Second Prelim Quarter Examination

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S.Y. 2021-2022
PE 3

Name: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________

Grade & Section:________________________

General Direction: This is a 50-item test, read each direction written in each type of test,
answer this test in one hour. Avoid erasures.

I. Multiple Choice Test: Choose the correct and best answer to each item. (1 Point each)

_________1. It is one of factors affecting folkdances which refers to the diversity of places.
A. Geographical Location
B. Economic conditions
C. Climatic conditions
D. Customs and traditions

_________2. It is one of factors affecting folkdances which refers to: "If there is not enough money to
host these events, then there won't be many folk dances taking place"
A. Geographical Location
B. Economic conditions
C. Climatic conditions
D. Customs and traditions

_________3. It is one of factors affecting folkdances which refers to: "When the performers have a
hard time traveling when it is bad weather and higher chance that only a few will arrive."
A. Geographical Location
B. Economic conditions
C. Climatic conditions
D. Customs and traditions

_________4. It is one of factors affecting folkdances where it distills both historical and current
cultural values
A. Geographical Location
B. Economic conditions
C. Climatic conditions
D. Customs and traditions

_________5. The following are the DO's in Folk dancing. Except:

A. Avoid exaggerated steps
B. Dance naturally and simple
C. Wear proper costume
D. Dance with feeling and expression

_________6. The following are the DONT's in Folk dancing. Except:

A. The dance should not be too dainty and graceful
B. Avoid making steps too elaborate
C. Avoid making steps too complicated
D. Follow the directions and instructions as closely as possible.

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_________7. Which among the following is the definition of a folkdance?
A. It is usually performed by a man and a woman, expressing an element of romance in their
synchronized movements.
B. A theatrical dance characterized by graceful, balanced movements with fully extended
limbs, initiated from a restricted set of body positions
C. Any dance traditionally performed by the common people of a specific region.
D. Any form of dance that is performed for an audience, as opposed to social dance, which is
primarily social in nature

_________8. Which is not true about folkdance?

A. It is diverse which include religious, ceremonial, courtship, funeral and game dances.
B. It uses hand or stage properties such as fans, earrings, bench and flags.
C. It is not common to people and it was limited to certain people.
D. It involves activities such as rice production and broom making.

_________9. What common dance term where you will put your foot in a certain position without
putting weight on it and the sole of the foot rest on the floor?
A. Pivot B. Point C. Place D. Step

_________10. It is when the partners turn once around clockwise using walking or any kind of dance
A. Counterclockwise B. Clockwise C. Jaleo D. Pivot

_________11. It is when to turn with the ball, heel, or whole foot, on fixed place or point.
A. Counterclockwise B. Clockwise C. Jaleo D. Pivot

_________12. It is to cross the right (or left) foot in front of the Left (or right), bend the body slightly
forward and cross the hands down in front with the Right (Left) hand over the Left(Right).
A. Pivot B. Jaleo C. Kumintang D. Sarok

_________13. It is to advance or recede by raising and moving one foot to another resting place.
There is a complete transfer of weight from one foot to the other.
A. Point B. Place C. Hop D. Step

_________14. It is to advance or recede by raising and moving one foot to another resting place.
There is a complete transfer of weight from one foot to the other.
A. Point B. Place C. Hop D. Step

_________15. The foot no bearing the weight of the body.

A. Free Hand B. Free Foot C. Inside Hand D. Inside Foot

_________16. The hand not place anywhere or not doing anything.

A. Free Hand B. Free Foot C. Inside Hand D. Inside Foot

_________17. The foot nearest one’s partner, when partners stand side by side.
A. Free Hand B. Free Foot C. Inside Hand D. Inside Foot

_________18. The hand nearest one’s partner, when partners stand side by side.
A. Free Hand B. Free Foot C. Inside Hand D. Inside Foot

_________19. Moving the hand from the wrist either in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction.
This is an Ilocano term.
A. Jaleo B. Salok C. Kumintang D. Sarok
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_________20. To bring down the foot forcibly and noisily on the floor (like doing heavy steps).
A. Jump B. Hop C. Stamp D. Step

_________21. Two couples (the vis-à-vis) are opposite each other. Each couple proceeds in a
straight line to the opposite place. The girl pass by their Left shoulders between the boy. Boys bow to
each other when they meet at the middle or at about one-third of the way, then proceed to the
opposite place. Upon reaching the opposite place, partners turn about, girls stand at partners’ right
A. Clockwise B. Jaleo C. Cross-Over D. Counterclockwise

_________22. The reverse direction of clockwise. Left shoulder is toward the center of an imaginary
circle. When facing center, the movement is toward the right.
A. Clockwise B. Jaleo C. Cross-Over D. Counterclockwise

_________23. Like the motion of the hands of the clock. Right shoulder is toward the center of an
imaginary circle. When facing center, the movement is toward the left.
A. Clockwise B. Jaleo C. Cross-Over D. Counterclockwise

_________24. Both arms are at one side, either sideward right or left. This may be done at shoulder
chest or waist level.
A. Arms in Lateral Position
B. Arms in Reverse “T” position
C. Abracete
D. Brush

_________25. Weight on one foot, hit the floor with the ball or heel of the other foot (the free foot)
after which that foot is lifted from the floor to any direction.
A. Arms in Lateral Position
B. Arms in Reverse “T” position
C. Abracete
D. Brush

_________26. The vis-à-vis (opposite) both advance forward, pass each other’s right (or left) side,
step across to the right (or left), move backward without turning around pass each other’s left (or
right) side to proper places. This is of foreign origin and is used in many Philippine dances.
A. Cut
B. Arms in Reverse “T” position
C. Hayon –Hayon
D. Do-Si-Do(“Dos-a-Dos”)

_________27. Spring on one foot or both feet, landing on both in any direction.
A. Jump B. Cut C. Hayon –Hayon D. Do-Si-Do(“Dos-a-Dos”)

_________28. To place one forearm in front and the other at the back of the waist. This is a Visayan
A. Jump B. Cut C. Hayon –Hayon D. Do-Si-Do(“Dos-a-Dos”)

_________29. The foot that bears the weight of the body.

A. Outside Foot B. Inside foot C. Supporting foot D. Hands on waist

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_________30. Place hands at the waist line (at the smallest part of the trunk), knuckles in, fingers
pointing in rear.
A. Outside Foot B. Inside foot C. Supporting foot D. Hands on waist

II. Completion Test - Fundamental Arms and Feet Positions (2 Points each)
Choose the appropriate word or phrase on each item.

_________1. FIRST POSITION: Both __________ in a circle in front of chest with the fingertips
about an inch apart.
A. raised backward B. raised downward C. raised forward D. raised upward

_________ 2. FIRST POSITION: Heels close together; toes apart with or angle of about ________.
A. 20 degrees B. 90 degrees C. 45 degrees D. 30 degrees
_________ 3. 2nd POSITION: Astride sideward about a pace or ________.
A. 3-foot distance B. 2-foot distance C. 1-foot distance D. 4-foot distance
_________ 4. 2nd POSITION: Both raised sideward with a graceful curve at ________.
A. head level B. waist level C. shoulder level D. wrist level
_________ 5. 3RD POSITION: Heel of one foot close to ________ of other foot.
A. hop step B.out-step C. in-step D. outside step
_________ 6. 3RD POSITION: One arm raised sideward as in __________; other arm raised
A. first position B. third position C. second position D. fourth position
_________ 7. 4TH POSITION: One arm ________ as in first position; other arm raised over head.
A. raised on the side B. raised at the back C. raised in front D. raised center
_________ 8. 4TH POSITION: One foot in front of other foot of a ________ distance.
A. fast B. acceleration C. pace D. slow
_________ 9. 5TH POSITION: Both arms raised _________
A. downward B. sideward C. over head D. forward
_________ 10. 5TH POSITION: Heel of front foot close to big toe of _________.
A. fore foot B. front foot C. rear foot D. forward foot

The LORD is more pleased when we do what is right and just than when we offer him sacrifices.
− Proverbs 21:3 NLT

Prepared by:

Mary Rose E. Ocop

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Subject Teacher

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