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Source: The Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 58, No. 4 (August 2015), pp. 1128-1148
Published by: Academy of Management
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Accessed: 28-11-2021 13:27 UTC

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® Academy of Management Journal
2015, Vol. 58, No. 4, 1128-1148.


National Chengchi University

University of Texas at Dallas

The challenges firms face increase with their product diversification levels because dif-
ferent product markets possess different sociopolitical issues. We argue that secondary
stakeholders, as represented by various nonprofit or non-governmental organizations,
serve as agents mitigating the external constraints embedded within sociopolitical envi-
ronments. Firms should therefore maintain relationships with different secondary-
stakeholder scopes commensurate with their product diversification levels in order to
enhance financial performance. Analyzing a sample of U.S. Fortune 500 firms during the
period from 1996 to 2003, we found that secondary stakeholders play a positive moder-
ating role in the relationship between product diversification and financial performance.
Furthermore, this moderating effect was stronger in the case of unrelated diversification
than in related diversification.

Product diversification is an important issue studies concerning them imply that effective in-
in strategic management (Montgomery, 1994; teraction and coordination between firms and
Palepu, 1985; Penrose, 1959; Rumelt, 1982). While their stakeholders is crucial to successful product
there is debate concerning the main relationship diversification.
between product diversification and financial Prior studies also implicitly assume that firms
performance, research suggests that the benefit will face similar sociopolitical environments when
of product diversification will emerge under a they diversify into multiple product markets.
fit between internal and external organizational However, this assumption is at odds with the re-
conditions (see Hoskisson & Hitt, 1990; Palich, ality, in which firms must address distinct in-
Cardinal, & Miller, 2000; Wan, Hoskisson, Short, & stitutional environments and societal expectations
Yiu, 2011 for reviews). Several contingencies, such that vary from one industry to another (Chakrabarti,
as the top management team (Calori, Johnson, & Singh, & Mahmood, 2007; Kang, 2013; Maurer,
Sarnin, 1994; Michel & Hambrick, 1992; Wiersema & Bansal, & Crossan, 2011). Since the main constitu-
Bantei, 1992), board of directors (Kor & Leblebici, encies of sociopolitical environments are secondary
2005), shareholders (David, O'Brien, Yoshikawa, stakeholders such as nonprofit organizations, re-
& Delios, 2010), employees (Farjoun, 1994; Neffke ligious organizations, and other non-governmental
& Henning, 2013), suppliers (Cesaroni, 2004; Nar- organizations (NGOs) (Baron, 1995; Clarkson, 1995;
asimhan & Kim, 2002), and customers (Zuckerman, Eesley & Lenox, 2006; Freeman, 1984; Post, Preston,
2000), have been found to play important roles & Sachs, 2002), the financial consequences of
in aligning the fit between internal organiza- product diversification are therefore not only asso-
tional conditions and external environments. These ciated with primary stakeholders, but also contin-
important moderators are, collectively, a firm's gent on secondary stakeholders. Unlike primary
primary stakeholders who can directly influ- stakeholders, secondary stakeholders are organi-
ence business operations via internal changes zations or groups of people that are indirectly in-
(Clarkson, 1995; Freeman, 1984). Results from volved in a firm's operations and actions (Baron,
1995; Clarkson, 1995; Mitchell, Agle, & Wood, 1997;
We thank Gerry McNamara (associate editor) and three Suchman, 1995). Represented by diverse nonprofit
reviewers for their comments, which have improved our organizations or NGOs, secondary stakeholders
paper. usually act as agencies that challenge or support

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2015 Su and Tsang 1129
a firm's legitimacy in accessing various resources to recent calls seeking additional moderators from
controlled by primary stakeholders and external institutional environments in order to refine schol-
environments (Freeman, 1984; Frooman, 1999; Hill ars' understanding of product diversification
& Jones, 1992; King, 2007; Wang & Qian, 2011). As (Chakrabarti et al., 2007; Wan et al., 2011). Fur-
the number of product markets increases with thermore, this study also responds to the call for
a firm's level of product diversification, so do the examining how corporate social behaviors and
environmental constraints that firms will face corporate strategies interactively influence finan-
(Kang, 2013). Unfortunately, secondary stake- cial performance (Baron, 1995; Bruch & Walter,
holders' roles as important agents in moderating 2005; Maurer et al., 2011; McWilliams, Siegel, &
a firm's sociopolitical environments have been Wright, 2006).
underexplored in the product diversification liter-
ature. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to
answer the question: What moderating role do sec- THEORY AND HYPOTHESES
ondary stakeholders play in the relationship be- Product Diversification
tween product diversification and firm financial
performance? "Product diversification" means that firms have
We propose that maintaining good relationships operations in more than one industry or product
with secondary stakeholders plays a positive mod- market. According to Palepu (1985: 244), a firm's
erating role in the relationship between product product diversification consists of "related di-
diversification and firm financial performance. We versification" (i.e., products within the same in-
argue that product diversification increases the cost dustry group) and "unrelated diversification"
of a firm's external controls within its sociopolitical (i.e., products across different industry groups). The
environments. Secondary stakeholders that act as decision for product diversification can be analyzed
agents to mitigate sociopolitical challenges may from the resource-based view or from the perspec-
help reduce the external costs associated with tive of transaction cost economics.
product diversification and accordingly contribute The resource-based view proposes that firms
to financial performance. Furthermore, the positive can enter into different product markets by leverag-
moderating effect of secondary stakeholders is ing their resources or capabilities (Wan et al.,
stronger in the case of unrelated than in related di- 2011). Early research suggested that physical or
versification because unrelated diversifies face knowledge-based resources are associated with re-
more unpredictable and diverse sociopolitical en- lated diversification, and internal financial resour-
vironments than do related diversifies. We find ces are associated with unrelated diversification
empirical support for the above arguments based on (Chatterjee & Wernerfelt, 1991). However, recent
a sample of Fortune 500 firms in the United States studies have begun to show different patterns
between 1996 and 2003. (Neffke & Henning, 2013; Ng, 2007). For example,
This study's main contribution is to enhance our Diestre and Rajagopalan (2011) found, based on
understanding of the relationship between product a sample of U.S. firms from 1995 to 2003, that, if
diversification and firm financial performance by firms have a capability for handling highly toxic
highlighting the role of secondary stakeholders. but regulated chemicals, then they can diversify
Although prior research has documented how themselves into unrelated product markets that
firms can diversify into different product markets, also require the capability to handle the same
few studies give sufficient attention to the diverse chemicals.
environments firms will face when they imple- Transaction cost economics argues that, com-
ment product diversification. Maintaining rela- pared to unrelated diversification, related di-
tionships with secondary stakeholders helps firms versification is more likely to enjoy economies of
gain social legitimacy and learn how to better scope where inputs are shared and utilized jointly
manage their external constraints given the in- by different business units (Jones & Hill, 1988).
creasing institutional pressures from their sociopo- Moreover, related diversification may also gain
litical environments. To the best of our knowledge, from economies of integration, a benefit typically
this study is the first to provide evidence that sec- associated with vertical integration. Although re-
ondary stakeholders play a critical role in influ- lated diversification generates greater economic
encing firm financial performance when firms benefits than unrelated diversification, it also incurs
pursue product diversification. Thus, it responds higher costs from coordinating production across

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1130 Academy of Management Journal August
business units (Jones & Hill, 1988). When business (because they have direct legal authority over firms).1
units share resources and become jointly special- On the one hand, these organizations can help a firm
ized in order to realize economies of integration and maintain amiable relationships with potential cus-
scope, then monitoring the performance of in- tomers, employees, and investors. On the other hand,
dividual units becomes more difficult, resulting in they can also create a hostile environment that
a higher potential for shirking and other opportu- complicates business operations by hurting a firm's
nistic behaviors. Moreover, when firms diversify, public image. It is essential for firms to maintain good
they must reorganize their business units to achieve relationships with these secondary stakeholders
economies of scope by altering existing routines and since they may either facilitate or constrain a firm's
contracts, but reorganization is costly because of business.
organizational rigidity (Rawley, 2010). One of the major strategic outcomes of corporate
In spite of the benefits of diversification high- philanthropy is external stakeholder management,
lighted by the resource-based view and transaction targeting "interest groups that have already exerted
cost economics, substantial internal coordination pressure on the firm or that are thought likely to do so
costs arise from diversification. Prior studies have in the future" (Logsdon, Reiner, & Burke, 1990: 100).
significantly enhanced our understanding of how to Firms may manage their relationships with these
better control such costs via organizational structure interest groups via donations. Generally speaking,
(Markides & Williamson, 1996), corporate gover- directly donating to nonprofit organizations is an
nance (Michel & Hambrick, 1992; Kor & Leblebici, effective means for firms to develop and maintain
2005), and knowledge management (Miller, 2006; relationships with these organizations, for two main
Robins & Wiersema, 1995). These important cost reasons. First, corporate philanthropy is a reciprocal
control mechanisms usually work through primary and dynamic activity (Argenti, 2004; Bosse, Phillips,
stakeholders who can directly influence firm oper- & Harrison, 2009; Godfrey, 2005); a donation is not
ations, such as managers (Calori et al., 1994; the end of give but a start of take. Corporate philan-
Michel & Hambrick, 1992; Wiersema & Bantei, thropy enables firms to leverage not only their own
1992), boards of directors (Kor & Leblebici, 2005), resources but also those of nonprofit organizations
shareholders (David et al., 2010), employees (Porter & Kramer, 2002). Nonprofits possess the
(Farjoun, 1994; Neffke & Henning, 2013), suppli- professional and specific knowledge required for
ers (Cesaroni, 2004; Narasimhan & Kim, 2002), addressing sociopolitical issues. Firms can benefit
and customers (Zuckerman, 2000). By focusing on from such knowledge by donating to various non-
internal coordination costs, the prior literature profits and establishing relationships with them. For
seems to have assumed that a firm deals with example, in 2007, a reporter from Britain's Observer
virtually identical external environments regard- newspaper discovered child labor in an Indian fac-
less of the number of product markets it enters. tory that produced T-shirts for the GapKids brand.
However, the more product lines a firm has, the Gap investigated the case and found that one of its
more complex the environments and the socio- approved suppliers had subcontracted part of the job
political demands it will face (Kang, 2013). When to the factory. To prepare its response, Gap followed
firms diversify into multiple product markets, the guidelines learned from multiple stakeholders,
they must not only control internal coordination
costs via primary stakeholders, but also solicit 1 In the literature, there is no conclusion as to whether
additional support from secondary stakeholders governments belong to the category of primary stake-
that may either facilitate or hamper firm oper- holders (e.g., Clarkson, 1995) or secondary stakeholders
ations indirectly. (e.g., Freeman, Harrison, & Wicks, 2007). However, it is
common to treat governments independently in empirical
studies of stakeholder management (e.g., Berman, Wicks,
Secondary Stakeholders Kotha, & Jones, 1999; Eesley & Lenox, 2006). We use
"nonprofit organizations" and "non-governmental organ-
"Secondary stakeholders" refers to those that ei-
izations" interchangeably in this study since there is no
ther indirectly influence or are influenced by the clear distinction between two terms (Husted, 2003). It
firm without legal obligations (Clarkson, 1995; should be noted that the label "nonprofit" refers to not
Eesley & Lenox, 2006). Secondary stakeholders in only charitable organizations but also any nonprofit
the present study include institutions such as re- organizations dedicated to humanities, health, education,
ligious organizations, nonprofit organizations, and environment, religion, science, social service, and civic
NGOs, but exclude governmental organizations and public affairs.

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2015 Su and Tsang 1131
including NGOs and trade unions, about how to deal between product diversification and firm financial
with a child labor incident. In particular, Gap started performance when sociopolitical environments
funding Bachpan Bachao Andolan, a local child la- change. We argue that firms with a high level of
bor NGO, to serve as an educator against child labor product diversification are likely to have better fi-
(Smith, Ansett, & Erez, 2011). nancial performance when they maintain relationships
Second, compared to internalization, donating to with a broader diversity of secondary stakeholders, for
nonprofits is a more effective governance mecha- three main reasons.
nism for firms to address sociopolitical issues if First, secondary stakeholders can lower a firm's
these issues are peripheral to a firm's core function external costs by providing legitimacy in both social
and difficult to predict (Bruch & Walter, 2005; and environmental contexts (Argenti, 2004; Post
Husted, 2003). Donations allow firms to transfer et al., 2002). Secondary stakeholders such as interest
their financial and other resources to nonprofit groups and local communities can easily increase
organizations that undertake charitable, social, ed- business costs via protests, boycotts, and non-
ucational, community, or scientific work, thereby cooperation (Argenti, 2004; Frooman, 1999). These
filling such firms' voids in these sociopolitical costs not only affect firms in the short term, but also
domains while fulfilling the nonprofits' financial stain firm reputation in the longer term (Fombrun
needs (Argenti, 2004; Husted, 2003) in a symbiotic 1996; Zadek, 2004). When firms diversify their
relationship (Saiia, Carroll, & Buchholtz, 2003). products into multiple markets, they will interact
Moreover, sociopolitical issues often require a com- with diverse regulatory agencies and interest groups
munal collaboration between one firm and multiple that they may not have experienced before. Engaging
nonprofits. For example, in 2002, Starbucks began and maintaining good relationships with a diversity
a collaborative project with Oxfam, the Oaxacan of secondary stakeholders can provide firms with the
State Coffee Producers Network, and the Ford legitimacy required to receive reciprocal support
Foundation with the goals "to ¿reate a sustainable (Barnett, 2007; Bosse et al., 2009; Godfrey, 2005).
community across a range of issues, each inter- This moral capital derived from reciprocal stake-
twined within the community, reduce their negative holder support can weave a safety net protecting firms
social footprint, and to improve the sustainability from financial fluctuations (Fombrun, Gardberg, &
of Starbucks and the coffee-growing regions in Barnett, 2000; Godfrey, Merrill, & Hansen, 2009).
Mexico" (Peloza & Falkenberg, 2009: 105). Another The classic example of Nike's sweatshops in Asia
example is the Nestlé Healthy Kids Global Program has educated businesses into allying with non-
that works in partnership with NGOs aiming at profits dedicated to social issues such as environ-
raising nutrition, health, and wellness awareness of mental protection and human rights (Zadek, 2004).
school-age children around the world. As part of the However, secondary stakeholders are usually quite
program, NGOs can apply for and receive grants diverse and difficult to identify ex ante. It is there-
of up to US$540,000 for engaging in innovative fore important for diversified firms to develop good
projects (FundsforNGOs, 2012). It would be pro- relationships with a diversity of secondary stake-
hibitively costly for Starbucks or Nestlé to work on holders as a precautionary measure.
these goals on its own. Second, maintaining relationships with a broad
diversity of secondary stakeholders provides firms
with professional knowledge in sociopolitical
Moderating the Relationship between Product
Diversification and Performance domains. This specific knowledge helps firms learn
how to respond to social and environmental issues
Although firms may enter new markets based on (Smith et al., 2011). For instance, garment compa-
their core competencies, the value-creating process nies are often criticized because of their contractors'
may be socially complex because firms are embedded environmental pollution or inhumane working
within a multiplicity and diversity of stakeholder conditions. Having relationships with secondary
relationships (Barney, 1991; Freeman, 1984; Post stakeholders can offer targeted companies a means
et al., 2002). Firms become more constrained when of tackling these kinds of social problems. For ex-
they have more products spreading across different ample, executives from Gap said that having rela-
markets as every product market has its unique in- tionships with multiple nonprofits provided the
dustrial norms and societal expectations (Kang, company with a safe forum in which to discuss
2013). A firm's secondary stakeholders can play its challenges and gain insights into the best ways
an important role in moderating the relationship to handle particular sociopolitical issues. Gap can

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1132 Academy of Management Journal August
even resolve issues with contractors "below the ra- Petrovits, & Radhakrishnan, 2010; Walker & Kent,
dar screen" rather than in public (see Smith et al., 2009); they are less disposed to buy products man-
2011, for details). Firms with more diversified ufactured by firms that are perceived as illegitimate
product portfolios may therefore have better finan- (Wagner, Lutz, & Weitz, 2009; Zadek, 2004). Since
cial performance if they receive support from a di- diversified firms have products sold in multiple
versity of secondary stakeholders. markets, donating to various nonprofits would send
Third, interacting with secondary stakeholders a positive signal to their customers that they place
may elicit positive responses from primary stake- a high priority on corporate philanthropy (Godfrey,
holders (Wang & Qian, 2011). Diversified firms 2005). Lev and colleagues' (2010) study of charitable
usually require talented and skillful employees in donations made by U.S. public firms from 1989
order to manage and coordinate different product to 2000 showed that customer satisfaction with
lines (Farjoun, 1994; Neffke & Henning, 2013). corporate philanthropic activities benefits firms
Greening and Turban's (2000) experimental study financially - in terms of sale growth, for example.
using business student subjects indicated that job Likewise, potential investors may also be concerned
applicants are attracted to and intend to pursue their with whether or not firms have amiable secondary
careers with firms that have positive social perfor- stakeholder relationships (Hillman & Keim, 2001;
mance reputations. The existing literature also Johnson & Greening, 1999; Mackey, Mackey, &
suggests that firms engaging in socially oriented Barney, 2007). Firms with multiple product lines
activities, such as charitable donations and commu- should exercise special caution because they face
nity engagements, can create shared values between greater reputational risks from latent attacks (Eesley
firms and employees that enhance employees' & Lenox, 2006; Fombrun et al., 2000; Godfrey et al.,
job satisfaction, organizational commitments, and 2009). Diversified firms, in particular, must
psychological well-being, thereby increasing pro- maintain good relationships with a broad range
ductivity (Brady, 2012; Grant &. Sonnentag, 2010; de of secondary stakeholders in order to weave
Luque, Washburn, Waldman, & House, 2008; Edmans, a wide safety net protecting them from financial
2012). Likewise, it is important for diversified firms fluctuations.
to have more diversified management teams and To summarize, firms with a high level of product
board compositions so that they can benefit from diversification will face greater sociopolitical chal-
a greater variety of professional knowledge and ex- lenges (Kang, 2013), and it is essential for them to
ternal connections (Kor & Leblebici, 2005). Prior maintain relationships with a broad range of sec-
studies have shown that firms with high social ondary stakeholders. Doing so will require the in-
performance usually have more diversified top vestment of management time and effort; however,
management teams and board compositions (Bear, the investment is not expected to be as great as that
Rahman, & Post, 2010; Wong, Ormiston, & Tetlock, of maintaining relationships with customers or
2011). Having good relationships with secondary suppliers. As donors, firms are in a favorable posi-
stakeholders would therefore help diversified firms tion to shape their relationships with the nonprofits
bring in more diversified managers and outside that receive their donations and determine how the
directors, which could in turn improve perfor- relationships will evolve. The investment is there-
mance. The positive reputation derived from good fore cost effective in view of the benefits discussed
relationships with various secondary stakeholders above. Maintaining relationships with a wide range
can also give rise to additional business opportuni- of secondary stakeholders is therefore crucial re-
ties from suppliers and customers (Fombrun et al., gardless of the main relationship between product
2000; Godfrey, 2005; Porter & Kramer, 2002). Firms diversification and firm financial performance. If
gain the reputation of being socially or environ- product diversification increases financial perfor-
mentally responsible by associating with nonprofits mance, then reciprocal support from a diversity of
devoted to addressing human rights or environ- secondary stakeholders will enhance this positive
mental concerns, which consequently can help relationship. On the other hand, if product diversi-
elicit additional business. fication is detrimental to financial performance, then
In contrast, shunning secondary stakeholders maintaining good relationships with a broad range
may send a negative signal to primary stakeholders of secondary stakeholders will mitigate external
and harm firm reputation. Consumers often pay costs, weakening the negative effect. That is, the
special attention to whether or not firms are so- moderating effect of secondary stakeholders is pos-
cially responsible (Bhattacharya & Sen, 2004; Lev, itive regardless of whether the relationship between

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2015 Su and Tsang 1133
product diversification and financial performance is from these primary stakeholders. Unrelated diver-
positive or negative. sifiers must also associate with more diversified
secondary stakeholders because unrelated diversi-
Hypothesis 1. Secondary stakeholders will have
fiers are subject to different regulations across in-
a positive moderating effect on the relationship
dustries. Firms may resort to NGOs for political
between product diversification and firm financial endorsement in order to deal with these institu-
performance such that diversified firms maintain-
tional constraints. For instance, it has become pop-
ing relationships with a broad range of secondary
ular for corporations to sponsor breakfasts with
stakeholders have better financial performance
political figures, the mainstream media, and
than those with a narrow scope of secondary
business-related associations (Suddath, 2013); these
events help firms increase their awareness, ex-
Related Diversification versus Unrelated change information, and facilitate business oper-
Diversification ations. Maintaining good relationships with a broad
range of secondary stakeholders can help firms
We argue that the positive moderating effect of that pursue unrelated diversification better control
secondary stakeholders on the relationship be- their sociopolitical environments and improve their
tween product diversification and financial per- financial performance.
formance will be stronger in the case of unrelated On the other hand, it is more likely that related
as opposed to related diversification. Prior litera- diversifiers are able to accurately identify their latent
ture has suggested that unrelated diversifies may secondary stakeholders, compared with their un-
have greater difficulty in stimulating financial related counterparts. When firms face similar socio-
performance because they may not be able to effi- political environments over time, they may have
ciently leverage their resources from one product learned how to manage their environments by identi-
line to another (Palepu, 1985; Palich et al., 2000). fying relevant stakeholders, understanding their po-
However, recent literature has refuted this line of tential impacts, harmonizing conflicting interests, and
argument by showing that firms can effectively developing cooperation for mutual benefit (Post et al.,
enter unrelated industries by leveraging their core 2002: 23). Hence, it is less necessary for related
competences (Diestre & Rajagopalan, 2011; Neffke diversifiers to maintain relationships with a broad
& Henning, 2013; Ng, 2007). Although firms may range of secondary stakeholders. Maintaining rela-
enter unrelated markets by utilizing their superior tionships with a narrow scope of secondary stake-
capabilities, these capabilities, with a focus on inter- holders instead is strategic enough to control their
nal knowledge transfer from one product line to an- external constraints, since most latent secondary
other, may not be suitable for managing stakeholder stakeholders that pose threats to the company have
relationships or responding to the sociopolitical issues been identified and studied. It may therefore be
firms may face in different markets (Barnett, 2007; a waste of resources in terms of time and effort for
Maurer et al., 2011; Neffke & Henning, 2013). As with related diversifiers to associate with a great variety of
absorptive capacity (Cohen & Levinthal, 1990), the secondary stakeholders. We expect that maintaining
capability to address sociopolitical concerns requires relationships with a broad range of secondary stake-
the investment of time, effort, and resources (Barnett, holders will benefit unrelated diversification more
2007). The necessary knowledge for effectively ad- than related diversification.
dressing sociopolitical issues is also professional and
Hypothesis 2. The positive moderating effect of
specific to various types of secondary stakeholders
secondary stakeholders on the relationship be-
(Argenti, 2004; Barnett, 2007; Husted, 2003). Thus, the
tween product diversification and firm perfor-
capability of extending product markets is different
mance is stronger in the case of unrelated
from that of addressing sociopolitical issues (Barnett,
diversification than in related diversification.
2007; Maurer et al., 2011).
Unrelated diversifies face more diversified primary
stakeholders, such as customers and suppliers, com- METHODS
pared to related diversifies. It becomes particularly
Sample and Data Sources
important for unrelated diversifiers to gain legiti-
macy and enhance firm reputation by maintaining The sample for this study consists of U.S. public
good relationships with a diversity of secondary firms on the Fortune 500 list between 1996 and 2003.
stakeholders in order to elicit positive responses Large firms were chosen because they are more likely

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1134 Academy of Management Journal August
to pursue product diversification and address socio- stakeholders. Secondary stakeholders therefore fa-
political issues (Kang, 2013; Markides & Williamson, cilitate the efficiency of resource usage. In this vein,
1996). In addition, large firms are more likely to be the we chose return on assets (ROA) as the measure-
target of interest groups and to have interactions with ment of firm financial performance, because this
various types of secondary stakeholders due to their accounting-based performance indicator captures
high visibility (Frooman, 1999). We collected our data the efficiency of resource allocation via firm oper-
from several sources. First, we collected corporate fi- ation (Waddock & Graves, 1997). Since this study
nancial data and product-market segment information involves philanthropic donations, there may be
from Compustat. Second, we collected corporate a concern that the tax deduction for donations could
governance variables from RiskMetrics (formerly bias a firm's net income. We controlled for the tax
IRRC). Finally, we collected secondary stakeholder effect by following Kacperczyk (2009), and calcu-
information from the Taft Corporate Giving Directory lated ROA as the ratio of earnings before interest,
(Taft Group, 1998-2006). This data source discloses taxes, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA) to
corporate charity information, including the amounts total assets.
given and the types and categories of nonprofit organ-
izations to which firms donate. The Directory divides
Independent Variables
nonprofit organizations into nine main categories -
Arts and Humanities, Civic and Public Affairs, Edu- Product diversification (related/unrelated
cation, Environment, Health, International, Religion, diversification). Palepu (1985) suggested that
Science, and Social Services - and each category is a firm's total product diversification (DT) consists of
further divided into a number of types. For example, both related diversification (DR) and unrelated di-
nonprofits that handle legal aid (a type) belong to the versification (DU). We adopted the entropy measure
category of Civic and Public Affairs. This informa- proposed by Jacquemin and Berry (1979) since we
tion allowed us to identify the kinds and diversity hypothesize that secondary stakeholders have
of secondary stakeholders with which a firm is a general moderating effect on the relationship be-
associated. tween product diversification and firm financial
Firms are not legally required to disclose their do- performance, as well as that the intensity of the
nation information. Some companies disclosed for all moderating effect is different in related versus un-
the sample years, some disclosed for only part of the related diversification. Specifically, DT is calcu-
sample period, and other firms did not disclose at all. lated as SyPylnil/PJ where P, is the proportion of
This non-disclosure by the last group of firms could a firm's sales in industry i at the four-digit Standard
prompt a concern of sample selection bias. We ac- Industrial Classification (SIC) level, while DU is
cordingly conducted a two-stage Heckman selection calculated as SyPylnil/PJ where Py is the proportion
model (Heckman, 1979). The first-stage model esti- of a firm's sales in industry i at the two-digit SIC
mated the likelihood of a firm's disclosure choice by level. Finally, DR is equal to DT minus DU.
applying a probit model to the entire sample of firms. Secondary stakeholders. The variable of sec-
Then an adjustment term, the inverse Mills ratio, was ondary stakeholders with which a firm maintains
calculated as a control variable and put in the second relationships is measured as the diversity of non-
stage, in which the models examine the relationship profit organizations to which it donates (Harrison &
between product diversification and firm perfor- Klein, 2007). Since secondary stakeholders are
mance using the sample of firms with donation in- usually quite diverse and have their own distinct
formation. After merging different databases, we purposes, people who share and care for similar
obtained a final sample that contained 391 firms and interests may eventually form or participate in dif-
2,364 firm-year observations for the first-stage model ferent nonprofits in order to pursue their goals
and 197 firms and 990 firm-year observations for the (Rowley & Moldoveanu, 2003). Since each nonprofit
second-stage models. organization to which a firm donates is discretely
different but equally important, we draw on the
concept of heterogeneity in order to capture the
Dependent Variable
diversity of secondary stakeholders with which
Financial performance. We argue that secondary a firm maintains relationships (Blau, 1977; Harrison
stakeholders help firms pursuing product di- & Klein, 2007). The concept of heterogeneity im-
versification better control their sociopolitical en- plies that each nonprofit organization has its cate-
vironments and secure the resources provided by gorical attributes, and that there is no specific or

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2015 Su and Tsang 1135
hierarchical order among these organizations. In our order to control for the influence of slack resources
study, the heterogeneity of secondary stakeholders on subsequent financial performance (Bromiley,
is calculated using Blau's (1977) index of heteroge- 1991). Recent literature has suggested that corporate
neity: 1 - 2/K/2, where K represents the proportion philanthropy has an effect on firm financial perfor-
of types of nonprofits within a category of secondary mance (Brammer & Millington, 2008; Wang, Choi, &
stakeholders and ; is the number of different sec- Li, 2008; Wang & Qian, 2011). We therefore con-
ondary stakeholder categories with which firms as- trolled for corporate charitable giving as scaled by
sociate. Suppose a firm donates to 18 different types total sales in order to reduce the halo effect. Prior
of nonprofits, and 10 of them belong to the Arts and literature has also documented that international
Humanities category while the rest are evenly dis- diversification, defined as the extent to which a firm
tributed among the remaining 8 categories. The firm exploits foreign market opportunities, has an impact
then has a value of 0.67 in terms of its secondary on firm financial performance (Hitt, Hoskisson, &
stakeholder diversity. If these 18 types of organi- Kim, 1997). Following Kang (2013) and Tallman
zations are evenly distributed among the 9 catego- and Li (1996), we used the ratio of sales from foreign
ries, then the firm scores 0.89 for its secondary operations to total firm sales as a proxy for in-
stakeholder diversity. A value close to 0 implies that ternational diversification. We also included past
firms mainly associate with only a few categories. A financial performance in our regression models as
high value implies that firms have an association a control variable in order to account for the con-
with a broad range of nonprofits evenly (i.e., a high tribution of past financial performance to the cur-
diversity of secondary stakeholders). Blau's (1977) rent financial performance (McNamara, Vaaler, &
index of heterogeneity has been extensively ap- Devers, 2003).
plied in the management literature to capture the We included three corporate governance varia-
heterogeneity of the top management team and bles in our models. First, prior literature has shown
board diversity in terms of demography, educa- that, if a CEO simultaneously serves as the chair-
tion, and function (e.g., Harrison & Klein, 2007; person (i.e., CEO duality), then he or she has greater
Harrison, Price, Gavin, & Florey, 2002; Richard, power and discretion to make critical decisions
2000; Wiersema & Bantei, 1992). (Rechner & Dalton, 1991). Opponents consider that
CEO duality may increase agency costs because it
weakens directors' monitoring effects, while advo-
Control Variables
cates argue that it may increase managerial effi-
We also included several control variables in the ciency due to the unity of command (Finkelstein &
models. Prior studies have documented that firm size D'Aveni, 1994). We used a dummy variable to
has an influence on a firm's financial performance control for the effect of CEO duality on firm finan-
(Fama & French, 1992). We used the total number of cial performance where " 1 " represents CEO duality
employees as a proxy for firm size, but, because this and "0" otherwise. Second, outside directors are
variable is positively skewed, we logged and trans- those directors who do not hold a management po-
formed it in order to lower skewness. Previous sition in the boardroom. Prior studies have docu-
studies have also suggested that a firm's research and mented that outside directors can not only
development (R&D) activity is highly associated with provide novel advice but also serve as a bridge
absorptive capacity that can contribute to its learning connecting with resources from outside the firm
and innovation (Cohen & Levinthal, 1990). We (Kor & Sundaramurthy, 2009; Westphal & Khanna,
therefore included R&D intensity as measured by 2003). We controlled for the effect of outside direc-
a firm's R&D expenditure scaled by total firm sales in tors on firm financial performance by calculating the
order to control for financial influence from the in- ratio of outside directors as the number of outside
tangible knowledge effect (Morck & Yeung, 1991). directors over the total number of directors. Yet,
We also controlled for advertising intensity as mea- some still criticize that currently outside directors
sured by a firm's advertising expenditures scaled by are not independent since they are usually associ-
total firm sales. Advertising expenditures may not ated with either the firm or top managers (such as
only influence a firm's visibility but also enhance through family relationships). We therefore excluded
a firm's differentiation, thereby affecting its profit- the affiliated directors identified in the RiskMetrics
ability (McWilliams & Siegel, 2000). database in order to enhance board independence
We also included a firm's financial slack, mea- in our measurement (Hermalin & Weisbach, 2003).
sured as current assets scaled by current liability, in Third, Yermack (1996) documented that board size

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1136 Academy of Management Journal August
is associated with the effectiveness of corporate unobserved firm heterogeneity. However, there
governance systems and accordingly directly in- could still be a concern that the estimates would be
fluences firm financial performance. We therefore biased due to the endogeneity of secondary stake-
included board size, as measured by the number holders. That is, firms may choose a diversity of
of directors, in our models. Lastly, we included donations based on the anticipated effect on perfor-
year dummies in order to control for intertemporal mance. We therefore used two-stage least squares re-
trends. gression analysis to address this problem (Kennedy,
2003). In the first stage, the dependent variable was
secondary stakeholders. We chose the industrial
Statistical Models
average of diversity of secondary stakeholders
As we noted above, some firms chose not to dis- (based on 4-digit SIC code) as an instrument be-
close their donation information. These firms may cause it is well correlated with the first-stage de-
systematically differ from those that voluntarily pendent variable (i.e., diversity of secondary
disclose this information, resulting in a selection stakeholders), but uncorrelated with the second-
bias (Heckman, 1979). We addressed the concern of stage outcome variable (i.e., firm performance).
selection bias by executing Heckman's selection Then, we generated an estimated variable of sec-
model. In the first stage, we applied a probit model ondary stakeholders and included it in the second-
to estimate the likelihood of firms disclosing their stage models in which the outcome variable was
donation information. We regressed the disclosure firm performance. The second-stage models there-
choice with some of the control variables mentioned fore included the estimated diversity of secondary
above and one instrumental variable (i.e., industrial stakeholders, its interactions with product diversifi-
level of charitable giving). A high level of industrial cation, the inverse Mills ratio, and other control
charitable giving may indicate that firms in such an variables.
industry face pressure to engage in philanthropy
(Campbell, 2007; Marquis, Glynn, & Davis, 2007), RESULTS
and are therefore more likely to donate and sub-
sequently disclose their philanthropic information Table 1 presents the descriptive statistics and
(Wang & Qian, 2011). After the first-stage regression, correlations: Panel A shows the variables used in the
we calculated the inverse Mills ratio and included it first-stage selection model while Panel B shows the
in the second stage. variables used for the second stage. The correlations
Since the data in our study were organized in for all variables were below 0.6 except for two cases.
a panel structure (i.e., pooled cross-sectional time- The first was between current financial performance
series), they would generate biased estimates if and prior financial performance. We later conducted
we only ran an ordinary least squares regression the Arellano-Bond dynamic panel model (Arellano
(Greene, 2008). We used firm fixed effects models & Bond, 1991) in order to address this concern. The
to analyze the panel data in order to control for second is between total diversification and unrelated

Descriptive Statistics and Correlations
Panel A: First-Stage Variables
Variables Mean SD 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
1. Disclosure choice, + a 0.54 0.50
2. ROA 0.14 0.08 0.04*
3. Firm size 3.36 1.05 0.23* 0.14*
4. Advertising intensity 0.01 0.03 0.05* -0.08* -0.01
5. R&D intensity 0.02 0.04 0.11* -0.12* -0.03* 0.13
6. CEO duality 0.77 0.42 0.06* 0.00 0.14* 0.00 0.00
7. Outside director ratio 0.65 0.18 0.28* -0.04* 0.07* 0.00 -0.01 0.05*
8. Board size 11.57 3.14 0.25* -0.07* 0.40* -0.01 -0.02* 0.06* 0.08*
9. Industrial level of giving 0.32 0.67 0.15* -0.12* -0.02* 0.00 0.01 0.05* -0.06* 0.17*
n = 2,364.
* p < 0.05

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rH ^¿
2015 Su and Tsang 1137
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1138 Academy of Management Journal August
diversification. However, since these two variables types of product diversification in order to test our
were not simultaneously included in regressions, hypotheses. Hypothesis 1 predicted that the scope
their high correlation should not be a concern. of secondary stakeholders has a positive moderating
Table 2 shows the results of the sample selection effect on the relationship between product diversi-
model. Since the dependent variable is dichotomous, fication and financial performance. The positive
the regression results indicate the propensity of firms coefficient of the interaction term in Model 3 is
to disclose their donation information. Firms oper- significant at the 0.05 level (ß = 0.219). We graph-
ating within industries with high levels of charitable ically present the finding in order to further exam-
giving are more likely to disclose their donation in- ine the moderating role that secondary stakeholders
formation. This finding is in line with prior literature play (Aiken & West, 1991). Figure 1 shows that
(Wang & Qian, 2011) and provides evidence that a broader range of secondary stakeholders would
using this variable as an instrument for the sample weaken the negative relationship between product
selection model is valid. diversification and financial performance, and
Table 3 shows the results of second-stage firm may even change it to positive. In the high level of
fixed effects regressions where we included the product diversification scenario, firms that main-
inverse Mills ratio to adjust for selection bias. tain relationships with a wide scope of secondary
Model 1 shows the effect of our control variables. stakeholders have better financial performance than
The coefficient of secondary stakeholders is non- do firms that maintain relationships with a narrow
significant in Model 2, but significant in Models 5 scope of secondary stakeholders. In contrast, in
and 6. These significant coefficients indicate that the low level of product diversification scenario,
the effect of secondary stakeholders on financial the situation is just the opposite. Hypothesis 1 is
performance is conditional upon the level of prod- therefore supported.
uct diversification (Aiken & West, 1991: 37-39). Hypothesis 2 predicted that the positive mod-
Model 2 also shows a significantly negative asso- erating effect of secondary stakeholders would be
ciation between product diversification and finan- stronger in the case of unrelated diversification
cial performance. This finding is in line with the than in related diversification. Models 4, 5, and 6
results of prior studies indicating a diversification provide supportive results for this hypothesis.
discount (e.g., Campa & Kedia, 2002; Rajan, Servaes, & Specifically, we did not find a statistically sig-
Zingales, 2000). nificant coefficient in Model 4 (related diversi-
From Models 3 to 6, we added the interaction fication, ß = -0.171, p > 0.1), while we did find
terms between secondary stakeholders and various one in Model 5 (unrelated diversification, ß = 0.370,
p < 0.01). Model 6 is the full model in which both
related and unrelated diversification were included.
TABLE 2 The results are similar to those of the separate
Probit Regression of Donation Disclosure Choice models. The coefficient for the interaction be-
tween secondary stakeholders and related diver-
Philanthropy sification is not significant, while the coefficient
Variables disclosure choice for the interaction between secondary stakeholders

ROA 0.82* (0.38)

Firm size 0.23*** (0.03)
and unrelated diversification is positively signifi-
cant (ß = 0.386, p < 0.01). Hypothesis 2 is therefore
Advertising intensity 1.21 (1.04) supported.
R&D intensity 2.37** (0.72)
CEO duality 0.01 (0.07)
Outside director ratio 2.26*** (0.17) Robustness Checks
Board size 0.08*** (0.01) We conducted several additional analyses in or-
Constant -3.14 (0.20)
Industrial level of giving 0.15** (0.05)
X2 490.59***
der to ensure that the study's results are robust.
First, we changed the measure of financial perfor-
mance to a more proximal outcome than ROA. We
n = 2,364. Two-tailed tests. Disclosure choice is measured for considered return on sales (ROS) as an alternative
year t + 1; all other variables, for year t. Robust standard errors are
because it is usually an indicator of a firm's ability to
in parentheses. Year fixed effects are controlled.
* p < 0.05
control costs and operate efficiently. Maintaining
** p < 0.01 relationships with various secondary stakeholders
*** p < 0.001 can help firms gain legitimacy, enhance firm image,

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2015 Su and Tsang 1139
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1140 Academy of Management Journal August
FIGURE 1 The concern of reverse causality is therefore not
Moderating Effect of Secondary Stakeholder supported.
Diversity on the Relationship between Product Third, there could be a concern that firms might
Diversification and Financial Performance (ROAř + a) engage in "greenwashing" (Delmas & Burbano,
2011; Lyon & Maxwell, 2011). Adopting a broader
definition of the term, Marquis and Toffel (2012)
considered greenwashing to mean a firm's sym-
bolic compliance to socially oriented require-
ments. Based on this definition, firms would be
regarded as engaging in greenwashing if they en-
gaged only symbolically with the nonprofits to
which they donated. Unfortunately, we did not
have any data that would have allowed us to di-
rectly investigate this issue. We therefore explored
the possibility of greenwashing by adopting a
conservative assumption that the more types of
nonprofits to which a firm donates, the more likely
it is that it engages in greenwashing. It is difficult
for firms to substantively engage with various
types of nonprofits, given limited managerial
and help firms learn how to withstand adverse resources. If that is the case, then some of the
conditions. The benefits from secondary stake- nonprofits might not offer positive responses to
holders may not be reflected via a firm's capital in- the greenwashing firm. The positive moderating
vestment such as assets, but can be directly reflected role of secondary stakeholders between product
through a firm's sales performance such as falling diversification and financial performance may
costs, rising sales revenues, or improved profit therefore be less salient. We tested this possibility
margins. We therefore expected that our hypotheses by changing the measure of secondary stake-
would also be empirically supported in terms of holders from the index of heterogeneity to the
ROS. In fact, the results were largely similar to those number of types of nonprofits to which firms do-
obtained using ROA as the measure of financial nate.3 We still observed a significantly positive
performance,2 and thus all our hypotheses remain moderating relationship, alleviating the concern
supported. of greenwashing.
Second, the positive moderating effect of main- Finally, including a lagged dependent variable in
taining a wide scope of secondary stakeholders for a regression model could increase the concern of
diversified firms could be the result of reverse autocorrelation, as a firm's prior financial perfor-
causality. We therefore examined whether highly mance is usually correlated with subsequent finan-
diversified firms that were more profitable were cial performance (McNamara et al., 2003). We
more likely to spread their donations to various therefore conducted the Arellano-Bond dynamic
secondary stakeholders than were diversified panel regression model in order to accommodate
firms that were less profitable. We treated sec- the influence of prior financial performance on
ondary stakeholders as the dependent variable and subsequent financial performance (Arellano &
examined whether financial performance posi- Bond, 1991). We treated all our control variables and
tively moderated the relationship between prod- secondary stakeholders as endogenous variables
uct diversification and diversity of secondary since these firm-level variables are mostly related to
stakeholders. The coefficient of the interaction corporate policies. These endogenous variables
term between ROA and product diversification were instrumented with the generalized method of
was not statistically significant. We also did not
find a significant main effect for financial perfor- 3 Although the number of types of nonprofits may also
mance on the diversity of secondary stakeholders. contribute to the variety of secondary stakeholders with
which firms associate, the index of heterogeneity is
2 We do not include these and other robustness checks' a more precise measure of variety (Harrison & Klein,
results here due to space limitations, but will provide 2007). The correlation between these two measures was
them on request. 0.52 ( p < 0.05).

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2015 Su and Tsang 1141
moments technique. We considered year effects as diversification. Their study demonstrated that pur-
strictly exogenous, and also included the industrial suing product diversification might incur conflicts
level of giving as an additional exogenous variable. of interest among primary stakeholders such as
The results from the Arellano-Bond dynamic panel shareholders, bankers, and managers. Our study
regression were all in line with our predictions further demonstrated that the secondary stake-
(Table 4). holders that constitute a firm's sociopolitical envi-
ronments are one factor that firms cannot overlook
when implementing product diversification. Sec-
DISCUSSION ond, our study also sheds light on the ambiguous
relationship between product diversification and
Drawing on the literature of product diversifi-
financial performance by highlighting the external
cation and stakeholder management, we proposed
costs. Unlike most prior studies adopting an inward-
that maintaining relationships with secondary
looking perspective such as the resource-based
stakeholders can help firms pursuing diversification
view, our study provides another angle in review-
mitigate the costs of external controls in their so-
ing the mixed findings concerning the relationship
ciopolitical environments. We argued that the re-
between product diversification and financial per-
lationship between product diversification and firm
formance. We point to the firm's secondary stake-
financial performance is contingent on the scope of holders located within its environment as one
secondary stakeholders with which firms associate.
important factor explaining this contentious re-
We found that maintaining relationships with
lationship neglected by the literature.
a broad diversity of secondary stakeholders helps
Our contributions to stakeholder theory are two-
firms with a high level of product diversification
fold. First, we theoretically provide and empirically
obtain better financial performance. In contrast,
test a new lens discussing stakeholder management.
firms with a low level of product diversification
The prior work in this line of research has primarily
achieve better financial performance through en-
focused on a monolithic measure of corporate social
gaging a narrow scope of secondary stakeholders
performance such as monetary giving (e.g., Brammer
rather than a broad one. We also found that sec-
& Millington, 2008). However, stakeholders are
ondary stakeholders have a stronger positive mod-
heterogeneous, and our measure of the diversity of
erating effect on the relationship between product
a firm's donations to different nonprofit organi-
diversification and financial performance in the
zations helps capture an aspect of this heterogeneity
case of unrelated diversification than in related
(Barnett, 2007; Harrison & Klein, 2007). This mea-
diversification. Our findings therefore generate
sure is more fine-grained than the traditional mea-
several theoretical contributions and managerial
sure of monetary giving and accordingly provides
a better picture of the multidirectional relations
between the focal firm and its secondary stake-
holders (Godfrey et al., 2009; Hillman & Keim,
2001). Second, our findings contribute to the liter-
Our study contributes to the product diversi- ature on stakeholder management, particularly the
fication literature in two ways. First, the results instrumental perspective (e.g., Jones, 1995). This
suggest that some of the costs impairing financial study describes a method that may help managers to
performance from product diversification may be better control the external constraints in their so-
caused by stakeholders, particularly secondary ciopolitical environments by maintaining relation-
stakeholders. David and colleagues (2010) showed ships with secondary stakeholders as represented
that product diversification might not necessarily by various types of nonprofits. Firms can strategi-
yield higher financial returns for shareholders be- cally decide how diversified their engagement in
cause stakeholders may have different demands. charitable, social, and political domains should be
Based on a sample of Japanese firms from 1992 based on direct contributions to relevant organi-
to 2001, they found that transactional owners zations. Since primary stakeholders such as cus-
(i.e., shareholders) emphasize the potential profit- tomers and suppliers may be affected by secondary
ability to be gained from product diversification. In stakeholders such as regulatory agencies and in-
contrast, relational owners (i.e., bankers) emphasize terest groups, maintaining relationships with a
firm growth and accordingly allow managers broad range of secondary stakeholders indirectly
to appropriate the rents generated from product reflects how extensive a safety net firms may build

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1142 Academy of Management Journal August

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2015 Su and Tsang 1143
in order to secure the resources controlled by peripheral to business operations. Yet, firms can
stakeholders (Fombrun et al., 2000; Godfrey, 2005). directly donate to various organizations associated
Finally, our study responds to the call to mingle with specific sociopolitical problems in order to
corporate social behavior research with corporate engage with these secondary stakeholders. Our
strategy research (Berman et al., 1999; McWilliams results suggest that firms may strategically control
et al., 2006). Researchers interested in corporate the scope of the secondary stakeholders in which
social behaviors usually examine how these they are interested. Although some research sug-
behaviors affect firm financial performance, in- gests that engaging in social activities is a waste of
dependent of corporate strategies (e.g., Wang et al., firm resources (Jensen, 2002; Karnani, 2011), our
2008). However, the bottom line is whether social findings show that firms adjusting their social
behaviors are in line with corporate strategies, no engagements in accordance with their product
matter how important these activities are (Maurer scopes have better financial performance. For ex-
et al., 2011). Our study contributes to the current but ample, Figure 1 shows that, in the case of high
limited literature concerning how corporate social product diversification, firms that maintain rela-
behaviors and firm strategies interactively influence tionships with a high diversity of secondary stake-
firm financial performance. Our findings show that holders outperform firms with a low diversity of
the relationship between product diversification secondary stakeholders by about 2%, in terms of
and financial performance is contingent on the . ROA. That is an additional EBITDA of $20 million if
scope of the nonprofits with which firms engage. the firm has $1 billion in assets. Likewise, in the
Furthermore, echoing Barney (1991) and Maurer case of low product diversification, firms that have
et al. (2011), our results provide evidence that the a narrow scope of secondary stakeholders out-
value-creating process is characterized by social perform those with a broad range of secondary
complexity: creating competitive advantages in- stakeholders by around 4% in terms of ROA.
volves complicated and specific relations between
firms and their social communities. Corporate Limitations and Future Research Directions
strategy requires complementary support from sec-
ondary stakeholders in order to enhance firm fi- This study has some limitations, in spite of the
nancial performance. various contributions discussed above. First, we were
unable to directly assess the extent of latent threats in
sociopolitical environments that have been mitigated
Managerial Implications
via corporate donations. We were also unable to
This study provides two main implications for identify the motives behind corporate donations.
practice. First, one of the biggest current challenges Although managers may donate to nonprofit organi-
for managers is how to enhance firm financial per- zations with opaque motives, both parties have le-
formance using product diversification. Managers gitimate claims to each other once financial resources
are eager to diversify to different product markets in have been transferred from firms to such organi-
order to create a diversification premium. The zations (Hill & Jones, 1992; Mitchell et al., 1997).
resource-based view suggests that managers identify Donations allow firms to gain the social legitimacy
the firm's core competence and then diversify into they desire, while the organizations obtain the
the market where they can best utilize their resources resources they need to pursue their social goals
and capabilities (Wan et al., 2011). However, the (Godfrey, 2005; Husted, 2003). Nevertheless, future
deficiency of this argument is that managers may studies could implement several different methods,
overlook the sociopolitical issues that firms will face such as surveys and interviews, in order to further
when they implement product diversification. Our understand how firms can control their external
study alerts managers to the latent sociopolitical environments via secondary stakeholders, or how
challenges in different product markets. engaging with secondary stakeholders may become
Second, our study provides an important impli- greenwashing (e.g., Crilly & Sloan, 2012; Delmas &
cation for managing secondary stakeholders. Since Burbano, 2011; Husted, Allen, & Rivera, 2010).
society has become more conscious of firm behav- Second, we did not have access to the exact
iors, managers must pay greater attention to amount of corporate donations made to each non-
addressing the latent issues in sociopolitical envi- profit organization, due to the categorical nature of
ronments. Secondary stakeholders such as non- our data on corporate donations. Similarly, we
profits, local communities, and interest groups are could not match the nonprofits to which a firm

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1144 Academy of Management Journal August
donated with the industries within which it oper- firm financial performance. Given increasing chal-
ated. For instance, if the firm's manufacturing pro- lenges in a firm's sociopolitical environments, our
cess involves pollution, it makes sense for the firm results show that the financial performance of firms
to donate to nonprofits that promote environmental with different levels of product diversification is
protection. Although corporate donations reflect the influenced by the scope of secondary stakeholders
breadth of the corporate social performance con- with which firms maintain relationships. Our
struct to a greater degree than other proxies such as study suggests that both researchers and managers
pollution control (Brammer & Millington, 2008), should pay greater attention to the sociopolitical
they fail to capture other kinds of engagement with issues firms face when they implement corporate
secondary stakeholders. Future research should use strategies.
more fine-grained donation data as well as data
concerning other aspects of social performance, if
available. REFERENCES
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