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Business Analysis Work Plan


Start/end dates:

Planning duration:

Planning costs:

Instructed by:

Assigned to: business analyst

1.0 Project Background & Purpose

1.1 Background
Provide an idea of the project proposal; this free format write-up may include:
1. Briefly identified issues and opportunities
2. Supportive information
3. Primary stakeholders; availability/commitment of resources

1.2 Overview of Current Business

This section is important to formulate/set direction of BA activities
1. Describe current business processes/as-is business environment; this may include presently
employed technology and resources
2. Describe gap (broadly)
3. Describe future state through the proposed project

1.3 Objectives
Articulate the objectives of this document:
1. BA scope of work
2. BA approach; and summary of schedule of work (see item 6) with resources required (see
item 8)
3. Deliverable targets (from BA activities)

1.4 Project Information

This will set the tone for a proposed project in the event the BA outcome is “go.” (If for an existing
project to support proposed BA work.)
1. Project description
2. Project deliverables (probable); and resources required (broad estimates)
3. Who is involved; stakeholder list

Project Title: (subject to change)

Project Sponsor: (may differ from BA sponsor) Project Manager: blank if vacant

Project Status: state if New/Existing/Revived External Stakeholder: blank if internal

Project Dates: blank if undetermined Project Budget: blank if undetermined

2.0 Assumptions & Constraints

2.1 Assumptions & Constraints (incl. Risks on BA Activities)

1. List assumptions of the proposal
2. List constraints affecting the business (this may include any identified risk that may impact the
3. Describe risks on BA activities (e.g. travel to quarry/site)

2.2 Duration/Location of BA Activities

1. Group and estimate duration of BA activities (see item 6 for schedule details)
2. Identify location for BA activities (e.g., at corporate HQ or work site)
3. Identify contingencies (i.e., due to issues arising that may impact schedule/location estimates)

Start date: End date: Primary location: e.g. customer site

3.0 Stakeholders

3.1 Identifying Stakeholders

1. Describe the approach to identify and verify stakeholders
2. Describe the techniques to analyze and document stakeholder values
3. Identify and catalogue Stakeholder Register attributes suitable for the proposal/project

3.2 Stakeholder Register

1. Describe how the Stakeholder Register exemplified below will be updated; state if the Register
will continue/expand into the project, or be updated to a separate register of the project
2. Determine how stakeholders should/will interact (provide a RASCI template where necessary)

ID Name in Designation Status/ Role in Stakeholder Stakeholder Stakeholder Interest Influence

Full in Org. Date Project Category Communication Expectations Level on Level on
Project Project

Stakeholder Register templates may be sampled at

4.0 Business Analysis Approach

4.1 BA Approach
Provide a descriptive approach to business analysis activities. Information may include:
1. Is this BA plan for a new, ongoing or post business case/project?
2. Different phases of BA activities
3. Alignment of BA tasks to project
4. Matters on communication/conflict resolution/succession/etc.
5. How this plan may be maintained

4.2 BA Techniques/Tools
1. State tools and techniques to use; and if you need expert analysts/license for tools etc.
2. Describe how solution/solution options will be conceptualized/determined/planned
3. Identify conflict resolution approach (based on stakeholders/problems, if required)

4.3 BA Roles
1. State scope of authority
2. Define BA roles (e.g., calling to set up appointments, follow up, delegating tasks)
3. Define succession process where applicable (e.g., in event of member resigned/incapacitated)

include additional section/information as required

5.0 Data Change Approach

5.1 Confirmation of Acquired Information/Data

1. State how acquired requirements may be documented, shared and reviewed
2. State how confirmation is acquired (e.g., predefined through RACI using formal sign-off form,
on-the-fly, with cooling period, by committee, etc.)

5.2 Revision of Confirmed Information/Data

1. State how finalized/approved requirements may be reviewed and or changed; this may
include to change the defined solution or solution options
2. Indicate project/BA phases where changes to requirements may/may not be permissible

6.0 Business Analysis Work Schedule

6.1 Workflow
1. Indicate tasks processes (e.g., seek appointment, confirm prior to meeting, meet up, follow-up
on meeting with minutes or confirmation, communicate development/pertinent information,
send appreciation note, etc.)
2. Identify contingencies where necessary
3. Include suitable workflow charts and diagrams

6.2 Schedule of Activities

1. Plan schedule based on constraint of duration/period; charts and diagrams suitable for the
work and stakeholders
2. Supporting information on scheduling as necessary

include additional section/information as required

7.0 Deliverables

7.1 Presentation
This may include presentation notes, projection decks, summaries and extended information for
restricted distribution/viewing, communication list, etc.
1. For decision body
2. For all other stakeholders (i.e., those in position to recommend/support the proposed project;
there may be different sets as necessary for different stakeholder groups)

7.2 Documentation
Prior to agreed-upon/approved BA artefacts
1. Go/No-Go statement; including all supporting presentation artefacts
2. Requirements traceability, product scope; etc.
3. Documents as required for the project management plan, which include Stakeholder Register,
RASCI/RACI, communication plan, etc.

include additional section/information as required

8.0 Resources Required

8.1 Stakeholders & Experts

1. State resources required (internal associates/business partners); list BA team members
(including support staff)
2. State if external expertise is required (vendors/authorities)
3. Identify contingencies for resources, as necessary

8.2 Document Templates

List templates required for BA activities:
1. Stakeholder Register (template)
2. Checklist (template)
3. Requirements/User Story (forms); Sign-off (template)
4. …
5. Business Case (template)

8.3 Internal References (e.g., past project/BA records)

1. State type of information required
2. State clearance/support required for internal resources/access to systems
3. Indicate standards used e.g. from PMI/ISO

8.4 External References (e.g., internet access)

1. State type of information required, where applicable
2. State cost estimates (e.g., for communications such as web access)

8.5 Costs
1. Identify and summarize cost estimates for BA work, if applicable
2. Indicate if estimates include for on-project and post-project tasks

Total cost for BA: Contingency reserves:

9.0 Approval

Prepared by: Approved by: Authorized by:

print name print name print name

Signature Signature Signature

Date: Date: Date:

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