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Design, Fabrication and Development of Portable Oxygen Generator

A Thesis presented to
College of Engineering and Computer Studies and Architecture (COECSA)
Department of Engineering
Lyceum of the Philippines University – Cavite

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in

Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering

Agapito, David John P.

Belmi, Botch Nonielon
Jamolin, Eujae Nill
Background of the Study
Life consists of giving importance to the things that people need. Most of the time those are the
things that cannot be seen in our naked eye. In scientific terms it actually pertains to the air that people
breathe every second, minute, hour, and every day. This is specifically called as Oxygen. As defined by the
National Library of Medicine (2021), it supports life in a form of gas that is tasteless, colorless, and
odorless. It is non-flammable and is essential for the survival of humans.

More so, the lungs of a person are the one responsible for absorbing the Oxygen and then
circulate it throughout the body by entering the blood (National Library of Medicine, 2021). In which
means that maintaining the well being of people’s lungs is a must if one wants to live and survive longer.
However, it is not that easy nowadays with all the air pollution and variety of disease or accidents that
affects the lungs from the environment that surrounds the people living in with. Hence the reason why
the medical industry uses Oxygen tanks, Oxygen Generators or Concentrators, and other things that
involves oxygen.

According to Flecknell (2016), Oxygen Generators also known as Oxygen Concentrators are gas
cylinders that are compressed and by absorbing the Nitrogen in a room, it then produces Oxygen by 90-
95%. These are operated by electricity which is why out of power while utilizing it may cause of failure in
supplying Oxygen. In contrast, using generators, battery backup, or power inverter is good if the electricity
went out for continuous supply. These are considered as a fixed primary source of oxygen from air that
can be given to people that needs it and due to their weight and voltage requirement.

Furthermore, there are also possible hazards for these Oxygen Generators. Besides of the
possibility of experiencing out of power electricity, having dirty internal air filter may lower the oxygen
concentrations that will be produce. This means that proper checking and maintenance should be done
with using it as well in order to prevent contamination on the delivery of the Oxygen on a room.
(Bosenberg et al.,2009)


The main objective of this study is to design and develop a Portable oxygen concentrator
machine that can produce oxygen with high purity and generate effectively.
Specifically, the study aimed:

1. To improve the current portable oxygen devices performance and reliability

2. To develop a new portable oxygen device capable of achieving a 7-10 liter/minute flow rate and 92-
95% oxygen purity
3. To determine the types of materials needed in developing the oxygen concentrator machine
4. To test and evaluate the efficiency of the machine:

a. By oxygen purity output

b. By oxygen output rate.


• Designing design and

• Concentrator
• Components • Prototyping
a Portable
• Design Calculations
• Testing and oxygen
• Drawing of Parts
(Solidworks) concentrator
• Complete Design Assembly
• Finalizing



The project regarding the Design, Fabrication and Development of Portable Oxygen Generator would
benefit the following

• Medical Field
This study will be significant for the medical professionals to help the scarcity of oxygen in the
Philippines. As stated, the machine can produce 92-95% oxygen purity in 7-10 Lpm needed by the COVID
patients. By this, the medical professionals will be able to decrease the mortality rate in the Philippines

• Engineering students of Lyceum of the Philippines University – Cavite

This study will be significant for the students, especially the students in mechanical engineering,
electronics and communication engineering and electrical engineering. To understand the primary
concepts of motors, compressors, air flow, filters, and other components on how they work.

• Future Researcher
The findings of the study will give a new doorway in science and technology. This will give benefits to the
fields of Mechanical Engineering and Medical Field.

The portable oxygen generator is a machine that purifies oxygen. This study focuses on increasing the
flow rate and concentration of outgoing oxygen of the generator. The researchers decided to increase
the flow rate and concentration of the generator for the needs of the patient. The design includes parts
drawing, assembly drawings, and design calculations for all the mechanical work required for portable
oxygen generator

This equipment is only capable of a 7-10 liter/minute flow rate and 92-95% oxygen purity.

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