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Relevant for textiles value chain
SUMMARY BLINDSP OTS Relevant for electronics value chain

Growing inequality, the climate breakdown and The recommendations are mainly targeted towards
diminishing resources are challenging our planet and policy makers, including the EU institutions and member
society. These challenges require major systemic change states, as well as businesses, public procurers and civil GOVERNANCE SO CIAL
in the logic of value creation, with the aim of shaping society across Europe.
new, more responsible business models. The circular
Unequal distribution of power, wealth Precarious, informal, unsafe work,
economy is widely presented as an alternative model of • Ensure that circular business models displace and profits amongst workers lack of minimum wage and social
production and consumption that can keep materials, linear ones by setting absolute social and protection
products and components flowing at their highest value environmental impact targets, avoiding rebound
through our economic system. A circular approach may Male dominated leadership and
effects and developing comprehensive policy
therefore help businesses create value by disconnecting gender pay gap Labour conditions in retail and
frameworks to incentivise circular businesses.
profit from production volume through slowing, warehouses
Businesses should make circular products and
narrowing and/or cycling resources as well as reducing services their core offering and avoid misleading Free-trade paradigm
waste and consumption of virgin materials. communications if they are predominantly linear. Unequal access to circular products
and services
• Enforce social performance up and downstream
This research provides clarity into some of the
in value chains by integrating social and
potentially harmful side effects of the linear value Increased demand for informal
environmental due diligence, both including through
chain and business models which are unaddressed labour abroad
the EU level initiative on due diligence and private
or underexplored when promoting circular business
sector initiatives. ENVIRONMENTAL
models. The report dives into three specific business
• Ensure design for value retention by incentivising
model archetypes within the textiles and electronics
circular design and banning design for obsolescence, Use of critical and rare materials
sectors that can be considered to slow or close loops
as well as including procurement criteria that relate
when designed to promote circularity. These cases
include reverse cycles of repair and maintenance, resale
to product design. Dependency on fossil-based
and services such as rental and subscriptions (Product- • Ensure equal access to circular products and raw materials
as-a-Service, here referred to as PaaS) both in the services by pursuing true pricing mechanisms. Unclear displacement and increasing
textiles and electronics sectors. Businesses should be able and willing to offer Water and land use and pollution consumption
circular products and services in the default for sourcing
Mapping risks and blindspots of circular business (non-premium) product ranges. Tangible actions
Cannibalisation between circular
models and their value chains. The potential negative to develop economic incentives and fiscal reform
Hazardous materials and human business models
impacts of the selected circular business models, the remain absent in circular economy policies.
toxicity risks in sourcing and
sourcing and manufacturing processes they rely on, • Enable both circular and socially responsible
manufacturing facilities Quality assurance of secondary
were identified in relation to environmental, social, procurement by simultaneously pursuing
products in PaaS and resale models
market and governance dimensions through desk environmental and social impact criteria, as well as
research, literature review, interviews and stakeholder Energy use and emissions of
training procurement staff. Public procurers should
consultations. Further, related best practices with manufacturing activities
engage in long-term relationships with the suppliers,
mitigating effects have been researched and proposed and businesses should equally engage in circular and
throughout the recommendations. socially responsible procurement. Water use and pollution of
• Optimise reverse logistics and value retention manufacturing activities
Promoting circular and fair business models processes by amplifying research and development
Recommendations in this report focus on addressing funds to ensure the environmental footprint of these Increased logistics
the blindspots of circular business models. They are activities does not offset material savings achieved.
not intended to solve all blindspots related to linear Businesses should foster value retention at a local Shorter active service life of products
supply chains, as this is beyond the scope of this report. level and can improve the financial viability of these due to high utilisation rates and lack of
However, while not all risks should be addressed models by incorporating internal processes such as proper care
directly by circular policies or strategies per se, there life cycle budgeting.
is an impending need to ensure that these strategies
and policies are aligned with other sustainability Improper disposal and low recovery rates
frameworks. This would ensure that circular business
models are promoted in a fair and just manner.

2 3
• Terminate the logic of exploiting natural and
human capital for economic growth and ensure
a just transition to the circular economy by
focusing on public wellbeing over growth, and
investing in human capital development. Businesses Circle Economy is an impact organisation that connects
should shift their profit-maximising rationale to a and empowers a global community to create the
mission-driven one, as well as considering alternative conditions for transformation towards the circular
forms of governance, such as worker cooperatives, to economy. Our mission is to accelerate the transition
shift power balances. through practical and scalable insights and solutions
• Use transparency and disclosure to enable both that address humanity’s greatest challenges.
circularity and ethics by enabling standardised and
harmonised information flows through for example The Circular Jobs Initiative is a knowledge centre that
product passports, while ensuring higher levels of aims to ensure the transition to the circular economy
transparency are required in key issues such as due is positive for work and workers. We are committed
diligence. to promoting this mission by working with employers,
workers, governments, multilateral organisations,
education institutions and research organisations to
shape this future.

The EEB is the largest and most inclusive network of

environmental citizens’ groups in Europe. Our 150
members from 35 countries cooperate across a uniquely
broad range of issues. Together, we advocate for
progressive policies to create a better environment in
the European Union and beyond.

An International non-profit Association Association

Internationale sans but lucratif. The EEB is a member
of Accountable Now EU transparency register number:

The Fair Trade Advocacy Office (FTAO) is a not-for-profit

foundation that speaks out on behalf of the Fair Trade
Movement for Fair Trade and Trade Justice with the aim
to improve the livelihoods of marginalised producers
and workers in the South. At EU level, the FTAO aims at
promoting EU policies that reflect Fair Trade movement
values. Based in Brussels, the FTAO is a joint initiative of
Fairtrade International, the World Fair Trade Organization
and the World Fair Trade Organization-Europe.

4 5

2 Executive Summar y

8 Introduction

9 Three circular business models

10 Repair and maintenance

12 Resale

14 Product as a Ser vice

16 Mapping blindspots of circular

business models

18 Governance blindspots

20 Market blindspots

22 Social blindspots

Environmental blindspots

30 Recommendations

36 Conclusion

38 References

6 7

Growing inequality, the climate breakdown The positive environmental impact of circular business disconnecting profit from production volume through
models has been studied and validated for certain
ME THOD slowing, narrowing and/or cycling resources as well as
and diminishing resources are challenging our
products and services,11 while still showing modest The research focuses on the textiles and electronics reducing waste and consumption of virgin materials. 20
planet and society. These challenges require value chains. Two value chains with both opportunities
environmental gains in other ones, for example in
major systemic change in the logic of value product-service systems in the way they are sometimes and risks and, whereas still predominantly linear, Business models can narrow resource loops through
creation with the aim of shaping new, more implemented, lacking more structural design both sectors show growing implementation of circular extending a product’s value through remanufacturing,
responsible business models.1 The circular changes.12,13 However, there is still a broader lack of business models. or by providing access and performance models,
understanding and consensus on their social impact. providing access to maintenance and repair services,
economy is widely presented as an alternative
Tellingly, non-academic reports consistently show The blindspots, potential negative impacts, of the designing products for longer lifetimes, whereas
model of production and consumption. It may more optimistic levels of job creation than academic selected circular business model archetypes, the slowing resource loops happens through encouraging
enable the dissociation between resource literature.14 Furthermore, although digitalisation sourcing and manufacturing processes they rely on, as sufficiency. Resource loops can be also closed by
use and welfare creation, thereby creating is often identified as a core enabler of the circular well as related best practices with mitigating effects, extending the value of resources through the collection,
economy, it is also expected to displace many jobs - the were identified in relation to environmental, social, reuse and recycling of products and materials, through
opportunities for sustainable development
World Economic Forum describes a looming double market and governance dimensions through desk implementing industrial symbiosis. 21 All three business
while developing new markets and increasing research and literature review. models in scope narrow loops.
distribution to employment from a global recession
business resilience within planetary following Covid-19 crisis and the automation of jobs.15
Blindspots and risks categories:
The evidence base for both environmentally and socially - Governance blindspots relate to the impact created
positive impacts, as well as risks and hotspots of these by the way organisations are managed, as well as the
Promising steps are being made towards circularity.
new business models needs to be consolidated and structure of the system they are embedded in.
Last March, the European Commission launched its new
Circular Economy Action Plan and established strong nuanced, so as to develop circular business models - Market blindspots relate to the interplay between
ties between it and the European Green Deal. 2 The that deliver the most desirable environmental and market players and related supply and demand, as well
European Green Deal expects to foster new business social outcomes and minimise the negative impacts. as dynamics influencing this interplay.
models as well as, amongst other efforts, putting in As such, circular business models can contribute to
- Social blindspots relate to the impact of activities in
place a ‘sustainable products’ policy to support circular an environmentally safe and socially just space for
the social sphere, and can therefore range from impact
design of products being placed on the European humanity.16
on work and livelihoods to access and inclusion issues.
market. 3
- Environmental blindspots relate to the
This research provides clarity in some of the
Industries are also exploring circular business models. environmental impact of activities, whether in relation
potentially harmful side effects of the linear value
Trends show that markets for circular apparel business to greenhouse gas emissions, resource use, toxicity or
chain and business models which are unaddressed
models are significantly growing. In the textiles industry biodiversity.
or underexplored when promoting circular business
in 2019, it was reported that resale is expected to almost models. The report does not address all types of
double its size by 2023, and the online rental is growing circular business models, but rather dives deeper into Blindspots were reviewed, validated and complemented
at an 11% annual rate, both outpacing the growth of three cases of business model archetypes that can be through six interviews with businesses applying one
traditional retail.4 Nevertheless, textile waste has also considered to slow or close loops when designed to of the three circular business models in scope in the
grown massively over the past decade. For instance, in promote circularity. These cases include reverse cycles electronics or textiles sector. The best practices and
the Netherlands between 2012 and 2018, textile waste of repair and maintenance, resale and services such recommendations were developed in collaboration with
generated grew 20%, similarly to figures pointing at 27% as rental and subscriptions (Product-as-a-Service). a group of 40 stakeholders at a workshop, and dialogue
in the US. 5,6 Refurbishment and remanufacturing cycles are only with experts on these three focus areas, as outlined in
discussed in connection with resale models. Recycling the Annex.
The electronics sector shows a similar trend. The market is not included in the scope of this research, as this is
for second-hand mobile phones witnessed an average the least preferred option following the waste hierarchy THREE CIRCUL AR BUSINESS
50% annual growth, while the rental market is expected in comparison with prevention and reuse, and its MODEL S
to double by 2025.7, 8 However, the active service life of blindspots have been studied more widely than other
Business models portray how value is proposed,
electronic products is in decline, and e-waste remains recovery models.17,18 Bioeconomy models are also out of
created, delivered and captured by businesses. Circular
one of the fastest growing waste streams in the world, scope for this research.
businesses aim to do this by keeping materials, products
with an annual growth rate of 4% in 2016.9,10
and components at their highest value.19 A circular
approach may therefore help businesses create value by

8 9
This business model includes services related to In this sector, the business model has historically The practice of repairing electronics is widespread but
extending a product’s useful life through maintenance, materialised through independent repair services faces many barriers. Repairability may be determined by
repair, fixing or replacement of defective components and stores, mainly in tasks viewed by the citizen as the design of a product, its modularity, the availability of
or by selling a durable product through warranty. 22 Its complicated, such as changing a zipper. 29 spare parts and repair information or diagnostics. 35
success hinges on a focus on repairability at the product
design phase. When it is integrated to a clothing manufacturer or Socio-economic factors may play a role such as the
retailer’s business model, it usually comprises a value- cost of spare parts or the repair service as well as
Repair and maintenance may also propose a creative added activity to first sales. They can be either held as the time needed to repair a product. Repairs may
opportunity to alter and reshape a previously existing in-store activities, such as for Nudie Jeans, repairing be carried out by users or using repair services
product. While this is only applicable to certain sectors, more than 60,000 denim pieces last year; or as a pop- offered by manufacturers or independent actors. The
visible mending is a traditional activity in cultures such up activity, such as Patagonia’s WornWear on-the-road Mobilcirkeln® initiative by GIAB and Swedish insurance
as the Japanese and there has been a rising interest in activities. 30, 31 companies for example, provides a service that ensures
Western societies to implement in industry sectors such that repairable products are dutifully repaired and
as ceramics and textiles. 23 Repair cafes and DIY repair The companies that implement repair activities as an replaceable components are reused, before the product
workshops widespread within the EU also foster these integrated value offering usually sell the garments with is fully disposed of as faulty. 36 Social initiatives, such as
creative opportunities. These models then propose an a lifetime warranty and free repairs. Other models show repair cafes, also play a role in overcoming barriers to
opportunity for the consumer to become more engaged that high-quality repairs can be offered by companies repair and engaging people in the activity of repair.
with their product, increasing the awareness of a at an additional cost to the consumer. This has been
product’s material and emotional value. implemented by other outdoor companies and denim The interaction of software and hardware has also
brands. complicated the repair of some products. For example,
The main benefit of repair and maintenance is the the lack of availability of software updates can render
elimination or reduction of the phases of the product More recent trends also show the reappearance of functioning hardware obsolete. There are also legal
that are responsible for most of its lifecycle emissions. consumer and citizen trends linked to do-it-yourself barriers to repair – such as copyright and patent laws
The location of lifecycle emissions vary greatly per activities, such as neighbourhood clothing repair that prevent the disassembly and use of non-OEM spare
product. For electronic products, for example, 10% cafés, 32, 33 collaborations between brands and service parts as well as editing software. 37, 38
to 30% of lifecycle emissions of vacuum cleaners take providers to offer DIY repair guidelines such as
place in non-use phases, whereas this mounts to 50% Patagonia and iFixit, or visible mending kits by Golden
to 90% for smartphones. 24 Furthermore, doubling the Joinery in the Netherlands. 34
lifetime of consumer goods, in combination with 50%
use of recycled content and 25% increased material
efficiency, may lead to the creation of more than 50,000
jobs in Finland and Sweden, more than 100,000 in the
Netherlands, more than 200,000 in Spain and more than
300,000 in France. 25

While repair and maintenance used to be common

practice a few decades ago, the availability of low-priced
and low-quality new consumer goods, rapidly changing
consumption trends and the high cost of repair service
offerings have massively reduced this. 26, 27, 28

10 11


The resale model consists of reselling products for the Resale business models for clothing and textiles vary The growth rate of resale business models for consumer
same purpose which they were originally designed greatly in size, offering and structure. They can either electronics is increasing. The used smartphone market
and produced for, hence extending its useful life. include a refurbishment and remanufacturing stage or is forecasted to be four to five times bigger than the
They involve transferring ownership from one user directly resell the goods in the state they are collected. overall smartphone market. It is expected that the
to another. 39 For these models to comprehensively practice of reselling smartphones could well accelerate
contribute to the circular economy, they should keep Resale of municipally collected textiles in Europe is through 2020 as both consumers and suppliers are
resources in the system for two or more consumption usually driven by commercial and charitable collectors increasingly embracing the practice of selling or
cycles, hence, ensuring product durability is key.40 This that drop-off the textiles to a textile sorter, which acquiring second-hand smartphones.44
durability will be very much in line with decisions taken separates the rewearable and resellable garments from
at the design stages of the product, informing amongst the non-rewearables. These are then usually sold locally Many electronic products can be resold with gross
others material and manufacturing quality and expected or to international markets. In the Netherlands, 84% of profit margins - including tablets, computers, camera’s,
lifetime, which may be influenced by decisions related what gets collected through this mode gets sold abroad, cases and accessories, parts, headphones, watches, IT
to programmed or perceived obsolescence.41 Collection mostly to Eastern European or African countries. equipment, video games, home technology. 45
schemes, take-back management, sorting operations, Other third-party resale models are offered by online
cleaning and refurbishment activities also become platforms encouraging consumers to send-in their Technological developments are opening up new
essential to this business model. clothing for it to be resold on the platform, while gaining possibilities that can help keep electronic products
credits or discounts to buy other second-hand garments longer in use. Some businesses are able to automate
Resale can be organised by the same organisation that on that same website. ThredUP and The Next Closet are the assessment of electronic devices, and can therefore
owns the first sales of these products, incentivised by examples of these and usually entail for them to inspect, refurbish on a more industrial scale, which reduces
a third private or not-for-profit organisation or driven photograph, list and ship the garment that is resold on costs.
by a peer-to-peer model, facilitated through third party the platform.
online or physical platforms. But while ICT remanufacturing is growing, there is still
Resale can also happen by the companies making the a considerable difference between the efficiency and
As this model may allow for keeping resources in the first sales themselves. These are own-brand operated sophistication of the manufacturing of new products,
system for longer without the need for remanufacturing business models, and usually incorporate a cleaning and compared to the treatment of used assets. Resale,
or refurbishment and hence may have a lower refurbishing stage that can either be handled internally, remanufacturing and refurbishment remains a largely
environmental footprint than repair and maintenance or such as Eileen Fisher with their Renew programme, or manual process, where labour costs are high and the
PaaS systems. They also may support market access for may be done by a business partner, such as The North amount of time that can be invested in each device is
a different consumer segment, as prices are significantly Face Renewed working in partnership with The Renewal limited. Hence, these cannot compete with the relatively
lower than for first sales, allowing consumers to access Workshop. cheap costs of producing new electronics. 46, 47
familiar products that otherwise would be unreachable.42
Many resale models, such as reuse centres, have policies
in place for increased access to jobs to groups with a
distance to the labour market. 43

12 13
The PaaS model entails the customer paying for access Clothing as a Service usually entails business model Electronics as a service models are bound to more
to products and for the additional services provided archetypes that either offer one-off rentals or expensive products, as well as products that are more
in return for a recurring or one-off service fee.48 One- subscription models. This model has proven to work vulnerable to breaking, or with fast upgrading cycles,
time rental, subscription and leasing models are all effectively for occasional wear such as formal wear or all of which makes consumers more likely to choose for
considered within the broader PaaS concept. PaaS is wedding gowns; for sports and outdoor equipment, the PaaS business model. 59 One of the most popular
considered a type of collaborative consumption model, such as skiing gear or camping tents or backpacks; and examples for this model is the leasing of printers, which
whereas people coordinate, acquire and distribute a for maternity and baby wear. has been used for over 25 years now. Ricoh is one of the
resource for compensation.49 businesses that describes environmental benefits from
Platforms of brands offering online rentals and this way of working.60
While leasing or renting in itself may not be intrinsically subscriptions are more and more powered by service
circular, there are a number of interconnected benefits providers such as the French white label service In the electronics sector, PaaS could provide the right
that could be associated with this model. When it is provider for brands, Lizee, and US based service set of circumstances to recover several critical raw
stimulating and coupled with the resale or leasing of provider CaaStle. materials, as ownership of the materials remains with
refurbished units or components, as well as better the producers. Whereas 100% recycling rates are as yet
design of the equipment or product, it could lead to There are also blended models which offer both not realistic for smartphones, take back programmes
an extended product life while lowering resource stand alone rentals as well as subscription through for old phones have already proven their success and
consumption. 50 A higher utilisation rate as a result of membership models such as the Dutch physical and reduced the need for mining scarce metals.61,62
shared products can moreover decrease greenhouse gas online clothing library, LENA, the Swedish Klädoteket,
emissions and lower material use. 51 or the Danish children online clothing rental Circos
(previously known as Vigga). 54
In the PaaS model, ownership of, and responsibility
over the product remains with the service provider or Other textiles commonly offered as a service include
the manufacturer, who therefore holds the ability to linen and home textiles for the hospitality industry 55,
increase resource efficiency and to prolong the lifetime 56
as well as office textiles and uniforms for private or
of the product. In the best case scenario, this could lead public sector organisations. 57, 58
to offering high-quality, durable products that can be
easily upgraded, repaired, refurbished or taken back
at the end of their useful life. 52 It could also provide an
opportunity to improve collection and handling at end-

These models can lead to an increase in customer

engagement and retention by providing the user with
strong service contracts and packaged solutions for
maintenance, repair, recycling and other additional
services. They also may have the ability to generate
stable, long-term revenue, compared to a traditional
sales business model.

Nevertheless, the social and environmental benefits

of this model depend highly on the decisions made
for its implementation. For example, the type of work
relationship fostered through the implementation
of PaaS models should be closely monitored, as the
outsourcing of repair, refurbishment or other
pre-processing activities may pose a risk to the quality
of work linked to gig or platform workers. 53

14 15
Note that all blindspots and their effects are dependent The aim of this section is to give an overview of the
MAPPING BLINDSP OTS on organisational decisions of business holders, and potential negative impacts (blindspots), in order to
generic conclusions are therefore to be interpreted develop recommendations and best practices in the
OF CIRCUL AR carefully. For example, there is no default relationship next section.

BUSINESS MOD EL S between water usage and products as a service model.

However, increased logistics of leasing goods such as
renting of outdoor gear and equipment can lead to
higher water consumption compared to non-circular
Increased logistics
business models because of additional cleaning activities
that might not have occurred with a regular ownership Shorter active service life of products
This section provides an overview of the blindspots
E nv ir o n m e nt a l model. This relationship needs a case-by-case analysis
Unequal access to circular
related to the three circular business models introduced of the displacement rate. How much gear was leased products and services
above. The issues addressed in this analysisS otherefore
ci a l instead of bought, and what is the resulting effect of
either refer to unintended blindspots as a consequence that displacement on the water requirements in both Unequal access to circular products
M a rke t
of the new implementation of circular business models, scenarios? and services

or to unaddressed risks of linear value chains.

G ove rn a n ce Cannibalisation between circular
business models
All three circular business models depend on D ean
s i gup-
n and
downstream, sometimes linear, value chain. Whereas Quality assurance not guaranteed

parts of these value chains would have to remain in

Unclear displacement rate
place, other parts would transform orB find
L I N DaSnew
P O Tfocus
and yet other parts would disappear VA L U E CWhile
entirely. HAIN
not all risks should be addressed directly by circular
Unequal distribution of wealth F O R PA A S
policies or strategies per se, there is an impending need PA A S
amongst workers S PA R E PA R T S Unequal access to circular
to ensure that these strategies and policies are aligned products and services
with other sustainability frameworks to ensure Malecircular
dominated leadership
Increased logistics
business models are promoted in a fair and just manner.
and gender pay gap

Increased demand for informal

Free trade paradigm
Increased logistics labour

Labour conditions in Unclear displacement rate

retail and warehouses
Increased logistics
LEGEN D ir o n m e nt a l
E nv
Increased logistics
Shorter active service life of products

o ciiraol n m e nt a l
accessservice life of products
to circular
R A W M AT E R I A L MAN U FAC TU RIN G SALE products and services USE WA S TE M A N AG E M E NT
Moaci al t
rke Unequal access to circular
products and services
Unequal access to circular products Improper disposal and
M a rkern
G ove t a n ce
and services
low recovery rates
Unequal access to circular products
e s i grn
n a n ce Energy use and emissions
and services
Cannibalisation between circular
Use of critical and rare materials business models
Design Water use and pollution
Cannibalisation between circular

Dependency on fossil-based business models not guaranteed

Quality assurance
BLINDSPOTS ACROSS Hazardous materials and human
raw materials
VA L U E C H A I N toxicity risks Quality assurance not guaranteed
Water and land use and pollution
VA L U E Unequal
C H A I N distribution of wealth Precarious, informal and unsafe
PA A S lack of fair wages and
amongst workers PRE-PROCESSING Unequal access to circular
S P A materials
Hazardous R E P A R Tand
S human
Unequal distribution of wealth social protection F O R R E N TA L products and services
toxicity risks PA A S
amongst workersleadership
Male dominated S PA R E PA R T S Unequal access to circular
RESALE products
Increasedand services
and gender pay gap Precarious, informal and unsafe PRE-PROCESSING
Male dominated leadership work, lack of fair wages and
Increased logistics
demand for informal
Freegender pay gap
trade paradigm social protection Unclear displacement rate Quality assurance not guaranteed
Increased logistics labour
Increased demand for informal
Free trade paradigm Cannibalisation between
Increased logistics in
Labour conditions labour
Unclear displacement rate
R E PA I R circular business models
retail and warehouses
& MAINTE- Unclear displacement rate
Labour conditions in
retail and warehouses
16 17

1. Unequal distribution of power, wealth and 2. Male dominated leadership and gender pay gap 3. Growth and free-trade paradigm
profits amongst workers
Both the textiles and electronics industries are highly It has become evident that the current economic system
While the major electronics manufacturers generated gendered. Whereas low-skilled workers in the textiles incites and reinforces growing inequality, labour market
$27.7 trillion in combined profits in 2016, workers in this industry are mostly women (representing 68% of the exclusion, and lack of accessibility to services and
sector still face issues such as excessive overtime, low garment manufacturing sector employment globally products for most of the world population. Whereas the
wages and increasingly on repeated short-term contracts and even higher percentages of up to 80% in large circular economy has been put forward as an alternative
and face extreme job insecurity, which can be very manufacturing countries such as Bangladesh),67 most to the current system, in its current form, it does not
stressful.63 Tellingly, labour costs represent a mere 0.5% low-skilled workers in the electronics industry are address the root causes of this system and tends to lack
of a smartphone’s market price.64 men (representing 85% of the workers in mining and consideration of social impacts. As the circular economy
quarrying, iron and steel mills, the steel product and is often adopted as an instrument to achieve green
The textiles industry generates $1.9 trillion each year metalworking manufacturing, and 78% of electronic growth, it has yet to challenge the growth and closely
and the 20 largest businesses account for approximately precision equipment repair and maintenance workers).68 related free trade paradigm.71,72
97% of this sector’s global retail profits.65,66 Wealth and When it comes to leadership positions, women
profits are largely held by these corporations, while the are severely underrepresented in both sectors. In
In order for businesses to be able to pursue fair and
manufacturing and raw material sourcing workforce earn Bangladesh, men occupy around 90% of managerial
circular business models that yield a safe and just
minimum wage and suffer most of the adverse health and positions in the textiles industry.69 In the electronics
economy for all, there is a need to question and shift
environmental negative impacts. industry, women in managerial positions represent
the profit-maximising business rationale behind current
8% of the total female sector’s employment while men
business models. Mission-driven business focuses, such
The three circular business models in scope, theoretically represent 15% of total male employment in the sector.70
as is observed in social enterprises or certain worker
do not challenge current wealth distribution.
cooperatives, may enable businesses to retain financial
However, from several examples of the way they are Gender polarisation is similarly observed within circular
viability and stability, while delivering positive societal
operationalised, we can observe certain potential business models. While in the textiles sector, clothing
benefits as well as risks. Who will retain financial value repair and remanufacturing activities are mostly
over products and components that are reused or conducted by female workers, positions in software
cycled back into consumption? How will this value be (re) development and management to handle resale and
distributed amongst first sales producers, resale and PaaS online platforms are mostly led by men. According
PaaS platforms and how will this (re)distribution affect to some of the interviewees, the gender split in these
workers in comparison to shareholders? business models may be simply a reflection of the
societal and educational status quo. For instance, for
Two small scale businesses interviewed mentioned that one of these business models’ recent job opening for
they offer employees access to ownership of a share of a software engineer role, 95% of their applicants were
the business. This is highlighted by interviewees not only men. The future directions that circular business models
as a way of redistributing profits amongst employees, take in either perpetuating current trends or shaping
but also as a way of generating increased sense of new paths towards representation and inclusivity will be
commitment and belonging to the organisation. key to ensure gender equality is met.

Still, many implementations of repair and PaaS business

models are yet not financially stable, and depend largely
on volunteer work in order to make ends meet. An
interviewed PaaS business mentioned in this regard
that while they try to offer access to insurance contracts
and guarantee a safe working space, the dependence
on volunteer work is not sustainable nor scalable for
the business model. It also remains to be seen whether
similar relationships continue to exist when the
organization’s growth, investors get involved, and focus
on profit becomes more important.

18 19

1. Unclear displacement and overall increased Further, the potential of increased economic value in
consumption certain textile materials for recycling in comparison to
reuse grades, may prove to have a negative impact on
For repairing, reselling, leasing or renting products
the prioritisation of resale. 80 Instituting recycling targets
to achieve substantial positive impact, these
in EU law, without consideration of reuse targets may
models need to be an alternative to linear forms of
further aggravate this situation, by de-prioritising end
consumption, rather than an addition to. Evidence
of life treatment for reuse, moving against the waste
for the displacement rate of circular business models
hierarchy priorities. 81
is mixed. Both in the textiles and electronics sector,
evidence suggests that current circular business models
bring about a rebound effects of additional linear
consumption. A survey conducted by a luxury clothing
resale platform highlighted that 32% of the surveyed 3. Quality assurance of secondary products in
sellers in the platform sold the items to be able to PaaS and resale models
purchase new first sale items.74 And whereas resale Quality assurance is central to the success of PaaS and
and reuse of mobile phones may displace 5% of new resale models, as it fuels customer loyalty and ensures
product sales, related rebound effects in emissions continued transactions and brand integrity.
are estimated at 29%.75,76 At the same time, a survey
conducted in the United Kingdom about resale shows In the resale market of electronic products, quality
a displacement rate of 52% for electronics and 34% for assurance has been a major issue. The lack of standards
textiles.77 in this product segment has led refurbishers to impose
their own standards (often including three to four
Some specific user engagement strategies, such as grades of quality). 82 This can leave certain customers
discount vouchers on next purchases, further dissatisfied with the quality of the product they
diminish the opportunity of shifting consumer purchased, and may decrease trust in the refurbished
behaviour, resulting in circular business models being market. Proposals for quality labelling in the reuse
an opportunity for enhanced customer engagement, sector have been put forward, although these may
rather than bringing about an actual reduction in become a high financial burden for small businesses in
resource use.78 the reuse sector. 83

Within the Clothing as a Service models, consumer

expectations on quality of garments seem to be
sometimes higher than in ownership models, increasing
2. Cannibalisation between circular
the pressure on businesses to market products that
business models
are new or barely worn. 84 Further, physical or imagined
Both On top of the unclear displacement rates of contamination such as odour, stains and wrinkles,
circular business models discussed above, circular may prove to be a challenging barrier for Paas clothing
businesses can displace consumption from each other, models. 85 These pressures may potentially accelerate
rather than from first sales. Interviewees suggest that the disposal of garments by these platforms, redirecting
an increase in rental models could lead resale models products that do not meet quality standards to last
to experience small declines. This may be further resort processing such as recycling, accelerating the end
incentivised by businesses, as rental may be able to of their service life. This has also been seen amongst
provide them the opportunity to tap into more product some clothing resale models, as a survey points towards
feedback than resale, that could later on be integrated 62% of the products sold on resale luxury platforms to
into manufacturing and design changes. Fostering be unworn or barely worn. 86
competition based on true pricing could support these
models competing more fairly with linear business
models as well as between each other.79

20 21

1. Precarious, informal, unsafe work, lack of but precarious and unsafe work is omnipresent in 3. Unequal access to circular products 4. Increased demand for informal labour
minimum wage and social protection in sourcing Europe too (although we are currently unable to and services
The economics of repair and refurbishment are not
and manufacturing distinguish working conditions in manufacturing from
PaaS models increase accessibility in terms of products always attractive; materials are cheap, while labour is
the repair and remanufacturing sectors).94
Both the electronics and textiles industries are built on that would otherwise be too expensive for consumers expensive, resulting in an industry where the repair
long and untransparent supply chains, where precarious to buy and retain ownership of. However, inequality of goods costs more than new products. In specific
Moverover, the outsourcing of repair and maintenance
labour conditions are omnipresent. In mining for raw may also be experienced through this model, which contexts, it can be more cost effective to repair far from
of electronic products in PaaS models, could lead to
materials for the electronics industry, workers take on is increasingly hosted through digital platforms. In home than within countries with high labour costs.
an increase in irregular work with a potential negative
hazardous activities and are highly exposed to toxins terms of connectivity, there is a potential issue of There are cases reported in Norway where electronic
effect on the working conditions as it increases the
and poor air quality. 87 These conditions are often mainstreaming these practices as around 55% of the repairs are done abroad, which has increased the
distance and accountability between user and supplier.
worsened by the use of forced labour, including child population worldwide did not have access to stable demand for informal repair work.102 Repair cafes, in
labour, in illegal mining operations in conflic areas, internet services and digital education in 2016.97 which people come together to fix products such as
Moreover, mitigating measures should be taken
where no safety or health standards are guaranteed. 88 The technological threshold may not be high for EU toasters, computers and clothing, offers an alternative
to overcome the potential job loss in the currently
Mining activities have also been related to corruption citizens, but may prove to be a difficulty in scaling this and opens up the opportunity to repair low value
globalised supply chains.95 While some of the jobs along
of social leaders and is an important driver for armed model digitally in other regions. On the other hand, products.103 Repair cafes hinge on voluntary work
supply chains host poor working conditions, people
conflict within countries. 89 other PaaS models which do not necessarily require though, and are therefore no long-term or large
depend on them and have in many cases migrated
access to digital platforms, such as the leasing of solar scale solution to the challenge of high labour costs in
for them. Transforming these jobs into ones that
Within the textiles and apparel sector, manufacturing photovoltaic panels are increasingly growing in the consuming markets.
provide value and a way forward is key for sustainable
workers are commonly exposed to lack of access to African continent.98
living wages, significant overtime, unsafe work and in There is a specific segment of products, though, for
some cases, forms of bonded or forced labour, including Certain modes of implementation of this model which it already makes sense to repair and refurbish
child labour in raw material cultivation and forced moreover require access to credit card ownership. them locally. These include, amongst others,
labour in apparel cut-make-trim facilities.90 Forms of There are still important differences between access electronic products with high price elasticity, such as
informal work are also massively adopted in the sector. 2. Labour conditions in retail and warehouses to financial services and owning an account between smartphones and laptops. The time it takes to ship
For instance, in Bangladesh, the ready-made garment, Overseeing informality, social dialogue and labour men and women. In countries such as Bangladesh, a product intercontinentally may be enough for the
RMG, sector accounts for 83% of the country’s total conditions at the retail end of the supply chain is not an Pakistan and Turkey, the gap of account ownership is product to drop in value, for example as a result of the
exports, in value,91 while 93-98% of workers in the area of focus for businesses with their core consumption approximately 30% .99 Lack of access to financial manufacturer releasing a new version or series.
RMG sector that are not in management positions, are market within the Global North. Interviewees attested services also poses a barrier to participate in these
informally employed.92 that this lack of focus in comparison to the upstream digitally-savvy business models.
value chain is due to trusted retail partners hosting
All three circular business models, when implemented at operations in countries with more stringent labour laws. Repair models are in some product categories not a
scale, reduce the need for sourcing and manufacturing Still, the retail sector in the European Union, especially financially viable option for lower income households.
activities as described above. large volume retailers, is characterised by flexible and According to a 2014 survey, 77% of EU citizens would
atypical contracts, fast working pace and time pressure rather repair their goods than buy new ones, but
For electronic products, interviewees contested that it and physical burden.96 ultimately have to replace or discard them because they
makes sense for repair and remanufacturing activities are discouraged by the cost of repairs and the level of
to take place close to the customer, as large and bulky service provided.100 The cost of repair can consist of
products (such as white goods) are too expensive to PaaS models, as a consequence of retained ownership labour needed but can also just relate to the sale of
ship around the world and the price of small high tech over the product by the producer, are often spare parts, which in some situations are sometimes
products (such as smartphones and laptops) is too accompanied by increased warehousing needs. Both described as more expensive than the product itself.101
volatile to spend weeks in shipping. Further, the WEEE repair and resale depend on the retail sector for their
Directive has made the shipping of faulty products services. The risks associated with labour conditions in
for repair more complex.93 For textiles and clothing, retail and warehousing therefore remain unchanged for
interviewees also suggested the need to establish these models.
repair operations as close to the customer as possible,
avoiding unwanted additional costs and logistics.
For the European market, this would generally improve
working conditions in these circular supply chains,

22 23
Hazardous chemicals and agents used for dyeing and
ENVIRONMENTAL finishing techniques are widespread across the textiles
sector as well.126 A 2014 analysis shows that 10% of the
BLINDSP OTS 2. Dependency on fossil-based raw materials 3. Water and land use and pollution for sourcing

Cotton is the second most used fibre in textiles,

textile-related substances assessed were identified
The fibre market for textiles and apparel is largely
of potentially high concern for human health while
dominated by polyester, with 52% of the global market after polyester, with 23%119 of the global fibre market
5% of these substances were of high concern for the
share. This is a synthetic fibre, dependent on fossil share. Being a commodity crop that is grown in over
environment.127 In textile heavy manufacturing areas in
fuel extraction for its manufacturing with a yearly 75 countries, employing around 26 million cotton
China, wastewater from industrial laundries was found
1. Use of critical and rare materials production of nearly 58 million tonnes.112 Additional to farmers worldwide,120 it occupies 2.5% to 3% of global
to contain chemicals that could impact reproduction
Sourcing and processing virgin materials has accelerated the impacts linked to fossil fuel consumption and its agricultural land. Cotton grown in its traditional and
or cause cancer, as well as challenge access to clean
over the past two decades and accounts for 90% of resource scarcity, the polyester fibre manufacturing widespread form requires large quantities of water,
drinking water in some of the surrounding areas.128
global biodiversity loss and water stress and almost half process is energy intensive, microplastics are released many times in significantly water stressed areas, and
Although campaigns such as Greenpeace Detox and the
of climate change impacts.104 to waste waters and grey waters both across the uses large volumes of fertilisers and pesticides.121 The
resulting industry initiative Zero Discharge of Hazardous
manufacturing as well as laundry during the use phase excessive and misuse of chemicals in cotton growing as
Chemicals, ZDHC, are working hard to reduce the use
The electronics industry currently depends on a of textiles or clothing. When discarded at its end-of- well as the intensive use of the land for monocropping
of hazardous chemicals by replacing them with safer
number of critical materials with a highly polluting life, this fibre may take up to 200 years to decompose, have led to 4% of arable land being left fallow.122 All
alternatives or ensure their appropriate treatment when
impact. Ore mining, for example, is one of the raw and is mostly sitting in landfills across the world.113 three circular business models prolong the active
no other options are currently available, several risks
material sourcing activities with the highest negative Technologies for high-value recycling of these fibres service life of products and are therefore expected to
remain including the use of some varieties of azodyes,
environmental impact.105,106 Mining is moreover related are still not at scale, with some technologies currently lower the amount of cotton-based textiles per year
antimony used for polyester manufacturing, alkylphenol
to deforestation, soil erosion and toxic chemicals piloting their solutions at smaller scale. When PET when reaching scale and displacing new consumption.
ethoxylates used in softeners and detergents,
drainage.107 Extractive industries are responsible for half bottles are recycled into clothing, they cannot be Other circular business models look more broadly
formaldehyde that increases wrinkle resistance,
of the world’s carbon emissions and more than 80% of cycled back into textile products other than lower value into bio-based substitutions for cotton fibre, or into
heavy metals present in some dyes or pigments, and
biodiversity loss.108 Moreover, a lot of these materials, applications such as seat fillings for the automotive material durability of different fibre, however, none of
perfluorinated chemicals found in water repellent
such as lithium, nickel, cobalt and gold, are often industry, hence, increasing the volumes of polyester the business models in scope for this report, directly
textiles. Although these substances are already
required for the renewable energy sector too, increasing items discarded after their first use.114 address the water and land use for cotton farming.
regulated in some countries, this is not the case for all
the need for reduced and efficient use and cycling.109 countries where manufacturing is held, and poses a risk
Plastics account for about 20% of the 50 million tonnes For electronics, the process of land grabbing involves
to both the workers as well as for the environment.129
The repair, resale and PaaS business models are of electronic waste produced each year, which is the contentious issue of large-scale land acquisitions,
designed to mitigate this blindspot. All three circular expected to more than double to 110 million tonnes by the buying or leasing of large pieces of land by domestic
Even if no changes occur in the current use of chemicals
business models prolong the active service life of 2050.115 Most electronics source the plastics required for and transnational companies. Mining companies
across sourcing and manufacturing, all three circular
products and are expected to lower rare material their manufacturing from fossil fuels, making the sector are a big contributor to this process. These activities
business models prolong the active service life of
demand, when and if displacing new consumption. heavily reliant on their input as raw materials. Although lead to migration and displacement of communities.
products and are therefore expected to lower the
Yet, the current scale of circular business models is some of the businesses are already researching Dispossession is historically thought about only in
amount of toxic and hazardous materials used per year,
not nearly enough to meet growing global demand. alternatives to fossil-based plastics, this is yet not relation to land, but it more broadly affects culture and
if displacing new consumption. None of these business
Moreover, when maintenance, repair or refurbishment implemented as a mainstream practice.116 The scale of identity.123
models, however, address the toxic material content of
are no longer possible, the increasing complexity of emission reductions that could be enabled by the smart
the products they process, which should therefore be
electronic products makes the recovery of rare metals integration of sensors and electronics into new ways
addressed separately.
through recycling increasingly difficult. This requires of operating living, working, learning and travelling,
aggressive solvents and high amounts of energy, which makes the sector a key player in the fight against climate
4. Hazardous materials and human toxicity risks Nevertheless, PaaS and resale models could further
could in some cases result in bigger environmental change, despite its own growing footprint.117
in sourcing and manufacturing facilities contribute to either improving or worsening the impact
pressures than mining these metals did in the first of hazardous chemicals and human toxicity through
place.110 Extension and recycling measures on their own All three circular business models prolong the active Each processing stage in the electronics industry uses
their own operations. For example, dry-cleaning
currently cannot radically mitigate the issue of scarcity service life of products and are therefore expected to a specific set of chemicals with its own occupational
required for certain clothing as a service and resale
and criticality of certain metals. These strategies lower the amount of fossil-based materials per year health and safety concerns.124 There have been several
models may utilise solvents that can cause negative
should be closely linked to circular design practices, when reaching scale and displacing new consumption. controversies and concerns about chemical toxicity at
health effects in workers and environmental hazards
which become increasingly important as the product in The circular economy favours the use of renewable electronics manufacturing facilities—causing cancer and
if not handled properly.130 Laundering required poses
question becomes more complex.111 resources and aims to enhance natural systems by other health problems. Examples of these hazardous
similar challenges in handling soaps, detergents as
returning valuable nutrients to the soil.118 None of the materials are gases such as arsine, phosphine, diborane,
those from dyeing and finishing stages.
business models in scope, however, directly address ammonia, chlorine; doping agents containing arsenic;
Cleaning and laundering processes should therefore
the fossil based material dependency of the products strong acids such as hydrofluoric and hydrochloric acids;
be conducted in the most sustainable and safe way
they process, which should therefore be addressed and numerous solvents. Most of these chemicals are
available.131 Additional concerns in relation to
separately through circular design principles. used safely in enclosed systems, nevertheless, exposure
human and environmental toxicity for electronics
can occur during maintenance or repair work, or in the
as a service models are discussed in the section
event of accidental leaks or spills.125
below on improper disposal.

24 25
5. Energy use and emissions of 6. Water use and pollution of manufacturing
manufacturing activities activities

The energy used to manufacture electronic products is Water is a vital resource for both the textiles and
considerably higher than the energy used during their electronics industries. In electronics, the majority of the
active service life. Data around the energy consumption sector’s water footprint is related to the manufacturing
of electronics through the use phase is fairly easy to of semiconductors, which are miniature electronic
obtain, whilst it is much harder to collect reliable and circuits with transistors that are used in our mobile
recent figures on the energy consumed during the phones, computers and cars. It takes over 7,500 litres
manufacturing phase.132 of water, including almost 6,000 litres of clean water
to create one integrated circuit on a 30-centimeters
A life cycle analysis of a computer concludes that wafer. One computer can contain multiple of these
while the ratio of fossil fuel use to product weight is semiconductors.138
two to one for most manufactured products, the ratio
is twelve to one for a computer. With an average life Industrial wastewater, then, contains a high load of
expectancy of three years, this implies that the total cyanide, toxic metals and chemical oxygen demand.139
energy use of this computer is dominated by production The hazardous properties of the wastewater determines
(83%) as opposed to operation (17%).133 Another study when the heavy metals either get dissolved or remain
suggests that the production phase of a notebook holds suspended in the wastewater even after treatment
around 56% of the total greenhouse gas emissions and such water is discharged into the sewage stream.
of a notebook, which is significantly higher than the Unfortunately most of the chemicals that are used for
emissions derived from the use phase, and concludes electronics manufacturing are labelled trade secrets,
that the share of emissions from the production phase where neither workers nor environmental agencies
can significantly decrease by implementing measures to know what is being used. At the same time innovation
extend the useful lifetime of the product.134 rates in electronics manufacturing are relatively
fast - making research on this topic quite a challenge.
All three circular business models prolong the active Proper treatment method is mandatory prior to the
service life of products and are therefore expected to discharge of highly hazardous wastewater to the open
lower the amount of energy needed for manufacturing water channels, however this is not always effectively
activities per year, when displacing consumption of new enforced.
products. In PaaS business models products should be
designed to have longer life cycles and multiple users. While for textiles and apparel, water use at raw material
For electronics, this could entail a potential increase in sourcing and consumer use are the highest footprint
the energy required during the manufacturing phase stages, in the manufacturing stage, the water footprint
whilst reducing the overall energy needed per user. is highly concentrated in the dyeing and finishing
stages.140,141 It takes around 7000 litres of water to create
For clothing, energy consumption for retail and logistics a pair of denim jeans, while water at the manufacturing
associated with clothing reuse are much lower than stage represents 100-150 litres per kg of textile and the
those linked to the production of virgin materials.135 remaining mostly is used for cotton growing.142 However,
Nevertheless, a study from Sweden shows that energy this water consumption is essential to acknowledge
intensity in PaaS has the potential to offset the gains as waste water from the dyeing and finishing stages,
from reduced energy demands in manufacturing when as well as synthetic fibre production, may be highly
the scenarios involve a large amount of customer polluted with substances such as antimony, heavy
transactions / users in a short period of time, metals, perfluorinated substances, and can harm local
considering that the customers are going physically ecosystems if not properly dealt with. Countries where
to the clothing library or stores and transportation is most manufacturing occurs for these two sectors, in
done by car. This is because customer transportation several cases hold lenient environmental policies or
warrants the highest energy demand in PaaS models, poor monitoring systems to uphold environmental
significantly higher to laundry, cleaning or other policies, increasing the probabilities to pollute local
logistics.136 According to this study, a reduction in the waterways.143
burden of CO2 emissions can be observed on clothing
only when the active life of a garment is extended four
times or more.137

26 27
consumers in their homes; collected outside regular items. Further, PaaS models organise the collection
channels and either properly or improperly treated; or and handling of the products at the end of life, as they
None of the three business models, automatically 8. Shorter active service life of products due to disposed of with mixed ordinary waste, going to landfills retain ownership of the products. This will enable
address the water use and pollution in the high utilisation rates and lack of proper care or incinerators.160 There is little transparency on the size organisations with enough scale to organise the correct
manufacturing phase, which should therefore be and whereabouts of these flows, and resale transactions processing for an homogeneous stream of products and
Products in certain Paas models have been reported
addressed separately. Additionally, in relation to water are sometimes opaque.161 Additionally, illegal trade is their components and materials. This business model
to have shorter active service life than in traditional
use, PaaS models for clothing show significant savings still significant.162 Further, lack of clarity in the definitions would also enable optimisation for the disassembly
ownership models. This may be a consequence of
in comparison to average use phases in ownership of waste for both streams leads to multiple perspectives of the products, maximising reuse opportunities.
intensive use. For example, a washing machine can
models. While some studies claim that these savings can and claims on what is reusable and what is not. Regardless, the recyclability of certain materials still
have a life cycle of three years if used once a week. With
represent up to 75% of the water used in the lifecycle remains a large challenge which requires further
multiple users in a shorter period of time, the active
of a garment, other studies indicate that the potential Toxicity from substances released to land and water research and development. And even if recycling is done
service life of the product might decrease in time, even
savings are very much dependent on the washing from landfilled textiles and e-waste pose a threat to in the proper way, there remain losses in collection, pre-
though utilisation rates are increasing.153
and cleaning behaviour of consumers, eg. after how human and environmental health.163 The soil at e-waste recycling and in the recycling processes. This is the case
many uses, using which type of cycle, in comparison to processing sites is polluted by arsenic, cadmium, copper, for example of the collection and recycling of batteries
Unfortunately there are also indications that the lifetime
industrial washing cycles.144 lead, zinc, and chromium.164 Informal recycling workers amongst small consumer electronics in rental models,
(both service life and utilisation time) may decrease with
are commonly exposed to skin diseases and respiratory or the non rewearable clothing made out of blended
these models due to more careless handling of these
illnesses and toxins may enter the local food chains fibres.
products by users.154 This is the case, for example with
through land and water.165 Lastly, synthetic textiles
washing machines that are consistently used with loads
7. Increased logistics fibres are likely to stay in landfills for 200 years before
that are over the machine’s capacity.155 This is also the
degrading and if handled inappropriately may also lead
Around 5% to 10% of in-store purchases are returned. case also for other consumer goods linked for example
to fires.166,167
This number rises to 15% to 40% for online purchases, to mobility, such as e-scooters.156 A PaaS service
with clothing and electronics as the two largest provider could choose to withdraw the equipment
Waste from both electronic and textile products
categories of returned products.145 earlier in order to for example resell it on the secondary
requires proper end-of-life management. This
market while the price is still high. In such situations, it
presents an opportunity as well as a challenge. For
Products that are damaged or do not match the is unclear whether the lifespan of the product would be
example, while electronic waste may contain scarce
description are the two most important reasons for reduced below its technical potential.
and expensive metal and rare earth materials needed
returns, which could indicate that organisations improve for the production of new electronics, hazardous
the provision of the right information for consumers.146 The Paas model could moreover limit the right to repair
substances that can lead to major human or eco toxicity
For clothing and apparel, returns are overwhelmingly and threaten independent repair facilities seeing they
issues are present as well.168 Encouraging recycling is
related to consumer preference such as size, fit or style could try to keep the repair for themselves and not allow
often proposed as a better alternative to landfill or
while damaged product claims represent less than others to repair.
incineration. For textiles, this is already possible for
10%.147 This puts in the spotlight the cyclic and fast- some material streams, such as wool or cotton, whilst
paced nature of current fashion trends, exacerbated for others, such as polyester or material blends, there
by an estimated 25% share of returned products being are no high-quality recovery methods at scale yet.169
thrown away.148 For electronics, recycling is often proposed as a way to
9. Improper disposal and low recovery rates
lower the embodied energy of products - the energy
The logistics tied to PaaS—and to a lesser extent also Both within the textiles and electronics industry
required to extract resources and manufacture the full
repair—create an increased environmental burden to products are not properly disposed of at the end of
electronic product. Unfortunately, this is not the case for
the system.149 This burden can be further increased their life. Most clothing is still currently being discarded
all elements, and micro-electronics, or nanomaterials,
due to more frequent customer transactions, and their through regular household waste.157 In some EU
are a clear example as most of the embodied energy
related transportation in some PaaS business models.150 countries there is a separate collection for textiles in
comes from the manufacturing process itself and not
Taking into consideration the additional business and place, collecting around 30% of textiles in waste streams
from the raw materials used to create this element.
consumer logistics and transportation, as well as the separately. From those textiles, 5-10% are resold locally
Although this offers savings in terms of material use,
policies that promote or not decreased environmental in the EU, and 54-59% are exported for reuse, mostly to
this means manufacturing a new product with the
impacts from these activities, are essential when Eastern European or African countries.158
recycled material would carry almost as much energy
striving to implement a circular business model, and embodied as a new product.170
may have a significant impact on the environmental E-waste is the fastest growing waste stream worldwide,
footprint of the model.151,152 with an annual growth rate of 4 % in 2016. 9 Million
PaaS, resale and repair business models potentially may
tonnes of electrical and electronic products were put on
reduce the volumes of waste improperly disposed of.
the EU market and 3.5 million tonnes of e- waste were
For electronics, where almost half of the e-waste weight
separately collected in 2012. Further 1.6 million tonnes
constitutes large household appliances,171 the potential
of waste batteries and accumulators were generated
of extending their lifetime through these three business
in the EU in the same year.159 The electronics that were
models, and replacing parts rather than the whole
not collected separately as waste were either kept by
equipment, may reduce the rate of disposability of these

28 29

This section includes a set of accompanied by modelling and scenarios to identify Violations of human rights or poor working conditions In general, Tier 1 auditing such as that proposed in
how meaningful reductions might be achieved within may be no less relevant to circular business models existing label schemes are not a sufficient guarantee
recommendations intended to eliminate or
relevant timelines. Policy makers should ensure that compared to linear ones. Circular business models of good practice. Ensure employees throughout
address the blindspots of circular business
the burden of proof on achieving these targets by the may reinforce trends towards more irregular work, supply chains are paid a living wage – for example
models introduced in this report. Note that industry is distributed fairly amongst stronger and such as platform and sub-contracting work, which through joint living wage initiatives such as the ones
they are not intended to solve all blindspots weaker market players. may increase these risks. Moreover, the current global such up by Fair Wear Foundation175 involving private
related to linear supply chains, as this is waste management and recycling system hinges on an entities such as Armstrong Knitting Mills and Nudie
Policy makers should eliminate all (indirect)
informal labour force, without social protection, fair Jeans.176 Means for collective action or unionisation
beyond the scope of this report. regulatory obstacles to circular business models,
wages and working in unhealthy and unsafe conditions. should be established in all sectors where not yet
The recommendations are mainly targeted which prioritise reuse and repair over recycling.
At EU level, a lack of a clear vision for how the Circular present. In countries where independent unions are
EPR regulation should be harmonised with eco-
towards EU policy makers, including the Economy Action Plan can contribute to the Green Deal not permitted, businesses should seek to establish
modulation fees, so as to not support recycling only.
institutions and member states, as well objective to “leave no one behind” is observed. meaningful social dialogue with other legitimate
The European Commission initiative on “Empowering worker representative bodies.
as businesses, public procurers and civil • Policy makers should make human and
the Consumer for the Green Transition”173 also
society based in the European Union. Even presents an opportunity to prevent greenwashing
environmental due diligence mandatory – as the • Civil society should strengthen dialogue between fair
European Commission has announced it will do in the trade, labour unions and environmental NGOs working
though these recommendations focus on the from businesses which present themselves as
EU sustainable corporate governance legislation to on issues of resource efficiency and zero waste.
European Union, we hope that they can at circular but instead continue adding to waste and
be proposed in 2021, while defining the mandatory
pollution issues.
least be partially relevant to other regions as role of independent worker-driven monitoring.
well. Policy makers should moreover always develop
policy responses in a comprehensive and
Sectoral circular economy policies, such as those 3. ENSURE DESIGN FOR
addressing textiles, ICT and batteries should support
coordinated way, which reflects the complexity of not only circular but also fair and sustainable value VALUE RETENTION.
1. ENSURE A HIGH the issue and its root causes at hand, consulting chains.174 EU trade agreements should have binding Many upstream risks and blindspots for circular
and including the voices of affected stakeholders
DISPLACEMENT RATE through these policies -including for example
and enforceable human rights and sustainability
clauses. The implementation of their sustainability
products depend on the design of products.
Circular businesses should favour products with a lower
OF CIRCULAR BUSINESS trade unions, worker representatives and civil chapters should proactive support circular economy, overall environmental footprint and those which are
society organisations. As such, they should deliver social economy and fair trade initiatives so these
MODELS. a coherent contribution from diverse policy supply chains, in particular those that combine these
designed for circularity, including durability, reparability,
and reduced toxicity.
areas ranging from research and innovation, over approaches, gradually represent a larger share of
Displacement rates are currently considered with
industrial policy to trade and labour market policy. international trade.
regards to the environmental gains of a purchased • Policy makers should enable design for value
product or services, without accounting for their effect • Businesses should make circularity central to their • Public procurers should, just like in regular retention by making use of product policy such as
on the overall market. This may not give a realistic offering and communicate in a non-misleading contracts, systematically add clauses in their ecodesign style requirements and extended producer
picture of its environmental gains. A key environmental way about the level of circularity of their offering, circular service contracts to ensure that suppliers responsibility. For example, the Right to repair
risk of circular business models is indeed that they rather than simply offer circular products as part of the service providers that win the public rules, such as access to spare parts, disassembly
may represent an entirely new form of consumption, of a range of predominantly linear ones. Large contract, respect social and fair trade criteria requirements and repair information should be
appealing to a new demographic rather than replacing businesses should monitor their resource flows along their supply chain, including the production applied to all relevant product groups. They can
linear ones. Increasingly brands market themselves as and target resource reductions over time (e.g. using of raw materials to the manufacturing of the moreover stimulate circular design practices, by
being circular, while their overarching business model Sankey diagrams) as well as publicly disclosing their finished product. They should also ensure that the including circular economy principles in design and
remains linear. This has been widely criticised in the Fast environmental and material footprints. Businesses procurer allocates time to manage the contract engineering education and training.
Moving Consumer Goods, FMCG, sector in the case of which fail to follow through on circular commitments with the supplier in order to monitor the contract Policy makers should, next to incentivising the most
plastic waste.172 As such, some circular business models risk initiatives being labelled as green washing. implementation. To ensure this compliance desired design practices, ban the worst. They should
will not result in genuine resource savings or waste throughout contract implementation, public develop and enforce regulatory frameworks against
prevention. procurers should make use of industry independent
2. ENFORCE SOCIAL monitoring instruments.
planned obsolescence, so as to accelerate the circular
shift of the design sector. To achieve it, they should
• Policy makers should develop clear macro and
sectoral level targets and metrics for absolute
PERFORMANCE UP AND • Businesses may not be in control over the entire specify minimum requirements for the circular
value chain for their products, and so must design and sustainable performance of products,
reductions in resource use and associated DOWNSTREAM IN VALUE take responsibility for carrying out human and as well as requirements for producer responsibility
environmental impacts, e.g. within the Circular
Economy Monitoring Framework. These should be CHAINS. environmental due diligence for their offerings
from material extraction to waste management.
schemes at EU level and value chain requirements for
manufacture outside of the EU.

30 31
• Public procurers should use procurement context of schools reducing their running costs and an organisation. Initiatives to develop independent • Public procurers should open up opportunities for
criteria which favour products designed for value alleviating issues such as digital poverty. They should monitoring and verification bodies for other sectors the procurement of services with PaaS models, while
retention. Value retention for publicly purchased systematically favour Fair Trade Enterprises and should be started immediately. EU member states also taking into consideration the overall effects
products can range from design for longevity (high other Social Economy actors, such as repair cafes should organise national events on the transposition of PaaS, especially focusing on potential for loss of
quality materials, parts and joints), for reusability, and reuse initiatives which are both circular and into national legislations and the implementation internal employment and skills. The procurement
repairability and—less desirable—recyclability serve a social purpose. of the social considerations and other instruments department should work closely with the financial
(mono-materials and modular products). For (aiming at fostering the access of social economy department to ensure the financial management of
• Businesses should avoid marketing sustainable or
example, procurement cycles should be extended to enterprises and other SMEs). circular options within public procurement is feasible
circular products as being premium but rather as the
support circular design changes -in the electronics default in their ranges. Pricing should not deter users • Public procurers should engage in training on fair and aligned with fair employment practices.
sector, procurement cycles of notebooks could be from extending the lifetime of a product – e.g. setting and circular procurement as well as support the • Businesses should equally engage in circular and
extended towards 5 years and desktop cycles to 7 the price of repair higher than the cost of buying cultural change within public authorities, through fair corporate procurement, as well as in public
years. new. PaaS can offer opportunities to offer circular colleague dialogue and awareness raising. Further, procurement which represents around 14% EU
• Businesses should develop long-term strategies products to low income households – one example is utilising exclusion and selection criteria that demand. Large organisations such as those covered
of transformation of design and technology to the Papillon project offered by BHS.178 address potential social and environmental harmful by the non-financial reporting directive should come
develop innovation and business cycles supportive practices, ensure ethical labour practices across all forward as front runners in this regard.
of products based on longevity and repairability. areas of the value chain, assuming the need for the
Users should be incentivised to engage in product 5. ENABLE BOTH provider to abide by responsible sourcing practices
stewardship of the durability of the products, in line with ILO standards, and have supplier codes 6. OPTIMISE REVERSE
even if they are not the owners. Reuse, repair CIRCULAR AND of conduct, risk screenings and audit programmes
and refurbishment services could favour or help
SOCIALLY RESPONSIBLE in place. Public procurers could also establish a
customers identify products which have been well network of contracting authorities that wish to
designed – for example by displaying a repair score PROCUREMENT. buy circular and fair, building on examples such as
like that offered by iFixit. Procura+.183 The environmental footprint of activities such as take
Existing policies on procurement such as criteria back, washing and repairing should not offset the
and tool kits tend to focus on discrete aspects of They should develop circular procurement criteria
material savings. These activities should also present
sustainability, rather than systematically addressing with regards to the overall environmental footprint
4. ENSURE EQUAL both circularity and fairness. Public or private procurers of a product or service, including embedded
opportunities for creating labour and social enterprises.

emissions, materials and occupational health and

ACCESS TO CIRCULAR are often not educated about the correct use of such
guidelines, resulting in a gap between ambitions for safety considerations, as well as levels of repairability
• Policy makers should amplify research and
development funds, for example in Horizon Europe,
PRODUCTS AND and implementation of circular and fair procurement and reuse. A focus on energy efficiency alone is too
for developing value retention activities at scale.
guidelines. narrow.
SERVICES. Next to including the right criteria, public procurers
Standardisation or common guidelines may present
opportunities for enabling value retention such as
Circular products and business offerings should not be • Policy makers should simultaneously support fair should develop long-term relations with supply chain repair at scale.
a luxury. Low income and marginalised groups should and circular procurement, rather than addressing partners so as to improve the environmental and
be empowered to benefit from circular products and in “green”, “innovative”, “social”, “fair” and “circular” • Businesses should look for opportunities to pool
social performance of suppliers. Dialog oriented
turn create scale. public procurement in silos (see, for example, or scale up value retention at the local level in order
approaches based on contract conditions should
recommendations from ICLEI on procuring ICT to create economies of scale. Ensure the financial
become the central form of circular procurement.
products in a socially responsible way).179 This is for viability of circular business models through life
• Policy makers should utilise economic incentives Pre-tender market dialogues and contact
example the case with the Buying Green! handbook cycle budgeting, joining budgets for purchasing and
and environmental fiscal reform to ensure that management should become the standard for any
by DG Environment and Buying Social by DG Grow, maintenance.
circular products are competitive on the market. procurement to develop market capabilities and
next to the Guidance on Innovation Procurement by increase stringent standards throughout each step of
They should pursue a tax shift, away from taxing
the European Commission.180,181 the process.
labour, towards taxing negative externalities on
people and the environment. Examples include Policy makers should make sustainability, including
Fair Trade Enterprises and other Social Economy
using VAT reductions for value retention or using EPR circular and fair trade criteria mandatory in all public actors, such as cooperatives, are mission-driven LOGIC OF EXPLOITING
(extended producer responsibility) fee modulation to procurement, as the European Commission has
favour products designed to reuse or longevity. announced it plans to do for the public procurement
business models whose goals include achieving
societal objectives. These actors should be
Competition law should also work to support
of food.182 systematically favoured in calls for tenders. CAPITAL FOR ECONOMIC
Public procurers should also, as much as possible,
sustainability objectives - such as making markets
for circular products competitive, e.g. preventing
EU member states should offer professional
training for circular and fair procurement practices,
divide calls for tenders into lots, to enable smaller GROWTH AND ENSURE
businesses from blocking repair by independent specifically with regards to market engagement,
suppliers, such as social economy actors, to have
more chances to win public contracts. They should
actors in order to monopolise after sales markets.177 developing selection and award criteria and contract

• Public procurers should be enabled to purchase

management. Verification of criteria, then, should be
also include social economy representatives in TO THE CIRCULAR
procurers’ preliminary market consultations.
used or refurbished products, such as laptops in the
carried out objectively by an independent body. For ECONOMY.
electronic products, Electronics Watch could be such

32 33
Business models based on exploitation, whether of
natural or human capital, do not create long term 8. USE TRANSPARENCY
sustainable societal benefits and belong in the past.
The transition to circular business models will moreover
lead to a decline in certain sectors, such as traditional TO ENABLE BOTH
manufacturing, putting millions of workers at risk if not
properly managed. CIRCULARITY AND
• Policy makers should focus on public wellbeing as • Policy makers should activate circular business
well as environmental protection as the impetus for activities such as repair and recycling through
Europe’s socio-economic development and policy enabling the flow of standardised information in
making. Defining sustainable finance policies which supply chains. The product passport concept should
integrate define what fair and circular businesses be implemented to provide a harmonised access
are. The Sustainable Finance Taxonomy and the point for product information at the European level.
Revision of the Non-Financial Reporting Directive Incentives should be established to encourage
provide clear opportunities to do this. businesses towards transparency on key issues such
Policy makers should moreover invest in the as toxicity and due diligence. More ambitious levels
professional skills development to redeploy workers of due diligence can moreover be made mandatory.
who are currently active in sectors that will decline Policy makers should enable citizens to make
in the transition to the circular economy, such as educated consumer choices by further advancing
traditional manufacturing. This is especially true for correct and transparent information sharing about
low-skilled workers, to open up higher quality and products’ environmental and social performance
better paid employment opportunities. through a “right to know”. Policy makers can
• Businesses should shift their rationale from moreover advance the public debate and discussions
profit maximising to being mission driven while around sufficiency, as well as addressing producer-
remaining commercially viable. Large businesses driven demand through advertising.
should integrate social enterprises, including Policy makers should moreover ensure that the
cooperatives, into their supply chain and work with burden of proof on achieving these targets by the
small businesses rather than trying to push them industry is distributed fairly amongst stronger and
out of the market. Credible sustainable businesses weaker market players.
should lobby for rather than against progressive
environmental and social policies. • Public procurers should write transparency
requirements into award and technical criteria of
Businesses should develop comprehensive policies public contracts that go beyond the transparency
on equality, gender and race, and can furthermore standards provided by the industry. Public procurers
consider cooperative structures and offering should use their regulatory framework of subject
employees business ownership to address power matter of the contract as a tool to push for disclosure
imbalances. Guidance materials such as the ‘Square of factory locations, audit data, chemical data
your Circle’ guidance for apparel reuse models directly linked to their supply chains.
to ensure a just transition, developed by WRAP
and WRI, may support businesses in initiating this • Businesses should be open about their business
transition.184 practices and products, providing relevant
information to consumers, third parties, market
Businesses should invest in the development of their surveillance authorities and waste management
employees, building and nurturing human capital, actors. Transparency should be embraced as a
rather than exploiting it. This is especially true for necessity for brand loyalty.
low-skilled and vulnerable workers. Businesses can
consider legacy industries in decline in deciding
locations, so as to make use of the local pool of

34 35

This report provides an overview of the blindspots—the Circular business models also create governance and
unintended, unaddressed or underexplored negative social blindspots. Circular business models as yet do
impacts—of promoting circular business models. The not address the growth and free trade paradigm, do not
aim is to get a holistic understanding of the impacts show a break in male dominated leadership, or ensure
of circular business models, specifically taking into equal access to products and services.
account the social sphere. The report considers three
circular business models (repair, resale and PaaS) and Solving the governance and social blindspots of
four types of blindspots (governance, market, social circular business models requires rethinking the social
and environmental). Recommendations for (EU) policy foundations of circular economy thinking. They point
makers, public procurers and businesses were then to the need of integrating the fair trade and circular
formulated to address these blindspots. economy and systematically addressing environmental,
social, ethical and fairness considerations when
Circular business models overwhelmingly address advancing the circular economy.
the environmental blindspots in linear supply chains.
In order for this positive environmental potential to
become reality, they should be realised at scale, not
as an add-on to the current system. This requires
mainstreaming circular principles in the design stage of
the value chain, as well as further stimulating circular
business models through for example procurement.

Circular business models moreover address a number of

social and governance blindspots related to linear supply
chains that will be eliminated or reduced in a circular
economy. Some social blindspots are not addressed by
circular business models, and we can then consider to
what extent it is their role to do so. Regardless of this,
there is a need to ensure that circular economy policy
is aligned with other sustainability frameworks to make
sure that circular business models are promoted in a fair
and just manner.

On the other hand, circular business models also bring

about new blindspots.

Circular business models create a small number of

environmental blindspots, which are related to their
displacement rate and rebound effect, as well as the
increased logistics they require. The former can be
addressed by mainstreaming circular products and
services, and the latter with sound, efficient and
environmentally sound logistics.

36 37
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Joke Dufourmont (Circle Economy),
Natalia Papú Carrone (Circle Economy), Noah Baars
(Circle Economy), Jean-Pierre Schweitzer (EEB),
Sergi Corbalán (FTAO)

Lena Baunker (Circle Economy), Melanie Wijnands
(Circle Economy)


Nicolas Raspail (Circle Economy), Inge ter Laak
(Circle Economy)

This research has been commissioned to Circle Economy

by the EEB and FTAO. The EEB and FTAO gratefully
acknowledge the financial support received from MAVA
Foundation (Fondation pour la Nature), the European
Climate Foundation (ECF), the European Union and its
DEAR and LIFE programme.

This communication reflects the authors’ views and does

not commit the donors.

December 2020
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License


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