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1. Hello Micky Finn, can you first introduce yourself and your duty in the party?

I am a senior at Metropolitan University and in pre-law major for half a semester. I’m
only responsible for handing out the spiked drink to the unsuspecting chosen partygoer,
all while wearing my wicked Grim Reaper costume in the party.
2. How about Ashley Brewer and Dylan Childs’s job at the party?
Dylan snared the “mark,” Ashley scored the drugs.
3. So both two of them have great opportunity to put excessive drug in the cup and cause
Hollingsworth’s death, right?
Yes, of course. Anyways, I only know that I finished my duty as I should and I did
nothing more than that, as for them, I don’t know.
4. Who decides the person that will drink the cup spiked with the drug?
Ashley, he determined for Hollingsworth to be the “mark” and for the prank to go as
5. It seems like Ashley wants Hollinsworth to be the “lucky” person very much. Did he do
anything else to ensure Hollinsworth will be the person who drink the fateful drink spiked
with the drug potion?
Yes, boldly, he even demanded I give him the Reaper costume so he could ensure that.
And he went ballistic when I rejected it. Also, he raged at me when I said I was out that
the Reaper’s days were done.
6. Do you know anything about Ashley’s vial?
I don’t remember touching Ashley’s vial, but I suppose I could have just for a second. He
might have shoved it into my hand at one point. However, I do know I wanted nothing at
all to do with it, I’m not responsible for that anyways. I know they found the vial under
my bed, but it’s not me who stuffed it, it’s obvious that the person wants to frame me. I
just won’t hide it so shabbily if it can be an evidence to prove me guilty.
7. Do you know anything about the relationship between Ashley and Hollingsworth?
Yes, I know a bit. They are “lab” partners and had some business disputes. They did
spend a lot of time together in the lab – and at the hardware store, so they may know each
other well but also easier to have some conflicts. I knew why they had something going
on, but you know the house rules – “don’t ask, don’t tell.” But I know for a fact that
Hollingsworth made it and Ashley sold it.
8. Are you the Grim Reaper at the party?
When I said “I was the Grim Reaper,” what I meant was that I’d been the Reaper in years
past, but not this year. I didn’t even know someone had been downstairs impersonating
the Reaper at this year’s party. I just told Jammie Gumm that the Grim Reaper costume
was mine, though I last put it in the closet.

9. Can you talk about things happened at the party?

Anyway, our argument was at about 8:00 pm that night. From then on, Ashley gave me
the cold shoulder, which was fine by me. The party seemed like it was going well, with
lots of people drifting in. I only spoke to Morse once that night – I think it was right after
he arrived, because he didn’t have a drink in his hand yet. It was a short, meaningless
conversation full of niceties. I was certainly more cordial to Morse than Ashley was that
10. How about Dylan and you?
Dylan and I did go upstairs before midnight, but it wasn’t because it was getting close to
midnight or anything like that. We were both getting pretty tired. We sat in Dylan’s room
chatting for a while, enjoying the relative quiet. I may have gone to my room once or
twice, but not for long, I can’t remember that. Then we went back downstairs just in time
to see Hollingsworth start to convulse. Poor fella.

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