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Name : Revaldi Ramdana

NPM : 0621191076


Present continuous tense atau present progressive tense adalah bentuk kata kerja yang
digunakan untuk menyatakan aksi yang sedang berlangsung sekarang (present) atau rencana di
masa depan (future).

Present continuous tense dibentuk dengan auxiliary verb “be”, berupa is/am/are – karena
present tense (waktu sekarang), dan present participle (-ing).

Is digunakan pada subject berupa singular noun (seperti: Tita, book) dan third person singular
pronoun (seperti: she, he, it); are pada plural noun (seperti: boys, men, books), plural
pronoun (seperti: we, they) dan you; sementara am pada I.

Umumnya tense ini hanya terjadi pada aksi berupa dynamic atau action verb, tidak stative
verb. Mengapa begitu? karena secara umum hanya dynamic verb yang memiliki bentuk


Exercise 1


a.) Use the presents continous to talk about changing situations = 5. I’m working

c.) Use the presents simple with a thought or feeling = 3. Don’t agree

d.) Use the presents simple with verbs describing thats things are, what they are like end

what they possess = 4. Prefer

e.) Use the presents continuos for a temprorary situation = 9. Is getting

f.) Use the presents countinuos for a temporary thought = 7. Need

Exercise 2

A: I hear you are working in a pub at the moment. What’s it like?

B: It is fine, althought it’s very hard work. I’m always tired. But I don’t mind

A: Is the money good?

B: No, not really, but i do like the hours. You know i dont’t like working early in the morning

A: Ohh yes. I do remember now. You never used to get up before 11.00

B: Well, i’m not like that now. But certainly don’t like getting up before 9.00. Anyway, tell me
about you. What are you doing now?

A: I am still a student. I am studying German at university. Actually, i am working quite hard at

the moment because my exams are next week. I do want to be a teacher when i finish at

B: Oh well, good luck in your exams. I must go i am starting work at 12.00 on Mondays, and i
don’t want to be late, i don’t have my car any , so i am cycling everywhere at the moment

Exercise 3


In my country many thing are changing. The population is increasing and the numbef of
unemployed people is going down. Young people are leaving home earlier/later and getting
merried earlier/later than before. People are earning more/less money these days, while the
cost of living is falling our capital city Is getting bigger/smaller , the number of people with cars
is falling and traffic problems getting better /worse. Overwall i think life in my country is getting
better/worse for most people

Exercise 4


1. The scientist from US are trying to finding the signs or life with examine mars rocks
2. Grandmother is still working in the supermarket at 75th, but thingking of retring
3. The man who living in the tree house are typing to set the new year record
4. The man ffrom New York ide building his own rocked and planning to reaching to the
5. The women from Tokyo are celebrate her 120th birthday and looking forward to 121st

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