Alyza Yerro - Abstraction Lessson 1

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Name: Yerro, Alyza C.

Year and Section: BSED-ENGLISH 3A

Write three words that would best describe each of the points we discussed in the table below.
When you are finished, write a one-paragraph generalization out of the descriptive words you
have written.

Classroom Placement Formative Diagnosti Summative Assessment Assessmen Assessment

Assessment c for Learning t as of
Learning Learning

Collection Performance Progress Actions Summary Formative Self- Summative


Interpretation Characteristics Strengths Testing Achievemen Understanding Thinking Evidence


Use Achievement Weaknesses Decisions Competence Feedback Monitoring Judgements

First, Classroom Assessment it is a collection, interpretation and use of information to help teachers to
make a better decision on how they assessed their students learning. Second, Placement is
determining the student’s performance according to his/her personal characteristics and prior
achievement. Third, Formative is a progress of a students to help them develop a stronger
understanding on their strengths and weaknesses. Fourth, Diagnostic is usually coming out in
corrective actions, by the use of testing tools, and decisions of a teacher to assess their student’s
learning. Fifth, Summative is a summary of unit in a course which provide the student’s achievement
and to evaluate student’s learning competence. Sixth, Assessment for learning is a formative
assessment for learning in which helps student to gain understanding on what they are to learn and
teachers give feedback for them to improve their performance. Seventh, Assessment as learning helps
students to self-assessing on their work and improve their thinking skills and monitoring their learning
progress. Lastly, Assessment of learning is a summative assessment in which use on students to have
evidence on their learning and make judgements on their progress.

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