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Nanotechnology in Medicine

The word 'nanotechnology' is often credited to American engineer K. Eric Drexler, who first
discussed the notion of 'nanometers' as a measurement back in the 1980s. His coining of the
term was used to support a concept that was first introduced by physicist Richard Feynman - that
we can build, from the bottom up, using much smaller materials than have previously been
utilized. We can significantly impact manufacturing by working on a deeper level using
nanometer-sized molecules. Today, of course, the meaning of 'nanotechnology' has evolved
somewhat to include the study of these molecules as well, but at its most basic level, when we
discuss nanotechnology, we are talking about science in its smallest form.

Nanotechnology is still very much 'out there', though, and for those of us not involved directly in
the nanotechnology field, the concept does still appear somewhat futuristic. What we do not
realize is that nanotechnology is all around us and has gradually integrated itself into everyday
life. Even familiar, big name brands - brands that we may use on a day-to-day basis - have begun
incorporating nanotechnology into their design. Adidas, for example, used carbon nanotubes in
their Lone Star Track Spike shoes to propel the runner, while Breville sell a nano ceramic plated
iron to ensure even heat distribution. Nanotechnology has arrived in many fields, but does it have
a place in the medical sector?

The History of Nanotechnology in Medicine

While the application of nanotechnology to medicine in a practical sense is still relatively new, it
is certainly not new in concept. In fact, during Feynman's first foray into the area, in his talk to
the American Physical Society entitled 'There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom', he said 'although
it is a very wild idea, it would be interesting in surgery if you could swallow the surgeon. You put
the mechanical surgeon inside the blood vessel, and it goes into the heart and "looks" around'.
Today, things have evolved, and it is no longer considered to be such a 'wild idea'. Although still
in the early stages, we are already starting to have a better understanding of how the technology
could impact the medical world.
Material and Methods
1. Drug Delivery
Drug delivery is expected to be one of the fastest
growing areas of nanotechnology in medicine. In
fact, the market is expected to be worth a
staggering $224 billion by next year. The reason?
Nanotechnology is making it possible for us not
only to improve delivery efficiency by using both
passive and active targeting techniques to single
out intended destinations, but also to access
areas of the body that are notoriously difficult in
terms of effective drug delivery, such as the
lymph nodes and the brain. In terms of the blood
brain barrier specifically, for example, it is hoped
that the size of the 'vehicle' will enable certain
nanotechnologies to deliver medicines across the
boundary successfully.

Experts are confident that at least two areas should benefit from nanotechnology in medicine:
oncology and immunodeficiency. In terms of oncology, we are already seeing biodegradable
polymers such as PEG, PVP, dextran, and chitosan being used as methods for delivering cancer
drugs to animals. If we can safely apply similar techniques to humans, we will be able to
successfully change the way we treat certain cancers. One concept that is getting experts excited,
for example, is the idea that we could target cancer stem cells using phenformin, delivered in a
polymer carrier that ensures the enzymes do not break down before the polymer has burrowed
into a 'leaky', defective cell, thereby reducing toxicity to healthy cells.

It is also worth getting a little excited about the

ways in which nanotechnology could impact
those living with HIV. As we know, adherence to
long term medications - regardless of the
condition - is generally low, but adherence to
antiretrovirals specifically is a common cause for
concern. This is most notably because
suppression relies heavily upon high levels of
adherence. It is reported that adherence to ART
is around 70 percent on average - far from
optimal. Again, polymer nanotechnology which
can control and manage pharmaceutical release
could reduce the need for daily medication.
Professor Andrew Owen of the British Society for
Nanomedicine claims that a single application
could last up for to one month.
2. Disease Treatment & Wound Repair
If nanotechnology leads to improved drug delivery and enables us to use more effective pharmaceuticals that
we are otherwise unable to utilize, we should theoretically be able to treat more types, and more instances, of
disease. But there is more to it. Nanotechnology can have a more direct effect on treatment of disease. For
example, of increasing concern today is the growing resistance to antibiotics. This is especially true in areas
where antibiotics are overused, although there are high levels of resistance 'in all regions of the world',
according to the World Health Organization. Polymers such as chitosan have been found to reduce bacterial
resistance due to antimicrobial peptides that protect against it.

While diseases such as diabetes

cannot be cured, nanotechnology
is making it easier for us to
successfully treat and manage
associated symptoms, including
wound healing. Diabetes is a major
risk factor for wounds, particularly
on the feet, and healing can be
difficult. However, we are starting
to see the introduction of
bandages incorporating silver
nanoparticles which aim to
improve healing. Research has shown that even low concentrations of silver can have a huge effect, killing
99.9999 percent of harmful bacteria which could slow the healing process. Doses are still low enough that
essential fibroblasts remain undamaged, helping to contribute to overall healing process in diabetics.
3. Sensing, Detection & Visualization
While we have so far looked at how nanotechnology can be effective in disease treatment through the
manipulation of polymers, the study of nanometer-sized molecules itself is also an area that is worth exploring
and may lead to improved detection. Consider the recent outbreak of the Ebola virus. The World Health
Organization reports that the incubation period for the disease is up to 21 days, which led to many health
workers being exposed to the virus.

Nanotechnology is also opening doors to better early diagnosis of neurodegenerative disease, such as
Alzheimer's. While early detection of the disease is difficult, nanotechnology means that we may be able to
sense changes more accurately, and essentially 'see' what is going on inside the brain. Localized surface
plasmon resonance (LSPR) nano sensors are a hot topic right now. The 'optical' properties of the silver
nanoparticles used in the sensor can detect any changes - or biomarkers - in the local environment, and feed
back to the sensor. Through spectroscopy, we are then able to easily monitor any changes in the nano sensor,
which could suggest the presence of Alzheimer's biomarkers.

In terms of visualization, nanotechnology is already showing benefits over more traditional methods. As a
contrast agent, polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), when tested on mice in vivo, proved more effective than iodine in
terms of x ray absorption, demonstrated a significantly longer half-life, and was evidently particularly effective
at providing contrast for imaging the liver and lymph nodes. Similarly, it is reported that gold nanoparticles
boast a 2.7 to 5.7 times increase in x ray absorption when compared to iodine, and a longer blood circulation
time of 4 hours in rats, compared to just 10 minutes for iodine. These findings are certainly opening doors for
nanotechnology to be used more readily as contrast agents.

Nanotech-based miRNA sensor is made of glass and contains gold 'nano prisms'. Credit: Department of Chemistry
and Chemical Biology, School of Science, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis.
I see that the nanoscale field will help humanity to confront and solve the problem of the biggest
disease, which is cancer, by effective delivery of the drug and raising the immunity of the body
by delivering the drug to the areas that need it without harming other areas, If we use Nau
technology in medicine, we will help to repair wounds further and treat complications of diabetes
through the introduction of dressings that include silver nanoparticles aimed at improving

In general, nanotechnology will make a very big difference in the world of medicine because of
the detection of many diseases and the treatment of many other diseases.

As research into 'nanomedicine' continues, we can expect to see a focus on common diseases
such as breast and pancreatic cancers, as well as heart disease and central nervous system
disorders such as Parkinson's Disease. However, we can also expect to see more research into
the development of nanotechnology devices to be used within the medical field. Nanowires are
one such device, but also of interest to scientists now is nanoneedles, which have so far proved
successful in generating new blood vessels in mice. While there are still a lot of unknowns, what
we do know is that nanotechnology is taking over, with demand for jobs in the field due to rise
rapidly in the next few years.

Nanotechnology in Medicine, Added 2016/02/01 by VitaScientific.

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