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Tribes' characteristics

This also includes their reactions to potential different maps.

Blanket tribe
 HP: 64 health points
 Legion– 2 of the same role will merge and buff each other DEF +5
 Mild Poison resistance – has a high percentage (%) of resisting a poisonous attack, both from
their octopuses and spell cards.
 Magician role
o Electricity attack - has a 50% chance of shocking an opponent and freezing them and
making them unable to attack
 Defense mode – create darkness around them.
o 20% of the enemies attack not hitting them.
 Mother - Gains an extra 2 turns during the breach phase as the collapsing tunnels hinder the
Map weakness
Area Effect
Sand Home buff
Algae Neutral
Rock Neutral
Thermal Debuff
Ink Debuff

Coconut tribe


 BASE HP: 27 health points

 Martyr = Once their HP drops down to 0, their bodies explode and throw the shield at the
enemy player dealing 20 points of damage.
 Magician role
o Telekinesis throw = they use seashells as ammunition - hit multiple targets at once
depending on their tier.
 Mother - Every 5 turns she has a chance (%) to throw a shield off the wall (limited 3 shields) and
hit the player directly
Map weakness
Area Effect
Sand Home buff
Algae Neutral
Rock Neutral
Thermal Debuff
Ink Debuff

Mimic tribe


 BASE HP: 33 HP
 Invisibility – they have a percentage (%) of being unhittable for a turn when first put on the
 Fear - When the octopus goes into Defense mode (does not apply to magicians) they have a
chance (%) of making an enemy afraid - unable to attack for a turn
 Magician role:
o Hypnotize throw – they can use an opponents' monster as their own for one turn (more
depending on their tier)
 Mother - Every 2 turns she has a chance (80%) to freeze one of the opponents octopus for 3

Map weakness
Area Effect
Sand Neutral
Algae Home buff
Rock Neutral
Thermal Debuff
Ink Debuff

Blue-ring tribe


 BASE HP: 30 HP
 Resistant - takes no damage from poisons from neither spells or other octopuses.
 Magician role:
o Poisons the hit enemy, they take 5 HP per turn for 4 turns
 Mother:
o Every 2 turn reduces opponents health by 1 HP due to her presence
Map weakness
Area Effect
Sand Neutral
Algae Home buff
Rock Neutral
Thermal Debuff
Ink Debuff

Caribbean tribe


 Hex proof - They have a chance of (%) being hex proof to spells or abilities from your opponents
 Rampaged – When under the influence they have a small chance (%) of attacking and hitting
their allies if they have low health and will stay that way until either destroyed or healed.
 Role Magician
o Can use the gathered pieces of others to launch them all at the opponent – multi strike
but risk injuring their own as well
 Mother - The first octopus of the enemy player she kills gains their abilities

Map weakness
Area Effect
Sand Debuff
Algae Neutral
Rock Home buff
Thermal Neutral
Ink Debuff

Hammer tribe


 Protector - If an opponent targets the cards on either side of this one, the octopus has a chance
to “throw” themselves in front of them and take the hit.
 Ambush - Have a chance % to hit double of their hit when first attacking a target
 Magicians:
o Their attack has a chance of confusing the targeted octopus for 2 turns
 Mother - Causes confusion to the enemies that attack her nest by using echo to cast her voice
Map weakness
Area Effect
Sand Debuff
Algae Neutral
Rock Home buff
Thermal Neutral
Ink Debuff

Lilliput tribe


 Unit - When the same role is placed next to each other, they get flanking bonus of +2 ATK.
 Quick - when first placed on the board the card has a chance (%) of immediately attacking or
defending instead of waiting for a turn.
 Magicians:
o When attacking they gain invisibility for 2 turn and boost the attack of the other
members of their tribe +2.
 Mother: Channels the smoke into attacks that can (%) blind the opponent making them unable
to attack for 4 turns

Map weakness
Area Effect
Sand Debuff
Algae Debuff
Rock Neutral
Thermal Home buff
Ink Neutral

Pygmy tribe


 Evade - due to their size they can evade the attack (%), however it doesn’t work for spell cards
 Magicians:
o Puppet - Raises dead cards from the death deck, halving the stats and adding their own.
If the corpse is destroyed so, is the octopus. Corpses attacks cause -> Decay - small
chance (%) of permanently reducing the ATK and HP of the target, larger chance of
causing the reduction for 4 rounds.
 Mother: uses the black smoke to dodge attacks and waits for the poisonous smoke to kill the
enemy (-14 HP per turn cards / -4 HP player).

Map weakness
Area Effect
Sand Debuff
Algae Debuff
Rock Neutral
Thermal Home buff
Ink Neutral

Giant tribe


 Stubborn - has a high chance of not attacking the order target or even not attacking at all.
 Sluggish - chance of being unable to move for a round (%)
 Magicians:
o Life steal - can steal an enemies HP (depending on its rank) and give it to an ally or to
 Mother - uses the crystals around her nest to protect herself adding 3 turns when the nest is
under attack

Map weakness
Area Effect
Sand Debuff
Algae Debuff
Rock Neutral
Thermal Neutral
Ink Home buff

Dumbo tribe


 Charm - Each dumbo octopus has a chance (%) to immediately cast charm on an opponent's
card(s) when being placed on the board - the charmed cards can’t attack the charmer.
 Magicians:
o Creates a protection ring around the targeted card that lasts for 3 turns, some spells can
still hit the protected target
 Mother - She can Charm attacking enemies every two turns and make them attack each other

Map weakness
Area Effect
Sand Debuff
Algae Debuff
Rock Neutral
Thermal Neutral
Ink Home buff

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