Company Name: Orange - Jordan: Website: HTTPS://WWW - - Aspx

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Company name: Orange - Jordan

Website :

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- A strong brand

- Loyalty schemes

- Exclusive contracts, patents, and licenses

Ownership of Landline Network

1- Faster Penetration for fiber services

Operating in 5 continents (26 countries, 2 contents ) :

1- faster access to new consumer trends (259 million customers, including 3,000
2- emerging technologies from multiple countries
3- Strong brand name
4- Roaming Services
5- Transfer of skills and expertise, a much-skilled labor force (Frontliners of tomorrow)

Economic Consideration
1- Increasing demand for connectivity
2- Growth in impactful digital services (financial services, health, education, gov, etc.)

Technological consideration
1- Enhanced connectivity
2 -Cybersecurity
3- Changing ways of working and increasingly digital needs
4- Enhanced digital transformations among businesses
5- improved customer experience
Sociocultural Analysis

E-Learning(The change in the way people learn)

The global pandemic has drastically changed the way students are learning worldwide and thus online
learning has taken place in which the demand for digital telecommunication is on the rise.

Also, Digital online courses are seeing an increase in demand where more people are enrolling to
upskill both of their knowledge and abilities.

Remote Work (The change in the way people work)

After the covid pandemic, Many companies are taking steps towards hybrid working environments,
where teams can work both remotely and in the office.

This shift in the way people work has seen a rise in companies becoming ‘virtual first’. This means
that workplaces are being distributed across offices and homes, and employees have the freedom to
choose how they work.

Rise of E-commerce (The change in the consumer buying habits)

The pandemic sparked a meteoric rise in online sales. As visits to physical stores were restricted, and
many were running low on money, consumers went online to shop, causing online purchases to grow
higher and higher.

The pandemic stay-at-home orders have given consumers an opportunity to embrace the
convenience of e-commerce. Even older generations, which have traditionally been anchored to
brick-and-mortar purchases, are turning to online shopping.

As consumers become accustomed to these luxuries of online shopping, this channel is likely to
become their preferred way of shopping once the pandemic is over.

Digital Payment (The change in the way people pay)

One of the biggest changes to emerge from the pandemic is the rising interest in contactless payment
options. Nearly two-thirds of consumers who previously said they wouldn’t have been keen to try new
forms of payment under normal circumstances did just that during the pandemic.

When lockdowns were announced due to the outbreak of COVID-19 in March last year, many citizens
resorted to digital payments using platforms such as eFAWATEERcom. Digital payments were
reinforced by the fact that money bills were deemed to transfer the virus. As a result the Kingdom
noticeably witnessed less demand on ATMs and banks.

According to Jordan Payments & Clearing Company (JoPACC), eFAWATEERcom witnessed an

increase in both the number of billers and users registered on the platform. In 2020, 126 new billers
joined to make up a total of 324. Also, 400,000 new users joined in the same year to make up a total
of 2.5 million users on eFAWATEERcom

Also, The use of e-wallets in the Kingdom has surpassed 1 million, according to the Jordan Payments
and Clearing Company (JoPACC) where it predicted that The rise in the number of e-wallets, would
contribute to increasing the digital financial inclusion by 20 percent
Life expectancy rate

The current life expectancy for Jordan in 2021 is 74.74 years, a 0.18% increase from 2020.

The life expectancy for Jordan in 2020 was 74.60 years, a 0.18% increase from 2019.

The life expectancy for Jordan in 2019 was 74.47 years, a 0.18% increase from 2018.

The life expectancy for Jordan in 2018 was 74.33 years, a 0.14% increase from 2017.

Population growth rate

Between 2000 and 2020, Jordan grew at rates between 1.37% and 5.00%. The current population
growth rate is 1.00%, adding about 101,000 people to the population from 2019 to 2020.

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