Penilaian Akhir Tahun Bahasa Inggris

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a. diantara b. di dalam c. di atas d.

di dekat
PENILAIAN AKHIR TAHUN BAHASA 11. " di dalam " in English is ... . 

INGGRIS a. on b. in
12. Mr. Arya is ... his new car. 
c. near d. next to


1. " roof " means ... . a. in
b. opposite to
a. dinding b. atap c. pintu d. jendela c. in front of
2. " gorden " in English is ... .  d. under

a. curtain b. door c. window d. floor

3. The floor is not clean, ... ?  13. " sleep " means ... . 
a. isn't it b. aren't it c. is it d. are it a. memasak b. membawa c. membutuhkan d. tidur
4. " always " means ... .  14. " api unggun " in English is ... . 
a. kadang - kadang b. biasanya c. jarang d. selalu a. bonfire b. tent c. mattress d. morse code
5. " tidak pernah " in English is ... .  15. The students will ... camping next Saturday. 
a. never b. always c. rarely d. always a. goes b. going c. went d. go
6. My family eats breakfast together. This happens every morning. So, we ... meet.   16. " candle " means ... . 
a. rarely b. always c. never d. seldom a. lilin b. ulang tahun c. pesta d. hadiah
7. Azmee looks ... . He gets the present from his mother.  17. We ... going to eat a birthday cake. 
a. sad a. is b. was c. are d. am
b. angry
18. I ... going to invite some friends to my birthday party. 
c. happy
d. sick a. are b. am c. is d. were
8. " strong " means ... .  19. " pesta " in English is ... . 
a. sedih b. bahagia c. sakit d. kuat a. party b. candle c. cake d. present
9. My sister is ... . He has a fever.  20. Lala ... cook Soto for our lunch tomorrow. 
a. happy a. is b. are c. will d. am
b. strong 21. " near " means ... . 
c. sick
d. shy a. di dekat b. di depan c. di dalam d. di bawah
10. " between " means ... .  22. " rajin " in English is ... . 
a. helpful b. diligent c. generous d. independent 36. What is the biggest building in the town ? 
23. " independent " means ... .  37. Rearrange the following jumbled sentense!
a. rajin b. suka menolong c. mandiri d. manja 38. Translate the sentence into Indonesia ! 
24. Ulfa is ... than Zahwa.  39. Who is more diligent ? 
a. more friendly b. friendlier c. most friendly d. friendliest 40. Who always greets everyone he meets ? 
25. They are ... than others. 
a. more helpful b. helpfulier c. most helpful d. helpfulest

26. " staircase " means ... . 

27. " biasanya " in English is ... . 
28. He looks ... . He always goes to the gym every Saturday. 

29. " corner " means ... . 

30. " di seberang " in English is ... . 
31. " go camping " means ... . 
32. " menjelajah " in English is ... . 
33. " blow " means ... . 
34. " hadiah " in English is ... . 
35. Gerry is often in a bad mood. He is ... . 

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