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Data-based Questions

Study the sources below and answer the following questions.


A secondary school textbook Empress Dowager Cixi A treaty signed by the Qing dynasty with a
foreign country

The Lion Gate A history reference book

Identify the above sources and write your answers in the table below.

Primary Sources Secondary Sources



Primary Sources Secondary Sources

Written III I, V

Non-written II, IV


Study the sources below and answer the following questions.


Stone Age people Sumerian writing


The birth of Jesus Christ

A. Identify the above sources and write your answers in the table below.
Prehistory Historic Times

B. Which of the above events marks the beginning of historic times? Explain your answer.
C. Arrange the above events chronologically.
D. To which calendar does Source III refer?

Prehistory Historic Times


B. Source II The invention of writing marks the beginning of historic times.

D. the Christian calendar

Study the sources below and answer the following questions.


Sumerian Writing Ancient Egyptian Writing

Ancient Indian Writing Ancient Chinese writing

A. Arrange the above writings in chronological order according to their date of invention.
B. The invention of writing marks the beginning of _________________ times.
A. I, II, III, IV;
B. historic

Study the source below and answer the following questions.

I lived in the prehistoric period. I only knew how to make fire and stone tools.

A. In which Stone Age period did he live? Explain your answer.

B. Do you think that he only knew how to do the two things described in the extract?
C. Do you think that the change described in the extract was slow or quick? Explain your answer.
A. The Old Stone Age. It is because Old Stone Age people knew how to do the two things described in
the extract.
B. No. They also knew how to hunt animals.
C. Slow. It took man a very long period of time (about 2 million years) to learn the things described in
the extract.

Study the source below and answer the following questions.

According to the archaeological finds in Zhoukoudian(周口店), Peking Man lived in the New
Stone Age. They knew how to farm, hunt, keep animals and make a fire.

A. Is the above passage a correct description of Peking Man? Explain your answer.
B. How do historians study the Stone Age? What are the differences in studying the Stone Age and
historic times?
A. It is not a correct description of Peking Man. Peking Man lived in the Old Stone Age. They did not
know how to keep animals.
B. Historians can only use archaeological finds to study the Stone Age while they can use both
primary and secondary sources such as government records, pictures and history books to study
historic times.

Study the sources below and answer the following questions.
(i) (ii) (iii)

A. Arrange the events shown in the sources chronologically.

B. Which two events shown in the sources have a direct cause-and-effect relationship? Explain your
C. Which one of the events shown in the sources was more important? Explain your answer.
A. (iii), (i), (ii).
B. Source (iii) and source (i). When people learned to make fire, they began to eat cooked food.
C. The event shown in picture (iii). When people learned to make fire they began to eat cooked food.
Eating cooked food reduced the chance of illness.
Study the source below and answer the following questions.

Give any two things people living in the periods (i) to (iii) learned to do.
(i) They learned to make stone tools and to make a fire.
(ii) They learned to make bows and arrows, and to make boats.
(iii) They learned farming techniques and how to keep animals.

Newly added question
Study the sources below and answer the following questions.

Source I: A picture of tools found in the United States National Park.

Source II: Paintings found on a cave wall.

Source III: A statue of an early human being.

 Lived around 500,000 BC

 Discovered in Zhoukoudian near
Beijing, China

A. To which historical period did the tools in Source I belong? (1 mark)

B. What is the name of those paintings shown in Source II? What was the aim of the people making
these arts in the period mentioned in Question A? (2 marks)
C. Name the early human shown in Source III. How did he look like? (1+1 mark)
D. Briefly describe the changes and developments throughout the periods you mentioned in Question
A with reference to the Sources and using your own knowledge. (4 marks)
A. The tools belonged to the (Old) Stone Age.
B. They are cave paintings. The paintings had religious functions. Old Stone Age people believed that
drawing the animals could help to capture their spirits, so animals would not attack them.
C. Peking Man. He looked like an ape.
D. The Old Stone Age lasted from around 2,500,000 BC to around 15,000 BC. Old Stone Age people
learned simple living skills over a long period. Over time, Stone Age people learned to build simple
huts from wood, leaves, clay, animal skins and bones, and so on. Old Stone Age people used stone
to make tools such as spears, axes and knives. They also used animal bones to make needles for
sewing. They collected food in the wild and hunted animals with stone weapons such as spears and
axes. They knew how to make fire by rubbing sticks and stones together. They used fire to keep
warm, frighten away wild animals, cook food and for light. Knowing how to make fire changed
their lives. They also wore animal skins to keep warm. Old Stone Age people learned how to make
colours for painting from minerals, animal blood and so on.

Newly added question
Study the sources below and answer the following questions.

Source I: Pottery made in the New Stone Age.

Source II: Pictures showing life in the Old Stone Age (Left) and the New Stone Age (Right) .

Source III: Tools from the New Stone Age (left) and the Metal Age (right).
A. With reference to Source I, describe the relevant development in the New Stone Age. (Hints: What
did they learn to make? How were the things used? How were the things made?) (2 marks)
B. With reference to Source II, how was the life in the New Stone Age different from life in the Old
Stone Age? (3 marks)

C. According to Source III, why were metal tools better than stone tools? (2 marks)
D. What was the relationship between the discovery of metal and the ending of the Stone Age? Explain
your answer using your own knowledge. (4 marks)
A. New Stone Age people learnt how to make clay pots and bowls to store food and water. Early
pottery was made by hands from wet clay and dried under the sun. Later, people used fire to bake
the pots to make them harder.
B. In the Old Stone Age, people hunted for food. New Stone Age people also hunted for food.
However, the New Stone Age people also learnt how to grow plants. They used stone ploughs to
C. Metal is stronger than stone. It can also be melted and used to make tools of different shapes.
D. They had a cause-and-effect relationship. Around 4000 BC, the metals gold and copper were
discovered. People also discovered how to melt different metals together and make stronger metals
such as bronze and iron. People used metals to make tools which were better than stone tools and so
gradually replaced stone tools. The discovery and use of metals greatly improved people’s lives and
was the main reason for the end of the Stone Age.

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