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UNIT – 1 7 Hrs
RANDOM PROCESS: Random variables: Several random variables. Statistical averages:
Function of Random variables, moments, Mean, Correlation and Covariance function: Principles
of autocorrelation function, cross – correlation functions. Central limit theorem, Properties of
Gaussian process.

1) Show that the area under PDF curve is always equal to unity [DEC14,/jan15 06M]
2) Explain cross correlation functions. Give the properties of cross correlation
function[DEC14,/jan15 07M]
3) A three digit message is transmitted over a noisy channel having a probability of error
P(E)=2/5 per digit. Find out the corresponding CDF. [DEC14,/jan15 08M]
4) Explain the terms joint probability density function of random variables x and y; conditional
probability density function of y; statistically independent random variables. [*Dec13/Jan14,
5) Define mean, autocorrelation and auto covariance functions. [*Dec13/Jan14, 06m]
6) Prove the following two properties of the auto correlation function Rx(Ƭ) of a random
process x(t): [*Dec13/Jan14, 08m]
i) If x(t) contains a dc component equal to A, then Rx(Ƭ) will contain a constant component
equal to A2.
ii) If x (t) contains a sinusoidal component, then Rx (Ƭ) will contain a sinusoidal component
of the same frequency.
7) Define and give expressions for [Dec13/Jan14, 06m]
i) Joint density function.
ii) Conditional density functions.
iii) Marginal density functions.
8) Is the function fx(x) = 2e-2x for x>=2 a PDF? If so find the ability that it will take a value
between 1 and 3. [Dec13/Jan14, 04m]
9) Define auto correlation function. State and prove the properties of ACF (Auto Correlation
Function). Express ACF in terms of auto covariance function. [Dec13/Jan14, 10m]
10) Explain the terms mean, correlation and covariance functions. [*Jun/Jul13, 09m]
11) Explain the properties of Gaussian process. [*Jun/Jul13, 06m]
12) The PSD of a random process X (t) is shown in Fig. [*Jun/Jul13, 05m]
i) Determine and sketch the autocorrelation function Rx (t) of X (t).
ii) What is the power contained in X (t)?
iii) What is the ac power contained in X (t)?

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13) Derive the equations on the random experiment to find: [Jun/Jul13, 10m]
i) Statistical average ii) Correlation function iii) Co-variance function.
14) Explain the properties of autocorrelation function and power spectral density. [Jun/Jul13,
15) Define random variables and differentiate between discrete and continuous random variables.
[*Dec12, 07m]
16) Define mean, correlation and covariance functions. [*Dec12, 07m]
17) Define Gaussian process. List the properties. [*Dec12, 06m]
18) Define: i) Random variable ii) Mean iii) Correlation iv) Covariance functions. [Dec12,
19) Explain the properties of cross correlation function of two wide-sense stationary process x(t)
and y(t). [Dec12, 06m]
20) A random variable has a probability density function [Dec12, Jun12, 06m, 06m]

Find i) E(X) ii) E[4x+2] iii) E[X2]

21) What is Gaussian process? List the properties of Gaussian process. [Jun12, 06m]
22) Define mean, correlation and covariance functions of a random process x (t). [Jun12, 06m]
23) Define autocorrelation function of the process X(t). Explain the properties of autocorrelation
function. [Dec11, 06m]
24) Define Gaussian process. Explain the properties of Gaussian process. [Dec11, 06m]
25) Let X be a continuous random variable having a uniform probability distribution defined in
the range 2 <= x <= 4. Let y = (3x +2). Find the means mx and my. [Dec11, 08m]

UNIT – 2 7 Hrs
AMPLITUDE MODULATION: Introduction, AM: Time-Domain description, Frequency –
Domain description. Generation of AM wave: square law modulator, switching modulator.
Detection of AM waves: square law detector, envelop detector. Double side band suppressed
carrier modulation (DSBSC): Time-Domain description, Frequency-Domain representation,
Generation of DSBSC waves: balanced modulator, ring modulator. Coherent detection of
DSBSC modulated waves. Costas loop.

1) Explain the eneration of AM wave using square-law modulator along with relevantdiagram
and analysis [DEC14,/jan15 07M]
2) With a neat block diagram, explain the balanced modulator method for generating DSB-SC
wave [DEC14,/jan15 07M]
3) Consider a message signal m(t)=20cos(2πt)volts and a carrier signal is c(t)=50cos(100 πt)
volts i) Sketch to scale resulting AM wave for 75% modulation ii) Find the power delivered
across a load of 100ohm due to this AM Wave[DEC14,/jan15 06M]
4) Explain the generation of AM wave using square law modulator; show the spectrum before
and after filtering process. [*Dec13/Jan14, 07m]
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5) Using the message signal Determine and sketch the modulated wave for
amplitude modulation whose percentage modulation equals and sketch the modulated wave
for i) 50%; ii) 100%; iii) 125%. [*Dec13/Jan14, 05m]
6) Explain the method of obtaining a practical synchronous receiving system with DSBSC
modulated wave using costas loop. [*Dec13/Jan14, 08m]
7) Explain with equations and frequency spectrum, the generation of AM with square law
modulator. Take m (t) = Am cos wmt to draw spectrum. [Dec13/Jan14, 08m]
8) What do you mean by coherent detection? What is quadrature null effect? [Dec13/Jan14,
9) An amplitude modulated voltage is V=50(1 + 0.2cos 100t + 0.01 cos 3500t) cos 10 6t. State
all frequency components present in AM signal. Find modulation index for each modulating
voltage term. What is effective modulation index? Find the efficiency of modulation.
[Dec13/Jan14, 08m]
10) Explain the operation of the envelope detector with circuit diagram and waveforms.
[*Jun/Jul13, 08m]
11) What is the significance of double side band suppressed carrier modulation? Explain with
time domain description. [*Jun/Jul13, 04m]
12) Explain the operation of the Ring modulator circuit which generates the DSBSC waves.
[*Jun/Jul13, 08m]
13) With the help of time domain and frequency domain diagrams, explain the AM process. Also
derive the AM equation for the instantaneous amplitude of the modulated voltage.
[Jun/Jul13, 14m]
14) A sinusoidal carrier voltage is amplitude modulated as: Vc= (1000 + 700 cos 6000 πt) cos
2000 Kπt. Find the unmodulated carrier voltage, modulating voltage, modulation index, LSB
and USB frequencies and band width of the AM wave. [Jun/Jul13, 06m]
15) Explain the generation of AM wave using square law modulator and show that the output of

square law modulator [*Dec12, Dec12, 07m, 08m]

16) Explain the operation of coherent detection of DSB-SC modulating wave and show that the

overall output [*Dec12, 07m]

17) The AM wave is given by S (t) = Ac [1 + Kam(t)] cos2πfct is applied to the system shown in
Fig. Assume that the message signal m(t) is limited to the interval |W|<=f and that fc >> w.
Show that m(t) can be obtained from the square rooter output. [*Dec12, 06m]

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18) Consider a message signal m(t) =20 cos (2πt)V and the carrier wave c(t) = 50 cos (100 πt)V.
[Dec12, 06m]
i) Write an expression for the resulting AM wave for 75% modulation in time domain.
ii) Draw the spectrum of AM wave
iii) Sketch the resulting wave for 75% modulation.
19) Explain the operation of coherent detection of DSB SC modulating wave and show that the

overall output [Dec12, 06m]

20) Explain the envelope detection of AM wave, using relevant waveforms and equations.
[Jun12, 07m]
21) Explain the generation of DSB-SC wave, using balanced -modulator. [Jun12, 07m]
22) A sinusoidal carrier is amplitude modulated by a square wave that has zero DC component
and peak - to - peak value of 2V. The period of the square wave is 0.5ms. The carrier
amplitude is 2.5 V and carrier frequency is 10KHz. Find the modulation index for the
modulated wave. Sketch the modulating, carrier and modulated signals. [Jun12, 06m]
23) Explain with block diagram the coherent detection of conventional AM waves. Explain
frequency error and phase error in this method. [Dec11, 08m]
24) Explain- with block diagrams, quadrature carries multiplexing and demultiplexing systems.
[Dec11, 06m]
25) An audio frequency signal (10 Sin 2πt x 500 t) volts is used to amplitude modulate a carrier
of (50 Sin 2πt x 105) volts. Assume modulation index=0.2. Find the following: [Dec11,
i) Sideband frequencies
ii) Amplitude of each side band frequencies
iv) B.W. required.

UNIT – 3 6 Hrs
SINGLE SIDE-BAND MODULATION (SSB): Quadrature carrier multiplexing, Hilbert
transform, properties of Hilbert transform, Preenvelope, Canonical representation of band pass
signals, Single side-band modulation, Frequency-Domain description of SSB wave, Time-
Domain description. Phase discrimination method for generating an SSB modulated wave, Time-
Domain description. Phase discrimination method for generating an SSB modulated wave.
Demodulation of SSB waves.

1) Define i) Hilbert transform; ii) Pre-envelope. [DEC14,/jan15 08M]

2) With a neat diagram, explain how SSB wave is generated using phase discriminator method
with only USB and rejecting the LSB[DEC14,/jan15 08M]
3) Find the Hilbert transform of a signal x (t) = (Cos 2πf 1t Sin 2πf2t) where f2 is message signal
and f1 is carrier signal. [DEC14,/jan15 08M]
4) What is the, significance of single side band modulation? Give the frequency domain
description of the same. [*Dec13/Jan14, 04m]
5) Explain with block diagram a frequency discrimination method (two stage) for generating
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SSB modulated wave. [*Dec13/Jan14, 08m]

6) Consider a message signal m(t) containing frequency components at 100, 200 and 400Hz.
This signal is applied to an SSB modulator together with a carrier at 100 kHz, with only the
upper side band retained. In the coherent detector used to recover m (t), the local oscillator
supplies a sine wave of frequency 100.02 kHz. Determine the frequency components of the
detector output. [*Dec13/Jan14, 08m]
7) What is bandpass signal? Derive canonical representation of BPS. Draw phasor diagrams and
block diagrams to show how BPS can be represented with lowpass signals. [Dec13/Jan14,
8) Consider two stage SSB modulator. The input signal consists of voice signals occupying the
frequency band 0.3 to 3.4 kHz. The two oscillator frequencies have values f1 = 100 kHz and
f2 = 10 MHz the following: [Dec13/Jan14, Dec12, 10m, 08m]
i) The sidebands of DSB-SC wave appearing at the two product modulator outputs.
ii) The sidebands of SSB modulated wave appearing at the two bandpass filter output.
iii) The pass band and guard bands of the two bandpass filters.
iv) Sketch the spectrum of the signal at each stage. [Assume suitable m(f)]

9) Explain the operation of quadrature carrier multiplexing scheme with transmitter and receiver
diagrams. [*Jun/Jul13, 08m]
10) With a block diagram approach, explain the phase discrimination method for generating SSB
modulated wave. [*Jun/Jul13, 08m]
11) Explain the demodulation of SSB waves with a block diagram and mathematical expressions.
[*Jun/Jul13, 04m]
12) Explain the advantages of SSB communication and calculate the power saving of a carrier
which is modulated to 50%. [Jun/Jul13, 08m]
13) Write the circuit diagram and explain the phase discrimination method of generating SSB
wave. [Jun/Jul13, 12m]
14) Derive an expression for SSB modulated wave for which upper side band is retained.
[*Dec12, 10m]
15) Fig shows the block diagram of a two stage SSB modulator. The input signal m(t) consists of
a voice signal occupying the frequency band 0.3 to 3.0 kHz. The two carrier frequencies are
f1 = 100 kHz and f2= 10 MHz. [*Dec12, 10m]

Evaluate the following:

i) The sidebands of DSB-SC modulated waves at the output of the product modulators.

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ii) The sidebands of the SSB modulators at the output of band pass filters.
iii) The passbands and the guard bands of the two bandpass filters.
iv) Sketch the spectrum of the signal at each stage. [Assume suitable m(t)]
16) With a neat block diagram, explain the generation of SSB wave using phase discrimination
method. [Dec12, 08m]
17) What is Hilbert transform? Obtain the Hilbert transform of the signal g (t) = sin 2πfct.
[Dec12, 04m]
18) With neat block diagram, write a note on quadrature carrier multiplexing. [Jun12, 08m]
19) The output voltage of a transmitter is given by 300 (1 + 0.3 sin 5210 t) sin 2.14 x 10 2 t. This
voltage is fed to a load of 500 Ω resistance. Determine: [Jun12, 06m]
i) Carrier frequency
ii) Modulating frequency
iii) Total power output
iv) Carrier power.
20) With frequency spectrum and equations, generate SSBSC wave by using (USB) phase shift
method. [Jun12, 06m]
21) Obtain time domain description of SSB - SC wave. [Dec11, 08m]
22) Explain with block diagram a balanced modulator for the generation of DSB-SC. [Dec11,
23) Define Hilbert transform. Obtain Hilbert transform of the following: [Dec11, 06m]
i) x (t) = (Cos 2πft + Sin 2πft)
ii) x (t) = e-j2πft.

UNIT –4 6 Hrs
VESTIGIAL SIDE-BAND MODULATION (VSB): Frequency – Domain description,
Generation of VSB modulated wave, Time – Domain description, Envelop detection of VSB
wave plus carrier, Comparison of amplitude modulation techniques, Frequency translation,
Frequency division multiplexing, Application: Radio broadcasting, AM radio.

1) Explain with the relevant equations the working of Envelope detection of USB wave plus
carrier[DEC14,/jan15 06M]
2) With a neat block diagram, explain the working of FDM technique [DEC14,/jan15 07M]
3) Write the block diagram of super heterodyne receiver and specify the importance of IF value
in the receiver. List the advantages of such receivers [DEC14,/jan15 07M]
4) Explain the scheme for generation of VSB modulated wave with relevant block diagrams and
construct the positive frequency portion of the frequency response of a side band shaping
filter for a VSB modulated wave that contains a vestige of lower side band. [*Dec13/Jan14,
5) What is heterodyning? Consider a DSBSC modulated signal as an input to a mixer; specify
the parameters of the filter and local oscillator components of a mixer to do the downward
frequency translation with spectrum diagram. [*Dec13/Jan14, 10m]

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6) Derive time domain expression for vestigial sideband modulated signal. [Dec13/Jan14, 10m]
7) With neat block diagram, explain the operation of a super heterodyne receiver.
[Dec13/Jan14, 10m]
8) What is an importance of the vestigial sideband system? Explain the spectrum of VSB
modulated wave containing a vestige of the lower sideband with frequency domain
description. [*Jun/Jul13, 06m]
9) Give comparison of amplitude modulation techniques. [*Jun/Jul13, 06m]
10) With a block-diagram approach, explain the operation of the frequency division multiplexing
scheme. [*Jun/Jul13, 08m]
11) With the help of diagrams, describe the concepts of vestigial sideband modulation and
demodulation. [Jun/Jul13, 12m]
12) Give the comparison of amplitude modulation techniques. [Jun/Jul13, 08m]
13) What is vestigial sideband? Explain the process of generation and detection of VSB
modulated wave using a carrier ACcos2πfct. [*Dec12, 09m]
14) With a block diagram, explain how downward and upward frequency translation is achieved.
[*Dec12, 07m]
15) The incoming signal has a midband frequency that may lie in the range of 530 kHz to 1650
kHz. The associated a bandwidth is 10 kHz. This signal is to a translated to a fixed frequency
band centered at 470 kHz. Determine the tuning range provided by the local oscillator.
[*Dec12, 04m]
16) What is meant by VSB? Explain how VSB signal can be obtained from a modulating signal
m(t) using a carrier Ac cos (2πfct) and later demodulated. [Dec12, 08m]
17) With a block diagram, explain the operation of FDM transmitter receiver. [Dec12, 08m]
18) Compare DSB-FC, DSB-SC, SSB and VSB. [Dec12, 04m]
19) By using time - domain description, derive the equation for the generation of VSB-SC wave.
[Jun12, 06m]
20) With neat waveforms, explain the concept of up-conversion and down - conversion, using
frequency translation. [Jun12, 08m]
21) Explain the operation of super - hetero - dyne receiver, with block diagram. [Jun12, 06m]
22) What is frequency division multiplexing in (FDM)? Explain with a block diagram FDM
system. [Dec11, 06m]
23) Explain with a block diagram, super heterodyne receiver. Mention the merits of super
heterodyne receiver over Tuned Radio Frequency receiver (TRF). [Dec11, 08m]
24) Write a short note on vestigial side band modulation (USB). [Dec11, 06m]

UNIT – 5 6 Hrs
ANGLE MODULATION (FM)-I: Basic definitions, FM, narrow band FM, wide band FM,
transmission bandwidth of FM waves, generation of FM waves: indirect FM and direct FM.

1) Derive the equation for FM wave. Define modulation index, maximum deviation and band
width of a FM signal [DEC14,/jan15 08M]

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2) Explain FM generation wave using direct method[DEC14,/jan15 07M]

3) An FM wave is defined by S(t) = 100 cos[2+ 5 sin 6πt].Find the instantaneous frequency of
S(t) [DEC14,/jan15 05M]
4) With neat block diagram, explain the generation of narrow band FM wave. [*Dec13/Jan14,
5) The sinusoidal modulating wave m(t) = Am cos (2πfmt) is applied to a phase modulator with
phase sensitivity Kp. The unmodulated carrier wave has frequency fc and amplitude Ac.
Determine the spectrum of the resulting phase-modulated signal, assuming that the maximum
phase deviation βp = Kp Am does not exceed 0.3 radians. [*Dec13/Jan14, Jun12, 05m,
6) With neat circuit diagram, describe the direct method of generating FM. Also explain
feedback scheme for frequency stabilization of a frequency modulator in direct method.
[*Dec13/Jan14, 10m]
7) What is Carson's rule? Show that it applies both to narrow band and wide and FM.
[Dec13/Jan14, 04m]
8) An angle modulated signal is described by s(t) = 10 cos[2π10 6t + 0.1 sin103t]. Find message
signal m(t). [Dec13/Jan14, 06m]
i) Considering s (t) as phase modulated signal with Kp = 10.
ii) Considering s (t) as frequency modulated signal with Kf = 5.
9) In a two stage wide band frequency modulator, f1 = 200 kHz. Maximum phase deviation is
taken as 0.2 rad to avoid distortion. Modulating signal range from 50 Hz to 15 kHz. The
carrier frequency at the output is 108 MHz. Select multipliers and mixer oscillator frequency.
Tabulate fc and Δf at each stage. [Dec13/Jan14, 10m]
10) What are the advantages of frequency modulation? Give relationship between frequency
modulation and phase modulation, with scheme for generating an FM wave by using a phase
modulator and also scheme for generating a PM wave by using a frequency modulator.
[*Jun/Jul13, 07m]
11) With block diagram approach, explain the generation of wideband FM wave by first
generating narrow band FM wave then convert narrow band FM wave into wideband FM
wave, using frequency multiplier. [*Jun/Jul13, 08m]
12) The equation of an FM wave is given as S(t) = 10 sin[5.7 * 108 t + 5 sin 12 * 103 t].
Calculate: i) Carrier frequency, ii) Modulating frequency, iii) Modulation index,
iv) Frequency deviation, v) Power dissipated in 100Ω load. [*Jun/Jul13, 05m]
13) Define the terms: i) Modulation index. ii) Band width and .iii) Frequency deviation, in the
case of frequency modulation. [Jun/Jul13, 04m]
14) A 90 MHz carrier is frequency modulated by a sinusoidal AF modulating signal. The highest
carrier frequency reached is 90.05 MHz Calculate: i) Frequency deviation, ii) Carrier swing
and (iii) Lowest frequency reached. [Jun/Jul13, 06m]
15) Write the diagram and explain the indirect method of generating wideband FM. [Jun/Jul13,

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16) Derive an expression for single tone sinusoidal FM wave; Determine frequency deviation and
modulation index. [*Dec12, 06m]
17) A carrier wave of frequency 100 MHz is frequency modulated by a sinusoidal wave of
amplitude 20 volts and frequency 100 kHz. The frequency sensitivity of the modulator is 25
kHz per volt. [*Dec12, 08m]
i) Find the approximate bandwidth pf the FM signal using Carson's rule.
ii) Find the bandwidth by transmitting only those side frequencies whose amplitude exceeds
1 percent of the unmodulated carrier amplitude. Use universal curve shown in Fig. for this
iii) Repeat the calculations. assuming that the amplitude of the modulating signal is doubled.
iv) Repeat the calculations, assuming the modulation frequency is doubled.

18) Explain the generation of narrow band FM wave using indirect method. [*Dec12, 06m]
19) Define angle modulation. Explain how FM wave can be generated using Armstrong
(Indirect) method. [Dec12, 08m]
20) Sketch FM and PM waves for the modulating signal m(t) a shown in Fig. Assume frequency
of 100 MHz and constants Kr and Kp as 2π * 105 and π/4 respectively. [Dec12, 08m]

21) Compare FM with AM. [Dec12, 04m]

22) Mention the merits and de - merits of FM system. [Jun12, 06m]
23) Explain the generation of FM, using VCO method. [Jun12, 08m]
24) With a neat block diagram, explain direct method of generating FM wave. Discuss how wide
band FM (WBFM) can be generated using this method. [Dec11, 08m]
25) Compare AM and FM systems. [Dec11, 06m]
26) A 93.2 MHz carrier is frequency modulated by a 5 kHz sine wave. The resultant FM signal
has a frequency derivation of 40 kHz. [Dec11, 06m]
i) Find the carrier swing of the FM signal.
ii) What are the highest and lowest frequencies attained by the frequency modulated signal?
iii) Calculate the modulation index for the wave.

UNIT – 6 7 Hrs

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ANGLE MODULATION (FM)-II: Demodulation of FM waves, FM stereo multiplexing,

Phase-locked loop, Nonlinear model of the phase – locked loop, Linear model of the phase –
locked loop, Nonlinear effects in FM systems.

1) Explain the working of slope detectorused for FM demodulation[DEC14,/jan15 07M]

2) Explain demodulation of FM signal using zero crossing detectors. [*Dec13/Jan14, 05m,
DEC14,/jan15 07M]
3) Write short notes on non-linear effects in FM systems. [*Dec13/Jan14, 05m]
4) Explain with relevant mathematical expressions the demodulation of FM signal using PLL.
[*Dec13/Jan14, 10m]
5) Explain with help of block diagram stereo multiplexing and demultiplexing. [Dec13/Jan14,
08m, DEC14,/jan15 08M]
6) What is a PLL? Assuming linear model for PLL, explain with expressions, how PLL can be
used as FM detector. [Dec13/Jan14, 12m]
7) Explain the operation of balanced discriminator with circuit diagram, and characteristics for
the demodulation of FM signals. [*Jun/Jul13, 08m]
8) With a block diagram approach, explain the operation of FM stereo multiplexing with
multiplexer in transmitter of FM stereo and demultiplexer in receiver of FM stereo.
[*Jun/Jul13, 08m]
9) Briefly, explain about the phase-locked loop. [*Jun/Jul13, 04m]
10) With the help of circuit diagram, explain the balanced slope detection of the FM wave.
[Jun/Jul13, 09m]
11) Write the circuit diagram and explain the phase locked loop working. [Jun/Jul13, 07m]
12) Compare AM and FM systems. [Jun/Jul13, 04m]
13) Explain how foster-Seelay discriminator is used for FM demodulation. [*Dec12, Dec12,
08m, 08m]
14) Explain non-linearity and its effect in FM system. [*Dec12, 06m]
15) For a WBFM if narrow band carrier f1=0.1MHz, second Carrier f2 = 9.5 MHz, output carrier
frequency is 100 MHz and Δf = 75 kHz, Calculate multiplying factors n1 and n2 if NBFM
deviation is 20 Hz. Draw the suitable block diagram of the modulator. [*Dec12, 06m]
16) What is PLL? Explain the non-linear and linear model of PLL can be used to demodulate an
FM wave, with relevant block diagram and expressions. [Dec12, 12m]
17) Explain the detection of PM, using zero - closing technique with necessary waveforms at
each stage. [Jun12, 10m]
18) With neat block diagram, explain FM stereo - multiplexing, [Jun12, 10m]
19) Explain with circuit diagram and necessary waveform, a FM slope detector. [Dec11, 08m]
20) Explain FM demodulation using PLL. [Dec11, 08m]
21) Write short notes on nonlinear effects in FM systems. [Dec11, 04m]

UNIT – 7 6 Hrs

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NOISE: Introduction, shot noise, thermal noise, white noise, Noise equivalent bandwidth,
Narrow bandwidth, Noise Figure, Equivalent noise temperature, cascade connection of two-port

1) Define white noise. Plot Power Spectral Density (PSD) and auto correlation function (ACF)
of ideal low pass filtered white noise. [*Dec13/Jan14, 06m]
2) Define noise equivalent bandwidth. Derive the expression for the same. [*Dec13/Jan14,
08m, DEC14,/jan15 08M]
3) An amplifier with 10 dB noise figure and 4 DB power gain is cascaded.With a second
amplifier has 10DB power gain and 10DB noise figure.What is the overall noise figure and
power gain [DEC14,/jan15 05M]
4) Fig. shows a typical wave receiver used in satellite communication. Evaluate:
[*Dec13/Jan14, 06m]
i) The overall noise figure of the receiver ii) The overall equivalent temperature of the
receiver. Assume that ambient temperature T = 17°C.

5) Define: [Dec13/Jan14, 07m]

i) Noise equivalent BW.
ii) Equivalent noise temperature.
iii) White noise.
6) Derive Friis transmission formula for amplifiers connected in cascade. [Dec13/Jan14, 07m,
DEC14,/jan15 07M]
7) Two resistors 20KΩ and 50KΩ are at room resisters 20KΩ and 50KΩ are at room
temperature (290˚K). For the band width of 100kHz, calculate the thermal noise for the
following conditions: [Dec13/Jan14, 06m]
i) For each resistor
ii) Two resisters in series
iii)Two resisters in parallel.
8) Explain briefly on the following: [*Jun/Jul13, 05m]
i) Shot noise ii) Thermal noise
9) Derive an expression for equivalent noise temperature (Te) of overall circuit having number
of amplifiers connected in cascade connection. [*Jun/Jul13, 07m]
10) Three amplifiers have following characteristics: [*Jun/Jul13, 08m]
Amplifier 1: F1=8dB, G1=42dB

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Amplifier 2: F2=9dB, G2=38dB

Amplifier 3: F3=5dB, G3=22dB
The amplifiers are connected in tandem. Determine which combination gives the lowest
noise factor referred at input.
11) Explain the following noise types and give mathematical expressions: [Jun/Jul13, 08m]
i) Shot noise ii) Thermal noise iii) White noise
12) Derive the expressions for: [Jun/Jul13, 12m]
i) Noise figure ii) Equivalent noise temperature iii) Noise equivalent bandwidth.
13) Explain the following terms: [*Dec12, 06m]
i) Shot noise ii) Thermal noise
14) Derive and show that the noise equivalent band width for RC low pass filter is (1/4RC).
[*Dec12, 08m]

15) An amplifier of power gain 20 dB has an input consisting of 100 µw signal power and 1 µw
noise power. If the amplifier contributes an additional 100 µw of noise determine: [*Dec12,
i) The output signal to noise ratio
ii) The noise factor and
iii) The noise figure.
16) Write short notes on: [Dec12, 06m]
i) Short noise
ii) Therma noise
17) Determine the noise equivalent bandwidth for RC low pass filter shown in Fig. [Dec12, 06m]

18) A TV receiving system is as shown in the Fig. A preamplifier is used to overcome the effect
of the lossy cable. Typical values of the parameters are as shown in figure. [Dec12, 08m]
i) Find the overall noise figure of the system.
ii) Find the overall noise figure if the preamplifier is omitted.

19) Define different types of internal noise with noise equations. [Jun12, 06m]

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20) Explain noise factors of amplifier in cascade. [Jun12, 10m]

21) Calculate the equivalent input noise of an amplifier, having a noise figure of 13 dB and has a
bandwidth of 2 MHz. [Jun12, 04m]
22) What is a thermal noise? List the properties of thermal noise and briefly explain. [Dec11,
23) Define white noise. Plot Power Spectral Density (PSD) and Auto Correlation Function
(ACF) of white noise. [Dec11, 06m]
24) An amplifier 1 has a noise figure of 9dB and power gain of 15 dB. It is connected in cascade
to the other amplifier 2 with noise figure of 20 dB. Calculate the overall noise figure for this
cascade connection. [Dec11, 08m]

UNIT – 8 7 Hrs
Introduction, Receiver model, Noise in DSB-SC receivers, Noise in SSB receivers, Noise in AM
receivers, Threshold effect, Noise in FM receivers, FM threshold effect, Pre-emphasis and De-
emphasis in FM.

1) Derive the equation for output signal to noise ration for a DSB-SC system [DEC14,/jan15
2) Show that the SNR of the output for a single tone FM is given by SNR= 3Ec 2(mf)2/4NoW
where the symbols have usual notations [DEC14,/jan15 07M]
3) Derive expression for figure of merit for SSB receiver. [*Dec13/Jan14, 10m]
4) Explain threshold effects in FM. [*Dec13/Jan14, 06m]
5) A carrier reaching an envelope detector in an AM receiver has an RMS value equal to 1 volt
in the absence of modulation. The noise at the input of the envelope detector has a PSD equal
to 10-3 watts/Hz. If the carrier is modulated to a depth of 100% and message bandwidth, W =
3.2 kHz. Find out put signal-to-noise ratio. [*Dec13/Jan14, 04m]
6) Derive the expression for figure of merit for AM receiver with envelope detector. If single
tone modulating signal is considered, what is figure merit? [Dec13/Jan14, 10m]
7) What is capture effect in FM? Given β = 20 figure of merit for FM with single tone
modulating signal. [Dec13/Jan14, 05m]

8) What is improvement ratio in FM receiver? Show that where HDE(f)

is transfer function of deemphasis network. [Dec13/Jan14, 05m]
9) Considering the model of .DSBSC receiver using coherent detection, explain the noise in
DSBSC receivers. [*Jun/Jul13, 08m]
10) An FM receiver receives an FM signal S (t) = 10 cos [2π * 10 8 t + 6 sin (2π * 103 t)].
Calculate the figure of merit of this receiver. [*Jun/Jul13, 04m]

Department of ECE, GMIT Page 13


11) With circuits and characteristics, explain the importance of pre-emphasis and de-emphasis in
FM system, explain the operation briefly. [*Jun/Jul13, 08m]
12) Discuss the noise in AM and FM systems. [Jun/Jul13, 10m]
13) Describe the pre-emphasis and de-emphasis in the FM. [Jun/Jul13, 10m]
14) Find the figure of merit in AM when the depth of modulation is (i) 100%, (ii) 50%, (iii) 30%.
[*Dec12, 06m]
15) Show that the figure of merit of a noisy FM receiver for single tone modulation is 3/2 β 2.
[*Dec12, 10m]
16) Write a short note on pre-emphasis and de-emphasis. [*Dec12, 04m, DEC14,/jan15 06M ]
17) Derive the expression for output signal-to-noise ratio of an AM receiver using an envelope
detector. [Dec12, 10m]
18) Find the figure of merit when the depth of modulation is (i) 100%, (ii) 50%, (iii) 30%.
[Dec12, 03m]
19) What is pre-emphasis and de-emphasis? Explain briefly how is it useful in FM. [Dec12,

20) Derive the figure of merit of AM receiver and show that its equal to [Jun12, 10m]

21) Explain the concept of pre-emphasis and de-emphasis in an FM system. [Jun12, 06m]
22) The carrier reaching an envelope detector in an AM receiver has an RMS value equal to 1
volt in the absence of modulation. The noise at the input of the envelope detective has a PSD
equal to 10-3 watts/Hz. If the carrier is modulated to a depth of 100% and message bandwidth
= 3.2 KHz, find [SWR]o. [Jun12, 04m]
23) Obtain the figure of merit of noise in DSB - SC receiver. [Dec11, 08m]
24) Write short notes on: [Dec11, 12m]
i) Pre-emphasis
ii) De-emphasis
iii) Amplitude limiters in FM system

Department of ECE, GMIT Page 14

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