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 Poem Analysis 1

Instruction: In 100 words, analyze and interpret the content of the poem
WRITTEN by Dr.Jose Rizal that contains his thought about the importance of
education to enlighten the nation which was useful to gain societal freedom
for every nation.
“Intimate Alliance between Education and Religion”

(19 April 1876)

As the climbing ivy over lofty elm
Creeps tortuously, together the adornment
Of the verdant plain, embellishing
Each other and together growing,
But should the kindly elm refuse its aid
The ivy would be impotent and friendless wither

So is Education to Religion
By spiritual alliance firmly bound.
Through Religion, Education gains renown, and
woe to the impious mind that blindly spurning
The sapient teachings of Religion, this
Unpolluted fountainhead forsakes.
As the sprout, growing from the pompous vine,
Proudly offers us its honeyed clusters
While the generous and fresh’ning waters
Of celestial virtue give new life
To Education true, shedding
On it warmth and light; because of them The
vine smells sweet and gives delicious fruit.
Without Religion, Human Education
Is like unto a vessel struck by winds
Which, sore beset, is of its helm deprived By
the roaring blows and buffets of the dread
Tempestuous Boreas [The north wind -- ly], who fiercely wields
His power until he proudly sends her down
Into the deep abysses of the angered sea.
As heaven’s dew the meadow feeds and strengthens
So that blooming flowers all the earth
Embroider in the days of spring; so also
If Religion holy nourishes Education with its doctrines,
she Shall walk in joy and generosity
Toward the Good, and everywhere bestrew
The fragrant and luxuriant fruits of Virtue.
Dr. Rizal Rizal’s “Intimate Alliance between Education
and Religion”reflected his thought about the importance of
education to enlighten the nation which was useful to gain
societal freedom for every nation. In addition it also provided us
the necessary knowledge, skills and attitude to expand the
horizon of our thoughts. However, this would not be enough to
be properly educated. Rizal thought that there was really an
intimate alliance between religion and good education.
The very first stanza is a comparison of how indispensable
the relationship of Education and Religion. These tow concepts
where directly compared to an IVY and ELM TREE. As
highlighted by the author, Education and Religion shall be both
cultivated and nourished.
The second stanza is a capsule which contains a genuine
reality that “education will take us to greener pasture”. Thus ,it
explains that after all the forfeits and troubles in analyzing, it
will take and give us a big crop and success in life. -it takes clip
to turn and learn but shortly we get to reap the fruits of our
adversities all these will wholly be worth it.
The third stanza denoted that Education without faith is
compared to a vas struck by air currents and lost at sea.
Education sans faith will lead us to nowhere but destruction and
failure. It highlighted the value of having both “FAITH” and
Fourth Stanza reflected that truth strengthens and
nourishes a person’s instruction. “If faith sanctum nourishes
instruction with its philosophies, she shall walk in joy and
generousness toward the good” With the assistance of faith.
Instruction will be used for the common good and not merely
will you derive cognition, you will besides derive virtuousness

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