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Haj Note B : Bila Awai

Date(Dhu al-Hijjah) Rites Performances

5 miqat stations named mainly Al- Juhfah, Dhul-Hulafiah, Dhat-e-Irq, Qarn-al-Manazil and Yalumlum . from these Miqaat stations onward the pilgrim should be in ihram and should make niyyat of performing the
pilgrimage therefater they should proclaim talbiyah,"Labbaika Allahumma labbaik..."

Istilasm, Al-Idhetaaba, Al-Ramlwalking around kaaba anti-clockwise seven times and praying two nafal in maqam-e-ibrahim. Sa'i done seven times between safa and marwa, Should run betwween the two green
8th Tawaf-i-Qudoom+ Sa'i
pillars, shave or teim hair on Sa'i completion

8th Mina Recting Talbiyah reaches Mina, they will pray Zuhr, Asr, Mahgrib and Isha prayers, shortening prayers of four rakaat to two rakaat each.

9th Arafat Proceed to Arafat when sun rises, Pray Zuhr and Asr prayers shortened and combined during the time of Zuhr, with one azzan and two iqmah." Hajj is halting at Arafat"stay till sunset

9th Muzdailfa Proceed to Muzadallifa(Mashar-al-Haram) at sunset reciting talbiyah. pilgrims pray the combined prayer of Maghrib and Isha. shorteining Isha to two rakats. spend night there where they collect 49 pebbles

After Fajr , pilgrims wait until the brigtness of the morning in widesrpread and supplucate facing the qibla(Sunnah). Upon arrival at Mina they throw seven pebbles at Jamaraat-ul-Aqaba, calling "Bismillah Allahu
10th Mina
Akbar" every time they throw a pebble. pilgrims go back to Mina on Yawman-Nahr thid day Eid-ul-Adha is celebrated and animals are sacrificed; they can chnage their clothes at this stage

After spending the night at Mina, pilgrims are advised to pray five prayers in congregation. Pilgrims should start with Rami at Jammrat-ul-Sughra, the smaller satan then the middle one Jammrat-ul-Wasta and
11th( Ayyanm-e-Tashreeq) Mina
finnaly jamrat-ul Kubrah. after completing stoning, pilgrims offer dua'as facing qiblah. Before throwing a stone, pilgrims should say "Bismillah Allahu Akbar"

12th(Ayyanm-e-Tashreeq) Mina The day should be spent on the rembranced of Allah and after Zuhr, the stoning at the three Jamraat should be donce once more, after this they leave but some pilgrims stay till 13th Dhul-Hijjah

After the completion of Hajj and before leaving fore their homes, pilgrims are rquired to perform the farewelll tawaf of the Kabaah. they circumbulate at kaabah seven times and offer two rakkats prayers
Any day after completion of hajj and before leaving Makkah Makkah
behind maqam-e-Ibrahim
Haj Note B : Bila Awai

Date(Dhu al-Hijjah) Rites Performances

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