TQ Tle8 (Firstquarter) Done

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S.Y. 2021-2022

Name: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________

General Direction: This is a 50-item test, read each direction written in each type of test, answer this
test in one hour. Avoid erasures.

I. Multiple Choice. (Item 1-10) (2 POINTS EACH)

Direction: Answer the following

____1. What kind of water you will use in cleaning the screens of CRT monitors?
a. Distilled Water b. Purified Water c. Tap Water

____2. A type of alcohol to clean the contacts on components.

a. Rubbing alcohol b. Ethyl Alcohol c. Isopropyl Alcohol

____3. What chemical that is present on the tip of the pencil which act as a conductor?
a. lead b. graphite c. carbon

____4. What movement should we do with the screwdriver when we tighten the screw?
a. counterclockwise b. clockwise c. right to left

____5. What movement should we do with the screwdriver when we loosen the screw?
a. counterclockwise b. clockwise c. left to right

____6. What do you call a screwdriver that uses crosshead screws?

a. Phillips head screwdriver b. Flat head screwdriver c. Hex Driver

____7. How many inches of the minimum distance when using a compressed air blowing around the
a. 4 inches b. 3 inches c. 2 inches

____8. The following options can be used to place and retrieve parts that may be hard to reach with your fingers.
a. Part retriever b. gloves c. tweezers

____9. What is the purpose of an antistatic wrist strap to the user and to the equipment?
a. To minimize the electrical charge
b. To equalize the electrical charge
c. To increase the electrical charge

____10. Why is it not advisable to use pencils in changing the setting of switches inside the computer?
a. because pencils are uncomfortable to use.
b. because the tip of the pencil contains lead that act as a conductor and may damage the computer
c. because using pencils are not appropriate in checking and prying off jumpers inside the computer.

II. TRUE OR FALSE. (Item 11-25) (1 POINT EACH)

Direction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct, FALSE if the statement is wrong. Avoid erasures.

_____11. Keep the work area clean, tidy, well swept/washed, and well lit; floors should be level and have a
non-slip surface.
_____12. Do not leave machines unattended: turn the power off.

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_____13 Check and adjust some safety devices only before each job.
_____14. Keep hands away from the cutting head and all moving parts.
_____15. Do not return all portable tooling to their proper storage place after use.
_____16. In selecting the best tools for each task, requires training in the proper use of it.
_____17. You should follow the manufacturer’s guidance and instructions for the specific tool.
_____18. It is not good to avoid distracting an operator; horseplay cannot lead to injuries.
_____19. In selecting the best tool, we should first know and understand in detail the scope of work to be
_____20. Return all portable tooling to their proper storage place after use.
_____21 Follow lock-out procedures after measuring, cleaning or making any adjustments
_____22 Use an ordinary broom to remove any cuttings.
_____23. Ensure there is enough room around the machine.
_____24Ensure there is enough room around the machine.
_____25. Wear loose clothing, gloves, necktie, and other jewelries while working with machines.
_____26. Ensure that all cutting tools and blades are clean and sharp; they should not be able to cut freely
without being forced.

III. Enumeration (Item 26-31) (1 POINT EACH)

Directions: Enumerate the following.

Good practices in the proper storage of tools (At least 4)


Benefits of proper storage of tools: (at least 3)


IV. Essay (41-50) (10 POINTS)

Why is it necessary to have tool and equipment maintenance in a workplace or even in your home? (4-5

The LORD is more pleased when we do what is right and just than when we offer him sacrifices.
− Proverbs 21:3 NLT

Prepared by:

Mary Rose E. Ocop

Subject Teacher

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