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fill.,.;;: qoPT ch1'C f)'} 7th Year No. 26

n-'tit nOli '''"}(IT f)'r +"} Ilif1r Oh.TV-kl4..1..&.",£ -'tlfDtI&.fl.I'£ ~TlIt\.tI
ADDISABABA - 31't May, 2001
f ih1l1l .,.wt)v-:f 9'11c o.T mllct~T fWIfJ

nlf'~ ch1'C ~fc!):!7/Ilif1r q.9". Proclamation No. 238/2001
fh.TV-kl..,lIC'i" 4'>m&.tlOt/.7i"}D?**Ot/.1 Ethiopian Agricultural Sample Enumeration
nlf'~ 1~ lii(~fIli Commission Establishment
Proclamation Page 1511

nlf'~ ch1'C nc!):!7/Ilinr

f h. TV- k 1 ..,11 C'i" 4'>m &. tl Ot/.7i"}"} A PROCLAMATION TO PROVIDE
/\D?**9" fWIfJ ntp~
n 11tf;;: w. f h. TV- k 1 ih 1111 n..,l1 C'i"w. tllj:/\ h. tl 'i'Ot/. COMMISSION
fOt/..,.J;1.C oP If.,.'i" .e.u"}.,. f.,.oP /\ h.,. oP IP 1.:1''£ f..,l1 WHEREAS, the majority of the Ethiopian population is
° C'i"
oul.jf OD?itL/\'t-I engaged in Agriculture, and it is necessary to have basic
statistical information regarding this sector of the economy;
1IC1IC flf.,. f..,lIC'i" oPl.jf9':f oP'i'C On1C n+lj:'i" WHEREAS, the availability of detailed information
ntlAt\->:f: hH..f9" 0:1'~ lilt- fnit.,.J;1.C "ch'i':f /\Ot/.+ft'\- regarding the agricultural sector is essential for policy and
development programme formulations, monitoring and
Tt\.fl.9':f'i" f AD?T T~"'&.IfD:f nL~K9"i hTTA'i" ch'l'1'C evaluation at national, regional and at lower administrative
nit"'D?D?~ oPIPl.T OoPlf"'I levels in a region;
.e.u"}.,. f 4'>m&. F &. n .,.+" m L'i" On it"'D?D?~ v-~:1' WHEREAS, in order to manage the agricultural census
operations efficiently and effectively, it is found necessary to
/\oP9" &.T On 1C n +lj:: tI At\->:f'i" hH.l9" 0:1':f IIIt- f nit.,. establish a commission that have a life span of upto five years,
J;1.C "Ch'i':f 1.l.jf OO".e.~T fOt/.oP&.'i"fOt/.lit.,.lIlIC "ith and responsible for the overall management and coordination
qoPT iJY:tPJ.I/\w. tlOt/.7i"} D?**9" OOlJitL/\'t-I of agricultural census activities at national, regional and at
"9"itT lower administrative levels in a region;
Oh. TV-k.f 4..1..&''' '£ -'t IfDtI&.fl.1'£ ~ TlI t\.tI ih 1ou"}
..,F Tn"} + ~ 2f;(li) oP IP l.T fOt/.h.,./\ w. :1'w.~ AII
NOW, THEREFORE, in accordance with Article 55( 1)
of the Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of
Ethiopia, it is hereby proclaimed as follows:
ji. n""C CiJit
1. Short Title
.e.u ntp~ "fh.TV-kl ..,lIC'i" 4'>m&.tlOt/.7i"}D?**Ot/.1
This Proclamation may be cited as the "Ethiopian
n If'~ ch1'C ~f c!):!711Ii f 1r" .,.1It\-> t\.m+ it .e.:f" A II Agricultural Sample Enumeration Commission
Establishment Proclamation No.23 8/200 1" .

"~ cp> 2.80 ";l~:r- ;lUll) T'''''~' itir.{i

Unit Price Negarit G.P.O.Box 80,001
'If\" ;(li;(~fIl ~1.~A. ~:M"'" ;Jfl.1fIcfrTC n "I'}Il"'"3'1:+') lint: ,.,.. Federal Negarit Gazeta - No. 26 31stMay, 2001-Page 1512

I' .}oC~""l. 2. Definitions

f:1"1t- "11}-0 Atl\ .}oC.,.9'" t}A+"mlD- Illa++C mUJ In this Proclamation unless the context reqUires
"'P~ ID-la1'; otherwise:
li- "f..,-oc'i ~m~" "'U\.}o 1l"1C "+t;: ~~)f "'~9'" 1) 'Agricultural Census" means th~ collection, com-
-oth.~ce hAA 1l+1\~9'" lal\~C~ tlD4..}o pilation, evaluation, and dissemination of statistical
~JI;J-'i f,,-oA 9'"C.}otlDm1: lal\fl.:" ~ 1la".}o'i 1-of data especially regarding agricultural holdings and
Il..,-oc'i JP~ lal\+""7~1D- f"lD- ;}~Af lal\..,-oC'i volume of crop production, livestock and beehives,
manpower engaged in agricultural activities, the use
tlDUf~I"T ~JI;J-'i "m:1"+9'": lal\ tlDlat;' JP~f
and holding of agricultural machinery, irrigation,
9'"C1' "C: "7.c;Il~I: 8~-+1}~'i /hlr-T +tID""~ improved seeds, fertilizer, pesticide and othe similar
tID~)f"T1 "m:1"+9'" ll+tlDl\h+ ",t)~~.}o I}I\ID- statistical information at the national and regional
ht;:+;;: f'igo.'i tlDm1 IltIDm+9'" tlDlP~;J-'e tID~)f.
levels based on representative large scale sample;
"T1 ftID"-o"-off"7m'i+Cf ftID19'"19'"f' ftID+1 2) "Authority" means the Central Statistical
+1'i 1D-m.1:19" l\+m:1""7."T f"7IP~Q;)..}o +"'I}C Authority;
~ID-II 3) "Commission" means a body established to lead
I- "I}I\JPAIII1" .,I\T f"76hl\ce la;J-.}olai:hla I}I\JP and coordinate the tasks of Agricultural Census at
. national, regional, zonal arid wereda levels;
r- "1'1"7.111" "7I\T f..,-oc'i 'igo.'i ~m~"'" JP~ 4) "Region" means any region referred to in Article 47
1l1ll\~~T ~1JltID~'i ~1Jl1la+I}-oC 1l"76hAf of the Constitution of the Federal Democratic
IlhAAf IlJl1'i Il"'~.c; f"7.!If!lftIDlD-
1'1"7.111,>",.; Republi<;of Ethiopia and includes, for purposes of
g. the implementation of this Proclamation, the Ad-
"hAA" "7I\.}o Il1\.T,.A-1 4I..1..~I\'eJl'fDh~(\'I'e
ministration of Addis Ababa and Dire Dawa;
~T-olLh ift1 tlD1..,JP.}o "'+It ~1 f+m+""" 5) "Government Office" means any Ministry, Com-
"71;;:ID-9'"hAA (\.11'1 I\flU "'P~ "L~J\9'" (\.I}A
mission, Authority, Office, Institution, Bureaux or
f"Jlla "Ol}'i f'(-~'P tlDla+.c;'(-C19"~Q;).9'"t.A; any other Central or Regional government office;
~. "ftID1..,JP.}o tlDJP~1 fl..}o""7I\.}o"7'iTID-9'"f"7.t and
la1:Cffl'1"7.1I1f fl}I\JPAtfJ1f fltiftL.}o fl..}of.,.!lf9'" 6) "Person" means any natural or juridical person.
"'~9" "7'iT""9'" Atl\ f4l..1..~A "'~9" fhAA
3. Establishment
tlD1.., JP.}o tIDJP ~1 fl.T
'>""1 1) The Ethiopian Agricultural Sample Enumeration
i' ""ID-" "7I\.}o "71;;:1D-9" f"'L1'~ Oift..,
"ID- "'~9'"
f"ID-'>.}o tID-oT f+"mlD- .(-C;E-.}o ~ID-"
Commission (hereinafter referred to as the' 'Com-
mission") is hereby established.
r' lal\tID!If!lf9" 2) The Commission shall be accountable to the Council
of Ministers.
li' f1\. .}o,.A-1 ",-oC'i ~mt. 1'1"7.111 /hflU O~I\
3) In order to execute the agricultural census activities
"1'1"7.111" .,.-olr- f"7.m~/ OflU "'P~ .,.!lfchcr.t.AII
1'1"7.11)."'m~'>\1: l\"7.tlaT~T
the Council shall have the power to issue census
I' 9'"hC fl..}o~1I''iAII order.
r' f"7.tlaT~T 9"hC fl..}of~m~1D-1 JP~ l\"7laLJ\9"
~1-o f"7lD-tfJT JPAtfJ1 ~t;' ~'PAII 4. Organization of the Commission
§. 1) The Commission shall have:
fl'1"7.1I). "!lf9'"
(a) a Central Commission;
li' 1'1"7.11).; (b) National or Regional Commission;
U) "76hl\'e 1'1"7.1111 (~) Zonal Commission;
1\) f-oth.t.ce hAA 1'1"7.1111 (d) Wereda Commission; and
tit) fJl1 1'1"7.1111 (e) . KebeleCommitteesas may be necessary.
tID) f"'~.c; 1'1"7.111I ~'i 2) The Authority shall serve as the Secretariat of t~e
IP) ~1~ "laLI\1.'>1: f+ll/h 1'1"7.1:"T I Commission.
~t;'~;J-AII 5. Members of the Central Commission
I}I\JP A tfJ). fl'1"7.1I). ItU L.}o fl..}o1I't;' 111\..,1\A II
I' The Central Commission shaH have the following mem-
~. f"76hl\ce 1'1"7.11)."1}I\.}o bers:
1) The Prime Minister/Representative Chairperson
"76 hl\ 'e 1'1"7.11).f"7. h.,.It-.}o "I} I\.}o~t;'~;J- A;
2) The Minister of Economic Development and
lie m~I\~ "7.tla.}oC/.,.",t)~ "11"11.
Cooperation Member and Vice Chairperson
I' f1\.I'1t;'''7. A"7T'i .}o-o-oC 3) The Minister of Agriculture Member
"7.til.}oC "I}A'i 9"/"11"11. 4) The Minister of Culture and Information "
r- f..,lIC'i "7.til.}oC J\11A. 5) The Ministerof Finance "
9.' fDIJit:hD<t'~ l1ihA. Ottit.rC " 6) ~e DirectorGeneralof AgriculturalResearch
~. f11"-o "7.til.}oC . .
0 rganlzatlon ................................................
""''''' " "
i' f..,lIC'i9'"C9"C .(-c:E-.}o'P'i .c;~~h"'c "
.,X-lii\:?ifIr t."f..t.l\ 't;Jt-r ;J,f,ffJ ~TC ?)} "1'(1.}-?)r +, runr '}.,... Federal Negarit Gazeta - No.26 31th May, 200 I-Page 1513

~. f'-"rtJc'-" O?t{}'-"C " .

7) The Minister of Education Member

;17, feo-u U1I'-" O?t{}'-"C 8) The Minister of Water Resources "
iI' f+tl.1'C' U1I'-"C;fh'll1fi. 1'n 11t\P'AlI}') 9) General Manager of Natural Resources
'PC; P't.. h{}h.f~ and Environmental Protection Authority "
" 10) General Manager of Animal, Animal
I' fh'){}ta'-"C; fh'){}ta'-" +'P;tJ.. 1n1 11t\P'AlI}')
Products and By-Products Marketing
'PC; P't.- h{} h.1~ h I1A Development Authority "
Hi' fn-C;C; "iff, 11t\P'AlI}') 'PC; P't.. hP'h.1~ ." 11) The General Manager of Coffee and
I~' Om:"I\f, O?/C ;t/n.'-" fhAA ,..t;f, ............. Tea authority "
12) The Head of the National/Regional Affairs
nc~ ;}I\L " Sector in the Prime Minister Office "
,I[' fl1t\P'AlI}). 'PC; P't.. h{}h.1~ hI1AC; OchLII 13) The General Manager of the
Authority Member and Secretary.
:;;. fOY~hl\'P. f10? 7i). P'AlI}')C; +"lI1C
6. Powers and Duties ofthe Central Commission
OY~hl\'P. f1oy.7i). fOlf.h+"''-'' P'AlI}')C; '''''lI1C f,CjI.lf'AI
The Central Commission shall have the following
ji. fh.'-"r-k1 "l1lCC; -'mt..') nO?oot\h'-" fTt\.l1.
powers and duties:
OOOO~1 oyeo-lI}'-"C; htl,1.KOYTlD'') ooh;t-+AI 1) to initiate policy directives regarding the Ethiopian
~. -'mt.. fO?hc;lD')n.-,.') 'ltlS fO?ftnftneo-') fool.~ Agricultural Sample Enumeration and follow up the
qf,~'-" OOlDft')I implementation of same;
2) to determine the time for carrying out the agricultural
[. (}t\"l1lCC; -'mt.. +"lI1C t\,'h1f1l oytalD:"I hC;
C8.nsus as well as the type of information to be
9.' h1lch.t..'P. h AA f1OY.7i') nO? .,.cn. ,..t;r-:y. I\f, eo-It); collected;
00 {}m'-"II 3) to notify the public on the agricultural census
activities; and
1.' f1lch.t..'P. hAA f1OY.7i')hl11\"" 4) to give decisions on matters submitted by National
f1lch.t..'P. hAA f101f.7i',.fOY.h'''''''''' Regional Commissions.
hl11\"" f,Cj~;t-AI
ji. fhAt\- OO')"lP''''' T~'L.t;')"".. .. ft-tlltn. 7. Members of the National Regional State Commission
~. fTI\ ')C; 1'1.f1Cjoy.A oy..,. n.r.' The Commission shall have the following members:
;:~I\& nllA r, 9"//'tiltHl 1) President ofthe National/Regional StateChairperson
2) Head of Planning and Economic... Development
e. fOl-tlCC;n.r.' ;}I\&. }',llA Bureau Member and vice Chairperson
~I.' ftf,f,C;') r'I O.r.' ;}I\&. " 3) Head of Agricultural Bureau Member
?;. fOY{};J'lD't1 n.r.' ;}I\&. 4) Head ofFinance Bureau "
"""'''''''' " 5) Head of Information Bureau "
'k f'-"9utJC'-" n.r.' ;}I\& " 6) Head of Education Bureau "
~. f h. ')'jj {}.-,.00').-,. ;t /n.'-" ;} 1\&. "
7) Head of Investment Office "
;17' f7't\.r'I f1oy.7i~c " 8) Police Commissioner "
!!. f}',Y.;J oohl\hAC; 't,ol~:~'-" O.r.'/;t/n.'-" ;}I\L 9) Head of Disaster Prevention and Pofeparedness
" ,
,'. f1hAt\- f1°11lCC;h '):"r'I:J>fI.I\f, f'''LPOY~ Bureau/ Office '
10) Head of Other Organizations which have affiliation
t\.{to":i'.~'c~"'":i' ;}I\&....................... with agricultural activities "
Hi' fOY~hl\'P.{};t-'-"r'l1;hr'll1{tP'AlI}'} 11) Head of Branch Statistical Office of
:"c'}~~ ;t/n.'1' ;}I\&. hl1AC;OchLl1 the Authority Member and Secretary.
8. Members of the Zonal and Wereda Commission
~. n tf'}C; n lDl..t; y.l.~ fOY.11' f1 oy:li Cj":i' 1'1111\'-"
1) Members of the zonal and Wereda Commissions
fi. Ut.'}c; f1lDl..t; fo?'WWOO-"" f1OY.7iCj":i'hl11\'-" hhAA shall be determined by directives to be issued by the
f1oy:li~. nOY.lDlI}lD' OOOO~1 OOLPI."" f,(lJftC;AII National/Regional State Commissions.
~. ftf'}C; flDl..t; P't.. 1'1r'l&.1.OY.f1OY.1;sP:y. t\.""~ooC; 2) The Chairpersons of the executive committees of
Zonal and n..rereda Administrations shall be the
1IC'} h,}Y.1'1OlflO' f1tf')C; f1(IJI..t; Y.l.~ t\O?wwoo-
chairpersons of the respective Agricultural Sample
f1OY:li'i":i' ft1ltaO.sP":i' f,1YC;"'11 Enumeration Commissions.
e. flfJ'.I.~lD' fOY.1~ fOY~hl\'P. r'I;J'''''r'l1;hr'l 11{tP' 3) the head of the Authority or his representative in
Aan ;}I\&. lDf,9U .t'm~ h,}Y.h"ll1n. Otf'}C; fllDl..t; each Administrative hierarchy shall serve as a
member and secretary to the respective commission.
t\OI/.!I:WOOlD'f1oy:li'} Och&. f,1YC;AII
9. Powers and duties of the National/Regional, Zonal and
11. f1.f1,.h./..(P. tJAA= fltf'}C; nlDl..t; Y.l.~ f0?'11' f1O?7iCj:y. Wereda Commissions.
P'Aanc; ",OlI1C 1) Commissions established at the National/Regional,
j!. IH),.h./'.'P. hAA= Ut.')c; OlDl..t;fOY.WWOOlD' f10? 7i') Zonal and Wereda levels each being accountable to
the next higher Commission, shall have the
'hn~~": flY.I.~ "'..'{t° t\OY.1'flD' ffll\f, f10?7i') IYCj following powers and duties within their respective
flfY.I.p'lD' fOY.h.f.{tlD' P'AlI}'}C; 'f'OlI1C f,'i l.'PA= jurisdiction;
'IX" i'f./ii'f.?;fI9. t..lot-.l\ ~:M"" ;Jlt.1lJ <If'l'C n .."n"" fir"" liiUr ,.,... Federal Negarit Gazeta - No. 26 31"'May, 2001-Page 1514

u) hY.l~m- +1'h- h"t11m- fOI\" "'''t1i1 f"t+ (a) to ensure the implementation of directives
I\t\~ 0000{,1"~ OP'&. 1\" ooCPI\:fm-1 f"7l issued by the next higher commission;
;111': (b) to mobilize the public, government offices,
t\) t\..,1IC'i ~m&-m- hL~~9" Ofhll+.s;~C ~ch). and organizations for the execution of the
m'll1' f"t11m-1 ih1l1l ~1~tLU-9" oo/o."'~'i Agricultural Sample Enumeration activities at
different Administrative levels;
~'C~"'~ foo+ll+ll'i f"7ll+110C: (c) to device ways and means as well as find
ch) nfhll+.s;~C ~ch). m-ll1' 1t\m-1 +Q;tI1~
solutions to the problems encountered based
U-),:J'n"71'ill1l t\~m&-m- h4.~~9" lll\"'~1
on prevailing objective conditions of the
foo.,.fll: f"tf ;11'00- ~"'C:~1 OO~:J'T'i particular Administrative hierarchy, for the
t\~m&-m- P'&. llh.:J""'I~T u-),:J'9'~1 execution of the Agricultural Sample En-
"7oo;FrT: umeration activities; and
00) hY.l~ +1'h- h"t11m- fnl\" "'''t1i1 (d) to perform other duties assigned to it by the
f"7.llm- ibh-~ +"'I1C:~1 f"7h'im1== next higher commission.
2) The powers and duties of Committees to be es-
n.,.nib ~l~ f"t**oom-
I' "'''t i; P'l\".,,'i +..,I1C tablished at kebele level shall be determined by
"'''t 1i). n"tfm".,m- oooo{,f OOlPlT "mll'il\1I directives issued by the Commission.
I' fll1llll1'i fm-lt), hllll)1' P'~ P'C~T 10. Rules and Procedures of the Commissions
Ii' Of~l~m- f"t**oom- "'''t1i1 nll1llto.m- 'I'f<l: 1) The Commissions established at each level shall
m,,9" h..,"7'li nl\" flf). f"'''7.1i1 hl11\T c'l.m"ch meet at the request of the Chairperson, or where
"llnll11 l\:: more than half of the members so require.
2) There shall be a quorum where the majority of the
I' h"'''t 1i). hl11\T h1l";;:"~ c'l.1'f. 9"l\O+ 1-l1ft
members of the Commission are present.
3) Decisions of a Commission shall be made by a
f' f"'''t 1i). m-lt), n.('9" ~ 1Il\ 6Ii}."If'i l\ II.('9" It- ~ h-l\ majority votes; in case of a tie, the Chairperson
t\~h-l\ h+hLt\ ll1llto.m-lt\nT m11 mlt~ .('9"~ shall have a casting vote.
"Cj lCPl\==
4) Each Commission shall draw up its own rules and
!j. "'''t1i). f&.{}'1 fll1llll1 P'~ P'C~T ~1111m""l\:: procedure.

Iii' fl1t\p'l\"")' P'l\ ll)1'i +..,I1C 11. Powers and Duties of the Authority
In addition to the powers and responsibilities given to it
11t\P'l\ll)). n"7**"7.1 ih.., h+llmm- P'l\".,,'i by law, the Authroity shall be responsible for the
;)1\4.~T n+lJJ."7{, f..,1IC'i ~m&.m- hllL~"t .('C~T
execution of the Agricultural Sample Enumuration.
~m- :: "tJ hm:J>I\" h ~;l1C ~ 1 ~+m n.,. IfCj 11t\P' Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the
l\ll)). f..,1IC'i ~m&-m-1 t\"7h'im1 f"th+~T Authority shall, in order to carry out the Agricultural
P'l\".,,'i +"'I1C'~ "Cj~:J'l\; Sample Enumeration, have the following powers and
Ii' h"toot\h:J':fm- hl-]I\T ;lC noo+l1nc t\..,1IC'i duties:
1) to in collaboration"with concerned bodies, prepare,
~m&.m' P'&- f"tfllLl\1- oom"~~: oooo{,f
questionnaires, manuals and logistics necessary for
"~'i foollh 001l\11 iJ:J>"~ f"711;11:T:
undertaking the Agricultural sample Enumeration;
I' f..,1IC'i ~m&-m-1 f"toot\h1: ool~"~ fooll
2) to collect statistical data relating to Agriculture
1Ill1l: t\tLtJ9" h..,1111 fl\:fm. 1P~p.~'i 00""'1IT and to that end, to inspect relevant documents and
foooocooC'i 9"coo&-m-19" t\"7h'im1 h..,1111 records as well as enter private premises or hol-
11t\m- 1.11.ill.., O°"l.L:"~m- OOlPlT m~ "71;;:m-9" dings at appropriate time as the rules and
llm- :"1'C "'0. m" 19" "tI:J' fOO..,I1T: regulations of the government permit;
n..,1IC'i ~m&- f+llnllnm-1 ool~ "7~&-1:T: 00+ 3) to compile and analyze Agricultural Sample En-
umeration data collected, and submit th~ report to
1+1'1' (,TC1:1 hll;l~'" t\"7iJhl\ce "'''t1i). f"7:"
the Central Commission, and disseminate same
l1l'i c'l.L.,..('9" f"7IP&-Q;tT: upon approval;
Q' ntLtJ hfJ'~ nh1+~ IIi(I) OOlPlT ~m&-m- ~1Jt 4) to utilize the personnel, property and services of
I-]~y'..n+mll~nT 1.11.m-ll1' hllLI\1. IfCj c'l.f11m- any government office at the time set in accordance
h..,1111 I-]t\m- hl-]l\ ;lC nooool-]hc n"71;;:!»"9" with article 11(2) given here in above in consul-
f001"'P'T OO/o.T 1P&,"'7f~: 111lT'i h1l\..,h-T tation with the relevant organs, and when it finds it
T1I1IC noomf:" foom"'9": necessary, for carrying out the the Agricultural
~. f..,1IC'i ~m&-m'1 ~1\"7 h..,O- t\"7.('lll h..,1111
Sample Enumeration activities; and
: , 5) to discharge such other functions as,<:\I',~ln~essary
Il\rm. ibh-~ hllLI\'l +"'11C'~1 f"7h'im111
for the attainD,1~ntf>f\i~\fWjCGtiv.~.Ui 'fl::-,,<J,
1X' if.liif.?;f.!?; t..1..t.1A ~;Jt"" ;JltlfJ ~1'c t}} .."n"" t}[ .,., Iuf1[ ~'9". Federal Negarit Gazeta - No. 26 31stMay, 2001-Page 1515

I~' fOIJ.f'I)OC .,Y.,;J-

12. Obligation to Cooperate
Ii' "'')~w.r (aw. O'UJ h'P;E- OOlPl:" l\"7.h'i"tD~w. 1) Any person shall have the obligation to cooperate in
f.,1IC'i" ~m&- Ft. fOO"'I)OC .,1..;J- hI\O:"== the discharge of the Agricultural Sample Enumertion
~. OILtJ h'P;E- OOlPl:" OOl)f ~')"t(aT f"'mf.,. activities to be carried out pursuant to this
",')~w.r 11w. fI)I\FAII)~') 00 ;J-tDct, 1\"7.'''~ Proclamation.
OOl)f (a1l"1l tD~r "'~II)II)& :"tltll\~w.') OOl)f
2) Any person required to furnish statistical infor-
mation in accordance with this Proclamation shall
f oo"'m:" ., y";J- hl\ 0:"== have the obligation to furnish correct statistical
r' ",')~w.r f:,oTC "Il: f~cif ",,,: fh1l.,.:y.'i" f~cif information to the Agricultural Sample Enumeration
OOUf&,,,:y. 1)1\')1Il:" tD~r 1!t\~";J- tD~r ml)ct enumerator or supervisor bearing an identification
tD~r tD\1.A hI)I\FAII)~ f"'(amw.') oo;J-tDct, card issued by the Authority.
3) Any owner, holder keeper, or agent of a premise, a
1\"7.!"~ ,.,1IC'i" ~m&- OOl)f (a1l"1l tD~r land, livestock, agricultural implements, or
"'~lI)tiJ & tD" "'1) I\w. ') 1Il:" tD~r ~,.;J- ~ ') "t 11) machinery thereto, shall have the obligation to allow
foo~+ Y: "1..;J- hI\O:".: entry to such property to the Agricultural Sample
Enumeration enumerator or supervisor bearing an
Ir' f 00 l)f":y. r F III &-ce~:,. identification card issued by the Authority.
O~CY: 0.:" t]A;J-H" O...1-+C h.,I\(aP:y.'i" hY:C;E-+:y. 13. Confidentiality of the Infonnation
f"'(aO(a~:"') f.,1IC'i" ~m&- lIClIC OOl)f":y. I)I\F The Authority may not, unless otherwise ordered by the
AII)~ or FIIlC ~m1l:J>AIS Court, divulge particulars collected from individuals and
organizations in the Agricultural Sample Enumeration
I!! . :,011):"
",')~w.r (aw.: 14. Penalty
Ii' f.,1IC'i" ~m&-') OOl)f I\oo"'m:" ~:J>"~ 'AI1'~ Any person who:
tD~r ~tJ,)~ O"7.OOl\h:" th(a"'~ OOl)f f(amI tD~r I) is unwilling to furnish infQrmation regarding
~. OILtJ h'P;E- h,)"''' I~(r) f+"~11W.') OOO"'I\I\~ Agricultural Sample EnumeratiQ)v or furnishes false
OOl)f (a1l"1l~ tD~r "'~II)II)&w. tD""'I)I\w. information of same or;
2) obstructs the Agricultural S"ampleEnumeration by
')1Il"" tD~r ~";J- ~')"t 11) 'A~"''': refusing to allow entry t{) property as referred to
~,)"11'~ T~"'~ I1'Ii ""1~ hlif211C (h,)Y: 00'" '/'1"" 1IC) under Article 12(3) of this Proclamation shall, upon
tD~r hh')Y: tDC O"'.f,OAT ~F&-:"~"'II)A.: conviction, be liable to a fine of not exceeding Birr
150.00 (one hudred fifty Birr) or to an imprisonment
If;' .,. ~~ "7.~:,. ...1\", ~Ii &-:fw. ih.,..:y. not exceeding one month.
~tJ') h 'P;E- f"7.:J>I..') ",') ~ w.". ih., .,.~~ "7.~:,. h"li 15. Inapplicable laws
lW."'1S Any law which is inconsistent with this Proclamation #

shall not apply to matters provided for in this

I}' h'P:( f"7.8'i"0:" 'lit
~tJ h'P;E- h",)P"" 1)r .,.') Iyfjr q.r 1.rr: f~'i"
16. Effective Date
~11''i''A== This ProcllijR3iionshallcome intoforce as ofthe 31st day
of May ,200 1.
h"t... hOI) "')P:" t}f .,.') Iyfjr q.r.
Done at Addis Ababa, this 3181day of May ,2001.
p./ C ~;J (11..';.';
f1\.:",,*, &..1..t.I\ce "t IfOtlt ,ce &T1It\.h

flcn'i" 1'\1\9""7+"7.' ~c~"" :l'+OD


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