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Celeriac, Cauliflower and Parsnip Purée

1 celery root
3 parsnips
1/3 cauliflower
1 bay leaf
2 Tbsp butter
salt to taste
sprinkling of white pepper
freshly grated nutmeg

 Peel and chop the celery root and the parsnips and chop the cauliflower segment. Include
the core and the leaves.
 Wash the chopped vegetables under running water and drain.
 Bring a pot of water to the boil and add the vegetables.
 Slip in the bay leaf and bring to a simmer.
 Cook until the vegetables are tender.
 Drain and transfer vegetables to a food processor. You can puree the vegetables
manually, but you won’t get the same smooth consistency.
 Scoop the pureed vegetables back to the pot.
 Add the butter, season with salt, white pepper and freshly grated nutmeg and give it a
good stir.
 Serve the puree piping hot.

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