Introduction To The Philosophy of The Human Person Summative Test 31. A

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Jaszel Shevdon R.

Quinlob-12 STEM



1. B 31. A
2. D 32. C
3. A 33. A
4. B 34. D
5. C 35.Human Nature
6. A 36. B
7. D 37. D
8.B 38. A
9. A 39. B
10. B 40. A
11. C. 41. B
12. A 42. C
13. B 43. A
14. C 44. Spirit
15. C 45. D
16. C 46. B
17. D 47. D
18. B 48. A
19. B 49. B
20, D 50. C
21. B 51. Environmental
22. B Ethics
23. C 52. D
24. B 53. C
25. D 54. A
26. A 55. A
27. B 56. D
28. Beliefs 57. B
29. A 58. D
30. B 59. C
60. D

What I Can Do

When I was just a little boy, I almost drowned in
What happened? the pool.

It was my cousin’s birthday. We decided that it

Why did it happen? would be fun if we go to a resort. it was fun at first.
However, I saw a very big pool so I decided to
jump in without thinking if its deep, then after
jumping I just realized that the pool was an abyss.
I was shouting and almost drowned. Thankfully
helped arrive.
I should’ve just inspected first the pool. It was
What can be done? dumb of me not thinking.

I learned that thinking first is fundamental in life.

What were my learnings? Planning is what gives us an edge in
accomplishing our goals.


Go Online!

What I Can Do!


1.  The COVID-18 is a virus that came from Wuhan, China which rapidly spread worldwide through
transmission from human to human and became the highlight of all the issues in the entire world.

2. well in terms in livelihood, employment, and income, COVID-19 affects most of the non-essential
3. everybody can seek medical care.
4. lives were lost because of the pandemic.
5. In terms of education in this pandemic, the government gave great effort to continue the learnings of
the students amidst the pandemic. However, the online class that they are talking applying right now is
not effective to most students. The techniques should be appropriate or feasible in the area (internet
accessibility), and the students cognitive (if the students can handle home school).

I believe that all of my chosen answers from the internet are aggregable. Up until now, many people are
still struggling. COVID-19 has fundamentally changed how we live, work, and learn. It affects each aspect
of our daily life, and this new normal seemed to have changed almost everything. And one thing is for
sure that we may not go back to the way it was sooner. We live in extraordinary times, and as humans,
we are resilient and always open to changes. Keeping calm and carrying on will help us all get through
difficult times.

"The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love and to let it come in."

We think that we don't deserve love. We feel if we let it come in, we become soft and vulnerable. To tell
you, I am a creature full of colors. Sometimes I overgive emotions and love, and people think I am weak
and believe this is a limitation. But this is how I invest my care for others. I care to receive care, and over
the years. I realized that being able to experience the care of others is what makes me get up in the
morning and just want to see them. I want to overcome my limitation as a person living, to give love and
care more for others.

Love without limitation is the best feeling that a person feels. Being able to invest time in the people you
love the most. It can give you a sense of purpose and meaning in life.

Sustainable Activities
1. Support Green Vendors
2. Conserve Human Energy
3. Plant A Garden
4. Composing Bins
5. Implement A Recycle Program

Non-sustainable Activities
1. Soil Erosion
2. Deforestation
3. Habitat Loss
4. Wasteful Consumption of Water
5. Genetic Erosion

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