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Summer Internship Program

Profile: Financial Research Intern

Duration: Full Time (2 months )

Duties and Responsibilities:

 The intern would be a part of The Money Roller’s Research Team and would be involved in carrying out
 research in Fundamental or Technical or Derivative Analysis depending upon the Research Requirements. 

 Based on the input of the Mentor the Intern has to prepare a relative study or Strategy pertaining to
 Investment and would be responsible for define the frame work of the Strategy or Study 

 She/he has to brief about the macro-economic aspects and the short term and long term effects of it on
 the Financial Markets. 

 She/he has to prepare a report every week and a monthly report covering extensive sector research. For
 instance, IPO Notes or article on any topic. 

 She/he would be involved in company operations related to Risk Management and making various
 business presentations. 

 She/he would be actively involved in company’s branding and marketing activity related to events and
seminars that would be held during the internship process. 

About TMR – The Money Roller

 The Money Roller was established with an aim to redefine the research culture in India. In TMR we
 believe in creating our own genuine research. Our expertise lies in analyzing the Equity (Cash & FNO),
 Currencies, Cross Currencies and Commodity Markets and combining these with Inter-market Analysis. 

 We are also involved in Corporate Training and cover various contemporary Financial Assets and its
 analysis such as Equity, Derivatives, Advance Derivatives, Currency, Commodity, Interest Rate Futures and
 so on. 

 We also conduct workshops in B-Schools, topics being Technical Analysis and Fundamental Analysis with
 a focus on creating and mentoring of a Research Center in B-schools. We mentor budding traders &
analysts in the Financial Markets with our scientifically designed approach provided by our experienced
traders and faculty. 

Compensation: Rs. 5000 per month

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