic Concepts
Modules and Ports
1.0 Gate-Level Modeling
2.0 Data flow Modeling
3.0 Behavioral Modeling
4.0 Tasks and Functions
5.0 Modeling Techniques
6.0 Timing and Delays
7.0 Switch Level Modeling

C. Testing:

Introduction to Digital Testing

Fault modeling
Fault Simulation
Testing for Single stuck faults
Design For Testability (DFT)
 Ad-Hoc DFT
 Scan based designs
 Built-In Self-Test (BIST)

Reference Books

 Introductory VHDL From Simulation to Synthesis by Sudhakar Yalamanchili, Pearson

Education, 2001
 Verilog HDL by Samir Palnitkar, Pearson Education, 2001.
 Digital Systems Testing and Testable Design by Miron A, Melvin A.B., Arthur D.F.

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IME 311 Computer Architecture:

Introduction to Microprocessors and Embedded RISC processors,
CPU Architecture
Typical Microprocessor/Microcontroller Architecture (Registers, ALU, Control Unit)
Cache (Instruction Cache, Data Cache, L1, L2, Cache policies)
Branch prediction,
Onchip Timers
Reset Processing
Interrupts & Exceptions handling
Instruction Set
Programming Model
Onchip Debugging Support (JTAG, BDM)
Onchip Components (such as ADC, DAC, PWM, etc.,)
Floating Point Unit
Dual/Multi-core processors
RISC/CISC architecture

Virtual Memory Management

Protected Mode
Memory Protection
Segmentation & Paging architectures
Datastructures required (Page tables, TLB, etc.,)

Memory Devices
Memory (different Technologies such as RAM, ROM, FLASH, EEPROM, SDRAM,
SRAM etc.,)
Memory Controllers,
Accessing modes

I/O & Busses – Peripheral Support

Interchip Connect (I2C, SPI)
I/O Access schemes
Peripheral Buses (PCI, ISA)
IDE interface

Case study
Architecture of PowerPC, 80x86, ARM, MIPS

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1. Computer Organization ,IV Edition,V.C Hamacher,Z.G Vranseic,S.G Zaky,
McGraw Hill International Edition, Computer Science series 1987-2nd Ed.
2. Modern Computer Architecture, M.Raffiquzzaman & Rajan Chandra,Galgotia
publications, New Delhi 1990
3. Computer Organization and Architecture , William Stallings ,Pearson
4. Structured Computer Organization, Andrew Tanenbaum ,McGraw Hill
5. Computer Architecture & Parallel Processing, KH Wang & F.A.Briggs
McGraw Hill, 1984

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Fourth Semester

1. Block Diagrams and Signal flow graphs : Transfer function, Block Diagram
Simplification of systems, Signal flow graphs, Gain formula, State diagram,
Transfer function of discrete data systems (PTF), Zero order hold.

2. Systems modeling : Modeling of electrical and Mechanical Systems (translational

& Rotational ), System equations, its electrical equivalent (analogous) networks.

3. Time Domain Analysis : Stability, Routh Hurwitz criterion, time response for
Continuous data systems, type and order of systems, Steady state error for linear
Systems, Unit step response for second order systems, (up to7.5 of text).
Root locus properties and construction (8.1 to 8.3 of text).

4. Frequency Domain Analysis : Introduction , second order prototype system

(9.1 & 9.2 of text), Bode diagram, Gain and Phase margins, Nyquist stability

5 Compensators and controllers : Proportional, Integral, PI, PD and PID controllers,

Lead, Lag, Lead-Lag compensators.

6. State space representation : Stability Analysis, State transition matrix, Eigen values,
Controllability and observablity (only definitions).

7. Digital Control systems : Stability and its tests, time response, Mapping between
s-and Z- plane, Steady state error. (6.6, 6.7 and 7.10 from text).

Text :
B.C.KUO, " Automatic Control Systems", 7th Edition, PHI.

References :
1.Nagrath and Gopal 'Control system engineering' PHI.
2.K.Ogata, 'Modern control engineering', 2nd Edition., PHI.
3.D'azzo and Houpis, 'Linear Control System Analysis and Design' TMH.

IME 304 Integrated Circuits and Systems

Page 22 of 42
Differential Amplifier: Analysis of differential amplifier, common mode and differential mode gains,
CMRR, Emitter-coupled differential amplifier, differential amplifier supplied with a constant current,
transfer characteristics.

Operational Amplifier: Basic operational amplifier, ideal operational amplifier, Inverting operational
amplifier, noninverting amplifier, input resistance, current sources, current repeaters, active loads, level
shifting, output stages, offset error voltages and currents, measurement of operational amplifier
Linear analog systems: Sign changer, scale changer, phase shifter, summer, integrator differentiator, V
to I and I to V converters, instrumentation amplifiers, Bridge amplifier, Analysis and Design of Active
filters, Active resonant band pass filters, Notch filter
Non linear analog systems: Precision AC/DC converters, peak detector, sample-and-hold systems,
analog multiplexers and demultiplexers, log and antilog amplifiers, analog multipliers and dividers,
comparators, Applications of comparators, regenerative comparator, square-wave and triangular-wave
generators, pulse generator.

Timers: Basic timer circuit, 555 timer used as astable and negative & positive edge triggered monostable
multivibrators. .

Data Converters: Basic sampling circuits, Sample and Hold architecture, principles of DAC, DAC
architecture, ADC architecture, building blocks of data conversion system, precision techniques, testing
and characterization

Phase–locked loops: Operating principles of PLL, application of PLL such as frequency multiplication,
frequency translation, AM and FM detection, FSK demodulation, study of 565 PLL and 566 VCO.

IC Logic families: Transistor as a switch, Logic families and their characteristics – Bipolar logic, TTL
logic – open collector, Totem pole and tri state, CMOS logic, CMOS-TTL interfacing.

Reference Books:

1. Jacob Millman , Microelectronics: Digital and Analog Circuits and Systems , McGraw-Hill.
2. Ramakant A.Gayakwad , Op-Amps and Linear Integrated Circuits , PHI.
3. Robert F.Coughlin & Fred Driscoll , Operational amplifiers and linear integrated circuits , PHI.
4. Jacob , Applications and design with analog integrated circuits , PHI.
5. Behzad Razavi , Data conversion system Design
6. Roy and Choudhary Linear ICs
7. Donald A Neamen , Electronic Circuit Analysis and Design

IME 306 Advanced Logic Synthesis

1.0 Introduction to logic synthesis

2.0 Two-level logic synthesis
 Introduction
 Boolean algebra concepts

Page 23 of 42
 Minimization using k-map
 Minimization using Tabular method
 Consensus theorem
 Iterative Consensus theorem
 Recursive computation
 Unate covering problem
a) Reduction technique
b) MIS algorithm
c) Branch and bound algorithm
3.0 Sequential logic synthesis.
 Introduction
 Basics of FSM concept
 Minimization of completely specified FSM
a) Equivalent partition algorithm
 Minimization of Incompletely specified FSM
a) Compatible table
b) Maximum compatibles
c) Prime compatibles
d) Binate covering problem
 FSM traversal algorithms
a) Depth first search
b) Breadth first search
c) Shortest path
 State encoding and optimization
4.0 Multilevel logic synthesis
 Introduction
 Algebraic and Boolean Division
 Kernels and Cokernels
 Algebraic and Boolean resubtitution methods
5.0 Technology mapping
a) Graph covering and Technology mapping
b) Tree covering by Dynamic programming
c) Decomposition
d) Delay optimization and Graph covering

Reference Books

 Logic Synthesis and Verification Algorithms

 Gary D. Hachtel and Fabio Somenzi (Kluwer Academic Publishers)
 Logic Minimization Algorithms For VLSI Synthesis
Robert K. Brayton ,Gary D. Hachtel, Curtis T. McMullen and Alberto L. Sangiovanni-
Vincentelli (Kluwer Academic Publishers)

Page 24 of 42

IME 308 Microcontrollers and Embedded Systems

Introduction to Embedded Control, History and applications : Microcontroller - Difference

between a microprocessor and a microcontroller, CISC and RISC microcontrollers on embedded control.
Difference between CISC and RISC controllers, advantages

RISC architecture – code memory – ROM, OTP, FLASH, WINDOW, data memory and register file
concept, Registers, stack organization, I/O lines; Peripherals – Timers, ADC EEPROM, UART, PWM,
IIC, SPI; Glue Logic – Reset control, Brownout detectors, RC, LP, XT,HS; Watchdog and pre-scalar.

PICmicro family in Embedded control – 12 bit, 14 bit and 16 – bit PIC micro family; PICmicro 16F84
features- code memory, interrupt vector, Register bank, Register files, TMRO, Port A and Port B, Internal
EEPROM; Addressing Modes – Direct addressing, Indirect addressing, Indexed addressing; Description
of 35 instruction – Byte, Bit, oriented operation, Literal and control operations.

Program Development – Software development tolls for embedded control; Assemblers – Assembly file
formats, Output HEX file format, List file format. Simulators – Registers and watch windows, single
stepping, break points, Hardware development tools for embedded control in circuit Emulator and
debugger, BITE
Case study of Embedded Control in AC and DC motor and stepper motor l, Frequency generation –
PWM, temperature Control, Analog to Digital conversion.

Testing and debugging in embedded control

Reference Books :

1. J. B. Peatman , Design with PIC Micro Controller , PHI.

2. Perdko , PIC Microcontroller , McGrawHill - 2000

IME 310 Digital VLSI Design

VLSI technology trends, performance measures and Moore’s law

MOS devices and Circuits:

MOS transistors. Study of depletion and enhancement mode operations. Threshold Voltage.
Body effect and other second order effects. NMOS inverters. CMOS inverters. BiCMOS and
GaAs devices and circuits.

Fabrication of ICs:

Page 25 of 42
Lithographic process of MOS and CMOS fabrication. N-well, P-well and twin tub processes.
Latch-up in CMOS. SOI process. VLSI Yield and economics.
MOS Circuit designs & Lay out generation :
VLSI Circuit Design:
Pass transistors and transmission gates. Implementation of Boolean functions and combinational
circuits using switch logic & gate logic. Pseudo NMOS inverter, Dynamic and clocked CMOS
inverters. Clocking strategies, single and two phase clocking, Clock distribution. Flip flops, shift
registers and clocked sequential circuits. Stick diagrams, Design rules and layouts, Scaling of
MOS circuits.

Basic circuit concepts and performance estimation :

Sheet resistance, Standard unit of capacitance. Estimation of delay in NMOS and CMOS
inverters. Driving of large capacitive loads. Super buffers. Estimation of power. Power
reduction techniques.

Sub system design:

Design description domains and design strategies. Issues in Subsystem design. Design examples
such as Adders, ALUs, Shifters. Design of sequential circuits.

Static RAM and Dynamic RAMs, different topologies and performance analysis.

1. Pucknell D.A and Eshraghian K, Basic VLSI Design, PHI publication.
2. West N and Eshraghian K, Principles of CMOS VLSI Design, Addison Wesley
3. Tsividis and Yannis, Operation and Modeling of the MOS Transistors, 2 nd Edn. Oxford
University Press.
4. Amar Mukherjee, Introduction to NMOS & CMOS VLSI systems Design, PHI
5. Allen, CMOS Analog Circuit Design, 2nd Edn. Oxford University Press.

IME 312 Communication Systems

Fundamentals of Telephone Switching, various tones used, DTMF, Store and Forward, Time division and
Space division switching basic principles – enhanced services.

History and evolution of radio communication. Examples of wireless communication systems,

comparison of common wireless communication systems – paging systems, cordless systems, DECT,
cellular systems

Radar: Principles, range equation, types of Radars, Radar display system, Radar Beacons

Page 26 of 42
Satellite Communication: Brief History of Satellite Communication, orbital aspects, Kepplers Law,
Space Craft and its subsystem, satellite link design, Multiple access techniques, earth station technology.
A brief overview of INTELSAT and INMARSAT, application of satellites.

Overview of optical fibers: Types of optical fibers, numerical aperture, concept of cylindrical
waveguides, optical fibers as cylindrical waveguides, Eigen value equation and its solution as
propagation constant of guided modes, concept of hybrid modes, V number/parameter, weakly
guiding approximation and linearly polarized modes.

Attenuation and dispersion in optical fibers: Losses due to scattering and bending, optical
pulse spreading due to material and waveguide dispersion.

Optical sources and detectors: Semiconductor LED and Laser diode, heterostructure and double
heterostructure construction, DFB and DBR Lasers diodes, PIN and APD detectors.

Optical communication systems: Analog and digital optical communication systems, SNR and
BER, link budgeting, link power and rise time budget.

Fiber measurements: Measurement of fiber parameters such as numerical aperture, bandwidth,


Reference Books:

1. Thiagarajan Viswanathan, Telecommunication switching systems and networks, Prentice hall of

India, New Delhi 1992.
2. Ryder.J.D., Networks, lines and Fields, Second edition EEE, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi
3. Taub and D.T. Schilling, Principles of Communication Systems, Second Edition, McGraw-Hill,
4. LEE W.C.Y, Mobile Cellular Telecommunications
5. Gerd Keiser , Optical Fiber Communication McGraw Hill 1991
6. John Senior , Optical Fiber Communication, Prentice Hall
7. R P Khare, Fiber Optics and Opto Electronics, Oxford University

Fifth Semester

IME 401 Foundations of VLSI CAD

Matrices: Linear dependence of vectors, solution of linear equations, bases of vector spaces,
orthogonality, complementary orthogonal spaces and solution spaces of linear equations.

Graphs: representation of graphs using matrices; Paths, connectedness; circuits, cutsets, trees;
Fundamental circuit and cutset matrices; Voltage and current spaces of a directed graph and their
complementary orthogonality.

Page 27 of 42
Algorithms and data structures: efficient representation of graphs; Elementary graph algorithms
involving bfs and dfs trees, such as finding connected and 2- connected components of a graph,
the minimum spanning tree, shortest path between a pair of vertices in a graph; Data structures
such as stacks, linked lists and queues, binary trees and heaps. Time and space complexity of


K. Hoffman and R.E. Kunze, Linear Algebra, Prentice Hall (India), 1986

N.Balabanian and T.A. Bickart, Linear Network Theory :Analysis, Properties, Design and
Synthesis, Matrix Publishers, Inc.,1981.

T.Cormen, C.Leiserson and R.A.Rivest, Algorithms, MIT Press and McGraw-Hill, 1990.

IME 403 Microelectronics Fabrication Technology

Environment for VLSI Technology: Clean room and safety requirements. Wafer cleaning
processes and wet chemical etching techniques.

Impurity incorporation: Solid State diffusion modelling and technology; Ion Implantation
modelling, technology and damage annealing; characterization of Impurity profiles.

Oxidation : Kinetics of Silicon dioxide growth both for thick, thin and ultrathin films. Oxidation
technologies in VLSI andULSI; Characterisation of oxide films; High k and low k dielectrics for

Lithography: Photolithography, E-beam lithography and newer lithography techniques for

VLSI/ULSI; Mask generation.

Chemical Vapour Deposition techniques : CVD techniques for deposition of polysilicon, silicon
dioxide, silicon nitride and metal films; Epitaxial growth of silicon; modelling and technology.

Metal film deposition : Evaporation and sputtering techniques. Failure mechanisms in metal
interconnects; Multi-level metallisation schemes.Plasma and Rapid Thermal Processing:
PECVD, Plasma etching and RIE techniques; RTP techniques for annealing, growthand
deposition of various films for use in ULSI.

Process integration for NMOS, CMOS and Bipolar circuits; Advanced MOS technologies.


C.Y. Chang and S.M.Sze (Ed), ULSI Technology, McGraw Hill Companies Inc, 1996.

S.K. Ghandhi, VLSI Fabrication Principles, John Wiley Inc., New York, 1983.

Page 28 of 42
S.M. Sze (Ed), VLSI Technology, 2nd Edition, McGraw Hill, 1988.

IME 405 Physics of Semiconductor Devices

Introduction to semiconductor Physics: Review of quantum mechanics, Electrons in periodic

lattices, E-k diagrams, Quasiparticles in semiconductors, electrons, holes and phonons.
Boltzmann transport equation and solution in the presence of low electric and magnetic fields -
mobility and diffusivity; Carrier statistics; Continuity equation, Poisson's equation and their
solution; High field effects: velocity saturation, hot carriers and avalanche breakdown.

Semiconductor junctions: Schottky, homo- and hetero-junction band diagrams and I-V
characteristics, and small signal switching models; Two terminal and surface states devices
based on semiconductor junctions.
MOS structures: Semiconductor surfaces; Theideal and nonideal MOS capacitor band diagrams
and CVs; Effects of oxide charges, defects and interface states; Characterization of MOS
capacitors: HF and LF CVs, avalanche injection; High field effects and breakdown.

Characterization of semi conductors: Four probe and Hall measurement; CVs for dopant profile
characterization; Capacitance transients and DLTS.

J. P. McKelvey, introduction to Solid State and Semiconductor Physics, Harper and Row and
John Weathe Hill, 1966.
E. H. Nicollian and J. R. Brews, MOS Physics and Technology, John Wiley, 1982.
K. K. Ng, Complete Guide to Semiconductor Devices, McGraw Hill, 1995.
D.K. Schroder, Seminconductor Material and Device Characterization, John Wiley, 1990.
S. M. Sze, Physics of Semiconductor Devices, 2nd edition John Wiley, 1981.
C. T. Sah, Fundamentals of Solid-State Electronic Devices, Allied Publishers and World
Scientific, 1991.
E. F. Y. Waug, Introduction to Solid State Electronics North Holland, 1980.


Review: Signals and systems, Time and frequency analysis of signals and systems, Z Transform.

Discrete Fourier Transform: Frequency domain sampling and reconstruction of discrete time
signals – DFT, DFT as a linear transformation, properties of the DFT, use of DFT in linear
filtering, filtering of long data sequences Efficient computation of the DFT: FFT Algorithms –
Radix 2 DITFFT and DIFFFT, in-place COMPUTATION. Goertzel Algorithm.

Implementation of Discrete time Systems: Structures for FIR systems – Direct form, cascade
form, Frequency sampling and lattice structures. Structures for IIR systems – Direct form,
cascade and parallel form, lattice ladder structures.

Page 29 of 42
Design of IIR filters: Classical design by impulse invariance, bilinear transformation and
matched Z transform, characteristics and design of commonly used filters – butter worth,
chebyshev and elliptic filters, Spectral transformations, Direct design of IIR filters.

Design of Digital FIR Filters: General considerations, Linear phase FIR Filters, Symmetric and
antisymmetric impulse response, Design using windows, frequency sampling design, Optimum
design, Remez Algorithm.

Power Spectrum Estimation: Estimation of power spectra from Finite duration of observation
of signals. Non-parametric and Parametric methods of power spectrum estimation.
06 hrs.

Digital Signal Processors: Architecture, features and instructions of Fixed point and Floating
Point Processors(TMS320c25 and TMS32030).

Applications of DSP: Image Processing, Speech processing, Noise cancellation, Bio-Medical

Signal Processing, Communication Signal Processing.

1. A.V.Oppenheim and R.W.Schafer, “Descrete time signal Processing”, PHI.
2. J.G.Proakis and D.G.Manolakis, “Introduction to Digital Signal Processing”
3. J.R.Johnson, “Introduction to Digital Signal Processing” PHI.
4. Rabiner & Gold, “Theory and applications of digital signal processing”, PHI.
5. Wills J.Tompkins, Biomedical Digital Signal Processing, Prentice-Hall
6. Texas Instruments DSP Processors (320 family) data hand book.

IME 409 Principles of ASIC Design

Introduction to ASICs, Design Methodology Overview, CMOS Logic
ASIC Library Design, ASIC versus FPGA, Different Design Flows in ASIC / FPGA, Programmable
ASICs, Programmable ASIC Logic and I/O Cells, Programmable ASIC Interconnect, Full Custom /
Semi Custom circuit Techniques, Layout of Full Custom, CMOS IC’s.
EDA Tools in ASIC Flow, Low Level Design Entry Vs HDL based design, Logic Synthesis
Simulation, System Partitioning, Floor planning and Placement, Layout Compaction Routing,
Testing and verification, Clock Tree Synthesis
Algorithms for VLSI design automation – Placement, Partitioning, Floor planning and routing
DSM Effects, Signal Integrity and interconnect problems, Top seven challenges in ASIC design,
Design reuse and a quality design approach, Phases of an ASIC project, Case study of Complete
ASIC design flow in detail with typical example

Reference Books:
1. Smith, M.J.S., Application-Specific Integrated Circuits. Addison-Wesley, 1026 p. ISBN 0-

Page 30 of 42
201-50022-1, 1997
2. Rabaey, J., Digital Integrated Circuits , A Design Perspective, Prentice Hall.
3. Weste, N. H. E., and K. Eshraghian., Principles of CMOS VLSI Design: A Systems
Perspective. 2nd ed. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 713 p. ISBN 0-201-53376-6 1993, .
4. Nigel Horspool and Peter Gorman, The ASIC Handbook Prentice Hall, 2001.
5. Sabin H.Gerez , Algorithms for VLSI Design Automation , John Wiley & Sons, 1999.
6. IEEE Solid state circuits
7. IEEE Circuits & systems
8. IEEE Signal Processing

IME 411 Introduction to MEMS Technology

Historical Background: Silicon Pressure sensors, Micromachining, MicroElectroMechanical Systems

Microfabrication and Micromachining : Integrated Circuit Processes, Bulk Micromachining : Isotropic
Etching and Anisotropic Etching, Wafer Bonding, High Aspect-Ratio Processes (LIGA)
Physical Microsensors : Classification of physical sensors, Integrated, Intelligent, or Smart sensors,
Sensor Principles and Examples : Thermal sensors, Electrical Sensors, Mechanical Sensors, Chemical and
Microactuators : Electromagnetic and Thermal microactuation, Mechanical design of microactuators,
Microactuator examples, microvalves, micropumps, micromotors-Microactuator systems : Success
Stories, Ink-Jet printer heads, Micro-mirror TV Projector
Surface Micromachining: One or two sacrificial layer processes, Surface micromachining requirements,
Polysilicon surface micromachining, Other compatible materials, Silicon Dioxide, Silicon Nitride,
Piezoelectric materials, Surface Micromachined Systems : Success Stories, Micromotors, Gear trains,
Application Areas: All-mechanical miniature devices, 3-D electromagnetic actuators and sensors,
RF/Electronics devices, Optical/Photonic devices, Medical devices e.g. DNA-chip, micro-arrays.
Stephen D. Senturia, "Microsystem Design" by, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001.
Marc Madou, “Fundamentals of Microfabrication” by, CRC Press, 1997.Gregory Kovacs,
“Micromachined Transducers Sourcebook” WCB McGraw-Hill, Boston, 1998.
M.-H. Bao, “Micromechanical Transducers: Pressure sensors, accelrometers, and gyroscopes” by
Elsevier, New York, 2000.

Page 31 of 42
Sixth Semester


Introduction top Low Power VLSI Design

Need for low power VLSI Design, Sources of power dissipation on Digital Integrated circuits.
Physics of power dissipation in CMOS devices. Emerging Low power approaches.
Device & Technology Impact on Low Power: Dynamic dissipation in CMOS, Transistor sizing
& gate oxide thickness, Impact of technology Scaling, Technology & Device innovation
Power estimation, Simulation Power analysis: SPICE circuit simulators, gate level logic
simulation, capacitive power estimation, static state power, gate level capacitance estimation,
architecture level analysis, data correlation analysis in DSP systems, Monte Carlo simulation.
Probabilistic power analysis: Random logic signals, probability & frequency, probabilistic power
analysis techniques, signal entropy.
Low Power Design techniques
Circuit level: Power consumption in circuits. Flip Flops & Latches design, high capacitance
nodes, low power digital cells library
Logic level: Gate reorganization, signal gating, logic encoding, state machine encoding, pre-
computation logic
Low power Architecture & Systems: Power & performance management, switching activity
reduction, parallel architecture with voltage reduction, flow graph transformation, low power
arithmetic components, low power memory design.
Low power Clock Distribution: Power dissipation in clock distribution, single driver Vs
distributed buffers, Zero skew Vs tolerable skew, chip & package co design of clock network

Algorithm & architectural level methodologies: Introduction, design flow, Algorithmic level
analysis & optimization, Architectural level estimation & synthesis.

Text Books:

1. Gary K. Yeap, “Practical Low Power Digital VLSI Design”, KAP, 2002
2. Rabaey, Pedram, “Low power design methodologies” Kluwer Academic, 1997
3. Kaushik Roy, Sharat Prasad, “Low-Power CMOS VLSI Circuit Design” Wiley, 2000

IME 404 RF Microelectronics Chip Design

Introduction to RF and Wireless Technology: Complexity, design and applications. Choice of

Technology. Basic concepts in RF Design: Nonlinearly and Time Variance, intersymbol
Interference, random processes and Noise. Definitions of sensitivity and dynamic range,
conversion Gains and Distortion. Analog and Digital Modulation for RF circuits: Comparison of
various techniques for power efficiency. Coherent and Non coherent defection. Mobile RF
Communication systems and basics of Multiple Access techniques. Receiver and Transmitter
Architectures and Testing heterodyne, Homodyne, Image-reject, Direct-IF and sub-sampled
receivers. Direct Conversion and two steps transmitters. BJT and MOSFET behavior at RF

Page 32 of 42
frequencies Modeling of the transistors and SPICE models. Noise performance and limitation of
devices. Integrated Parasitic elements at high frequencies and their monolithic implementation.
Basic blocks in RF systems and their VLSI implementation : Low Noise Amplifiers design in
various technologies, Design of Mixers at GHz frequency range. Various Mixers, their working
and implementations, Oscillators: Basic topologies VCO and definition of phase noise. Noise-
Power trade-off. Resonatorless VCO design. Quadrature and single-sideband generators, Radio
Frequency Synthesizes: PLLS, Various RF synthesizer architectures and frequency dividers,
Power Amplifiers design. Linearisation techniques, Design issues in integrated RF filters.

B.Razavi, RF Microelectronics, Prentice-Hall PTR,1998 T.H.Lee.
Design of CMOS Radio-Frequency Integrated Circuits, Cambridge University Press, 1998.

IME 406 CMOS Analog Integrated circuit design

Introduction to analog VLSI and mixed signal issues in CMOS technologies. Basic MOS
models, SPICE Models and frequency dependent parameters. Basic MNOS/CMOS gain stage,
cascade and cascode circuits. Frequency response, stabilty and noise issues in amplifiers. CMOS
analog blocks: Current Sources and Voltage references. Differential amplifier and OPAMP
design. Frequency Synthesizers and Phased lock-loop. Non-linear analog blocks:
Comparators,Charge-pump circuits and Multipliers. Data converters. Analog Interconnects.
Analog Testing and Layout issues. Low Voltage and Low Power Circuits. Introduction to RF
Electronics. Basic concepts in RF design

R.Jacob Baker,H.W.Li, and D.E. Boyce CMOS Circuit Design ,Layout and Simulation, Prentice-
Hall of India,1998
Mohammed Ismail and Terri Faiz Analog VLSI Signal and Information Process, McGraw-Hill
Book company,1994
Paul R. Gray and R.G.Meyer, Analysis and design of Analog Integrated circuits John Wiley and
sons,USA,(3rd Edition),1993
B. Razavi, RF Microelectronics, Prentice-Hall PTR,1998

IME 408 Elective –I

IME 408.1 Embedded System Design

Introduction to an embedded systems design: Introduction to Embedded system, Embedded

System Project Management, ESD and Codesign issues in System development Process, Design
cycle in the development phase for an embedded system, Use of target system or its emulator
and In-circuit emulator, Use of software tools for development of an ES.

RTOS & its overview: Real Time Operating System: Task and Task States, tasks and data,
semaphores and shared Data Operating system Services-Message queues-Timer Function-

Page 33 of 42
Events-Memory Management, Interrupt Routines in an RTOS environment, basic design Using

Microcontroller: Role of processor selection in Embedded System (Microprocessor V/s Micro-

controller), 8051 Microcontroller: Architecture, basic assembly language programming concepts,
Instruction set, Addressing Modes, Logical Operation, Arithmetic Operations, Subroutine,
Interrupt handling, Timing subroutines, Serial data transmission, Serial data communication

Embedded system development : Embedded system evolution trends. Round - Robin, robin
with Interrupts, function-One-Scheduling Architecture, Algorithms. Introduction to-assembler-
compiler-cross compilers and Integrated Development Environment (IDE). Object Oriented
Interfacing, Recursion, Debugging strategies, Simulators.

Networks for Embedded Systems: The I2C Bus, The CAN bus, SHARC link Ports, Ethernet,
Myrinet, Internet, Introduction to Bluetooth: Specification, Core Protocol, Cable replacement
protocol.IEEE 1149.1 (JTAG) Testability: Boundary Scan Architecture


1. Embedded Systems by Raj Kamal, TMH

2. The 8051 Microcontroller by K.J. Ayala, Penram International
3. J B Peatman, Design with PIC Microcontrollers, Prentice Hall
4. An Embedded Software Primer by David E. Simon, Pearson Education
5. Designing Embedded Hardware by John Catsoulis, O’reilly
6. Embedded System Design by Frank Vahid, Tony Givargis,”, John Wiley & Sons, Inc
7. Building Embedded Linux Systems by Karim Yaghmour, O’reilly
8. Programming Embedded Systems by Michael Barr, O’reilly
9. Real-time systems & software by Alan C. Shaw, John Wiley & sons, Inc.

IME 408.2 Artificial Neural Networks

Introduction: Biological neurons and memory: Structure and function of a single neuron;
Artificial Neural Networks (ANN); Typical applications of ANNs : Classification, Clustering,
Vector Quantization, Pattern Recognition, Function Approximation, Forecasting, Control,
Optimization; Basic Approach of the working of ANN - Training, Learning and Generalization.
Supervised Learning: Single-layer networks; Perceptron-Linear separability, Training algorithm,
Limitations; Multi-layer networks-Architecture, Back Propagation Algorithm (BTA) and other
training algorithms, Applications. Adaptive Multi-layer networks-Architecture, training
algorithms; Recurrent Networks; Feed-forward networks; Radial-Basis-Function (RBF)

Page 34 of 42
Unsupervised Learning: Winner-takes-all networks; Hamming networks; Maxnet; Simple
competitive learning; Vector-Quantization; Counter propagation networks; Adaptive Resonance
Theory; Kohonen's Self-organizing Maps; Principal Component Analysis.
Associated Models: Hopfield Networks, Brain-in-a-Box network; Boltzmann machine.
Optimization Methods: Hopfield Networks for-TSP, Solution of simultaneous linear equations;
Iterated Gradient Descent; Simulated Annealing; Genetic Algorithm.
K. Mehrotra, C.K. Mohan and Sanjay Ranka, Elements of Artificial Neural Networks, MIT
Press, 1997 - [Indian Reprint Penram International Publishing (India), 1997]
Simon Haykin, Neural Networks - A Comprehensive Foundation, Macmillan Publishing Co.,
New York, 1994.
A Cichocki and R. Unbehauen, Neural Networks for Optimization and Signal Processing, John
Wiley and Sons, 1993.
J. M. Zurada, Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks, (Indian edition) Jaico Publishers,
Mumbai, 1997.

IME 408.3 Macroelectronics

Amorphous amd Micro/Nano crystalline semiconductors : Introduction, Growth of

amorphous and micro /nano crystalline hydrogenated silicon (a-Si:H) and it`s alloys like a-
SiC:H, a-SiGe:H,etc, Doping in amorphous semiconductors, Physics and electronic properties.
Defect desities, Electronic transport , Optoelectronics properties , Contact, Interfaces,

Device configuration and Applications : P-I-N devices, Thin film transistors , LEDs ,
Memory Switches , Novel Processing Technology for Macroelectronics, Amorphous silicon
Solar cells ,TFT based LCD displays, Passive and Active Matrix displays , Photoreceptors, Large
Area Image Sensor Arrays , Image pick up tubes or Vidicons, High energy Radiation imaging,
Multilayer Color Detectors, Thin Film Position Sensitive Detectors: From 1D to 3D Applications

Organic & Polymer Semiconductors devices: Introduction to organic semiconductors,

Electronics structure, Transport, Optoelectronic properties, Device configurations ,
Applications: Optoelectronics devices ,Solar cells, Photodiodes, LEDs ,Active Matrix displays ,
Organic Thin film transistors, Device structure and characteristics , Circuit systems based on
organic devices, Organic Lasers, Other application

Flat panel Display Technologies : LCD displays , Plasma Displays (PDP), Electroluminescent
Displays(EL), Electrophoretic Displays (Electronic paper), Field emission displays (FED),
Introduction to the concept of Flexible Electronics.


Page 35 of 42
1.Hydrogenated amorphous silicon , R.A.Street, Cambridge University Press 1991
2.The Physics and Technology of Amorphous silicon A.Madan & M.P.Shaw, Elsevier Science &
Technology books 1988.
3.Technology and Applications of Amorphous Silicon: Technology and Applications ed.
Robert A. Street Springer-Verlag New York, LLC Series: Series in Materials Science. 2001
4.Properties of Amorphous Silicon and Its Alloys, Tim.M..Searle, IEE Publication 1998.
5.Latest MRS conference proceedings on amorphous and nanocrystalline semiconductors
6. Stephen Forrest, Paul Burrows, & Mark Thompson , IEEE Spectrum August 2000 Volume 37
Number 8 The dawn of Organic Electroncis”
7. Prospects and Applications for Organic Light Emitting Devices," by P.E. Burrows, S.R.
Forrest, and M.E. Thompson in Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science, Vol. 2,
pp. 236-243 (1997).
8. "Ultrathin Organic Films Grown by Organic Molecular Beam Deposition and Related
Techniques," by S.R. Forrest, Chemical Reviews, Vol. 97, pp. 1793-1896 (1997).
9. Additional references Special issues on Conducting polymers and Flat panel displays in
journals MRS Bulletin, IEEE Proceedings & Electronic Devices and SID Information Display

Page 36 of 42
Seventh Semester

IME 601 Nanomaterials & Nanoelectronics

I Introduction to nanomaterials & nanotechnology

1. What is nanotechnology?
2. History of nanomaterials
3. Influence on properties by "nano-structure induced effects"
4. Some present and future applications of nanomaterials

II Atoms, clusters and nanomaterials

1. Introduction
2. What is so important about clusters?

III Preparation/Synthesis of nanomaterials

1. Methods for creating nanostructures
2. Processes for producing ultrafine powders
3. Chemical Synthesis
4. Physical Synthesis
5. Biomimetic processes

IV Properties of materials due to the scaling of size

1. Mechanical
2. Introduction
3. Property changes dur to nanostructuring
4. Strengthening and Toughening Mechanisms
5. Chemical
6. Sensors
7. catalysis
8. Magnetic
9. Magnetic Properties of small atomic clusters
10. Why interest in nano-scale magnetic materials?
11. Classifications of magnetic nanomaterial
12. Optical
13. Absorption of light in semiconductor materials
14. Optical properties of a translucid object
15. Effective medium theory
16. Electronic
17. Quantum size effect in metal or semiconductor nanoparticles
18. Quantum Wells, Wires and Dots
19. What is Single Electronics?

V Future applications including bottom-up nanotechnology and microelectronics

1. The red brick wall in microelectronics

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2. Future needs of microelectronics industries
3. Review of possible bottom up approaches still in research
4. Self organization


Janos H. Fendler:
Nanoparticles and nanostructured films: preparation, characterization and applications,
ISBN: 3527294430, Wiley VCH, (1998)
Kenneth J. Klabunde:
Nanoscale materials in chemistry, ISBN: 0471383953, Wiley, John & Sons, (2001)
Zhon Ling Wang:
Characterization of nanophase materials, ISBN: 3527298371, Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH

IME 603 Mixed Signal IC design

I.Brief review of various building blocks

II Advanced Continuous Time Filter

1. Design of MOSFET-C Filter
2. Design of Gm-C Filters

III Sample and Holds, Voltage References and Translinear Circuits

IV Review of Discrete-Time Signals

V Advanced switched capacitor circuits

1. Design of switched capacitor amplifiers and Integrators
2. Design of switched capacitor filters

VI Design of data converters

1. Nyquist rate AID converters (Flash, interpolating, folding flash, SAR and pipelined
architectures), Nyquist rate D/A converters (voltage, current and charge mode converters) hybrid
and segmented converters
2. Oversampled A/D and D/A converters
3. Delta-Sigma data converters

VII Design of PLL's, DLL's and frequency synthesizers


R. Jacob Baker:CMOS Mixed Signal Circuits Design, Weslly-IEEE 2002

R. Gregorian and Ternes:Analog MOS integrated circuits for signal processing, JosseyBass,

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R.Gregorian:Introduction to CMOS OP-AMPs and comparators, John-Wiley, 1999.
D.Johns and K.Martin:Analog integrated circuit design, John-Wiley, 1997.

Monolithic Phase-locked loops and clock recovery circuits: Theory and design, IEEE Press,

IME 605 System on Chip Design

8085 Architecture, I/O Devices 8355/8755, DMA Controller 8237, 8279 8253 Programmable
Peripheral Interface 8255 Interrupt System, Digital Interfacing, Multiple Microprocessor
Systems, 8051 Microcontroller Architecture, 8051 Microcontroller System design

Architecture of 16/32/ 64 bit Microcontroller, System Architecture, Different aspects of

architecture design, Macros, CPU Organization, Data Path Design, Memory Organization,
Control Design

System on Chip Design Issues, SOC Design Methodology, Power Considerations, SOC Case
study, Design Consideration Challenges, Memories, Parameterized Systems-on-a- Chip ,
System-on-a-chip Peripheral Cores , SOC and interconnect centric Architectures

IP Core Design issues, IP Core Design Methodology, Reusability and intellectual property, IP
Core Applications
Micro Networks, SoC protocols, OC, VSI, Hardware/Software Co-Design

Reference Books:

1. Edwards M.D, Automatic Logic Synthesis Techniques for Digital Systems', Macmillan New
Electronic series, 1992.
2. F. Balarin, Hardware-software co-design of embedded systems: Kluwer academic publishers,
3. J.Rozenblit, K.Buchenrieder: Co-design: Computer-Aided software/hardware engineering,
Piscataway, NJ; IEEE Press, 1995.
4. Myke Predko, Programming and Customizing the 8051 Microcontroller, Tata McGraw Hill,
ISBN: 0-07-042140-4, 1999.
5. Barry B.Brey, Intel Microprocessors, Architecture, Programming and Interfacing, Prentice-
Hall India, ISBN: 81-203-1220-1, 2000.

IME 607 Failure Analysis And Design

I Overview of device fabrication

II Overall View of Failure Analysis of Microelectronic Devices

1. What is Failure Analysis?

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2. Failures in different level-material, wafer, board and assembly, component, contacts and
connector, packaging and electrical failures
3. Techniques used to focus on the root causes of failures

III Imaging Techniques (Theory & Applications)

1. Optical Microscopy
2. Electron Microscopy
3. Force Microscopy
4. Focussed Ion Beam Technique
5. X-ray imaging

IV Surface and Material Analytical Techniques (Theory & Applications)

1. Auger Electron Spectrscopy
4. IR spectroscopy
5. Vibrational spectroscopy

V Other method for Failure Analysis

1. FA techniques using electrical stimulation
2. ESD Defects and Characterization
3. Life Time Studies
4. Failure Analysis using Electrical Test Data

VI FA Lab Management

VII Failure Analysis & Diagnosis Future: Needs, Challenges

VIII Statistical design and Analysis of Experiments

1. Statistical Tools
2. Statistical Distributions
3. Experiments of Evaluation
4. Experiments of Comparison
5. Accelerated Experiments
6. Sequential Experiments
7. Fatigue Experiments

IME 609 Elective –II

IME 609.1 Design for Manufacturability and Yield Management

# to be decided

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IME 609.2 Quantum Information Science

Finite dimensional vector space, inner-product, complex numbers, linear adjoints, unitary maps,
projectors, tensor product of Hilbert spaces, bit, qubit, entanglement, no-cloning, quantum
circuits, quantum gates, Shor's algorithm, Grover's algorithm, quantum teleportation, quantum
key-exchange, teleportation and measurement based quantum computing, decoherence, quantum
error-correction, mixed states, quantum information.


Gruska, J. (1999) Quantum Computing. McGraw-Hill.

Nielsen, M. and Chuang, I. L. (2000) Quantum Computation and Quantum Information.

Cambridge University Press

IME 609.3 Optical Integrated Circuits

Optical Waveguide Modes, Theory of Optical Waveguides,Waveguide Fabrication Techniques,

Polymer and Fiber Integrated Optics, Losses in Optical Waveguides, Waveguide Input
and Output Couplers, Coupling Between Waveguides, Electro-Optic Modulators,
Acousto-Optic Modulators, Basic Principles of Light Emission in Semiconductors, Optical
Amplifiers, Semiconductor Lasers Heterostructure, Confined-Field Lasers, Distributed Feedback
Lasers, Direct Modulation of Semiconductor Lasers, Integrated Optical Detectors, Quantum
Well Devices, Micro-electro-optical-mechanical Devices (MEMs) Optoelectronic Devices in
Wireless Systems, Application of Integrated Optics and Current Trends


Integrated Optics: Theory and Technology, R. G. Hunsperger, Springer-Verlag, 5th edition.

IME 609.4 Real Time Operating Systems

1.0 Introduction to traditional operating systems.

2.0 Taxonomy of kernel features, benchmarks and standards.
3.0 Process and thread management
4.0 Real time scheduling algorithms
4.1 Round Robin, FIFO, Priority based scheduling algorithms.
4.2 Rate monotonic scheduling
4.3 Priority inversion and priority ceiling
5.0 A periodic tasks and sporadic servers.
6.0 Inter-process/thread communication and synchronization
7.0 Using process/thread management and synchronization.

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8.0 Clocks and Timers.
9.0 Memory management
10.0 Real time asynchronous IO.
11.0 Interrupt processing and device drivers.
12.0 Architecture of two RTOSs - BlueCat Linux(lynuxworks) and

Reference Books

 Various web links

 INTEGRITY RTOS (free source)
 Mini-project – To be executed in one month.
 Developing real time application in RTOS environment (using BlueCat Linux and VXWorks).
 This is a group project (two people in a group). Students have to design and implement a
solution in the RTOS of their choice.

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