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• High strength per unit weight. Hence a small section itself can withstand heavy loads • Light weight – easier
handling or dismantling and transportation. Hence prefabricated members can be frequently provided. • Properly
maintained steel structures have a long life • Properties of steel mostly do not change with time. • Steel being a
ductile material does not fail suddenly but gives visible warnings • Steel structures can be strengthened at any later
time. • Faster erection • Time saving construction • Steel has the highest scrap value. Material is reusable.
Introduction to steel and steel structures
• Susceptible to corrosion • Less fire-resistance • Maintenance cost is high
Structural Steel • The structural steel is the steel used for manufacture of rolled steel sections.
• Structural steel may be classified as • Mild steel • High tensile steel • As per IS 800-2007, the structural steel used
in general construction shall conform to IS 2062
Choice of sections?
• The design of steel sections is governed by cross-sectional area and section modulus. • Ease with which the
sections can be connected. • Availability of section on the market is a major consideration.
Special considerations in steel design
Size and shape (choice of sections)
Buckling • As the members in steel structure are slenderer, the compression members in steel structures are liable
to buckling. • In case of beams, there are chances of lateral buckling. • To account for buckling phenomenon, codes
specify that part of section to be taken as ineffective. Minimum Thickness: IS 800-2007 specifications Connection
Designs: Riveted, bolted, welded
Design loads
• Dead Loads (DL) • Imposed Loads (IL) • Wind Loads (WL) • Earthquake Loads (EL) • Erection Loads (EL) • Accidental
Loads (AL) • Secondary Effects

Ultimate strength Design • Structure is safe at ultimate load • Strength of section is estimated from the ultimate
strength of the section. • Economic sections
Working stress Design • Structure serviceable at working load
Limit state design • The acceptable limit for the safety and serviceability requirements before failure occurs is
called a limit state. • Incorporates both safety and serviceability
Limit states (IS 800: 2007 Clause 5.2.2 pg. 28)
Limit state of collapse (Ultimate strength limit state) • Deals with strength and stability of structure under maximum
expected load.
Limit state of serviceability • Deals with conditions such as deflection, cracking of the structure under service loads,
durability, overall stability, vibration, fire resistance, fatigue etc.
Characteristic values
• The limit state design should be based on characteristic values for material strengths and applied loads. • The
characteristic values should be based on statistical data if available: where such data are not available they should
be based on experience
Design values
• The 'design values' are derived from the characteristic values through the use of partial safety factors, one for
material strengths and the other for loads.
a) Characteristic Strength and design strength of Materials
• The term 'characteristic strength' means that value of the strength of the material below which not more than 5
percent of the test results are expected to fall. • For steel it is taken as the ultimate strength • Design strength =
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐭𝐡 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐬𝐚𝐟𝐞𝐭𝐲 𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐭𝐡 𝜸𝒎
b) Characteristic loads and design loads
The term 'characteristic load' means that value of load which has a 95 percent probability of not being exceeded
during the life of the structure.
• Dead loads given in IS 875 (Part 1) • Imposed loads given in IS 875 (Part 2) • Wind loads given in IS 875 (Part 3) •
Snow load as given in IS 875 (Part 4) • Seismic forces given in IS 1893
Design load = characteristic load x Partial Safety Factor 𝜸𝒇 for Loads
Partial safety factors
Partial Safety Factor 𝜸𝒇 for Loads • Table 4 IS 800:2007 Page 29
Partial Safety Factor 𝜸𝒎 for Material Strength • Table 5 is 800:2007 page 30
Types of connections: • Rivet Joints • Bolt joints • Weld joints
Requirements of good connection • It should be rigid enough to avoid fluctuating stresses which may cause fatigue
failure. • It should be such that there is the least possible weakening of the parts to be joined. • It should be such
that it can be easily installed, inspected and maintained.
Bolted Connections
Advantages • Less manpower • Easily fixable and removable • Bolting operation is very silent in contrast to
hammering noise in riveting • Bolting is a cold process and hence no risk of fire
Disadvantages • Lesser strength in axial tension • Cost of material high • Get loosened when subjected to vibrations
Advantages of welded connections
• Welded structures are lighter • Welding process is quicker • Welding is more adaptable than bolting or riveting •
It is possible to achieve 100 percent efficiency in the joints whereas in bolted connection it can reach a maximum
of 70-80 percent only. • Less noise • Good aesthetic appearance • Welded connections are air-tight and water-tight
• Rigid joints
Disadvantages of welded connections
• Due to uneven heating and cooling, members are likely to distort in the process of welding • Greater possibility
of brittle fracture in welding • Difficult and expensive inspection • Highly skilled persons are required • Over rigid

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