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NAME: Feliciano, Christien Froi F.


Case Study Part I: Make a reflection/reaction to the three case studies stated below.
Case 1: 
I would submit a written report delineating the situation and the bug discovered. The bug
discovered poses a significant threat to the integrity of the company and for me who is directly involved
in developing the system. It would also negatively affect the client for the bug is significant enough to
possibly decommission the system. The added time to fix or append the bug would result in the company
and the client has a better relationship and for us developers to have more experience in dealing with such
bugs. I do understand where Tommy was coming from because most human capital industries like IT tend
to abuse their employee and give them unpaid overtime and tight deadlines. As for his perspective, I
would still send the report but with the proposition of extension or paid overtime to create a patch for the
client that will fix the bug past the designated delivery date and inform the client about the bug to reduce
their possibility to trigger the bug. All in all, I would do the right thing and supplement it with solutions
that will prevent my team to suffer or create a situation that would fail the client of the company.
Case 2:
               The simplest solution to the problem at hand is to draft a formal agreement for us to exchange
data, design, and findings with the obligation to cite one's work if found significant to include in each
other’s research. The simplest explanation if my actions are ethical or not is by using the determinants of
moral actions. It separates the action into three: object, circumstances, and intention. In this case, the
object is me drafting a formal agreement to ensure security for both of our research, the circumstances is
the whole situation of us having similar researches and goals, and the intention is that I wanted to protect
my research without compromising the friend’s research. The determinants of moral actions weigh in the
parts of the action and if the immorality of the parts outweighs the others, then it would be judged as an
immoral act. As to what I’ve laid down as my action, its three parts do not have any malicious intent
behind it and only seek for the good of both of us so I would weigh in that my action is a moral act.
Case 3: 
I would inform my supervisor of the discrepancies that I suspect to happen within the department
and ask for permission to investigate or start a possible plan to confirm the suspicions. In the possible
investigation, I would review all the past transactions I’ve made and cross-examine it to the usage of the
department in suspicion. The digital age is known for the idea of everything done online is forever.
Revisiting back past transactions for the supplies is an easy way to confirm discrepancies that occur in the
department that I now can formally report to higher-ups in the company. 
Case Study Part II: Answer the following related questions.
1. What is the impact of information technology on the socio-economic condition of the country during
this pandemic period? Explain your answer.
The Pandemic decimated economies throughout the entire world. It leads us to be in a world
where it momentarily enters a period of profitlessness. Businesses suddenly and forcibly closed down to
the lack of foot traffic because of the quarantine. With everyone at home and businesses threatened by
closure, innovations were made. The pandemic saw the rise of online shopping, home delivery apps, and
similar practices. These are ideas are not new but the pandemic opened its doors for these businesses to
thrive and flourish. With all commodities available to one’s doorstep, the workforce also migrated their
office work to their own respective home. The conception of the idea of work-from-home is now
exposing the unnecessary nature of physical offices departments and giving their employees more leeway
in managing their personal lives and their work time. 
2. In what ways do professionalism and good ethics stimulate good business? 
People follow practices that give them good and pleasurable experiences. Professionalism and
ethics. Ethical and professional businesses have lower employee turnover creating loyal employees that
are committed to making the business foster and grow. In addition, customers love and implore
transparency from businesses. It lets the customers have a base trust for the business and letting them
know what is in the products or how they treat the customers creates a semblance of ethical values that
will make them continue to support the business. The business’ success will always depend on the
happiness of the people in and around it so having professionalism and ethical values will help to achieve
3. Can you recall a situation in which you had to deal with a conflict in values? What is it and how did
you resolve the conflict?
I’m a casual enjoyer of live streams on twitch and become good acquaintances with many
streamers I support and many times as a community we give advice to each other and help one another.
One such instance, I was in a friend’s stream where the topic of conversation steers into “trauma
dumping”. It is an act defined as sharing trauma without permission, in an inappropriate place and time,
to someone who may not have the capacity to process it. They shared an instance of someone shaming
them online for not accepting trauma dump in their live stream chat and call them weak for not being able
to handle those traumas. As a community in the stream, we got into a very healthy discussion about
trauma dumping and how it’s not ok to do in with that many random people in one place that could see
that message. We concluded that it is something that breaks down the boundaries of people they might
not want to be destroyed. It’s a consent thing that you can’t just throw your baggage to someone
especially if you don’t know if that someone also has their baggage and might be triggered by you
dumping your trauma to them.
4. Is it possible for an employee to be successful in the workplace without acting professionally and
No, but also yes, in a normal office setting the professionalism and ethics are a cornerstone to the
success of an individual. Being ethical and professional will give you the tools to be recognized and reach
your goal. Having a good relationship with co-workers creates connections that will provide springboards
for you to launch yourself to a different height of your career. Someone ethical and professional reduces
and eliminates conflicts within the business that causes a better environment for the employees to flourish
in their careers and ascend to their potential.
But with the variety and diverseness of what we call the workplace today, some people thrive and
succeed while being unprofessional and unethical. Granted the examples I know strived before people
have higher ethical standards, it doesn’t mean that it can no longer happen. People like Ellen and Lea
Michelle fostered a toxic workplace environment around them yet they were seen as the best in their field
so they still flourished because they were unprofessional only in closed doors. This strategic
unprofessionalism and unethical practices are a way to succeed in a workplace.

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