Basic Book

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Basic book

Preposition of place


- In Maima
- In bed
- In class
- In the hospital
- In jail


- On hill street


- At 4472 hill street

Beautiful dream

I have a big dream to go New Delhi by metro, and I love to see the crowd of people when they are
walking around the city. I feel good and calms I love to buy something for eat and I am happy when I go
to restaurant. I would like to take a bunch of photo with my friends.


Karl is holding a pen


Noun is used as a subject of sentence

Noun is used as a object of sentence

Karl is as a subject

A pen is as a object

The names of cities and languages begin with capital letters

Noun as a subject of preposition

Preposition+ Article+ Noun

Ex In the sky= prepositional phrases = phrases a group of words

Note: the prepositional phrases comes after the nouns it refer to

Ex Karl is holding a pen in his hand

Incorrect : Karl is holding in his hand a pen

Adjective with nouns

An adjective describe a noun

Like cold weather

Ex I don’t like cold weather

Ex Alex is a happy child

Ex the hangry boy has a fresh apple

An adjective can also be an object in the sentences

Ex Ahmad is hangry

The weather is cold

Singular nouns vs plurals

Mr. Smith has one child

Mr.Smish has two children

There is one woman in my house

There are two women in my house

Who does this book belong to

It’s her book or it’s her

You own that book

- That book belong to you( subject pronoun)

- That is your book( Object pronoun)
- That book is yours (possessive pronoun)

Possessive nouns

To show that a person possesses something by adding apostrophe (‘)


My friends has a car

My friends’ car is red

Irregular and plural nouns

By adding apostrophe

Ex : the women’s toys are on the floor

Ex : the students’ toys are on the floor

Countable nouns vs uncountable nouns

Countable nouns take article and have plural by adding s

Ex book chairs cars

Uncountable nouns does not has plural form and does not take s in the end

Ex information , advise sugar milk or money

Ex much money

A lot of money

In these two example the sentence does not take s

Measurements with Non count nouns

I’d like to some water

I’d like to a glass of water

I’l like to cup of tea

I’d like to a piece of fruit

- A bag of rice
- A bar of soup
- A bottle of olive oil
- A bowl of cereal
- A box of candy
- A bunch of bananas
- A can of corn
- A carton of milk

Using Many, much a little a few

Many is used with plural count nouns

Much is used with noncount nouns

A few is used with plural count nouns

A little is used with noncount nouns

Ex : I don’t get many letters

Ex : I don’t get much mail

Ex : jan gets a few letters

Ex ken gets a little mail

Exercise with your partner

How much suger would you like

I’d like a little please

Using the

A speaker uses the when the speaker and listener have the same thing or person in mind

Ex where is max?

He is in the kitchen

Both speaker and listener knows the place of Max

Ex 2

The sun is in the sky

Both knows about sun it means same idea

The = used with singular nound plural nouns and noun count nouns

Ex the pen is blue

Ex the pens are

Ex the rice is pricy

Who did you pick you at the airport?

Who pick you up at the airport?

What is the difference between two sentence

Before and after in time clause

I ate breakfast befor I went to class

I went to class before I ate breakfast

We took a walk after finished our work

Also used in preposition in noun object

We took a walk before class

While with past progressive tense

Ex: the phone ring while I was sleeping.

Ex: while I was sleeping, the phone ring.

Note: while the time clause come before main clause the comma is used between two clauses, a comma
is not used when the time clause comes after the main clause.

An unforgettable day

Once a day I remember I was at home and my father told me Farid you have to go the bank and open an
account. I stood up took my bike while I was riding my bike on the street so fast I accident with a car in
front of a hotel and broke one of my knee so a boy came to me and said oh man! You made a severe
injury I’ll take care of your bike and you have to go to the hospital and then when I came back to the
hospital I saw my bike is not there therefore I planned to go police station and then I went police station
and taught them everything that happened on accident so two police men came with me to the yard of
accident and they checked the camera of hotel which was nearby yard of accident and they found the
person who thieved my bike finally they arrested the thieve and gave back to me the bike and I went
back home etc….

Future time using going to

Ex I am going to go downtown tomorrow

Ex she is going to be here tomorrow night

Ex we are going to come to class tomorrow afternoon

Using IN, AGO,

Ex we are going to go to the party in two days

Ex we went to the party two days ago

A couple of or a few or few more days

Ex I saw ahmad a couple of months ago

Ex I am going to see ahmad in a few days

Ex he is going to go Kabul in a couple of months

Ex we are going to finish this chipter in a few more days

Clause with IF

If it rains tomorrow, we will stay home

If clause main clause

I’m going to buy a new car next year if I have enough money.

Note: when if clause comes at the beginning of sentence we should add comma

Also if clause used with present and future tense

Write your own story, Imagine someone give you a plane ticket. You can travel anywhere in the world.
Choose two place you would like to visit: one place for relaxation and one place for adventure. Use this


I have an airline ticket in my pocket. It will take me anywhere in the world, where will I go?

If I want a relaxing vacation I may travel to India because of hot weather or if I want to an adventure
vacation I might be travel to Russia cause of cold weather and have different animals.

If I go to India I may swim on the pool and around the ocean I will go to take sun and also may enjoy
from the delicious spicy food.
If I go to Russia, I might walk on the mountain to enjoy beautiful snow and will take a lot of photos from
different animals. I’m excited about my trip. I just need to answer this question what is more important
to me right now. Relaxation or adventure

Chapter 12

Using CAN

CAN express ability and possibility

Ex I have some money I can buy a book

Ex we have time and money we can go to a movie

Note: a main verb following can is not take s

Ex farid can speaks English (incorrect )

Using know how to

Its also express ability

Ex do you know how to cook?

Ex I know how to swim

Using could the past of can

Ex I have some money I can buy a book

Ex I had some money I could buy a book

The teach can’t come to class today because he was sick

The teacher couldn’t come to class yesterday because he was sick

Using be able to

In present

Ex I am able to touch my toes

Ex I can touch my toes

In past

Ex I was able to finish my home work

Ex I could finish my home work


Ex I will be able to finish my home work tomorrow

Ex i can finish my home work tomorrow

Change these sentences using be able to

I couldn’t describe the thieve = I weren’t able to describe the thieve

I’m sorry, but I can’t come to your party next week= I’m sorry, but I’m not able to come to your party
next week

Using very+ too + adjective

Very and too is not the same

Very is possible and too is not possible

Ex the coffee is very hot but I can drink it

Ex the coffee is too hot but I can’t drink it

The box is very heavy but tom can lift it

The box is too heavy but tom can’t lift it

Using have+ infinite have to has to had to

Ex you need to eat food

Ex you have to eat food two example meaning is the same

you had to study last night

have to with do does and did

ex do you have to leave now

ex does she has to come now

I don’t have to study tonight

Using must, have to, has to, and should

Ex people need food, people have to eat food

Ex people need food, people must eat food

Same meaning

Negative must+ have to

You must not text while you are driving = it means you don’t have a choice don’t do this

You don’t have to go to the movie with us if you don’t want to= it means don’t do this but you have a

Must + should

You must take an English course you cannot graduate without it( don’t have a choice)

You should take an English course it will help you.( have a choice)
Polite questions


May I borrow your pen?

Can I borrow your pen?

Could I borrow your pen?

Typical response

Yes, of course

Of course



No. problem

Polite questions with could you and would you

Could you open the door please

Would you open the door please

Typical responses

I’d be glade to

I’d be happy to


Farid, may I come in

Ahmad yes, of course come in how are you today

Farid fine thanks, could I talk to you a few minutes, I have some questions

Ahmad sure

Farid thank you

Imperative sentence

It’s an order sentence in generally

Ex close the door, jimmy it’s cold outside

Ok, mom

Sit down

Be careful

Don’t open the door

Don’t be late


Wait a minute

How do I get to the post office from here?

Well dude, walk ten blocks to 16 avenue turn right on the right hand side the post office is half away
down the street


Write a paragraph about your home town or a city you like and add this questions

Why is your hometown or a city is a good place for me to visit

What should I do when I’m there

Where should I go

What should I see

Are there places I shouldn’t visit

Modifying nouns with adjectives and nouns

I bought an expensive book

I bought expensive books

In this two sentence adjective modifies the nouns

I bought a grammar book

I bought grammar books

In these sentences nouns modifies nouns grammar and book are nouns

I bought an expensive grammar book

I bought expensive grammar books

In these two sentence adjectives modifies the two nouns

Two adjective modifies a noun

Ex a large red car

Ex a beautiful young woman

Or more adjective modifies a noun

Ex a beautiful small old brown greek metal coin

opinion size age color nationality material noun

beautiful tall young black African skin woman

adjective + adverb

adjective describe noun

adverb describe the verb

ex Ann is a careful driver adjective

ex Ann drive carefully adverb

Linda is a good writer

Linda writes well

These adjective and adverbs are the same

Fast fast

Hard hard

Early early

Good well

Careful carefully

All of means 100% most of means a large part but not at all some of means a small or medium

Ex Rita ate all of food on her plate

Ex Rita ate some food on her plate

Ex Rita ate most of food on her plate

We can also used them like this singular and plural

All of my homework is finished

All of my friends are kind

Some of my homework is finished

Most of my friends are coming to my birthday party

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