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Q#1:What are programming paradigms?

What are the drwbacks

with structured programming?
Why do we prefer object oriented programming?

Programming paradigms:

Programming paradigms can be defined as;

"An algorithmic idea for solving a particular class of
For example 'divide and coqure' is a programming
paradigm to solve large programms.
.Types of programming paradigms:
1. The impretive paradigm.
2. The functional paradigm.
3. The logical paradigm.
4. The object oriented paradigm.

Structured programming:

In structured programming the entire logic of the program is divided into a

number of smaller modules or functions.The main module calls
the other modules when they are needed to execute.It is a modular
method of writing programs.

Drawbacks of structured programming:

Following are some drawbacks of structured programming;

• Lack of encapsulation

The idea of encapsulation is to hide how a class does it but to allow what
to do.
Structured programming does not provide the facility of encapsulation.
• Same code repetition

Same code repitition means repeat the process with each new piece until
can be solved directly .
• Lack of information hiding
The main drawback of structured programming is lack of information

Object orinted programming:

A computer programming methodology that focuses on data ratherthan

processes,with programs
composed of self-sufficient objects containing all the information
needed to manipulate a data structure.
It is abbreviated as an OOP.
Everything in OOP is grouped as self sustainable "Objects"

Building blocks of OOP:


Benefits of OOP:

• Testability:
Automated testing can increase speed of testing and increase
• Code re-use:
Polymorphism, generics and Interfaces provide the facility of
code re-use.
• Code extensibility:
The user can extens the program code as and when needed .
• Error detection:
Catch errors at compile time rather than at runtime.
• Maintainability:
If designed correctly, any tier of the application can be
replaced by another that
implements the correct interface, and the application will
still work .
• Reduction:
Reduses large problems to smaller, more manageable ones.
• Real world problems:
It is easy to map a real world problem to a solution in object
orientation code.
Q#2: What is object oriented software design?

Software design:

Software design, is the step in the software development process prior

to construction.
It is the step where you think about what you are going to build, what
tools or prebuilt
components you need, what components you need to build, and how it
all fits together.
The amount of time spent on the design of the software depends on the
complexity of
the software.

Methodology is an important part of object oriented software design.A

methodology is
to think logically through the steps needed to design an application.
Start from the
definition of the project and include everything you need to do including:
getting funding,
defining a team, detailing the requirements, understanding the business
designing the user-interface, and so on.

Technologies uses a methodology called GUIDS. This methodology

provides an
object-oriented approach to software design and can be used with any
technologies, or modeling tools.

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